my father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; yet not as i … · 2017. 12. 31. ·...

Post on 21-Aug-2020






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VV oo ll uu mm ee 33 77 NN uu mm bb ee rr 33 MM aa rr cc hh 22 00 00 77

"My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me;

yet not as I will, but as You will."

(Matthew 26:39)


SShhaarriinnggss iiss ppuubblliisshheedd aatt::PPrroovviinncciiaall CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss OOffffiiccee

339999 FFrruuiitt HHiillll AAvvee -- NNoorrtthh PPrroovviiddeennccee,, RRII 0022991111TTeell:: ((440011)) 335533 -- 55880044 EExxtt::113300 FFaaxx:: ((440011)) 335533 -- 88775555

EE--mmaaiill:: FFmmmmsshhaarriinnggss@@aaooll..ccoomm oorr WWeebb:: hhttttpp::////wwwwww..ffmmmmuussaa..oorrgg

SLetter from Sheila Lehmkuhle, fmm...3

SFor Beatrice Ferrari, fmm...4

SA Memory Of Beatrice...5

SPope Says Church Is “Alive and Young”...5

SGoodbyes and Hellos at St Antoine Residence ...7

SRetreat News..7

SLarge Multi- Purpose Room For Sale...8

SVacant Room For Rent...8

SA Reflection...8

SA Song...9

SRetreat Reflection - 2007...9

SNews From El Paso...10

SHappenings at Fruit Hill...11

SHappenings with the SOAW ...11

Lenten journey is begun. The 40 days leading up to Easter should be a time to revive the "friendship withGod that was lost through sin." … "Jesus indicates the useful instruments needed for authentic interior andcommunity renewal: the works of charity or almsgiving, prayer, and penitence or fasting," the Holy FatherPope Benedict XVI said. These practices should be performed to please God and not to gain people'sapproval. Fasting, in particular, should not be motivated by physical or aesthetic concerns, but by people'sneed for "inner purification and detoxification from the contamination of sin and evil," he said. "The absenceof God is worse than material poverty, because it kills every firm hope and leaves man alone with his painand lament."

May this time help us to get in touch with oneself, with others and with God, especially with Jesus, closely

and faithfully. Let us carry our daily cross to follow him and surrender ourselves to God, our Father: “MyFather, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will." (Matthew 26:39)

Have a blessed Lent!

LLeetttteerr ffrroomm SShheeiillaa LLeehhmmkkuuhhllee,, ffmmmmGreetings to everyone and Happy New Year!!

LLunar New Year, that is. It is coming up around Feb. 17. This is the time when most of the sis-

ters and people of Vietnam go home for the holidays. There are many customs and rituals involved. I

will be here with a few of the sisters taking care of the older sisters, cooking and keeping the door. We

also have to go around and visit a lot of people to wish them a Happy New Year and receive those who come

here to wish us a happy New Year for the coming year of the Pig.

I have recently been busy with a variety of media projects: books for praying the office, CD recordings of the

daily gospel for English learners, and Bro. Rufino has just launched a new CD and accompaniment book of

Vietnamese/English/Spanish songs. It is an exciting time regarding what’s new and available to us in the pur-

suit of English. In addition to his new CD and song book, Rufino was here to lead another pilgrimage through

Vietnam to introduce the richness and varied forms of Asian liturgy. If anyone wants to check this out, the web-

site is:

The project I just finished is a book for praying the office and Mass in English. We have been doing this once

a week for about four years now and it was time to update our resources. Also we have moved from reading

the psalms to chanting them, which is really nice. The sisters here are very good with music and learn quick-

ly. It is the pronunciation that takes time and practice.

In addition to my regular teaching schedule, I help those who will be traveling outside of the country for one

reason or another. Last year was very exciting with Vietnam entering the world trade organization and host-

ing a number of world leaders. We seem to be in a constant state of progress. I pray that it goes along under

the guidance of God and without too many negative side-effects.

You will be interested to know that we have had a bit of a cold spell here, even requiring sweaters past 9 am for some!

The nights are chilly but I haven't used a blanket yet, mainly because I don’t have the motivation to get it out and just

to put it away again after two weeks.

One of the nicest new things of the past year was the beautiful painting of the Vietnamese Madonna 33

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GGrr ee ee tt ii nngg ss ffrr oomm GGee oo rrgg ii aa !!

with child painted by Sr. Joel and carried to us by Fr. Khoa. It was publicly blessed on the feast of the

Immaculate Conception and inaugurated into the chapel, where it now remains prominently displayed.

May our Blessed Mother and her most holy son guide and bless us throughout this year, and open our hearts that

we may be always ready to love a little more, give a little more, and receive generously what God has to offer.

FFoorr BBeeaattrriiccee FFeerrrraarrii,, ffmmmm -- mmaarryy mmoottttee,, ffmmmm

To encounter a person

who concretely expresses her love for God in poverty,

is rare – even among Franciscans.

Early in her journey to God,

Beatrice discovered a classic study of spirituality,

Abandonment to Divine Providence by Dom Caussade sj.

The simple idea of giving oneself completely and unreservedly to God

grasped Beatrice’s imagination; and with strength,


and very few words, she echoed Mary of the Passion:

I passionately desire total poverty …

Beatrice’s presence with her Sisters in community

expressed the flavor of her preference

in Mary of the Passion’s vocabulary,

Our Lady and her Divine Son want weak women To be the force that brings the light and the regenerating and luminous grace of voluntary poverty to the world. …My God and my All! This cry of St. Francis is the expressionof perfect love and calls for complete detachment. …My God and my All! This is the sole and eternal attachment which can be ours; hence all our love and sacrifice is for this God Who is All andWho deserves everything.

This preference was not momentary; but a lifelong pursuit of simplicity,

with humor, graciousness, persistence, and solid joy in opera, chocolate, puzzles,

the NY Times and the NY Yankees…

Knowing Beatrice one knew she had made her decision

She was faithful and always kept the reasons for her choice very clear –

The Lord is my portion… that is why I am poor.I see this as being very sweet and very bitter.Truly Calvary and Heaven are in my soul at the same time.I feel the anguish of my poverty and my abandonment,But at the same time, I see that this is so because the Lord is my portion… True poverty is abandonmentthat allows Love to take everything from us and do with us as He pleases… 44

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AA MMeemmoorryy OOff BBeeaattrriiccee......-- LLooiiss HHoouulliihhaann,, ffmmmm

AAs librarian here at Fruit Hill, one of my services is helping Sisters who have poor eyesight.

We have now received Large Print Books (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, etc.), tapes (talking-

books), and updating Radio from four organizations whose mission is the Visually Handicapped.They

are: NationalAssociation for the Visually Handicapped, Xavier Society for the Blind, Insight Radio,

and R.I. Institute for the Blind and Vis.Handicapped.

Sr. Beatrice Ferrari tried each of the different ones, and then decided that her reading taste now was not for

Fiction, non-fiction mystery, etc. or updating radio, but only Spiritual material. In choosing her Large Print

Books, she then ordered "The Hound of Heaven." Beatrice was so deeply touched by this Poem, she kept it

a long time, before returning it to Xavier Society.

One day, when I went to take her some mail, she made me sit down on the bed, while she expounded at

length on this poem:

"I fled Him down the nights and down the days,

I fled Him down the arches of the years....

I hid from Him... From those strong feet that

followed, followed after. etc."

The last line of each stanza was especially meaningful for Beatrice, and she repeated each one-

"All things betray thee, who betrayest Me."

"Naught shelters thee who will not shelter Me."

"Lo, naught contents thee who content'st not Me."

"Thou dravest love from thee, who dravest Me."

Other lines meaningful to Bea-

"Naked I wait thy Love's uplifted stroke...

I am defenceless utterly..."

During the 2 or 3 years Beatrice used different reading services, it was such an example for me to see the

way God was leading her, and how she gradually let go of secular tastes for books and other things. It is so

beautiful to see the progress of a soul.

Thank You, dear Lord, for the gift of Beatrice! And thank you for taking her quickly and gently to Yourself, for

the great Reward.

PPooppee SSaayyss CChhuurrcchh IIss ““AAlliivvee aanndd YYoouunngg”” -- CCoommppoosseess MMaarriiaann PPrraayyeerr ffoorr IIttaallyy''ss YYoouutthh

VVATICAN CITY, FEB. 16, 2007 ( The Church is alive and full of youth, Benedict XVI said

when presenting a prayer he composed for the young people of Italy.


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The Holy Father recited his composition Wednesday when meeting in St. Peter's Basilica with bishops of the

Marche region in Italy, on the occasion of their five-yearly visit.

The prelates were accompanied by pilgrims of the dioceses in the region, many of them young people.

When the youths applauded the Pope, he responded: "We see that the Church is alive and young!"

The Holy Father then invited young people to a meeting Sept. 1-2, in Loreto, where Italy's national Marian

shrine is located.

"We will see you in Las Marcas, in Loreto," Benedict XVI said as he bid them farewell. Here is a translation

of the prayer the Holy Father composed.

Mary, Mother of the "Yes," you have listened to Jesus,

And know the tone of his voice and the beating of his heart.

Morning Star, speak to us of him,

And tell us about your way following him on the path of faith.

Mary, who lived with Jesus in Nazareth,

Etch your sentiments in our lives,

Your docility, your listening silence,

And make the Word flourish in genuinely free choices.

Mary, speak to us of Jesus, so that the freshness of our faith,

Shines in our eyes and warms the heart of those who are with us,

As you did on visiting Elizabeth,

Who in old age rejoiced with you for the gift of life.

Mary, Virgin of the "Magnificat,"

Help us to take joy to the world and, as at Cana,

Lead every youth, committed to the service of brothers,

To do only what Jesus says.

Mary, look upon the agora [gathering] of youth,

So that it will be fertile terrain of the Italian Church.

Pray that Jesus, dead and risen, is reborn in us,

And transforms us into a night full of light, full of him.

Mary, Virgin of Loreto, Gate of Heaven,

Help us to raise our eyes.

We want to see Jesus, to speak with him,

And to proclaim his love to all.


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GGooooddbbyyeess aanndd HHeellllooss aatt SStt AAnnttooiinnee RReessiiddeennccee -- JJooyyccee GGaarrddeellllaa,, ffmmmm

MMary Ann Altrui, the director of St. Antoine for 18 years, retired on January 31st. There

were parties for the residents in every unit and a special mass and luncheon for the staff. For this

mass, the sisters were asked to compose and read the Prayer of the Faithful and did, thanking

Mary Ann and wishing her many of God’s blessings for her future. Each Department chose a flower to repre-

sent their sentiments and prayers for Mary Ann and these were placed in a vase by the altar after the inter-

cessions. The sisters chose the aster, which is also called a starflower, and alluded to Mary Ann’s star-like

qualities as well as her faith and vision, which made St. Antoine a star nursing home in Rhode Island. Mary

Ann was very moved and surprised by the tributes and simply said that all those years, she “just worked


On the day Mary Ann left St. Antoine, Wendy Fargnoli was given a special blessing ceremony and tea to wel-

come her to her duties as the new director. It was a beautiful ceremony and the readings appropriately were

St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians on love and the Good Samaritan Gospel.

There were also symbolic offerings for Wendy, which the

department heads brought up with Mary Ann reading what they represented. Some were quite amusing. For

example, the Maintenance Department brought a hammer and monkey wrench saying that this was “in case

they weren’t there and Wendy needed to do some repairs”. The Housekeeping Department brought a table-

cloth, plate and silverware, which were placed on the floor, saying, they would “keep the residence so clean

one could eat off the floor.”

There were many tears as Mary Ann said Goodbye and pledged to help Wendy and St. Antoine in any way

she could. Mary Ann worked for the diocese of Providence for 43 years and most likely will not stop her support

even in her retirement.

RReettrreeaatt NNeewwss

RRecently the Sisters who live in the Assisted Living Program in Providence and who find it difficult to

make their yearly retreat in another location, had the privilege of making their yearly retreat with

Sister Nzenzili who gave us a conference each morning and, together with Sister Yvette, planned

some very meaningful morning and evening prayer services. Before the closing of the retreat, Sister

Nzenzili asked for some suggestions from us for our last sharing together. After listening to the suggestions,

Sister summarized the input and suggested that we share something personal that was meaningful to us

from the retreat - a poem, a song, a few lines from one of our reflections or our own personal interpretation

of a story that Sister presented to us in her first conference. This is the Story:

A farmer grew discontent with his farm so he decided to sell it. A few days later his Real Estate agent

phoned, wanting approval- for an advertisement she intended to place in the local newspaper. She read it to

the farmer. It described a lovely farm in an ideal location – quiet, peaceful, contoured with rolling hills, nour-

ished by a fresh water lake and blessed with well-bred livestock. The farmer said, “Read that to me again”

After hearing it a second time he said. “I’ve changed my mind. I’m not selling. I’ve been looking for a place

like that all my life” (Living Waters Church – The Word for You Today – December, January, February 07 p. 32)

St. Paul said, “I ‘have learned in whatever state I am to be content” and another wise person has said,

“It is better to be married to a happy person with a thin wallet, than to a miserable person with a thick

one.” 77

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These are some of the contributions that the sisters presented during the sharing:LLaarrggee MMuullttii-- PPuurrppoossee RRoooomm FFoorr SSaallee::

Large multi-purpose meeting room, situated on the main floor of a four-story brick building. It is com-

monly used by some 50 to 60 residents in the building and occasionally by some guests.

The room is fully equipped with 30 padded chairs and two large tables. There is a large screen TV with

accompanying VCR and DVD equipment. There are two large and two small racks for various magazines

and periodicals, as well as boxes of games, cards, puzzles, a stock of different colored plastic flowers with

large and small vases for decorating the room. The caretaker of this room is presently losing her mind, and

in need of muscles to manage the six difficult to - open windows which look out on spacious grounds and

walkways. The caretaker is dangerously low in patience with some demanding patrons and needs persever-

ance in picking up after the 50 or more residents who use the room, She would like to resign as soon as

there is a buyer available.

Anyone who has a supply of the above mentioned muscles and virtues may apply. Hurry, hurry, hurry! This

is a nifty bargain as this lovely room is free for the taking for anyone who qualifies. To inquire call 353-5800

ext.176. Don’t delay!

AAddddeenndduumm - After reading over my ad, I realized that this is the perfect room for me to grow (maybe not in

muscles, but in patience and perseverance) so I’ll cancel the ad and keep the room and do my best

to develop such virtues.

Lois Houlihan, f.m.m.

VVaaccaanntt RRoooomm FFoorr RReennttAffordable! The room has one large picture window and two smaller ones from which there is a

beautiful view. There is abundant foliage from existing trees and shrubbery in addition to some new trees

that were planted in recent years. In winter, after a snowfall, the outside panorama becomes a winter won-

derland The outside view faces west and there are beautiful sunsets both in winter and in summer. The

room is located in a complex, which offers a large dining room where nourishing and tasty food is served. If

needed there is room service by pleasant and efficient personnel. There is an adjoining chapel where Mass

is celebrated every morning. A well-supplied library of both classics and recently published books and maga-

zines is available and is also an advantage. There are expansive grounds for walks in good weather. The

neighbors are pleasant and activities are planned for those who wish to participate.

And All For A Low! - Low! Price !

AAddddeenndduumm -- After reading my ad I realized what a beautiful room I have and how blessed I am to

be a resident here at 399 Fruit Hill Avenue in North Providence I have decided not to rent this

room. Sorry, maybe there will be another room available at some future date.

Mary Bayer, f.m.m.

AA RReefflleeccttiioonn

I chose you with all your frailties and weaknesses to be the instrument of My Love among My people.

Through kudos and smiles in good times and bad united to my sufferings you have become pleasing to

Me. Why wallow in self-pity? Don’t you remember how you exclaimed in your youth, “Mama I want to

be a Sister like Sister Assunta and go to China to have my head cut off for Jesus. Not your head now 88

VV oo ll uu mm ee 33 77 NN uu mm bb ee rr 33 MM aa rr cc hh 22 00 00 77

but the gift of your heart, your love and your will.

Cecile Couture.f,m.m.

AA SSoonngg

God gives you love

Be happy, happy

God gives you peace

Happy again

God gives you joy

Joy without end

Into His Arms, His Heart and His Love.

Emma Balaguer, f.m.m.

Each day of the retreat Sister Nzenzili distributed to each one a copy of the conference she had just given.

She put a lot of love, effort and time into this endeavor and we all want to thank her for this and for the very

meaningful retreat that she gave us.

RReettrreeaatt RReefflleeccttiioonn -- 22000077

Boundless mercy, overflowing Love

Always present, Spirit Dove,

Jesus. Son of God, most High

Yet bending low to hear our cry.

Father, my Father, Jesus my All

Spirit of Love, I come at your call.

I thank you for being the Star of my life

Through joys, through sorrows, through earthly strife

My heart overflows with gratitude untold

More precious than wealth or the purest gold.

How can I thank you, my Holy Three,

My God, my Lover, my Trinity.

I give you my life, my joys, and my tears,

My weakness, my sins, and all of my fears.

All will be blessed by the light of your grace

Until I am with you in an eternal embrace.

Mary Bayer, f.m.m.99

VV oo ll uu mm ee 33 77 NN uu mm bb ee rr 33 MM aa rr cc hh 22 00 00 77

NNeewwss FFrroomm EEll PPaassoo -- BBeeaattrriiccee CCoossttaagglliioollaa,, ffmmmm

TThe past months have been full of interesting events, beginning with the wonderful visit of Mary, Sue

and Angela. We joined them, along with Nancy and Sheila for our New Year’s celebration. A few days

after their departure, a team of two journalists arrive from France in order to make a documentary for

the program “Le Jour du Seigneur” at the public French TV, France 2. They are featuring four women reli-

gious and four priests. This documentary centered on Liliane and her work as director of Las Americas

Immigrant Advocacy Center. The photographer and the journalist shadowed her for a full two weeks and

even came to our house to film her preparing supper, with the four of us at prayer and sharing our evening

meal. One of the highlights of the film was the helicopter ride over the border showing the Rio Grande and

the Border Patrol vehicles. It was an exhausting pace for all involved and Liliane claims she has no further

interest in being a film star!

Marie began her new ministry at St. Jude’s parish where the people received her with open arms. Part of

the parish ministry includes some chaplaincy work at Las Palmas Hospital. The parish has four different

satellite missions and Marie had to attend the Masses at each, (thirteen Masses in all – 3 in English and 10

in Spanish). After one talk in Spanish, a little girl sat beside her and asked, “Sister, can you speak English?”

When Marie gave these talks, the pastor encouraged her to tell the people about our FMM life. She is

happy to combine her vocation ministry with her new mission.

Leticia has been in El Paso for four months and continues to study English both at El Paso Community

College and with a women’s group. She has helped Liliane at her office and three days a week she accom-

panies Sr. Frances Ann Hicks, a School Sister of St. Francis. Sr. Frances teaches English in the colonias,

(poor rural areas outside El Paso), In March Leti will begin her pastoral visits to families in the colonias.

Recently she and Bea attended an operetta on the life of St. Francis. It was produced by young friars at the

local Franciscan seminary with the help of a youth group. As it was performed totally in Spanish it made Leti

feel that she was back in Mexico. Several weeks ago Leti saw her very first snowstorm. Watching the thick

snow falling was a beautiful experience for her but she had to get up her courage to hold some in her hand!

Bea continues her ministry at the Detention Center where the majority of persons are waiting for deportation.

On February 18th she joined over eight thousand persons gathered on a frosty Sunday morning at Fort Bliss

military base to do the Run for the Cure. This is an annual event done all over the U.S. to benefit Breast

Cancer Research.

Bea joined the runners and walkers of the 5 Kilometer course wearing the pink tee shirt and cap of those

who are survivors. Along the way there were vibrating drums, mariachis and even bagpipes to spur them on.

The atmosphere was festive despite the somber theme. Many wore signs in memo- ry of a

loved one who had succumbed to the disease. Other wore signs celebrating the life of

a survivor. Bea did the walk in memory of her beautiful niece who died last

June leaving three young daughters. Next year a few sisters of the diocese

plan to join the run/walk as a team and think it might be a good way to pro-

mote vocations.

The sisters of Mary, Mother of Migrants, Community


VV oo ll uu mm ee 33 77 NN uu mm bb ee rr 33 MM aa rr cc hh 22 00 00 77

"Jesus, however, kept silent." (Scripture - Holy Week)

HHaappppeenniinnggss aatt FFrruuiitt HHiillll -- MMaarryyaannnn AAlluukkoonniiss,, ffmmmm

MMany things have been going on around here and I would like to share some of them with

you. One would have thought we were having spring in November and December because

it was so warm. I would say Mother Earth thought the same thing as we could see little green

heads coming up from Mother Earth. The trees also started to change.

Once the New Year came in we did have some very cold weather. It was more

like winter here in southern New England!

We did not have the elevator for two weeks in the main house due to some nec-

essary repairs. It was like the old days when the 3rd floor was a nursing home

with everyone having their meals there. A few made it downstairs and have said

that now that they have done the stairs for 2 weeks they will do it once a week to

keep it up. Some of the sisters from the 4th floor came down and stayed on the

2nd floor most of the day. They went up to the bedroom area once a day like

some family members do in their homes.

To top it off we were going to have our annual house retreat and most could not

go down to the second floor. The library on the 3rd floor was set up for the

retreat and about 15-20 participated. This year, Sr. Nzenzili Mboma, FMM, gave

the retreat and the sisters were quite happy. Sr. Yvette Hubert set up everything

in the library and helped out in many ways.

Our kitchen staff has been doing something special once a month for us and the

communities around RI have joined us for the Sunday noontime special meal. In

January we had Coyote Jack. This was a campfire meal but it was held inside for

us. They had all kinds of good things for us to pick from. The staff noted that we

ate a lot. Many of us enjoyed the fried dough and thought about Sr. Alma

Lambert who used to prepare it at different times for us over the years when she

was at Fruit Hill. In February we had Chinese New Year, the Year of the Pig. We

did not have pork as many cannot eat it. The kitchen staff used chicken for our

sweet and sour meat. During this time many of our sisters who had been on mis-

sion in the East told stories about their time in different countries.

HHaappppeenniinnggss wwiitthh tthhee SSOOAAWW aanndd tthhoossee wwhhoo wwoorrkk ffoorr PPeeaaccee aanndd JJuussttiiccee hheerree iinn tthhee UUSSAA

OOut of the sixteen who crossed the line on November 19 at Fort Benning, Georgia, fifteen went to

trial. They will be going to Federal Prison sometime this year after receiving a 2 to 6 months sen-

tence. A new group that is now participating as of 2006 call themselves the 1000 Grandmothers.

They said it is time for the grandmothers and others of the world to bring forth their soul force to join the

SOA Watch to close down the School of the Americas. One of the projects this group is doing this year is to

ask people to knot, sew or crochet baby booties. The booties will represent the children who continue to suf-

fer from the violence being taught at the School of the Americas.

Once the group receives 535 pairs of booties they will send a pair to each member of Congress to highlight

the fact that our nation must protect the children and not destroy their communities. They will put a note with

the booties demanding that all members of Congress vote to CLOSE THE SOA/WHINSEC.

One of our staff here at Fruit Hill made three pairs of booties and I mailed them to the Chico Peace 1111

VV oo ll uu mm ee 33 77 NN uu mm bb ee rr 33 MM aa rr cc hh 22 00 00 77

and Justice Center in California. I received the following note of thanks:


Thank you for the beautiful booties and we are still collecting them. This is a

crucial (and hopeful) year for voting to cut funds for the SOA/WHINSEC.

There could be a vote in May-we hope to send each Congressperson a

pair of booties to remind them of the victims of the TAX PAYER-

FUNDED school. We just have 70 pairs now and would like more if you can

send them.


Cathy Webster

This is a small way to bring about change-one pair of booties at a time. Maryann, FMM

I knelt to pray - Unknown AuthorI knelt to pray but not for long,

I had too much to do.

I had to hurry and get to work

For bills would soon be due.

So I knelt and said a hurried prayer,

And jumped up off my knees.

My Christian duty was now done

My soul could rest at ease.

All day long I had no time

To spread a word of cheer.

No time to speak of Christ to friends,

They'd laugh at me I'd fear.

No time, no time, too much to do,

That was my constant cry,

No time to give to souls in need

But at last the time, the time to die.

I went before the Lord,

I came, I stood with downcast eyes.

For in his hands God held a book;

It was the book of life.

God looked into his book and said

"Your name I cannot find.

I once was going to write it down...

But never found the time" 1122

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