media summer assignment 2016

Post on 13-Jan-2017






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MOVIES BY CHRISTOPHER NOLANInterstellar-7 November 2014.

Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi. IMDb rating=8.6/10 Inception-16 July 2010. Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi. IMDb rating=8.8/10The Dark Knight-18 July 2008. Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller IMDb rating=9.0/10

THE DARK KNIGHT The city of Gotham is always portrayed in a dark, gothic way this unsettling background influences crime which created the thriller genre. The batman character has the intention to protect the city, however has to show his inner evil self as committing crimes is part of keeping peace. The bright lights reflect his heroic side, whereas the shadows provide the evil intentions. Batman's tone of voice shows a clear devision between his identities as it becomes much lower when disguised as batman. Along with his voice the music consists of mainly strings and brass in order to show the intensity and suspense of the scene. During the scene when batman is chasing the joker the camera shots frequently from a close up of batman to a long shot of the joker running. There is a huge contrast between each character for example batman is the hero, brings about peace and saves humanity. Whereas the joker is mentally unstable and is a future threat to the world. Strangely one other character (Harvey) changes from a heroic state to a villain as the influence of crime and the jokers oppression has a strong affect on his views.

INTERSTELLAR Strangely, the characters in this film are ordinary compared to previous films created by Christopher Nolan. He tends to have psychologically damaged characters, due to the psychic trauma in his films, however this film is more focused upon the actions.The setting switches between Earth and space which is created through CGI however still helps the audience engage with the actors through the film. The lighting for the two settings are opposites and reflect the lifestyle of each location. The plain, bleak colours that create the earth setting represents the hopeless life on Earth, whereas the bright, illuminate colours of space provide a more light hearted element.Nolan used single cameras for the dramatic-action scenes and multi cameras for the stunt scenes. He only uses CGI effects when he needs to enhance elements which is has already photographed in camera. Many long shots are used to show the multiple locations that the characters visit.

INCEPTION- THE HALLWAY DREAM This fight scene in the movie was shot not using CG effects but instead with rotating sets that twisted/turned to force Gordon-levitt to manoeuvre with caution. This particular scene took 3 weeks to film along with 500 crew members involved throughout, however the scene only accounts for 30 seconds of screen time. Nolans crew built a series of different hallway settings: a horizontal setting around 100ft long that rotated 360 degrees, a vertical setting that allowed actors to wear wires. And another that allowed the actors to be strapped to steel trolleys, which were eventually erased using visual effects. The cameras were placed on cranes in order to put some in the middle of the hallway and allow some to be attached to the floor, making it easier for all of the fight to be captured at once.The film was shot primarily in the anamorphic format on 35mm film, with key sequences filmed on 65mm along with aerial sequences in vista visionFor the dream scenes in Inception, Nolan used little computer-generated l as he preferred practical effects whenever possible.

INCEPTION- THE HALLWAY DREAMChristopher Nolans film 'Inception' is about a thief, who steals corporate secrets through use of dream sharing technology and is given the inverse task of planting an idea into the mind of the CEO.Due to the dream sharing task in this film most of the film takes place inside the mind, meaning there are no physical limitations. Along with this the setting constantly changes in order to show the audience the full potential of the film. One of the famous scenes is when the city folds over itself, showing that the mind can create and control destruction. Music is used throughout the film even when nothing significant is happening however, the masjid creates a tense atmosphere and enhances the audiences sympathy towards the characters through the use of strings and brass.

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