lulu thanksgiving11

Post on 26-May-2015






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lulu is loco for giving thanks!

I’m thankful for like everything? Health, family, friends, happiness, yoga! yoga! yoga! And new challenges, because they help to build strength and character. :) And for Lauren.


Xo Jade

I'm very, very grateful for a healthy set of family and friends!


I'm thankful for - Mark, Tanner and Trace of

course! My family and friends. Good health. And I'm happy to be spending

Thanksgiving with my family too!

XoxoMomma Dee.

I'm thankful for my health! (sorry for not being specific but

I'm really thankful for it!)-Lauren

I'm thankful for my amazing supportive friends.


I'm thankful for my friends (old and new) who have and continue to support, listen, challenge, and

love me unconditionally. They truly have enriched my life. To

love and be loved is the greatest joy on earth!!! Enrich someone's

life and be a true friend!

oxo, Marisa

I am thankful for my goofy, furry, puppy,

Luna and I am thankful for delicious cupcakes!


I am thankful for the lovely fall we've been having!


I am thankful for our AMAZING LULU FAMILY HERE

AT MASONVILLE <3...and nutella of course.

Xoxo chelsea

I am thankful for all the support and love I get from my

family and friends.-Jane

I am thankful for my opportunities/development in


Xo Laryssa

This year I have become increasingly thankful for my wonderful and supportive family. In September of 2010 my Grandmother passed away after a long

battle with cancer. Through this I have come to realize how truly strong and amazing my family is! Every single person has taken time out of their busy personal lives to hang out with my Grandpa, who is now living alone, and draw close to each other. In

my mind, the most extraordinary act of compassion I have experienced is opening my text messages or Facebook and seeing encouraging words from my

Aunts. Things as small as a quick "hello" or "how's track going?" really make my day as these were

things my Grandma would do constantly.

Love, Jenessa

I am thankful for wedding's in Tuscany! :)


I'm thankful for my mother's strength in

battling breast cancer for a 2nd time. She has a very

positive outlook, and I know she's going to beat it



I'm thankful for my FAMILY!!!!

Xoxo Jenn

To go along with the skydive picture....I am

thankful that I am healthy enough to enjoy my life with my friends and

family, and continue to do the things I love.


I am thankful for:- family

- my niece and nephew - great friends - strong health

- my life - be able to do what I love for

a living - having a warm safe place I

call home - canadian weather/seasons

Love, Martha

I am thankful for my amazing family, mom dad and big T-girl . They have been there for me my entire life and have always been amazing support system! Even though it’s hard we’re not in the same city, I know they are always there! Cant wait to spend the weekend with them in Barrie and of course joined with our dog RILEY!

Xo T

I'm thankful to be home for my first Thanksgiving in 7 years

with my family and my husband! Cruise ship life was great, but Dorothy was right, there's no place like home!


I'm thankful for pumpkin spice syrup at starbucks! :)

Love, Cheryl

I am thankful for family and friends... And also crunchy

leaves, smiles, hugs and the exciting possibilities that are



I am thankful for being with my family for the first

Thanksgiving in 6 years.

I am thankful for the power of resilience and laughing.

And I am definitely thankful for ALL things pumpkin

xox Nikki

I am thankful for my amazing family and friends! My family drove from Barrie to London to help me with my surgery and took me

home and have been taking such great care of me! And

I'm also thankful for my health and the amazing

surgeons who put me back together!

Happy Thanksgiving!-Jess

I'm thankful for my family's health, happiness and

capability to rely on one another.

Happy Thanksgiving!-Kylee

I am thankful for:

Sunrises, sunsets and storms over the pond and fields which are now my back yard.

My beautiful 10 month old Great Dane, Hannah, who's sweetness and dorky playfulness bring me joy far exceeding my anger at the occasional

chewed item.

My fiance Arif, who understands me so deeply and allows me to be myself in all my imperfect glory.

Surviving a car accident I shouldn't have and the transformational new perspective on and passion

for life it gifted me with.

Being physically well enough to have just finished Crossfit boot camp and being able to think realistically about doing my yoga teacher

training next year.

New beginings.New friends.



From all of us to all of you, Happy


(and thank you, luon, for being so stretchy…bring on the


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