namibia presentation

Post on 11-May-2015






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Organic Farming Methods

Poultry & Diverse

Before the start of commercial chicken farming, chickens where kept in coops at night and let to

roam free during the day!

We changed all that!

By doing this, we not only created an unnatural setting for the creation of mass produced unhealthy food,

but also the incubator and breeding ground for various deceases that threaten

animals and humans alike.

We took them out of their natural environment where they fended for themselves,received plenty of exercise,

lived stress free and on a healthy balance of natural food, water and fresh air.

During the course of the past couple of years, I have done in-depth research and testing

in organic farming methods, and have come to the conclusion

that it is possible to breed poultry in a totally organic manner, free of hormones,

antibiotics and feed which include animal by products.

Tests were performed in an area known for weather fluctuations, 10 degrees Celsius up to 40 degrees Celsius during one day.

During the first two weeks the chickens were kept under lights and enclosed, after which they were let out.

The first test was conducted with 100 one day old chicks

Shelter consisted of shade netting and lucern bales.

They were given formulated organic feed, certain herbs where planted in their enclosure to boost their immune systems and a supply of clean water.

No mortalities took place in that sixteen week period and they grew to an average slaughtered weight of 5.4 kg.

Growth and weight increase was monitored and they were fed for sixteen weeks.

The next test was done with 400 one day old chicks. Still no mortalities, and these were fed up to 8 weeks old. The average slaughtered weight was 2.5 kg.

2. Their diet did not consist only of dry organic feed and clean water, but also green foliage, bugs and insects that they scratched and scrubbed for.

I would just like to point out that this was a successful test due to the following elements:

1. The poultry were given adequate space to roam and forage.

4. Furthermore, I wish to add, that a special recognized organic material was added to their diet, which kept their digestive systems clean and healthy and enabled them to have optimal benefit from the nutrients in their diet.

3. They were not de-beaked but no cannibalism took place, due to the green feed in their diet.

After having done this test, I decided to develop a farming method, totally organic, eco-friendly and with as small carbon footprint as possible.

First of all I had to select the best possible area for this project.

An area that had a good water source, small fluctuation in temperature and a reliable supply of electricity.

I settled on a 468hectare farm that was ideally situated with routes to the main city(Windhoek), to our harbor town(Walvisbay) and one kilometer from Karibib airport.

The farm is on the outskirts of Karibib, an impoverished small rural town, from where 90% of my workforce would be recruited.

Following and adhering to strict organic rules and guidelines, the following will be implemented:

1. An electrified fence

3. A firebreak road

4. Water will be supplied from 4 boreholes and Swakoppoort pipeline.

2. 24 hour manned security gate

5. Water will go through a purification and softening plant.

6. Used water will be recycled to re-use through irrigation system

7. The irrigation system consist of pivot, linear, drip and mist dispensing

7. The irrigation system consist of, pivot, linear, drip and mist dispensing.

6. Used water will undergo another purification process, to be reused for irrigation.

8. 6000 Olive and 3 000 citrus trees will be planted

9. 50 000 Lay hens to debug, fertilize and supply organic eggs.

11. Fully automated abattoir

10. 48 coops in phase 1, another 48 coops in phase two.

12. Employees(+/- 100) will receive above market related remuneration, free medical aid, pension, training and a safe healthy environment to work in, as well as proper canteen, rest and ablution areas.

13. Where possible, use will be made of solar electricity, all slaughter waste will be incinerated on site and and used together with all other organic farm waste, in the Bio fertilizer process

In conclusion:

The total investment needed to construct and implement this project, amounts to twenty million dollar ($20 000 000.00)

and through calculations, showed that the net profit of the first phase to be twelve million dollar ($12 000 000.00) per annum.

This project will be the first of its kind in Africa, and due to the diverse implementation of various systems, the

first project of this nature, in the world.

With the total funding of twenty million dollar($20 000 000.00), phase two can start the same time as phase one and then the

per annum net profit will double to twenty-four million dollar($24 000 000.00)

Thank you

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