microorganisms investigate!! science is all about asking questions. investigation: a process...

Post on 02-Feb-2016






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Investigate!!Science is all about asking questions.investigation: A process designed to answer a question.

Método Cientifico

1.Problema2.Observar3. Inferir/deducir4.Hipótesis5.Experimento6.Sacar notas7.Forma una


Pasos de un experimentoPaso 1: Identifica un problema

Paso 1:Identify a problem or form a question about something.Example:You have two baby turtles named Fred and George. They are the same size, weight and age. You observe that they are not growing very fast.You question why your turtles are not growing very fast.

Paso 2:Observar

Observe your test subjects. Watch what is happening to your test subjects for a while and take notes.

Example: Fred and George spent most of the day in the water.They retrieved food from their bowl twice during the day and then went back to swimming.

Paso 3: Inferir / deducir

Use information you already know to infer what is happening to you test subjects.

Example:I know an organism needs nutrients and vitamins to grow.I infer that Fred and George are not growing fast enough because they are not eating food with enough vitamins.

Paso 4: Forma un Hipótesis

A hypothesis is a statement made about something you want to know more about. It is often called an “educated guess” because you are guessing how something will turn out.For example you want to know if feeding your turtles vitamins will help them grow. You make a hypothesis that states, “I think Fred will grow larger than George if I feed him one Flintstone vitamin per day for two months.”

A hypothesis is NEVER a question! It is a guess made about a question. So if you ask, “I wonder what will happen if I dropkick a water balloon?” it is not a hypothesis. If you state, “I think that if I dropkick this water balloon, it will explode.” you are making a hypothesis. Remember to make hypotheses using information that you already know. (Infer) Don’t make a hypothesis that does not make sense. If you hypothesize that a water balloon will turn into a bird if you dropkick it, you are not making an educated guess. (you are being silly)

Notice that the

hypothesis is specific!

Paso 5: Hacer un experimento

Question: Will my turtles grow bigger if I feed them vitamins.

Hypothesis: I think Fred will grow larger than George if I feed him one Flintstone’s vitamin per day for two months. Design the experiment: An experiment is a series of steps you take in order to find an answer. In an experiment you need a control and a variable.

Experiment: A series of steps to find the answer to a question.

Partes de un experimentoA control is the part of the experiment that you keep the same. In this case George is the control because you are not changing anything about him or his normal dietThe variable is the part of the experiment that you change in order to see what happens when you change it. In our experiment Fred is the variable because you are changing his diet by giving him vitamins.

If you don’t have a control you can’t tell if something is happening due to the change you made.

There can be only one variable! Otherwise you are not sure what is causing the outcome!

Paso 6: Sacar notasLets set up our experiment.

Place Fred and George in separate cages that are the same size.Measure Fred and George’s weights and lengths. Record the data (information).Everyday (for two months) feed them exactly the same amount of food and water. Except feed Fred a Flintstones vitamin as well. Record your observations!Every week weigh and measure the length of Fred and George and record it in your science journal.At the end of two months, weigh and measure their lengths again.Compare the measurements and the beginning and the measurements at the end.

Fred and George need to have everything the same except the vitamins. Why?Because otherwise we don’t know what caused the change.

Paso 7: Conclusión

Come up with a conclusion. Use the data you collected and recorded to form your conclusion.A conclusion is the summary of an experiment, based on data related to a hypothesis.

Example:Fred and George measured the same weight and length as each other after the two months.Conclusion is: Flintstone’s vitamins do not help a turtle grow bigger.

Now you try….









Our world is made up of complex and simple organisms.This unit is mostly about microscopic organisms and how they affect us.


Microorganisms are living things that can only be seen with the aid of magnification. (with a microscope)Many microorganisms are single-celled, and are the simplest form of life. single-celled: Any organism that has only one cell, the smallest unit of life.

Other microorganisms are multi-cellular. Which means they are made up of many cells.

Can you think of any?


Microorganisms play important roles:

Microorganisms are part of the food Chain

Food chain:Food chain: is a simple is a simple sequence where each sequence where each organism is a source of organism is a source of food for another food for another organism.organism.

Remember an Remember an organismorganism is any living thing.is any living thing.

Food chains are made up Food chains are made up of producers, consumers of producers, consumers and decomposers.and decomposers.

Producers, Consumers, Decomposers





Producers A living thing, like a green plant, that makes its food from simple substances, usually using sunlight.

Photosynthesis: the process of creating food using light, water, nutrients and CO2.

Producers are perhaps the most important part of our ecosystem, without them nothing else could survive.

Important producersAlgae:

Algae: are protists that usually live in water and can produce their own food. Algae is a producer and provides food for many living things. Algae makes its food by photosynthesis.

A protist is a single-celled or multi-celled organism that lives in moist areas and has both plant and animal characteristics.

ConsumersConsumers are organisms that can not make their own food so they feed on other organisms.

Herbivore: Primary Consumer: An organism that feeds on plants; they are herbivores like cows and sheep.

Carnivore: Secondary Consumer: An organism that feeds on primary consumers, they are carnivores like wolves and lions. Carnivores hunt.

Omnivore: An organism that eats both plants and animals. Like people, bears and mice. Parasites: are types of consumers that feed are types of consumers that feed off of living organisms. Like mosquitoes, off of living organisms. Like mosquitoes, leeches, protozoa and lampreys.leeches, protozoa and lampreys.

Scavenger: An organism that feeds on leftover dead animals. Scavengers (like vultures) wait for others to hunt and then they eat the leftovers. They also eat things that have died naturally. (or hit by a car) Decomposer: any organism that breaks materials down into their basic parts.

Types of microscopic consumers:Protozoan

protozoan: Microscopic organisms that usually live in water.A protozoan is an animal-like protist. It is a consumer that feeds off of other living things.They can either kill their prey or feed off their prey as a parasite.

Eukaryotic means that the protozoa has a nucleus in its cells.

Types of protozoa.

Types of Decomposers

A Decomposer is an organism, often a bacterium or fungus, that feeds on and breaks down dead plant or animal matter.Decomposers break down the dead plants and animals and make their nutrients reusable. Without decomposers we could not reuse things.

Types of Decomposers:Fungi

fungi: Organisms that are neither plant nor animals, but have characteristics of both and absorb food from whatever they are growing on.

Decomposer: Microorganism Bacteria

bacteria: Microscopic, single-celled organisms that exist around you and inside you.

Bacteria can be good and bad.

Bacteria helps us digest our food.

Bacteria can also make us sick.

Bacteria are among the oldest forms of life on the planet.

Most bacteria are so simple that they only have a nucleoid and ribosomes.

• Bacteria are prokaryiotic.


• culture: To grow microorganisms in a specially prepared nutrient medium.

• Cultures are used in medical science.

• Many important discoveries have come from cultures.



•Microorganisms can live anywhere but they really like warm, damp areas.


Microorganismo•Un ser vivo tan

pequeño que solo puede verse a través de un microscopio.

•Microorganismos pueden ser complejos o sencillos.


•Es un organismo que tiene células con núcleos.

•Organismos complejos.


•Un organismo muy sencillo, no tiene un núcleo.


•El centro de un célula que tiene el DNA.

•El núcleo protege el DNA.

Organisms are classified by how complex their cells are.Prokaryotic versus EukaryoticProkaryotic

• Simple organisms

• Single-celled

• Their DNA is hanging out without a nucleus to protect it.

• The DNA can be manipulated more easily because it is so simple.

• Most prokaryotes are bacteria.

• They can clump together like blue-green algae.

Eukaryotic• Complex organisms

• Usually multi-celled

• They can be single celled.

• Their cells have a nucleus that protect their DNA.

• A paramecium is a single-celled, complex organism.

• Trees, flowers, tigers, and people are all eukaryotic.


Organismos sin un núcleo.

• Bacteria

My DNA is not protected by a nucleus!


Organismos con un núcleo Ejemplos:

• vacas

• Humanos

• Tulipanes

• Paramecium (apenas)

• robles

Tipos de eucariotasParamecium Complex cell, but it is a single cell.

• Soy microscópico.

• No tengo un cerebre.

• No tengo órganos complejos.

• Como alga y bacteria.

• Yo tengo una célula pero sola una.

• Soy una eucariota porque yo tengo un núcleo.


DNA is



d by




Tipos de eucariotasTardigrade

• Soy microscópico

• Yo tengo células complejas, así soy eucariota.

• Me parece un oso.

100 micrometros


• Un protista es un organismo uni o multicelulares que viven en ambientes húmedos o acuosos.

• Pueden semejarse las plantes, animales o hongos.

• Protistas son eucariotas porque tienen núcleos.

La cadena alimentaria

•El proceso en el que cada organismo necesita de otras para obtener los nutrientes que le permiten a sobrevivir.


Carnívoros Herbívoros

El león

La vaca


Parásitos Carroñeros

La pulga el buitre


El hon



Los productores son organismos que producir su propio alimento usando al fotosíntesis.

• Ejemplos:

• Los árboles

• Los arbustos

• El césped


•Fotosíntesis proceso en el que las plantas usan agua, dióxido de carbono y luz solar para producir azúcar y oxígeno

Alga: (productor)

•Alga- es una protista que semejanza una planta.

• La alga suple (provee) mucho oxígeno.

Productores microscópicos:

Más productores microscopicos



•Un ser vivo que se alimenta de otros seres vivos

Consumidores microcopicosProtozoario (consumidor)•El protozoario es

una protista que semejanza animales.

Protozoario: Flagelados

•Es un tipo de protozoario que usa su flagelo para moverse.


Protozoario: el ameboide: Pseudópodos

Es un tipo de protozoario que usa su pseudópodos para moverse.


Protozoario: Cilios (Ciliados)

Es un tipo de protozoario que usa su cilio para moverse.


Protozoario: Parásito

•Parásitos no pueden moverse por su cuenta, en vez de ello, viven dentro de animales y se alimentan de ellos.



• Descomponedores: Son organismos que descomponen organismos muertos.

• Son casi siempre bacterias y hongos.

Hongos (Descomponedores)

•Son protistas que tiene características de una planta y un animal.

• Las setas y los mojos son descomponedores.

La seta


Bacteria (Descomponedores)

•Bacteria: Microorganismos unicelulares que habitan el aire, agua, alimentos y nuestro cuerpo.


•Muchos tipos de bacteria son descomponedores.


Alexander Fleming

• Fleming descubrió penicilina.

• Penicilina es un hongo que destruye bacteria.

Louis Pasteur

• Louis Pasteur creyó la pasterización.

• Pasterización destruye microorganismos en la comida.

Cultivo: culture

• Un medio de nutirentes

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