
Post on 18-Feb-2017






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Christen McAllisterTerm PortfolioMKT 490


Find a doll that speaks to you rb ie .com

Sales Package Brief: Newspaper Ad for Barbie’s new look.

Audience:Children as well as adults, parents, family members.

Goal: To change perspective on Barbie. Encourage kids that they can be anything they want despite shape, size, appearance. Barbie is now relatable to every child.

You can do and be anything

I love your look!

Sales Package Brief:Magazine Ad for Barbie’s new look.

Audience:Children as well as adults, parents, family members.

Goal: To encourage kids of all sizes and shape that they too can dream and use their imagination to be who-ever they want to be. Show young children that Barbie dolls can be different and resemble children of all cultures, backgrounds, ethnicities.

www . b a r b i e . c omImagination comes in all shapes and sizes

You can do and be anything

Road to Revolution

Sales Package Brief:Billboard Ad for Barbie’s new look.

Audience:Children as well as adults, parents, family members.

Goal: To encourage kids of all sizes and shape that they too can dream and use their imagi-nation to be whoever they want to be. Show young children that Barbie dolls can be different and resemble children of all cultures, backgrounds, ethnicities. Barbie is on a road to revolu-tion, and this billboard is representing the change in Barbie’s image to fit the appearnace of kids all over the world.

CREATIVE BRIEF Project Name: Barbie Evolution


Christen McAllister and Skylar Herman


Email: cmmcal03@louisville.ed Tel: 502-422-2845 Email: Tel: 502-649-9674

Budget(The amount set aside for the project, any funding account number and any constraints)

$1 Million

ProjectOverview(Project information, summary of how the activity has come about; whether it’s as a result of local decisions, research findings, new initiatives or the promotions of core business products and services of your school, preschool or children’s centre.)

Barbie has created controversial topics regarding whether or not they influence children in a positive manor. Mattel is looking to develop an advertising campaign to change the customer’s viewpoints in hopes of sparking a more positive image as well as an increase in self-esteem. Due to these negative connotations with Barbie, not only our brand image, but also sales have decreased as well.

Objectives(Your goals, measurable objectives, and outcomes)

To promote and advertise the new Barbie branding that has developed. Overall our goal is to give Barbie a makeover and change the perspective of buyers in hopes of having a positive outcome.

BrandingguidelinesAny existing branding restrictions

Must include: Logo, Barbie colors (pink/purple/light blue), slogan: “You can do and be anything”, company website. Use the variety of Barbie’s rather than only the original, iconic Barbie. Personality: Fun, uplifting, creative, innovative, self-empowering

Deliverables(Copy, design, printed materials, banners, brochures, display advertisements, etc. Outline who does what: Supplied copy in finished form? Stock or existing photography? Illustration details Define the project and how it helps achieve strategic goals. Include specific details of end use – ie printing 5,000 A4 fliers for letterbox distribution.)


Targetaudience(Who are the primary audience, secondary audience and stakeholders?)

Primary Audience: Children ages 2+, mainly female Secondary Audience: Parents of children, medium-high income, educated, mother or father Stakeholders: Mattel, anyone who purchases Barbie (other manufacturers, companies, distributors, customers, etc.)

CREATIVE BRIEF Project Name: Barbie Evolution

Tone(What style do you re uire – informal, warm, humorous, direct or functional?)

Style should be warm and inviting with a fun, inspirational, and motivational outlook. id-friendly and should be directed towards all types of kids and adults.

essaging(The single most important message you want the target market to take from the activity –the one sentence that summarises your uni ue selling point. What are the features, benefits and value, prioritise the top 5 features and/or facts about the program/service and its value to the target audience?)

Barbie’s product line should promote children of all shapes, si es, and ethnicities to be more confident, believe in themselves, and to know that they can be or do anything they want. Top 5 features include: 4 body types, 7 skin tones, 24 hairstyles, 22 eye-colors, and a new variety of outfits that appeal to each type of customer. Value: When Barbie was first brought to the public in 1959, she was a skinny, pale, tall, beautiful doll with just brunette and blonde styles of hair. Now, 57 years later, we have decided to change this iconic toy into a more diverse, relatable figure for children of all ages, si es, shapes, and styles. Overall, this is just the beginning for Barbie Evolution – the value is to provide an empowering and imaginative mindset for our customers.

upportin or ation(List in order of priority other information that should be included in the communication.)

Most important aspect is to communicate the message of “you can be and do anything that you want” and that Barbie is a positive and achievable role model, rather than just a “fashion icon.”

andator inclusions(Logos and legal disclaimer)

Must include: Logo, Barbie colors (pink/purple/light blue), slogan: “You can do and be anything”, company website

c edule(An indication of the timetable for the project from the time of the initial re uest to the completion of the project. All critical dates should be included. Specify any time constraints or critical deadlines for the project ie departmental and government approval processes. To ensure your activity is effective allow sufficient time for production.)

Initial Date Received: October 12, 2016 @ 10:00am Verify Material/Understand Concept/Ask uestions: October 17, 2016 @ 10:00 am First Draft: November 1, 2016 @ 2:00 pm Review Draft/Return with Notes: November 4th, 2016 1@ 0:00 am Second Draft: November 11, 2016 @ 2:00 pm Review Draft/Return with Notes: November 14, 2016 @ 10:00 am Final Draft: November 16, 2016 @ 2:00 pm Printing Newspaper Ad: November 20, 2016 Creative ustification Statement: November 23, 2016 Billboard Display: November 25, 2016

Christen McAllister Term Portfolio MKT 490


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