•m ren - nys historic newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn93063604/1950-08-17/ed...mizmi of...

Post on 31-Mar-2018






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Mis. A&§?9$?3 weivl !©. | | | | |Sf^sf | fe | fe^ fox- a week^s visafe*

•i? ;?*« '«;

Naders itwtttti-

«*§&*r, ttfa&ig«««tiua2 iftrfess art entff&ms tf mmmt m -the &&&», fori ™ * ^ « « , A ! tettftlfe. tantf ' & la goodj

^ ^

O C ^ J L I T E M S

*W* M®* Ifebet* MsOsrt&y me

Tktm mm imn\Bm^m% .baye. been y&*$ fee pm4tdm^mk^m^m^Bs a t &&&&m$ik by Ihe dtfe© board: Jason .W#$a«r, F m a d s Baskey, aad Gordon Wells,

sA:-;«*--i«;v=5f _ JS&FSSJS*CJK^mlafi^^^shorn* fc*r% i%w

| g ; | | | p j | | ^ p l f e to ih§..«ftg| grist »A1. m&m

^ ^ ^ H p f e a l s © rastetBog oaottwr gas mmp,

S S f i i l S ; - : ' ^ p* Harris * S w » i r o « gold tfe&f | f | g g | f g - i ^ w ^ store, l a ^ ^ t ^ t fe btoelt. to

" " ' S T - ^ ^ n ^ y HawlwareC©., I n c . of fijsuher S i



•:_.A. L. Ponaidsaa m&4 wife ao<i Mjg^ •:Pbssa are at Fra^vr ' s Folnt.

••••'• Mss. L. 8 . Peck has returned f«w» VI ' -she iefl her daag-hter much improved.

-Miss Aaahei Quinn returned home fro© .Cfcateaaaay th<? first of the week; her eo-asis, Lena Roeoa. came with her.

Mfes Blasehe Barse. of Lawreneevffle l i s ted friends io Bmshton last, week-

Patfeiaasf er Daiy has be^i making some muek seeded repairs upon the village walks.

Mis, W. H- Smith eaiertaised her sis-fer7 &&£, Haaah Baraaaa, of Kortfe Ban-

Mn|%r ««rfe l Fosler was promoted to & & m&k in th# WAAC at Ft, Lee, Va., JSQQft&tfy, Major Foster Is a graduate of S « s h i b a High gehool.

H&rfy MoN«l f Umm, uaderwent a m&$w mmrgsmy operation in M alone teal Satwday.

Mis, BJtowhe King oaderwent a aiajor ^ ^ r a t i « a at the Malone Hospital Tute-

Mrs. Jci^pla©% Fetry was a patient at the AH^e Mfd% H o ^ i t a l Friday; she saf-l^re i severe fe«eraSJ6Bs of her haad by catdbiaag ft & tlie wrlager of her washing

Ssalte d s a r m e r s ' A snake • c h a n c e r could play his musical instrument like an angel,

".but he would not get a rise out of Ms saake if he did not have rhythm, Snakes ha^e no external ea rs , and cannot hea r sound waires in thte air . They reac t only to the cha rmer ' s swiag and sway.

Mis- Harold Haaen sad son, Richard, ^ad &Sss Joyee Faddec spent the week «ad ia Albany as guests of Miss Helen

• v > -

Cal ler f^Gaasi


-feo«a-€ B e e f ' _ P o r k Ciipfjii-—.

ft -• ^ * •


I . G / A . E r a f G i - a J ^ i M l I k ^ . I. G< A, S a l ^ Sne^faig: I. G. A . F a e q f rBiayottaaise-Mariene Olea -1 . Stmny Morsr toffee---—. Crisco ——r


F. A. CLASS 4 €ft, ^.m.Wc


Brush ton, M* 1

Be©l5 Matelies Wood is not the only thing that

goes up in ma tch smoke. Book matches , so handy in size and so popular as aa adTe_rt_si_ig __aedi__m, __€__! more than 34JSQQ tons of papei^ hoard stock- to fee gyre each 24 t o u r s .

One of fee g^«a | sflk roads led. from China f© ffee Mediterraiieai-ports . Another erf the s3k roads led fro® east central CMBa across Bor-ma ' Isto Isdia_ It was over these : ro_ites that the products of C_i_5_r were first introduced to Europe .

_Eii» fe When painting an

« r a rea

merly was staleed , axtd -varnished,,: "the _*arface sba iM fee sanded and wiped with a listless cloth sa tura ted m terg____i___te' before the under ami ftmsh coats of ca in i 'are app l ied

Mr. George Hamilton and sister, Mis. Hao.de Hynes, visited friends in Ft . Cov-iagton last week.

Mrs. Tranaaii DeLon^ is visiting Mr. aSad Sfes. Fred Lyon in Potsdam this week.

The Barashtoa Fire Department was called to ..the Turnpike Sunday to extin-g -dsh- the fire at R&y Greenwood's.

Miss Terry l i t s t e r of North PowaaJ, ¥t_, was a guest MoBclay asd Tuesday at $kB home of Br. _md I____s. P . E. Stama-tiadea.

Mr. amd Mrs. John Byrnes will return Thursday from Boston where they have been spending the past week.

Rev. __od Mrs. Robert Foster and son of Port Jarvis, N. Y., are visiting at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Wright.

Martia MeKinney is eamping at Lake Meaet-am.

Mrs. Arthur Roekwood entertained Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. Yivien Hhma, with a bridal shower in honor of Miss Mary Stamatiades.

Work ©a the Ess© garage is progressiBg rapidly* The second story has been re­moved, doors eat in the front, and a new floor is being iaM.

East DiekiosoD

PsMie Xraasif i t would take 37 highways stretch-

Jsg- from Kew Ymk t o . S a n Fran- ; Cisco to espial" the ii%"!@§ usUes' -of rouie over which puMic t rasss t sys­tems operate s t ree tcars , tsracMess


Wei soles a r e i^ater-resMaBt.;

Id a ra instorm gi^/e jou a dreticshj-ig, dry your shoes at room •femjjerature"—never near a radia­tor or fire!

The home of Mr. arid Mrs. Ray Green­wood was badly damaged by fire Sunday mearsfeg and praetieaSy everything in ifee hoEse Was ruined. Their neighbors and friends sympathize with them in the

that- for- I GSS whisk was only partly eovered with J_3_SB_caase_

Mrs* H e r b e r t Basset t spent Tuesday in liMekmmi Center.

SJrs. Leslie Piekering and daughter, &_JB-. Harold 0 o r a n t eaBed on relatives feere Tuesday-

Mr. sad Mrs. Ray Greenwood are siay-fsg a t ;tiae home -of M. lit.- Oreeawood.

Mr, sad Mrs. W- A. Hastaigs returned home from Meaeliam Lake Friday. Mrs. 0B$Sp Sm$mg,$ m& eMIdrea .are m camp

••' for a few days." Mrs, WiMehez is spending some time a t

fi&e iaome of her son Earl.

TaBSlBSg' Tfee first xnachme for iamtmg sdh:

J e a i ^ r /was a s is iple horB©-drii?e» stoa@ mill that gsmmS. m It was invested is. WW bf Pe te r Mizmi of New York,

Tfee famous tfs f o a J led from Corassralf to Uae sfaors- wfe sffi fei %rsf •: carrfed fey -sh%s t® Ummmfk, H%® • tla road Hisja foUw^^# & g ^salaer road^ is the %leditefrsm^&. g%£&*

Ceilzcim Bids Asked For

ren the Gdden Rule of party line us_^

Everybody on the line, including yourself, gets bet ter service

when the young folks—children to teen-agers—use the pa r ty line

with consideration for others . Here are a few par ty line points

for the kids—and for the grown-ups too:

H a n g u p g e n t l y w h e n t h e l i n e is i n u s e .

S p a c e y o u r c a l l s w h e n y o u h a v e s e v e r a l to m a k e .

A n s w e r p r o m p t l y w h e n y o u r t e l e p h o n e r i n g s .

I n a n e m e r g e n c y g i v e u p t h e l i n e p r o m p t l y .

In many places we are still unable to provide a better grade of service than that which you now have. We are working hard to provide the necessary switchboards, cables and other complicated equipment—and we're keeping a^ careful record of all applications for better grades of service. They wrfl be filled j u s t as soon as possible.

NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY bringing you ever»iii«_reGsifi0 value af l ow cost

mm m Beds ~ MaMres-.es - fSpri-m!

Prompt Delivery

il Uiitwin T e l . 2012 mmmmmmxmm

Hudson River Ironmaster Henry Barden of Troy, New York,

was a proroinerit irorimaster and in­ventor duriag the mid - 1880's. Among Ms most important inven­tions were the *%queezer*' for pud-{Hed iron, and a horseishoe making rnachine. Burden horseshoes were highly coveted daring the Civil war by Confederate commanders .

Big Game Among ffcrth American big

gan-j-i, only d e e r can b e called abim-d-snt, ^ i d Macfc bear , elik, and ante-lop^ said to be in relatively good position. Mdos|B and caribou have become scareeu *:-Gri__2iy bears a r e a rar i ty . "PsodlaBd carlboji in file United States can be counted on one's fingers and toes .

Iig®l#i- Ibitg wHJ be reeieved by the: apiteM^B^d for ike colfestion of the ltffl%||o^l Tax of SQZIOQI Bhiriet No. 1 t^sm- &£ M©lra, Brusbtcm, New York. « s i 0 ^ a ^ ^ g t S 0 , l$m. The Board of Ed-«ga$fi*8 feiserves the r i^i t to reject any o r all islda.

..DaiedAngmif, ISIfi.

VB&WCm TAKTAtO " Clerk

E w r wear "Cordovan" shoes? The s a m e comes from the word "CmS&va," the great leather cen­ter $£ Spain, ami applies to JgaSfaer m a d e of horsehide.

E&U. Bi&wwg VMteze soil Mowing is a definite

pmWtgm, svmmerlafhw''ebotild be vrorfgesf Is strips, Om Moping land eozmmz strips -&re advisable.

__ Cafiie ,s Apatite MJ-e0emng cat t le can be e_?peeted

€© e@£ the equivaiesat of' iwr^ md £ 3ia|f 4& three per ge®& #f &el^ "

Be. en iigad until Urns im m& ~r~ t&-iszsm&g after thaw have &&e& thaw­ed fgwers quality.

^I>ec L0f S s w ^ g : U®8&&.

A Wxench wwt&8m@® in TtsceoS? esta!?lig4$ed .a worM?« rec­ord . .fey s a v i n g threugb a le^^iscb p e e ^ d spnfece log fp ? , | sec£K9#.

• • J . I . 'J I .M-.I- Jj; I I I" _ - - . - . l . . . L - ' H l W - « f i m B » ' , " ^

I J - - - f ^^ .

.ffiifc for ^1

FiffM ts i r l^ s*uy im^pm& %® P P*

•^g»-*<^wy"i^g'U"Ji-" • - • , ' < *

' ~%t& 0^ W&~:

Plumhi&g - - Heating

Imi&lMion A Repair


Anthony Viscome

BrnslitoB,- N. Y,

Pikme 6026


7-®F %%m ym* ¥*0W$B pn»a^®d holegome-

! : C J p ^ | g - » 0 0 ^ T E 0 T ^ f J - 0 S I C ^ . JK, ^ ^ ^ S ^ B a d s , Barr-ed Press,-

yotic $iak»$$6&p&W' Heavy assort-.: « i t & ^ S t i ? I » ^ # # « *IT4» Per i m B#*S##«*^5.^0«^»teed, Chiefes shipped


. r . . •, " ' . — . . - . . • - • ' — J . . • ^ . . ^ ^ . J « 1 . - . _ - • . _ • . _ • • - . . • • • - . . . .

Enjoy the Benefits of

AvonV Service Contact your Avon represej|tative

Alice T . DeLattg BrashtOB


Gominereial i@tfs-n 6fewa 0H Ethiopias iifMaais

In the Ethiopian highlands are millions of acres of potential cotton land the government would like to see producing cotton for the grow­ing requirements of the country and for the dollar-short European market , according to a national cot­ton council report.

While large areas of suitable land seem to be available, the lack of effective .promotion, the report said, is *the most obvious limita­tion." It does not now appear the expansion of cotton growing in this area of Africa will be very large in the foreseeable future.

In Ethiopia,. Er i t rea and Italian Somaliland commercial cotton pro­duction reached a. peak of about 17,000.bales in 1940. In this period, about 11,000 bales were produced m Italian Somaliland, 3000 in. Ethi­opia and about the same amount in Eri t rea , mosrSy on plantation con­cessions. Gs3y a few thousand bales a re now produced in these African countries, the report stated.

Ernies for Bicyclists Bicycle accidents a re taking well

over §Q© lives each year. Safety-experts . p lead. that bicyclists ob­serve fhes© fffieoautiGHs: Don't weaves ^ and out of traffic in eom-petttiorj^^sath^nsotor vehicles. Exer­cise e s i r eme caution, always, while eomMg; oul. of '**£. tarning into drlve-ways.. Hever>.|t#cm onto trucks or automobSest f>dBt ride two people on a sipgtg-,.-Mey-ele. Use lights a t night. ©fcse$ve.'aB traffic rules and signs; they apply to you just -as mycb a s to fee felgge^l cross-eoan-| ? y transnoM,fcdcfe.' •••''' , ;

Gotten Fires

Brmses Bruised fingers frequently result

from being caught by doors, win­dows, screens, etc. Children should be warned against this hazard and especially against being eaagfet foe-hind the hinges of doors. Bruises on the head a re often the result of in­sufficient head-room m cellars, on stairways, etc. This ^is a mat ter to be considered when buildmg a faoase.

Seeplessaiess -Many insomniacs have a negative

eft:lade toward sleep. They a r e afraid that when they get to bed ikej won't be able to get to sleep, so they don't. If they would adjust their mental attitudes, and^ not worry about not sleeping,, they might not have any trouble a t ail— unless their bedding has seen its best days.

::A;;--pan#ed-'>"f^ - so painted that it resembles gold-toned marble , veined in green, is a fea­ture Q | af| attractive bedroom in i amoi# f : ^^^ ' " ' : ^« l , ' a een%^-t.%owf.:f--%". soufeern Mary- | 746,430 l3mdi^i'^ef%^^me of &e %®mm,

' fee ^^^ i -^^ r - ;}cgSing a r e painifd white j ihe &pn^ oliv^ green.

The dominant position of cotton in our. economy and tfee B^agB-itude of fire. Josses m processing-1 and storage operations m. recent years have caused fire Insurance under­writers and fire .' protection engi­neers to look upon fee cotton fire problem with iprjdb; eoBeem. la one record-breaking season,,- 1945-46, some 600 individual fires, were re­ported by ' the • i s saranee groups. These involved an all-flme high of almost 100^000 bales, or an eco­nomic loss of' near ly $15,000,000, The fire-damag«d ginning plants represented another $2,000^000 loss in property. Tnls represents the equivalent destruction of the out­put of nearly 2O#,00O acres of pro­ductive farm. land.

Hardware-Eaferg Cattle Cattle owners: If there 's a needle

in your haystack, better find it. For, loose hardware feat finds its way into cattle feed is getting to be a rnulti-rnillion dollar headache for fee livestock industry. Hails, pieces of baling wire, and olher sharp ob­jects &at • fall into hay and grain eaten" by -.eaf^e \oSen *pi&rce the sitpaacli* wafi:. and -. p a s t u r e 'the ] heart , causing death.

The- federal1; ^^szmzmsi: • aasde of feoaids -' to. -hashes, ^ & mm?

f r ac t ion «f.-six- -pfeseer- r a ^ o a ^ ) These were nof . gg t s -^bj^-w^m loans, .bearing*Mterest a t sm per­c e n t The amount loaned totalled f84,§23,512. The amount repaid* principal and interest, -was $167,-

-•n ,.- . * « _ « « . , . * During World War H, %Z£Wy2M Legend te i t tbat tjie house TOMJJ piats of blood, were,-.dimmed from j i t t : 3 ^

voluntary d o n j ^ - b y th§ Ameri-eaB J Eed -Cross.. ' .. '.•,' .

•once as#d?(by--^-^^a*e- named Ho-, garth w^o*ba€'dp-g an underground

• pa^Sja^t;,%:. J ^ f f i n g bay, half a -. mS# . ^ ^ ^ " s r ^ f e U p t whieh he car­ried1 p l i i i K ^ ^ ^ f t i ' b ^ boats.

Wool Pr ice Support Tiie 1950 governmental wool price

support w3I average 45,2 cents per pound on a national basis.


.TJMlSwi«l!ll»U»>"< M«;a«Hi»»»t.i«nn,inl<^>l»l'l«1»ii|iilii


Accidental Deaths The annual loss of life by fire

ranks third among c a u s e s of accidental deaths being outranked only by motor -vehicle accidents and f alfe.

, ~ B a b y P i g s . You can "save, an „es£ta ^pig per

Bnis&Um-Metfeedis! Ctarcfe

Hev. J . Harold Bwrkey, Miaister

Morning Worship SiM Church School WzMt.

BmsMaa Cirlst-iaii- Ctmch

Moraisg Wmekdp 9:4§ Sunday SehooJ W-4B, .. Prayer Cottage Meetings eseh Wedaes-

l a y a t l S i p t . s i .

P%rte#l^te^s Chiefs

•:Eev* <X "SIT* igiWreSee* Pastor

Sve*^' ;Oiass:' Iteeiipi^- f^S§ ' folowed ; jy a---P-reistcfea '0fi»viee;fet-^:'fl%

©rayer Servie# l i

•1£Q&gg People's Service' J&

Christian Science Services

•Sunday, 11:06 a. sa. a!HUBS.Main St Malone

August 20,1S&0

Subject: MXNb

Golden &xf^I>an?el 2z2% 2L Blessed | be the name of God forever; for i^isdoiaj

Hardwood Sla§s Jpd as i f ^ e ^ ^ e r e £sf4feg-;r4igiEt;fe*»

•Bmeraid . and mb w^i on feet wad ankles rnorjHSgaadsl^brfor.afsw^^s,

A real dseevery fer^sasaada w i o nave fosnd bksged xefe£r MaaaeOs-Emerald OH I s «asy smd, jtfes«ast: ~«o

: epe-r


St. Regis Fa l l s

a i

wi^fts .Several Styles and. a. Wide ¥arIe^-of

Colarslov^elect feosi.

Medians- BE&'ffiaa&vm W i d ^ s . -.

L O ^ M Q C . 8koQc&sm Co Bmm&Ti

Hutchins Studio Adults i # d Children's


Weddings Anniv-ersaries:

Commercial Photos

Roll Film Service

Moira, N. Y. Phone 27^1

Here's one of the greatest iron tonics you can buy to


ifyouhsve PLE ANEMIA

You girls and woium mtuo suffer so from, simple anemia t h a i you're pale , weak, 'dragged out*—did, yotuever stop to think this tJonditiorJL may be dxae to lack of Slood-iron? "HLWSL do try Lydia E.

-Finkftara*s TABLETS. PlnMianr's Tablets SXB one

of the very best^liome wa^s to help bnild tip redtilood to get more stf engfeli and energy— in sueh cases. Without a doubt they are one of the greatest Mood-irontonicsyQii can boy today. See if yos^ top, don't remarkably benefit J

Plnknanr's Tablets are also a very pleasant stomaeMc tonie? AH drugstores.

Lydia E. P i n k h a m ' s

Win, Thomas, Jr., E L E C T R I C I A N

Does a part icular class of work for a particular

class of peop/e .

Floor Surfacing Contractor

We kaow how and do tfeeiB right i o r those

who care. - *

REASONS WHY Inc^easiRdf millions


SiipM sr««««ss: a^sssssff .«*»«•

•*cr.*r??—' .-= '!(}.

mm BeM^Bed* to speed^y relieve P # simple headache-and painfEl ^m dlsSwnfogfcs cC 2jeara2g£a,

R l Measured doses ~» i n -powder g y form fear $oie& assimSstlos.

©Eeoaf o f aieriS. Same t^pe I<sr-' rnula over one-flnrd centyry.

SiaajSaxd V, S. p . irigredient& tested, 0oni£o2Ied.

rjse of sani ta ry feoders and water- ^t^m ^ y us$£g a ^ i m ^ I e "SecWc I *b&&$8to& **^.WGK . .' . he gwefh.'wis-s helps to protect eMckens against b r o o d e r , f O T t h e fr i ,M *xfet$Tin Yr f dom nnto- m wfse, brooder -for the first

days after farrowing. aaad^knowle^ge t o

diem thatvkaosr uaderstandia^.


£a-prlc* TS33S9 of STeryorie. 10c and 35c £ » « . .

C5»i2tksQi Hse only a s directed.


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