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MCHSConstruction Project Update – April 1, 2019

Construction Project Update

• Buildings

– CTE…Exterior Brick completed. Windows in progress. Roof structural steel 99% complete. Roof decking in progress, 85% complete. Light gauge metal walls in progress, 70% complete. Mechanical, electrical, plumbing in progress, first and second floors. Masonry crews performing CMU cleanup/patch work. Sprinkler pipe in progress.

– HS…Slab on grade for Area E/F (instructional wing) poured. Stairwell CMU constructed, elevator shaft in progress. Area C (office/media) steel in progress. Gymnasium roof decking in progress. Exterior Brick in progress. Area A (locker rooms) under slab utilities in progress.

Construction Project Update

• Next 30 days

– CTE – Continue to install light gauge metal walls for Health Rooms. Continue mechanical, electrical, plumbing work over ceiling and in metal walls. Complete roof decking, begin roof installation.

– HS – Receive steel for Area E/F. Complete second floor decking Area C, pour second floor slab. Pour second half of Area A (men’s locker room) and Area B (kitchen). Set structural steel for Auditorium roof. Continue exterior spray foam insulation and brick veneer.

– Site – Pour footers for athletic buildings, begin CMU work. Move staged soil from student parking lot.

– Next Progress Meeting is scheduled for April 4, 2019.

South Wall CTE Building

West Stairwell – green area will have accent panels.

West Wall CTE – Wood working – Agri-Science

North Wall CTE Courtyard- note window frames in progress

East Wall CTE Courtyard - Construction Trades

East/North Walls CTE – Welding/Auto Shop Doors

CTE Roof facing Northeast

CTE Roof facing Northwest

CTE office area light gauge metal walls

CTE first floor main hallway MEP

CTE second floor Health Rooms

CTE second floor main hallway

Athletic Fields – HS weight room/locker rooms

HS Auxiliary/Main Gym roof deck in progress

HS Auditorium – Band Room – West Stairwell

HS Auditorium – Band Room – Foam Insulation in progress

HS Area C office/media center being erected

HS Media Center roof joist being welded down

HS Computer Lab – Kitchen/Health rooms in background

Instructional Wing main elevator shaft

Center stage facing Operation Booth

Operation Booth to facing Main Stage


Note: Photo is of the heaviest beam in our project at 431 pounds per foot. This 53’ beam is to be placed in Area F.

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