microsoft and bpm: a perspective david chappell chappell & associates copyright © 2006 david...

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Microsoft and BPM: A Perspective

David ChappellChappell & Associates

Copyright © 2006 David Chappell

Defining Business Process Management (BPM)

A business view of BPM:– Viewing a business as a set of processes that

can be explicitly defined, optimized, and managed

A technical view of BPM:– Development using software designed for

creating, executing, and monitoring process logic

The Technologies of BPM

Workflow– System and human

Graphical tools– For business process modeling and design

Integration technologies– Such as adapters and data transformation

Business rules engines

Business activity monitoring

What’s a BPMS?An Aside

Several small firms have sold BPM Suites/Systems (BPMSs) for many years– None have an especially large customer base– But their offerings have largely defined the

BPMS category

As the big vendors enter this area, the definition of “BPMS” is changing– It’s hard to find a definition that everybody

agrees on

Microsoft’s BPM Offerings

BizTalk Server 2006

Windows Workflow Foundation

Windows SharePoint Services, version 3

The 2007 Microsoft Office system – Especially Office SharePoint Server 2007

Defining BizTalk Server 2006

BizTalk Server 2006 is a Windows-based business process and integration server

It’s the product’s fourth release– It’s built on the .NET Framework 2.0

BizTalk Server 2006Illustrating Its Components


Business Rules Engine

Business Activity Monitoring (BAM)

Health and Activity Tracking

Visual Studio 2005

Orchestration Designer

Other Software

Web Services OthersWebSphere MQMSMQFile ...


Data Transformation

AcceleratorsHL7 SWIFT Others...

BizTalk Server 2006 The Orchestration Designer

PerspectiveTool Audiences

Many BPM products provide tools aimed at business users– Such as business analysts

The BizTalk Orchestration Designer targets developers– Microsoft also provides a Visio-hosted design

tool, but it’s not widely used– Would developers rather write code?

So far, Microsoft has chosen not to focus on business users as creators of BizTalk orchestrations

BizTalk Server 2006Business Activity Monitoring

Allows information workers to monitor in-process orchestrations

Can be accessed through:– Office applications

(e.g., Excel)– Other clients

PerspectiveProcess Modeling and Simulation

Many people view this as part of BPM– Although it can be useful even for manual processes

Microsoft doesn’t offer products in this area– Although several Microsoft partners offer modeling

and simulation tools– Those tools include:

• ITP Process’s Process Modeler for Microsoft Visio

• AgilePoint’s Envision (based on Visio)

• Simul8

Defining Windows Workflow Foundation

Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) is a framework for building workflow-based Windows applications– It’s targeted at developers, not information

workers or business analysts

WF is part of the .NET Framework 3.0

The goal is to provide a common workflow framework for Windows applications– Including a unified foundation for both system

and human workflow

WFWhat’s a Workflow?

A WF workflow is a set of activities

Each activity is actually a class– It can be reused in multiple workflows

Activities can be provided by:– Microsoft– Anybody else



WFThe Role of the WF Runtime Engine

WF Runtime Engine

1) Execute first activity

2) Execute second activity

3) Execute next activity . . .

Host Process

WFIllustrating Its Components

WF Runtime Engine

Other Activities

Base Activity Library (BAL)



Runtime Services

Visual Studio 2005

WF Workflow Designer

WFExample BAL Activities















PerspectiveMicrosoft’s Support for BPEL

WF will provide a BPEL Activity Library– It implements BPEL 1.1– Workflows built with this library can be imported from

or exported to BPEL

BizTalk Server 2006 also can import and export BPEL definitions– BPEL addresses system workflow, not human


Microsoft doesn’t display as much BPEL enthusiasm as some other vendors– Despite being one of the language’s creators

WFCreating Workflows

WF provides two built-in workflow types:– Sequential– State machine

WF provides options for defining workflows:– Graphical: the Workflow Designer– Code: C#, Visual Basic, or another .NET


WFThe WF Workflow Designer

BizTalk Server Engine

Web Services OthersWebSphere MQ

Other Software

MSMQFile ...


Messaging and Transformation

The Future of BizTalk Server

Visual Studio

WF Workflows

WF Designer

Existing BizTalk 2006 Orchestrations

PerspectiveWF or BizTalk Server?

WF: – The right choice for workflow-driven applications– Especially useful for long-running processes

BizTalk Server:– The right choice for problems such as:

• Enterprise application integration (EAI)• Business-to-business (B2B) integration

– EDI, etc.

• Business activity monitoring

– Provides hosting, management, and scalability

PerspectiveHow Easy to Use is WF?

Graphical designers can make things look easy– Yet creating a WF workflow from scratch isn’t

simple– Writing activities that work with an existing

workflow is relatively straightforward, however

For some problems, using WF can be significantly simpler than not using WF– Since it provides support for persisting state,

compensation, and more

WFSpecifying Business Rules

Conditions, e.g., on an IfElse or While activity– Rules can be embedded in the workflow

The Conditioned Activity Group (CAG) activity– Allows creating rules-driven workflow logic

The Policy activity– Provides access to a straightforward rules


Perspective BizTalk Server BRE or WF Rules?

BizTalk Server 2006 Business Rules Engine (BRE):– Available only with BizTalk Server– Includes graphical tools, e.g., the Business

Rules Composer

WF rules:– A standard part of Windows – Includes simple graphical tools– The foundation for the future, says Microsoft

Defining Windows SharePoint Services

Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) is a standard part of Windows Server 2003– WSS version 3 hosts the WF runtime engine

Office SharePoint Server, part of the 2007 Microsoft Office system, adds more workflow capabilities– All of which are built on WF and WSS version 3

Windows Server 2003

Windows SharePoint Services

Site 1 Site 2 …

Web Browser

Internet Information Services

Site N

Microsoft Office

Document Library 1

List 1

Item A

Item B

Item C. . .

List N

Item A

Item B

Item C. . .

. . .

Document Library N

. . .

SQL Server

WSSIllustrating Its Components


Item A

Item B

Item C. . .

Document Library

Windows Server 2003

Windows SharePoint Services

Site 1 Site 2 … Site N

SQL Server

WF Runtime Engine

Internet Information Services

Workflow Instances


Workflow Templates

WSSIllustrating WF Workflows

WSSInteracting with Workflows

A WSS-hosted workflow places tasks on a user’s task list– A user can access this list via a web browser or

Outlook 2007

WSS defines several WF activities, including:– CreateTask: adds a task to a task list– OnTaskChanged: informs the workflow that a

task has been modified

Windows SharePoint Services

SiteWorkflow Templates

Document Library

Workflow Initiator

Workflow Participants

Task List


. . .

4) Add task to task list

1) Select document and association

Workflow Instance

2) Create workflow instance

3) Customize and start workflow instance

5) Check task list

6) Complete task

An Example WSS Workflow

WSSStarting a Workflow

WSSCompleting a Task

WSSCreating Workflows

Developers: WF Workflow Designer

Information workers: Office SharePoint Designer– Allows defining workflows by specifying

conditions and actions for each step– Users can now add application logic to WSS


WSSIllustrating Office SharePoint Designer

PerspectiveUsing WSS and BizTalk Server 2006 Together

Microsoft provides a BizTalk Server 2006 adapter for Windows SharePoint Services

A BizTalk Server system workflow still remains distinct from a WSS human workflow, with:– Separate execution engines– Separate design tools

Some would argue that this misses the point of BPM

What Office SharePoint Server 2007 Adds

The ability to interact with workflows directly from Office applications using InfoPath workflow forms– WSS alone mostly supports interacting with

workflows through a browser

A group of customizable pre-defined workflows– Approval, Collect Feedback, etc.

A range of content-management capabilities– Such as document templates and broad search


Office SharePoint Server Starting a Workflow in Word 2007

Office SharePoint ServerCompleting a Task in Outlook 2007

- BizTalk Server data mapping, adapters, etc.Integration technologies

- System workflow: BizTalk Server Orchestration Designer- Human workflow: WF Workflow Designer and Office SharePoint Designer 2007

Graphical tools for defining processes

Microsoft and BPM: Summary


- BizTalk Server BAMBusiness activity monitoring

Supporting human workflow- WF-based workflows in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and Office SharePoint Server 2007

- BizTalk Server orchestrationsSupporting system workflow

- BizTalk Server BRE- WF rules

Business rules engine

For Further Reading

Understanding BizTalk Server 2006–



Introducing Microsoft Windows Workflow Foundation–


Understanding Workflow in Windows SharePoint Services and the 2007 Microsoft Office System –

13A4-4001-A757-A340A211A06F/ Understanding%20WF%20in%20WSS%20and%20Office%202007%20v1.doc

About the Speaker

David Chappell is Principal of Chappell & Associates in San Francisco, California. David Chappell is Principal of Chappell & Associates in San Francisco, California. Through his speaking, writing, and consulting, he helps IT professionals Through his speaking, writing, and consulting, he helps IT professionals understand, use, and make better decisions about enterprise software.understand, use, and make better decisions about enterprise software.David has been the keynote speaker for dozens of conferences and events in the David has been the keynote speaker for dozens of conferences and events in the U.S., Europe, Asia, and Latin America. His popular seminars have been attended by U.S., Europe, Asia, and Latin America. His popular seminars have been attended by tens of thousands of developers, architects, and decision makers in forty countries. tens of thousands of developers, architects, and decision makers in forty countries. David’s books have been published in ten languages and used in courses at MIT, David’s books have been published in ten languages and used in courses at MIT, ETH Zurich, and many other universities. He is Series Editor for Addison-Wesley’s ETH Zurich, and many other universities. He is Series Editor for Addison-Wesley’s award-winning award-winning Independent Technology GuidesIndependent Technology Guides, and he has been a regular , and he has been a regular columnist for several publications. In his consulting practice, David has helped columnist for several publications. In his consulting practice, David has helped clients such as Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Microsoft, Stanford University, and Target clients such as Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Microsoft, Stanford University, and Target Corporation adopt new technologies, market new products, train their sales staffs, Corporation adopt new technologies, market new products, train their sales staffs, and create business plans.and create business plans.David’s comments have appeared in The New York Times,, and various David’s comments have appeared in The New York Times,, and various other publications. Earlier in his career, he wrote software for supercomputers, other publications. Earlier in his career, he wrote software for supercomputers, chaired a U.S. national standardization working group, and played keyboards with chaired a U.S. national standardization working group, and played keyboards with the Peabody-award-winning Children’s Radio Theater. David holds a B.S. in the Peabody-award-winning Children’s Radio Theater. David holds a B.S. in Economics and an M.S. in Computer Science, both from the University of Economics and an M.S. in Computer Science, both from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.Wisconsin-Madison.

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