natural philosophy vs physics

Post on 23-Jun-2015






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The evolution and history of physics


Pink sheets

If you have any signed pink sheets to turn in, please put them in the box.

ESSENTIAL QUESTION:How are scientific questions


ESSENTIAL QUESTION:When can you use scientific


Lab Journal Entry: Jungle Village

Insert a Title Page. Describe the activity. Describe what you learned. Relate how the activity compared to

other experiences you’ve had in other science classes.

HISTORY OF PHYSICSWhere physics was, is, and is


Natural Philosophy

“Scientists” have only been around for about 200 years.

Prior to that, it was all philosophy. Philosophy

Lover of wisdom Seeker of knowledge

Natural Philosophy “seek knowledge” about “nature”!!! Foundation for what became known as physics

From A to Newton…

Aristotle Greek Philosopher (Natural Philosopher) Laid out foundation for Physics Was ALMOST right Studied for almost 2,000 years!!!

Galileo Introduced friction Corrected much of Aristotle’s teachings

Newton Explained WHY things move the way they do…

Warm-up Question

What were some of the major differences between how Aristotle (philosopher) understood the world around him, versus Galileo (scientist)?

Letter to the editor!Imagine you are a philosopher in the time when Galileo started presenting his ideas that contradicted Aristotle’s ideas on motion. How would you respond?

Use the modern idea of editorial pages in a newspaper to write your response.

5 minutes

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Times up!!!


From the jungle to the classroom…

Making Discoveries

What steps were taken while making the scientific discovery during the “Jungle Village” exercise?

Does this look familiar? These are the steps of the Scientific Method

Recognize a problem (Observe) Make an educated guess (Hypothesis) Predict the outcome of your hypothesis (Predict) Test your prediction (Experiment) Formulate a general rule based on your data

(Analyze) (Repeat)

It is a natural way to discover things in the world!

Making Discoveries

Describe some of the ways scientists make discoveries? trial and error experimentation without guessing good old-fashioned accidents.

Alexander Fleming didn't clean up his workstation before going on vacation one day in 1928. When he came back, Fleming noticed that there was a strange fungus on some of his cultures. Even stranger was that bacteria didn't seem to thrive near those cultures.

Other things like the pacemaker, plastic and Coke were all discovered by accident!

Facts, Laws and TheoriesThere are some important science terms

that information can be classified by. Fact

a close agreement by competent observers who make a series of observations of the same phenomenon

Law or principlehypothesis has been tested and retested over and over and not contradicted

Theorysynthesis of a large body of information that encompasses well tested and verified hypotheses about the natural world; theories are not fixed but go through change and evolve as they go through stages of redefinition and refinement

Discoveries in Science

Italian physicist Galileo Galilei (1564 – 1642) and English philosopher Francis Bacon (1561 – 1626)

share credit for discovering the scientific method. All scientific discoveries must be repeatable to

gain credit in the scientific community. A hypothesis must be testable in order to be

considered scientific. Even if it is tested to be wrong, it must still be able to be

tested. Opinions don’t count either b/c they rely on an individuals

point of view; not everyone has the same opinion. Einstein said, “No number of experiments can prove

me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong.”

Accuracy vs. PrecisionPrecise, but not


Both accurate and precise.

Neither precise nor accurate.

How many…… of the darts below are accurate?

How many are precise?

Science vs. Technology

What is the difference between science and technology? Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity points

out that a large amount of energy could be released from a small amount of matter, E = mc2. (Science)

The atomic bomb demonstrated this equation all too well. (Technology)

Simply stated, if science is the knowledge, technology is how that knowledge is used.

Fact vs. Opinion

Bananas are a good source of potassium (fact or opinion?)

Bananas are delicious(fact or opinion?)

Potassium helps reduce cramps(fact or opinion?)

Bananas feel weird when eaten(fact or opinion?)

Science vs. Religion

How are science and religion different? Science is the search for understanding and discovery of

the world. Religion is the search for purpose and meaning in that

world. Put simply, Science is based on facts, Religion is based on

faith. Historically, science has been driven by the need

to worship a religion. The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World Religious buildings (cathedrals, synagogues, temples,

mosques)… need science to be build.

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus honors the Greek Goddess of hunting and wild nature

The Great Pyramid of Giza, a tomb to begin Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu’s journey to the afterlife.

The Statue of Zeus at Olympia, carved by Pheidias as a monument to the Greek Father of the Gods.

The Colossus of Rhodes, a statue of the Sun-God, Helios to celebrate unity.

Math and Science

How can math be used to understand science? analyze data, equations, graphs, etc.



Choose something to graph (temperature, speed, weight, etc)

Write a story about this graph

Now what?!

Measurements Metric Conversions Standard Conversions

ESSENTIAL QUESTION:How are scientific questions


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