literature on pollen-statistics and related topics published 1940—1943

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Literature on pollen-statisticsand related topics published1940—1943G. ErdtmanPublished online: 06 Jan 2010.

To cite this article: G. Erdtman (1944) Literature on pollen-statistics and relatedtopics published 1940—1943, Geologiska Föreningen i Stockholm Förhandlingar, 66:2,256-276, DOI: 10.1080/11035894409451832

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25G UEOI,. F ~ X . F O I ~ H A X D L . ~d GG. Ir. 2. i ~ . i .

J~itcratiirc on pollen-statistics and rclatetl topics publish c (1 1940- 1‘343.


G. ERDT31.4X.

(318. received Kov. 19, 1943.) This cighth issuc of s l i tcraturc o n Pollen-Statistics, contains papers

published in thc years 1910-1942, :i fcw also i n 1913 (in conformity with some of the prcvious issues i t also contains n nurnbcr of older, chicfly botanical papers). The list can hardly be complete since the conipilcr lins included chicfly. papers sent t o hini personally. B u t as 3 result of the mar thc intcrnationnl eschnnge of scientific literature has bccn csscntially rcduccd.

The publication of this issue can only bc continued in case p a p s on pollen-statistics and siriiilar topics rcgi~larlj- conic into the hands of thc editor.

Abbrevint ions:

A: :!lnus; Ab: Abics; 13: 13ctula; C: Cqjii ius; Co: Corylus; F: E’agus; P: Pinus; Pc: Piccn; Q: Qucrcus; S: S a l k T: Tilia; U: Ulmus.


Erdtman, G., Literoturc on Pollen-statistics and related topics published in 1937-1939. - Geol. Poren. Forhandl., vol. 62, Stockholm 19-10 (pp. 61-91; in p. 61 arc quoted s t previous issues of ))Literature on l’ollcxi-stntistics, nsn-ell as, sever1 ))Verzeichnissc der pollcnanaIytkchen Litcratur)) published in the years 1927-1037 by 11. Garns).

Comprohensive papor.

ISrdtman, G., dn Introduction to Pollcn Analysis, - h’cw Series of Plant Scicncc Books cditcd by I?. Verdoorn; Clironica Botanica Company, IVaIthain, Mass., 1913 (239 pages; about 600 original illustrations; a definite figurc cannot be given as thc author has not yet rcccivcd o copy of the book). Thc chnptcrs arc as follows:




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I. 11.

I IT. IT. 1‘1.

IS. X.


XIII. XIV. sv.




\q1, VIII;

Introduction. Chemistry of peat (by Dr H. Erdtmnn). 1)ollen prepar:itioils. Preparation of fossil pollcn-bearing material. Pollen and spore morphology (termiriology; pollen diagnoses). I’ollen morphology (Jlonocotyledons). Pollen morphology (Dieotylcdons). Pollen morphology (Gymnosperins). Spore morphology (Ptcridophyta :lid Bryophyta). l’olleii Analyses and their graphical reprcscntation. Correlations. Output and disseminatioi of pollen. Surface samples. 1)ollcn flora of pent samples. Geographical survcy. Tertiary dcposits. l’ollen analysis of honey and drugs.


FrEmy, Encyclopcdie chemiquc. CheInic dcs v6g6taus. I f. Sur la composi- tion chcmiquc du pollen. 1883.

Fritzsclic, J., Uber den Pollen dcr Pflanzcn und das Pollenin. - Ann. Cliem. u. Physik (Poggendorff), ~ o l . XXXIT, 1831 (pp. 4 5 1 4 9 2 ) .

Stockfiscli, I<. uud Ucnadc, W., Uic Charaktcrisicrung dcr Heilsclilamme und vcrwmdtcr Stoffc auf Grund mikroskopischer, chemischer, dis- pcrsoidaualytischcr Uutersuchungen, sowic ihrc physiknlkchcn Eigen- schaftcn. - Mitt. Labor. l’reuss. Geol. Landes-Anst. 11, T3erlin 1030

Zetzsche und Liechti, Biochemisch vcriindcrtc Sporopollcnine. - Brcnn- (pp. 35-83).

stoffchemie, vol. 18, 1037.


Allen, N. Y., Pollell grains in honey. X. - Jlicroscope, Brit. JOWL Nicros.,

Goodacre, I\‘. A., The honey and pollen flora of New South Wales. - Syd- ney (Governm. print.) 1938; 195 pp.

Naurizio, A., Sch~vcizerische lIolligtypen. 3. Vcrgissmcinniehthoiii~. - Ermi t . Sep-abdruck nus Schweiz. 13icuenzcit., 1040 (20 pp.; Antlirisc., Campanuln, Caryopliyllac., Castanca, Crucif., Erica carnca, Helianthc- mum, Labiat., Lotus, Jlyosotis, Onobrychis, Ranunculac., Rhinanthus Rubus, Salis, Tarasac., Trifoliurn).

-, Sch~seizcrische Honigtypen. 4. lIonig dcr Edelkastanie. - Scliweiz. Bicnen-%it., H. 7, 8, 1941 (21 pp.; 4 diagrams).

-, sec also under Blorpliology. Nicthammcr, A, l\lihoskopic, Nikro- uiid 13iochcmie verschiedener Honige.

Einc Studic dargcstcllt an irillirischen Honigen. - Gartenbaux&., vol. 4, 1931 (pp. 363-386).

V O ~ . 3, 1939 (pp. 99-102).

MOOGO. GO. 0. F . r. 1944.




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25s 0 . ENDTAIAX. [Nars--dl)ril1~*

Oertcl, E., Honey mid I’ollen P h t s of the United States. - U. S. uCpt. l‘anscll, G . II., Kcctar m d Pollen l’lants of California. - Calif. Agr. Itxper.

Agric., Circular 110. 551, 1930 (Gl pp.).

Sta., Bull. no. 517 (GO pp.).

Mothod and theory.

Iiarglioorn, l3. and Bailey, I. I\‘., -4 useful xuctliod for tlic study of polleo in peat. - Ecology, rol. 31, 1940 (pp. 513, 514).

I$orsc, C., Ubcr die Frame dcr I’olIenproduktioil, l)oIlcnzcrstoruug und pol- Icnvcrbreitung in o&preussischen I\-altlgebieteii. - Sclir. l’~iys.-~il;~,,. Ges. Konigsbcrg (I+.), vol. LSXXI , 1’339 (pp. 127-141).

Cockc, I{. C., Atmospheric pollen survey of Charlottcsvillc, l’irginia, for 193G. - Journ. Elislia Jlitchcll Scicnt. SOC., vol. 51, 1935 (pp. 143- 153; 3 tablcs).

Conirnittcc on api)oratus ill ocrobiology, n’atioud l<esearch ~oulicil: Tech. niqucs for appraising air-borne polulations of microorganisms, poIlen, and insects. - l’hytopatliology, vol. XXXI, 1911 (pp. 201-225).

I)yakowslia, J., Rcscarclies on the rapidity of the falling do\\-n of I)ollcn of sonic trees. - Bull. Acad. 1’01. Sc. Lettr., C1. Sc. JInth., sCr. n,

Erdtmaii, G., Pollen grains recovered froin the atniospherc over the Atlantic. - Neddcl. Gotcborgs Bot. TriidgBrd, vol. XII, Giitcborg 1037 (pp.

Firbas, P., Besprcchung roil L. Aario, Waldgrenzen und subrczciite Pollen- spcktren in Pctsanio Lnppland. - Ztsclir. f: Dot., vol. 3G, 1911 (pp. 595-59i).

Gran, II., The plnncton production in tlic north Europcnn wttcrs in the spring of 1012. - Bull. planlit. pour 1’aiinC.c 1912, Copcnhaguc.

Petterson, B., Espcrimentclle Untcrsuchungeii iiber die cuaneniochorc Ver- breitung dcr Sporcnpflanzcn. - Acta Bat. Vclili., YOI. 25, 1910 (102 PP-1.

Rcissiiiger, A., Jlctliode dcr Bohrungcn in Seen zur Untcrsiicliuiig v o ~ i Se- dinieritschiclitcn. - Internat. Rev. Hydrobiol. ek., vol. 33, 103G.

-, Die ))l’ollenanalyseo ausgedchiit auf alle Scdimentgestcinc der gcolo- gischen Ycrgaiigcdicit. - I’alacontograpliicn, sol. 81, iil)t.,B, Stutt- gart 1930 (1’~. 1-20).

Jrarcsclii, IT., I’ollcnnicdcrschlag in den Hochalpen. - Ztschr. f. (1. ges. Naturwiss., 1910.

-, Die pollciianalytischc Untersuchriiig dcr Clctschcrbciwguiig init be- sondcrcr 13criicksichtigung der lrcrhhltnissc am Grosscii Alctschglctschcr (Wallis, Scllwiz) und Ergiinzungcn c om Gepatsclifcruer (utztalcr- gruppc, Tirol). - Vcr8ff. Gcobot. Iiist. Itiibcl, Ziirich, 19. Iicft, Bern 1912 (141 pp., 9 diagrams; A, Ab, 11, Cu, F, P, P. Cenibra, I’c, Q, S,

Wallerius, J. G., I)e pluvin sulphurca. - Diss., U ~ d l a 17G2 (resp. 11. Eken- borg; p. 5: aNcg:int vcro dari sulphur :iikeuin, Hcnckel in P1. Sathur.; Scheuchzer in Uibl. Phys., T. I, circa historialn subrersionis Sodomae; Casp. Ncuniaii in Chem. >led. Cap. de Sulphurc, aliique; csistimantes, pulvcrcm illuui flnvcsccntcin, ab aliis Sulphur appellatui~i, lion vcrum

1937 (111). 155-1GS).


T, U).




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~ ( 1 G G . 11. 2.1 LITERATUI1E 0s I’OLLES-STATISTICS 1940- 1943. 259

~ S S C srilpliur, scd pulvcrciii vcgctnbilcm, dc I’ino c t tllictc vcl Corylo, ,-el e t rlc JIusco tcrrcstri clavato, nliisquc plnntis, in nit‘rcni, vcnto clc- l-ntuin, tleiiide ciini pluvia dccitluuni,).


\;lrio, I,., Die griissciistntistisclie Aii:ilyse tlcr Bctul:ipollcii in Torfprobcn. * - Gcol. ltuiidschnu. vol. S X S I I , 1911 (pp. G12-G2G; 4 diagrams). ficcr, R., Devclopiiicnt of the spores of Iliccia g1:luca. - iiiiii . Bot., voI.

XX, 190G. ucllson, JI., IIctcrothccn Grievii,?lie niicrospor;uige of Hcterniigiuni Gricvii. - S. I’hytol., w l . SXXI\‘, 1935 (pp. 92-9G).

Bcrtsch, I<., Lchrbucli rlcr l’olleiioiinlysc. - Reiricrth, llaiidbiiclier (1. priikt. Vorgcscliichte, vol. 3, Stuttgnrt (b’. Enke) 1912 (195 pp.; 33 plates with illustrntioris of pollcn graiiis mid spores; n grcnt number of the illustratioiis havc Lceii gathered froiii different sources u-ithoiit quoting the author; sonic figures - e. g. Cnllitrichc, Crocus, Evonymiis

’ europaeus, IIippuris, Inuln, nnd Lythruiii - arc Iiiislcxliiig or insuf- ficient).

Blair, JI. C., Sprogencsis in Rcboulia heniisphnericn. - Uot. Gaz., YO]. LSSST, 1926.

Brciiickaliil), C. 15. n., Scinphylliiin, gciius iiovuiii ilcniithacc:iruiii. - Ikc .

-, Tlic position of the gciius T1ioinardcrsi:i Uaill. - Ihid., vol. S S S I X ,

cain, S., The idcntificntion of spccies iii fosil p l lc i i of I’iiius by size-fre- qiicncy tlctcrininntions. - Aiiicr. Joiirn. not., vol. 27, 19-10 (111). 301- 303).

Chalaud, G., Obscrvatioiis s i r Ics sporcs tlc Fcgntclln conicn c t Ictir mode tlc gcrniiiiation. - Ann. Jiryol., vol. 1‘11, 193.1.

Dcnke, I)., Sporciiciitwickluiifi bci Sclaginclla. - 1iinug.-Diss., Jciin 1902 (18 pp.; 1 plate with 20 figs.).

nubois, G., I’ollcii e t l)llplogdnie chcz les AbiCtiiifcs. - Trnv. Lab. forest. Toulouse, t. I, rol. 11, art. XIX, 1935 (21 pi).; 41 figs.), also in Bull. SOC. hist. Xat. Toulouse, t. LXXII, 1935 (111). 125-145; 41 figs).

--, IntCret 6rolntif tlu pollen dcs L\l~iCtinCcs. - Clironicn Botnnicn, vol. Y, 1,cidcn 1939 (pp 40s-110; 10 figs.).

I)unziiigcr, G., Ucitriige zur I<e~iiitnis dcr JIorpl~ologic iind 2\iinto~nic iler Gciicru Hcinioiiitis, Gyniriograninie untl Jalncsollia. - 1nnug.-Diss., JIiincheii 1909 (52 pp.; 4 plates; 65 spore illustrations in pl. IT1 and IV).

Eisenack, A., Ilie l’hosplioritl~iiollcii dcr Ucrnsteiiifornintioii nls lhcrlicfercr tcrtiiireii 1’l:iiiktons (Vorlhufigc Jlitteiliing). - Sclir. I’lips.-iikon. Ges. IGiiigsbcrg (I’r.), 1-01. 71, 1935 (111). 181--188; G figs.; I)cflniitIrca, IIy- stricliosphncrn, II~-strichos~~lineridiuiiiii, ~\‘etzeliclln).

Elrnquist, C. F., 0 1 1 1 de skniidiiinviskn LycopodiacCcriia. - Akad. Afh., Stockliolni 18G9 (35 pp.).

Erdtni:ui, G., I~loiiiJirriorfisi~c~i 110s Statice Ariiicri:i. - Nedlenisblad for ’Uiologillirariras Fiirciiing, 5rg. G , no. 3, Stockholiii sept. 1910 (p. 53).

-, Flowcr (liinorphisin in Staticc drineria L. - Svciisk Bot. Tidskr., vol. 31, 1910.(pp. 377-350; G figs.).

Trnv. bot. i i h l . , vol. S ~ ~ \ ‘ I I , 1910 (pp. 293-300).

19iS ( l ) ~ ) . 166-175; toL. IT-IY).




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260 0. EIWTMAK. [ N:lrs-.lpri1 194

Erdtnian, G., Sidesslageus pollcnmorfologi. - Sv. Ilot. Tidskr., \-ol. 35 1911 (Summary: Pollen morphology of the ccrcnls. \\’it11 notes on thi pollen iiiorphology in Triticnle).

Fischcr von Kddliciiii, A., Sporcubildung tler Farne. - JIoskaii 18G5 p7 pp.; 4 plates with 85 figs.; liussiaii).

Fritzschc, J., Ueber den IL’ollcn dcr l’flnnzeii und dns Pollenin. - zi~~llaleh der Physik uiid Chemie (Poggendorff), vol. SSSII , Lcipzig 1531 (l)Il. 4 8 1 3 9 2 ; 1 plate with 13 illustrations of pollcn grains).

Hnlle, T., X fossil fcrtile Lygodiulu from the Tertiary of South Cllilc. - Sveusk Hot. Titlskr., vol. 31, 1910 (pp. 257-261; 1 plate).

IIcimsch, C., \\’ood nnLEloxny . and pollen morphology of Rlius and 311ipd genera. - Journ. Arnold Arb., vol. XSI, 1910 (111). 279-291; 3 plates with 10 illustrations of pollen graius).

IverseIi, J., Illutenbiologische Studieii. I. 1)irnorpliie und JIoiioiriorphie bei iirmeria. - Det. I<. Danske Vidcnsk. Selsk., Biol. ~Ieddel., Sir: 8, Copeuhagcn 17. 10. 1910 (40 pp.; Plates I-x; 4 ihstratioiis of pollell grains).

Knox, M., The spores of Uryophyta compared with those of Carboniferous age. - Trans. Proc., Bot. SOC. Edinb., vol. );xXII, pt. IV, 1939 (pp. 477-187; 5 plates with 51 illustratious of spores).

-, Tlic spores of Pteridophyta, with obscrvations on rnicrosporcs in conk of Carboniferous age. - Chroriica Ijotanicn, vol. lr, Leiden 1939 (pp. 3 6 2 3 G i ; 25 figs.).

Kohlcr, A, Der systcniatischc N’crt der l’ollenbcsehaffenlieit bci den Geu- tianaceen. - Inaug.-l)iss., Zurich 1905 (JIitt. Dot. 1 1 ~ s . Unir. Zurich xX\7); (73 pp.; 3 plates with 39 illustrations of pollen grains).

Lijvc, A, Cyto-Genetic Studies in Rumes. I. Studies on polyploidy and pollen size in Itumex ibd,osclla L. - 11. Chromosomes and pollen size of Rumes Acetosa I,. - Bot. Notiser, Lund 1910 (pp. 157-169).

Maurizio, A, Sch-ceizerisclie Jfonigtj-pen. 3. ~rcrgissmein~iichtlio~iig. - Erweit. Scp.-abdruck aus d. Schrreiz. Bienenzeitung, 19-10 (pp. 1-20; JIyosotis spp.).

-, l’ollennii~lytische Beobachtungen 6-9. - Bcr. Schweiz. Uot. Ges., vol. 51 1911 (1910); (pp. 77-95; Chamocrops, Hippocrepis, Primula

-, l’ollenannlytischc Beobachtungen 10-12. - Sehw. Uieneu-Zeitung, Jahrg. 1912 (pp. 521-531; Linaria, Hedcrn ctc.).

Pohl, F., Zur Okologic der Bliiten von Iriscum nlbuni 1,. - Beih. Bot. CentrnIbI., Abt. I, vol. 47, 1931 (pp. 378--39G).

Raunkjaer, C., I)c dnnske Blomsterplnnters Naturhistoric. Vol. 1. Copenhagen 1895-99.

Renault, B., Sur quclques micro- c t inacrospores fossiles. - C. It. Congr. SOC. Sav. Paris, tenu h Park eu 1902. Sect. des Sciences. Paris 1903 (pp. 218-228; Lepidodcudron, Parkerioidcn, Botryoptcris etc.).

Rkch, C., Die Pollcnkijrner der in Dcutsclilnnd wild wachsenden Scrophula- riacecn. - Ucr. 1). Hot. Ges., vol. 57, 1939 (pp. 108-121; 9 fiis.).

-, Die Yollenkorner der in Deutschland vorkommendcn Labiaten. - Vcrh. Bot. Ver. Brandenburg, 80. Jahrg., 1940 (pp. 21-36; 10 illustra- tious of pollen grains).

spp., Soldanclla).




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~d 66. 11. 2.1 IJTCI~ATUI1E OX POLLCS-STATISTICS 1 !N0-1943. 261

Sirlgll, T. C. X., Studics in the Jlorpholopy of Pollcn Grains. - I (a). 130- rngiliaccae. - Journ. Indian Uot. SOC., VOI. S, 1931 (1032); (pp. 38- .i2; 1 plate with 11 figures; Uorngo, Gastrocotple, IIeliotropiuni, JIyo- sotis, Nonnen).

Skottsbcrg, C., Vascular Plants from the I Iawi inn 1sl:mJs. 111. - Jleddel. Giitel). Uot. Triidg. XIr, 1912 (pp. 35-1.1s; with illustrations of the spores of about ‘10 species and subspecies belonging to dsplcniuni, d thy- rium, Diplazium, Uryopteris, Nlaphoglossuni, and Sadleria).

Studhalter, 1L ti., Gerniination of the spores and development of Riella aincricana. - Uot. Gaz., vol. XCII, 1031.

pnaka , X., Chroniosonie studit% in Cyperaccae. VI. Pollen dewlopmetit and additional evidence for the compound chromosoine in Scirpus Iacustrk. - $tologin, VOI. 10, 1910 (pp. 3 1 8 4 6 2 ) .

Thicrgnrt, B., Die Jlikropakiontologie als ~’olhianalysc ctc. (SCC Prcquart. deposits).

-, Anthoceros-Sporen aus jiingereu Braunkohlen. - Beih. Bot. Central- bl., vol. LXI, d b t . B, 1012 (pp. 619-622; 1 plate with 7 illustrations

\reiniarck, II., Om pollenliorn och klyviippniiigar hos Prunus Insititia, P. spinosa och hybrideri dcm emellan. - Bot. Notiser, Lund 1013 (pp. 3 8 9 4 9 8 ) .

\rodehouse, 1L P., Pollen grain rnorphology in the classification of the Ant- heniideae. - Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 63, 1926 (pp. 4 7 9 4 5 5 ; 2 t e s t figs.).

Zalcssliy, 11. D., Sur In question de In classification des spores fossiles. - l’rob. of I’aleont., vol. 5 , 1939 (pp. 3 2 5 4 2 7 ) .

. of spores).

Prcquntornnry deposits.

Arnold, C., Xcrofossils from Greenland coal. - Pap. Xchig. Acnd. Sci.,

Cleve-Euler, A, Alttertiiire Diatomeeu und Silicoflagellateri im Irlllerell Schrvcdens. - Palacontographica, vol. XCII, Abt. A, 1911 (pp. 165- 205; 10 plntcs with 218 illust.rations).

Duisburg, Urwcltliclier 13liitcnstaub. - N. preuss. l’rovinzialbl., 111, 1860. Eisenack, A., Xcue Nikrofossilien des bnltischen Silurs. IV. - l’alaeontol.

Ztsclir., vol. 10, 1037 (pp. 217-2.13; 2 plntcs; chitiriozon, cysts, etc.). Erdtnian, G., Diskussionsinl$gg (Pollei! grains ill Jlesozoic coals, PAlsj6,

S\\-edcn). - Gcol. Foren. Forliandl., rol. 62, 1910 (p. 307). Gothan, W., Picard, E. und Thiergart, F., Das geologische Alter dcr Bitter-

feldcr und Lausitzer l<olilcii. - Uraunkohle, IIcft 6, 1910 (pp. 5 1 4 6 ) . Harris, T. >I., Caytonantlius, the niierosporophyll of Caytonin. - Ann.

Hunger, It., Uiostratonomie uiid 1’aleol)otanik der Blhtter-I\ohlenvorliom- inen dcs eozLinen IIumodils des Zeitz-~\rcisseiifclscr Rcvicrs. - Halle 1039.

Kirchlieinicr, F., 100 Jnhre l’ollenforschung ini Dienste der Paliiobotanili.

-, Friihe Abbildungen con l’olleiiformen ans tcrtiiircn Scllichtcn. - Ccn- tralbl. f. Jlin. etc., Jahrg. 1941, Abt. I3, KO. 7 (pp. 20s-216).

VOI. XIr, 1931 (1032); pp. 51-41.

Rot., S. S., 1-01. 5, 1911 (pp. 47-18).

- l’Ia1it:l, VOI. 31, 1910 (PI). 114-117).




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262 G . CItUT.\IAS. [lLiirs-April 19-14.

Lnng, W., Coiitrihtioiis to the study of the Old Red Sandstone flora Of, Scotland. I, 11. - Trans. Roy. SOC. Ediub., vol. MIr, Pa r t IT, 1925 (pp. 233-280; 4 plates with about 20 illustrations of spores).

-, 0 1 1 the plant-rcmains froin tlic Dowitoiiian of ICiiglnnd mid \\'riles. -- Phil. Trans. Roy. S O ~ . , Ser. U, rol. 327, 1937 (pp. 213-291); plates 8, 14).

Iicissinger, A., Die )d’ollenauolpneu nusgedchnt nuf alle Sedinicntgestcjnc der gcologisclicii IrcrgangcIiheit. - l’al:ieontographica, iibt. B, vol. 81, 1939 (111). 1-20; n. Q , T; Cheirolcpis rniinstcri, I’ityosporitcs p l l i d q Sporitcs Hirnicri, Sporites? spp.).

Singh, T. C. K., Xotes pii tlic fossil spores in ail oil-slinlc from Tnsniania. - Pap. and l’roc. Roy. Soc. Tnsmniiin for the year 1331, IIobart 1932

Thiergart, I?., Die Tertiiirstufcii i i i i Spicgel der l’ollena~iolysc. - I h u i i . kohle, Ilcft 4, 1939 (pp. 53-58; 37 illustrations of pollcn grains).

-, Die ~Iikrop;il8oiitologie als Pollennnnlysc im Dienst dcr Braunkohlcn- forschung. - Schr. :ius (1. Gcbiet d. I~reiiiistoff-Geologic, 13. Heft, Stuttgnrt (ISiike) 1910 (82 pp.; XIV plates with 361 inicropliotographs of sporcs and pollen grains).

-, Aiithoeeros-Sporcii ails jiiiigercii Braunkolileii. - Ueih. not. Centralbl., ALt. 13, vol. 61, 1912 (pp. 613--G22).

TIiomsoii, P. IV., Ucitrag zur Keiiutiiis der fossilcii Flora dcs Nittcldevons in Estlaud. - Loodusuutijatc Scltsi Aruanded, vol. SLY, Tartu 1933 (1910); (pp. 3-15; 7 plates; in plates I-IV 21 illustrations of spores).

(111). 32-36; 1 plntc).

Aus t r a l i a (Hawaii).

Selling, O., The Post-Glacial Vegetation History of the Hasvaiinn Islands. - Jleddel. Goteborgs not. TrHdghd XY, Gijteborg 1912 (pp. 31-34).


l~lorscIiiitz, F. c t rail Ope, I<., Ikclierelics analytiques dc pollcii clans In region des Hautcs-Pagncs Bclgcs. - 13iol. Jalrb. Dodonaen, zcsdc jaarg., 1939 (pp. 237-233; 2 diagrams; A, l3, C, Co, 17, P, I’c, Q, S, T, U; Grumin., JIyriopliyll., varin; Selnginclln; aiialyscs by A. Iran So- mcrcn).

v n i i Oye, E., Twec wen-profielcii uit Zuid-Luseniburg (Iielgie). - Ibid., vijfdc jnnrg., Antwcrpcn 1935 (pp. 4 2 5 9 3 4 ; 2 dingmms; A, 13, c, co, F, l’, Pc, (2, S, T, U; iiionocot.; filic., Sphagiiuiii).


Aiiderseii, S. A, Det dauske laudskabs historic. - Kobcdinvn 1933 (276

Cnldciiiiis, C., Till fr5,n:iii oni Stciistrupsjijiis nrvscricr. l’reliiiii~iiirt nicd- clclnnde. - Geol. J’oreii. Fiirhnndl., vol. 62, 1910 (pp 173-181; Y).

Ivcrscn, J., Vcgctations- og I<limaperiotleriic i Denmark cfter Istidcn, og geologisk \ridnesl)yril 0111 uSvcdjebrugo i Dnlliiiarlis yngre Stcnnlder. - Kxturliist. Tidcndc, 4. Aarg., KO. 4, 1910.





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g,j 66. 11. 2.1 LITERATUI11: ON I’OLLCS-SrATfSTICS 13Jo-l!?J3. 263

j,cr3311, J., En pollennnalytisk tidsfsstclsc :if fersk~-.:indslngcnc vcd Sorrc Lyngby. - Jlcdd. Ilansk Gcol. For., vol. 10, 1912 (pp. 130-151; 2 diagrams; 13, IIippophac, I’, S; Xrrncrin vulgnris, Artcniisia, Cheiio- podiac., Cypcrac., Eric& Gramin., Ilunics + Osyrin).

-, in Dcgerbal, 11. and Ircrscn, J., On a find of :t slicnt-fish (Silurus glnnis L.) froin the Ancylus pcriotl iii Deninark. - l‘iclcnsk. JIcdd. Dnnsk naturh. Vorcn., YO]. 105, 1912 (pp. 4 1 3 1 1 6 ; -1, B, Co, P, Q, T, U; Cy- pernc., Grnmin., llumulus, Lycopod. nnnot.).

Jc.isC11, I<., Danmnrlis Kntur geiincni Tiderne. - Dct Jhuske Folks His- toric, Ii~bciiliarii 1‘3%‘.

Trocls-Sinitli, J., l’ollenanalytisk~idsbcstciiirriclsc nf Uroliseknoglcn mccl Jleiiiicskctcgiiirigcr fra ltyeninrksg&rd. Efterskrift ti1 T. Jhthiasseri: Vorc d d s t c Jleiiiieskcfre~iistillingcr. - oPra KatioIinlmusccts Arbejds- innrko 1911.

-, (:cologisk Dntering nf I)yrholin-Fundct. - I<. l)anskc Vidcnsb-. Sclsk., Ltrkncol.-kuiisthist. Skr., 13d. I, KO. 1, 1912 (pp. 137-200; 10 plates; 7 clingrams; 21, n, C , Co, b’, Frasinus, l’, I’c, Q, S, T, U; --Irtc&in, Ca- .ryopliyllnc., Chcnopodinc., Conipos., Cypcmc., Ericnc., Grnrniu. (iucl. ccrcnls), llcdcra, I’lantago Innccolatn, P. maritinin, Rubus cf. idneus, Rtinics, Ituppin, Uinhllif., Yiscuin; Gcrinnn suinmary pp. 201-212).

.’ Finland. u

Anrio, L., \Vnldgrenzen und subrczcnten l’ollerispcktrcii in Pctsniiio, Lapp- loiicl. - h u . Bcnd. Scieiit. &’em., scr. A, tom. LIV, no. 9, 1910 (120 pp.; .i diagrmis; 11 polleu tables; 11 (glutiiiosa and inc:uin), L), Co, 1’, I’c, Q , S , T, U; CnlIuiia, Cnryopli., Chenop., Comarum, Coinpos., cf. Corms, Ihoscrn, Enipetrurn, Epilobiuui, Ericnc., cf. Gentians, JIeny- nnthes, cf. l’nrnassia, Polygonuin vi\-i~iaruni, I<anunculus, cf. Snus- suren, cf. Soliclngo, Stellaria, Tofieldin, Tricntnlis, UInbcllif., Valerinua, Viola; J,ycopodinc., I’olypodinc., Sclngiiielln).

-, I’ctsninon Iiasvillis~iusryo~iy~kcittcl~ siitcpijlysuhtcct ja innainine met- sicn kcliitys. - Terra, YOI. 52, (1910) 1941 (pp. G5-74; 3 diagrams; A, I%, I’, i’c, S; cf. Clirysosplcniuin, Ericnc., Rubus chninncmorus, Grn- inin.-Cypcr:ic., herbs; spores; sunimary p. 72: Dic Pollcnverh5ltnissc dcr ~regetatioiisregioiieii yon l’etsanio und die Entwicklung der finniscb- en IKilder nni I h d c dcr Eiszeit).

-, Dic griissciistatistisclie Xnnlysc dor Bctulapollen i n Torfprobcn. - Gcol. Rundschau, vol. S S S I I , 1911 (pp. 612-626; 4 diagrams; U).

-, Turpccn Eiitcpiilyruiisniiieii kiiytostii mctsstiheydcn selvittiijiinii. - Tcrrn, vol. 51, 1912 (pp. 3-12; summary pp. 12-14: h c r dic An- ~vcnduiig dcr l’ollerifrcqricnz im Torf zur Aufkliiruiig dcr Wald- diclitc).

Backinm, A. It., A-ajas marinn in Firi~ilantl \ rdxcid der I’ostglaeinlzeit. - Xcta Dot. Fcniiica 30, IIclsingforsiae 1911 (3s pi).; G diagrams; A, L), C, Co, lIippopline, l’, I’c, T, U).

-, Ceratopliyllum subrncrsum in Kordcuropa wiilircnd der Postglnzinlzeit. - Ibitl.. 31, I1elsingforsi:ie 1913 (3s pp.; 7 diagrams; A, 13, C, c‘o, F, l’, l’c, Q, T, U).




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264 Q. EI1I)TJlAS. [ M:lrs--Apr il 1 9J4.

llrandcr, G., Xcuc lkitriigc zur Ih i i i tn i s der iiitcrglozialeri nildungen in l~iiiiilnnd. - C. lt. SOC. gCol. Finl., no. XIr, 1941 (pp. 87-137; A, IJ,

Clcvc-Eulcr, A., Katur und Alter dcr Strnndfliichcii Ihnlauds. Einc spst- quartrirc Tlekoustruktion. - Zeitschr. f. Gcschicbeforsch. 1013 (pp.

Uyyppii, E., Uber dns spIitglaziale Iilirrin iit Fiiiiilnixl. - Gcol. ltu1,d- sclinu, vol. XXXII, 19-11 (pp. 595-611; 1 dingram; A, 13, c‘o, P, pc, T, U; Cypernc., Xyniplinca, Typh:~ lntif.).

-, Ilcitriige ziir Iienntnis dcr Lnduga- iiiicl I\iicq.lustrniisgr~s~ioi). - c. I{. SOC. g6ol. Fiul. n ~ ; S\’ (pp. 136-178; 13 dingrains; A, U, Co, P, pc, Q, QN, T, U; niialyscs b y I!yyppii, Kiis$iieii, Snlntiiieii, Urpola, and \rilnniie).

Saur:uno, JI., I<vnrt$rgeologiskn studicr i ijstra Fcnnosknndia. - Geol. Forcn. Fiirlinndl., 1-01. 61, 1943 (pp. 20‘3-265; A, H, l’, I’c, QJI, T).

c, co, r, r c , Q , s, T, U).



Arnoldt, G., Die Urnndcnburger IIeide. Bcsclireibung und Gcscliiclitc cirics ostprcussischen Waldcs nus dein Gebictc dcr xiordostdcutsclien Buchen- grciizc. - Schr. Pliys.-0kon. Gcs. Konigsbcrg (Pr.), vol. LXXI, 1939 (pp. 177-236; 2 dingrams; 8, n, C, co, F, P, Pc, 0, s, T, U; Ericac.).

Benrath, W. und Jonas, F., Joachimsthd, eiii Ucispicl fiir die Auswrtung cinrs postglnzinlcn I’ollendingrariiins. - Fc‘edde, Rcpcrt. sp. ~iov., Bcih., vol. XCI, Dnlilcin 1937 [pp. 5 5 4 2 ; plates 1‘1-XI; 1 diagram 1’1. IX; A, U (also B. nana), C, Co, F, Liquidambar, Kyssn, l’, l’c, Pterocnrya, Q (robur, scssilis), T, Tsuga, U; Cares, Grnmiri 3.

Bcrtsch, LI., Das Eriskircher . R i d . - V‘eroff. Wiirttcmb. Lnndcsst. f. Ka- turschutz, Stuttgnrt 1911 (pp. 57-146; G9 Abb.; 2 dingrains; A, B, Co, l’, Pc, QN).

Bertscli, I<., Die vorgeschichtlichcn Wldrcbcn-Fundc 1)cutschlnnds. - Bcr.

-, Geschiclitc des deutschcii Waldes. - Jcna (Fischcr) 1940 [120 pp.; 89 illtistrations (maps, diagrams, etc.) in the tcst].

-, Lchrbuch der l’ollcnnnalysc. - Reincrtli, Haiidliiclier d. prakt. \’or- gcscliichtc, vol. 3, Stuttgart (F. Enkc) 1912 (1% pp.).

Borngiisscr, E., Das ,Grossc ;\loor)) bci Deimerii, ein Ilochinoor iu der Luiw burger lleidc. - 13cih. Uot. Centrnlbl., Aht. 11, ~ o l . 11x1, 1911 [pp. 34-71; 5 d i n p i n s ; A, U, C, Co, F, Frosinus, l’, Pc, Q, S, T, U; Androm., Cnlliinn, Cypcrac., Empetr., Ericnl., Gramin. (cult. c t spoilt.), Vacciii.; Filic.].

Eorsc, c., Ubcr die Frage der Pollcnproduktioii, PoIIciizcrstoruug und POI- lenrcrbrcitung in ostprcussiscIicn WaIdgebictcn. - Schr. PIiy-s.-Ukon. Ges. liijiiigsberg (Pr.), vol. LXXXI, 1933 (pp. 127-144; A, I), C, Co, P, Brasinus, l’, l’c, l’ol)iilus, (3, S, T, U; Ericnc., Graiiiiii.; Pilic., Sphng-

Iluddc, H., Die urspriingliclicn JYiildcr dcs Ifbbc- uiid Lcnncgc1)irges im Krcisc Altonn ouf Gruiid pclleiinrinlytisclicr, forstgcscliiclitliclier uiid floristisclicr Untcrsucliungcn. - Dcclicninna, rol. 9.8 I3, 1939.

u. Bot. Gcs., VOI. LVII, 1939 (pp. 437-141).

. I l w n ) .




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gd 66. 11. 2.1 LITEI1ATUItE 0s POLLES-STATISTICS 1g.10-1g.13. 265

BuddC, H., und Rungc, F., Pfianzcnsoziologischc und pollcnonalytische Urltersuchung dcs Venner Xoores, JIunstcrland. - Abhnndl. Landes- 11121s. Naturkundc Westfalcn, 11. Jahrg., If. 1, 1940.

gx lg lna~~~ l , I<. F., Ubcr pollenanalytische Untcrsuchuugcn von Ortstcin-, Bleichsnnd- und liohhumusbildungen in Bodcn. - Planto, vol. 27,

-, ,~talluvialc Xoostorfiagcr iin Riisteugeliet der sudlichen Ostscc. Sitz.- Bcr. u. hbh. Naturf. Gcs. Itostock, 1935.

yirbas, F., Ein luchcnzeitliches Torflagcr in Korntal l e i Stuttgart. - Ver- ijff. Wurtteml. Landesst. f. Katurschutz, Stuttgart 1941 [pp. 147- 167; 1 diagram, A, d b , U, Cb, F, Fraxinus, P, Pc, Q, S, T, U; Cypcrac., Gramin. (cult. and spont.), llcnyanthes, cf. Potainoget., Typha lat.; Nephrod . thclyp t .I.

-, Zur sIiitglazialcn WaIdcntwickIung Oberscliwabcns. - Ucr. D. Bot.

+, Pflanzendccke und Klirna zur Zeit der mesolithischcn Jiiger dcs Uir- kenkoyfs in S tu t tp r t . - Tcrijff. Arch. d. Stadt Stuttgart, 11. 7, Stutt-

-, Loscrt, 11. und Uroihau, F., Untersuchungen zur jiingcrcn Vegetations- geschichtc im Oberharz. - Planta, vol. 30, 1939 [pp. 4 2 2 4 5 6 ; 5 &a- grains; A, Xb, U, C, Co, F, Frosinus, P, r c , Q, s, T, U; Calluna, Cy- perac., Ericac., Gram. (spont. and cult.), varia].

Friedrich, P., Uic Grundmorsue uxid die jungglazialen Sussmasscrablngcrung- en dcr Umgcgcnd von Liibeck. - Jtitt. Geogr. Ges. u. Naturhist. Xus. Liibeck, 2. Reihe, If. 20, 1905 (Potamogeton; a n a l p s by C. A. Weber).

Gothan, W., Das friiherc Pfiauzcnklcid des deutschcn Bodens. - Dtsch. Uoden, vol. 8, Berlin (Borntriigcr) 1939 (144 pp.; 101 illustrations in the tcst).

Gripg, K., Die geologischc Untersuchung dcs Henticrjiiger-Fundplatzes Neicndorf. - Das altstcinzeitliche Rcnticrjiigerlager Jleiendorf.’ Neu- munster 1936-37.

Groscliopf, P., Diagenctischc Ueobachtungcn an marinen postglazialen Se- dimcntcn der Iiicler Forde. - Geol. d. Jleerc u. Binncngciriisser, vol. 1, Berlin 1937 (pp. 279-290; 3 diagrams; d , 13, c, Co, F, Hippophae,

Gross, LI., Buf den Spuren dcr Stcinzeitjzger vor 8 000 bis 20 000 Jahrcn iu Altprcusscn. - Ntpreusscn, Vierteljnhrsschr. f. Vorgcscli. 11. Yolks- kundc, Jahrg. 2, 1937.

-, Kcuc Ergcbnissc ostpreussischer Spiiteiszcitforscliungcxi. - Forsch. u. Fortschrittc, 1937.

-, ULcrblick iibcr die Iilimncnt~~-iclilung Ostprcussens seit dcr Eiszeit. - Alt-Prcussen, 1939.

-, Die bcnrbeitctcn Rengeireihc des Insterburgcr IIeiuiatniuscums. - Ztsclir. Altcrturnsgcs. Instcrlurg, 1939.

-, I’ollcnanalytischc Untcrsuchung zii-cicr bemcrkenswertcr 3fittclstein- zeitfumle m s Ostpreusscn. - Kachrichtenbl. f. Deutschc Vorzcit, 15. Jahrg. 1939 (pp. 286-291; 2 diagrams; A, U, C, Co, P, Pc, Q, S, T, U; Cyperac., Ericac., Gramin. cult. and spont.; Filic., Sclaginclla).

1035 (pp- 718-721).

Gcs., VOI. LIX, 1911 (pp. 310-319).

- gart 19kl (11 pp.; U, Co, I?, Pc, Q, T, U).

I’, Q, T, U).




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2 G G G . ERDTJIAX. [ m i rs-ilp r i 1 1 9 ~ ~ .

Gross, II., Dcr Reiiii~e~~-eih-’l)olcli YOU Eiscrniiihl. (4 pp.; 2 clingrunu. A, U, C, Co, Ilippophne, I’, l’c, (1, S, T, U; Cypcrac., Ericnc., Gra1nin.I Filic., Sclngiiiclln etc.).

-, Die Zcitstcllung dcr 1I:uiiburgcr Stufe dcs JI:qyhl6nicn bci Lihreiil)ur, . (IIolstciii). - h e h i s t . Ztschr., vol. XXI‘III-XXIX, 1937-33, liii 1939 (pp. 3-15; A, B, Co, P, l’c, S; Cyperac., Ifnipctr., Ericac., Gramin.; vnrin; Sphngliurli).

EIjcnrotlc Ostpr. - Yicrtcljahrsschr. Altpreussen, 11. 3, 1910 (5 pp.; 3 diagrnnis; A, 13, c, CO, IIippophnc, P, I’c, Q, s, T, u; Cppcrnc., Gra- iiiiii., IicrLs; Filic.,

-, I3citrng zur EntIvic *lunnswscliichtc 00- dcs Frischcii Iinffs. - Gcol. d. JIccrc 11. Binncngc\r., vol. 9, 1941 (pp. 1-20; A, U, CO, 1’, I.’. cf. Hap. losylon, Pc, Q, ,T, U; Cypcrnc., Gramin.; Filic.).

-, Kin friiligcschiclitliclicr Holztopf-Fund nus den1 Sninlanil. - I‘icrtcl. jnlirssclir. dltpreusscn, H. 9, 1911 (2 1)p.; 1 diagram; 21, 15, c, Co, F, T), Pc, (1, S, T, U; Cypcrnc., Kricac., Grainin. spont. :md cult.; Filic.).

-, ]<in sribfossilcr Iiangifcr tarandus-Fund nus Ostprcusscn. - A l h . Sat. l’cr. 13rctn., vol. XXXII, 1912 (pp. G.1-7G; 1 diagmm; A, I<, C, C O , Hippophac, 1’, Pc, (3, S, T; U; C!ypcrnc., Enipctr., Ericnc., Grainin.; ferns, Sclaginclln, Sphagnum).

liallik, R., I’olleiiniinlytische Untcrsuchung ini Postglaeial t\‘cstponnmcrus. - X. Jahrb. f. A h etc., AM. U, 1-01. SS, 1913 (pp. 4043.1; 7 dingrams; A, 13, C, Co, P, P, I’c, (1, S, T, U; Drpopt. tliclypt., Spliagnuin; cf. Cns-

h u f f , R., Die Buchcnw~ildcr auf den kalknrmcii Lehinbodcn dcr Ostalb ~ n $ die iiacheiszeitliche Wddent\.;icklung nu€ dicscii Uodcn. - Jnliresh.

. J’cr. vxtcrl. Knturk. M’iirttcinb. 1937 (193s). Jonas; F. iuid Bcnrbth, W.; G 000 Jnlire Gctrcidebnu in ~ord\\-estdciitsch-

land. Dic huswcrtung cines Bodcnprofils als Kulturdokinnent. - Fed- dc, Rcp. sp. nov., Ticih., vol. XCI, I>nhlcm 1937 (111). 35-49; 2 diagr:ims in tab. XI11 and XI\‘; A, B, C, Co, F, Ilcs, Juniperus, JIyrica, I’, l’c, Q, S, T, U; Alismn cf. plantago, Cnlluna, Ccutaurcn, h ipe t rum, ISricn, liiricalcs, cf. Potcntilla, Ranunculus, cf. Sccnlc, Stel1nri:r cf. palustris, Succisn, Umbcllif., V’acciii.; Dicranim, Hypiiuni, Lycopod. c lan t . , I,. inundat., I’olypod., Sphagnum cf. cuspidatum).

licit, 15. iiud Jlotlics, I<., Pollen- und Ilolzkohlciinri~lyscn alter \\‘:ildIiori- zonte der KuriscIicn Kclirung. - Iiot. tirchiv., vol. 4.1, 1‘312 (pp. 15%- 171; A, U, C, Co, I:, 1’, Pc, Q, S, T, U; Cppcrnc., Ericnc., Grnuiin., Vn- ria; fcriis, Lycopod., Sphagnum).

Kicliitz, E., Waudluugcn dcs Holzartcnbildcs ini siiclisisclicn Stnatswklc seit dciii 1G. Jnlirliuiidert, init Busblickcn auf dic Pollcnnnnlyse. - Diss.; Thnrnndt. Vorstl. Jnhrb., ~ o l . 87, 193G (pp. 28.3-326, 113--1~1S,

I<oluinbc, E. i d Bcylc, N., Jiittciluiig i i l w eincn Eicl~cnbrucl~wnlJtorf von I ie th bci Elinshorn in IIolstcin. - Ucili. Hot. Ccntralbl., . vol. LSI, Xbt.. B, 1912 (pp. 591-591; 1 dingruin; A, B, Co, QM, S; Ericac.; Filic.).

lirasjcr, 1,. JI., Eiszeitlichc wid nachciszcitliche Geschichte dcs l’riitigau. - Gicsscn 1939.

-, Drci bciiicrkcns\vcrtc stcinzcitlichc JIoorfuudc CLUS dcm

clnginelln, Sphngnuin; Cosinnrium).

’ , tanen, cf. Xyssn).

459-523, 611-490, 747-799, S2.1453).




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gd G G . 11. 2.1 LITI:I1ATUI1E 0s POLLEN-STATISTICS 13.10-1049. 2G7

siihllc, F., Ein Lcrncrkcnswcrtcs Vorkomlncn yon Lijss und intcrglazialcni Torf bci Kchciin-IIiistcn (liulir). - Jahrb. Prcuss. Gcol. Lanrlesanst., ~ 0 1 . 53, Berlin 1933 [pp. 35s-362; cf. Ab, U, Co, P, 1’c;’Sphagiium;

LgrcIlz, A., Pollcnaunlytischc Untcrsuchungcn zur Wnldgcsclliclitc dcr zcn- trileli und siidlichcii Ostilpcii. - Ucih. Uot. Ccntralbl., vol. 50, 1932 [pp. 1-31; 10 diagrnnis; A, Ab, 1 4 Co, F, I’ (Ccmbra, montnna), Pc, Q31, s, T].

b s e r t , II., Dcitriigc zur spiit- und iiachciszcitlichcn \‘cgctntionsgcschichtc Imcrbiihmcns. I. Dcr oKommcnicr Sco. - Ibid., 1-01. LS, db t . 13, 1940 (pp. 316-394; 7 diograhs; A, Ah, 73, C, Co, F, P, I’c, Q , S, T, U; Cypcrac., Grainin., cult. graszcs, Typhn Intif., wrin; Sphagnum).

-, Bcitriigc zur spiit.- lint1 iiachciszcitlichcn Vcgctntionsgcschichtc Inncr- biihmens. 11. Dns SpZtglazial von Wschctnt.. - Ihid., wl. IS, Abt. 13, 1910 (pp. 395-114; 2 diagr:iiiis; A, Ab, 13, Co, IIippophac, P, Pc, QM, S; Cyl)crnc., Graniiii., Typlia cf. Intif.; Filic., Sclaginella).

+, 13eitriigc zur spiit- und iincliciszcitliclicii ~rcfictatiorisgescliichtc Inner- - biilimcns. 111. 1)as SpStglazial bci Lissn-IIrabmo\-. - Ibid., vol. LX, Abt. 73, 1910 (pp. 414-43G; 2 diagrams; A, B, C, Co, F, IIippophac, Y, Pc, Q , S, T, U; Arteiiiisi:i, Cypcrac., Einpctrurri, Groinin., Xyriophyll. nltcrciifl., yarn).

aIiigdcfrau, K., Ynliiobiologic dcr Pflaiizcn. - Jrun (E’ischcr) 1942 (3% pp.; a fcw pp. - chicfly :iftcr Ikrtscli - 011 pollen analysis).

3Iiillcr, li., Nnturschutzgcbict I\’ildsccmoor bci ~\‘ildbntl-Iialtcnbro~ln. - Veriiff. J\‘iirttcnib. I1andcsst. f. Xaturschutz, I€. 17, Stiittgart 1941

Nictsch, II., Wnld und Sicdluiig ini vorgcscliichtliche~~ Nittclcuropn. Untcr bcsondcrcr 13criicksiclitigun,nig dcr Jiingcrcn Stcinzcit. - JIannus-13iiche- rci, vol. 64, Lcipzig 1939 (251 pi).; 1 orig. diagram p. 31; 11, lib, 13,

Ovcrbcck, F., %ur Gcschichtc dcr J‘cgctatioii. - In Briclicnau, Flora von Urcmcn, Oldcriburg, Ostfricsland uud dcn ostfriesisclicn Inscln. 10. Aufl. 193G.

-, l)ic JIoore Nicdcrsachscns in gcologiscli-botnnisclicr Betraclitung. - ))Geologic und Lagcrstiittcn Kicdersachscns,), vol. 4, Veroffcntlicliungcn (1. ~\‘irtschaftwisjciiscliaftl. Gcs. Zuni Studinin . Kicdcrsachscns; Vcrlog G. Stalling, Oldcnburg i.. 0. 1939 (5.1 pp.; 12 illustrations of pollcn- grains; 1 diagrarn; A, l%, C, Co, F, I’, Pc, Q, S, T, U, Cypcrac., F xicac., varia; Filic.).

- und Schnciclcr, S., Torfzersctzung und‘ Grcnzhorizoiit, cin I3citrag zur Fragc dcr IIochmoorcnti~ickl~ltlg in Kicdcrsachsen. - Angcic. Bot., vol. SSII (pp. 321-4379; 1 dingrain; A, U, C, Co, F, I?, Pc, (3, S, T, U, Calluna, Cypcrac., ferns, Grainin., vnrin). .

Pfnffcnbcrg, Ii., 0 bur einigc Noorc nus-dcr jiingstcn IIcbuugsstufe in dcr Umgcbuug roii IYilhclinshavcn. - IIaariiagcl, I\‘., I’roblcme dcr Kiis- tcnforschung in1 siidliclicn Kordseegebict, yo:. 2 1912 ( 2 ) . l’p. 23-36; 4 diagrams; A, 13, C,.Co (partially = JIyricn!), F, l’, I’c, Q, T, U; Che- nop. (mas. 10.1 pcr ccnt), Cyperoc., Ericnl., Gramin.; fcrns (inns. 4 000 per cent).

:,n:iIysis .by Heck). . .

(pp- 7-33):

co, F, r, P ~ , cf. i)oI)llius, Q , T, u).




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268 0. ERDTNAN. [Xars-A~iri~ 1 0 4 ~ .

Pfaffenbcrg, I<., Die geologischc Lagerung und pollciiaiialytisclic Altersbc- stimtnung dcr JIoorleiche .>-on l3ockhonierfcld. - Abh. h’at. Vcr. Ijrem., vol. XSXII, 1012 (pp. 77-90; 2 diagrams; A, B, C, Co, F, I’, QJI).

rung mit besondcrer Bcrucl;sichti,nung~..dcs Uuclicnvorkomrncus bei Knhlberg. - Schr. Phys.-bkon. Ges. honigsberg (Pr.), vol. 70, 193s (pp. 127-180; 16 diagrams; A, B, C, Co, F, P, Pc, Q , S, T, U; Cypcrac., Ericac., Gramin., varia; Filic.).

von Sarnthein, R., Pollcnanalytischc Untersuchungen von BodcIiprobc~ aus dclu I~ergbaugcbict der Iiclchalpc bei Kitzbiihel, Tirol. - Nitt. prHhist. Komm. A&$. Wicn 3, 1037 (pp. 130-133).

-, BIoor- und Sccablagcrungcn nus den Tirolcr N p e n in ihrer \yddge- schichtlichen Bcdcutung. 11. Tcil: Seen der h’ordtiroler Iialkalpen. .- Beih. Bot. Ceutralbl., vol. LX, Abt. B, 1010 (pp. 437-592; 11 &a- grams; A, db, Acer, 3 4 Co, F, Frasinus, IIippophac, P, cf. 1’. cembra, cf. I?. moutnna, Pc, Q , QM, S, T, U; Cypcrac., Gramin.; Selaginella).

Schmcidl, H., Beitrag zur Frage des Grcnzliorizontes irn Sebastiansberger Hochmoor. - Ibid., vol. LX, Abt. U , 1910 (pp. 493-521; 6 diagrams; A, Ab, B, C, Co, F, P, I’c, Q, S, T, U; Ericac.; 2 rhizopod diagrams).

Scliroder, I)., Paliiobotauischc Untersucliung dcr Interglaziale. 1’1). 12-19 in Wolff, W. und Schroder, n., Intcrglazialbildungcn yon Eversen bei Itotenburg i. 1Iann. - Jahrb. Jloorkundc, 27. Jahrg., IIaiinorcr 19to (2 diagrams; A, l ib, 13, C, Co, I’, I’c, Q, S, T, Tsuga, V; Ericac.).

Schiitrumpf, R., Die pnlaohotanisch-polleuaualytischc Untcrsuchuug. - Sondcrdruck nus eDas nltstcinzcitlichc Ilcntierjiigcrlagcr Neiendorfu, Kenmiinstcr 1037 (pp. 10-17; 1 dogram; A, 13, Co, F, Hippophae, P, PC, Q , S, T, U; Arctostaphylos, Cnlluna, Chcnopodiac., Compos., Cyperac., Empetruin, Erical., Galiuxn, Gramin., Nyriophyllum sp., Kuphar, Xympliaca aha, cf. Plantago, Typhn, Urnbellif.; ferns, Sela- ginelln, Sphagnum).

-, Geschichtc der Ycgctation des siidwstlichen IIolstcins seit dcr lctztcn Eiszeit. - Heimatbuch Stormarn, dcr Lebcnsraurn zir-ischen Ham- burg und Liibcck, 1933.

-, Pollcnaualysc und Yorgescliiclitc. - Dcr Biologe, vol. 5, 1039 (pp. 307309).

-, Stratigraphisch-pollcxiannlyti~clic Jlooruntcrsuchiiiige~i ixn Diciiste dcr Vorgeschichtsforschu~i~. - l’riihist. Ztsclir., vol. XXVIII-XXIX 1937 -33, Berlin 1939 (pp. 153-183; 1 diagram; A, U, C, Co, F, Hippophac, P, I’c, Q, S, T; Cyperzc., EInpetr., Gramin.; Filic., varia).

-, Die po1Icnanalytischc Uxitersuchung der llcnticrjiigcrfnndstiitte Stell- moor in Holstcin. - Sonderdruck aus Rust, I)ie alt- und mittelstein- zeitlichen Fundc von Stellmoor, Keuriiiinster 1913 (pp. 6 - 4 5 ; 2 dia- grams; A, 13, C, Co, F, ITippophae, l’, l’c, Q, S, T, U; Clicnopodiac., Clompos., Empetrum, Ericac., Grainin.; Sclagiuclln, ferns).

Schwnkel, 13. , Bliitcnstaubuntcrsuchnngcn an Jloorcn und ihre wissenschaft- lichc Eedcutuug. - JIonatssclir. Wiirttcnib. 1932 (pp. 405-413; 1 fig.).

Selle, W., Dic Po1lenan:ilysc YOU Ortstcin-Uleiclisandschichten. - Xeih. Uot. Ccntralbl., vol. LS, 1 0 1 ~ (pp. 529-516; 10 diagrains; A, 13, C, Co, F, I’, I’c, (3, S, T, U; Calluna, Cypcrac., Ericnc., Gramin., vnria; Uilic., I’olypod., Sphagnum).

Redmann, H., Untersuchungen iiber &e l\raldgcschiclitc dcr Frischcn




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fid 66. 11. 2.1 LITEliATUIiE 0s POl,LCK-STATIS‘l’ICS 13-10-1043. SGO

Sclie, IV., Die Uestochviigsnntcil dcr Buche, IIainbuchc, Eichc und Birke in ~ord~~cs tdeutschln i id auf Grund von pollenaualytischcn Untersuchungen. - Xtsclir. f. Forst- u. Jagdwscn, LXXIII. Jahrg. 1941 (pp. G5-108; 1 diagram; A, B, C, CO, F, P, I’c, (2, S, T, U; Cypcrac., Ericac., Gramin., varin; Filic., Sphngnuiu). . - Bcitr$ge zur hlikrostratigrapliic iind Paliiontologic dcr nordmstdeutsch-

’ en bitcrglaziale. - Jahrb. lkichsstcllc f. Bodcnforsch. f. 1939; Berlin, Ikichsst. f. Bodcnforsch., vol. GO, 1941 (pp. 191-235; 4 diagrams; A, Xb, IJ, C, Co, F, Ilcs, P, l’. Cembm, Pc, l’c cf omorikoidcs, Q , S, T, U; Cypcrac., Empctr., Ericac., Grntnin., varia; Pilic., Sphaguum).

TnIIfer, E., Jlccrcsgcschichte der&ieler utid Liibeclter Bucht im Postglnzial. - Gcol. d. JIcere u. 13iuuengciv.,‘ vol. 4, 1910 (pp. 113-214; 23 dia- gmnis; A, Ab, l%, C, co, F, Ilippophae, l’, Pc, Q, S, T, U; licrbs, Gra- iniu., Sonchus paluster).

Tlliergart, F., Die Bcdcutuiig dcr Pollcnforschung in vcrschicdcncn Xwcigcn dcr Wisscnscliaft (JIcdizin, Hoiiiglicrkunftsbcstiininuii&, Forstwirt- schnft, Vorgcschiclite, Geologic). - 1)cutsche Apothekcrzcitung, Jnlirg. 1939, Bcrlin 1938 ( p p 599-603).

\ \ E d , E., Wcitcrc Untersuchungen zur kliniatischcn Bedingtheit unserer Forstgchdze. 11. Die maritime Waldpnze , die atlantischc Hcide und die Vcrbreitung uud das Alter dcr I’odsolbodcn in Nordiwstdcutsch- land. - Arb. biol. Ikichsanst. Land- u. Fortsivirtsch., 13erlin-l)alilem, vol. 21, Berlin 1931 (pp. 269-330; 3 diagrams; Calluna; analyses by Klernm and IVerth).

-, Ln~erungsverhaltuissc und Typologic dcr Kultur von Xinchchofc iiebst Bcmcrkungcn zur l;ulturgescliiclitliclien Bedeutung dcs Campiguien. - Prachist. Ztschr., vol. XXVIII-XXIX, 1037-38, Berlin 1939 (pp. 338-307; A, B, co , F, P, Pc, Q, S, T, U; ))Erica-gciAcliseo, Gramin. and Cypcrac., herbs; annlyxs by Iilcmm).

Gront Britain a n d Iroland.

Jjibby, 11. C., Tlic su1)merged forests a t Rhyl and Abcrgelc, Kortli Wales. Data for tlic study of postglacial history. 111. - New Phytologist, vol. S X X l X , 1910 (pp. 320-225; 1 diagram; A, B, Co, P, Q , S, T, U; Chenopodi:ic., Compos., Gypcrac., Gramin., Kymyhaeac., Polygonac.; Polypodium).

Clark, J. G. I). and Codv;iii, lI., A late broiizc age find near Stuntney, Isle of Ely. - Antiq., vol. XX, 1040 (pp. 52-71; 1 diagram; A , Ab, B, Co, P, I), Q , T, U).

Erdtmau, G., An Introduction to l’ollcn Analysis. - Waltliani, JIass., 1913 (chapt. YII: Ericnccac tetrads and tree pollcn grains from a de- posit in the Shetland Islands).

Fox, C. mid Hyde, 11. A, d second Cauldron and an Iron Sword from the Llyn Fawr IIoard, Rhigos, Glamorgnnshirc. - Tlic Antiquaries Jour- nal, vol. XIX, 1939 (pp. 369-401; 1 diagram; A,’B, C, Co, F, l’, Q, S, T, U; Ericnc., non-tree pollen; Sphagnum; analyses by Hyde).

Godwin, H., Studies iu the Post-Glacial history of British Yegetation. 111. Feiilaiid pollen diagrams. IV. Post-Glacial changes of relative Innd- and sea-level in thc English lknland. - Phil. Tram. Roy. Soc., scr.




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2 i O G . EIIDTJIAS. [llnrs---Rpril19%.

I % , no. 550, vol. 230, 1910 ( p p 239-303; 31 di:igr:iiiis n n d diagralll fran. inents; A , JI , c‘, C‘o, F, P, l’c, Q, S, T, U).

JIitcliell, G. I:., Stutlics in Irish Quntcrnnry deposits: Soinc lacustriiic (I,,- posits near l)iiiishnugliliii, county Xeatll. - Proc. R. Irish Aend., vol. XLVI, sect. 11, no. 2, 1940 (pp. 13-37; 9 (lingranis; li, 13, Co, 1’, Q S, U; Krieac., lIyriopIiylliiin, noii-tree pollen).

0 Itiordjiii, s., ISscnrations n t Cush, Co. Liinrrick. - Ibid., vol. xi,\’ Sect. C, no. 7, 1940 (pp. 83-181; 2 tlingrniiis; A, I{, Co, P, Pc, Q , s’ U; I3ric:iles; analyses 1)y I<. Jrssen).



Thornriiissoii, S., Mot cld och is. Den tusenirign kniiipeii p;i Xordciis vast- front. - Tiner, vol. G1, 1911 (1111. 2GI--59S; 1 tliagrain; U, S; Carp. pliyll., Coinpos., Cypemc., Gr;imin. cult. et spoilt., hcrbs, Myric:i, fcriis).


I3ans Ikekiiig, L. G. :ind Sicolni, E., On tlic ecology of n Splinpuiii bog. - I3lirrnca, vol. I, 1,eicleii 1331 [pp. 10-19; 1 dingrnni; A, Is, C, Co, p, I’, (3, S, T, and pollen grains of spores of 18 fiirtlier genera (if all correctly dctcriiiincd?); :iiinlyses by A. Iirijthe].

Florschiitz, P. niid Jonker, 17. P., d 1)otnnicnl aiialysis of n Intc-plcistoccnt and Iiolocenc profile in the Rliiiie delta. - Rcc. Trav. Rot. i i h l . , YO]. SSS\‘I, 193‘3 (JIcdedecl. Uot. JIus. {Jtreelit no. 72; pp. GSG-G9G; 1 dingrnin; A, Ab, I3, C, Co, F, I’, l’c, (2, QM, S; Cyp., Ericac., Gramin.; spll~gllnlll). ii!.d \\‘assink, E. C., Uritersuclitngcn :in ~iiedcrI~iiitIiscIicii Jroorcn. 1,. Ergebnissc der Untcrsuchung cinigcr kleiiien JIoore in Drentlier IIcidc- gebiet; ein I3eitr:ig ziir L6sung der Iieidefrage. - Ibid., vol. XXS\‘IiI, 1911 (pp. 1-17; 3 di:igrnms; A, Ab, U, C, co, F, I’, I’c, ($31, s; cyp., Eriwc., Grain., Sclngiida, vnria).

\\’assink, E, C., Uebrr den Greiizhorizont in Xiedcrliindisclicii IIocliinoorcii. - Thitl., vol. SSS\‘I, 1933 (7 PI).).



Fnepri, li., Qunrtiirgeologische Untcrsuchungen iiii ncstlichen Xorwcgcii. TI. Zur spiitqunrtiiren Geschichtc Jncreiis. - 13ergcns Jlrrs. iirbok 1030 -10, Satrirridensk. rekkc no. T [202 pi)., 4 plates; 23 diagrams; A, Ab U (iiann, ~~r~besccns , tortuosn, vcrrucosn), C, Co, F, Frasinus, Hippo- pliae, Ilcs, P, Pc, s, S. cf hcrbncen, T, U; Cciitaurca cynnus, Clicno- podiac., Cyperic., cf Elginus, Ericac. (Arctost:ipliylos cf lira ursi, Col- iunx, Einpctrum Iicrnin~~liroditu~~i, E. Iiigrum, Erica cinercn, E. tc- t d i x , Loiselcurio, \‘ncciiiiuiii-tvl)c), Grniniii. (cult. and spoilt.), He- dera, ))Jlicro-Uetulau, Jlyrica, Atyriopliyll. nltcrnifl., Plantago, Poly- gonum nviculnrc, 1’. Itnji, Iiumcs; Spliagiirim].

- og.Petcrscn, J., Jtyrfuriiic trcsnkcr frn Un i Kaerlm. IT. Gcologisk dn- tering. Av. Ii. Faegri. - Stnv:irigcr Nuscums Xrsheftc 50 (11)39-4O) 1941 (pp. 22-30; 1 dingram; A, U, Frasinus, l’, Pc, Q , ‘l’, U; cereals,




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gd GG. 11. 2.1 LITERATURE O S I’OLLBS-STATISTICS 1040-1043. 271

Chcnopodiac., Cypcrac., Ericnc., Grmiin., Kuplinr, Xyinphaco, Plan- tngo, l’olyg. persicaria-type, Pot:inioget ., lluincs; English suiiim;iry pp. 29, 30).


Soloxle\-icz, I<. If., Sotcs six In rdgression cte I’airc du pin en 1% 1’Cninsulc dc KoIa. - Gcobotnnika, fnsc., IV, 1910 (Actn Tnst. Ilot. Acad. Sci. URSS, Scr. 111, pp. 9i-131; 9 dingranis; A , 13, P, Pc, S, ‘I’; Iiussian; French suniniary pp. 131-133).

Sohth America.

,.uer, \’., Der Torf und die Torfschichtcn nls liistorisclic Urkunden Feuer- lands und Patngonicns. - Gcol. liundschau, vol. S S X I I , 1911 (pp. GlT--G71; 6 dingran’s; Cypernc., llcsfontaincn, Ihiniys, Hiiibothriuin, I~uchsin, Gramin., Maytenus, Ilyrceugcnia, Xotliofagus antarct., N. betuloid., X. Donibeyi, K. obliqu:r, X. proccrn, 3. puniilio, l’odocarpus;

Sn‘lnii, JI., Die postglazinIen ~ruI)tioiisscliiclitc~i I’ntogoiiicns u i i c ~ Fcucr- lands. - Ann. Acatl. Scient. Fcnn., Scr. A, 111: 2, 1911 (115 pp.; 20 dingrains; r\cacna, Cnryo~~hyllnc.-CIicnopotliac., c‘onipos., Cypcrac., Dcs- fontnincn, Driniys, Einbothr., Epliedra, Krienc., Grainin., Gunncra, IIippuris, J,oni:utia, Maytenus, ;\Iutisia, JIyriopliyll., JIyzodcndr., No- thofagus antarct., S, betuloid., N. J ) o r n ~ q - i , K. obliqun, X.. proccra, If’. pumilio, l’odocnrpus, Schinus, Unibellif., \rulcriniia; Cystoptcrii, Hy- menophyll., Lycopod , l’olypodinc.).

Thicrgart, F., I)ie JIiliropnliiontologie ete., 1‘310 (see Preqiiart. Ifeposits). Pollen grains described as belonging to unctzigcr Tilin-Typus)) (figs. 12, 13, platc XIII) ccrtaiiily 1)clong to Uoritbacacenc (Boiiibas-Ca\-:uiilcsin type). They were found in samples from Tertiary and Uplicr Cretaceous strata at Ilio JIaraliu, llrazil.



2\sklund, B., Frosons sulimnrinn nvlngringar. - Sverigcs Gcol. Undcrs., Scr. C, XO 402, 193G.

Atlcstani, P. O., Xigot on1 skogsfiirliillandcon p5 Tjijrxi i fornn tidcr. - Mcdtlcl. Gcogr. Foren. Giitcborg, IX, 1910 (3s pp.; I3 dingrams; A, U, C, Co, F, Fr;tsinus, P, Pc, (3, T, U; Ericac.; suniniary p. 35: Ilie Wald- vcrli~ltnissc dcr Inscl Tjiirn in friihereii Zeiten).

-, Pollcnnndytisk undcrsiikning a\- iibgrn fornfynd frdn d r s Inland. - Got& o. Uohusl. Foriimiiincsfiireii. tidskr. 1911, Giitcborg 1912 (pp. 149-150; 2 dingrains; A, 1 4 C, Co, F, IIippopliac, P, Pc, Q, T, U; Eri- caceae; nnalyscs by P. 0. and U. Atlestain and by R. Sandcgrcii).

-, Bohusliins Ijunglicdnr. En gcografisk studic. - 1Iccldel. frdn Giite- borgs IEiigskok~s Gcogr. Illst., x o 30 (Innug.-l>iss.), Goteborg 1912 (132 pp.; 20 diagrams; A, U , C, Co, F, Frnxiiius, I), Yc, Q, S, ‘I, U, Gal- Iuna, Grainin.; Dryopt., Lycopod., Polypod., Sphaguuiii).

- ocli Kiklasson, X., E n fiirhistorisk trdgsliide. - Giitcb. 0. ~I~ol ius l . Foriiiniiiiicsforeii. tidskr. 1942, Gotcl)org 1013 (pp. 5 9 4 6 ; 1 diagram; A, U, Co, E’, l’, l’c, QN; Ericnc.).




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Berlin, Il . , Svcrigcs forstn f p d nv jhttchjort. - S k h s Natur, LulId 1939 (nn. 27-30]. - &l JIolirEn’, Is., Zwci Ricsciihirschfuiitc ails Siidschwcdcn. - l\reddel Lunds Gcol.-Nineral. Tnst. u:o 92 (publislicd in ))Lunds Gcol. Fiiltklub,; 1892-191%), I m i d 1912 (30 pp.; 4 diagrams; A, I3, Co, I1ippphac P, Pc, S, T, U; Cypcrac., Gramin.).

Blornqvist,, S.,. E t t subfossilt sliclctt av vikarc, I’hocn hispida Schrcb., fri,, traktcn av . Sundsvall. - Faun3 och Flora 1913 (pp. 19-22; il, n Co, I), l’c, analysis by C. Larsson)

Cleve-EuIcr, A , Das lctztinterglaziale Ualtikurii und die I)iatomecnana- lysc. - Bcih. Bot. Qmtralbl., vol. LX, db t . B, 1910 (pp. 287-331).

-, . Das Alter dcr &lerodbilduiigcn. Kine h i twor t an Prof. ,\‘. Nordmann. - Lindeslcrg 1941 (12 pp.; 11 diagrams rcproduccd from papers by Fromm, Ivcrscn, Nilsson, and Thomasson).

Erdtmhn, G., E t t pbpeliandc mcd anled&g nv Cn viistpaleontologisk studic over Bijrjcsjon. - Gcol. Foren. Porhandl., rol. 62, 1910 (pp. 301, 303; A, I3, Co, Frasinus, IIippophac, P, Pc, Q, T, U).

-, I’ollenspcktra frBn svcnska viistsaxnhiillcn jiinite pollciianalytiska mark- studicr’i soha Lappland. - Ibid., vol. 65, 1913 (pp. 37-66; 9 dia- grams; A,’tlcer, I3, C, Co, F, Prasinus, Hippophne Laris, Nyrica, l’, l’c, Q, S, T, Tasus, U; Aconit. scpt., Artemisin, Caryophyllac., Cell- taurca Cynnus,’ Cirsium cf hctcrophyll., Compos., Crcpis palndosa, Cru- cif., Ernpetrum hcrmaphrodit., Epilobium, Ericac., Gcranium silvat., Gramin. (A-iena, Hordcum, Sccalc, Triticum; wild grasses), Juncus, Lactuca alpina, Linnaea, Loniccra Xylost., Jlyriophyll. altcrnifl., Plan- t a g , lkuiuuculac., l&mm. catliart., Ribcs, Rubus chaniacni., l lunies, Solidago, Stellaria cf nemorum, Thalictr. alpin., Unibcid., J‘alcriann sambucifol.; summary p. 65: Pollen spectra from Sircdish plant com- munities. Addcndurn: Pollcnanalytical soil studics in southern Lap- land).

Fries, Th. C. E., Uotanischc Untcrsuchungcn im nordlichcn Schwcdcn. -

Granlund, E., Beskrivning till jordartskarta iiver I‘hstcrbottcns I h n ncdan- fiir odliugsgriinscn. - Svcrigcs Gcol. Undcrs., Scr. Ca, 1x0 26, 1913 (165 pp., 1 map, 20 diagrams; A, U, C, Co, IIippophac, P, I’c, (3, T, U; analyscs by. C. Larssoii and T. von Post).

Hcssclman, II., Fibyskogcn och dcss utvcckliIigsliistoria. - Xcddcl. Statcns Skogsfiirsiiksanst., 11. 25, 1935 (pp. 626-57U; sumnary p. 670: Dcr Fibyivald und seine Eiit~vicklungsgcschiclitc).

Janson, S. och Sandcgrcii, R., Ett slutct fynd frdn h’orrlands iildrc stcnbldcr. - FornvHnucn 1912 (pp. 49-55; 1 diagram; A , 13, Co, P, Pc, S, T, U; analyses by Sandegrcn; summary p. 59: Ein geschlosscncr Fund nus dcrn hltcren Steinaltcr Korrlyds).

Kjcllmark, I<., oFiskp,uls)) av roscnkmns frdii Iijorthorn. - Fornviiuncii, Stockholin 1939 (pp. 350-362).

Lundqvist, G., iii llunthc, Hcde och Lundqvist, Beskrivning till kartbladet Fdrij. - Sveriges Gcol. Unders., Scr. An, N:o 180, 1936 (pp. 65-71; 1 diagram; A, I3, C, Co, P, P, Pc, Q, T, U; analyscs by Larsson and Lundqvist).



B h d . Abli., U p ~ ) ~ a l a 1913 (p. 43: I.’, abscIicc of Pc).




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~ ( 1 66. 11. 2.1 LITERATURE OX POI,LEN-STATISTICS 10.10-1 0.13. 2 i 3

I,uI1&p-ist, G., in Lundqvist och lijelmqvist, Beskrivning till knrtbladet Smcdjcbackcn. - Ibid., Ser. An, S o 181, 1937 (1 dingrain; A, l3, Co, F, Hippophae, P, Pc, Q , T, V).

-, Sjiisediment frdn Bergslagen (Kolbiicksins vattcnomri“ldc). - Svcriges Ccol. UIiders., ser. C, N:o, 420, 1938 (186 pp.; Q; JIyriopliyll. altcrnifl.; Gcrman sunirnnry pp. 126--128). in Lundqvist, Hcdc och Sundius, Bcskrivniiig till kartblndet Visby och Lummcliinda. - Sveriges Gcol. Unders., ser. Aa, E o 183, 1910 (5 diagrams; A, H, C, Co, I?, Ifippophac, 1’, l’c, Q , T, U; nn:ilyses by Lnrsson, Lundqvist, and L. \-on Post).

(jjtcr, J., I<\-artiira tidsbestiirnnbgar .frin nordijstra Hiilsingland. - Geol. Fijrcn. liorhancll,, vol. 65, 1913 (pp. 211-257; 3 diagrams; A, T3, C, Co, Hippophne, P, l’c, Q , T, U).


]’ettcrsson, II., Djuphavcts utforskning. - Stockholm (13onnicr) 1913. yon Post, L., Oldenburg, A. untl Fr’riinian, I., Ein ciseiizeitliches Rod aus

deni Filaren-See in Sodcrmanlland. - I<. IList. Vittcrh. Antikv. kd. IInndl. 1939.

Snndegren, R., Torvgcologisk och pollenanalytisk undersiikning av tow- inarkcn K intill boplatskomplesct vid Sirctorp. In Baggc och Kjcll- inark, Stcndldersboplatserila \.id Siretorp i Blckinge. - I<. Vitterh. Hist. Antikv. Akad. Haiidl., Stockholm 1930 (pp. 251-255; i Dlnte with 4 diagrams; A, B, C, Co, F, l’, Pc, Q, S, T, UfL&nimary p. 256 Torfgeo- logischc und pollenannlytischc Untcrsuchung dcs JIoorcs ncbcn dcni Wohnplatzkomplese bei Sirctorp; analyses by Snndcgrcn and Larsson). Om den forna och riutida fiirckomsten av Knjas flesilis i Sverigc. - Bot. Notiser, Lund 1941 (pp. 59-61; A, U, Co, IIippophac, P, Pc, Q, s, T, U). Hippopliag rliamnoidcs L. i l3ohusliin. - Svcnsk I3ot. Tidskr., vol. 35, 1941 (pp. 75, 76; A, U, Co, IIippophac, P, Pc, Q, S , T). 1Iippophae rhnrniioidcs L. i Svcrigc iindcr scnkvarttir tid. - Ibid., vol. 37, 1913 (pp. 1-26; summary pp. 19-41: IIippophnE rlinninoides L. in Schweden wshrcnd spiitquart5rcr Zeit). - -

Snntesson, 0. B., JIagiskn skifferredskap frlin Xorrlmds stcnilder. - Arc- tos Svccica, vol. 1, Uppsala 1911 (pp. 1-31; A, 73, Co, P, l’c, T, U; analysis Iy C. Larsson; summary 111). 32-10: JIngischc Schicfcrgcrst- schnftcn aus dcr Steinzeit Norrlands).

Selliiig, O., Till kiinnedomen 0111 T r a p natans 1,. i Uorjesjon. -‘Gcol. Foren. Forhandl., 1-01. 62, 1940 (1941). I’p. 335-3GO; summary pp. 35S, 359: A coiitribution to the knowledge of T r a p n:itnns L. in Uorje Lake.

-, BBrjesjiin. Slutord. - Ibid., vol. 63, 1911 (1912), pp. 423, 429. Wcnner, C.-G., Uorjcsjon - en viixtpnlcontologisk studie av en fornsjii

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Bcnninghoff, I\’., The pollcu analysis of the Lower Peat. - l’apers ’Peabody Nus. Harvard Univ. 3, 1912 (pp. 96-101; 3 figs.).

Cooper, W., Vegetation of the Prince M’illiams Sound region, Alaska; with a brief excursion into post-Pleistocene climatic history. - Ecol. 110- nographs 12, No. 1, 1912 (pp 1-22)

Erdtman, G., An Introduction to Pollen Analysis. - Walthani, AIass., 19 13.

Fuller, G., Interglacial and postglacinl vegetation of Illinois. - 111. h a d . Sci., vol. 32, 1939 (pp. 5-16).

Hamp, F., A fossil pollen study of two northern Indiana Logs. - Butler Univ. Bot. Stud., vol. IV, pap. no. 17, 1910 (pp. 217-225; 2 diagrams; A, Ab, Acer, B, Co, Juglnns, Lark , Liquidambar, P, Pc, Q, S, T, Tsu-

t ablcs).

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-, Palcoecology of a central Washington bog. - Ecologj-, vol. 20, 1939

-, Paleoccology of two peat bogs in soutIi\wstern Ihitisli Columbia. - Amer. Journ. Bot., vol. 27, 1910 (pp. 144-149).

-, Paleoccology of a moiitane peat deposit at I%onaparte Lake, l\-ashing- ton. - Xorthwest Sci., 1-01. 1.1, 1910 (pp. 60-6s; 1 fig.).

-, Further pollen studies of post Pleistocene bogs in the Puget L o d a n d of Wasliington. - 1Ml. Torr. not. club, 1-01. GS, 1911 (pp. 133-118).

-, Paleoccology of a peat depos+t in west central Oregon. - Ainer. Journ.

-, PalcoccoIogy of a montane peat dcposit near Lake Weiiatchee, 1V:isli- ington. - Sorthn-est Sci., rol. 15, 1911 (pp. 53-65; 1 fip.).

-, PostJ Iount JInzaInn forest succession on the east s l o p of the central Cascades of Oregon. - bier. JIidl. Xat., vol. 27, 1912 (pp. 523-534).

-, The influence of rolcanic eruptions upon post-Pleistocene forest sue- . cession in eastern Oregon. - Anier. Journ. Bot., rol. 29, 1912 (pp. 2 1.1-2 19).

-, A pollen study of lake sediments in the Ioi-er ’\\’ilIamettc \ralIey of western Oregon. - Bull. Torr. Eot. Club, vol. 69, I912 (pp. 962- 2SO).

- and 11. Nackin, A furthcr study of interglacial peat from \Vashington. - Ibid., ~ o l . 67, 1910 (pp. 131-142).

Lane, G. H., Pollen analysis of interglaciat ptats of Ioiva. - Ann. Ikpt. Iorra Geol. Surv., no. 37, 1911 (pp. 237-262).

JIoss, 13., d comparative pollen analysis of trro bogs within the boundaries of the late Wisconsin glaciation in Indiana. - Butler Univ. Bot. Stud., vol. 1ir, pap. no. 16, 1910 (pp. 207-216; 2 diagram; A, Ab, Acer, B, C, Carya, Ccltis, Co, Frasinus, Juglam, Laris, Liquidambar, I’, I’c, Yopulus, Q, E, T, T S U ~ R , U).

Potzger, ,T., Pollen spectra as time imrkers. - Amer. Midl. Kat., 1-01. 25, 1911 (pp. 221-227; Ab, B, Lnris, P, Pc, S).

-, l’ollen spectra from four bogs on the Gilleii h’aturc Reserve aloiig the i\Iichignn-~~\‘iscoIisiii statc line. - Ibid., vol. 28, 1912 (pp. 501-511).

- and Briesner, R., Plant 3Iigrations in the Soutliern Limits of TYiscon- sin Glaciation in Indiana. - Ibid., vol. 22, 1930 (pp. 351-3%; one pollen abundancc table from 7 bogs).

- and Wilson, I., Post-Pleistocene forest migration ns indicatcd by pollen in sedirnciits from t h e dccp inland lakes. - Ibid., vol. 25, 1941 (pp. 270-289; 2 diagranis; A, h e r , B, Carya, F, Juglans, Larix, P, Pc, Populus, S, T, Thuja, Tsuga, U).

Sears, P., A subnierged migration route. - Science, vol. 91, 1911 (pp. 21- 39).

-, l’ostglacial wgetation in tIic Erie-Ohio area. - Ohio Jourii. Sci., vol. 41, 19i1 (pp. 225-231; S maps).

-, Postglacial migration of five forest genera. - -Amer. Journ. Uot., rol. 29, 1942 (pp. 684-691; 5 maps).

-, Forest sequcnces in the north central states. - Bot. Gaz., rol. 103, 1912 (pp. 751-761; map).

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Smith, I)., Correlations of pollen profiles from glaciatcd eastern Korth A ~ ~ ~ - r i a . - h e r . Journ. Sci., vol. 238, 1910 (pp. 597-601).

Sv&kard, D., Coniparison of pollen spectra from bogs of early and late IVisconsin glaciation in Indiann. - Dutlcr Univ. Hot. Studies, vol. y pap. no. 5, 1911 (pp. 67-81; 2 diagrams; A, Ab, Accr, B, Carya, cu:

Treivarhha, G. T., The vegetal covcr of the Driftless Cuestaforrn hill land: Prc-settlement record and postglacial evolutiou. - Trans. Wisc. Acad. Sci. Arts and Lett., vol. 32, 1940 (pp. 361-382; maps).

Iross, J. Forests of Tarnioutli and Sangamon interglacial periods in Illin& - Ecology, vol. 20k1939 (pp. 51’7-528; 3 figs.).

IViIson, I,. It. and Coc, E. A, ‘Descriptions of some unassigned plant micro. fossjls from the Dcs Noincs Series of Io~va. - Amcr. Jlidl. Nat., vole

Juglans, Laris, Liquidambar, Q , S,. T, Tsuga, U). a ,

. 23, 1910 (pp. 182-186). .- and liosaukc, R. JI., The microfossils in Prc-l<ansan peat deposit near

Belle Plaiue, Iowa. - Torreya, vol. 40, 1940 (pp. 1 1 5 ) . and IVebstcr, R. JI., Possil cvidcnce .of widcr post-pleistoceiie range for butternut and hickory in Wisconsin. - Ithodorn, vol. 41, 1912 (pp. ~ 1 0 0 4 1 4 ; 1 fig.).

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Ivcrsen, J., Landnam i ])anmarks Stenalder. En pollenanalytisk Undersogclsc over dct furste Imidbrugs Indvirkning p a Vegetationsudvil;lingen. - nanm. Gcol. Unders., 11. Rddie, KO 66, Ihbenhavn 1911 [GS + 9 pp.;

. 9 plates with 7 diagrams and 8 illustrations of pollen grains of Hcdera helix, l’lantago coronopus, P. n!ajor, 1’. maritima, P. lanccolata, and Viscum album; A, U, C, Co, F, Frasinus, l’, Q, T, U; Artcmisia, Calluna, Centrospcrin., Chenopodiac., Compos., Cyperac., Gramin. (cult. and spont.), Plantago, Rumes, Viscum; Sphagnum; analyses by J. Ivcrscn, A. Andcrscn, and J. Trocls-Smith; English tes t pp. 20-45: Land Occupation in Den- mark‘s Stone Age. A Pollen-Analytical Study of the Influence of Farmer Culture on the Vegetational 1)evelopmcntJ.

Jlikkelsen, V., Ilidrag ti1 Lille Vildmoses Stratigmfi og Vegetatioushistoric. - Medd. Dansk Geol. Forcn., ~01 . ’ 10. Kobenhnvn 1943 (1914). Pp. 329- 364; 4 diagrams; A, 13, C, Co, Brasinus, I?, Pc, Q , S, T, U; Artemisia, Caryoph., cerealia, Chenop., Coinpos., Cypcmc., Ericac., Franguh, Gramin., fIcdcra, Plantpgo, Rubus Chamaem., Urnbellif.; Lycopod. clavat., I’olypod., Sphagnum; summiry pp. 361, 362: Contributions to the Stratigraphy iind the Vegetational History of Lille \‘ildrnose (Jatland).




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