music women presidentsforeign affairs domestic issuesmiscellaneous view instructions and begin the...

Post on 11-Jan-2016






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Music Women

Presidents Foreign Affairs

Domestic IssuesMiscellaneous

View Instructions and begin the game by clicking on your mouse!

By Christine Schilp

Test your wits by playing the best U.S. History game ever! Click on each of the different colors/categories and answer the questions provided. Keep track of your score by writing on a piece of paper; if correct add five points. If not try again! Once you’ve reached 60 points and answered all of the questions you’ve beat the game! Good luck! Begin by clicking on the Presidents category..



MiscellaneousDomestic Issues

Foreign Affairs


You’ve chosen United States Presidents! Begin by clicking on the question. Good Luck!

1.Which United States President was born on May 29, 1917 and would later become our 35th U.S. President?

A. Richard M. NixonB. Dwight D. EisenhowerC.John F. KennedyD.Jimmy Carter

Click the question mark for the next question

Click the house to start from the very beginning

I’m sorry you have chosen the wrong answer Please Go back and try again! Remember to try and think about the history you have learned!

Click the star to try again!

Click the house to start from the beginning

Congratulations! You’ve chosen John F. Kennedy, the United State’s 35th President.Give yourself 5 points for getting the correct answer

Click the house to start from the very beginning

Click the question mark for the next question

Welcome to the second question on United States Presidents. If you get this question correct you may advance to another category! Good Luck!

2. Under this President there were many pieces of legislation passed, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

A. Bill ClintonB. Gerald FordC.Richard NixonD.Lyndon Johnson

I’m sorry, you’ve chosen the incorrect answer on this question Please try again and don’t get discouraged!

Congratulations! President Lyndon Johnson was in office and had signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which stated that it was illegal for public facilities or government funded programs to discriminate based on race. He also helped pass the Voting Rights Act of 1965 which stated that the right to vote was granted to all American citizens over the age of 18, regardless of their gender, race or ethnicity. Make sure to give yourself 5 points!

Click the arrow to a category different than the presidents

Music Women

Foreign Affairs

Domestic IssuesMiscellaneous


Well hey there big shot…you answered the president questions correctly so now you think you have a chance at answering questions on women’s history. Well have at it and good luck!

1.What was the name of the amendment to the Civil Rights Act that stated that it was illegal for public places to discriminate against people because of their gender?

A. Anti-men Clause B. Equality for Women Amendment C. Equal Rights Amendment D. Girls Rule Boys Drool Amendment

Nice job! You answered correctly. You get 5 points!

Click for the next question

I’m sorry, you’ve chosen the incorrect answer Try and remember what you’ve learned in history in answering this question.

Click the star to try again.

Now to question number two of women’s history. Keep it up, you’re doing a great job!

2.Who was the author and what was the title of the 1960s book that focused on the “domesticity,” and ill-treatment of American women following World War II?A. Ermma Bombeck, Women Must Overcome AdversityB. Betty Friedan, The Feminine MystiqueC. Rosa Parks, Women and Minorities Beat the SystemD. John Steinbeck, Gender Differences; Why Can’t We Work it Out?

I’m sorry, you’ve chosen the incorrect answer Try and remember what you’ve learned in history in answering this question.

Click the star to try again

Great Job! Betty Friedan wrote The Feminine Mystique in order to inform America that women could be more than housewives and loving mothers. This book caused a great stir throughout the American population. Nice job, give yourself another 5 points! Keep up the

great work. Click to go to a new category



Miscellaneous Domestic Issues

Foreign Affairs


So you’ve decided to try a third set of questions. Well I hope for your sake you made the right decision. Good luck on issues of domestic policies!

1.Which United States president issued a welfare reform that changed the name of this policy to Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, TANF?

A. Bill Clinton C. Jimmy Carter

B. Ronald Reagan D. George Bush, Sr.

I’m sorry, you’ve answered the question incorrectly Try and remember what you’ve learned in history before answering this question.

Click and try again

Congratulations you’ve answered the question correctly! It was under President Bill Clinton that the 1996 Welfare Reform was initiated. One of its revisions stated that it was required that welfare recipients worked in order to continually be allowed to receive welfare benefits. And 5 points shall be granted to you! Nice!!!

Click to have the chance to answer another domestic issues question

Question number 2 under Domestic Issues

2.This statement was made by Tom Hayden and other members of the “new left,” that declared that the nation was in need of a “participatory democracy,” or in other words in need of the people coming together to make a decision on how they want their lives to be run.A. Civil Rights ActB. The Michigan StatementC. Students for a Democratic Society StatementD. Port Huron Statement

You’ve answered correctly. The Port Huron Statement was drafted by young Americans in the 1960s to make people aware of the need for a participatory democracy. Many of its members were part of SDS.

Try a new category, click on the arrow

I’m sorry, you’ve chosen the incorrect answer Try and remember what you’ve been learning in history in order to answer the question correctly.

Click to try again



MiscellaneousDomestic Issues

Foreign Affairs


You’ve chosen Foreign Affairs! Welcome and good luck as you continue Wheel of History!

1.Under president Harry S. Truman an atomic bomb was dropped on two different Japanese cities which signified the end of World War II. Please select these two Japanese cities.A. Tokyo, HiroshimaB. Nagasaki, TokyoC. Hiroshima, OkinawaD. Nagasaki, Hiroshima

Congrats, two atomic bombs were dropped, one on Nagasaki, and the other on Hiroshima, Japan. This is a picture of the mushroom cloud after an a-bomb is dropped. 5 points to you my friend!

Try your luck on another foreign affairs question

Welcome to foreign affairs question number two.

2.The name given to the half a century long “war” between the Soviet Union and the United States; communists v. capitalists:A. Cold WarB. Communist WarC. American DreamD. Nuclear Family War

Congratulations you’ve chosen the correct answer. The Cold War was the half century long “debacle,” between the United States and Soviet Russia. As we now know today capitalism prevailed over communism with the symbolic tearing of the Berlin Wall. Another 5 points

Click to try a new category



Miscellaneous Domestic Issues

Foreign Affairs


I’m sorry, it’s seems as though you have chosen the incorrect answer Please consider your history knowledge and try again!

Try again and click on the star!

I’m sorry, you’ve answered the question incorrectly Think about the history you’ve learned before you try to answer this question.

Click to try again!

Welcome to the Miscellaneous category in Wheel of History. Good luck in answering these questions!

1.After prosecutor Archibald Cox demanded President Nixon to relinquish or “give up,” the tapes that proved he was lying about the Watergate scandal, Nixon demanded his Attorney General to fire Cox. After his demand was refused, Nixon fired his Attorney General and a cycle continued until Nixon fired many members in his cabinet. What was the name given to this “firing squad”?A. Nixon’s Crazy Night C. Saturday Night Massacre

B. The Night the Lies were told D. Monday Night Rumble

I’m sorry, you’ve chosen the incorrect answer Please think about the history you have learned in answering this question! Good Luck! Click to

try again!

Congratulations, you answered the question correctly! Saturday Night Massacre was the name given to the scandalous night that Nixon tried to fire anyone who refused to fire the Prosecuting Attorney. While Nixon was in major trouble, you’re doing just fine with another 5 points!

Welcome to question number two under Miscellaneous. You’re doing awesome! Keep up the good work and don’t stop until you’ve completed the game!

2.The Civil Rights group which consisted of mature, pragmatic African American men, including Martin Luther King Jr., believed in the non-violent approach in protesting against discrimination. What was the name of this group?A. Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee

B. Freedom Riders

C. There was no group like this

D. Southern Christian Leadership Conference

I’m sorry, you’ve answered the question incorrectly Please try again and remember the history you’ve learned! Click and

try again!

Congratulations! Martin Luther King Jr. was part of this non-violent organization entitled the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. 5 points to you, 5 points to you…woopdee do 5 points to you.

Click to try a new category!

Music Women

Foreign Affairs

Domestic Issues



Welcome to the final round in Wheel of History! This should be challenging but also fun! Think you know your music history, than test your skills with these questions!

1.This band, which consisted of members from a completely different country, made quite a hit in America during their first appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show on February 9, 1964:

A. The Rolling Stones

B. Led Zeppelin

C. The Beatles

D. The Police

I’m sorry, you have not answered this question correctly C’mon you can do it, you only have a couple more questions to go! Think HISTORY! Click to

try again! Good luck.

Congratulations! The Beatles made their first American debut on the Ed Sullivan Show, all the way back in 1964! Nice job. Add five points!

Click to answer the last question in this game!

You’ve finally reached the last question! Try your hardest to answer this last question correctly! C’mon you can do it!

2.Robert Zimmerman was the real name of a famous folk singer who was a fierce non-conformist and passionate critic of racism, injustice and war. Who was Robert Zimmerman?

A. Elvis Presley

B. Little Richie

C. Bob Dylan

D. Barry Manilow

I’m sorry, this last question is pretty difficult. Try and think hard about who was a non-conformist singer. C’mon it’s the last one, you can do it!

Try again, click on the star!

Congratulations! Bob Dylan, aka Robert Zimmerman was a folk singer during the 1960s singing against inequality and the war. Give yourself an extra 5 points!

Continue to see how you did!

Congratulations! You’ve finished the best history game ever, Wheel of History! You’ve done a great job in answering all of the questions correctly! Play again, or test your abilities with others who may play this game! Once again congratulations on a job well done!

Click to start the game over!

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