maine green power - a look into maine’s renewable energy: a growsmart maine breakfast forum

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100% Maine-MadeRenewable EnergyLocal and Green Electricity Options for Maine Residents and Businesses

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

Electricity in Maine

+ The structure of our grid

+ Maine’s electricity needs

+ What is renewable energy?

+ Local complimentary programs supporting renewable energy

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

01 Electricity in Maine 03 Know Your Power02 Maine Green Power

What are you supporting each time you flip a switch?

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

01 Electricity in Maine 03 Know Your Power02 Maine Green Power


Wind Solar Biomass Tidal Hydro


100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

01 Electricity in Maine 03 Know Your Power02 Maine Green Power

The electricity grid connects us to many other states and provinces.Some generators are located in Maine—some even owned by Mainers—others are not.

01 Electricity in Maine 03 Know Your Power02 Maine Green Power

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

In Maine, suppliers aggregate unique mixes of electricity from a variety of these generators.Unless the customer chooses a competitive energy supplier, they will receive the standard offer.

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

01 Electricity in Maine 03 Know Your Power02 Maine Green Power

Similar to nutrition labels, on packaged food...

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

01 Electricity in Maine 03 Know Your Power02 Maine Green Power

Details of the mix from each supplier are available on a required standard disclosure label.

Explore more at standard_offer/disclosure_labels.shtml


September 2013

Electricity suppliers in Maine must, by Maine law, provide fact sheets, or “uniform disclosure labels” from time to time to educate consumers about their electricity service. Your electricity is delivered by Maine Public ServiceCompany, but the electricity itself is supplied by:

New Brunswick Power Generation Corporation

This fact sheet provides consumer information about the power sources and air emissions of service provided by the electricity suppliers.

Air Emissions(January 2012 - December 2012)

This table compares air emissions from this supplier’selectricity mix to average emission levels from all Regionalpower sources.

Supplier’s Mix


Carbon Dioxide (CO2)1303.1

This is 19.77% less than the Maritimes Control Area Average*

Nitrogen Oxide (NOx)0.07

This is 97.50% less than the Maritimes Control Area Average*

Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)0.08

This is 99% less than the Maritimes Control Area Average*

Notes: lbs/MWh = pounds per Megawatt-hour 1 Megawatt-hour = 1,000 kilowatt-hours

*Maritimes Mix is based on New Brunswick System Operator figures

Power Sources(January 2012 - December 2012)

The suppliers provided electricity with the following resources:


Maritime Mix*

Biomass 38.1% 2.6%Municipal Waste 3.2%Fossil Fuel Cogeneration 0.0% 0.0%Fuel Cells 0.0% 0.0%Geothermal 0.0% 0.0%Hydro 36.6% 29.7%Solar 0.0% 0.0%Tidal 0.0% 0.0%Wind 5.0% 3.6%Other ChoicesNuclear 6.5% 0.0%Gas 8.6% 23.0%Oil 1.0% 12.1%Coal 1.0% 29.0%

TOTAL 100.0% 100.0%

*Maritimes Mix is based on New Brunswick System Operator figures

Additional Information and Required Notes:

Power Sources—Maine law requires retail electricity providers to periodically provide information to their customers on the mix of power sources used by the provider to serve their Maine customers’ load.

Emissions—Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is released when certain fuels are burned. It is considered a greenhouse gas and a major contributor to global warming. Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) form when certain fuels are burned at high temperatures. They are considered contributors to acid rain and ground-level ozone (or smog). Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) is formed when fuels containing sulfur are burned. Major health effects associated with SO2 include asthma, respiratory illness and aggravation of existing cardiovascular disease. The production of electricity can produce other harmful emissions and have other environmental impacts. Environmental impacts differ among individual power plants.

If you have questions or need further explanation, please contact NB Power Generation Corp at 1-888-415-5055 or the Maine Public Utilities Commission, toll-free, at 1-800-452-4699. Additional information can also be found at

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

01 Electricity in Maine 03 Know Your Power02 Maine Green Power

Every supplier is required to tell you what their electricity is made from and what emissions it causes.


September 2013

Electricity suppliers in Maine must, by Maine law, provide fact sheets, or “uniform disclosure labels” from time totime to educate consumers about their electricity service. Your electricity is delivered by Maine Public ServiceCompany, but the electricity itself is supplied by:

New Brunswick Power Generation Corporation

This fact sheet provides consumer information about the power sources and air emissions of service provided bythe electricity suppliers.

Air Emissions(January 2012 - December 2012)

This table compares air emissions from this supplier’selectricity mix to average emission levels from all Regionalpower sources.

Supplier’s Mix


Carbon Dioxide (CO2)1303.1

This is 19.77% less than the Maritimes Control Area Average*

Nitrogen Oxide (NOx)0.07

This is 97.50% less than the Maritimes Control Area Average*

Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)0.08

This is 99% less than the Maritimes Control Area Average*

Notes: lbs/MWh = pounds per Megawatt-hour 1 Megawatt-hour = 1,000 kilowatt-hours

*Maritimes Mix is based on New Brunswick System Operator figures

Power Sources(January 2012 - December 2012)

The suppliers provided electricity with the following resources:


Maritime Mix*

Biomass 38.1% 2.6%Municipal Waste 3.2%Fossil Fuel Cogeneration 0.0% 0.0%Fuel Cells 0.0% 0.0%Geothermal 0.0% 0.0%Hydro 36.6% 29.7%Solar 0.0% 0.0%Tidal 0.0% 0.0%Wind 5.0% 3.6%Other ChoicesNuclear 6.5% 0.0%Gas 8.6% 23.0%Oil 1.0% 12.1%Coal 1.0% 29.0%

TOTAL 100.0% 100.0%

*Maritimes Mix is based on New Brunswick System Operator figures

Additional Information and Required Notes:

Power Sources—Maine law requires retail electricity providers to periodically provide information to their customers on themix of power sources used by the provider to serve their Maine customers’ load.

Emissions—Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is released when certain fuels are burned. It is considered a greenhouse gas and a majorcontributor to global warming. Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) form when certain fuels are burned at high temperatures. They are considered contributors to acid rain and ground-level ozone (or smog). Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) is formed when fuels containing sulfur are burned. Major health effects associated with SO2 include asthma, respiratory illness and aggravation of existing cardiovascular disease. The production of electricity can produce other harmful emissions and have other environmentalimpacts. Environmental impacts differ among individual power plants.

If you have questions or need further explanation, please contact NB Power Generation Corp at 1-888-415-5055 or the Maine Public Utilities Commission, toll-free, at 1-800-452-4699. Additional information can also be found at

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

01 Electricity in Maine 03 Know Your Power02 Maine Green Power

Maine utilities provide both the transmission & distribution of electricity.

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

01 Electricity in Maine 03 Know Your Power02 Maine Green Power

Utilities are regulated by the Maine Public Utilities Commission. They include:

+ Emera Maine (with Maine Public Service & Bangor Hydro Service Districts)

+ Central Maine Power

+ Consumer-owned, cooperative and municpal utilities


100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

01 Electricity in Maine 03 Know Your Power02 Maine Green Power

Through the utility lines it goes until finally—the electricity reaches you......the one who uses and of course, pays for it.

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

01 Electricity in Maine 03 Know Your Power02 Maine Green Power

The average home in Maine uses an average of 530 kWh a month

for their electricity (EIA).(Often powered by fossil fuels, or sourced out-of-state.)

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

01 Electricity in Maine 03 Know Your Power02 Maine Green Power

That’s 8 lbs of pollution from electricity every day.

(equivalent to over 500 5lb sacks of potatoes per year)

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

01 Electricity in Maine 03 Know Your Power02 Maine Green Power

Luckily, there are other ways to produce that 530 kWh of power...


01 Electricity in Maine 03 Know Your Power02 Maine Green Power

There are a number of renewable energy projects in Maine.

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

01 Electricity in Maine 03 Know Your Power02 Maine Green Power

There are many ways to support local renewable energy and efficient

energy use in Maine.

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

01 Electricity in Maine 03 Know Your Power02 Maine Green Power

1. Energy efficiency measuresReduce consumption, implement audits and measures to save yourself money while making a positive impact on the environment and your local economy.

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

2. Fund researchDonate to funds dedicated to researching new renewable resource technologies

01 Electricity in Maine 03 Know Your Power02 Maine Green Power

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

3. Generate your own powerProcure your own energy by installing solar panels or wind turbines on your business or residence.

01 Electricity in Maine 03 Know Your Power02 Maine Green Power

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

4. Participate in community projectsPurchase a share of a community project to produce your energy off-site. For a list of community energy projects check out the Maine Public Utilities Commission website.

01 Electricity in Maine 03 Know Your Power02 Maine Green Power

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

5. Buy RECsPurchase Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). RECs allow you to directly support renewable generators and send clean energy into the grid.

01 Electricity in Maine 03 Know Your Power02 Maine Green Power

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

What is a REC?

RECs: Making Green Power Possible - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

Questions to Ask About RECs

+ Where the RECs made?

+ What types of resources make the RECs?

+ What is the cost of the REC?

+ Is the cost bundled with my electricity supply?

+ Is there a contract?

+ What can you tell me about the REC provider?

+ Is there any oversight or verification?

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

6. Choose Maine Green PowerSupport a mix of renewable facilities throughout the state by enrolling in the Maine Green Power program.

01 Electricity in Maine 03 Know Your Power02 Maine Green Power

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

01 Electricity in Maine 03 Know Your Power02 Maine Green Power

Know your power.MGP offers 100% Maine, 100% renewable energy from these facilities:

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

01 Electricity in Maine 03 Know Your Power02 Maine Green Power

How the program worksFrom the consumer’s side, the process is fairly simple:

You sign up for a certain number of kWh / month.

You pay your utility’s electricity bill with the additional charge for Maine Green Power.

You tell a friend how great this program is, and what a difference you’re making.

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

01 Electricity in Maine 03 Know Your Power02 Maine Green Power

How the program worksBehind the scenes—it’s a bit more complicated:

MGP purchases the renewable aspects of the power from

generators producing Maine-made renewable energy.

We cooperate with Central Maine Power & Emera Maine

to charge you for your participation in the program

The Maine Green Power program appears as an

additional line item charge on your electric bill

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

01 Electricity in Maine 03 Know Your Power02 Maine Green Power

How the program worksBehind the scenes—it’s a bit more complicated:

We obtain that revenue and pay the Maine generators

for their RECs

We let you know you can feel good about your power usage

because you’re supporting local renewable generators

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

01 Electricity in Maine 03 Know Your Power02 Maine Green Power

Our standards make us unique...

+ We were developed and overseen by the Maine Public Utilities Commission

+ We can only support generators located in Maine

+ We need to use 100% renewable energy

+ Our nonprofit referral program gives $30 to local nonprofits for every person they refer to us

+ We are program that works with your current utility and bill structure

+ We require no contract; you can cancel/change your enrollment level at any time

+ We donate renewable energy to events throughout the state

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

01 Electricity in Maine 03 Know Your Power02 Maine Green Power

If every Mainer purchased MGP for all of the kWhs they needed, our portion of the grid would

be 100% renewable + 100% Maine-made!(Imagine that impact on the health, wealth & wellbeing of our

communities & environment)

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

01 Electricity in Maine 03 Know Your Power02 Maine Green Power

You can enroll today or online at

100% Maine-Made Renewable Energy for Residents and Businesses

Know your power—use it wisely.Thank you.

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