must could should y2

Post on 13-Aug-2015






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Y2 Writing Musts Y2 Writing Shoulds Y2 Writing Coulds spelling I write the zapper tricky words correctly in my own writing. I can use my phonics to help me spell new words.

handwriting I can starting and finish letters in the right place I can smile in and out of lower-case letters

I can write letters b, d, p the correct way around. I can separate words with spaces

generating I can think and say each sentence before I write it.

implementing I can use a capital letter for names of people, places, the days of the week, and the personal pronoun ‘I’.

I can join sentences using and because I can use a question mark and an exclamation mark at the end of a sentence I can use adjectives to make my writing interesting. I can write four sentences which I can read and my teacher can read.

reflecting I can read what I have written to check that it makes sense. I can discuss my writing with my teacher and other learners.

spelling I can write the Dinosaur Trail words correctly in my own writing. I can use my phonics to help me spell new words.

handwriting I can join lower case letters and leave capital letters unjoined.

I can write on the lines. I can write descenders under the line all the same length (f, g, j, p, q, y) I can write ascenders taller than other lower case letters and make them all the same height (b, d, h, k, l, t)

generating I can plan what I am going to write about by writing down ideas,

key words and vocabulary. I can generate and say sentences before I write them (including speech)

implementing. I can open sentences using words that show the order things happen first, then, next, soon after that, last…

I can choose the most effective adjectives to describe nouns. I can choose powerful verbs to interest the reader I can write longer sentences using conjunctions to join ideas and, or, but, when, where, if, what, and, because I can choose the correct tense when I write (present tense and past tense) I can use capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks to identify sentences. I can use commas to separate items in a list. I can use apostrophes to shorten words I am = I’m. I can write a story of about 100 words.

reflecting I can re-read my writing to check that it makes sense. I can proof-read my writing to self-correct mistakes in spelling and


spelling I can add prefixes to the beginning of words in– un–, dis– mis- I can spell words with endings which sound like –tion, –sion, –ssion, –cian

handwriting I can space out lines of writing so that the ascenders and descenders of letters do not touch.

generating I can magpie the organisation and vocabulary from texts similar to

the one I am planning to write

implementing. I can use a varied and rich vocabulary to describe and explain I can write paragraphs to group ideas

I can confidently create settings, characters and plot in stories I can use headings and sub-headings to organise my writing. I can use speech marks to punctuate speech.

reflecting I can evaluate and edit my writing by proof-reading for spelling and punctuation errors.

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