
Post on 03-Nov-2014






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Star WarsK e r o r o軍曹




Pirates of the Caribbean

One Piece



Super Mario Brothers


樂團首席及指揮C o n c e r t M a s t e r

& C o n d u c t o r 王卓能

W O N G C h e u k - n a n g

副音樂總監及指揮A s s o c i a t e M u s i c D i r e c t o r

& C o n d u c t o r馮嘉興

F U N G K a - h i n g

音樂總監及指揮M u s i c D i r e c t o r

& C o n d u c t o r 李樹昇

L E E S h u - s i n g

30/3/2013 星期六 Sat 8pm

香港大會堂音樂廳Hong Kong C i ty Ha l l Concer t Ha l l

music4kids1.indd 1 21/3/13 12:34 AM









Kolo Winds Ad 1 20/03/2013 10:19 AM

星球大戰首部曲:魅影危機Symphonic Suite from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

Keroro 軍曹Keroro Gunso (Sergeant Frog)

機動戰士高達:馬沙之反擊Mobile Suit Gundam: Char’s Counterattack

龍珠Dragon Ball

千與千尋 Highlights from Spirited Away


動漫女主角串燒Japanese Graffiti XV Animated Heroines Medley

櫻桃小丸子Chibi Maruko-chan

海賊王One Piece

超級馬里奧兄弟Super Mario Brothers

魔盜王決戰鬼盜船 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

場地規則 House Rules

各位觀眾: 為了令大家對今次演出留下美好印象,我們希望各位切勿在場內攝影、錄音或錄影,亦請勿吸煙或飲食。在節目進行期間,請關掉鬧錶、無線電話及傳呼機之響鬧裝置。多謝合作。

In order to make this performance a pleasant experience for the artists and other members of the audience, please refrain from recording, �lming, taking photographs, and also from smoking, eating or drinking in the auditorium. Please ensure that your mobile phones and any other beeping device are switched o� during the performance. Thank you for your kind cooperation.


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music4kids1.indd 2 21/3/13 12:34 AM









Kolo Winds Ad 1 20/03/2013 10:19 AM

星球大戰首部曲:魅影危機Symphonic Suite from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

Keroro 軍曹Keroro Gunso (Sergeant Frog)

機動戰士高達:馬沙之反擊Mobile Suit Gundam: Char’s Counterattack

龍珠Dragon Ball

千與千尋 Highlights from Spirited Away


動漫女主角串燒Japanese Graffiti XV Animated Heroines Medley

櫻桃小丸子Chibi Maruko-chan

海賊王One Piece

超級馬里奧兄弟Super Mario Brothers

魔盜王決戰鬼盜船 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

場地規則 House Rules

各位觀眾: 為了令大家對今次演出留下美好印象,我們希望各位切勿在場內攝影、錄音或錄影,亦請勿吸煙或飲食。在節目進行期間,請關掉鬧錶、無線電話及傳呼機之響鬧裝置。多謝合作。

In order to make this performance a pleasant experience for the artists and other members of the audience, please refrain from recording, �lming, taking photographs, and also from smoking, eating or drinking in the auditorium. Please ensure that your mobile phones and any other beeping device are switched o� during the performance. Thank you for your kind cooperation.


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music4kids1.indd 3 21/3/13 12:34 AM

About HKSW











團 樂 介紹






{ OUR MISSIONS }The missions of the Hong Kong Symphonic Winds are to promote wind band music and to nurture local talented wind instrument performers.

{ PROFILE }Founded by Dr. Wai-hong YIP and Mr. Alfonso WONG in May 1987, The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds (HKSW) is the �rst amateur band in Hong Kong with considerable size and structure. WONG has devoted himself to promoting music education in the community. He dedicated 21 years of his life to teaching at Central Conservatory of Music - the national leading music school in China. His devotion and contribution to music and teaching, especially wind band music development, have deeply in�uenced all band members. His works were also recognized by the Chinese authoritative media, namely “People’s Music”.

Members are the greatest assets of the HKSW. The HKSW has evolved into a house of music, nurturing hundreds of talented musicians, with a majority being WONG students and even students of his students. This adheres to our principle and core value - Passing the Torch. Among all our members, some are distinguished professional players actively perform-ing on local and international stages, while some are making their great e�orts and contributions to music education and performance. Thanks to the inspiration and cultivation of WONG and the HKSW in the past 25 years, our missions have been transformed to all these achievements.

{ Highlights of Local Promotion } Since the debut concert in Shatin Town Hall on 20 February 1988, the HKSW has started to work with the former Urban Council and the LCSD (Leisure and Cultural Services Department) to promote music among people from all walks of life in Hong Kong. Over 300 concerts have been


二 零 零 八 年 , 樂 團 舉 辦 了 兩 場 《 安 達 臣 百 周 年 致 敬 音樂會》,並獲安達臣(LeroyAnderson)的家屬同意, 由 樂 團 改 編 其 遺 世 之 作 《 鋼 琴 協 奏 曲 》 , 以 管 樂 團伴 奏 鋼 琴 獨 奏 ( 原 曲 為 雙 鋼 琴 版 本 ) 。 此 曲 目 不 僅 是香港,更是亞洲首演,音樂會空前成功,好評如潮。二 零 一 零 年 , 本 樂 團 舉 辦 了 兒 童 節 音 樂 會 , 不 但 全 院滿 座 , 觀 眾 沉 醉 於 歡 樂 的 音 樂 之 中 , 笑 聲 更 是 不 絕 於耳 。 同 年 除 夕 , 樂 團 應 邀 出 席 沙 田 中 央 公 園 舉 辦 之 《2010 除夕倒數嘉年華》,透過音樂與群眾在歡樂氣氛中迎接新一年。

二 零 一 一 年 , 樂 團 獲 世 界 級 跨 媒 體 企 業 邀 請 , 參 與 錄製 該 公 司 的 主 題 歌 , 樂 團 水 平 獲 外 界 一 致 肯 定 。 此 乃本樂團首次參與專業多角度高清攝製工作。

自 一 九 九 八 年 起 , 樂 團 已 錄 製 逾 十 隻 現 場 錄 音 的 音 樂會CD及DVD,當中包括樂團所有周年音樂會的現場演奏,每位團員均獲贈CD及DVD作教學用途,從而提昇各團員的音樂造詣。

{國際交流}本 樂 團 不 斷 衝 破 地 域 界 限 , 把 音 樂 推 廣 至 世 界 每 一 角落。

二 零 零 一 年 , 樂 團 應 「 澳 門 管 樂 協 會 」 邀 請 出 席 《 第二屆澳門管樂節》開幕音樂會。

二 零 零 二 年 , 樂 團 出 席 並 演 出 「 亞 太 區 管 樂 協 會 」 於

held all over Hong Kong, bringing the joy of music to every home by visiting every district. The repertoire includes masterpieces from both the East and the West.In 2007, the HKSW held the 20th Anniversary Celebration Concert at the Hong Kong City Hall. Students whom WONG trained over the decades came and supported, not only the concert but what HKSW has been doing in the past two decades. Everyone in the house, no matter on stage or not, celebrated the long history of the HKSW in music making and sharing. In 2008, two concerts were held to pay tribute to Leroy ANDERSON. With the permission of ANDERSON’s family, the HKSW re-arranged his piano concerto for piano solo with wind band accompaniment. Not only were the concerts a debut of great success for his masterpiece in Asia, but they were highly acclaimed with full house audience.

In 2010, HKSW held a children’s concert and attracted a lot of children with their families to enjoy a night of music and laughter. On 31 December, the HKSW was invited to perform at the ‘New Year Eve Countdown Carnival 2010’, bringing up and sharing the joyful atmosphere of a New Year Eve to the crowd through each note we played genuinely. The HKSW has built its reputation and has received much recognition for its music making in diversi�ed industries. In 2011, a prestigious international company invited the HKSW to produce its corporate song with world-class multimedia teams. The recordings have been used in its multiple corporate events.

Since 1998, the HKSW has published over 10 professional live recordings, both audio and video, including live performance of anniversary concerts. The HKSW was determined to o�er our members live records for internal educational use, enhancing music thoughts sharing and communication among members.Highlights of Overseas ExchangeOur missions are not bound by any geographic or national boundaries. Music promotion and sharing have been taking places beyond the borders.

In 2001, the HKSW was invited by the Macau Band Directors Association to perform at the “2nd Macau Band Festival Opening Concert”.

In 2002, the HKSW was invited to Guangzhou, performing at the “International Wind Band Performance Convention”, by the 12th Band Conference of Asia & Paci�c Band Directors Association (APBDA).

In 2006, the HKSW was invited by the Guangzhou Band Directors Association to conduct several demonstrative performances in Guangzhou. In August 2006, the HKSW performed 2 concerts in Shanghai under the invitation of the Shanghai Zhouzhuang Government and the Shanghai CCTV.

music4kids1.indd 4 21/3/13 12:34 AM

About HKSW











團 樂 介紹






{ OUR MISSIONS }The missions of the Hong Kong Symphonic Winds are to promote wind band music and to nurture local talented wind instrument performers.

{ PROFILE }Founded by Dr. Wai-hong YIP and Mr. Alfonso WONG in May 1987, The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds (HKSW) is the �rst amateur band in Hong Kong with considerable size and structure. WONG has devoted himself to promoting music education in the community. He dedicated 21 years of his life to teaching at Central Conservatory of Music - the national leading music school in China. His devotion and contribution to music and teaching, especially wind band music development, have deeply in�uenced all band members. His works were also recognized by the Chinese authoritative media, namely “People’s Music”.

Members are the greatest assets of the HKSW. The HKSW has evolved into a house of music, nurturing hundreds of talented musicians, with a majority being WONG students and even students of his students. This adheres to our principle and core value - Passing the Torch. Among all our members, some are distinguished professional players actively perform-ing on local and international stages, while some are making their great e�orts and contributions to music education and performance. Thanks to the inspiration and cultivation of WONG and the HKSW in the past 25 years, our missions have been transformed to all these achievements.

{ Highlights of Local Promotion } Since the debut concert in Shatin Town Hall on 20 February 1988, the HKSW has started to work with the former Urban Council and the LCSD (Leisure and Cultural Services Department) to promote music among people from all walks of life in Hong Kong. Over 300 concerts have been


二 零 零 八 年 , 樂 團 舉 辦 了 兩 場 《 安 達 臣 百 周 年 致 敬 音樂會》,並獲安達臣(LeroyAnderson)的家屬同意, 由 樂 團 改 編 其 遺 世 之 作 《 鋼 琴 協 奏 曲 》 , 以 管 樂 團伴 奏 鋼 琴 獨 奏 ( 原 曲 為 雙 鋼 琴 版 本 ) 。 此 曲 目 不 僅 是香港,更是亞洲首演,音樂會空前成功,好評如潮。二 零 一 零 年 , 本 樂 團 舉 辦 了 兒 童 節 音 樂 會 , 不 但 全 院滿 座 , 觀 眾 沉 醉 於 歡 樂 的 音 樂 之 中 , 笑 聲 更 是 不 絕 於耳 。 同 年 除 夕 , 樂 團 應 邀 出 席 沙 田 中 央 公 園 舉 辦 之 《2010 除夕倒數嘉年華》,透過音樂與群眾在歡樂氣氛中迎接新一年。

二 零 一 一 年 , 樂 團 獲 世 界 級 跨 媒 體 企 業 邀 請 , 參 與 錄製 該 公 司 的 主 題 歌 , 樂 團 水 平 獲 外 界 一 致 肯 定 。 此 乃本樂團首次參與專業多角度高清攝製工作。

自 一 九 九 八 年 起 , 樂 團 已 錄 製 逾 十 隻 現 場 錄 音 的 音 樂會CD及DVD,當中包括樂團所有周年音樂會的現場演奏,每位團員均獲贈CD及DVD作教學用途,從而提昇各團員的音樂造詣。

{國際交流}本 樂 團 不 斷 衝 破 地 域 界 限 , 把 音 樂 推 廣 至 世 界 每 一 角落。

二 零 零 一 年 , 樂 團 應 「 澳 門 管 樂 協 會 」 邀 請 出 席 《 第二屆澳門管樂節》開幕音樂會。

二 零 零 二 年 , 樂 團 出 席 並 演 出 「 亞 太 區 管 樂 協 會 」 於

held all over Hong Kong, bringing the joy of music to every home by visiting every district. The repertoire includes masterpieces from both the East and the West.In 2007, the HKSW held the 20th Anniversary Celebration Concert at the Hong Kong City Hall. Students whom WONG trained over the decades came and supported, not only the concert but what HKSW has been doing in the past two decades. Everyone in the house, no matter on stage or not, celebrated the long history of the HKSW in music making and sharing. In 2008, two concerts were held to pay tribute to Leroy ANDERSON. With the permission of ANDERSON’s family, the HKSW re-arranged his piano concerto for piano solo with wind band accompaniment. Not only were the concerts a debut of great success for his masterpiece in Asia, but they were highly acclaimed with full house audience.

In 2010, HKSW held a children’s concert and attracted a lot of children with their families to enjoy a night of music and laughter. On 31 December, the HKSW was invited to perform at the ‘New Year Eve Countdown Carnival 2010’, bringing up and sharing the joyful atmosphere of a New Year Eve to the crowd through each note we played genuinely. The HKSW has built its reputation and has received much recognition for its music making in diversi�ed industries. In 2011, a prestigious international company invited the HKSW to produce its corporate song with world-class multimedia teams. The recordings have been used in its multiple corporate events.

Since 1998, the HKSW has published over 10 professional live recordings, both audio and video, including live performance of anniversary concerts. The HKSW was determined to o�er our members live records for internal educational use, enhancing music thoughts sharing and communication among members.Highlights of Overseas ExchangeOur missions are not bound by any geographic or national boundaries. Music promotion and sharing have been taking places beyond the borders.

In 2001, the HKSW was invited by the Macau Band Directors Association to perform at the “2nd Macau Band Festival Opening Concert”.

In 2002, the HKSW was invited to Guangzhou, performing at the “International Wind Band Performance Convention”, by the 12th Band Conference of Asia & Paci�c Band Directors Association (APBDA).

In 2006, the HKSW was invited by the Guangzhou Band Directors Association to conduct several demonstrative performances in Guangzhou. In August 2006, the HKSW performed 2 concerts in Shanghai under the invitation of the Shanghai Zhouzhuang Government and the Shanghai CCTV.


music4kids1.indd 5 21/3/13 12:34 AM













二零一一年,樂團出席國際管樂協會(World Associa-tion for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles)在台灣嘉義市舉辦三年一度的大會,參與推廣全球管樂交流。






In 2011, the HKSW participated in the International Band Festival of the 15th WASBE (World Association for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles) Conference held in Chiayi, Taiwan. Those concerts were highly accredited for all the great successes. The HKSW has built its reputation and gained musical growth and development through overseas exchange.

With all the encouragement received, especially from some interna-tional professional players, the HKSW continues to bring music everywhere throughout our lifelong pursuit of promoting wind band music.

{ Local Composition & Chinese Wind Band Music Works }Apart from nurturing local talented wind instrument performers, the HKSW is also actively engaged in encouraging local compositions and Chinese wind band music works.

Our Music Director Laureate, Mr. Alfonso WONG, composed and adapted numerous music. His remarkable works include Stepping by the Stream - Trumpet Petit Concerto and Hong Kong Symphonic Winds March. Between 1998 and 2004, WONG adapted a series of art pieces of Mr. Wen-hsien CHOU, including four pieces of the “Old Songs with New Compositions” Suites, Crossing the Ling Ding River and “Mulan” Rhapsody. The performances of these music works have been well received, both locally and internationally.

Composed by the teacher of WONG, Mr. Zhi Qiu XIA, Nostalgia for Home is arranged by Yuen-hing YAU for wind band. YAU was also commissioned the Prelude to a Celebration to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the HKSW.

In the fall of 1999, Dr. Brian Chatpo KOO, the internationally eminent composer, was commissioned by WONG and the HKSW to compose a great wind band music, Rainbow, debuted in Hong Kong in January 2000.

桂冠音樂總監Music Director Laureate

黃日照一九三一年出生於菲律賓,九歲起學習小號。一九五三年,憑着一顆熱愛音樂之心,滿懷希望地北上,渴望投考「北京中央音樂學院」深造。由於建院初期, 急需管樂師資人材,其氏在前輩的建議和鼓勵下,接受作為任職教師。一方面教授小號,另一方面進修了一系列學院的作曲、理論等課程。一九五四年,黃氏成為有 「中國小號之父」之稱的夏之秋老師的助教。在任教期間,並得到前蘇 聯 知 名 小 號 演 奏 家 提 摩 費 . 多 克 西 哲 ( T i m o f e i Dokshitzer)於小號演奏技藝方面的指導,獲益良多。 一九七四年回港後,隨即加入「香港浸會學院」(現「香港浸會大學」前身)為音樂系講師。一九七五年加入聖文德書院為管樂導師,帶領聖文德書院管樂團於香港 校際音樂節贏得共十次高級組管樂團冠軍的輝煌成績,其中更包括連續六年贏取該冠軍,「六連冠」的成績至今仍未被打破。


一九八七年五月,黃氏聯同葉惠康博士及「香港泛亞交響樂團」,成立了「香港交響管樂團」,並擔任副音樂總監一職。一九九二年擔任音樂總監,二十年來帶領 「香港交響管樂團」不斷演出,走遍香港各區。管樂團水準亦不斷提昇,不但創造出輝煌成績,更培養出大批管樂演奏人才、作曲家及樂隊指揮,可謂桃李滿天下。黃氏把 《聖文德進行曲》改名為《香港交響管樂團進行曲》。一九九九年開始,黃氏帶領香港交響管樂團到海外演出及交流,所到地方包括澳門、廣州及上海。當中每次演出均獲很高的評價。



WONG Alfonso, born in the Philippines in 1931, began learning the trumpet at the age of 9. Filled with passion for music, WONG decided to move to Beijing in hopes of furthering his studies at the Central Conservatory of Music. As the Conservatory was newly built, it was in desperate need of brass teachers. Under the advice and encourage-ment of his elders, Wong took up the job as a teaching sta� in the Conservatory. On one hand, he taught trumpet performing, while on the other hand, he furthered his knowledge by attending classes such as music composition and music theory. In 1954, Wong became the assistant lecture of the “Father of Trumpet in China”, Mr. Xia Zhiqiu, at the Conservatory. During his stay at the Conservatory, Wong received performance techniques trainings from the renowned Russian virtuoso trumpeter Timofei Dokshitser.

Wong returned to Hong Kong in 1974, and taught at the Department of Music of the Hong Kong Baptist College (now known as the Hong Kong Baptist University). In 1975, Wong started to teach in the St. Bonaventure College and High School Band and has led them capturing many championships at the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival, including a signi�cant record of “Six Consecutive Champi-onships” which has never been broken every since.

In 1978, Wong joined the Hong Kong Music O�ce as Assistant Music O�cer I and had taught trumpet for 9 years. After his retirement, Wong formed and taught in the Hong Kong Chinese Women’s Club College School Band.

In May 1987, together with Dr. YIP Wai-hong and the Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra, Wong founded The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds, taking the position as Assistant Music Director, and acted as Music Director in 1992. For the past 25 years, Wong has led the band in performing all over Hong Kong with brilliant achievements, and had trained large numbers of performers and conductors of public recognition. Wong has had over 300 students. Starting from 1999, Wong had been leading The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds into performances and inter-�ows outside Hong Kong, places included Macau, Guangzhou and Shanghai. All

黃日照WONG Alfonso

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二零一一年,樂團出席國際管樂協會(World Associa-tion for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles)在台灣嘉義市舉辦三年一度的大會,參與推廣全球管樂交流。






In 2011, the HKSW participated in the International Band Festival of the 15th WASBE (World Association for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles) Conference held in Chiayi, Taiwan. Those concerts were highly accredited for all the great successes. The HKSW has built its reputation and gained musical growth and development through overseas exchange.

With all the encouragement received, especially from some interna-tional professional players, the HKSW continues to bring music everywhere throughout our lifelong pursuit of promoting wind band music.

{ Local Composition & Chinese Wind Band Music Works }Apart from nurturing local talented wind instrument performers, the HKSW is also actively engaged in encouraging local compositions and Chinese wind band music works.

Our Music Director Laureate, Mr. Alfonso WONG, composed and adapted numerous music. His remarkable works include Stepping by the Stream - Trumpet Petit Concerto and Hong Kong Symphonic Winds March. Between 1998 and 2004, WONG adapted a series of art pieces of Mr. Wen-hsien CHOU, including four pieces of the “Old Songs with New Compositions” Suites, Crossing the Ling Ding River and “Mulan” Rhapsody. The performances of these music works have been well received, both locally and internationally.

Composed by the teacher of WONG, Mr. Zhi Qiu XIA, Nostalgia for Home is arranged by Yuen-hing YAU for wind band. YAU was also commissioned the Prelude to a Celebration to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the HKSW.

In the fall of 1999, Dr. Brian Chatpo KOO, the internationally eminent composer, was commissioned by WONG and the HKSW to compose a great wind band music, Rainbow, debuted in Hong Kong in January 2000.

桂冠音樂總監Music Director Laureate

黃日照一九三一年出生於菲律賓,九歲起學習小號。一九五三年,憑着一顆熱愛音樂之心,滿懷希望地北上,渴望投考「北京中央音樂學院」深造。由於建院初期, 急需管樂師資人材,其氏在前輩的建議和鼓勵下,接受作為任職教師。一方面教授小號,另一方面進修了一系列學院的作曲、理論等課程。一九五四年,黃氏成為有 「中國小號之父」之稱的夏之秋老師的助教。在任教期間,並得到前蘇 聯 知 名 小 號 演 奏 家 提 摩 費 . 多 克 西 哲 ( T i m o f e i Dokshitzer)於小號演奏技藝方面的指導,獲益良多。 一九七四年回港後,隨即加入「香港浸會學院」(現「香港浸會大學」前身)為音樂系講師。一九七五年加入聖文德書院為管樂導師,帶領聖文德書院管樂團於香港 校際音樂節贏得共十次高級組管樂團冠軍的輝煌成績,其中更包括連續六年贏取該冠軍,「六連冠」的成績至今仍未被打破。


一九八七年五月,黃氏聯同葉惠康博士及「香港泛亞交響樂團」,成立了「香港交響管樂團」,並擔任副音樂總監一職。一九九二年擔任音樂總監,二十年來帶領 「香港交響管樂團」不斷演出,走遍香港各區。管樂團水準亦不斷提昇,不但創造出輝煌成績,更培養出大批管樂演奏人才、作曲家及樂隊指揮,可謂桃李滿天下。黃氏把 《聖文德進行曲》改名為《香港交響管樂團進行曲》。一九九九年開始,黃氏帶領香港交響管樂團到海外演出及交流,所到地方包括澳門、廣州及上海。當中每次演出均獲很高的評價。



WONG Alfonso, born in the Philippines in 1931, began learning the trumpet at the age of 9. Filled with passion for music, WONG decided to move to Beijing in hopes of furthering his studies at the Central Conservatory of Music. As the Conservatory was newly built, it was in desperate need of brass teachers. Under the advice and encourage-ment of his elders, Wong took up the job as a teaching sta� in the Conservatory. On one hand, he taught trumpet performing, while on the other hand, he furthered his knowledge by attending classes such as music composition and music theory. In 1954, Wong became the assistant lecture of the “Father of Trumpet in China”, Mr. Xia Zhiqiu, at the Conservatory. During his stay at the Conservatory, Wong received performance techniques trainings from the renowned Russian virtuoso trumpeter Timofei Dokshitser.

Wong returned to Hong Kong in 1974, and taught at the Department of Music of the Hong Kong Baptist College (now known as the Hong Kong Baptist University). In 1975, Wong started to teach in the St. Bonaventure College and High School Band and has led them capturing many championships at the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival, including a signi�cant record of “Six Consecutive Champi-onships” which has never been broken every since.

In 1978, Wong joined the Hong Kong Music O�ce as Assistant Music O�cer I and had taught trumpet for 9 years. After his retirement, Wong formed and taught in the Hong Kong Chinese Women’s Club College School Band.

In May 1987, together with Dr. YIP Wai-hong and the Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra, Wong founded The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds, taking the position as Assistant Music Director, and acted as Music Director in 1992. For the past 25 years, Wong has led the band in performing all over Hong Kong with brilliant achievements, and had trained large numbers of performers and conductors of public recognition. Wong has had over 300 students. Starting from 1999, Wong had been leading The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds into performances and inter-�ows outside Hong Kong, places included Macau, Guangzhou and Shanghai. All

黃日照WONG Alfonso


music4kids1.indd 7 21/3/13 12:34 AM

馮嘉興是一位香港土生土長的小號演奏家,現任香港小交響樂團之首席小號。馮氏年幼時跟隨馮啓文先生學習小號,及後入讀香港演藝學院,師隨 Mr. Laurence Gargan 及 Mr. Jonathan Clarke,先後完成文憑、學位及專業文憑課程。


馮氏於畢業後獲頒香港賽馬會音樂及舞蹈基金,再次遠 赴 美 國 伊 士 曼 音 樂 學 院 深 造 , 師 隨 小 號 名 家 Professor James Thompson,於二零零六年五月完成小號演奏碩士學位及獲頒發演奏家證書。 馮氏現活躍於香港及鄰近地區樂團,擔任特約小號手。除樂團演出外,馮氏亦非常活躍於參與室樂及獨奏表演,曾多次以獨奏者身份舉行多個獨奏會及與多個樂團合作。馮氏畢業於聖文德書院,於在學時加入香港交響管樂團,參與過無數演出。

FUNG Ka-hing, a Hong Kong bred trumpet performer, is currently Principal Trumpet of the Hong Kong Sinfonietta. He began his lessons with Mr. Kenneth FUNG at a tender age, and went on to �nish his Diploma, Bachelor Degree and Professional Diploma at the HKAPA, where he worked under Mr. Laurence GARGAN and Mr. Jonathan CLARKE.

During his training, FUNG was keen about participating in a range of youth music camps such as Asian Youth Orchestra, Aspen Music Festival and Summer Academy (US) - with full scholarship from the Asian Cultural Council and also the Canton International Summer Music Academy 2006.

Upon graduation in Hong Kong, FUNG was awarded the Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund, for which he commenced his Master Degree at the Eastman School of Music in the United States, where he studied with the acclaimed Professor James THOMPSON. In 2006, he completed his Master Degree and was awarded the Performer’s Certi�cate for outstanding performance upon graduation.

FUNG Ka-hing is at present active in orchestral, chamber music and solo performances, giving solo recitals and contributing to various groups as a soloist in his career. He is an alumnus of St. Bonaventure College & High School (SBC). He joined the HKSW while studying with Mr. Alfonso WONG at the SBC and has performed with the band ever since.

Music Director & Conductor




李氏不斷推動香港音樂發展及香港整體文化藝術,例如參與區議會 和香港電台等製作的音樂教育節目,又為《經濟日報》撰寫音樂專欄,創作散文、小說及電影劇本,貢獻良多。

Graduated from the St. Bonaventure College & High School, LEE Shu-sing began his �rst wind instrument lesson at the age of 11 with Mr. Alfonso WONG. At 16, LEE had already been appointed as Assistant Bandmaster of two secondary schools. He was then appointed as tutor of the Sai Kung Children Choir Percussion Ensemble. His commit-ment to nurturing future generations of musicians in Hong Kong has begun ever since.

LEE took part in several Hong Kong Music O�ce bands as First Clarinetist. He was also a member of the Hong Kong Children’s Symphony Orchestra and the Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra. Studied at the Hong Kong Academy for Perform-ing Arts, LEE has always been enthusiastic about music, devoting himself to music education, the promotion of band music and the pursuit of new heights of musical excellence in the wind band industry.

In 1987, LEE joined The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds as Principle Clarinetist. He is currently Music Director and Conductor of the HKSW, and is actively involved in wind band education and conducting. LEE has conducted more than 300 concerts in his music career, a considerable number of performances as Conductor in the wind band industry.

With his dedication to the local music development in Hong Kong, LEE has long been endeavoring to achieve his ambition of promoting music with diversi�ed approaches, participating in music educational programmes presented by the District Council and the Radio Television Hong Kong

李樹昇LEE Shu-sing

Associate Music Director

馮嘉興FUNG Ka-hing

& Conductor



music4kids1.indd 8 21/3/13 12:35 AM

馮嘉興是一位香港土生土長的小號演奏家,現任香港小交響樂團之首席小號。馮氏年幼時跟隨馮啓文先生學習小號,及後入讀香港演藝學院,師隨 Mr. Laurence Gargan 及 Mr. Jonathan Clarke,先後完成文憑、學位及專業文憑課程。


馮氏於畢業後獲頒香港賽馬會音樂及舞蹈基金,再次遠 赴 美 國 伊 士 曼 音 樂 學 院 深 造 , 師 隨 小 號 名 家 Professor James Thompson,於二零零六年五月完成小號演奏碩士學位及獲頒發演奏家證書。 馮氏現活躍於香港及鄰近地區樂團,擔任特約小號手。除樂團演出外,馮氏亦非常活躍於參與室樂及獨奏表演,曾多次以獨奏者身份舉行多個獨奏會及與多個樂團合作。馮氏畢業於聖文德書院,於在學時加入香港交響管樂團,參與過無數演出。

FUNG Ka-hing, a Hong Kong bred trumpet performer, is currently Principal Trumpet of the Hong Kong Sinfonietta. He began his lessons with Mr. Kenneth FUNG at a tender age, and went on to �nish his Diploma, Bachelor Degree and Professional Diploma at the HKAPA, where he worked under Mr. Laurence GARGAN and Mr. Jonathan CLARKE.

During his training, FUNG was keen about participating in a range of youth music camps such as Asian Youth Orchestra, Aspen Music Festival and Summer Academy (US) - with full scholarship from the Asian Cultural Council and also the Canton International Summer Music Academy 2006.

Upon graduation in Hong Kong, FUNG was awarded the Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund, for which he commenced his Master Degree at the Eastman School of Music in the United States, where he studied with the acclaimed Professor James THOMPSON. In 2006, he completed his Master Degree and was awarded the Performer’s Certi�cate for outstanding performance upon graduation.

FUNG Ka-hing is at present active in orchestral, chamber music and solo performances, giving solo recitals and contributing to various groups as a soloist in his career. He is an alumnus of St. Bonaventure College & High School (SBC). He joined the HKSW while studying with Mr. Alfonso WONG at the SBC and has performed with the band ever since.

Music Director & Conductor




李氏不斷推動香港音樂發展及香港整體文化藝術,例如參與區議會 和香港電台等製作的音樂教育節目,又為《經濟日報》撰寫音樂專欄,創作散文、小說及電影劇本,貢獻良多。

Graduated from the St. Bonaventure College & High School, LEE Shu-sing began his �rst wind instrument lesson at the age of 11 with Mr. Alfonso WONG. At 16, LEE had already been appointed as Assistant Bandmaster of two secondary schools. He was then appointed as tutor of the Sai Kung Children Choir Percussion Ensemble. His commit-ment to nurturing future generations of musicians in Hong Kong has begun ever since.

LEE took part in several Hong Kong Music O�ce bands as First Clarinetist. He was also a member of the Hong Kong Children’s Symphony Orchestra and the Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra. Studied at the Hong Kong Academy for Perform-ing Arts, LEE has always been enthusiastic about music, devoting himself to music education, the promotion of band music and the pursuit of new heights of musical excellence in the wind band industry.

In 1987, LEE joined The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds as Principle Clarinetist. He is currently Music Director and Conductor of the HKSW, and is actively involved in wind band education and conducting. LEE has conducted more than 300 concerts in his music career, a considerable number of performances as Conductor in the wind band industry.

With his dedication to the local music development in Hong Kong, LEE has long been endeavoring to achieve his ambition of promoting music with diversi�ed approaches, participating in music educational programmes presented by the District Council and the Radio Television Hong Kong

李樹昇LEE Shu-sing

Associate Music Director

馮嘉興FUNG Ka-hing

& Conductor




music4kids1.indd 9 21/3/13 12:35 AM



二零零六年,百老匯著名音樂劇《歌聲魅影》在香港文化中心上演,其王氏更獲委任為單簧管首席。二零零七年,王氏於演藝學院的協奏曲比賽中,以柯普蘭《單簧管協奏曲》一曲取勝。 畢業後,王氏獲頒獎學金,遠赴三藩市音樂學院深造,師隨三藩市交響樂團的單簧管手費里牧斯與比亞斯。二零一一年,他參與著名牧童笛演奏家柏特利的專輯錄音,該專輯由世界知名西洋古典音樂唱片品牌拿索斯唱片於二零一二年發行。

Wong Cheuk-nang Clement is currently Conductor, Concertmaster and Principal Clarinetist of the Hong Kong Symphonic Winds. He has also been performing as tutti clarinetist in the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong since 2010. Clement started his �rst wind instrument lesson at the St. Bonaventure College & High School with Mr. Alfonso Wong.

He furthered his studies in clarinet with Mr. Martin Choi at the Hong Kong Baptist University and obtained his Diploma and Advanced Diploma at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA), where he studied with Mr. John Schertle, Acting Principal Clarinetist of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. He was chosen to join the Asian Youth Orchestra and toured many Asian countries in 2001.

In 2006, Clement was selected as Principal Clarinetist of the famous Broadway Show Phantom of the Opera for the Hong Kong session staged at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre's Grand Theatre. In 2007, he won the Concerto Competition at the HKAPA performing the Copland Clarinet Concerto.

Upon graduation from HKAPA, Clement received a scholar-ship to study at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, where he studied with Mr. Ben Freimuth and Mr. Luis Baez, members of the San Francisco Symphony. In 2011, he enjoyed taking part in the professional recording of the English Recorder Concertos with eminent recorder player Michala Petri. The record has been released in mid-May 2012, distributed by the World’s leading classical music label Naxos.

王卓能WONG Cheuk-nang

指揮及樂團首席 Concert Master & Conductor

星球大戰首部曲:魅影危機Symphonic Suite from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace自1977年開始,佐治魯卡斯攝製的《星球大戰》系列的電影一直是世界各地的票房保證,而由約翰威廉士編寫的原聲電影配樂,更讓人一聽難忘,尤其是那段輝煌振奮的主題樂段。今晚我們送上《星球大戰首部曲:魅影危機》的精采選段,足以令大家雖安坐音樂廳內,但仍像欣賞電影時感受到的緊張與刺激。

Star Wars is a �lm series created by George Lucas in 1977, and has always guaranteed the box-o�ce success all around the world. The recognizable original soundtrack, written by John Williams, has scored much critical acclaim and has left audiences an indelible impression, especially with the glamorous and resplendent main theme. Tonight, we shall present you the highlights of Symphonic Suite from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, drawing all of you back to the cinema by recalling all the excitement and tense from the Star Wars in the concert hall.

約翰.威廉斯作曲/羅拔.史密夫編曲Composed by John Williams

arr. Robert W. Smith

Keroro 軍曹Keroro Gunso (Sergeant Frog)




Serialized from 1999, Keroro Gunso is a comedy anime and manga series, written by Mine Yoshizaki, about a platoon of 5 frog-like aliens from Planet

Keron determined to conquer the Earth but always ended with comedic failures. The manga was originally targeted at adult readers. However, after

the adaption to an anime, it has captivated a large number of children. Thus, the comic style has altered accordingly for children. Broadcasted from

2004 til l 2011, it has a total of 358 episodes, meantime, 5 animated �lms have been released.

澤田完作曲/山下國俊編曲Composed by Kan Sawada/ arr. Yamashita Kunitoshi

節目簡介 Programme


music4kids1.indd 10 21/3/13 12:35 AM



二零零六年,百老匯著名音樂劇《歌聲魅影》在香港文化中心上演,其王氏更獲委任為單簧管首席。二零零七年,王氏於演藝學院的協奏曲比賽中,以柯普蘭《單簧管協奏曲》一曲取勝。 畢業後,王氏獲頒獎學金,遠赴三藩市音樂學院深造,師隨三藩市交響樂團的單簧管手費里牧斯與比亞斯。二零一一年,他參與著名牧童笛演奏家柏特利的專輯錄音,該專輯由世界知名西洋古典音樂唱片品牌拿索斯唱片於二零一二年發行。

Wong Cheuk-nang Clement is currently Conductor, Concertmaster and Principal Clarinetist of the Hong Kong Symphonic Winds. He has also been performing as tutti clarinetist in the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong since 2010. Clement started his �rst wind instrument lesson at the St. Bonaventure College & High School with Mr. Alfonso Wong.

He furthered his studies in clarinet with Mr. Martin Choi at the Hong Kong Baptist University and obtained his Diploma and Advanced Diploma at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA), where he studied with Mr. John Schertle, Acting Principal Clarinetist of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. He was chosen to join the Asian Youth Orchestra and toured many Asian countries in 2001.

In 2006, Clement was selected as Principal Clarinetist of the famous Broadway Show Phantom of the Opera for the Hong Kong session staged at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre's Grand Theatre. In 2007, he won the Concerto Competition at the HKAPA performing the Copland Clarinet Concerto.

Upon graduation from HKAPA, Clement received a scholar-ship to study at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, where he studied with Mr. Ben Freimuth and Mr. Luis Baez, members of the San Francisco Symphony. In 2011, he enjoyed taking part in the professional recording of the English Recorder Concertos with eminent recorder player Michala Petri. The record has been released in mid-May 2012, distributed by the World’s leading classical music label Naxos.

王卓能WONG Cheuk-nang

指揮及樂團首席 Concert Master & Conductor

星球大戰首部曲:魅影危機Symphonic Suite from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace自1977年開始,佐治魯卡斯攝製的《星球大戰》系列的電影一直是世界各地的票房保證,而由約翰威廉士編寫的原聲電影配樂,更讓人一聽難忘,尤其是那段輝煌振奮的主題樂段。今晚我們送上《星球大戰首部曲:魅影危機》的精采選段,足以令大家雖安坐音樂廳內,但仍像欣賞電影時感受到的緊張與刺激。

Star Wars is a �lm series created by George Lucas in 1977, and has always guaranteed the box-o�ce success all around the world. The recognizable original soundtrack, written by John Williams, has scored much critical acclaim and has left audiences an indelible impression, especially with the glamorous and resplendent main theme. Tonight, we shall present you the highlights of Symphonic Suite from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, drawing all of you back to the cinema by recalling all the excitement and tense from the Star Wars in the concert hall.

約翰.威廉斯作曲/羅拔.史密夫編曲Composed by John Williams

arr. Robert W. Smith

Keroro 軍曹Keroro Gunso (Sergeant Frog)




Serialized from 1999, Keroro Gunso is a comedy anime and manga series, written by Mine Yoshizaki, about a platoon of 5 frog-like aliens from Planet

Keron determined to conquer the Earth but always ended with comedic failures. The manga was originally targeted at adult readers. However, after

the adaption to an anime, it has captivated a large number of children. Thus, the comic style has altered accordingly for children. Broadcasted from

2004 til l 2011, it has a total of 358 episodes, meantime, 5 animated �lms have been released.

澤田完作曲/山下國俊編曲Composed by Kan Sawada/ arr. Yamashita Kunitoshi

節目簡介 Programme



music4kids1.indd 11 21/3/13 12:35 AM

龍珠Dragon Ball


Dragon Ball is a masterpiece written by Akira Toriyama about the adventure of dream, friendship and �ght, a story of the protagonist Son Goku and 7 mystical orbs known as the wish-granting Dragon Balls. From 1984 to 1995, it was published into 42 volumes and has been sold over 200 million copies worldwide, an astonishing number and record. The anime series has been aired in more than forty countries among Asia, Europe and America and was adapted to movie in Hollywood. We shall present you all this piece combining the T V theme songs of Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Kai.

岩崎貴文、山下國俊作曲/清岡千穗、山里佐和子編曲Composed by Takafumi Iwasaki ,Yamashita Kunitoshi

arr. Osamu Tozuka, Sawako Yamasato

千與千尋Highlights from Spirited Away

《千與千尋》是宮崎駿動畫電影中最受歡迎的一套,不單票房成績超卓,更奪得多個日本國內及世界各地的電影獎項。除了電影本身,久石讓所創作的原聲配樂,木村弓Youmi Kimura(曲)及覺和歌子(詞)合力創作的主題歌,亦獲得多個音樂獎項。


Spirited Away is the most popular animated �lm of Hayao Miyazaki. Not only has it made a great success in box o�ce, it has also won numerous �lm awards in Japan and overseas. Besides the movie, the soundtrack composed by Joe Hisaishi and the theme song written by Youmi Kimura and Wakako Kaku (lyricist) have also received several music awards.

The piece, adapted by Eiji Suzuki for wind band, to be per formed tonight is composed of 6 catchy �lm scores, namely, Always With Me / One Summer ’s Day / Sootballs / I t ’s the Hard Work / The Dragon Boy / Reprise. These shall draw all the audiences, not only kids but everyone, back to the Miyazaki’s world by recalling all your childhood memory.

久石讓、木村弓作曲/鈴木英史編曲Composed by Joe Hisaishi, Yumi Kimura/ arr.Eiji Suzuki

馬沙之反擊Mobile Suit Gundam : Char’s Counterattack






Mobile Suite Gundam is a series of animation of all time, accompanied numerous adolescence. Since its initial Japanese broadcast run in 1979, the

mecha anime series has been largely referred to be the �rst one which revolutionized the whole of the mecha genre, bringing forward the realism of

real robot. Mobile Suit Gundam thereupon has spawned numerous television series, feature-length �lms, and original video animations (OVA), all sorts

of merchandise, broadening the Gundam’s worldview, captivating nearly all age groups from all over the globe.

Premiered in 1988, the main storyline has been incorporated into the Char ’s Counterattack, seemingly marking the end of the rivalry between Char

Aznable of the Principality of Zeon and Amuro Ray of the Earth Federation. The concert band adaption of the three main themes, in the form of “Allegro

- Andante - Allegro”, by Shigeaki Saegusa will be staged tonight.

三枝 成彰作曲Composed by Shigeaki Saegusa 動漫女主角串燒

Japanese Graffiti XV Animated Heroines Medley


“Magical Girl” has long been the most popular role in fantasy anime and manga genre. Iconographies and themes are largely associated with magic, beautiful costume, romance and adventure in which audiences may have fantasized. Tonight the magical girl archetype Sally the Witch (1966), Secret Akko-chan (1969); the eternal Sailor Moon (1992) and Pretty Cure (2004) shall lead us to a fantastic journey. Premiered in 1988, the main storyline has been incorporated into the Char ’s Counterattack, seemingly marking the end of the rivalry between Char Aznable of the Principality of Zeon and Amuro Ray of the Earth Federation. The concert band adaption of the three main themes, in the form of “Allegro - Andante - Allegro”, by Shigeaki Saegusa will be staged tonight.

小林亞星、小諸鈇矢、小杉保夫作曲/星出尚志編曲Music by Asei Kobayashi,

Tetsuya Komoro,Yasuo Kosugiarr. Takashi Hoshide

櫻桃小丸子Chibi Maruko-chan





Serialized from 1986, the nickname of the key character, Maruko, of Chibi Maruko-chan shares the same as the author ’s. The story depicts the trivial

things happened in her daily life with laughter and tears, and was adapted into an anime T V series from 1990, aired til l now. One of the series attained

a T V viewer rating of 39.9%, the highest rating ever attained in the Japanese T V animation history. A live action series was adapted in 2006 to

commemorate its 15th anniversary. The recognizable theme song is titled Dancing Pompokolin. So are you ready to dance?

織田哲郎作曲/山下國俊編曲Composed by Tetsuro Oda/ arr. Yamashita Kunitoshi

海賊王One Piece




One Piece has become the most popular and the highest-circulating manga series worldwide, and has also been translated into over 30 languages. I t

was published into 68 volumes until now, selling almost 300 million copies in total. 9 volumes have set a record of the highest initial print run in Japan.

The adapted ongoing OVA series has aired 579 episodes since 1999. Thus, plenty of its theme songs and character songs were released. Tonight ’s

concert shall feature 11 of its theme songs from swing to samba, presenting all of you a 6-minute suite full of energy!

山里佐和子編曲Arr. Sawako Yamasato

music4kids1.indd 12 21/3/13 12:35 AM

龍珠Dragon Ball


Dragon Ball is a masterpiece written by Akira Toriyama about the adventure of dream, friendship and �ght, a story of the protagonist Son Goku and 7 mystical orbs known as the wish-granting Dragon Balls. From 1984 to 1995, it was published into 42 volumes and has been sold over 200 million copies worldwide, an astonishing number and record. The anime series has been aired in more than forty countries among Asia, Europe and America and was adapted to movie in Hollywood. We shall present you all this piece combining the T V theme songs of Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Kai.

岩崎貴文、山下國俊作曲/清岡千穗、山里佐和子編曲Composed by Takafumi Iwasaki ,Yamashita Kunitoshi

arr. Osamu Tozuka, Sawako Yamasato

千與千尋Highlights from Spirited Away

《千與千尋》是宮崎駿動畫電影中最受歡迎的一套,不單票房成績超卓,更奪得多個日本國內及世界各地的電影獎項。除了電影本身,久石讓所創作的原聲配樂,木村弓Youmi Kimura(曲)及覺和歌子(詞)合力創作的主題歌,亦獲得多個音樂獎項。


Spirited Away is the most popular animated �lm of Hayao Miyazaki. Not only has it made a great success in box o�ce, it has also won numerous �lm awards in Japan and overseas. Besides the movie, the soundtrack composed by Joe Hisaishi and the theme song written by Youmi Kimura and Wakako Kaku (lyricist) have also received several music awards.

The piece, adapted by Eiji Suzuki for wind band, to be per formed tonight is composed of 6 catchy �lm scores, namely, Always With Me / One Summer ’s Day / Sootballs / I t ’s the Hard Work / The Dragon Boy / Reprise. These shall draw all the audiences, not only kids but everyone, back to the Miyazaki’s world by recalling all your childhood memory.

久石讓、木村弓作曲/鈴木英史編曲Composed by Joe Hisaishi, Yumi Kimura/ arr.Eiji Suzuki

馬沙之反擊Mobile Suit Gundam : Char’s Counterattack






Mobile Suite Gundam is a series of animation of all time, accompanied numerous adolescence. Since its initial Japanese broadcast run in 1979, the

mecha anime series has been largely referred to be the �rst one which revolutionized the whole of the mecha genre, bringing forward the realism of

real robot. Mobile Suit Gundam thereupon has spawned numerous television series, feature-length �lms, and original video animations (OVA), all sorts

of merchandise, broadening the Gundam’s worldview, captivating nearly all age groups from all over the globe.

Premiered in 1988, the main storyline has been incorporated into the Char ’s Counterattack, seemingly marking the end of the rivalry between Char

Aznable of the Principality of Zeon and Amuro Ray of the Earth Federation. The concert band adaption of the three main themes, in the form of “Allegro

- Andante - Allegro”, by Shigeaki Saegusa will be staged tonight.

三枝 成彰作曲Composed by Shigeaki Saegusa 動漫女主角串燒

Japanese Graffiti XV Animated Heroines Medley


“Magical Girl” has long been the most popular role in fantasy anime and manga genre. Iconographies and themes are largely associated with magic, beautiful costume, romance and adventure in which audiences may have fantasized. Tonight the magical girl archetype Sally the Witch (1966), Secret Akko-chan (1969); the eternal Sailor Moon (1992) and Pretty Cure (2004) shall lead us to a fantastic journey. Premiered in 1988, the main storyline has been incorporated into the Char ’s Counterattack, seemingly marking the end of the rivalry between Char Aznable of the Principality of Zeon and Amuro Ray of the Earth Federation. The concert band adaption of the three main themes, in the form of “Allegro - Andante - Allegro”, by Shigeaki Saegusa will be staged tonight.

小林亞星、小諸鈇矢、小杉保夫作曲/星出尚志編曲Music by Asei Kobayashi,

Tetsuya Komoro,Yasuo Kosugiarr. Takashi Hoshide

櫻桃小丸子Chibi Maruko-chan





Serialized from 1986, the nickname of the key character, Maruko, of Chibi Maruko-chan shares the same as the author ’s. The story depicts the trivial

things happened in her daily life with laughter and tears, and was adapted into an anime T V series from 1990, aired til l now. One of the series attained

a T V viewer rating of 39.9%, the highest rating ever attained in the Japanese T V animation history. A live action series was adapted in 2006 to

commemorate its 15th anniversary. The recognizable theme song is titled Dancing Pompokolin. So are you ready to dance?

織田哲郎作曲/山下國俊編曲Composed by Tetsuro Oda/ arr. Yamashita Kunitoshi

海賊王One Piece




One Piece has become the most popular and the highest-circulating manga series worldwide, and has also been translated into over 30 languages. I t

was published into 68 volumes until now, selling almost 300 million copies in total. 9 volumes have set a record of the highest initial print run in Japan.

The adapted ongoing OVA series has aired 579 episodes since 1999. Thus, plenty of its theme songs and character songs were released. Tonight ’s

concert shall feature 11 of its theme songs from swing to samba, presenting all of you a 6-minute suite full of energy!

山里佐和子編曲Arr. Sawako Yamasato


music4kids1.indd 13 21/3/13 12:35 AM

超級馬里奧兄弟Super Mario Brothers




Who are the most popular video game characters? Super Mario Brothers is de�nitely one of them. Every since its

launch in 1985, Super Mario Brothers has always been the best-selling video game of all time, selling more than 40

million copies worldwide. The game has undergone the video game development from NES to Wii, and hence almost

every generation has played the game. Besides, its theme song has become timeless and cross-generational.

近藤浩治作曲/星出尚志編曲Composed by Koji Kondo/ arr. Takashi Hoshide

魔盜王決戰鬼盜船Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

俊男、美女、冒險、動作、搞笑、神怪,一波三折的劇情,眩目的視覺效果,完全發揮荷里活電影的大製作特質。雖然大眾評論有讚有彈,不過它是第三部全球票房收入超過10億美元的電影,僅次於《鐵達尼號》和《魔戒三部曲:王者再臨》。此交響組曲保證能讓觀眾掉進驚濤駭浪!Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest features handsome boys, beautiful girls, adventure, action, comedy, mystery, twisting plots and dazzling visual e�ects, with all big-budget Hollywood iconographies. Despite mixed reviews received, it has ranked one of the greatest box-o�ce successes of all time, being the third �lm to gross over USD 1 billion worldwide, after Titanic and Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. Undoubtedly, its symphonic suite shall go down a storm by bringing every one a dark and stormy night!

克勞斯.巴德爾特作曲/約翰.沃森編曲Composed by Klaus Badeltarr. John Wasson





















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music4kids1.indd 14 21/3/13 12:35 AM

超級馬里奧兄弟Super Mario Brothers




Who are the most popular video game characters? Super Mario Brothers is de�nitely one of them. Every since its

launch in 1985, Super Mario Brothers has always been the best-selling video game of all time, selling more than 40

million copies worldwide. The game has undergone the video game development from NES to Wii, and hence almost

every generation has played the game. Besides, its theme song has become timeless and cross-generational.

近藤浩治作曲/星出尚志編曲Composed by Koji Kondo/ arr. Takashi Hoshide

魔盜王決戰鬼盜船Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

俊男、美女、冒險、動作、搞笑、神怪,一波三折的劇情,眩目的視覺效果,完全發揮荷里活電影的大製作特質。雖然大眾評論有讚有彈,不過它是第三部全球票房收入超過10億美元的電影,僅次於《鐵達尼號》和《魔戒三部曲:王者再臨》。此交響組曲保證能讓觀眾掉進驚濤駭浪!Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest features handsome boys, beautiful girls, adventure, action, comedy, mystery, twisting plots and dazzling visual e�ects, with all big-budget Hollywood iconographies. Despite mixed reviews received, it has ranked one of the greatest box-o�ce successes of all time, being the third �lm to gross over USD 1 billion worldwide, after Titanic and Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. Undoubtedly, its symphonic suite shall go down a storm by bringing every one a dark and stormy night!

克勞斯.巴德爾特作曲/約翰.沃森編曲Composed by Klaus Badeltarr. John Wasson





















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music4kids1.indd 15 21/3/13 12:35 AM

單 團員名

Member List


李樹昇 馮嘉興王卓能

ConductorLEE Shu-sing FUNG Ka-hingWONG Cheuk-nang


潘慧韞 胡倩怡

Stage ManagerPOON Wai-wan VivianWU Sin-yee Isabel

音樂會統籌 劉銘章

藝術設計 葉羨衡

Concert CoordinatorLAU Ming-cheung

Artistic DesignYIP Sin-hang Natalie

短笛 Piccolo方善瑤 FONG Sin-yiu

長笛 Flute李國輝 # LI Kwok-fai #林葆懿 LAM Po-yi劉銘章 LAU Ming-cheung梁俊賢 LEUNG Chun-yin梁偉陶 LEUNG Wai-to連家駿 LIN Ka-chun麥淑欣 Mak Shuk-yan王潔瑩 WONG Kit-ying

雙簧管 Oboe陳鈺雯 CHAN Yuk-man

單簧管 Clarinet王卓能# * WONG Cheuk-nang # *鍾子邦 CHUNG Tsz-pong郭雪蓮 KWOK Candice呂家俊 LUI Ka-chun謝偉群 TSE Wai-kwan溫子俊 WAN Tsz-chun黃兆聰 WONG Siu-chung王健鏘 WONG Kin-cheong Alvin楊曉瑩 YEUNG Hiu-ying葉家威 YIP Ka-wai

中音單簧管 Alto Clarinet李樹昇 LEE Shu-sing

低音單簧管 Bass Clarinet凌子程 LING Tsz-ching

巴松管 Bassoon羅裕廣 # LO Yu-kwong #曾樂儀 TSANG Lok-yee

長號 Trombone吳宗鵬 # NG Chung-pang #張樂安 CHEUNG Lok-on 趙漢權 CHIU Hon-kuen 李淑婷 LI Shuk-ting盧天恆 LO Terence曾啟俊 TSANG Kai-chun溫志堅 WAN Chi-kin張錦添 ZHANG Jin-tian

次中音號 Euphonium廖少國 # LIU Siu-kwok Scott #陳錦昕 CHAN Kam-yan高偉晉 KO Wai-chun Alex

大號 Tuba陳柏恒 # CHAN Pak-hang #陳梓峰 CHAN Tsz-fung陳祉達 CHAN Tsz-tat

敲擊 Percussion謝禧文 # TSE Hei-man #麥德偉 MAK Tak-wai石偉平 SHEK Wai-ping譚家怡 TAM Ka-yi陶永琼 TO Wing-king黃美婷 WONG Mei-ting胡倩怡 WU Sin-yee Isabel

低音大提琴 Double Bass羅雅苓 LAW Nga-ling

* 團長 Concertmaster# 首席 Principal

高音薩克管 Soprano Saxophone葉羨衡 YIP Sin-hang Natalie

中音薩克管 Alto Saxophone葉羨衡 # YIP Sin-hang Natalie #鄭蘭欣 CHENG Lan-yan Grace暨芷澄 KEI Tsz-ching謝偉君 TSE Wai-kwan

次中音薩克管 Tenor Saxophone劉嘉宜 LAU Ka-yi梁逸滔 Leung Yat-to

圓號 Horn何鑑亨 # HO Kam-hang Richard #陳慧萍 CHAN Wai-ping霍仲榮 FOK Chung-wing郭肇廷 KWOK Siu-ting羅婉穎 LAW Yuen-wing潘慧韞 POON Wai-wan Vivian丁菁雲 TING Ching-wan余文強 YUE Man-keung Samuel余文偉 YUE Man-wai Alan

小號 Trumpet馮嘉興 # FUNG Ka-hing #張浩昇 CHEUNG Ho-sing詹灝銘 JIM Ho-ming李兆昌 LI Siu-cheong馬琬珊 MA Amanda Yuen-shan 鄧藹玲 TANG Oi-ling杜緻豪 TO Chi-ho Vincent杜巧雪 TO Hau-suet Venus黃卓暉 WONG Cheuk-fai余偉賢 YU Wai-yin

總務委員會 General Committee

財務 Treasurer潘慧韞 POON Wai-wan Vivian

項目經理 Project Manager劉銘章 LAU Ming-cheung

項目經理 Project Manager溫志堅 WAN Chi-kin

推廣總監 Marketing Manager 余文偉 YUE Man-wai Alan

物流主任 Logistics Officer張浩昇 CHEUNG Ho-sing

資訊科技主任 Information Technology Officer呂家俊 LUI Ka-chun

樂譜編輯主任 Music Score Editor羅裕廣 LO Yu-kwong

行政主任 Administrative Officer麥淑欣 MAK Shuk-yan

譜務 Librarian麥德偉 MAK Tak-wai

總務主任 General Affairs Officer謝禧文 TSE Hei-man

藝術委員會 Artistic Committee

音樂總監 Music Director李樹昇 LEE Shu-sing

副音樂總監 Associate Music Director馮嘉興 FUNG Ka-hing

團長 Concertmaster 王卓能 WONG Cheuk-nang

木管聲部長 Section Leader - Woodwind黃德釗 WONG Tak-chiu

高音銅管聲部長 Section Leader - Upper Brass張浩昇 CHEUNG Ho-sing

低音銅管聲部長 Section Leader - Lower Brass吳宗鵬 NG Chung-pang

敲擊樂聲部長 Section Leader - Percussion謝禧文 TSE Hei-man

執行委員會 Executive Committee

永遠名譽顧問 Honourable Life Advisor 周文軒博士 Dr. CHOU Wen-hsien, OBE, JP

名譽音樂總監 Honourable Music Director葉惠康博士 Dr. YIP Wai-hong, MH

名譽顧問 Honourable Advisor蔡建中先生 Mr. CHAI Jian-zhong

桂冠音樂總監 Music Director Laureate黃日照先生 Mr. WONG Alfonso

音樂總監 Music Director李樹昇 LEE Shu-sing

副音樂總監 Associate Music Director馮嘉興 FUNG Ka-hing

秘書 Secretary吳宗鵬 NG Chung-pang

music4kids1.indd 16 21/3/13 12:35 AM

單 團員名

Member List


李樹昇 馮嘉興王卓能

ConductorLEE Shu-sing FUNG Ka-hingWONG Cheuk-nang


潘慧韞 胡倩怡

Stage ManagerPOON Wai-wan VivianWU Sin-yee Isabel

音樂會統籌 劉銘章

藝術設計 葉羨衡

Concert CoordinatorLAU Ming-cheung

Artistic DesignYIP Sin-hang Natalie

短笛 Piccolo方善瑤 FONG Sin-yiu

長笛 Flute李國輝 # LI Kwok-fai #林葆懿 LAM Po-yi劉銘章 LAU Ming-cheung梁俊賢 LEUNG Chun-yin梁偉陶 LEUNG Wai-to連家駿 LIN Ka-chun麥淑欣 Mak Shuk-yan王潔瑩 WONG Kit-ying

雙簧管 Oboe陳鈺雯 CHAN Yuk-man

單簧管 Clarinet王卓能# * WONG Cheuk-nang # *鍾子邦 CHUNG Tsz-pong郭雪蓮 KWOK Candice呂家俊 LUI Ka-chun謝偉群 TSE Wai-kwan溫子俊 WAN Tsz-chun黃兆聰 WONG Siu-chung王健鏘 WONG Kin-cheong Alvin楊曉瑩 YEUNG Hiu-ying葉家威 YIP Ka-wai

中音單簧管 Alto Clarinet李樹昇 LEE Shu-sing

低音單簧管 Bass Clarinet凌子程 LING Tsz-ching

巴松管 Bassoon羅裕廣 # LO Yu-kwong #曾樂儀 TSANG Lok-yee

長號 Trombone吳宗鵬 # NG Chung-pang #張樂安 CHEUNG Lok-on 趙漢權 CHIU Hon-kuen 李淑婷 LI Shuk-ting盧天恆 LO Terence曾啟俊 TSANG Kai-chun溫志堅 WAN Chi-kin張錦添 ZHANG Jin-tian

次中音號 Euphonium廖少國 # LIU Siu-kwok Scott #陳錦昕 CHAN Kam-yan高偉晉 KO Wai-chun Alex

大號 Tuba陳柏恒 # CHAN Pak-hang #陳梓峰 CHAN Tsz-fung陳祉達 CHAN Tsz-tat

敲擊 Percussion謝禧文 # TSE Hei-man #麥德偉 MAK Tak-wai石偉平 SHEK Wai-ping譚家怡 TAM Ka-yi陶永琼 TO Wing-king黃美婷 WONG Mei-ting胡倩怡 WU Sin-yee Isabel

低音大提琴 Double Bass羅雅苓 LAW Nga-ling

* 團長 Concertmaster# 首席 Principal

高音薩克管 Soprano Saxophone葉羨衡 YIP Sin-hang Natalie

中音薩克管 Alto Saxophone葉羨衡 # YIP Sin-hang Natalie #鄭蘭欣 CHENG Lan-yan Grace暨芷澄 KEI Tsz-ching謝偉君 TSE Wai-kwan

次中音薩克管 Tenor Saxophone劉嘉宜 LAU Ka-yi梁逸滔 Leung Yat-to

圓號 Horn何鑑亨 # HO Kam-hang Richard #陳慧萍 CHAN Wai-ping霍仲榮 FOK Chung-wing郭肇廷 KWOK Siu-ting羅婉穎 LAW Yuen-wing潘慧韞 POON Wai-wan Vivian丁菁雲 TING Ching-wan余文強 YUE Man-keung Samuel余文偉 YUE Man-wai Alan

小號 Trumpet馮嘉興 # FUNG Ka-hing #張浩昇 CHEUNG Ho-sing詹灝銘 JIM Ho-ming李兆昌 LI Siu-cheong馬琬珊 MA Amanda Yuen-shan 鄧藹玲 TANG Oi-ling杜緻豪 TO Chi-ho Vincent杜巧雪 TO Hau-suet Venus黃卓暉 WONG Cheuk-fai余偉賢 YU Wai-yin

總務委員會 General Committee

財務 Treasurer潘慧韞 POON Wai-wan Vivian

項目經理 Project Manager劉銘章 LAU Ming-cheung

項目經理 Project Manager溫志堅 WAN Chi-kin

推廣總監 Marketing Manager 余文偉 YUE Man-wai Alan

物流主任 Logistics Officer張浩昇 CHEUNG Ho-sing

資訊科技主任 Information Technology Officer呂家俊 LUI Ka-chun

樂譜編輯主任 Music Score Editor羅裕廣 LO Yu-kwong

行政主任 Administrative Officer麥淑欣 MAK Shuk-yan

譜務 Librarian麥德偉 MAK Tak-wai

總務主任 General Affairs Officer謝禧文 TSE Hei-man

藝術委員會 Artistic Committee

音樂總監 Music Director李樹昇 LEE Shu-sing

副音樂總監 Associate Music Director馮嘉興 FUNG Ka-hing

團長 Concertmaster 王卓能 WONG Cheuk-nang

木管聲部長 Section Leader - Woodwind黃德釗 WONG Tak-chiu

高音銅管聲部長 Section Leader - Upper Brass張浩昇 CHEUNG Ho-sing

低音銅管聲部長 Section Leader - Lower Brass吳宗鵬 NG Chung-pang

敲擊樂聲部長 Section Leader - Percussion謝禧文 TSE Hei-man

執行委員會 Executive Committee

永遠名譽顧問 Honourable Life Advisor 周文軒博士 Dr. CHOU Wen-hsien, OBE, JP

名譽音樂總監 Honourable Music Director葉惠康博士 Dr. YIP Wai-hong, MH

名譽顧問 Honourable Advisor蔡建中先生 Mr. CHAI Jian-zhong

桂冠音樂總監 Music Director Laureate黃日照先生 Mr. WONG Alfonso

音樂總監 Music Director李樹昇 LEE Shu-sing

副音樂總監 Associate Music Director馮嘉興 FUNG Ka-hing

秘書 Secretary吳宗鵬 NG Chung-pang


music4kids1.indd 17 21/3/13 12:35 AM



香港交響管樂團謹向以下人士及單位之協助及支持致謝:The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds wishes to thank the following parties for their unfailing assistance and support:

Dr. YIP Wai-hong, MH

Mr. CHAI Jian-zhong

Mr. P. Y. CHOW

Mr. CHOW Chung-kai, OBE JP

Ms. WONG On-cheuk

Ms. CHEUNG Fanny

St. Bonaventure College & High School

Principal CHUNG Wai-leung

Mr. LO Chiu-keung

Mr. CHOW Lok-man

Hong Kong Chinese Women’s Club College

Principal WONG Ming-hau

Ms. CHUI Tsan-ling

Mr. HO Albert

Mr. LIU Siu-kwok Scott

葉惠康博士 MH



周忠繼先生 OBE JP












聯絡我們 Contact Us

加入我們的Facebook專頁 Join us on Facebook

香港交響管樂團 The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds

電話Tel: +852 9613 7160傳真Fax: +852 2893 8818電郵Email:


music4kids1.indd 18 21/3/13 12:35 AM



香港交響管樂團謹向以下人士及單位之協助及支持致謝:The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds wishes to thank the following parties for their unfailing assistance and support:

Dr. YIP Wai-hong, MH

Mr. CHAI Jian-zhong

Mr. P. Y. CHOW

Mr. CHOW Chung-kai, OBE JP

Ms. WONG On-cheuk

Ms. CHEUNG Fanny

St. Bonaventure College & High School

Principal CHUNG Wai-leung

Mr. LO Chiu-keung

Mr. CHOW Lok-man

Hong Kong Chinese Women’s Club College

Principal WONG Ming-hau

Ms. CHUI Tsan-ling

Mr. HO Albert

Mr. LIU Siu-kwok Scott

葉惠康博士 MH



周忠繼先生 OBE JP












聯絡我們 Contact Us

加入我們的Facebook專頁 Join us on Facebook

香港交響管樂團 The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds

電話Tel: +852 9613 7160傳真Fax: +852 2893 8818電郵Email:

music4kids1.indd 19 21/3/13 12:35 AM

music4kids1.indd 20 21/3/13 12:35 AM

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