media cover analysisiss

Post on 24-May-2015






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Magazine Analysis

Clear colour scheme throughout which is red, white and blue.

By having a consistent colour scheme this makes the overall look of the magazine more clear and neat unlike if they were to have loads of different colour combinations which would make the magazine unappealing to the eye and very busy.

We see that the masthead and important information are coloured in red and the information that is less important is in white. NME might of chose to use the colour red because red is quite a vibrant and out there colour which would catch peoples attention immediately so by making the main cover lines in red it draws readers attention to the magazine.

LanguageThe language In the magazine is quite formal and their aren't any vulgar or slang words.

The writing is clear which means it will be easily distinguished from a distance, which is a vital strategy to have to lure in readers.

A big factor of the language that would draw customers in is the main cover line “ Arctic Monkeys” this is the bands name and readers will look in side for more information on their “ on the road run with the new look” This will entice customers and motivate them to buy a copy.

FontThe fonts used are san serif which makes it very clear and gets the point across. Its simple but effective.

This is the main masthead which is the magazines name. This is very clear title which makes the brand recognisable and becomes their logo which people will become familiar with . The title is simple but very effective and makes it very noticeable.

This is the main cover line , which is introducing the main story of this addition for the magazine which is “Arctic Monkeys” this will attract its target market however it just relates to a specific group and will only relate to people that like this group.

This is also the main selling line as the target market for this magazine will be drawn in knowing that the ‘Arctic Monkeys’ will be in the magazine.This is the explanatory text This is the

information that comes after the kicker. It is vital for this to be readable and not too small , because this is what informs readers what the stories are about inside.

Layout The eye flow of the magazine is quite flowy and then spreads out at the bottom. At first when you fist lay eyes on the magazine you attracted to the title then your gaze turns to the lead singer then to the other members of the band then the main cover line.

Barcode position The barcode positioning is on the right hand and is vertically placed. This makes it noticeable but out of the way giving more room for other texts to be positioned

The model’s gaze is at the camera, facing the audience which makes the readers feel involved and drawn in.

The camera shot is a medium shot. The photo shoot looks as if it has been taken out of the studio and outside a garage, which may give it that rock star feel and ads originality and uniqueness . The props that have been used are sunglasses which gives the model a cool look and gives the magazine that rock star, cool look. The lighting that has been used is natural outside light, making it seem more realistic and down to earth.

This is the magazine name ‘NME’ the boldness and simplicity makes this branded title easy to recognise and remember, building its brand image.

This is the kicker, the fonts used are san serif, making it very clear to read. The colour red attracts the reader as it is an appealing colour.The font size

Main cover line which is called a masthead.By putting the masthead across the middle of the magazine this instantly grabs readers attention to ‘CARL BARAT’ and intrigues target audience to read on.

This is the explanatory text which includes more information on the kicker, this explanatory text is in black and very clear, its not in a fancy font which makes it readable and tones down the magazine.

The language presented throughout the magazine has been articulated to appeal to A formal audience, thus the wording excludes any profanity. The magazine is quite (direct/indirect)Give examples……………….

The colour scheme throughout the magazine is red, blue and white. It stays consistent in the magazine which doesn’t make the page too busy.

The fonts are clear and easy to read, making it more appealing and readable. The font sizes are quite large which attracts the readers eye.

This is the eye flow of this NME magazine, we are first drawn to the magazine name at the top left corner, then to the models eyes then to the canter of the page to the main masthead and continues to the explanatory text that follows beneath.

This is the main cover line, the font size of the main masthead is reasonably large and in red to add attention to the text, the explanatory text Is in a toned down blue which makes the red stand out more so the readers notice the masthead first then are drawn to the explanatory text.

The model gaze is facing the audience, and interacting with the reader. The shot looks like a close up shot, the photograph looks as if it has been taken in the studio. The lighting looks like it has been put in making it unreal but that studio feel

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