love your life, love your law practice

Post on 13-Jan-2015






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I have news -- Hating your job / life / law practice is so 2013! Yes, my friend, its officially time to say GOODBYE to frustration, stress and insanity. And HELLO to your wildly successful law practice that you ACTUALLY love. I did it. I’ve taught hundreds of other lawyers how to do it. And you can do it, too. So are you ready to create a law practice that you’ll love?



Hey Lawyers,

I have news for you.

You went to law school. You worked really hard. And now, there’s just one (big) problem…


You feel trapped / chained / burnt out / frustrated /

exhausted / overworked / miserable / insert your

adjective of choice.

(Cue: Sigh.)

Because you’re a lawyer.

And while you knew that being a lawyer would be demanding, you didn’t know it would demand everything.


Your energy. (All of it.)Your enthusiasm.Your happiness.Your sense of well-being.Your health.And every minute of free time you (almost) had for yourself. 

To put it simply: You’re exhausted.

As a result, you’ve probably been wondering how you’re going to make it all work. You’ve probably been up late at night, feeling conflicted about the career you dedicated so much time and money to. You don’t want to abandon it, but at the same time, you’ve got to do something. In the name of your sanity.


What’s a lawyer to do?

I’m Rachel Rodgers, and there are two things I want to tell you: 1. You can have a thriving law practice you actually love--minus the being in work mode 24/7, never ending to-do lists and pretty much no life outside of the law.  2. It’s easier than you think, and I’m here to teach you everything you need to know.


But ... HOW?

By starting something called a VIRTUAL LAW


virtual law office: (noun)

a modern law practice that you can run from anywhere in the world, using technology & a specific set of cutting edge tools (that most lawyers don’t know about) that allow you to be anywhere, anytime--and still serve clients in the state you’re admitted in.




It means a couple of things...

You can finally build your career--without tearing down your life.



You no longer need to be shackled by archaic law firm business models--as well as the expectations that come with them.

Forget 100 hour work weeks, (dreadfully) boring areas of law, catty office politics, glass ceilings, and miserable Sunday nights spent hating the fact that tomorrow is Monday.


#3You can do normal human things like...oh, I don’t know.

Raise children? Take afternoon walks. Meet up with friends. Write that book. And have a life alongside your law practice.

Turns out that thing called work/life balance? Actually exists.


#4You can do this.

And nothing will ever be the same.


What are you waiting for?

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