litchfield board of education special meeting€¦ · 5/14/2020  · assessment: the board will...

Post on 26-Sep-2020






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Thursday, May 14, 2020

7:00 p.m.

Conference Call

Meeting ID:

Phone: 1-209-426-0981

PIN: 702 112 951#

Goals for Litchfield Public Schools Board of Education:

Improve Student Learning and Outcomes: The Board will establish a curriculum review process and

monitor the alignment of curriculum to state and national standards.

Evaluation: The Board will evaluate the Superintendent of Schools by June 30, 2020.

Assessment: The Board will regularly review Academic Performance results including NWEA, SBAC,

CMT-Science, CAPT-Science, PSAT, SAT, and Advanced Placement.

Fiscal: The Board will adopt a 0% increase to the local budget for the 2020-2021 budget.

Long-Term: The Superintendent, in coordination and with the approval of the joint Long-Term Planning

Committee, will plan, create, and implement a shared central office for the two districts. This central office

will be fully implemented and operational for the 2020-2021 fiscal year.

1. Call to Order

2. Approval of Minutes

a. Review the minutes of the special meeting of April 9, 2020

3. Public Comment

4. Superintendent’s Report

a. Enrollment Report (Attached)

b. Finance Report (Attached)

c. Closure Update

d. Re-Opening Update

5. New Business

a. Discussion and potential approval of 2020-2021 Budget Modifications (Attached)

b. Approval of SIS Data Specialist – Shared Position (Attached)

c. Approval of Health Insurance Governance Agreement (Attached)

d. Approval of Dental Insurance Plan (Attached)

e. Approval of Kelly Services (Attached)

f. Job Description Review (Attached)

i. Crossing Guard

ii. Lead Nurse – Stipend

iii. Pupil Services Secretary

iv. School Nurse

g. Job Description Update (Attached)

h. Authorization of partial payment to Spring Head Coaches

6. Old Business

7. Committee Reports

8. Policy Review

a. Recommendation to Rescind

i. Policy # 3541.4 School Closings

b. First Reading

i. Policy # 3450 Monies in School Buildings

ii. Policy # 3541.2 Safety – Hazardous Conditions

iii. Policy # 3542 Food Service

iv. Policy # 3542.31 Free or Reduced Price Lunches

v. Policy # 5145.15 Directory Information

c. Second Reading

i. Policy # 3440 Inventories

ii. Policy # 5131.111 Video Surveillance

iii. Policy # 6177.1 Free Textbooks, Supplies, Materials and Equipment

9. Executive Session a. Discussion of ongoing legal matter

10. Adjournment

Members of the public are encouraged to attend all meetings of the Board of Education. We

reserve time for Public Comment as indicated in the above agenda. Any individual who wishes to

speak, shall complete the form and when recognized by the Chair, shall give their name, the group

(if any) that is being represented and the subject to be discussed. The presentation shall be as

brief as possible. Unless an extension is granted by the Chair, the speaker shall be limited to three


NOTE: Persons with disabilities who require accommodation to attend and/or participate in this

Board of Education meeting should contact the Superintendent’s office (860-567-7500) or

Director of Pupil Services (860-567-7505).




APRIL 9, 2020

A regular meeting of the Litchfield Board of Education was held on Thursday, April 9,

2020 at 7:00 p.m. via conference call.

Present were: Mr. Terzian, Chairperson; Ms. Reardon; Ms. Stone; Mr. Clock; Mr.

Falcetti; Mr. Malo; Mr. Morosani; Mr. Pavlick and Mr. Shuhi.

Also present were: Superintendent Leone; Mr. Fiorillo; Ms. Hodges; Dr. Pascento; Mr.

Valerio; Mr. Sattazahn and members of the public.

MOTION made by Mr. Clock and seconded by Mr. Pavlick: to add to the agenda

an Executive Session to discuss Personnel as 9. and adjournment as 10.

MOTION carried. All votes were in the affirmative. There were no


Approval of Minutes

MOTION made by Ms. Stone and seconded by Mr. Pavlick: to approve the

minutes of the special meeting of March 17, 2020 with the following corrections

change the heading on pages to reflect March 17, 2020 as the meeting date.

MOTION carried. All votes were in the affirmative. There were no


Public Comment

Margaret Hunt commented: distance learning has out of the box responses.

Superintendent Leone responded: staff working really well; student learning is taking

place; but not a replacement for brick and mortar.

Superintendent’s Report

a. Enrollment Report: Superintendent Leone reviewed the following: as of April 1; during

distance learning district will not be reporting attendance to State (per most recent

guidelines); graduation June 16th.

b. Finance Report: Superintendent Leone reviewed the budget projections; shared with

Finance Committee; $20,000 Pre K tuition reimbursement currently; $80,000 savings in

spring sports and extra duty pay-$60,000; $90,000 transportation savings; honoring

contract with AllStar; $390,000-2% of budget; suspending capital projects


Litchfield Board of Education Meeting; April 9, 2020

c. Discussion on Impact/Actions around COVID – 19 Pandemic: 230 meals have been

delivered daily with the help of EdAdvance and AllStar bus drivers; teachers are live with

students; it is not possible with FERPA regulations for a Board member to view classes at

this time, something will be presented later in spring to show the BOE what the students


d. Update on LPS Strategic Plan - Superintendent Leone updated first review; questions or

additions needed; will share plan by June; will be a working, living document.

e. Update on Central Office Project / Capital Work for 2020-2021 - Superintendent Leone

reported that though RSD6 has the designs and bids, the addition for Central Office has

been put on hold; not going to make goal as planned. Board offered to waive goal and

Mr. Leone declined.


f. Update on 2020-2021Budget Process - Superintendent Leone presented that the 2020-

2021 budget was approved by BOF last night; there will be no town vote or referendum;

BOS will pass final budget; concerns about tax collection; unemployment figures in

town; concerns about local impact if people can’t pay taxes and impact on Executive

orders from the state.

g. Communication Plan Presentation - Superintendent Leone shared the presentation that

has been presented LTPC and Region 6; pro-active; mass communications; website; E-

blast; district newsletter; calling and texting; social media; twitter; Instagram; Facebook;

webpages; google classroom; survey in April now in May; expediency of 24 hours to

reply; quarterly newsletter for those who are not computer friendly; cooperation with


Board asked discussed need of approval; effectiveness of communication; how to

measure; climate survey needed; and have face to face. Superintendent responded that

vote or approval was not needed.

h. Facilities. Enrollment and Capacity Presentation - Superintendent Leone reported that

through a grant provided by Seherr-Thoss foundation, Yardstick did a study in February;

recommendations made for LPS and Region 6; list capacity and use of buildings in both

district; square feet per student; classroom sizes; students per classroom; all schools

included; numbers matter; square foot per student number out of alignment for any

reimbursement; available classrooms in all the schools; save money consolidating classes

and buildings; will bring implementation plan to BOE in June for discussion; 2 years

reasonable to make changes; but many things to consider and community input is needed.


Litchfield Board of Education Meeting; April 9, 2020

New Business

a. Approval of Shared Job Descriptions with Regional School District No.6.

i. Administrative Assistant- Superintendent.

ii. Administrative Assistance/Liaison.

MOTION made by Ms. Stone and seconded by Mr. Morosani: to approve the

Shared Job Description with Regional School District #6, Administrative

Assistant-Superintendent and Administrative Assistant/Liaison as presented.

MOTION carried. All votes were in the affirmative. There were no


b. Approval of Shared Service Agreements with Regional School District # 6

i. Administrative Assistant-Superintendent

ii. Administrative Assistant/Liaison

MOTION made by Mr. Shuhi and seconded by Ms. Reardon: to approve the

Shared Service Agreements with Regional School District # 6, Administrative

Assistant-Superintendent, Administrative Assistant/Liaison as presented.

MOTION carried. All votes were in the affirmative. There were no


Old Business – None.

Committee Reports

Long Term Planning Committee - Mr. Morosani reported that the committee met and

discussed everything that was covered tonight with the Superintendent.

Finance – none.

Curriculum, Program and Personnel - Ms. Reardon reported that the committee met this

evening and discussed next generation accountability; LMS configuration; and distance

learning and grading.

Facilities and Technology –none.

EdAdvance - Ms. Stone reported that the committee met and discussed fiscal issues;

payroll issues; virtual learning done; supplying food for students.


Litchfield Board of Education Meeting; April 9, 2020

Policy Review

a. Recommendation to Rescind

MOTION made by Clock and seconded by Ms. Reardon: to rescind the following

Policies; #3250 Materials – Fees; #3510 Operation and Maintenance of Plant;

#3510.2 Energy Conservation; #3515 Use of School Facilities and # 3532

Insurance as submitted.

MOTION carried. All votes were in the affirmative. There were no


b. Review

i. Policy #3260 Sale and Disposal of Books, Equipment and Materials.

ii. Policy #3434 Periodic Audit.

iii. Policy #3533 Employee Bonds.

c. First Reading

i. Policy #3440 Inventories – no changes. Return for 2nd reading.

ii. Policy #5131.111 Video Surveillance – no changes. Return for 2nd reading.

iii. Policy #6177.1 Free Textbooks, Supplies, Materials and Equipment – no changes.

Return for 2nd reading.

d. Second Reading

MOTION made by Mr. Clock and seconded by Mr. Malo: to approve the

following Policies as presented:

Policy # 1700 Possession of Firearms or Weapons on School Property

Policy # 2231 Policy ad Regulation Systems

Policy # 3000 Concepts and Roles

Policy # 3240 Tuition and Fees

Policy #3313 Local Purchasing

Policy # 4211.2 School Resource Officer

MOTION carried. All votes were in the affirmative. There were no


MOTION made by Mr. Falcetti and seconded by Mr. Malo: to move to Executive

Session at 8:21 p.m. for a discussion of personnel matters.

MOTION carried. All votes were in the affirmative. There were no



Litchfield Board of Education Meeting; April 9, 2020

Executive Session

Present: Mr. Terzian (Chairman), Mr. Clock (Vice-Chairman), Mr. Malo (Secretary), Mr.

Falcetti, Ms. Stone, Mr. Pavlick, Ms. Reardon, Mr. Shuhi, and Mr. Morosani.

Superintendent Leone and David Fiorillo were invited to attend the Executive Session.

Returned to public session at 8:31 p.m.

MOTION made by Mr. Clock and seconded by Mr. Shuhi: adjourn the meeting at

8:32 p.m.

MOTION carried. All votes were in the affirmative. There were no


Respectfully submitted,

Steve Malo, Secretary

Joanne Bertrand, Recording Secretary

Litchfield Public Schools Enrollment Report May 2020

All Grades/Pre-K Enrollment

April PK K Gr. 1 Gr. 2 Gr. 3 Gr. 4 Gr. 5 Gr. 6 Gr. 7 Gr. 8 Gr. 9 Gr. 10 Gr. 11 Gr. 12 Total2020 51 68 59 52 75 64 63 61 62 66 56 57 66 80 8802019 42 58 51 74 64 69 64 60 69 69 63 65 80 74 9022018 43 59 75 63 66 64 54 67 69 76 63 79 73 64 915

April Pre-K 3 Pre-K 4Total Pre-K

2020 21 30 512019 17 25 42

Difference 4 5 9

*students attending District schools - does not include outplaced students





Pre-K Enrollment

2019 2020




All Grades*

2018 2019 2020

Litchfield Public Schools Enrollment Report May 2020

Elementary School Enrollment

April LCS LIS Total2020 305 188 4932019 289 193 482

Difference 16 (5) 11

April PK K Gr. 1 Gr. 2 Gr. 3Total by school Gr. 4 Gr. 5 Gr. 6

Total by school Total

2020 51 68 59 52 75 305 64 63 61 188 4932019 42 58 51 74 64 289 69 64 60 193 482

Difference 9 10 8 (22) 11 16 (5) (1) 1 (5) 11

Center School Intermediate School

42 58 51

74 64

51 68

59 52


PK K GR. 1 GR. 2 GR. 3

LCS Enrollment by Grade

2019 2020




64 63


GR. 4 GR. 5 GR. 6

LIS Enrollment by Grade

2019 2020

Litchfield Public Schools Enrollment Report May 2020

April LMS LHS Grades 7-122020 128 259 3872019 138 282 420

Difference (10) (23) (33)

AprilGr. 7 Gr. 8

Total by School

Gr. 9 Gr. 10 Gr. 11 Gr. 12Total by school


2020 62 66 128 56 57 66 80 259 3872019 69 69 138 63 65 80 74 282 420

Difference (7) (3) (10) (7) (8) (14) 6 (23) (33)

Middle School High School

69 69 63 65

80 74

62 66

56 57



GR. 7 GR. 8 GR. 9 GR. 10 GR. 11 GR. 12

LMS and LHS Enrollment

2019 2020

98.9% 98.9%99.5% 99.1%

Center School IntermediateSchool

Middle School High School



ge o

f Stu


sAverage Daily Attendance 2019 - 2020

3/30/2020 – 4/30/2020 FDL

August September OctoberNovember December January

School Attendance Data

Chronic Absenteeism – 120 School Days**Average Daily Attendance: 2019 Summary, Facilitated Distance Learning

What is chronic absence?Chronic absence is defined as missing 10 percent or greater of the total number of days enrolled during the school year for any reason. It includes both excused, unexcused, out-of-school suspensions, and in-school suspensions that last more than one-half of the school day. For example, a student who has been enrolled for the first 30 school days at the beginning of the school year and has been absent three of those days is chronically absent.

Chronic Absence vs. Truancy Chronic absence is different from truancy (missing too much school without permission) as well as average daily attendance (a school-level measure, not a student- level indicator, for how many students are typically in attendance at school each day). Chronic absence incorporates all absences: excused, unexcused absences, and suspensions and expulsions served. By monitoring chronic absence, the focus is on the academic consequences of lost instructional time and on preventing absences before students fall behind in school. It is an early indicator that a student may fall behind in the classroom.

**The June 2020 PSIS collection requires membership and attendance for students in grades Kindergarten through 12. Due to COVID-19 school closures, these data should NOT include any continued educational opportunities instruction days.Prior to March 30, 2020 (first day of Facilitated Distance Learning in LPS Schools) there were 120 instructional days. Students with an attendance rate of less than 90% as of this date are considered chronic.


3.7% 3.9%


3.6%4.7% 5.1%


Center School IntermediateSchool

Middle School High School



ge o

f Stu



Chronic Absentee Students

2019-2020 2018-2019

LHS Month by Month Comparison of Absences – 120 Days of Instruction




230 238267







316 326











Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

2018 2019

2019 School year follows the same absence pattern as previous year; the Dean of Students at LHS follows a strict policy regarding Excessive Absences to address risk of chronic absences. The percentage of students with 10% (12 days) or more absences as of March 13, 2020 is 13.9%. As of March 14, 2019 (120 days of instruction) the percentage of students with 10% or more absences was 22.9%

Christopher G. Leone

Superintendent of Schools Phone (860) 567-7500

Fax (860) 567-7508

Julie G. Haggard Director of Pupil Services

Phone (860) 567-7505 Fax (860) 567-7508

David Fiorillo, SFO Chief Finance Officer Phone (860) 567-7503

Fax (860) 567-7508

Jeremiah Sattazahn Chief Operations Officer Phone (860) 567-7503

Fax (860) 567-7508

Litchfield Public Schools 35 Plumb Hill Road ~ P.O. Box 110 ~ Litchfield, Connecticut ~ 06759-0110

Memorandum Date: May 7, 2020 To: Litchfield Board of Education Thru: Chris Leone - Superintendent of Schools From: David Fiorillo, Chief Financial Officer Re: May Finance Report

Attached is the May Finance Report. There are many different areas of the budget that we are actively monitoring there is nothing we comfortable bringing forward any additional adjustments from last month. As we approach the end of the FISCAL YEAR and school year we will advise and report on significant variations. There is nothing at this point that leads us to believe that there will not be a positive year-end fund balance. We will be recommending the BOE approve a motion to move the unencumbered funds into a non-lapsing account.

DIFFERENCE (Revised 5-1 vs. Projected 6-1)

DIFFERENCE (Revised 5-1 vs. Projected 6/1)

ENROLLMENT (K-12) 835 835 832 PER PUPIL 21,696 21,731 21,809

Litchfield Approved Budget 19,471,500 19,471,500 19,471,500 -






Net Town Assessment 18,170,573 18,170,573 18,170,573 -

Educational Cost Sharing (Town via State)

1,300,927 1,300,927 1,300,927 -

Tuition Outside Tuition 54,107 25,110 25,110 -






State Revenue Medicaid - - - -

Pre School Tuition 50,000 41,290 41,290 -

Other (Local) Misc - - - -

Excess Costs (Special Education) 100,000 125,000 125,000 -

Facilities Use Fees - - - -

Interest - - - -

Payment to Town (54,107) (25,110) (25,110) -


Final Town Cost 18,116,466 18,145,463 18,145,463 -

Revenue Budget 150,000 166,290 166,290 -

Total Revenue 19,621,500 19,637,790 19,637,790 -

DIFFERENCE (Revised 5-1 vs. Projected 6-1)






2) Classified Salaries 2,463,505 2,353,505 2,353,505 -

1) Certified Salaries 9,284,064 9,015,354 9,015,354

4) Learning Programs 948,623 948,623 948,623

3) Employee Benefits 3,896,225 3,761,225 3,761,225 -

6) Transportation 1,062,584 972,584 972,584 -

5) Tuition 832,691 1,032,691 1,032,691 -

8) Administration 169,950 169,950 169,950 -

7) Heath Services 9,878 9,878 9,878 -

0) Capital and Debt - - - -

9) Operations and Maintenance 953,980 933,980 933,980 -

- Total Budget 19,621,500 19,637,790 19,637,790

Total Expenses 19,621,500 19,637,790 19,637,790 -

FY20 Contingency - 440,000 440,000 -

Christopher G. Leone

Superintendent of Schools

Phone (860) 567-7500 Fax (860) 567-7508

Julie G. Haggard

Director of Pupil Services

Phone (860) 567-7505 Fax (860) 567-7508

David Fiorillo, SFO

Director of Business Operations

Phone (860) 567-7503 Fax (860) 567-7508

Litchfield Public Schools 35 Plumb Hill Road ~ P.O. Box 110 ~ Litchfield, Connecticut ~ 06759-0110


TO: Litchfield Board of Education

FROM: Christopher Leone, Superintendent of Schools

DATE: May 14, 2020

RE: Recommendation to Lower Expenses for FY 2020-2021

Per the Finance Committee on April 23, 2020, the following is a recommendation from the district administration for the Board of Education to lower expenses for FY2020-2021. 1) Defer Town Capital Budget for FY 2020-2021 ($215,000) The Board of Finance budget for 2020-2021 includes capital for the Board of Education for $215,000. These funds include the following projects:

A) LCS Floor Abatement ($100,000) B) LHS/LMS Sidewalks ($90,000) C) LHS/LMS HVAC ($25,000)

The district believes that it can defer these projects to 2021-2022 with the exception of partial abatement work at LCS for the media center. The cost for the LCS media center abatement can be covered via an operating fund budget transfer. 2) Return Capital Funds FY2019-2020 ($42,730) There is currently expected to be a balance of $42,730 of unexpended capital funds for 2019-2020. This includes:

A) LCS Playground Capital ($25,000) – This project will not be completed due to the closure and will need to be deferred to 2021-2022. B) LHS Gymnasium Floors ($13,770) C) Miscellaneous Capital ($3,850) D) LCS Doors ($110)

Christopher G. Leone

Superintendent of Schools

Phone (860) 567-7500 Fax (860) 567-7508

Julie G. Haggard

Director of Pupil Services

Phone (860) 567-7505 Fax (860) 567-7508

David Fiorillo, SFO

Director of Business Operations

Phone (860) 567-7503 Fax (860) 567-7508

Summary If the Board of Education elects to approve these recommendations they will save the town a collective $257,730. Based on the fiscal uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and in partnership with the Board of Finance and the Board of Selectmen, the administration fully supports this recommendation.

Christopher G. Leone

Superintendent of Schools Phone (860) 567-7500

Fax (860) 567-7508

Julie G. Haggard Director of Pupil Services

Phone (860) 567-7505 Fax (860) 567-7508

David Fiorillo, SFO Chief Finance Officer Phone (860) 567-7503

Fax (860) 567-7508

Jeremiah Sattazahn Chief Operations Officer Phone (860) 567-7503

Fax (860) 567-7508

Litchfield Public Schools 35 Plumb Hill Road ~ P.O. Box 110 ~ Litchfield, Connecticut ~ 06759-0110

Memorandum Date: May 7th, 2020 To: Litchfield Board of Education Thru: Chris Leone - Superintendent of Schools From: David Fiorillo, Chief Financial Officer Re: SIS Data Systems Specialist

Currently LPS has a full time Power School Specialist position. The position has grown over the years with the additional from a power school data specialist to one that assists not only runs power school but manages the required state reports with respect to school data. In an effort to further enhance collaboration we are proposing expanding the role of this LPS position to not only support the LPS information systems and state reporting functions but to also do the same on the RSD#6 side. Attached is a shared job description for RSD#6 and LPS. This position is currently funded in the LPS 2020-21 BOE approved budget. The administration recommends approval of this new job description.


JOB DESCRIPTION – SIS DATA SYSTEMS SPECIALIST POSITION TITLE: SIS Data Systems Specialist for Regional School District #6 and Litchfield Public Schools DEPARTMENT: Technology Department REPORTS TO: Information Technology Manager __________________________________________________________________________________ SUMMARY: Manages, inputs, and assembles student information through the use of data systems. Provides instruction and direst staff in the use of PowerSchool applications. Facilitates the connections between SIS and third-party vendors for rostering, SSO. Provides data mining services as requested. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:

● Display a strong sense of task ownership. ● Ability to see the “whole picture” in how data systems tie together. ● Travel throughout district as required. ● Develop and communicate processes for Administrators, End Users, Students and Parents. ● Assume the lead role as District SIS Data Manager relative to our District Data Warehouse by

staying current on all data points regarding our students. ● Manage and complete state reporting of school district data (PSIS, ED166, TCS, CRDC, etc.).

Keep our system current for changing reporting needs. ● Acts as a liaison with third party software, leveraging PowerSchool for sync and Single Sign On

(SSO) for staff and student. Troubleshoot sync issues. ● Data validation using reporting tools, put in action corrective measures to improve data entry. ● Manage district level functions for and/or with schools on client-hosted PowerSchool. ● Perform roll ups, de-registrations, downloads to other information systems/data drops. ● Assist with school attendance, report cards, scheduling, transcripts and other SIS issues. ● Develop report cards for all grades, working through the building administrators to create grade

level report cards appropriate for their building and the principal vision for the school. ● Utilizing PowerScheduler, builds the annual master schedule for Middle and High School after

input from administrators and counselors. ● Works with counselors to manage, coordinate and train on yearly processes as appropriate (e.g.

setup of new school year, roll over, close out school year, master schedule, graduate students, report cards, transcripts, create class and bell schedules).

● Creates various reports as requested by administration and school district staff. • Other responsibilities as assigned by the Superintendent or designee.

End User Support and Training • Provide PowerSchool technical support and training resources to end users. • Support staff in fully utilizing the district’s Student Information System (SIS). • Design, enhance and deliver staff technology training and other processes linked to PowerSchool

SIS. • Maintain training website containing Knowledge Base Information for end users and parents.

Personal Development • Attend workshops, when appropriate, to expand knowledge, skills, and abilities. • Contribute to creating a positive working environment. • Assist others with their assignments, providing support and developing skills, abilities, and

knowledge as needed. • Demonstrate a high degree of professional growth, flexibility, initiative, and responsibility. • Accept and adjust to change smoothly and positively.


• Regularly contribute to maximizing the effectiveness and efficiency of District operations. • Consistently evaluate current methods, programs, and procedures, and implement new or

modified procedures when necessary. • Demonstrate a proactive approach to problem solving.

Other Related Responsibilities

• Perform other duties as assigned by the Superintendent of Schools. QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: Must be knowledgeable and have hands-on experience with database operations and ideally PowerSchool. Should have superior people skills. Must have an analytical mind and ability to set and meet deadlines. Must possess advanced computer skills EDUCATION and/or EXPERIENCE: Minimum 3 years of experience in an education setting. Training and/or professional development experience preferred. Ability to write and communicate steps/processes using effective digital tools. Strong interpersonal skills and a customer-service oriented sense of professionalism. CERTIFICATION: Not required. LANGUAGE SKILLS: Ability to read, analyze, and interpret common scientific and technical journals, financial reports, and legal documents. Ability to respond to common inquiries or complaints from parents, regulatory agencies, or members of the community. Ability to effectively present information to administrators, community groups and Board of Education. MATHEMATICAL SKILLS: Ability to work with mathematical concepts such as probability and statistical inference. Ability to apply concepts such as fractions, percentages, ratios and proportions to practical situations. REASONING ABILITY: Ability to define problems, collect data, establish facts, and draw valid conclusions. Ability to interpret an extensive variety of technical instructions in mathematical or diagram form and deal with several abstract and concrete variables. OTHER SKILLS and ABILITIES: Personal computer and spreadsheet skills. Ability to apply knowledge of current research and theory in specific field. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with students, staff and the school community. Ability to speak clearly and concisely both in oral and written communication. Ability to perform duties with awareness of all district requirements and Board of Education policies.

PHYSICAL DEMANDS: The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. While performing the duties of this position, the employee is regularly required to sit and talk or hear. The employee frequently is required to walk. The employee is occasionally required to stand and reach with hands and arms. Specific vision abilities required by the job include close vision, distance vision. Some driving is necessary. Often and essential to this position, the individual must meet deadlines with severe time constraints. The position requires the employee to interact with the public and other workers; work irregular or extended hours; direct responsibility for the safety, well-being or work output of other people; and meet multiple demands from several people. Consistent attendance is essential to this position. WORK ENVIRONMENT: The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. The noise level in the work environment can be moderate. Work location is an office with occasions that require time in classrooms. Position usually demands meeting deadlines with severe time constraints. The employee continuously interacts with staff and occasionally meets multiple demands from several people. The information contained in this job description is for compliance with the American with Disabilities Act (A.D.A.) and is not an exhaustive list of the duties performed for this position. Additional duties are performed by the individual currently holding this position and additional duties may be assigned.

Christopher G. Leone

Superintendent of Schools Phone (860) 567-7500

Fax (860) 567-7508

Julie G. Haggard Director of Pupil Services

Phone (860) 567-7505 Fax (860) 567-7508

David Fiorillo, SFO Chief Finance Officer Phone (860) 567-7503

Fax (860) 567-7508

Jeremiah Sattazahn Chief Operations Officer Phone (860) 567-7503

Fax (860) 567-7508

Litchfield Public Schools 35 Plumb Hill Road ~ P.O. Box 110 ~ Litchfield, Connecticut ~ 06759-0110

Memorandum Date: May 7th, 2020 To: Litchfield Board of Education Thru: Chris Leone - Superintendent of Schools From: David Fiorillo, Chief Financial Officer Re: Health Insurance Governance Agreement

Litchfield Public Schools is participating in a health insurance pool with RSD#6 along with a number of neighboring towns and agencies. As we move forward we feel it’s important to ensure that all the participants expectations are inline. With that said, attached is a proposed Governance Agreement for the new health insurance pool. We are recommending approval of the attached Governance Agreement

1 | P a g e




Article 1. Name, Authority and Purpose

The entity shall be known as the Regional School District 6 Employee Benefits Purchasing Group (“Purchasing Group”). This Cooperation Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by certain public entity employers ("Participating Members"), pursuant to Connecticut Public Act 10-174 including any subsequent amendments and legislation of like purpose and effect. The Participating Members have determined that they desire to enter into this Agreement to aggregate their covered employees, retirees and dependents into one rating pool for purposes of the negotiation and purchase of health and benefits coverage. The Participating Members do so to achieve the economies of scale and other benefits derived from joint negotiation and purchase.

Article 2. Participants

This Agreement is made and entered into among the Participating Members whose authorized representatives have executed this Agreement on their behalf. The founding Participating Members of the Purchasing Group are the Regional School District #6, the Litchfield Public Schools, the towns of Goshen, Litchfield and Morris; and the Woodridge Lake Sewer District. Additional public entity employers may join the Purchasing Group pursuant to Article 9.

Article 3. Term of Agreement and Participation

A. Duration

This Agreement shall be effective as of July 1, 2020 and shall continue in full force and effect unless terminated.

B. Plan Year

The Plan Year will be from July 1 to June 30.

C. Withdrawal of a Participating Member

A Participating Member may withdraw participation at the end of any Plan Year. A Participating Member contemplating withdrawal from the Purchasing Group at

2 | P a g e

the end of a Plan Year must submit written notification to the Board of such intent to withdraw no later than the April 1 prior to the June 30 Plan Year end.

If a Participating Member that provided notification of its intention to withdraw wishes to rescind that notice, the Board may consider such request but shall be under no obligation to act favorably upon it.

A withdrawing Participating Member shall be eligible to reapply as a Participating Member as of the start of any Plan Year subsequent to its withdrawal, subject to approval by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board.

The withdrawal of a Participating Member shall have the effect of terminating this Agreement as to that Participating Member only. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the rights and obligations of the Participating Member under this Agreement prior to the termination date shall remain in full force and effect, including but not limited to the obligation of the Participating Member to pay all insurance premiums and expenses of that Participating Member's insurance contract with a Carrier through the termination date.

D. Termination of the Purchasing Group

Termination of this Agreement in its entirety will be effective only upon the affirmative approval of no less than two-thirds (2/3) of all Board Representatives. Following approval of the termination of this Agreement in its entirety, the Purchasing Group and all Participating Members shall be bound thereby.

In addition, the elective withdrawal(s) of Participating Member(s) leaving no more than one (1) Participating Member shall be deemed as a termination of the Purchasing Group and of this Agreement in its entirety.

Upon termination of this Agreement in its entirety, the outgoing Board shall conclude the affairs of the Purchasing Group, including but not limited to notification of Carrier(s) and/or service provider(s).

Article 4. Governance and Administration

A. Governance and Administrative Authority

Governance and administrative authority for the Purchasing Group shall be vested in the Regional School District 6 Employee Benefits Purchasing Group Board ("Board").

B. Participating Member Representation

The Board shall consist of one Representative (“Representative”) from each Participating Member. Said Representative shall have one vote, and shall assume

3 | P a g e

all of the responsibilities on behalf of the Participating Member in connection with the Purchasing Group.

The Representative for each Participating Member shall be as follows:

• For each public school system, the Representative shall be the Superintendent of that system or his/her designee.

• For each Town or other municipality, the Representative shall be the First Selectman or Mayor (as the case may be) or his/her designee.

• For any other Participating Member, the Representative shall be the President of said Participating Member’s governing body or his/her designee.

It is understood and agreed that all Representatives may rely on the authority of each Representative to fully represent his/her respective Participating Member, and that any vote of any individual Representative shall be deemed to be binding upon his/her Participating Member. The Participating Members recognize the critical importance of active participation by their Representatives in the operation of the Purchasing Group.

C. Board Organization and Officers

The Board shall elect a Chair (“Chair”), and a Vice Chair to act in the absence of the Chair, and whatever other officers the Board deems appropriate. Elected officers shall serve for terms of twelve (12) months, unless replaced prior to termination of such twelve month period.

In addition, the Board may establish any subcommittee for whatever purpose it deems appropriate and consistent with the terms of this Agreement.

D. Board Representative Authority and Communication Duty

Each Representative shall have the authority to vote on behalf of the Participating Member: in the selection and maintenance of the Carrier(s) as discussed under Article 6; on the expansion of the Purchasing Group to additional health and benefits coverages; as to the admission of new Participating Members as discussed under Article 9; as to any amendments to or termination of this Agreement as discussed under Articles 3 and 8; and in regards to any other matters germane to the operation of the Purchasing Group.

It shall be the duty of each Representative to communicate all matters relating to the action of the Board to the Representative's respective Participating Member. In the event that a Representative is absent from a Board meeting, it is the duty of that Representative to contact the Chair in a timely manner to receive updates on matters discussed or acted upon at the Board meeting.

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Article 5. Board Meetings and Quorum

A. Board Meetings

It shall be the duty of the Chair to call meetings of the Board and any subcommittees, including designation of the date, place, and time of such meetings, and to perform other duties and functions as delegated by the Board. The Chair shall establish a reasonable procedure for notice concerning meetings.

The Board shall meet as often as may be necessary for the efficient administration of the collective action contemplated hereunder. A Board meeting may be requested by one or more Representatives. Unanimous actions of the Board as required from time-to-time hereunder need not be taken at a meeting of the Board, but may be taken in a writing signed by the Representatives of the Participating Members.

Meetings of the Board shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Connecticut General Statutes 1-225 (Connecticut Open Meeting Law).

B. Quorum

A quorum of the Board shall consist of a majority of the Representatives. A majority vote of the Representatives in attendance at a duly called meeting at which a quorum is present shall be deemed to be a vote of the Board except where a two-thirds vote is required by this Agreement. In the event of a tie vote, the vote shall be deemed to be a negative vote.

C. Voting

In any vote of the Board called for hereunder, each Representative shall have one (1) vote.

D. Subcommittees

The provisions in this Article shall also apply to any subcommittee established by the Board.

Article 6. Placement and Administration of Coverage(s)

A. Selection of Carrier (s) and Negotiation of Premium Rates

The Participating Members shall use a carrier or carriers (collectively, “Carrier”) selected by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board.

5 | P a g e

The Board shall be responsible for negotiating with the Carrier for the premium rates that will be payable by the Participating Members, in accordance with the plan(s) of benefits selected by each Participating Member.

B. Independent Contracts

Upon the selection of the Carrier and negotiation of the premium rates, each Participating Member shall contract independently with the Carrier; shall interface directly with the Carrier as regards management of employee, retiree and dependent eligibility; shall arrange for employee, retiree and dependent education and contract documentation; and shall pay the premiums and any other fees or expenses for such insurance coverage directly to the Carrier.

The Purchasing Group shall have no liability for benefits due to or received by a covered employee, retiree or dependent of a Participating Member, nor shall the Purchasing Group have any liability for the premiums or other fees or expenses owed to a Carrier by a Participating Member.

C. Changes in Carrier(s) and/or Funding

A change in the Purchasing Group's Carrier(s) and/or a change in the funding mechanism used in plans within the purview of the Purchasing Group (e.g., from fully insured premium to self-funding) requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board.

Article 7. Collective Bargaining and Eligibility Determination

A. Collective Bargaining

Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement, a Participating Member maintains its autonomy and responsibility for collective bargaining. Each Participating Member shall determine the benefits provided to its employees, retirees and dependents, and the level of contribution that it will make towards such benefits, provided that said contribution is in conformance with any pertinent Carrier requirements.

B. Eligibility Determination

Nothing contained in this Agreement shall in any way limit the authority of a Participating Member to determine eligibility for participation in the benefits program, provided that each Participating Member will adhere to all pertinent eligibility requirements stipulated by the Carrier. Unless the Purchasing Group specifically contracts for centralized services regarding notification of eligibility; the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) of 1985; and any other applicable federal and state statutes, these functions and tasks as well as employee direct billing shall be the responsibility of and determined by each Participating Member.

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Article 8. Amendment; Waiver of Requirement; Emergency Action

A. Amendment

The provisions of this Agreement may be amended or modified at any time by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board Representatives. No vote shall be taken at a meeting on an amendment unless the Representatives of all Participating Members have been provided at least fourteen (14) calendar days' notice of the proposed amendment.

Following approval of any amendment or modification of this Agreement, Participating Members shall be bound thereby, except as may be required by a State or Federal law or regulation.

Upon any modification, amendment or termination of this Agreement in its entirety, the Chair or his/her designee shall notify any Carrier and/or service provider.

B. Waiver

The Board may, in appropriate situations, decide to waive the application of a specific requirement of this Agreement as it applies to a particular Participating Member or prospective Participating Member. A motion to waive will require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Representatives.

C. Emergency Action Procedure

It is understood that issues may sometimes arise that require an immediate response by the Purchasing Group. In such instances the Chair shall be empowered to render a decision for the Purchasing Group. Any action taken shall be presented to the Board for consideration.

Article 9. Addition of New Participating Members

A. Approval by the Board

Additional public entity employers may apply to be added as new Participating Members, commencing as of the start of any Plan Year, subject to approval by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board.

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B. Determination of Premium Rates

The Board will negotiate with the Carrier to establish the premium rates for such new Participating Members. Such new Participating Members will be added to the experience pool of the Purchasing Group, with premium rates established by the Carrier following its standard underwriting practices including demographic factors and past experience where available.

C. Execution of Agreement

Following approval by the Board and the new Participating Member’s acceptance of the Carrier premium rates, the new Participating Member will be required to execute this Agreement.

Article 10. Indemnification

Each Participating Member agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the other Participating Members, their directors, officers, agents, employees, successors and assigns (each an "Indemnified Party" and collectively the "Indemnified Parties") from and against any loss, cost, damage, expense, or other liability, including, without limitation, reasonable costs and attorneys' fees incurred by an Indemnified Party in connection with this Purchasing Group and arising out of or caused by, in whole or in part, a breach by a Participating Member or its representations, warranties, or obligations hereunder. This obligation to indemnify, defend and hold harmless shall survive termination of this Agreement.

However, this indemnification shall not apply to charges, including legal fees, judgments, administrative expenses, and benefit payment requirements arising from or in connection with any negligent or willful acts or omissions (including the Participating Member's failure to comply with any laws or regulations) of the Participating Member, its agents or employees under this Agreement. By way of example, each Participating Member shall hold the Purchasing Group and the other Participating Members harmless from any of the above-described charges related to the Participating Member's enrollment of an ineligible person in its health plan (including without limitation by offering COBRA coverage to a person who is ineligible or related to the Participating Member's failure to comply with Medicare Secondary Payer, COBRA or HIPAA requirements.)

Article 11. Waiver or Breach

No waiver of any breach of this Agreement or any provision herein contained shall be deemed a waiver of any preceding or succeeding breach thereof or of any of the other provisions herein contained. No extension of time for performance of any obligation or act shall be deemed an extension of time for performance of any other or subsequent

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obligations or acts. The provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed severable and if any provision or part hereof is held illegal, void or invalid under applicable law, such provision or part may be changed to the extent reasonably necessary to make the provision or part, as so changed, legal, valid and binding. If any provision of this Agreement is held illegal, void, or invalid in its entirety, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall not in any way be affected, but shall remain binding in accordance with their terms and this Agreement shall be so interpreted.

Article 12. Complete Agreement

This Agreement contains the complete agreement between and among the parties as to the subject matter hereof, and no representations or oral statements or agreements made or heretofore given shall constitute a part of this Agreement.

Article 13. Counterparts

This Agreement may be executed in duplicate originals or counterparts now or at any time in the future, each of which such counterparts shall constitute an original, and all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same document.

Article 14. Signatories to Agreement

We agree to become a Participating Member, to accept and comply with all provisions of this Agreement, and to participate on the Board as described herein. It is understood and agreed that our Board Representative shall have full authority to represent our governmental unit in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

The signature below confirms the signatory's representation that it was fully authorized to accept and bind the Participating Member to the terms of this Agreement on behalf of the governmental unit under the terms and conditions described in such agreement.

Name of Participating Member: ________________________________________

_______________________ ________________ _______________

Signature Title Date

Christopher G. Leone

Superintendent of Schools

Phone (860) 567-7500 Fax (860) 567-7508

Julie G. Haggard

Director of Pupil Services

Phone (860) 567-7505 Fax (860) 567-7508

David Fiorillo, SFO

Chief Finance Officer

Phone (860) 567-7503 Fax (860) 567-7508

Jeremiah Sattazahn

Chief Operations Officer

Phone (860) 567-7503 Fax (860) 567-7508

Litchfield Public Schools 35 Plumb Hill Road ~ P.O. Box 110 ~ Litchfield, Connecticut ~ 06759-0110

Memorandum Date: May 4, 2020 To: Litchfield Board of Education Thru: Chris Leone - Superintendent of Schools From: David Fiorillo, Chief Financial Officer Re: Dental Insurance

In an effort to continue to grow our relationship with RSD#6 and reduce costs we have jointly bid dental insurance with RSD#6 for the 2020-21 fiscal year. We are pleased to share with the BOE that the results of aligning dental plans not only lower the dental insurance rates but also improve the insurance provided within our plan. The bid took both the RSD#6 existing plan and the LPS existing plan and combined them. We directed the insurance agent to take the best components of both plan provisions and create a new joint hybrid plan. We have met with the three union groups at LPS and received support on the changes proposed. The overall cost for both districts combined compared to prior year’s budget comes in at -1.6%. The changes in the dental insurance has no impact on health insurance plans or rates. Dental and Health Ins. are separate plans. Attached is the supporting information which includes the changes in plan coverages and changes in projected costs. The administration is recommending BOE approval.

Christopher G. Leone

Superintendent of Schools

Phone (860) 567-7500 Fax (860) 567-7508

Julie G. Haggard

Director of Pupil Services

Phone (860) 567-7505 Fax (860) 567-7508

David Fiorillo, SFO

Chief Finance Officer

Phone (860) 567-7503 Fax (860) 567-7508

Jeremiah Sattazahn

Chief Operations Officer

Phone (860) 567-7503 Fax (860) 567-7508

Combined DentaProposal for RSD 6 and Litchfield BoE

July 1, 2020 Renewal

Dental Benefit Plan Renewal


Plan Design*


Applies to Basic & Major only:


A. Preventive Services 100% 100%

Check-ups & Cleanings

B. Basic Services 100% 100%

Surgeries & Fillings

C. Major Services 50% 50%

Crowns, Bridges & Dentures

Annual Benefit

Orthodontia Services

Waiting Periods:

U&C / R&C: N/A MAC

Student/Dependent Age

CURRENT Litchfield

BOE FI Rates with



6 Allocation Rates with



Combined Allociation

Rates with Delta

Employee 49 53 102 $45.27 $41.81 $43.79

Employee + 1 43 85 $87.16 $79.62

Employee + Family 56 102 116 $141.32 $103.27 $129.09

148 155 303

Monthly Premium $13,880 $12,749 $26,209

Annual Premium $166,560.36 $152,994 $314,512

Total Combined Spend $314,512

$ Variance -$5,042

% Variance -1.6%


These exhibits are for comparison purposes only and do not represent a binding offer to insure. Please consult the

insurance carrier proposal for the terms and condition of their quotation.









Delta's current admin. rate for RSD 6 is $7.75pepm. The proposed admin. rate for RSD 6/Litchfield, 7.1.20, is $7.18pepm.


Delta (Litchfield & RSD 6 Combined Plan)

PPO & Premier Network




50% to $1,000


Christopher G. Leone

Superintendent of Schools

Phone (860) 567-7500 Fax (860) 567-7508

Julie G. Haggard

Director of Pupil Services

Phone (860) 567-7505 Fax (860) 567-7508

David Fiorillo, SFO

Chief Finance Officer

Phone (860) 567-7503 Fax (860) 567-7508

Jeremiah Sattazahn

Chief Operations Officer

Phone (860) 567-7503 Fax (860) 567-7508

Initial Oral Exam

Periodic Oral


Prophylaxis or







X-ray: panoramic

or full mouth





Reline Dentures

Repair of



Oral SurgeryRecementment -

CrownsRecementment -


Repair - BridgeStainless Steel

Crowns (Primary









Dentures (Full &




Post and Core

Best BenefitAnthem Delta Dental

Category 1: P&D

Category 2: Basic

Category 3: Major

Calendar Year


Dependent Age

Benefit Year


1 per calendar year to age 18

2 per benefit period 2 per benefit period

Age 19; 25 if FT Student

Calendar Year Calendar Year






1 per tooth in 5 years

1 per tooth in 5 years

1 per tooth in 5 years

to age 26

Amalgam: 1 per tooth surface

in consectutive 12 month


One per year, composite and


1 per benefit period

2 per benefit period

Yes Yes Yes

either once or once in 3 years

Once per 60 Months, unless

need is shown

1 per 36 month

to age 26

50% 50%

$750 $1,500

Once every 5 years Once every 5 years

1 per tooth in 5 years 1 per tooth in 5 years

Calendar Year

Lifetime for P&D & Remaining

Basic: $100/$300;

Calendar Year for Crown,

Prosthodontics, & Ortho:



100% 100%

100% 100%

1 per tooth in 5 years 1 per tooth in 5 years 1 per tooth in 5 years

1 per tooth in 5 years

IN MAJOR 1 per benefit period

1 per lifetime No Limitation No Limitation

1 per lifetime No Limitation No Limitation

Orthodontia 50% to $1,000 50% to 500

to age 18

once per lifetime per tooth to

age 16

once per lifetime per tooth to

age 16

In conjuction with Oral


In conjuction with Oral


In conjuction with Oral


1 per year

When necessary

When necessary

1 per Primary tooth in 5 years 1 per Primary tooth in 5 years 1 per Primary tooth in 5 years

1 per tooth, per year When necessary

1 per year When necessary When necessary

Composite filling on All

1 per lifetime once per tooth per 24 months

When necessary

N/A Once every 5 years Once every 5 years

50% to $1,000

1 per tooth in 5 years 1 upper and 1 lower every 5 1 upper and 1 lower every 5

2 per Lifetime under age 19

once per space for under age

14 Once per space under age 19

1 per tooth in 5 years

1 per tooth in 5 years

1 per tooth in 5 years

1 upper and 1 lower every 5


1 upper and 1 lower every 5


1 upper and 1 lower every 5


Orthodontia - Age Limit to age 18 to age 18

1 per 2 years, not within first IN MAJOR 1 per 2 years, not within first

2 per benefit period2 per benefit period

2 per benefit for under age 15

1 series of 2 bitewing xrays

Delta Dental does not decifer

just oral exam

Delta Dental does not decifer

just oral exam

2 per benefit period 2 per benefit period

once per three year for


1 per calendar year up to age


Christopher G. Leone

Superintendent of Schools

Phone (860) 567-7500 Fax (860) 567-7508

Julie G. Haggard

Director of Pupil Services

Phone (860) 567-7505 Fax (860) 567-7508

David Fiorillo, SFO

Chief Finance Officer

Phone (860) 567-7503 Fax (860) 567-7508

Jeremiah Sattazahn

Chief Operations Officer

Phone (860) 567-7503 Fax (860) 567-7508

Litchfield Public Schools 35 Plumb Hill Road ~ P.O. Box 110 ~ Litchfield, Connecticut ~ 06759-0110

Memorandum Date: May 6, 2020 To: Litchfield Board of Education Thru: Chris Leone - Superintendent of Schools From: David Fiorillo, Chief Financial Officer Re: Kelly Services

In an effort to create fiscal savings and increase collaboration between RSD#6 and LPS attached is a proposed contract to consolidate substitute teaching services. The rate is the same on both the LPS and RSD#6 side as not to create an advantage with filling substitute positions at each district. The rate is also in line with neighboring school districts. Before a substitute teacher can enter a classroom, school resources needed to advertise, screen, hire, and background check a potential candidate. These resources are currently required and funded by both school districts. This contract consolidates and outsources those tasks. Another challenge is that once a substitute is in the substitute pool then each district is constantly competing with each other and surrounding districts to fill the vacant teacher position. This is called the “fill rate.” Both districts throughout the year struggle with keeping the fill rate as high as possible. It is not uncommon to not fill a vacant teaching position on a given day. Collectively working together with a common pool of candidates and a central service that fills vacant positions should not only increase the candidate pool but also increase the fill rate. With respect to financial impact this is subjective. On one hand, consolidating services through a third party will lower the cost of hiring qualified substitutes. On the other hand, a higher “fill rate“ will increase the costs for the district albeit at the benefit student learning. Because of these offsetting forces we do not anticipate a significant change in operating costs related to substitutes. The administration recommends approval of this joint agreement.

Christopher G. Leone

Superintendent of Schools Phone (860) 567-7500

Fax (860) 567-7508

Julie G. Haggard Director of Pupil Services

Phone (860) 567-7505 Fax (860) 567-7508

David Fiorillo, SFO Chief Finance Officer Phone (860) 567-7503

Fax (860) 567-7508

Jeremiah Sattazahn Chief Operations Officer Phone (860) 567-7503

Fax (860) 567-7508

Litchfield Public Schools 35 Plumb Hill Road ~ P.O. Box 110 ~ Litchfield, Connecticut ~ 06759-0110

Memorandum TO: Litchfield Board of Education FROM: Christopher Leone, Superintendent of Schools DATE: May 14, 2020 RE: Job Description Review Per the Superintendent’s Goals for 2019-2020, attached you will find the following job description(s) for your review.

1) Crossing Guard 2) Pupil Services Secretary 3) School Nurse

Litchfield Public Schools Crossing Guard Position Description


Position Title: Crossing Guard Department: Business Office, Classified Reports to: School Principal and Chief Operating Officer Works with: Students, staff and members of the public. Summary: Controls traffic at crossing points for school children in pedestrian lanes; assists and protects children while they cross the street. Education Required: High School Diploma or equivalent. One year of experience preferred. Essential Duties: Essential Duties and Responsibilities: Additional duties may be assigned

• Using STOP sign, stops traffic and escorts or supervises children crossing streets at intersections.

• Maintains surveillance of children walking or playing near street and warns them when necessary.

• Cautions drivers of speeding vehicles by use of whistle and/or hand signals. • Reports accidents or unusual traffic incidents to school authorities or police. • Places and removes caution signs and cones. • Maintains regular attendance.

Supervisory Responsibilities: None

Communication • Ability to respond to questions from administrators, staff, students and the general

public consistent with the duties of this position. Qualifications: To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill and/or ability required. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.

• Ability to relate to children and communicate well with staff members, teachers, and parents.

• Establishes and maintains interpersonal relations skills as applied to contacts with parents and district staff.

• Is self-directed, and works without direct supervision. • Knowledge of traffic rules and safety regulations pertaining to school crossing. • Ability to perform duties with awareness of all district requirements and Board of

Education policies.

Litchfield Public Schools Crossing Guard Position Description


Physical Demands: The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. While performing the duties of this job, the employee is frequently required to walk, climb, bend, stoop, stretch, and stand for long periods of time in all kinds of weather. While performing these job responsibilities the employee may be required to lift up to 5 pounds periodically. Good hearing/ listening skills are required. Specific vision abilities required by this job include close vision such as to read handwritten or typed material, depth perception, and the ability to adjust focus.

Work Environment: The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing essential functions of this school-based job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. The noise level in the work environment can be moderate to loud. Duties are performed outdoors in all types of weather throughout the school year. The employee continuously interacts with the public. The information contained in this job description is for compliance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) and is not an exhaustive list of the duties performed for this position. Additional duties are performed by the individuals currently holding this position and additional duties may be assigned

April 2020

Litchfield Public Schools Lead Nurse Position Description


Position Title: Lead Nurse Department: Nurses Reports to: Principal and Director of Business Operations Works with: Teachers, Principals, Support Staff, Superintendent, Director of Special

Education Summary: In addition to the school nurse job description, the lead nurse responsibilities will include but not be limited to management of school health care service delivery that is consistent throughout the school system. Essential Duties:

• Overseeing policy and procedural reviews and revisions • Coordinating the establishment of consistent school-to-school guidelines, procedures,

and protocols • Developing timelines and coordinating employee/student screenings and shots, as

necessary • Reviewing and updating all standard forms, as necessary • Serving as a consultant to the district’s administrators • Relaying important information to school nurses and/or administrators, including such

things as: updates on legal issues, needs of nurses within the system, state-mandated compliance issues, requirements, etc.

• Coordinating methods for documentation • Communicating consistent health messages with the administrators and the community

via letters, notices, messaging, the webpage, etc. • Serving as a leader/liaison in the school system for communicable disease control. • Assuring that school system health policies and procedures adhere to federal, state, and

current standards of the Nursing Practice Act, and are correctly implemented throughout the school system.

ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Other duties may be assigned. SUPERVISORY RESPONSIBILITIES: None MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Registered Nurse with at least three years of experience in school nursing; must be of good moral character and reputation and possess sound judgment. PREFERRED EXPERICNCE, KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES:

• Ability to analyze processes and procedures for effectiveness and efficiency • Ability to use computers / technology effectively • Ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing • Ability to follow oral and written instructions • Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships

Litchfield Public Schools Lead Nurse Position Description


PHYSICAL DEMANDS: The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.

While performing the duties of this job, the employee is regularly required to walk, climb, bend, stoop, stretch, and stand for long periods of time and in all kinds of weather. Consistent attendance is essential to this position. The employee must occasionally lift and/or move up to 5 pounds. Specific vision abilities required by this job include near and far vision, depth perception and ability to adjust focus.

WORK ENVIRONMENT: The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.

The noise level in the work environment is usually moderate. The employee continuously interacts with the students, teachers and staff, parents, and administrators

The information contained in this job description is for compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. (ADA) and is not an exhaustive list of the duties performed for this position. Additional duties are performed by the individuals currently holding this position and additional duties may be assigned. The Litchfield Public Schools is an equal opportunity employer. May 2020 October 2015

Litchfield Public Schools Pupil Services Secretary Position Description


Position Title: Pupil Services Secretary Department: Pupil Services Reports to: Director of Pupil Services Works with: Director of Pupil Education; Teachers; Psychologists; Social Worker;

Speech and Language Pathologists; Support Staff; State Agencies; other School Districts; and Parents

Job Goal: Provides secretarial and support services to the Director of Pupil Services. PERFORMANCE RESPONSIBILITIES: Communication Responsibilities

• Adheres to Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) as well as strict confidentiality regarding all student matters.

• Takes messages and routes other telephone calls; answers routine telephone inquiries regarding department programs and procedures.

• Communicate effectively with many school districts serving our students, and serves as a positive public relations advocate for the school district, including dissemination of school information. Functions as a liaison between client-parents and the professional support staff.

General Office Responsibilities

• In conjunction with the Director of Pupil Services drafts and/or prepares letters, memos, and other correspondence.

• Maintains the Director of Pupil Services calendar. • Maintains the Pupil Services Website with the Director of Pupil Services. • In conjunction with the Director of Pupil Services and the Director of Business

Operations assists with the preparation and tracking of budget. • Prepares purchase orders, check requests, etc. to maintain necessary department

supplies. • Maintains communications with many school districts serving our students, and services

as a positive public relations advocate for the school district, including dissemination of school information. Functions as a liaison between client-parents and the professional support staff.

• Assists in scheduling and preparation for meetings with parents, staff and other interested parties.

• Assists the Director of Pupil Services with filing of State reports including applicable public school information systems.

• Assists the Director of Pupil Services in the orderly maintenance and destruction of Pupil education records for current and non-current Pupil education students.

• Acts as SEDAC Data Manager for the District. • Acts as the IEP Direct Coordinator for the Department.

Litchfield Public Schools Pupil Services Secretary Position Description


• Acts as Medicaid Coordinator for the Department. • Assists with transportation scheduling for out of district special education students.

Records Management

• Maintain accurate and complete files for the Director of Pupil Services. • Scans and files all Pupil Services records electronically. • Assists the Director of Pupil Services with filing of State reports including applicable

public school information systems. • Assists the Director of Pupil Services in the orderly maintenance and destruction of Pupil

education records for current and non-current Pupil education students. Personal Development

• Attend workshops, when appropriate, to expand knowledge, skills and abilities. • Contribute to creating a positive working environment. • Demonstrate a high degree of professional growth, flexibility, initiative, and

responsibility. • Accept and adjust to change smoothly and positively.


• Regularly contribute to maximizing the effectiveness and efficiency of the Department operations.

• Consistently evaluate current methods, programs, and procedures, and implement new or modified procedures when necessary.

• Demonstrate a proactive approach to problem solving.

Reliability • Maintain responsible, and effectual performance and attendance.

Other Related Responsibilities

• Perform other duties as assigned by the Superintendent of Schools.

QUALIFICATIONS: • Excellent communication and organizational skills; ability to work equally well on

collaborative and independent assignments with initiative and persistence; consistent proactive and growth-minded; ability to maintain discretion and strict confidentiality; sound judgment; high level of technical proficiency; ability to manage complex work with frequent interruptions; ability to analyze difficult and sensitive situations and adopt a highly effective course of action.

Education Required:

• High School graduate or equivalent with 5 years clerical experience.

Litchfield Public Schools Pupil Services Secretary Position Description


Physical Demands: • While performing the duties of this job, the employee is regularly required to sit, talk,

hear and operate a computer which requires repetitive hand, arm and finger motions. The employee is occasionally required to stand, walk, climb stairs and reach with hands and arms. Consistent attendance is essential to this position. The employee must occasionally lift and/or move up to 15 pounds. Specific vision abilities required by this job include close vision, depth perception and ability to adjust focus. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.

Work Environment: • The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an

employee encounters while performing essential functions of this school-based job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. The noise level in the work environment can be moderate. Position usually demands meeting deadlines with severe time constraints. The employee continuously interacts with the public and other staff and occasionally meets multiple demands from several people.

The information contained in this job description is for compliance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) and is not an exhaustive list of the duties performed for this position. Additional duties are performed by the individuals currently holding this position and additional duties may be assigned April 2019; May 2020

Litchfield Public Schools School Nurse Position Description


Position Title: School Nurse Department: Nurses Reports to: Principal and Superintendent Works with: Students, Staff, and Parents ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Other duties may be assigned.

• Be responsible for the health and emergency medical needs of all district student during regular school hours.

• Be responsible for executing State laws related to physical examinations and immunization.

• Be available, when time permits and as requested, as a resource person to teachers who are teaching health units.

• Maintain confidentiality regarding the records, disclosures and health of students, except where specifically authorized by statute to make disclosures.


• Perform vision screening of all students in grades K,1,3,4 and 5; hearing screening of all students in grades K,1,3, and 5; scoliosis screening of all female students in grades 5 and 7, and male students in grade 8; communication disease examination as often as necessary.

• Confirm physical assessments Pre-K, K, 6 and 10, and prior to enrollment in district schools; maintain health records for students PreK-12.

• Dispense medications in accordance with guidelines indicated by Connecticut State statutes. Administer first aid; report potential environmental health hazards; distribute health materials to students and faculty; conduct in-service meetings to inform qualified personnel, coaches, licensed athletic trainers and paraprofessionals of first aid procedures, blood borne pathogens, both EpiPen and Glucagon administration and medication protocols as needed.

• Report to Department of Public Health annually regarding incidence of asthma diagnosis at the time of enrollment, in grades 6 and 10.

CONSULTING SERVICES • Students: in regard to personal health, family and safety problems. • Staff: in regard to student health, safety problems, and health instruction. • Parents: in regard to their child’s health, family and safety problems.


• Evaluates results of vision and hearing tests and problems, retesting if necessary. • Evaluates school accidents, notifying parents and suggesting types of follow up. • Assists the Planning and Placement Team (PPT) and 504 Team in identifying and

developing interventions for students who need a modified schedule or curriculum.

Litchfield Public Schools School Nurse Position Description



Serves as an advisor to the Superintendent and the Board of Education on all health-related issues.


• Ability to analyze processes and procedures for effectiveness and efficiency • Ability to use computers / technology effectively • Ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing • Ability to follow oral and written instructions • Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships

PHYSICAL DEMANDS: The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.

While performing the duties of this job, the employee is regularly required to walk, climb, bend, stoop, stretch, and stand for long periods of time and in all kinds of weather. Consistent attendance is essential to this position. The employee must occasionally lift and/or move up to 5 pounds. Specific vision abilities required by this job include near and far vision, depth perception and ability to adjust focus.

WORK ENVIRONMENT: The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.

The noise level in the work environment is usually moderate. The employee continuously interacts with the students, teachers and staff, parents, and administrators

The information contained in this job description is for compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. (ADA) and is not an exhaustive list of the duties performed for this position. Additional duties are performed by the individuals currently holding this position and additional duties may be assigned. The Litchfield Public Schools is an equal opportunity employer. May 2020

Litchfield Public Schools School Nurse Position Description


October 2015

Christopher G. Leone

Superintendent of Schools

Phone (860) 567-7500 Fax (860) 567-7508

Julie G. Haggard

Director of Pupil Services

Phone (860) 567-7505 Fax (860) 567-7508

David Fiorillo, SFO

Chief Finance Officer

Phone (860) 567-7503 Fax (860) 567-7508

Jeremiah Sattazahn

Chief Operations Officer

Phone (860) 567-7503 Fax (860) 567-7508

Litchfield Public Schools 35 Plumb Hill Road ~ P.O. Box 110 ~ Litchfield, Connecticut ~ 06759-0110


TO: Litchfield Board of Education

FROM: Christopher Leone, Superintendent of Schools

DATE: May 14, 2020

RE: Job Description Update

Job description review has been completed.


Accounting Assistant

Accounts Payable

Administrative Assistant – Superintendent

Administrative Assistant/Liaison

Cafeteria General Worker

Cafeteria Team Leader

Cafeteria Team Manager

Chief Financial Officer

Chief Operations Officer

Crossing Guard


Dean of Students

Director of Pupil/Special Services

Educational Assistant

Facilities Manager

Guidance Counselor

Head Custodian

IT Manager

Information Technologist

K-12 Curriculum Coordinator

Lead Teacher

Legacy Program Coordinator

Library Media Specialist

Christopher G. Leone

Superintendent of Schools

Phone (860) 567-7500 Fax (860) 567-7508

Julie G. Haggard

Director of Pupil Services

Phone (860) 567-7505 Fax (860) 567-7508

David Fiorillo, SFO

Chief Finance Officer

Phone (860) 567-7503 Fax (860) 567-7508

Jeremiah Sattazahn

Chief Operations Officer

Phone (860) 567-7503 Fax (860) 567-7508

Non-TEAM Mentor



Pupil Services Secretary

School Building Maintenance Technician

School Counselor

School Psychologist

School Nurse

Secretary – School

Speech and Language Pathologist

System Administrator

TEAM Mentor

Need to Be Completed:

Lead Nurse – Stipend (April)

Christopher G. Leone

Superintendent of Schools

Phone (860) 567-7500 Fax (860) 567-7508

Julie G. Haggard

Director of Pupil Services

Phone (860) 567-7505 Fax (860) 567-7508

David Fiorillo, SFO

Chief Finance Officer

Phone (860) 567-7503 Fax (860) 567-7508

Jeremiah Sattazahn

Chief Operations Officer

Phone (860) 567-7503 Fax (860) 567-7508

Litchfield Public Schools 35 Plumb Hill Road ~ P.O. Box 110 ~ Litchfield, Connecticut ~ 06759-0110


TO: Litchfield Board of Education

FROM: Christopher Leone, Superintendent

DATE: May 14, 2020

RE: Authorization of Partial Payment (Spring Head Coaches)

This spring the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC) canceled sports based on

the Governor's Executive Order that closed in-person classes for the balance of the year.

Per discussion with the Litchfield Education Association (LEA) and the WAMOGO Education

Association (WEA) this is a request to provide 20% payment of the seasonal stipend to the head

varsity coaches. This payment would provide for the head coaches to work with athletic directors to

close out the season.

The administration supports this request per its work with the LEA and WEA.

From Policy Committee - Rescind



Parents, or guardians, of all students are responsible during inclement weather to keep themselves

informed when there are changes to or cancellations of school bus travel. The Office of the

Superintendent shall make arrangements with radio, and television stations serving the area, for

broadcasting announcements of either full closing or delayed opening school days. Links to media

will be accessible on the Litchfield Public Schools web site. The district’s emergency broadcasting

system may also be used to communicate with parents and staff as determined by the

Superintendent of Schools. The Superintendent or his/her designee is the only person in the school

district authorized to make such decisions.

Litchfield Board of Education

Policy Adopted: June 21, 1983

Policy Revised: June 10, 2009

From Policy Committee



Monies collected by school district employees and by student organizations shall be handled with

good and prudent business procedures following general accounting practices. both to demonstrate

the ability of school system employees to operate in that fashion and to teach such procedures to

the students.

All monies collected shall be receipted and accounted for and directed without delay to the proper

location of deposit.

Litchfield Board of Education

Policy Adopted: 5/10/1983

Policy Reviewed: 10/1/1998

Policy Reviewed: 8/26/2009

Legal Review



Every reasonable effort will be made to transport all pupils who live more than one mile from

school or from the nearest bus stop. Students will also be transported when a hazardous condition

exists that cannot be eliminated exists.

I. Definitions:

A. “School Transportation” means the procedure, program or fully effective and

implemented plan by which students are conveyed at public expense to and/or from

school from their residence or bus stop at public expense, whether by use of

publicly owned equipment or by contract. Such transportation shall be over public

roads approved by the municipality or private roads approved pursuant to C.G.S.

Section 10-220c.

B. “Walking Distance” means the linear measure of a prescribed or authorized

pedestrian route between the student’s residence and school from a point at the curb

or edge of a public or private road nearest the student’s residence to a point at the

entrance of the school, or a safe entrance to the school grounds located within one

hundred feet of the school building entrance or the bus pick-up area, or the route

from the point on the public thoroughfare nearest the residence to the school bus

stop or vehicle embarkation point established by the Board of Education or school


C. “One mile walking distance” means a reasonable measurement of a route, as

described in Section I.B above, to be traversed extending from the point of

measurement at least 5,280 feet, but not more than 5,380 feet.

D. “Grade K” means kindergarten, or a public-school program appropriate to a

beginning student under age six.

E. “Hazard” means a thing or condition, as prescribed in these guidelines, affecting

the safety of students walking to and from school or the their bus stop.

F. “Raised walk area or sidewalk” means a portion of the landscaped right of way at

least three feet wide, usually parallel to the traffic lanes which may be paved or

unpaved, distinguished by some elevation above the street level and marked by

curbing, drainage ditch, grass area, or fencing; apart from and independent of any

white line safety markings along the street pavement.

G. “Student” means any individual enrolled in Grades K-12 in a public or nonprofit

private school located within the school district.

Legal Review


II. Hazardous Conditions - Students Under Age Ten (10) or Enrolled in Grades K-6

A. Any walking route to either the bus stop or the school which is in excess of one (1)

mile shall be considered hazardous.

B. A street or road having an adjacent or parallel sidewalk or raised walk area shall be

deemed hazardous when any one of the following conditions exist:

1. A student is required to cross in the absence of a pedestrian crossing light or

crossing guard where three (3) or more streets intersect, and at street crossings

where there are no stop signs or crossing guards and the traffic count during the

time that pupils are walking to or from school or the bus stop exceeds averages

on a weekly basis more than sixty (60) vehicles per hour at the intersection.

2. A student is required to use a sidewalk along any street, road or highway with

speed limits in excess of forty (40) miles per hour which does not have

pedestrian crossing lights, or crossing guards or other safety provisions at points

where students must cross when going to or from school or the bus stop.

3. The usual or frequent presence of any nuisance, including but not limited to

such as open manholes, construction, snow plowed or piled on the walk area

making walkways unusable, loading zones where delivery trucks are permitted

to park on walkways, commercial entrances and exits where cars are crossing

walking areas at speeds in excess of five (5) miles per hour, and the like,

including such other attractive nuisances which is are hazardous or attractive

inviting to children.

C. A street or road not having sidewalks or raised walk areas shall be deemed

hazardous if any one of the following conditions exist:

1. A student is required to walk along any street, road or highway possessing a

where the traffic count during the time that pupils are walking to or from school

or the bus stop of averages on a weekly basis more than sixty (60) or more

vehicles per hour at the time that students are walking to or from school or the

bus stop.

2. The presence of man-made hazards including attractive nuisances, as stated in

number Section B.3 three (3) above.

3. A student is required to walk along any roadway street, road or highway

available to vehicles that does not have a minimum paved width of twenty-two

(22) feet.

4. A student is required to walk along any roadway street, road or highway

available to vehicles when, plowed free of snow accumulations, does not have

a minimum width of twenty (20) feet.

Legal Review


5. A student is required to walk along any street, road or highway possessing a

speed limit in excess of above thirty (30) miles per hour.

6. A student is required to walk along any street, road or highway where the line-

of-sight visibility together with posted speed limits do not permit vehicular

braking/stopping in accordance with the Connecticut Drivers Manual or

Department of Transportation, Division of Design.

D. A lake, pond, stream, culvert, water-way waterway or bridge that is less than thirty

(30) feet from the walking path of students shall be deemed a hazard in the absence

of a fence or other suitable barrier fixed between the student and the water.

E. Any area adjacent to a roadway, walkway, sidewalk, or bridge having a drop of

three (3) or more feet per four (4) feet of travel length on either side of the

established student walking lanes with no fence or other suitable barrier shall be

deemed hazardous.

F. Any street, road, walkway, sidewalk or path designated as a walking route for

school students which passes through an area which has a history of aggressive acts

of molestation resulting in actual or threatened physical harm or moral degradation

during the hours when students ordinarily walk to or from school or the bus stop

shall be deemed hazardous.

G. Walking to or from school or the bus stop at any time prior to one-half hour before

sunrise or any time one-half hour after sunset shall be deemed hazardous.

III. Hazardous Conditions - Students Over Age Ten (10) or Enrolled in Grades 7-12

A. Any walking route to either the bus stop or the school which is in excess of one and

one-half (1 1/2) miles shall be considered hazardous.

B. A street or road having an adjacent or parallel sidewalk or raised walk area shall be

deemed hazardous when any one of the following conditions exist:

1. A student is required to cross in the absence of a traffic light, stop signs or

crossing guard where three (3) or more streets intersect and, during the time that

pupils are walking to or from school or the bus stop, has a traffic count which

exceeds averages on a weekly basis more than ninety (90) vehicles per hour

during the time that pupils are walking to or from school or the bus stop.

2. A student is required to use a sidewalk along any street, road or highway with

speed limits in excess of forty (40) miles per hour which does not have

pedestrian crossing lights, or crossing guards or other safety provisions at points

where students must cross when going to or from school or the bus stop.

Legal Review


3. The usual or frequent presence of any nuisance, including but not limited to

such as open manholes, construction, snow plowed or piled on the walk area

making walkways unusable, loading zones where delivery trucks are permitted

to park on walkways, commercial entrances and exits where cars are crossing

walking areas at speeds in excess of five (5) miles per hour, and the like,

including such other attractive nuisances which is are hazardous or attractive

inviting to children.

C. A street or road not having sidewalks or raised walk areas shall be deemed

hazardous if any one of the following conditions exist:

1. The presence of man-made hazards including attractive nuisances, as stated in

number Section B.3 above three (3).

2. A student is required to walk along any roadway street, road or highway

available to vehicles that does not have a minimum paved width of twenty-two

(22) feet.

3. A student is required to walk along any roadway street, road or highway

available to vehicles that does not have a minimum paved width of twenty-two

(22) feet.

4. A student is required to walk along any street, road or highway where the line-

of-sight visibility together with posted speed limits do not permit vehicular

braking/stopping in accordance with the Connecticut Drivers Manual or

Department of Transportation, Division of Design.

D. Any street, road, walkway, sidewalk or path designated as a walking route for

school students which passes through an area which has a history of aggressive acts

of molestation resulting in actual or threatened physical harm or moral degradation

during the hours when students ordinarily walk to or from school or the bus stop

shall be deemed hazardous.

IV. Students possessing physical handicaps and/or health conditions, whether temporary or

permanent, rendering them unable to walk to either the bus stop or school or to board a bus

and which have been documented by written notification from a treating physician, shall

receive appropriate transportation to allow them to attend school upon receipt of written

notification by the physician.

V. Students with special needs will receive transportation services as deemed appropriate by

the Planning and Placement Team (PPT).

VI. The Board of Education may grant an exception to any provision of these guidelines

wherein a peculiar condition or combination of conditions reasonably renders such

condition(s) a hazard based upon reasonable judgment.

Legal Review


Legal Reference: Conn. Gen. Stat. §10-184 Duties of parents. School attendance age


Conn. Gen. Stat. §10-186 Duties of local and regional boards of education

re school attendance. Hearings. Appeals to state

board. Establishment of hearing board.

Readmission. Transfers

Conn. Gen. Stat. §10-187 Appeal from finding of hearing board.

Litchfield Board of Education

Policy Adopted: 11/28/1978

Policy Revised: 7/9/1996, 12/9/2009, 5/__/2020

Policy Reviewed: 10/1/1998

From Policy Committee



The school lunch program shall be an integral part of our total educational program. Nutritious

meals are essential for students’ health and performance.

The Business Office Director of Business Operations, responsible to the Superintendent, will

make every effort to provide nutritional, economical lunches and will periodically report to the

Board of Education.

Legal Reference: Conn. Gen. Stat. §10-215 Lunches, breakfasts and other feeding programs

for public school children and employees

State Board of Education Regulations §10-215b-1 School lunch and

nutrition programs (in general)

Litchfield Board of Education

Policy Adopted: 6/21/1983

Policy Revised: 11/27/1990, 10/14/2009

Policy Reviewed: 10/1/1998

Legal Review



National School Lunch Program regulations require that lunches be provided for pupils when

family income is insufficient to provide nutritious food of proper quality.

Parents shall be informed of the district policy for free and reduced price lunches. A letter and

application form will be distributed to all parents during the first few weeks of school. The letter

will contain information on the eligibility standards, procedures for applying for free and reduced

lunches, and how an appeal may be filed for an adjustment in the decision with respect to their

application. This information and an application form will be provided whenever a new pupil is


A public news release containing this same information will be made available to local news

representatives early in the school year and to any interested party upon request. Copies of this

public release will be made available upon request to any interested party. Subsequent changes

in the district eligibility standards during the school year, which are approved by the State Board

of Education state agency, will also be publicly officially announced and available.

1. Free or reduced price lunches and/or supplementary milk will be provided for all

pupils who qualify on the basis of financial need.

2. There shall be no discrimination in the furnishings of meals or supplementary milk

based on any legally protected category (because of race, religion, source of

income, etc.).

3. Records of pupils receiving assistance will be kept in each school. A monthly

report will be submitted to the district office where records for audit purposes will

be maintained. The anonymity of pupils receiving assistance under this policy shall

be protected. The names of these pupils will be treated in a confidential manner.

They will use the same tickets for milk and lunch and will obtain these items in the

same manner and place as do all other children.

4. Requests for free lunches, reduced price lunches, and/or supplementary milk which

have been denied may be appealed to the Board of Education.

5. Records of pupils receiving assistance will be kept in each school. A monthly report

will be submitted to the district office where records for audit purposes will be


6 5. Eligibility for free and reduced lunches will be based on the following:

a. Emergency Situations

A child’s statement of need is sufficient for providing assistance on a temporary

basis. A family contact should be made immediately to determine extent and

probable duration of need. In cases of family emergency such as sudden


unemployment, illness, death, desertion, etc., assistance will be provided as


b. Objective Standards of Need

Eligibility for assistance, other than that for emergency situations, will be

determined on the basis of income and family size as indicated on the scale

provided by the district.

7. School authorities will notify a family if that family’s financial situation has

changed and the pupils are no longer eligible for free meals. If the family

challenges the decision, a hearing with the Board of Education will be arranged.

Legal Reference: Conn. Gen. Stat. §10-215 Lunches, breakfasts and other feeding programs

for public school children and employees

Conn. Gen. Stat. §10-215a Non-public school participation in feeding


Conn. Gen. Stat. §10-215b Duties of state board of education re feeding

programs. (c. The state board of education shall

issue regulations., etc.)

Conn. Gen. Stat. §10-216 Payment of expenses

Litchfield Board of Education

Policy Adopted: 6/21/1983

Policy Reviewed: 10/1/1998, 9/23/2009

Policy Revised: 5/__/2020

From Policy Committee

STUDENTS # 5145.15(a)


Unless notified to the contrary, the district may disclose directory information or class lists of

secondary school (grades 7-12) student names and/or addresses, and telephone lists without the prior

written consent of the parent or legal guardian of the student or by the student who has attained

majority status.

Directory information or class lists of elementary school (grades PK-6) student names and/or

addresses, and telephone lists shall not be distributed without the written consent of the parent or legal

guardian of the student.

“Directory information” means one or more of the following items: student’s name, address,

telephone number, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially

recognized activities and sports, photograph, grade levels, electronic mail address, weight and

height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, including

honor roll publication, and the most recent previous public or private school attended by the


Military recruiters or institutions of higher learning shall have access to secondary school students’

names, addresses, and telephone listings unless a secondary student or the parent of the student

requests that such information not be released without prior written parental consent. The Board of

Education shall notify parents of the option to make such a request and shall comply with any request


Any person or organization denied the rights accorded under this policy shall have the right to request

a review of the decision by the Board of Education by filing a written request with the Superintendent

of Schools.

Directory information nor class lists of students names and/or addresses, and telephone lists shall not

be distributed without the consent of the parent or legal guardian of the student or by the student who

has attained status as an eligible student. (An eligible student is a student or former student who has

reached eighteen years of age or who is attending an institution of post-secondary education or is an

emancipated minor.)

“Directory Information” means one or more of the following items: student’s name, address,

telephone number, date and place of birth, major field(s) of study, participation in officially

recognized activities and sports, photographic, computer and/or video images, grade levels, electronic

mail address, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards

received, including honor roll publication, and the most recent previous public or private school

attended by the student, parent’s name and/or e-mail address.

A student’s Social Security Number or student ID number is prohibited from designation as directory

information. However, student ID numbers user ID, or other electronic personal identifiers used by

STUDENTS # 5145.15(b)

a student to access or communicate in electronic systems may be disclosed only if the identified

cannot be used to gain access to education records except when used in conjunction with one or more

factors that authenticates the user’s identity such as a personal identification number (PIN), password

or other factor known or possessed only by the authorized user.

Military recruiters or institutions of higher learning shall have access to secondary school students’

names, addresses, and telephone listings unless a secondary student eighteen years of age or older or

the parent of the student requests that such information not be released without prior written parental

consent. The Board of Education shall notify parents and students of the option to make such a request

and shall comply with any request received.

Any person or organization denied the rights accorded under this policy shall have the right to request

a review of the decision by the Board of Education by filing a written request with the Superintendent

of Schools.

Public Notice

The District will give annual public notice to parents/guardians of students in attendance and students

eighteen years of age or emancipated. The notice shall identify the types of information considered

to be directory information, the District’s option to release such information and the requirement that

the District must, by law, release secondary students’ names, addresses and telephone numbers to

military recruiters and/or institutions of high education, unless parents/guardians or eligible students

request the District withhold this information and such release would require their written permission.

Such notice will be given prior to the release of directory information.

A student ID number or other unique personal identified that is displayed on a student ID badge may

be considered as directory information only if the identified cannot be used to gain access to education

records except when used in conjunction with one or more factors that authenticates the user’s

identity, such as a PIN, password, or other factor known or possessed only by the authorized user.


Exclusions from any or all directory categories names a directory information or release of

information to military recruiters and/or institutions of high education must be submitted in writing

to the Principal by the parent/guardian, student of eighteen years of age or emancipated student with

fifteen days of the annual public notice.

(cf. 5125 - Student Records; Confidentiality)

STUDENTS # 5145.15(c)

Legal Reference: Conn. Gen. Stat. § 1-210 (11) Access to public records. Exempt records.

Conn. Gen. Stat. § 10-221b Boards of education to establish written uniform

policy re treatment of recruiters.

Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 9section 438 of

the General Education Act, as amended, added by section 513 of P.L.

93 568, codified at 20 U.S.C. 1232g and Final Rule 34 CF Part 99,

December 9, 2008 and December 2, 2011.)

P.L. 106-398, 2000 H.R. 4205: The National Defense Authorization Act for

Fiscal Year 2001.

P.L. 107-110 “No Child Left Behind Act” Title IX, Sec. 9528

Section 8528, ESEA, as amended by NCLB and ESSA.

34 C.F.R. §99.3

34 C.F.R. §99.31(11)

34 C.F.R. §99.37

Litchfield Board of Education

Policy adopted: April 19, 2006




An inventory of equipment shall be maintained in a manner authorized by the State Board of

Education. All items shall be included in the inventory, with the exception of equipment

permanently fixed in a building, such as heaters or lockers. The equipment inventory shall serve

both the functions of control and conservation. The inventory shall include at least the description,

name, identification numbers, location of use of all items, and date of acquisition and original cost

whenever possible. A record of the date and mode of disposal of all equipment removed from the

inventory shall also be kept.

The inventory system shall be under the supervision of the Superintendent, or designee.

Litchfield Board of Education

Policy Adopted: 5/10/1983

Policy Reviewed: 10/1/1998

Policy Revised: 9/9/2009, 5/14/2020


# 5131.111(a)


The Board of Education recognizes the district's responsibility to maintain order, discipline,

safety. And security on school property and in school vehicles. The Board also desires to afford

students and staff privacy in respect to records maintained by the district. The Board recognizes

the value of electronic surveillance systems in monitoring activity on school property and in

school vehicles in furtherance of protecting the health, welfare and safety of its students and

staff. The students and staff of the district recognize that their security and safety depends upon

the capacity of the district to maintain discipline, control building access, and that a certain

amount of restraint upon the activities of students and building visitors is assumed and expected. The Board of Education having carefully weighed and balanced the rights of privacy of students

and staff with the district's duty to maintain order, discipline, safety and security finds that it is

appropriate to provide for the use of video camera surveillance in its transportation vehicles and

on school grounds as follows:

1. The district shall notify its students and staff that video surveillance may/will occur on any

school property or on any transportation vehicle. The district shall incorporate said notice

in the student handbook;

2. The use of video surveillance equipment on transportation vehicles shall be supervised by

the district transportation supervisor. The use of the video surveillance equipment on

school grounds and on other district property shall be supervised and controlled by the

building administrator or other responsible administrator;

3. The use of video recordings from surveillance equipment shall be subject to the other

policies of the district including policies concerning the confidentiality of student and

personnel records;

4. Video surveillance shall only be used to promote the order, safety and security of students,

staff and property. Legal Reference: Conn. Gen. Stat. § 10-221 Boards of Education to prescribe rules

Title I – Amendments to the Individuals with Disabilities Act. (PL 105-


Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

Litchfield Board of Education

Policy adopted: 12/14/2011

Policy Revised: 5/14/2020

Policy Reviewed: 9/11/2013

STUDENTS #6177.1


The Board of Education shall purchase such books, supplies, material and equipment as it deems

necessary to meet the instruction needs in its schools. All books and equipment, including, but not

limited to assistive devices, shall be loaned and materials and supplies furnished to all pupils free

of charge, subject to such rules and regulations as to their care and use as the Board of Education,

through its Superintendent, prescribes. For the purposes of this policy, “assistive device” is

defined consistent with subsection (a) of C.G.S. Section 10-76y.

The Superintendent is also authorized, at their discretion in accordance with Connecticut General

Statutes Section 10-228a, to receive and decide such requests made by pupils both residing and

attending nonpublic schools located in the District to receive free loans of nonreligious textbooks

available to the Board from a book distributor used by the Board, provided the loan of any such

textbook shall be requested for not less than one semester’s use.

Legal Reference: Conn. Gen. Stat. § 10-76y Assistive devices.

Conn. Gen. Stat. § 10-228 Free Textbooks, supplies, material and


Conn. Gen. Stat. § 10-228a Free textbook loans to pupils attending

nonpublic schools.

Litchfield Board of Education

Policy Adopted: 5/14/2020

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