mcmann - nys historic find...

4- .. '"'-i us- f K.V t V it G. Crowley. JOB PWKTINO of »U Wada ex«cat«J ii^^%t th* ffi ;: • r ; :;:;;:•;0 EMred toE. J. M vho will take Mr. Bioh will hold let. Mi; BrtwfeW Thursday . ' : '-• Advertisement faithfully aee £ - - '. : t •.- " •:'•'•"-••'•; Trains Leave Bru*bton 7:45 a . m . 11:33a.m. oa^|bai* Milk Tram leaving Braahton 9aE)9 in. and ; ©a Sunday between 365 will carry 3 Malone No. 241 *ifitt Train leavinrf Bnwhtou __ , p. ra, will carry passengers between station*daily. •-•>/;•:'••••/•/./ ••;,:'.-..- ; . : -" Trains Noe. cbtueo and Ogdenabnrg only. Traina on N. IT, # O. Leave Moira 10:09 a. m. OOINO SOOTH Frank Sullivan and John Fidfcering are borne from Bay Pood, 0. C, Greeoleaf *speat Christ- ina* in Pittsburgh with her children: Dr and Mrs. Barrett of Faust were Christmas guests at James Quine's. Frank Orton came home from Proc- tor, "v*! to spend the holidays with his par«Dt8, Mr. and Mrs Horace Orton. llias Ehra Sawyer of Orange, *8^' : J. is spending the holiday vacation with her parents. Howard JteLong was down from Tapper Lake for Christmas and over Sunday. Br. Wm. Wright of JSewTortt'-vfeit- e4 his brother, DivM. W. Wright, last w e e k . ..•".. ' • . , . • " '•'•; •• ; ; class in next January 7tb, Mfes folder laeiabftr of tb« ft, g.% .. »»4 ber afeter are gueata of Mrs. 0reeol«af for a few day*. The Christian church of tbis place tod tbeCongregatipoal church s<mi$mM to the Beigiota orphan fund of the Christian Mrs, M. •"€). Phelp« gm* a dinner party aTthe Braahton Bouse to a few of her friend* Tuesday eveoimi m honor of Mrs. Howard DeLoog and Mrs: George Edgar of Tupper Lake. Tonight Thursday, there will be a game of basketball in the Brtwbton House ball between the high school twmis from Bombay and Brushtonv Game called at 8-4.5; admission only 15 c e n t s . . . '-.'• .-./ / . •.• ' . ' - - Mr. and Mrs ebarles C. Caasel of Watertown arrived in Brushton last week Wednesday to spend the holidays at tne home of Mrs. CasselV mother, Mrs. H. C. Brush. Mr. Cassel went this week to Pennsylvania to visit bis people. Mr and Mrs. 'X. B Conger and daughter Frances, and Dr. and Mrs. Jason Conger and little son of Utica arrived in Brnshton last week Wednes- day to spend Christui^s with relatives On Christmas'Day Mrs. George Conger entertained them at dinner, also the families of A. G. Con^r, RosweJl ajer and Mrs. Stella Royee, 32 persons ia all. The statement in last week's paper that the electric light tax in 'BrusbtW was about 30 pereeut higher this year than last was an error; as a matter of fact it is less than five per cent higher and the reason for that is that the vear before there was an allowance made by the lighting company for the time we were without lights on account of the ice storm. Last Thursday afternoon the Brush- ton A. A. basketball team defeated the fast '^Silent Five" team from New Blr. andMrs. M. O Phelps visited , York ma fast and exciting game by a rehstives in Canton last Friday and Saturday. Lawrence Binan is home from Gab? riels visiting at the homeof his mother, Mrs^Jerry Binan, for a few days. The W. C, T. IT. will meet January 5th with Mrs. A, W. Sheals at two; o'clock. Subject "Medal Contests' 1 in- charge of Mrs. Sheals and Mrs. Feek The First National Bank of Brushton has been distributing some large and handsome calendars during the last week. '-.' . - \ .-.- :•'• ' r '.'-. . ;' •" . : : . James McMann of Xorthfield,' Vt. was upto spend Christmas with his mother, Mrs, Hannah McMann, re- turning to Vermont Monday night. T-he teachers and pupils of the grade school wish to thank Conger Bros, for the use of the graphophone loaned for their Christmas exercises. The theme of Rev, C, Shaw's New Year's sermon next Sduday both at the Brushton Christian church and the Moict' White chore* will be "The Great Commission." : Mrs. M. W. Wrisbt and wm Morris are visiting relatives in Lisbon this week; Dr. Wright will j>in them this Thursday evening to spend Kew Year's. ''/'•'• ' :''•.•['.. , M»8* Lottie Whitman and Elmer Beaney of Lake Pla<:id were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whatman of East Dick- inson, on Christmas I>ay. They will make their home in Lake Placid. Mr. and Mrs. George Edgar and two daughters of Tupper Lake were Christ- mas guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Sargent; Mr, Edgar returned to Tupper Lake Mouday but his family rer»a|ii!#d- mJ3ru8Jjtoo t# visil 'IrtiUcrs a fe#- days longer. Next Tuesday eveoiugy January 5sh, the Bruahton High School basket ball team will meet the 86 Mary'* Academy team from Ogdensburg on tbe local court. St. Mary*? has the reputation of being one of the fastest high school teams in Northern New York. Ganife. will start at eight o'clock. Mr. find Mm Morris Greeneof Lake Placid visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Asshei A. Greene, over Sunday, going f mm here to Malone Tuesday to visit relatives there a few di^s before re* turning to Lake Placid, where Mr. Greene is now superintendent of the telephone exchange,;;•;.• --'C; ^ Last week we experienced the first real set© w•rtb6r : ;^v 1 ^^^1i*ltt•r^;,^•, mercury began 'Lfa. : ;-'$Q!*$mi&d trip Thursday and Christmas Bay4«a« toitter cold, that night the mercury registered 24 below in Brush ton. Ldf tepapera* tares were reported from all sections, some Adirondack places reporting as lo#a» 44 degrees fedlow zero, ; : Grand Closing «ale.^ The opportoo* ity you hare been looking for to buy a good coat or set of furs at manufactur- er's prices, will be given you by Nathan Fr»Qk> isona, Ogdensburg's Largest Bepartmeat Store, who*© repreaenta- t»v« wtfl have a large dfeplay ol coats « a d ^ « In E.H. Potter's 8k>re, Brush- ton, Mooday January 4th. I*m't miss til* greet opportuuHy. Out score of 22 to 16. This game was to have been played the night before but after live minutes play and when the score wa.8-3 and 3 the eieetnc lights again went out and did not come on that night, which necessitated postpon- ing the game. They Keep the Key*. Visitors to Tangier and other settle- ments of Moisdcco notice thekeys todr are carefully' kept 11« safety in ine houses of some of the families of an cfent descent These keys belong to the bouses hi Spain once occupied ny %he Moors before their expulsion •'from their hanjes' many centuries asp. i'be Sjpan In i^ds occupy these old bouses. Dht the deseendants of the Moorish owners still gnnrd the-teeys in tne nope that tbe day will come when tney can «*- turn to Uranada and once more resume control of the property from which they were driveo. : has rented Hot of Winthrop ;larewell 4»n<>« has jwved the his many- friend* leave, trot he llr. a«d Mrs. Sidney Boys entertained all their Children ' * nd grandchildren ; there wai » tree and the house wag dniatmas holly and e vergreens. enjoyable time was Bppnt. Urn. Tmi^Wmd t^bf Lee Neater- tained their nephews and families Christ- m a s . ••"'• - V '." ; •.-.•T ' • • .•••.. • " '"'•".'•;. ^be oldyear is dyin^r slowly but sure, bright new year will sooii be with all the good Tesofntions: may : they; last the year through.! When we are in our happy homes may wej think' of that war desolated region ind pray onr Heavenly Father who dbeth all things well that He will stay ihis; eroel war and send peace^ind prosperity>riee more. Cooks Corners Dee. 28 —There was i grpod ai ten dance at Miss Gladys Tarbell's Christmas tree &tthrt school house lai t TJhursday after- noon; they bad jsrooti speaking and a lively time was spent. There will be speaking Thursday after- noon at theschool hojrise; we learn that Fredns Wilcox of Nprtli Bangor is going to be present. ! Don't forsret to attenld tbe meeting Sunday evening. ] Mrs, Edwin Hatching ariid »rafiddaugh- ter Eva have come to itayj a few wejsks with her son Henry, j Miss Veda Brayton rif N0rth Bansror is sitinsr h«r annt, MJrs. JGeorge Jock,, t h i s w e e k . •'•.•• 1 • • • .• ' ••• Quarterly meeting wl II be belt! here in missionary friend- ships be unbroken, Sunday in Janu- the chtirch the second ary. Charles Smith is on tbes-ain. There will be no nuiil Friday ,i count of New Years. Mr. and Mrs family of F t Covingt last Friday. The many friends o Hogansburg are very •; his serious ill ness. Miss Berbiee Wilson tree at the brick schoo day. Miss Hazel A very' g Sehopl scholars a sack corn Sunday, which th with. Boy'.HntcMns was afternoon. had a Christmas bouse last Tfanrs- >. .' ave her Sunday f candy and pop MOIF.A Dec. 29th—The W. 0. Mrs. Willis Manchester Miss Mabel Bust ha' returned home after an extended visit in Pennsylvania and B< Mrs. George of Die lihson Center ia visitingher daughter, Mrs. V,,&; Burnap. L. Farnswbrtb came Christmas with Ms family, to Maaeena Tuesday, Mr. Keefe has snffioi4ntly recovered to resunie bis position on Silas morning. tioiis of recollettioiis and affections many, and the coming year bring you the best you have ever known in heaJth, happiness and prosperity, is the wish of ene: Sperry .and. >n were* in town : Kfv. Cahee of lorry to learn of Store of Quality and Low Prices. * ?ytfere all pleased in town Shnday •PANSY' T. p, meets: with Friday afternooH. with her sisters ichester, K. Y. McMann •to-Foot Outfitter Brushton, - NY. home to spend he returned .he .railroad*, ••was. takjjn quite ill this A Sensitive Soul. The good wtfe of an esttmaWe Frenchman waa awakened by her bus band's weeping and howling In the middle of tbe night; He was evident ly having a dream, and she wokefrinii Snd asked what was tbe matter. , * 4 Oh, my dear,** he said, robbing his eyes, **i dreamed that you were dead* "Ha!" she said bitterly and turned away from bint. "Oreat griefs are mute." * Hopeless. Prison Worker—Wouldn't yon like to be something better than a low ptck pocket? Goifvict—yes. But. <!*•% wofs de nm't I ain't got de eddha tton ter be a cpnftdence in«n or o> nerve ter be a train robber-^ York Globe. ; "WANTS" . ^t, liosfc ?bHBd, To Bent, For Sale and other like notices inserted under this head for one-half cent a woid each week. Cash / •-:'•./ - •..•.; witli w d e r . , . ; •;"•••' Minimum Charge 20 Cents. F O B 8 A h B-I registered Holstein bnlL 10 months old. Price nfcht for Quick sale. Fred Bpaon. Bruahton. CLBAK Poultry Honses Tboioughljr-- Pratts Ihmnfeotant exterminates all vermin and disease germs at least cost. Makes everythin* sweet and etean. I. leek. Feed art Grwt M|U, Bimshton. WOOD—i6 inch m*ple wood 8; W. Kimball, Brasliton. 58ar-S N 1 y p Mm Frank mm*. WJ fer one & 0 M.W£&K&M o»o% salesmen in this tt*te to sepmejit There is moiiey in the work |o* 3fOtT 9ott©itin« for our easy aeJiiiig gpeoialtiea Appir now fo#temtory, Alleo Na«eiry tJo., Bpehester, N. Y. " ' ' ! aO iiBN^ SVTSS eletoed and pressed from ISO ©eats t»iv LeaTf. ai t MeSla|n% Olotking Store. Mrs. Salpb Oeddes, ^ h t o : -;• r : - • : •-•••;y W& SaJUB-At bundle, old to office lit 5 ©«# ESTATE LOANS INVESTMENTS Cta§«Uyo«r Set! Estate. D«e«a, SOUTH BO «8AY Bee. S9tb—Mr, and Mrs. pan Bichard son spent Christmas in Kueets at Orr Smith's. Miss Jennie Russell )m% Brasher the spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. apd iMrs, George Bnssell. Little Helen Beaaheu of Massena spending a few days parents, Mr. and Mts she returns to her horn Rnssell Palmer of srith her jarand- Blrank Yadaw; Wednesday, iloomingdale is visiting at h-sunole's, Geo.Eussell. Frank Yadaw spent a^;• couple, of days laskwfeekin Massena. [ : Mr. and Mis. ;Boy Moore and two children, Irma and Milford,-of Ogdens- bnrg are spending a few days the gue»te of the former's /parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aloi Moore, They return Wednesday. .Mrs. Edson Brown of) Moira was the over Sunday guest ot h^r paotiier, Mrs, E.K.Kibbe. ^ A. B, Flanders of spending a few days wi E. Flandew. Mr. and Mrs. Allie two children, Bath an dam are visiting relativ. few days. Sit. and Mrs Elmer S were the Christmas gues mother, Mrs, Joalma W Lake is his brother, E. iichardson and Irene, of Pots- iii town for a »ith and family is of the iatters Delia Frew spent Christmas week in Brighton. - \ .'-•Mr.-and Mrs. Win. Sweet are spending the holidays at. Mooers * the g«e&ts of relatives. Gird Berry of Carthage and Keed Berry of Malpne were the guests of tbeii brother^ A. : E. Berry, Chrisitioas day, Floyd Phelfw, who is attending the itLgricultural College in Caioton, is spend- ing the holidays at home. ARftEST;-77 ; IN VOTE SCANDAL Terpe Haute (Ind.) Mayor and Other! Officials Caught jn Roundup. . Seventy-seven men, including Mayor "'Do-im M. Fioberts) a eandidijte -for. the- l*emoeratic'. noniinatiou for governor, were arrested in Terre .fiiiiite, Ind; f sis a result of federal iudictmerit's -.chiirg-, ing them- with frauds at the •peill.s--aad' I couspiracy to w'l» : the electipn .'.last fall by imlawfui"meaiis. •Besides'the;-vayor the (1st of indicted men ;"' City Jufl^e . 3>honia$' Smith,/Circuit Judge EH B. Redman. Police Chief John t\ JNngent, SfaeHfi Dennis Shea. Jdhn Masselink. ctty la spector of weights aiid .measures; f'o licenaau WilHam -Doyle.'arid iriitriy sa loon keepers\ and pftrty uiingera-on Most of the men were release^! on bail The major's bond for $10,000 was not accepted. / ." ^•'•'/' - ".-'• V.':: _ . . . . - .• - ; . : ' . : : \ : . . . - ; Germany Taxes Workmen. The Amsterdam HandeJsblad de- clares that the Germans have imposed a war tax of one day's pay montnly upon all worfcmeatt, whether (Jerniari or foreign* In some trades woPknien are paying 2 mt ceot of their Mr. and Mrs. Grover -Frew and Mrs. ; Subscribe for Facia and Fallacies, 56 ce»*s Saa Graff As Great Brttaist replied to/tne taM of. the Oermaa warships-ratf- her unde- feaded North sea* tjc>wii« by a daring faicl €hr|b8tiBas day onr the strongly defended Gefinaa jpw»rt of Cnxhaven, behind tbe almost impregnabler fortifi- cations of HeJgrotewl, dispatches from Copeahagen aaaoonce that a Gerniaa squadron of considera bJe strength has passed put into the North sea, appar- ently for ; another raid on the English feoast, Warahips and airships shared, the honor of the British raid. . The German admiralty in a state- ment sent broadcast py wireless tells of the raid iu these words: ,.'•';."On Dec. 25 eight British, ships made a dash Into a German bay. iHydroaero^ planes convoyed by them made an ad- vknee against the months of Germa n rivers and dropped boiribs on ships; ly- ing at anchor and a gas tank near Cnx/ haven without hitting them or doing . d a m a g e . - . . •.. - "•" /.. :; . '•••../•••• / "The hydroaeroplanes Were/fired at rand withdrew in a westerly direction* German iiix'sliips and aeroplanes reeon- noitered the Brittsh forces and socceedea in hitting with bombs two British destroyers and one other vessel of the convoy. On tlis latter fire broke o u t ' ' : " / .'"-; ; . ' '•-... • •'••' ; '. "_' • . ' _:-. "Fog prevented a continuation of the : f l g h t i n g . * > "-••/ •':.•,.- } '•,.••••:,;:••:'.'•• .-'•••" ARMY. andise F. A, Clark & Co. Method of Supplying Food to Troops on the Battlefield, How -an army in the /field gets its food from day to day is told' tntee Seientifte Amertcaia, from whlcn the fbiiowing extracts are taken: i'he supply train of an Infantry divi- sion carries two days' field and grain rations. In the late afternoon or: at the end of a march or^ close of a com bat the division*commander directs the field trains to move ap immediately iii the rear of the tn?ops and informs the commanding officers of organizations that one day's rations have been or- dered to a designated place. An order- ly is sent to that place to conduct the wagons to the organization. 4fter be ing unleaded they return immediately and join the grouped portion of the ra : tion seetioQ. That same 'night or early the following morning the empty wag ons are refilled: from the supply, train, and this latter secures a renewal of its supplies from a designated point on the line of communications or is reioaded from a train pertaining to the tine of communicatioBs if the distance from the end of that line of the jsone occo pied by the troops fei so great as to warrant the use of a train. "There are two methbd^ of sttppiyins an army in the field: ). First.-^By consignments of suppties forwarded by the service of the line of -communiCiations', .and distributed AS above indicated Second.—By utiSizing the resources of the country. . It is generally necessary to utilize to the fullest extent the food, especially the forage, avails We in the theater Of operations. In former times the in vader possessed the,right of bpoty^ana piHage, the resort to which was most unfortunte for the army, as It embit tered 'the population and com prpmised the safety of the troops in ah enemy's country, and In the event of any reai or imagined injury being done, them it gave r|se to redress and reprisals; A nice line of/Faacy Handkerchiefs, dent's TM an4 Hosiery, Books, Cups and Saucers, Hand Bags, Box Papers, Dolls, Dominoes, Xmas Belts, Etc ; Ladies and Missesfleeced Underwea-r, 25c Xmas.RibbonCandy best quality Grape Fruit, large size,'He each,J A few sizes in Men's and Hoy's 50c dozen i s weaters, reduced from fi©c to ; . . •"•; ; . . - . / ; . 39cents ; . '.-•.' „-... •.'•••'—• , ^ ,. , : Qur heaviest Brown-C'ottos, worth California ]Savel Omag es, high.* 9c; by the piece 7J cents, grade, 22c dozen _ / j Men^s Heavy Jersey Gloves, reg^ •'.•". latrlOc; 4 pairs for 25 cents .-. »•«••.- , _, c, . ; Men's President Suspenders, Mixed Nuts For Sale : to Scents. E H. Potter & Son, - Brushton, N* V. GOOD NffOBAL TEETH, ,' What They M*an to: the Wan Over Fifty Years, of Ag*« . "Few factors conduee to Jolly age as does pride in personal appearance," writies pR John Philip Ei'wui of Per kasie, pa^ In Oral Hygiene. Well groomed person never grows old. Es peeially essential /are well cared for teeth. At no time in•-life; are teeth more valuable than when a man has passed fifty. They double in worth every year after the half century year stone has been reached. --•"•, M It is a sad fact.'- lie contiaties, *that all the dental parlors and powers past, present and to c^are> combined and concentrated, cannot restore tte normal form" of--it. .face destroyed^ by extraetion. It is a blessed truth that modern dentistry can prevent t&is^ca "lamityV" '"•/ •' '-..'".' -/•'•',".' /'..'';.•• .,-• "But the greatest blessing of natora> teeta in declining years Is derived from tb» assistance they give to the boiler of toe bodjv tbe; stomacb, throughout that period when digestion is on tbe wane. In youth the stomach stood for beer* Dutea luncUes, rabbits and lodge banquets. It seldom kicked back, iy'ot so iftj a4atnrity. The teeth mast nowarbitrate many health ques tions. When the disgruntled stomach is tandemed With deatal deficiency th** remaining members of the alimeutan canal join in a re^lllon against food oppresstou wbJteh culminates in a rev olution that proves a revelation to ihv vietini. Dyspepsia IB*J be : -conq^erect;' in youttu 'to»t-a^^':to:a^i',...Th«.''n»ps«, pessimistic Btomach, coupled with dental efficiency, WU1 a«^e|o^ a fair degree.:.'#£• optln^m, possibly a eon tinuous life of Sunshine. f insure food mother at a Boston apron comittg along the tables, wheeling i?ver» /.;,a3e^9ita'::.:f*O'iJB\ ; ;;:"' Blight choose their f tit', tfte iaeafe". : .^?lBi'r€i wagon in a ppalec turned his bead and "Mamma, is that dining with his re^aftrant wbeu the alste between a wagon on wtiicb wt»tc|l tbe guests* dtee^ de resistance bJld loufced at the. 1 ^ay., Then be asked: wfc«t tney mean by a la carte ?*—Boston Traveler. Open For Central Market Is now open for business with a full line of Presh Meats, Groceries, and Provisions. I have a nevv and fresh V stock and solicit a share of your : , ' . trade; W.H. FISHER, Brushton, - New York SPECIAL SALE .r" ' .. / '.-of— " . • Hats, Ribbons, Feathers ar\d Everything in Millinery. A Reduction in Price on J. C, _. C. Corsets. - A choice line'of Perfumes and Toilet Articles (qir the Holidays. New Handkerchiefs. Jewelry, ;' -•; . " Etc. • • Mrs. M. A. QUINN, Brushton . ' - - ' ". . / ' Attention Maple Syrup Makers The Gtimm Evaporator Dolls Dishes Han(!kefc}iie% * - •. •• .- ' 5 •. - : ' -. Fancy Goods Buy Here and Save Money Harris & Woods, Brushton, - New YorH COMMERCIAL PRINTING At tnis Office - Onr system of evaporation insure* 'tbe highest grade product with the ieast possible «xpem« and labor. The first s%p enWinff the evafjorators made into syrop first The light aod the heavy do riot intermix. Wo nse the r < bet<t grade Charcoal imported tin plate ia the. eoBslroetiotr of the evaporator. Will last a life time. - Write for e»ta» io^jne and state unmber of tre^ you tap. Grimm Manufacturing Co., 6 15«<J2 1 Cbantiplftin Av«., .••'CLEVELAND,- - OHIO W. B. WOOD, 6e»eral AleBt, ffdrwooi. K. Y. New Millinery Mid-Winter Display - of the .•'•••'" latest designs in -MILLINERY- Call and inspect our line Our prices are right. Mrs. Lillia Connelly, Brushton •".;•.• Hear M. E. Chorch She Was the One. Trixie ( a bit late Iu striving)-Well girts, who are you fcnoetelng nowt &$n&~-We were ail oercbut you. deal*! Puefc. We still It^ve Many Bargains Conger Bros. r =

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Page 1: McMann - NYS Historic find Mm Morris Greeneof Lake Placid visited his parents, Mr . and Mrs. Asshei A. Greene,

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i t

G. Crowley.JOB PWKTINO of »U Wada ex«cat«Jii^^%t

t h * ffi ;: • • r ; : ; : ; ; : • ; 0

EMred to E. J . Mvho will takeMr. Bioh will hold

let. Mi;BrtwfeW

Thursday. ': '-• Advertisement faithfully


• • • • £ • • - -

' . : t • . - " • : ' • ' • " - • • ' • ;

Trains Leave Bru*bton

7:45 a.m. 11:33a.m. oa^ |bai*Milk Tram leaving Braahton 9aE)9

in.and ; ©a Sunday between


will carry3 Malone

No. 241

*ifitt Train leavinrf Bnwhtou __ ,p. ra, will carry passengers betweens t a t i o n * d a i l y . • - • > / ; • : ' • • • • / • / . / ••;,:'.-..-;.:-"

Trains Noe.cbtueo and Ogdenabnrg only.

Traina on N. IT, # O. L e a v e Moira

10:09 a. m.OOINO SOOTH

Frank Sullivan and John Fidfceringare borne from Bay Pood,

M» 0 . C, Greeoleaf *speat Christ-ina* in Pittsburgh with her children:

Dr and Mrs. Barrett of Faust wereChristmas guests at James Quine's.

Frank Orton came home from Proc-tor, "v*! to spend the holidays with hispar«Dt8, Mr. and Mrs Horace Orton.

llias Ehra Sawyer of Orange, *8^' spending the holiday vacation withher parents.

Howard JteLong was down fromTapper Lake for Christmas and overSunday.

Br. Wm. Wright of JSewTortt'-vfeit-e4 his brother, DivM. W. Wright, lastw e e k . . . • " . . ' • . , . • " ' • ' • ; •• ; ;

class innext

January 7tb,Mfes

folder laeiabftr of tb« ft, g . % ..»»4 ber afeter are gueata of Mrs.0reeol«af for a few day*.

The Christian church of tbis placetod tbeCongregatipoal churchs<mi$mM to the Beigiotaorphan fund of the Christian

Mrs, M. •"€). Phelp« gm* a dinnerparty aTthe Braahton Bouse to a fewof her friend* Tuesday eveoimi mhonor of Mrs. Howard DeLoog andMrs: George Edgar of Tupper Lake.

Tonight Thursday, there will be agame of basketball in the BrtwbtonHouse ball between the high schooltwmis from Bombay and BrushtonvGame called at 8-4.5; admission only 15c e n t s . . . '-.'• . - . / / . •.• ' • . ' • - - •

Mr. and Mrs ebarles C. Caasel ofWatertown arrived in Brushton lastweek Wednesday to spend the holidaysat tne home of Mrs. CasselV mother,Mrs. H. C. Brush. Mr. Cassel wentthis week to Pennsylvania to visit bispeople.

Mr and Mrs. 'X. B Conger anddaughter Frances, and Dr. and Mrs.Jason Conger and little son of Uticaarrived in Brnshton last week Wednes-day to spend Christui^s with relativesOn Christmas'Day Mrs. George Congerentertained them at dinner, also thefamilies of A. G. Con^r , RosweJlajer and Mrs. Stella Royee, 32 personsia all.

The statement in last week's paperthat the electric light tax in 'BrusbtWwas about 30 pereeut higher this yearthan last was an error; as a matter offact it is less than five per cent higherand the reason for that is that the vearbefore there was an allowance made bythe lighting company for the time wewere without lights on account of theice storm.

Last Thursday afternoon the Brush-ton A. A. basketball team defeated thefast '^Silent Five" team from New

Blr. and Mrs. M. O Phelps visited , York m a fast and exciting game by arehstives in Canton last Friday andSaturday.

Lawrence Binan is home from Gab?riels visiting at the homeof his mother,Mrs^Jerry Binan, for a few days.

The W. C, T. IT. will meet January5th with Mrs. A, W. Sheals at two;o'clock. Subject "Medal Contests'1 in-charge of Mrs. Sheals and Mrs. Feek

The First National Bank of Brushtonhas been distributing some large andhandsome calendars during the lastweek. '-.' . - \ . - . - :•'• 'r'.'-. . ;' •" .:


James McMann of Xorthfield,' Vt.was up to spend Christmas with hismother, Mrs, Hannah McMann, re-turning to Vermont Monday night.

T-he teachers and pupils of the gradeschool wish to thank Conger Bros, forthe use of the graphophone loaned fortheir Christmas exercises.

The theme of Rev, C, Shaw's NewYear's sermon next Sduday both at theBrushton Christian church and theMoict' White chore* will be "TheGreat Commission." :

Mrs. M. W. Wrisbt and wm Morrisare visiting relatives in Lisbon thisweek; Dr. Wright will j>in them thisThursday evening to spend KewYear's. ''/'•'• ' : ' ' • . • [ ' . . • ,

M»8* Lottie Whitman and ElmerBeaney of Lake Pla<:id were married atthe home of the bride's parents, Mr.and Mrs. Frank Whatman of East Dick-inson, on Christmas I>ay. They willmake their home in Lake Placid.

Mr. and Mrs. George Edgar and twodaughters of Tupper Lake were Christ-mas guests of Mr. and Mrs. JamesSargent; Mr, Edgar returned to TupperLake Mouday but his family rer»a|ii!#d-mJ3ru8Jjtoo t# visil 'IrtiUcrs a fe#- dayslonger.

Next Tuesday eveoiugy January 5sh,the Bruahton High School basket ballteam will meet the 86 Mary'* Academyteam from Ogdensburg on tbe localcourt. St. Mary*? has the reputation ofbeing one of the fastest high schoolteams in Northern New York. Ganife.will start at eight o'clock.

Mr. find Mm Morris Greeneof LakePlacid visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs.Asshei A. Greene, over Sunday, goingf mm here to Malone Tuesday to visitrelatives there a few di^s before re*turning to Lake Placid, where Mr.Greene is now superintendent of thetelephone exchange,;;•;.• --'C; ^

Last week we experienced the firstreal set© w•rtb6r :;^v1^^^1i*ltt•r^;,^•,mercury began 'Lfa.:;-'$Q!*$mi&d tripThursday and Christmas Bay4«a« toittercold, that night the mercury registered24 below in Brush ton. L d f tepapera*tares were reported from all sections,some Adirondack places reporting aslo#a» 44 degrees fedlow zero, ; :

Grand Closing «ale.^ The opportoo*ity you hare been looking for to buy agood coat or set of furs at manufactur-er's prices, will be given you by NathanFr»Qk> isona, Ogdensburg's LargestBepartmeat Store, who*© repreaenta-t»v« wtfl have a large dfeplay ol coats« a d ^ « In E.H. Potter's 8k>re, Brush-ton, Mooday January 4th. I*m't missti l* greet opportuuHy. Out

score of 22 to 16. This game was tohave been played the night before butafter live minutes play and when thescore wa.8-3 and 3 the eieetnc lights

againwent out and did not come onthat night, which necessitated postpon-ing the game.

They Keep the Key*.Visitors to Tangier and other settle-

ments of Moisdcco notice the keys todrare carefully' kept 11« safety in inehouses of some of the families of ancfent descent These keys belong tothe bouses hi Spain once occupied ny%he Moors before their expulsion •'fromtheir hanjes' many centuries asp. i'beSjpan In i ds occupy these old bouses. Dhtthe deseendants of the Moorish ownersstill gnnrd the-teeys in tne nope thattbe day will come when tney can «*-turn to Uranada and once more resumecontrol of the property from whichthey were driveo. :

has rented Hotof Winthrop

;larewell 4»n<>«has jwved the

his many- friend*leave, trot


llr. a«d Mrs. Sidney Boys entertainedall their Children ' * nd grandchildren

; there wai » tree and thehouse wagdniatmas holly and e vergreens.enjoyable time was Bppnt.

Urn. Tmi^Wmd t^bf Lee Neater-tained their nephews and families Christ-m a s . ••"'• - V '."; • . - . • T ' • • . • • • . . • " '"'•".'•;.

^be old year is dyin^r slowly but sure,bright new year will sooii be

with all the good Tesofntions: may : they;last the year through.! When we are inour happy homes may wej think' of thatwar desolated region ind pray onrHeavenly Father who dbeth all thingswell that He will stay ihis; eroel war andsend peace^ind prosperity>riee more.

Cooks CornersDee. 28 —There was i grpod ai ten dance

at Miss Gladys Tarbell's Christmas tree&tthrt school house lai t TJhursday after-noon; they bad jsrooti speaking and alively time was spent.

There will be speaking Thursday after-noon at the school hojrise; we learn thatFredns Wilcox of Nprtli Bangor is goingto be present. !

Don't forsret to attenld tbemeeting Sunday evening. ]

Mrs, Edwin Hatching ariid »rafiddaugh-ter Eva have come to itayj a few wejskswith her son Henry, j

Miss Veda Brayton rif N0rth Bansror issitinsr h«r annt, MJrs. JGeorge Jock,,

t h i s w e e k . • ' • . • • 1 • • • .• ' ••• •

Quarterly meeting wl II be belt! here in



ships be unbroken,

Sunday in Janu-the chtirch the secondary.

Charles Smith is on tbes-ain.There will be no nuiil Friday ,i

count of New Years.Mr. and Mrs

family of F t Covingtlast Friday.

The many friends oHogansburg are very •;his serious ill ness.

Miss Berbiee Wilsontree at the brick schooday.

Miss Hazel A very' gSehopl scholars a sackcorn Sunday, which thwith.

Boy'.HntcMns wasafternoon.

had a Christmasbouse last Tfanrs-

>. .'ave her Sundayf candy and pop

MOIF.ADec. 29th—The W. 0.

Mrs. Willis ManchesterMiss Mabel Bust ha' returned home

after an extended visitin Pennsylvania and B<

Mrs. George of Die lihson Center iavisitingher daughter, Mrs. V,,&; Burnap.

L. Farnswbrtb cameChristmas with Ms family,to Maaeena Tuesday,

Mr. Keefe has snffioi4ntly recovered toresunie bis position on


tioiis of

recollettioiis and

affections many,

and the coming

year bring you the

best you have ever

known in heaJth,

happiness and

prosperity, is the

wish of

ene: Sperry .and.>n were* in town

: Kfv. Cahee oflorry to learn of

Store of Quality

and Low Prices.


?y tf ere all pleased

in town Shnday


T. p , meets: withFriday afternooH.

with her sistersichester, K. Y.

McMann•to-Foot Outfitter

Brushton, - NY.

home to spendhe returned

.he .railroad*,••was. takjjn quite ill this

A Sensitive Soul.The good wtfe of an esttmaWe

Frenchman waa awakened by her busband's weeping and howling In themiddle of tbe night; He was evidently having a dream, and she woke friniiSnd asked what was tbe matter. ,

*4Oh, my dear,** he said, robbing hiseyes, **i dreamed that you were dead*

"Ha!" she said bitterly and turnedaway from bint. "Oreat griefs aremute." *

Hopeless.Prison Worker—Wouldn't yon like

to be something better than a low ptckpocket? Goifvict—yes. But. <!*•%wofs de nm't I ain't got de eddhatton ter be a cpnftdence in«n or o>nerve ter be a train robber-^York Globe. ;

"WANTS". t , liosfc ?bHBd, To Bent, For Saleand other like notices inserted under

this head for one-half cent awoid each week. Cash

/ •-:'•./ - •..•.; w i t l i w d e r . , . ; • ; " • • • '

Minimum Charge 20 Cents.

F O B 8 A h B - I registered HolsteinbnlL 10 months old. Price nfcht forQuick sale. Fred Bpaon. Bruahton.

CLBAK Poultry Honses Tboioughljr--Pratts Ihmnfeotant exterminates allvermin and disease germs at least cost.Makes every thin* sweet and etean. I.leek. Feed art Grwt M|U, Bimshton.

WOOD—i6 inch m*ple wood8; W. Kimball, Brasliton. 58 ar-S

N 1 y pMm Frank


fer one& 0

M.W£&K&M o»o%salesmen in this tt*te to sepmejitThere is moiiey in the work |o*

3fOtT 9ott©itin« for our easy aeJiiiiggpeoialtiea App i r now fo#temtory,Alleo Na«eiry tJo., Bpehester, N. Y. •

" ' ' ! a O

i i B N ^ SVTSS eletoed and pressedfrom ISO ©eats t»iv LeaTf. aitMeSla|n%Olotking Store. Mrs. Salpb Oeddes,^ h t o : - ; • r : - • : • - • • • ; y

W& SaJUB-Atbundle, old

to office lit 5 ©«#




Bee. S9tb—Mr, and Mrs. pan Bichardson spent Christmas inKueets at Orr Smith's.

Miss Jennie Russell

)m% Brasher the

spent Christmaswith her parents, Mr. apd iMrs, GeorgeBnssell.

Little Helen Beaaheu of Massenaspending a few daysparents, Mr. and Mtsshe returns to her horn

Rnssell Palmer of

srith her jarand-Blrank Yadaw;

Wednesday,iloomingdale is

visiting at h-sunole's, Geo.Eussell.Frank Yadaw spent a ;• couple, of days

laskwfeekin Massena. [ :Mr. and Mis. ;Boy Moore and two

children, Irma and Milford,-of Ogdens-bnrg are spending a few days the gue»teof the former's /parents, Mr. and Mrs.Aloi Moore, They return Wednesday.

.Mrs. Edson Brown of) Moira was theover Sunday guest o t h^r paotiier, Mrs,E.K.Kibbe. ^

A. B, Flanders ofspending a few days wiE. Flandew.

Mr. and Mrs. Allietwo children, Bath andam are visiting relativ.few days.

Sit. and Mrs Elmer Swere the Christmas guesmother, Mrs, Joalma W

Lake ishis brother, E.

iichardson andIrene, of Pots-iii town for a

»ith and familyis of the iatters

Delia Frew spent Christmas week inBrighton. - \.'-•Mr.-and Mrs. Win. Sweet are spending

the holidays at. Mooers * the g«e&ts ofrelatives.

Gird Berry of Carthage and KeedBerry of Malpne were the guests of tbeiibrother^ A.: E. Berry, Chrisitioas day,

Floyd Phelfw, who is attending theitLgricultural College in Caioton, is spend-ing the holidays at home.

ARftEST;-77; IN VOTE SCANDALTerpe Haute (Ind.) Mayor and Other!

Officials Caught jn Roundup. .Seventy-seven men, including Mayor

"'Do-im M. Fioberts) a eandidijte -for. the-l*emoeratic'. noniinatiou for governor,were arrested in Terre .fiiiiite, Ind;f sisa • result of federal iudictmerit's -.chiirg-,ing them- with frauds at the •peill.s--aad'I couspiracy to w'l»: the electipn .'.lastfall by imlawfui"meaiis.•Besides'the;-vayor the (1st of indicted

men ;"' City Jufl^e . 3>honia$'Smith,/Circuit Judge EH B . Redman.Police Chief John t \ JNngent, SfaeHfiDennis Shea. Jdhn Masselink. ctty laspector of weights aiid .measures; f'olicenaau WilHam -Doyle.'arid iriitriy saloon keepers\ and pftrty uiingera-onMost of the men were release^! on bailThe major's bond for $10,000 was notaccepted. / ." ^•'•'/' - ".-'• V.'::

_ . . . • . - .• - ; • . • : — ' • . : :

\ : • . . . - ; •

Germany Taxes Workmen.The Amsterdam HandeJsblad de-

clares that the Germans have imposeda war tax of one day's pay montnlyupon all worfcmeatt, whether (Jerniari orforeign* In some trades woPknien arepaying 2 mt ceot of their

Mr. and Mrs. Grover -Frew and Mrs. ; Subscribe for Facia and Fallacies, 56 ce»*s

Saa Graff

As Great Brttaist replied to/tne taMof. the Oermaa warships-ratf- her unde-feaded North sea* tjc>wii« by a daringfaicl €hr|b8tiBas day onr the stronglydefended Gefinaa jpw»rt of Cnxhaven,behind tbe almost impregnabler fortifi-cations of HeJgrotewl, dispatches fromCopeahagen aaaoonce that a Gerniaasquadron of considera bJe strength haspassed put into the North sea, appar-ently for; another raid on the Englishfeoast, Warahips and airships shared,the honor of the British raid.

. The German admiralty in a state-ment sent broadcast py wireless tellsof the raid iu these words:

,.'•';."On Dec. 25 eight British, ships madea dash Into a German bay. iHydroaero^planes convoyed by them made an ad-vknee against the months of Germa nrivers and dropped boiribs on ships; ly-ing at anchor and a gas tank near Cnx/haven without hitting them or doing

. d a m a g e . - . . • . . - "•" / . . : ; . ' • • • . . / • • • • /

"The hydroaeroplanes Were/fired atrand withdrew in a westerly direction*German iiix'sliips and aeroplanes reeon-noitered the Brittsh forces andsocceedea in hitting with bombs twoBritish destroyers and one other vesselof the convoy. On tlis latter fire brokeo u t ' ' : " / .'"-; ; . ' '•-. . . • •'••' ; '. "_' • . ' _:-.

"Fog prevented a continuation of the: f l g h t i n g . * > "-•• / • ' : . • , . - } ' • , . • • • • : , ; : • • : ' . ' • • . - ' • • • "



F. A, Clark & Co.

Method of Supplying Food to Troopson the Battlefield,

How -an army in the /field gets itsfood from day to day i s told' tn teeSeientifte Amertcaia, from whlcn thefbiiowing extracts are taken:

i'he supply train of an Infantry divi-sion carries two days' field and grainrations. In the late afternoon or: atthe end of a march or close of a combat the division*commander directs thefield trains to move ap immediately iiithe rear of the tn?ops and informs thecommanding officers of organizationsthat one day's rations have been or-dered to a designated place. An order-ly is sent to that place to conduct thewagons to the organization. 4fter being unleaded they return immediatelyand join the grouped portion of the ra:tion seetioQ. That same 'night or earlythe following morning the empty wagons are refilled: from the supply, train,and this latter secures a renewal of itssupplies from a designated point on theline of communications or is reioadedfrom a train pertaining to the tine ofcommunicatioBs if the distance fromthe end of that line of the jsone occopied by the troops fei so great as towarrant the use of a train.

"There are two methbd^ of sttppiyinsan army in the field: ).

First.-^By consignments of supptiesforwarded by the service of the line of-communiCiations', .and distributed ASabove indicated

Second.—By utiSizing the resourcesof the country. .

It is generally necessary to utilize tothe fullest extent the food, especiallythe forage, avails We in the theater Ofoperations. In former times the invader possessed the,right of bpoty^anapiHage, the resort to which was mostunfortunte for the army, as It embittered 'the population and com prpmisedthe safety of the troops in ah enemy'scountry, and In the event of any reaior imagined injury being done, them itgave r|se to redress and reprisals;

A nice line of/Faacy Handkerchiefs, dent's TM an4Hosiery, Books, Cups and Saucers, Hand Bags,

Box Papers, Dolls, Dominoes,Xmas Belts, Etc

; Ladies and MissesfleecedUnderwea-r, 25c

Xmas.RibbonCandybest quality

Grape Fruit, large size,'He each,J A few sizes in Men's and Hoy's50c dozen i sweaters, reduced from fi©c to

; • . . • •"•; ; . . - . / ; . 3 9 c e n t s ;. ' . - • . '

• „- . . . •.'•••'—• , ^ , . , : Qur heaviest Brown-C'ottos, worthCalifornia ]Savel Omag es, high.* 9c; by the piece 7J cents,

grade, 22c dozen _ / j Men s Heavy Jersey Gloves, reg^•'.•". • latrlOc; 4 pairs for 25 cents

. - . »•«••.- , _, c, . ; Men's President Suspenders,Mixed Nuts For Sale : to Scents.

E H. Potter & Son, - Brushton, N* V.

GOOD NffOBAL TEETH, ,'What They M*an to: the Wan Over

Fifty Years, of Ag*« ."Few factors conduee to Jolly age as

does pride in personal appearance,"writies pR John Philip Ei'wui of Perkasie, pa^ In Oral Hygiene. >£ Wellgroomed person never grows old. Espeeially essential /are well cared forteeth. At no time in•-life; are teethmore valuable than when a man haspassed fifty. They double in worthevery year after the half century yearstone has been reached. --•"•,

MIt is a sad fact.'- lie contiaties, *thatall the dental parlors and powerspast, present and to c^are> combinedand concentrated, cannot restore t tenormal form" of--it. .face destroyed^ byextraetion. It is a blessed truth thatmodern dentistry can prevent t&is^ca

" l a m i t y V " '"•/ •' ' - . . ' " . ' - / • ' • ' , " . ' • /'..'';.•• .,-•

"But the greatest blessing of natora>teeta in declining years Is derivedfrom tb» assistance they give to theboiler • of toe bodjv tbe; stomacb,throughout that period when digestionis on tbe wane. In youth the stomachstood for beer* Dutea luncUes, rabbitsand lodge banquets. It seldom kickedback, iy'ot so iftj a4atnrity. The teethmast now arbitrate many health questions. When the disgruntled stomachis tandemed With deatal deficiency th**remaining members of the alimeutancanal join in a re^lllon against foodoppresstou wbJteh culminates in a revolution that proves a revelation to ihvvietini. Dyspepsia IB*J be: -conq^erect;'in youttu 'to»t-a^^':to:a^i',...Th«.''n»ps«,pessimistic Btomach, coupled withdental efficiency, WU1 a«^e|o^ a fairdegree.:.'#£• optln^m, possibly a eontinuous life of Sunshine. •


insure food

mother at a Boston

apron comittg alongthe tables, wheelingi?ver» /.;,a3e^9ita'::.:f*O'iJB\;;;:"'Blight choose their ftit', tfte iaeafe".:.^?lBi'r€iwagon in a ppalecturned his bead and

"Mamma, is that

dining with hisre^aftrant wbeu

the alste betweena wagon on wtiicbwt»tc|l tbe guests*dtee^ de resistancebJld loufced at the.1 ^ay., Then beasked:wfc«t tney mean

by a la carte ?*—Boston Traveler.

Open ForCentral Market

Is now open for businesswith a full line of

Presh Meats, Groceries,and Provisions.

I have a nevv and freshV stock and solicit a

share of your :,' . trade;

W.H. FISHER,Brushton, - New York

SPECIAL SALE. r " ' .. / '.-of— " . •

Hats, Ribbons, Feathers ar\dEverything in Millinery.

A Reduction in Price on J. C,_. C. Corsets. -

A choice line'of Perfumes andToilet Articles (qir the

• Holidays.

New Handkerchiefs. Jewelry,;' -•; . " Etc. • •

Mrs. M. A. QUINN, Brushton. ' - - ' • " . . / '

Attention Maple Syrup MakersThe Gtimm Evaporator


Han(!kefc}iie%* - •. • • . - • ' 5 • . - : ' - .

Fancy GoodsBuy Here and Save Money

Harris & Woods,Brushton, - New YorH


At tnis Office -

Onr system of evaporation insure* 'tbehighest grade product with the ieastpossible «xpem« and labor. The firsts%p enWinff the evafjorators i« madeinto syrop first The light aod theheavy do riot intermix. Wo nse the

r <bet<t grade Charcoal imported tin plateia the. eoBslroetiotr of the evaporator.Will last a life time. - Write for e»ta»io jne and state unmber of t r e^ youtap.G r i m m Manufactur ing Co.,

6 15«<J2 1 Cbantiplftin Av«.,.••'CLEVELAND,- - OHIO

W. B. WOOD, 6e»eral AleBt, ffdrwooi. K. Y.

New MillineryMid-Winter Display - of the. • '••• '" l a t e s t d e s i g n s in

-MILLINERY-Call and inspect our line

Our prices are right.Mrs. Lillia Connelly, Brushton

•".;•.• Hear M. E. Chorch

She Was the One.Trixie ( a bit late Iu striving)-Well

girts, who are you fcnoetelng nowt&$n&~-We were ail oercbut you. deal*!


We still It^ve Many Bargains

Conger Bros.r =