na to hina: we’re so sorry! - dino costa · 2019-10-09 · not to be outdone, spurs head coach...

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Another Original & Exclusive Column From The Mind of DINO COSTA

October 8, 2019

-New York, New York


Social justice?

Being woke?

Freedom of speech and expression?


How long have I been telling you all that professional sports figures should stay out of the political arena while they’re active players, while

they’re coaches on the payroll, while they’re employed by various franchises and leagues?

The NBA has a China syndrome on its hands.

Yes, and it all started when Rockets general manager Daryl Morey tweeted

(how many times have I suggested you stay off twitter and drop the nasty habit as I did?) his support for protestors in Hong Kong who are resisting

Chinese jurisdiction in that part of the country.

Since then it’s been somewhat comical to watch this whole thing go down and to watch the NBA reaction to it all.

Hey, Steve Kerr, you of the mouth that won’t ever close when it comes to so many issues and items you find objectionable here in America…what are

your thoughts on this China situation, Steve?

Said standup Steve:

“It’s a really bizarre international story. A lot of us don’t know what to make of it. It’s something I’m reading about like everybody is, but I’m

not gonna comment further than that. What I’ve found is that it’s easy to speak on issues that I’m passionate about and what I feel like I’m well-versed

on, and what I’ve found that it makes the most sense to stick to topics that fall in that category. So, I try to keep my comments to those things

and so it’s not difficult. It’s more I’m trying to learn.”


Hold on now, Steve, you mean you’re not aware of the oppressive social structure that exists in China…you lying bastard you?

China, Steve, ring a bell?

China, Steve, where they proudly believe in nationalism, where they throw homosexuals in prison, where they jail political and religious dissenters,

where they’re holding Muslims in concentration camps, where they murder political dissenters, where there is no freedom of speech, and where

communism is trumpeted all day and every day.

If one-quarter of the things in China was going on today in America, mister big-mouth Kerr would be on his Golden State soapbox and bellowing loudly enough so that everyone could hear him from one end of the country to the


But wait, why isn’t Steve Kerr talking?

See these symbols: $$$$$$$$$

The NBA’s biggest potential gold mine is in China and the league will say and do nothing to harm their interests in the country which is why right

now NBA commissioner Adam Silver would like to wring Daryl Morey’s neck if he could.

China has already canceled some NBA events with teams like the Rockets, Nets, and Lakers over there right now, and the NBA fears that their

cash-cow in the far east could be damaged irreparably because someone here in America took advantage of the right’s they possess to express

themselves (Daryl Morey) – something that Steve Kerr knows isn’t allowed

in a country he feigns ignorance about – the lying prick.

Yes, Steve Kerr has no issues calling people here in America all kinds of names, he is always prone to speaking out about social and political items

of all kinds, and yet, in this situation, with the human right’s violations that Kerr is well aware of in China, the little coward has amnesia all of a


According to a recent report at Human Rights Watch, China is still one of the worst abusers of human rights in the world. In its 2018 report, the

the organization reported that China has; “dramatically stepped up repression and systematic abuses against the 13 million Turkic Muslims, including

Uyghurs and ethnic Kazakhs, in China’s northwestern Xinjiang region.”

“Authorities have carried out mass arbitrary detention, torture, and mistreatment of some of them in various detention facilities, and

increasingly imposed pervasive controls on daily life,” HRW wrote. “New regulations in Tibet now criminalize even traditional forms of social

action, including community mediation by religious figures. In Hong Kong, a region promised ‘a high degree of autonomy’ under the Sino-British Joint

Declaration, the Chinese and Hong Kong governments hastened their efforts in 2018 to undermine people’s rights to free speech and political


Someone put the above paragraphs in front of Steve Kerr and then ask him to give some of his thoughts on China now that he’s more properly informed of

the situation.

The NBA threatened to take their All-Star game out of Charlotte a few years ago because the state of North Carolina thought that the idea of allowing

little girls to go to the same bathroom as little boys could cause some problems.

Yet Adam Silvers league fawns itself all over a country where going to the bathroom in some instances is something you need to ask permission to do.

Not to be outdone, Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich has gone on record claiming that President Trump bullies gays and lesbians.

That’s something that is open to the interpretation of the individual mulling over such a claim by Popovich, however, Popovich, like the rest of

the NBA, signs off on the league’s partnership with China without any issue, even though there is no question that in China homosexuals and

lesbians are castigated and beaten up and there can be no question about individual interpretation of this Chinese policy because it is factual.

Where is Steve Kerr, where is Gregg Popovich, where is the commissioner, Adam Silver, hell, where is the entire roster of NBA players doing

something or saying something about the human rights violations against all chineses people – gay or straight?

The other day Rockets guard James Harden said; “We all love china.”

Has any NBA writer approached Harden to get any specifics about what Harden and the NBA “love” about China?

Of course, we know the answer to such an inquiry.

You think if Harden, Popovich, or Kerr, if any of them were forced to live in China, you think they’d be good with that?

Or do you think they’d have a much better appreciation for the least racist and most tolerant society in the world which exists in – AMERICA?

Convictions – or a lack thereof?

Perhaps people like Kerr, Popovich, and the NBA commish, maybe it’s better to think they live their lives under a precept that says that they go about their lives with convictions…but only when it’s convenient for them to do


The NBA and China: Hypocrisy on display.

The NBA and China: Doule-standards are us.

The NBA and China: All we really give two shits about is how much money we can make in that country… the communist government?

No freedom of speech?

All kinds of human rights violations?

What’s all that about?

We know nothing of these things.

The NBA and China?

“Just PLEASE! PLEASE forgive us, China! The general manager of that Houston team knows not what he did…he’s uninformed, he didn’t mean to call your government out the way that he did. We LOVE you China! Can we

talk about putting the 2022 All-Star game in Bejing?”

Hey there, LeBron?

You’re over there with your team and you’re often willing to speak your mind about things that upset you here in the good old USA…what say you

about China and their treatment of the people over there?


The bottom line here…is exactly that, the bottom line.

Make a buck.

Everything else is window dressing.

The NBA kowtows to a communist and hostile regime and they do so enthusiastically.

As long as the money keeps rolling in.

Spineless bastards.

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