marketing trends in 2015

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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Content reigned supreme CRM became a hot word for marketers Marketing automation became less of a trend

and more of a necessity Email marketing continued to dominate Responsive design and mobile friendly content

generation got a lot of air time Social media continued to grow and become a

core element to every marketing strategy

Olive PR 4, 07/04/2012
Olive PR 4, 07/04/2012
Lars can we work to refine this language down to a more simplified form

Content, content, contentPaid amplificationHyper personalizationIncreased collaboration amongst teamsMore humanization

Brands as publishersBrands become more useful by providing

custom, brand generated content for their leads and users

Content becomes more targetedWe must create and tailor different formats

of content with customized copy for all of our different channels and personas

Content is based less on sellingDedicate more resources answering

customer questions and providing more value

Olive PR 4, 07/04/2012
Olive PR 4, 07/04/2012
Lars can we work to refine this language down to a more simplified form

With so many businesses creating content, it is getting more difficult for our content to be found.

Success comes when your content is consumed – paid content distribution

PPC, Facebook Ads, promoted tweets, Sponsored posts, etc

Remember – you need a mix of Owned, Paid, and Earned promotion

Olive PR 4, 07/05/2012
Jenn - Do you like this slided better that the two seperate ones that discuss what we do and our audiences seperately?I think this slide is their unique value prop which is slightly different than the last two but wanted to take into account Lars' feedback

Hyper-personalized marketing uses consumers’ very different needs and preferences, and created highly meaningful communication that sparks and influences behavior

Use Dynamic Data: Merge fields and templates that facilitate unique content. (Hint: GreenRope’s Dynamic Merge fields) – Set up templates that provide flexibility, and make use of all of the data you have collected in your CRM. If done correctly, one template should support multiple triggers and be able to tailor your content.

Make use of integration: Data integration is critical if you want to get hyper-personalization right. Use marketing automation, CRM, and conversion and website tracking to collect valuable pieces of data and trigger your campaigns.

Make use of workflows: Workflows are designed to streamline certain processes. There are many triggers that can set off a workflow. Set up your workflows to include personal follow ups, personal emails, customized content, and so on. Hyper-personalization succeeds when there is a mix of both automated and human touch efforts.

The days of sales and marketing being in different departments are over. Sales and marketing need to be using the same techniques of content creation and real-time engagement to attract and inform. One cannot live without the other.

Your customers are human, your employees are human, your social fans and followers are human – talk to them like humans!

Olive PR 4, 07/04/2012
Lars for this slide we would like you to come up with five emerging trends that you see for integrated software

Start from the top: Leadership is critical. If you or your leader talks like a robot, this robot like culture will spread like a wildfire. Don’t be a robot.

Think about the conversation: Communicate with your leads and customers as if you were sitting down in front of them. This is how REAL relationships develop.

Introduce your people: Put a face to those that are engaging and communicating with leads and clients. Show up. Let them know you are there.

Make ‘em laugh and make ‘em cry: Not all communications needs to be surrounding business. Business is just one aspect of a person’s life, so connect with them on different levels.

Be honest: Not everyone is an expert, so don’t pretend to be. Show your true self and seek influencers out that can teach your something. You’ll have a better chance for engagement

Olive PR 4, 07/05/2012
Anthing else we can add here? Trends, key ideas etc.? Is first bullet worded correctly, was confused by feedback notes.

Revisit and redevelop your buyer personas. Your content must speak with your target audience. If you are not getting much traction or engagement, then you are probably speaking to them, not WITH them.

Try out multi-channel promotions. Find out which medium brings you the most engagement, then focus and grow that network.

Use CRM and marketing automation to gain valuable customer insights. You can also use all of this data for super personalized campaigns.

Test, test, and test again. A/B testing is the only way that you can get quantitative statistics on how your marketing efforts are performing.


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