my 7 steps to a networking lifestyle

Post on 27-Jan-2017






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O p p o r t u n i t y b e y o n d h a n d s h a k e

7 Steps To A

Networking Lifestyle (Inspired by Jeannette Jenkins’ “7 Steps to Make Healthy Living a Lifetime Habit”)

O p p o r t u n i t y b e y o n d h a n d s h a k e


ACCEPT THE NEED TO CHANGE your current way of networking if you are not seeing the results you have been pursuing. This includes time spent on networking meetings and events, WHERE you network and HOW you network.

7 Steps To A Networking Lifestyle

O p p o r t u n i t y b e y o n d h a n d s h a k e



yourself, with people you already know, and people

you need to know.

7 Steps To A Networking Lifestyle

O p p o r t u n i t y b e y o n d h a n d s h a k e


You need to be consistently and actively networking according to your primary objectives.

7 Steps To A Networking Lifestyle

O p p o r t u n i t y b e y o n d h a n d s h a k e


You are what you consume. Learn from experts and others more experienced

through books, articles and blogs.

7 Steps To A Networking Lifestyle

O p p o r t u n i t y b e y o n d h a n d s h a k e


Discover and master the skills of networking by attending talks, seminars, webinars, workshops and other learning programmes.

7 Steps To A Networking Lifestyle

O p p o r t u n i t y b e y o n d h a n d s h a k e


COMMIT TO CONSISTENT networking activities which

bring better, more sustainable results than ad

hoc networking.

7 Steps To A Networking Lifestyle

O p p o r t u n i t y b e y o n d h a n d s h a k e


CREATE A SUPPORTIVE ENVIRONMENT. Participate actively in networking groups, formal and informal, offline and online. If you have the resources and relevant knowledge, start one.

7 Steps To A Networking Lifestyle

O p p o r t u n i t y b e y o n d h a n d s h a k e


Beyond business and professional growth, networking adds fullness to your personal life. If that is what you are seeking, network purposefully and consistently.

7 Steps To A Networking Lifestyle

O p p o r t u n i t y b e y o n d h a n d s h a k e

Networking Evangelist, Speaker, Author

Mervin Yeo, a contributing author in New York Times best-seller “Masters of Networking”, provides training, consulting, and mentoring to business professionals on purposeful networking and strategic referral marketing. A published author of numerous books, he lives and breathes, speaks and teaches the language of referrals.

7 Steps To A Networking Lifestyle

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