*liil - nys historic...

Post on 04-May-2019






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•"v. . ' I


*liil . Hai^Seryedi;^

Ministryi fT:Mb<J! ! l ^ t o £ : ''• "" • • .?;.> '•".; :'-.jriii^i|tii«.-"''.- ••,.;.'

••" ' 'DUANBSEitjfeflH^'Re*. iEPbei t .:W-" Chesnflt, one of the; oldest: .mjnisteija |ii t he s ta te , pastQr:.ft|''the"ii-3fpi-iried Eresjbyte.ri.an church Aher&' fbf- i^oi 'b than '30 years ; 'has. re t i red after '&>. years .in the, ministry;. .'-Eev'.-'-MiC.-Ghes--

..nut. W i i l b e . S,'4- 6n .B'epte'iafeei- .iSt ,,;Hlsf ibpcaijie," pastor '.emerjt'u%.;pf it.he :fiua~nesv

. b'ur.gii. ch'ureh when', the. -Congregation; .named,'His',' .s'ucc^spK'.^.evV^'AijIi'ed'BV

"'' Parsons ; pf. 'Hoiistoh,;4ibjj|iicky;: ..".•: ", A native^^ b r l b i y a i \ ^ n | gi '^d^ate. p£r

.Eefprmed. P resby te r i an :T&bibgicar Seminary in '.Philadelphia,." Rev. ' Miu-,

.Cliesnut- came- ' • . to . ' ^uaheabur^ -frcwta the W e s t ih..l?iO,'la!nd' fb'undy'ipeace! in h;s .'-hilly ...pastorate; ,••",• 'tt.^seeiiibed'i a s

. though ' j Were ..ehteri'ng-\a. aigAv. \yp.i:l.d Wheii i-.cairne.'efi.B't," .the (aged! mlniste1 ' ,

...relates' :a.nd. •smiles.:.; :H;e'- reppi'ved. 'h'is,:

;. college, education^ in' ' the .iliniyersity p f Kansas , . a n 3 . paid: his'.'dWn -^vay-.'-py

' -growing wheat . ' -sHc ibyed;' tha t l'eviei; ' wes tern ' land., ;but.gince ;h&;Ci|.rne east;

,-he has. grbwn tp'J6.Y,bi t h ^ s ^ ' E u a ^ e s -'bflrgh' hills;":'' .;'And "now' he ;,!s^y^,' ' 'It

. s e e m s as t h o u g h ^ ;bplbn^ii'ei'e Where so many members bjmy.cpngrfegatibti ' ;

. ha>? wrung.'a". liVihg-.from, these ' de-' .; .lightlliilvhills;":. •-.;.••.'. ':.'•' o V i b '•' •:-''''

. .•'••iRey. Mr. -Cnesnut Was • bi;daihed:into-. the- ministry ' ph';-' jMay!1(V188&, .ibut :af fbi'

f i l ter ing, the. niainistryV he .jdjd- not'. fo£-. get-the: art. p| .farthing; rsp; h p £pntiiiued :

.tp. till- ' the Sp'ifc- Many' pirfhik^'serjnon. . topics, -he • s'^yB-V'spi\Uft^,'.^Vin-.'t!ie .ver.y.:

f u r r p w s : his,\.ii)ibiy-''l;uirne.d,."by.er-:-;--the ,stony• acres1/ '• -•'.:•'":-, V,:;.:;.,-1'-' •'. ' ;

"He-.came-tp- 'D^ A-pi-il 7,' l'SillO';' an(l ^ r y e d f ai-'ipastbr! : of the Befbrmed -; Pre'sbytbiuaii'-.? cbutfich helte until-1-917 When: h f Xvehtr tb ifhiiadeU;

• phia. After hvp y^fcs ' in t h a t tfityj.-hg ' re turned tp ,tihe: 'jpuanesjburgh . church •where h e -s.bryed' unlit, his' f e t i r ement this mon th , . JJis-- ••fl^f cha rge . \vad••#•'

• Mar-issa, .111;, and la te r %& ".went--, tp-,;Coiiiter-vil'l'e,,IlU.-.--. .'•• ."V- • - •:'•' •': "-- ' : -;;-

The chuixh-pf-which, <R»3V.!'Mf; Ghes-' • nu t w a s . pastor. £or ;so' many ;-years : is-

. / R e a r Adnoi E ; JS Marquar t , cftttir mandant of the third naval district; is .shown: presenting the; aiavy icrosi '

. to Seaman first class Claude Beck­er, «at ;-tKe .-N.eiiv, y.prR- :-tia;fey':''.siir'iii- •-•

•Bec'ker -w^'s-.flebor-itedr-for.'-iextiba^,-. ^ip^yy-PPMragb while with the .USS Marblehead, the cruiser the J a p i couldn't sihk, .. ' , . ' . : - . 0 .

:/tietUriils^i?ssettti#; To THq

. ;AIL,B:ANY,-'-July- 31,.—.The: 46-.m'iI'e. .SEoed.'iiniit o.n':'NieAy' SToflc--state-Vhiigji-, ways .mbam? just- that^-40. miibs-. an h p i f t . . ' •: -.-. •;.; •.• ':••;/•'••. '•'.• ••." '•*;';"- -; ' v ' /That ,js made pia.id .ih;\.a'n'.pi:dei'; is­

sued ;tp all cbmmanding pfftceji's of the:

Sta|e. >Police hy..'•:Superflnt,eiiderit .John' A.'Warner and- made public.- today.- 'by:

the- War T;}%nsppi;tatiph^:.Cbmmiittee wiliichi-'has.-emphasized, as. 'pari pi its transportatiph fcpnse.i;.vatiph". rjrb'grani-,: th-s wastelulness of 'high:§pged "drjying. . Interring to. -A.tetiter -frorn'.. tlbyernbr •Lehman 'which r.equbstbd "a- tq^rpugh elirpreemeht- oi the law*'."by iitirai ai)f

Q„ nu A^A Tf^J, - " - ' *; A-^.^^.t.Ak iIP!%tibn; of '.it's 4a tailekaiidkit^SiYt uL 4 - . • * b ^ * W ^ : & $ $ W l PCTintehdent • E a r n e r ditiecteil:-'that;

oil land gwieir. y.AudgP;^arn^^pi^np^-H^e-strictest: vigilatLce Is. tb *e ' jped "' ih;'absbiut'ely enfphceing the. 4Q mile

speed limit without variance or .tql^i--ad.ce."

Series -dfv^oiias lhfag$dim

A- --series of.thuriders'tbrm's:,wtiiph-ft'tibbied and flashed through; Sunday afternoon alad nighty caiiijihgicbxiBider-.-jibl'e minor, damage, hrbught -relief from-the sU.tnnier-s; most severe heat; wave.- ' ;•'.'.,'.:. • '-' •..••'• ' •"... '. .-';'..- ' ' : •: .During-. the Sunday stprms,,. limps ir-iva/: blpw-n fi-pm. trees, power'.and: ;teiepbpne lines Wfire knocked dbwii,' lightning-was severe,- and ..in- .many •Re'ptions^htgh^y^^pi-fev'flppded^'.'- .

The Albany Weather. Bureau's down­town office rijcprdfid three storms •with' a, total rainfall .o.f i.27 inches. Slightly-.- more''thiaii•' half p.f that fell during the night .Sunday.i..

.Qfficially, the ..high temperature in, Albany was' M dbgrebs, mad.e afriipst linberabie-by high :bumi"djty, But there were:'unpffi,cia:l.i'-3portS of readings ..up: tp.the';1110'2.degrees. ,.. . . / _ .

; Storm' damagp was iipt heav;y but repair erews. w'er.e given many ibiisy

ihburSi•.'.-.-'• ; ; . : . .••-'..,•, :- ' ' ' • - . ' . ' • . ; jih Siingeriands, residents thought aj practice' air raid '.alert '.was.'--in.' effect •vyteu lightnlhgihit the tire siren*.. -it' wailed for several 'rntriiites before it could, be turned pff;,''

Schenectady 'Caught the- fill!force -of the stbrm/^ith iheavy.rain jihd s.evere.

i i g h t n l n g i - '•: '.".•''"•"^'•'-' :-' > ' . . ' •'.'• .-.-••.'• ' . . -T^^.Buy'Vyar Sav ings- Bonds 7-=—,,


first inayprrpi".••%w•yip^<k^a^a^fbu'nder'' -.of the. •'Bopn ok, PuUtesbuj'ghi' aiid (builder,- ,Q'f;,'''<(^i#'>^^pis%d^;!ci&uJX!h

private- •4"^W?»,''''J^'ii™'^P1e'iS4Stvi''ii^ •mer, Sundays, ;Mih#';wpp;dl.\' JDSie1 ^ar-

• ;sona lge'^svibu|ltJ:th>^!*Pn£l^ . .'.fay Gath-irlhe-rj.ua^V?^'-''•'"/"'.'. •/'.i; '• •' • ' -..-:• ..:RianaS¥pr,i'F:u*iu^e '•

Though ;ijie. .has,-.«eti-ceai. the: aged .-.miiiister' Jplains ^;:;ajc}i!y;e.: Jfuiiirp.-!' He; w?jli .continue .to idg-ijgefv:j .ui>JJ:dati6ii' p'f

•; the Rpfprme.d. Presbyterian. .-Aa-yb.cate, national '^cjiurcH '•. :?j?uWca;tiptf' issued -

. monthly; • -"-'!E-,e3:'| otV.alisd' ;to be avail­able for oCcasibnal.cajls tb the ipuipit,"' hn-says. ' •'•';'.-••" .:>:'.-'= '•':-..;'.: '•'"''< '•'''.'•'•"'

. In additipn,. this' fall" he cphtem-vplates preparing,-a' 'bppk on his .remin-.iscenses- .of,-$fe:pht^ :;i&e. -''it. wiil: mean a iot.bf-SvoEkv.^ul-it^S.^.bnietB'ing"

• I want to .-leave if or ^stlsllty, 7 fie- says. , iR'3y..Mh•Pto'ignjs^ito^ujbfceegsf.fiei-...' •Mr.'- iChesnut- . in-f.'the.^Bua^iesbuilgn

,'Churehi .is'.g,- gradu*tBVplf.,.#bstmins'ter Theoiogicai .Semijiai 'i^^'Ph'iiau^nia.;

• He re,ce'iye:d.;,'hfs' cpjlfe'gp-. eaucitibh'-ih -. H^sWngs; ^Nebraska.:;-fie^iVras-'^ibjin. M-,,-Jipndbh .andi. came \tpj-this Country . ^hen.-.hei was -,teh-yeaiM; bid. • Rey. and

• Mrs.. Parsotis: haye'takeh-ijp'. rebidence-' •'-in the parspnSge-:{herev., ;f^-;'/.

'.'•rr-^1' Buy''Wa'r.,"^.ayi.n'Q's';Bbhds-

a iuiie, a'sUm'mbng: shpQld be iciied or &n:"a-ifbst-ni'adfe.'''' ")••• ' ' " . •'•;.'.' ' - • H e ' - a d e i i ' d : . ' . ' •;••• ., .•'•' •-, • , ' ' - : . -. •";'

"You" are ..heVeby'-direpibd to dirfect' all'menibeiB pf!your'vr;bmmah.'i to. eni .fO're'p 't'lfis 40. in'ile speed; l a* 'with' i«M dbtiblfed.: vigilance -day a'hd night,- a.-niti:; fe.ih'3'i-l uct them to interpret and appj;.yi fills'.;«-w-Ut^r-aliy; ' -Y.o'uV.are' nereJiyVdj .; reoted 'to take, all necessary.-' stepsM-cii *':fe;ctuate a .'thorough-' eht'prcerhe'n't' of thi)rla-'.v;;';V'; ••• • .-'".-' - '-•• '•'"-• • " . . . . '

"A eopy: of this order is -to be placbd in t-hii-'hands of every membvi" of .yoiif cpmniitnd:" .' . ' ".': '"'. •' •''. : :'" • She ,40 mileispe^diimitbie'came: 6|-fcective,.- pri April' 23;.' • -Acc^rdmf; tb Mtfjni^Ya-rner;-.tHe'^ \,3''j4- 'arfests-; for spe-adihg "iii iMay %ti#;

IftiS afreet's for the'' same'..PtT'eW'se';'in'.-•Juiio..^'.•;;:'.„ ' . - . . . , - ' '.-•.• '• :-- :-:--:;-

rj-^--.Buy, W a r ; Sayings B o n d s -~

* ;

.More than- ilOO^Mv^Scputs-'haye; .'availed: themse.Jyb^^:^bf the day can^pi, 'prpgram inaugurated': -:by tlie Scout ' Cpuncii in 'Aibkny/Cpuhty. itlji^ .,yeai% , '

..' Under.; the directibh.'.:pfSMiSS E'ie.aiip'r:

". !P'.: AUl.t,, ••\vh^-';.pi,eyl^^''j^adC:'h^'d;':^ , perience- with'the', .day.. Qamjj, Jprbgra.ih'

' in., ehidagprt cilmps- ;M^.b..".beeri' es'tab-iished. iii. Washihgiprji| ILihopln-jajid. Stl

;' Mary's-- Pai*s.-in "A>ibaH^ -^ji'd:,(ii,>iJ'el-mat-, Slingeriahd?^^^ ^nds^itampiit., • - For th'6;:.^Ms.-a.ljjieU4^'g''''-!tlte.-''^ty'; camijsi'. the. ^rogija^viiiciiiups^natiiaie^ypte' mbre.'pf'. their time to ".Ppbd tbr; walks, finger' paintingi^stenbii designi! preedbm" produbtibn, • Fewer trli>s-' iiig;,'making-of •f&^Jvlj>p'jt^«;!;piji|ld-.!B- :mean a-, saying on rujbtier ,tlres!:and-..in Hpspitai, tiiljD^in's- -•-c a'dl iiv --an'4:-;|i a.M'Hg: v'eai. and -tjj'fti'' on -trupkB, tpo, .'the of bboicinaf kSiipplfe idbjii.^rid'.slfppers members.'s#i '•'' • " : ' . - ' . .'

--•'-••'"•• -•-*•-•• '• • '--••• -- ••• •'•' • pyy, ^ a r savihp* Bonds' —-^ . .

:'.;,&"tila-n tb \-k'feep:'*e^/mpfvitigt'/l«fpcte ed. out ;by; /a gi'b.ui). of farmers., in. tHe trtcbtihiy ,$rea:" sHrrpuhding;.' pldiia^, »,;.-©,,:.;is-"be'ing,' passed'i,-'bn-:-Jby |.tli«(lUv j ^ .©bpartmbnt of- 'Agri'cultuire';to ifat'mers I'fnf.pth'er '.pai:ts .of 'the, pPUntry. V'-ltih'b ;;01diha;m',' group.]has'; formed, a ti^toSr •pprfatipn' ass.bciatibn, and'" by 'ppplipg e^UiprpbritVis. hUuling .farm prpddcts; ,-'?nd -suppiies;', on'.a., pppperatiye.' basis'; Each .membe-r' coi}trij>uted .50 e'entg'' ,tp sPbiV'ei; ihcidbptal bxpehBes fbr -the- iseaf: ;sbn,' and- -the- .members take turns, on t;he.,hauiing,_re.quired, / • . • / - . _ .• '.-'.-..

-.. Ti(i&.'''keep.!e'm mp.ying'.'.rGb-o'p; one bfitliP •-first;-pf its- kind'; "'makes-.pbs-'

'.The./.OPpFt'-'-ip.ftBBfp'' Couabil ,-pf Boy Scpptsi. whicli' :ietontly .toer^ed •• with the . Coiujtibia; ' Courfy-. Gbun'cii,... this, week; .added .^Frederick. J.-Qlarls: as a field.sfebut. executive.-.-• , • Wajjace •&: MaoBride, scout eiecu-tiye, ••s,a-W''. :Ciai'k will. tike... over tbfe.. "jjrprk ..fbrmerly dbn-j by .Field., Scput :|j^ecuti;v;e;.^igp.hard, Hoffman, who will'. ;:bstabiis.h.headquaiters in Hudson this lall ariij take over. directipn of "scput-iiiginCblum-bia bounty. .'Hoffman ttbw ,fs;;#ifee.tqr:-bF'Bj^.,-^,6pse-i(|a-nipi..'' ' ' -

.•'Gis#k,':^j comes, to thff Port .Grange ;Gpghcijf .fr'pjji; the Daniel; Webstbr: rfibunpii'at Mahchest-sr, N. H.*-whpre' •he ii0:,|tp.en, field: seotij;; .teieeutiyp;

: T b e .^lbarty;,aKe^6!?obfauled to :haive.:a ,twil'tJB.Hit-;;a?fivfa.icf.-drill some-••^irt!*;«b*t:W^^; i^|y:•'?7 :Aug. i [t\. ci;u.live,;--acc#d|jig-, to "information-

: r'e.ce'iyea-'' ''';W,e^f);^d'ay-;. by ." £.. ' . . M . -'Q;retfnfeaf;,;-'--':^i.bJ,|[iy;'. 'W.ar.'-, .Council. l\cfi;ai^rl)4rti(»l^^P0^^,.^'lft^',;$t^^fe.•...>W,ar c p u n c i i . ' ; : . ! . ' ' . :<,',;.''.':'.;'••.• •-.-.';•.'.•'.-. ;.-'',-•'./'Tfa-'/dtify ^ii^njB~--^arJy/'eyeni.ng--/:hb;u'it«i/- Wi.li vcp^e^tfievAlba'hyV'W-a^n,'.-'. ipflVlPistr-fptp V*h;jc>i-' tajies . in robst,

•-of••Aib.ar)y;^.6puW|^X'.4h?->lPUtbefp.•t!p• "of :Rinsse)iaer.&khpt%'.iii,d northern :

.'tjip.pf: ;Gi*ehe''S^fttyk-:;': :v-

' , I?Ur ina: i tKs->a^i ;p; | r |%the Hud-

,^o^':'- ' j>t'G«>I^WS-^-Py^:*itJ' ' ;have • a • tw|figH£ '|i^;';'riJd;vdrilir....•;./•

''• -^ ib^ny :haj^'h^d~^^nij3ftt- black­outs: :-Aij*rMl^j*ajiirfv:-F*JlMla|i<ins of . th,fe-;bia^pi<U;^! | : fc?Rlrty^-the a ir , raid .diiilfs ^Uring •:t#.ijjght hours-


Crops Btust Be handled With Dispatch : To Avoid Loss,

Farm Offlipials ^ay

t b#1y»' -:,-^dM;.;^Jtpjcy cte- ''As

••'••^'^ii-^Mei^^i&oad-'.;- -

sible- the ;.eliiiiina;tipn,-,of ;huhareds- of :hatlE-lba;d .-trips-, to-.,'market.,,- , It alsb makes' it pos'sibie for, members to'''de^

,<3ye.ntually;.,g"pt to Se ah 'Bijgle.Scput; ^Aftie^'.-ihaf-J'^va's^s'pb^ and'dis.-trict: .pbmmissipne'r'.,' j , . 'always, ;h.ad;

wanted: tp'gd^ihty scouting, profession-, •aliyV-an$'.::de^ide;a.'-"tp';do- so after five year>'with' the John Hancock lUfe Iii', isuratiee Company, '- ; •'. • • • • - , . ;

•Macfirid^'said,Clark- had' successful--J.y.r'haidle:d ' 61 troops arid ;cub packs' with '"a. tPtal,, pf;iJ30p bpys. iii the ySf an-. Chester qpuS.cii'.'and; had', been active in-, prompting its .camping,progra,m. •'•',•'

'dlark, Mho is: inamed and: has twb 'children,; Barbara; 4,; d'nd ' IRpbert, 'i,[ wiir.Uy'e:;a\'t;^.ajhp;.H^wle^-fQT.''tIi'e' rest; b|,.t;he -sy^-mbf. .JHCfe "plans;tp estabiisn -^'.'UbM^,-in-',^b^ny..'ih''tUe',iffliL'' . ..',

r Buy^.'.yyar .Sayings Bonds.T^—, .'..

; d ^ ; ; •.;

Bicycle For Farm Round-Up . . : - .-; , ; y / . ..." : , - , : ' : . ! : ; '<; •"• , . ' . • • ' . . • ' • - • •" ' ." . ' . i ;> ' ••.-*•-•

.-.'Ori t.be/ione 'praii-ee'. thb-'cowboy's ii^ok' to. .horse,.', boots and saddle.-at i'o"und*up- timeJy-• •,.;.' V: ••" -v.-.,• • ,..-• \ •;,.•.•.

• •O.n'.p.:. heajiby ii'Sldbtsberg farm,'it 's fa 'bicycle. they. Heed' fpf •' J-ound- up .at milking, time;' • • ••.. •-'..-. •..'•• ;.., The. bicycle \Mill .he--fbrthcoming,-tp.Qi. •toy -.the;,Albahy • War Pride and 'Eatioh-:ing- iBbard JFr.iday. prbcessed an prdb-c ailp^yihg': '-a. I.ar'mei-. to:-buy-..,a- hicycle rie.eessary. in his,; gainful; -pperatioiij .'-•:. .•;I.t,se»3ms.the.-ifai,iaier used to.pperate an. .autpAph.ile, petweeh .. tyvp, farms.. ^pth-gasblinpKa-nd: iire^.tationirigi he was'.'fprced^tp giVe up the. automobile .pi- transpprtatioh. VB'etW.een;. the .,t>vo. places';a.t.--\yhich he maintained sepa-. rat<i. COAV'.herds.. -At roundup .time he Will' ilfse the. bicycle :tb",f et ,f rohi. one farm; :t'P\th'e..pthbr,-'. -. : • . '

'.;' r1^-; fiuy,.War.,SaVings Bonds

. .:I.obn.ard.!:Gffajiis-^ic^'ai'dsoii., IS, of Cpeymans'ii^!b,%:'\ya^ iiijured fatally laie iast-.'^bd'nesaay^^fteriioon "wben he ; was:-'-thro-wn•flrbpr- :hi|-.motorcycle-, as; it failed,- tp,ynia;Kf;^.'ittb'e"on the &eenvilie^Aicove'.:iuJad,-';near. Qreeh-viite.;,;.-':.,.-' : - :.-:^;'v^:.;v': "" ' ' • .'iKichardsbn .'was._-;iSd;irig"\vith three. cpin-p^nipns jyhen fhe acciBent occurr­ed:. . ?'H'e;was ttoow.n!.,;3ft^eet. A bake­ry U'u'c}cV-£rom:.;<xmbH!yill 'tbbk' him to, a G-reen;yille,.physriCiaii's loffice. -.."Kpupg.-Richar.dspn':'d:ieil;'an hour. af-» tbr, bping admitted;,tp.Mlniprial hps-

ipital at Gat-skill.. ••Sprpnfer.la.iihipn At--kiiisbn - s'aid' &i's ..ifiJuiiesMncluded.. a fraistured; skull, ,• f^&red^upper and. ipwer • jaws, disid'glted; s|biilder, and: multiple!bjjiises; ''Y^'•[, ;• ."'; - . • ' • . . -'' -

State" pdlfccs'. said flKich^rdsph had :Vx'chariged-;;nXbtbrcy;£lb§ !%jttt' Mdward Forriian . a ^ " - ' ^ ^ ' - ^ ^ - ' ' * ] ! ^ - . - ^ * 'Fbr-; man's m'a,e|ii4'3..wa?*:pn TUIP"' opposite side frpm-'^[;s'i''b^i}-.v'.:^hei^[d-.ie may;. hayeljbcoin'e. cbnfused ,#.bn he tried.

paSiibii^ wer§- Qsear BbPnrer,,'2<)2 Main, iRavejia,,. and.. iHaf.bld; rantehtj Goey-mans./iHPilp^V:' plbbper S.. %... Biilson. of.Cbxsa%,ly.e\ba.r!r4cks' iii;Ve>tig.ated;'. . ';,' A .graduate.' of -'Matena High' scbpol in,. J line; 'i'94±, .'Si.&ha rdson' was- .employ­ed 'by.' the.'City.-'ice. and Suel.. Company in Aittany. 'He.'was borri in Cpeymans. HoiipAy;,:the.'•sp.n of. ,:Edha'. yiiic'ent' .B,ichartjsbn'ahd .the late George Rieh-ards.ph.. •:. '-.,, . . . . . .-'..Suryi'vors 'besides his jnother, with whom; he-iivpdi 3;re -tour sisters, M.rs.-fra'nli'jtihesbro",'.Selkirk; .Mrs, •Vfe'r-ij.bh 'Smith,.- EaVena.;'' Mrs. Bepjamm Yen-•tuiJaj.Seilk'irk.'-and Theima- f. Eichard-sbn;'- -/Cpej'mans Hql.lb}\K,--and ...four' brothers; jdiiftpn- G.,. GPsehvilie: Ber: ..riard.-iS-, Cpeymans -Hollow;., Alfred, :SelWfk',.-''an'd '<G*r.ald,''VK;^Riplia'rds.on, ifeayena. '. .' •','• ,;• "'.:.;,. '.

. ,-^-^ Buy;War Sayings ponds - —

.'frohi .iSprajV^TO-tjipJv'jiStbi'y;.- .t'ejliii^.,;i's-' iipc.Iiud'e;d', each' '/Ha#:':)Bii'd:^thei.e -.Ihayei ','ibeeii .classes inJfirStvattfc''-..

The' giris* 'attending!.the: cftmps but1

side the city Hava.Mdr.'an bpp.prtunity to practice; carjipcrali:, .gnd' haye erpct:

ed lean-to's'and'sheltei'sVpit'chbd tents :

";ap.d -b.vtil.b f}reph«es;^ :;,;,.:•-'/ ,• —r-r1 Buy Wiar- ay,l)ij|i/;Bo,n.d'|i

few Gasoline Coupon

Except.for gasplipb ihbrtages which, kept many filling s'tatibris' from', niak-ing gaseline .sales, thb -He\y giispline coupbn . ratioriihg s^sleni'-jbegjin bpbr* ating quite. stooP'thiy A'jfb'dpefiday. -,

'$he unit value of %he: A, 'ff, and Gi ceuppiis' vt&& fixed., at. i fallbhs in a: last fninpte oirder &ued by the Of-; fice of Price AdminiBti'ation a t "vVash' ihgtbn. S-l, ahd-.Sjia; p'blippnsi fpr taxis, ftUseS-and: teucks, are;'^et a t ' 5 galions per unit.' © cb*upphs . fpr inptbrcycles <\yere glVeri '.j|.- Vfiliie Pf i"V{> gallbns and T3 ttnd ft. CpiipPp^ for noh-highway eqUlpiribritl i igallpn bsich.

Fears Pf a'-gas pi;jbe.'iy;a;ii.gi,e\v this Week,.but'it ya,'s said 'ie b|e'tbb early

tb; bi'.edict-- what mi|iit; pcbuifi.

Automatic .war risk insurance is ;inf

biuded ;.ip 'FeteriVl Crop insurance Coi'poratioii cont&bts with wiieait add-! Cotton gi'dwers.'acpbrd'ijig to a! J)epart'' mbiit of Agrj&ultur.e nijing^

Leroy K. Smith, inariager of the cpV-ppfatipn, says the'insu-i'ahce cpntracts lecver unavoidable losses caused fj>y war cbhie pudei that clause. » ..;

Sti.ch war Jpss. prbtebtipn guarafibees the grower the sanie retiirii froth' bis Cbhtract«—either St) of 75 pef'oeht pf his ayerfige yield'—tig is guaranteed frohi -'the usual causes it crop losses •-Hlrbught; insects, . plant diseafe^g,-wilidi fire flood-, hail, pi' Winter. Kill.'

•^—^- Buy W a r Savings Bonds •^—r

D i e d VAN ZAtfOT—At Gullderland Qe^

tei-i N. Y.'i .Tuiy 19, 1942,' Wiliiam Gaiv rett Van ZaHdt, iaged S4 years; hus­band of i)ana. Dorr and father of Mfs. Michael I MbraHy aiid Wilil&itt \C Van Zandt. /Fiijieral services Wferp; held Tuesday (at 2*-p. m, from Mis late i'esideiiue. •• - '•'' • •'.


Kfe tefief ilyerf ' prevehtlbn of waste iii food •.distri­

bution "Wiil lie' a vital factor ill tflie effort, of..'Al«'aiiy.,.pbiitity's,3,698 farm bperatbrs and: wbrkers tb achi-svP theii Wartime, harvest goals; it-was iiidibat-ed-tbdayift' a sui 'veybya leading dis­tributor of New ^ork f arm prp'diice.' ' . At> least half pf the' estimated

^2S,40Q,0.0O annually- lost fromspbiiage-.ahd- damage- tb-inatured New Ypi'k-fruits and vegetables aloiie c'a'iribe prb-yented by the Use pf better grading, micking and ipy jietter and hibfe divbet 4istri6utibh'.-ihethods, -Earl :E-. Frehbhj :Marketlng -direcJ,.r oi- the :Atlah'tic -Cphimissipn Gpnipahy,: A.. & p . prpdiice 'buyiiig '.affiliate,' 'declared''iff thesiiV-vby's suhimai'y. --He iiidicated that furthersaviiigi'-cpuid be feaiiied frpm:

injprpved handling of other New Y 'fk fa-i'm prodiicis.'

•£*- Buy •W.a'r Savings Bonds •••^r

Observation Post Meeting BSPERAN'G®;---A defense meetiiig:

will he , held tonight at 7 .o'clock ih the. ifted Men's, hall at Espefaribe, ob­servation post officials have an­nounced. . . .

t h e meeting will be U the interest of establishihi more a,depuate obspr-Vatipii post quartets here and ah ade^ ppate cpmmupicatipns systphi. The details and plans 'will; be outlined by !biticials ivom Albany. .-;'' V -. '.\

' '-MrS.': djessje Sweet S'bafp,. widow bf • .,T.i'l:d:3n.'Sharp;:.-ai.ed '.Mbh'd'ay. at.'W'.est-Jmer'e cbttyalesceht -hopib, after- a. year's. illness:'''Her .-.death QC'(5ui-rea:a- little" less.;.--than' a.:-month aftpr'.ythat pf .her! fhusbaifcl, :associated fpr.-1-..niaitiy- years 'V'itlr.'OR.b's'e• and .-Kiernan-,' Albany, iiistir-:-ahc.e'' firm,.. Sg-iv Sharp -!d-i£pV .Juiie: '2.4.. Tbeiif home .'was ,. in ..Vpprheesv'ine., i\&'"Shar.p -'was. born'in'iS'puth'Bbthle,-, nem.ih.;i\Stfi.and had.lived in this.,yi-eiiii,ty ail her life, -She. i§'Survived*.W a, brother, ",H. Daw.ley "Swfeet,'• Albany, 'and-. tAY>'o .sisters, ^frs.-.-Ahna!. Siep^i. •Schepecikdy, aiid Mi?. Edna.; Broogan, .New. Ypr.lc. iFuneral .Services, topk !pi'ace; "Vyedhesday at-.3':;.$ff'p:".m. at thb 'Phiiip J, Frederick Fuhejra.1 ttonie, 16 M'at'tiiing-^Sqnare. The .E?bv;'*Lebuard-Apr-2ido'rn.,of...the -Sixth' E.eformed. Church.officiated.- fyiriat. \ya.s in the :Fi!s;her's Methodist cemetery, E'otter-d a m r - . ' . • . . - •; ".: -» •

.-r^rr. Buy. War Savings Bonds Attic: cleanliness is np\v-:phe of the

hPmemaker's imporlant duties. Fire spreads ni'oie-i'apidlj' when rubbish.is there to feed it. ,-

This fall i t will be.'the farmers in­stead of the schoolboys Who'll be wish­ing -vacation would last longer.

About the time school opens, Albany county-'farmers .will be in the'midst of their fruit arid early vegetaible -har­vest—and they dop't know ti'ow,'they're going to get along without the fafm -cadets whose work this summer hag; been a.big factor, in easing the la^or shortage. •••• "!

Acting on the pleas of the anxious formers; Herbert BaviS; head of the" Alibany County Farm Bureau, announc­ed he would arrange a conference,be-to'eeii educational autherities'aiid"rrep-resentatives of the-fruit and ycgetable gr.p;ter's -iii an effort'-'to' arrange' fur-fpiighs frpm scbopl for the cadets'.

The crops, he pointed put, must be handled, with dispatch" to avoid heavy losses. The apple crop alone, it - i s : -estimated-; w'ili require the seiryi'ces'o:l-,several hundred men and boys. Edu­cational! -authorities will-."be.'asked to. sanetion'deferment for the cadets dur­ing the early part "of 'September; until-the 'peak p;f the harvest of perishable orchard ;and garden stuff is'.pas't.:. •".'..

i 'Mr: Davis: said the co:operafibii: of thetfnited States ..Employment-Service has-been of g'rbat assistariCe to Albany -county" farmers in ' relieving the-"war­time lack of oxperience'd farmhariSs- :

The :.farfiiers also, he, said, are help­ing'-one another in harvesting'!hayi Those who;have' "buekrakbs,'' a' he\s'. lahof'savipg -device fbr gatherihg hay', a re Ibnding them to- their n.3ighbprs:. •

t h e 'Farm Bureau. has .planned,, a series of meetings .throughout.- the County -the latter; part.-pf- this ipbiith to advise farmers 6h the. care !akd'use pf rearers, binders"and pther'iriiachitje-py, 'in line ^ith Hvartime cpnservafipii... Experts aiso!wili instruef thgiP.'as to the best plans, for Wipter storage p'f! farm inipiemetits-. The Farm Bureau, has advised them that it Is. w-isb to.', order ixeyr parts, fbr ifariri mac|iinery Eeverai mpn'tfesih advapce. .-*

Mr. Bayis afsp-said.-tarmefs^wiU be. given every ebn'sideratiph in the ra­tio njiig* of tifes and gaspline. for farm use, to promote, cpnseryatipn oi essen­tial fpoda/ • • ' . • •

_ -^irr. -j&M^it S,a-y,!na»--.Bonds' ^—^

Service Flag Honoritig Blen In tJ. S; Armed Foirces "WJ/ili

Be Dedicated

Conserve Vitamins

-Cbngresshiat).. Wiliiam' -T,-:.B.yrne- pf:-IiO.udPhvilfe. wiil .'be principal .'s-peailcei-at-services in ,Knox:-Saturday after-. hooh, marking' tile, dedicat.ibh pf a.-service flag hqnering m.eh ffb.ni th^ Town, of Knox now serving in tbe armi ed forces, of the United .-State's,' . The services, will s tar t .a t 3 p. jn.; and will be'held' in the Knpx -schpolr

' h o u & s . • ' • • ' '•'•' .- ;•' •;. At the same time, an honor, roll con­

taining the names' of the men ^ill be! uriveiledj ; '.. -. .'.'•• • ' • . " Kev. Norman'E. "Vander Hart, pastor of the Knox Eefbrmed church, will give the invocation. This Will fee followed by the Hon."Mr; Byrne's ad­dress. The musicai' program. Wilt be, .directed by. Miss Lesley Bfibiwer a'ssist-' ed by Miss Orph'a" Gagei'. ,! ' , ':..: •"' Music- i'br the occasion wjil 'be fui:--pished by the EpessieV.ille .High schbbl band, of fifty pieces,, directed by Hob--ert Winters, conductor: o f ' the Fbt't' Crailo American Legiph hand: .

;Reserved seats>w-ill..be.'available-fer­tile' parents of those'In .service.-' The prpg'ram'tpllbws:- "' "'-'!.•" - '--.'•,

Patriotic.. medley -by band; prayfer'. by Rev. Norman' Vander, Hart,,' pa!st'o¥ p'f' t he .'Eefprrhed (church' vPf • jKnpi;;'! Ganaaia.h • "patriotic' '.songs'-..ip-'-..'.F^ejicli! hy: Misses. Boucher;', band, iS'tar'Span-! gled 'Banner, '..soloist,-;''Miss1 "Qiptia;: ^age-; flag.' raising,.,.Merrill :K!'...Baker; address, Hon.. William T:...Byrne,- pf Alpany and Washington j ;. band, America,. c'ommupj'ty singihg .'•l'ed,.'by. Mrs..Vander Hart:-...'• " • • -..'

The, fonpwi'ng • is; a: list,'of the 'bpys,. in the armed forces of the United: States, whose- names appeal- on . the; tablet to be! unveiled a t ; the cere-:

'rn.bnies: ' : ' . , - ','.' Arthui' B. Hiltsley, iStpphen Shbdijaa,-:

Rpbert passi'dy,. Williiip J *iS fi>;Jf§]-.-• son Oage, Jr., Henry- Burman, Bayid1

pb'ugail, M'arshali Vinehbut;: Patrick" Spadarp, Joseph ;Spadarp( William W Burke, ' Everett '' ;C'bWari, Thad3eus-:

Quay, Frank.Lannert,; jphn'.j-, O^ufke,, Wilson G. NeWton. ...'! " "..'•', ' " ' . '

15tK Anniia|; >• GoiciyeniQti; ioi , Itudson-l^iohjtwte; •$$%$$&••';;

;>••••>; ifie^e^pufeda^;-''';;;: r-

Higti SchopliWAfi's :•:<:! :-»-.?iro*»/i;itf-;'.,.

Win Your Wings Be a Flying Officer Go t o y«Hr N«ar«ii Navy Kacruitiiif Station Today And A*k A»«trt Clan V-5

:Bp. you;" know ypur huta-itipnal needs? JDd ypu know what you should eat to rid yourself of that, tireu, let­down feeljng? If ypu ..dp,.you, ai-e-ex­ceptional; says State Senator Thomas C. Desmpnd, of Orange bounty, chair­man o.f the new joint legislative com­mittee- pn nutrition, .who made public .this.week, a simple! check-list of the foods you need- for health. ., .' "Medicai- authorities,''.', he.- reports',: "have . -informed, our committee . that you need every day at least one of the 1, foods in- each .pf the fpllewing groupsi, (1),-milk- and, niilk products; C2) 01^ anges, grapefruit, tomatoes, or -raw. salad greens; (3) green or yellow.VegV. etaibles;, ' (4) otfer .yeget'abies'...arid frtiits; Co) whple.-graip products .or enriched -white brpad and. flpur;- (6)' meat,'poultry or fish;, (7) -pggs;".and. (8:): butter and p.ther. spreads,;. (From-surveys;made, it is. clear that if .you' score IWO per cent on this test you are indeed unlike most'.of your neighbors.'-• .''Today, we, are . conserving:.' tires', gaspllne .'and'other essential. material. We shall do weli also to conserve the Vitamins in our. food. -This, can .be d'ojxeO.if CbPkihgfoods quickly, .by us­ing oniy small, amounts of water, by, not adding soda to vegeiabfe during cooking, and :tiy\ straining foods while

b'-ot-. ''".- "•• ' '. . • .' '.' ' "Ali the nutritioiis food you need;"

Sehatbr Desmond concludes," "is pur-chasf/'bie at you.? neighborhood stores. There is noshbrtage of healthful fbod. bur committee,, which was bleated to map put a comprehensive nutrition "program for pur state,' appeals to wo-nlen. to help our cPmmittee in our all-put attack on 'hidden hunger," by eat­ing ifbods that pay divi'de'nds in better health, greater energy and longer lifev"-

—rr- Buy War Savings Bonds —r-

Annual Summer Supper The Knox Ladies' Aid society will

hold its annual summer supper oh Saturday night, JUlv 25 in the church' hall. * . "

The following menu,will be served; Boiled ham. creamed potatoes, baked Leans,. ca/bbage and niacasoni.. salad,, rolls and buter, cream cheese^ pickles,.-jelly, tea and coffee, ice cream and cake.

iFirst tables will be served at 5 o'clock. For reservations call East! Berne 27-J-lJ..

- ^ - Buy War Savings, Bonds — -

Band Concert

• ——- Buy War Savinoj Bond* - irr'•' - '

Be On Guard Against Fires Property lbssbs from frreS.in fturall!

•NeW^Xo'ifc - ainpu'ttC toi^o^ej-tiia^jfewa-j MnfioC'llffars ^eW,/':^-W^^!^tWSl

Accbrdi^;'tp.f(rt)f. ^T'B.,'.w|a|b!t^fi: '"'"'"* the: extension' W'artime 'c^ni'nM.tteP' "at" Gprneil.-much pf this loss, pan; iBe-pre-

' yen'ted- by. removing fire hazardii due: •tb carelessness anB ; heglect; .. T-iheir removal, demands attention arid! effort i-athe'r than any cash outlay." Ge.nera.i-! ij? it is cheaper and' easier tp- p'reyent' fire thaii to replace buildings ..and Pther, property''afte? a.fire,"-he a'dds..,.

'{Ie gives • the following' information, to :help'Ipcate.'and rempyb lire .h.!az-a'rds. One of the cPmmbnbst f iire hai--ai'dg is- a faulty Ghiinhey^ The .spp£; and creosote Ayhich accuniulate. pn fcbe

. Clyde Kescptt of ..West :'S;ahd' Lake '•• Was named president of't:he',:,Hu'dspnr .. Mohawk Volunteer -Firenjen'^. fAs'sbci-... atipn ; at th'3 15th arinpaii, .'cpnyeUtTbri bfeld. "in ''Altamoht. .Saturday^!'' '• .'More.'. than*800 fir,e. fig'-htbrs o'r.'t^e.''.-di5trict,.-.-' gathered for 'the Cpncl'aye. .whicli:- -iit-! '. bliided^ annual, reports 'and.elebtibn'pf offie'er's." Patriotism .was- .-th.e, keygpte;''; Of ,'the ..imeeting- ;'• •.'.,. -.; -."....';•;. 5'.: -,.'•"'?'.. ,!!' .The'•' Aita-moii't Hose ,,Cbmp!ahy,. iii .*. .celebrating the i50th anni-versaRy "ot its . prg^piiation,' was host, to the' Hudsbii!-•Mohawk.'group; The...con;vtenti.pft !.Wa!s;. ''streamlined" this year, cutting- dtnyn ... the '..usual.-program' of tWo!..-da.ys•'• t-o/i-s..! .; one-day' sChdule,- and .'the'. tladifianal '..' •parade was binitted due to Wai.'cbfidi-tlpns.. f ! ,,." .••.,' , ' , . . - • :••.'.'' !'' :'.- ; . \WiIl.iam; F. Brad-t of Ajtainpnt, prpsV dent of the..Aitam'bnt uriit,..was. h'aimo.d ;' first •vice-pre.si.deht of, the H'ud'sp.nfl^o^' :h!aW:kI':Ass,pciatioii.;'. .;6'tSer'. .pfficbrs- ;. el'ecte'd.- werb- iisjiry . .Key-sef;,,- Fu'iJief-',. 'ffoad!, • -sepnd 'vice-president:;' 'Epifirirt. GrPmbie,'-'.-Stahfb?d'-',Height's-,'.!f:ib'a'ncial ' Secretary; ' Edgar Dennin,;.M.e!nari*ds,,' •ti;ea's.urer;''.:H;arpld-'G-ass.,'Wop .-cbrdlrig-/secretary.'''. •';': .-•'•':• '.".•-,-' "?>,-, "

• !Ei'ec-te'd-.'to.thb Boa:rd of Directb'?s' . •fbr- thj'ee,year.-"terms'-.Werb' Pinpthy. ' GrpWley of iSchenectady.,;';Aibert'-;G-afe-':.-erb'n,-South (SGhenbc'tady;. Harry ibewi'sv,-. of - -Altambnt, and- Paul • •(S'e.Wkirk, ,.';of '•'.. 'Gprinth;-"-'. , ; '., :'-'.-••'-- - ;• ' ' • . • " • ' " , ' . - ' v . ' l ' ' / . . " . ' ,•'•• -it-y^was-.yofed "to. hold' .hext^'yiepf!S.'. cbny.entibh,'at Eavepa.-.. .'.'','•' •-.'!';.'•:!,'•-;'.. ••' The se^sibris.'wefe.held'in'tl^iSligpii':' .garage, buiidihgi. now owned by. Wa'M :G-ivAckei*man'.-,-; -•' •'•'."' ••'""•"'••:'--!-':'.'... -.-'•' ' j^cai."members, oi . the. :ep'nv5ent:ipn: •'

cbmmitfbe included:- Honorary, phair-ijmSn,'- •Mayoi'- • #rederick - 'feePph'Qiits;---ehair,m'an>; -VlSlliam; F. gradti;" ."yicb chafenaaft,-. Har ry Lewis-;-- •.' eGu'etat-yr'--!, M0rv.il:'. Ghespbrp;. tr.easurei, Vfriier •-.••; fe&harjP„'Sr.-, progra-miv festen'^'rp.iinseV.-' -Har-r-y. JJellows..;. hadge, -Wiliiam: §bcP'f,: • Harold'<E:':iBaogbum;^ , •: F.-.-Br.adt,';iHoward ,^-.-:6gsbury:i- music,; • JFatnps p!. Taylor,: Paul (Jttp.. ."• '•"-•-!. ?:];•.•'".

, Ticket,..'itpwafd,' Cfage,;'ii'atry. -'Feb ' IpWs, 3bft4'.-p:" ©bldsinith/ .ijester.'W. • •iCJrpunsbi."^ril'iMti'.iF, Bradt,:-Harbld: E; • i|?ain§bp:rft; ."iH.atr^ ";fewiS;,' C,. iD: •,;Sm|||;,- • ,, Eiibgr',JE^iri,; refreshment, Harr-y-Jj ei'-- '

The secend in the sumtper series ef five concerts by the Altaniont Band will be presented Saturday pight in the Village Park,

The band now comprises some 30 mem'bers with Frank Wells pf Sche­nectady directing.

•Concerts are scheduled for Augpst 1, 8. aiid 15.

Buy \Var Savings BAnds —.—

Home Sold Dwelling in Gtiilderland has been

sold by George T, Page to William J. Frederick Jr. and Irene <J. Frederick-.

^ - r Buy War Savinds Bonds --. . Subscribe to the Enterprise—?2.00

per year.

inside of. the,'chimpey' are.'hpifpaiblej material.'. Neglected, and ..ckWjiei.sly?: installed stoves and;.furnaces may-aisp" start a fire. Otiipr cpipaph.fife&az-ar;ds sife ^ 'matches/.lamps, aiid .iahterfis^ and, faulty wiring ,pr appliances, and -plectri/: irons which • have not jbeph -disconpeGted.:' • ' ' ' . ' ' - ' : .-' '••. Aitpough small.'.fires can :<be .;.eitin^-:

§uished -with', pail's of Water-, or -siand, With-,blankets and. canvas,- these '.aire'. not re.adily at hand.-'when. they, arb, •iiebd'ed; y ,A. fire:'.extin'gu.isii3r'-.is-,the.! best, first 'aid fare.'-prbteptioB;;. .. .'_.'•• ! Two Cornell war-emerg,e'ncy bplle-, tins, number.26 "Fife Prevention op Farms" and niim-ber 29 '•"Hbw'.tb'jPut! Gu't'a Fire," will be sent to "'persons! who live- in New''.York' state,' if they will write, to the Collbge'of Agrieul tu-re-at-Ithaca,'New yprk. ""'

. ..(Edatbrls-- Nbte^^rpm-.'time .{p tiii^i; ps.add're-sses-'pf;' sbldiersVarbi-'^iib^ttedi..'. to • "the.-• Enterpris'ei'-..they Mili- sbe,;-%u|)T.-•! 'Hfhed i n this', cblumn. sp-.that-frifii^s, ' ^p't'-^'eiative^ wishing' to" Wiltevip-^the'-•::spldie^svmay dp so;, ^A.ddressefvgayen.'.•'• 4:re"siibjebf t o 'change ,.Withput%p1tlce'.f-:' We-are .also glad- tb-'-nbte"!ch^iiii5'ea'.;Pf -•addresses when•.submittbd.);. !•'.,--• •-.'''";' .

-r^r Buy War Savings Bonds .T-^T,.

Gas Appeals To Be Pfo|ie4 •"Herma'h IF. Hobgkamp, chairman pf

the -Albany . Rationing. Board; .said everyone applying for •subplem'snt'a'ry gasoliiie rations must prove! every s'tatement. ' • - , • • •

The board will, take .nothing for granted when it begins tb investigate applications. .' - •' ' •

"We .are going tb require full dem­onstration of all necessary' 'facts'- artd. will be as strict v\ 'h gasoline as.'we have toeen with tires," Hoogkamp added. . . • • .

The hoard will, determine whether appiicahts are sharing rides, Whetlier the •share-riding is bohafide, whetb.er. Ihe share-ride scheme will be cpntiiih-ed, whether the applicant cpuld .get rides with anybpdy else, wfrbther other transportation can ,'be used and sueh other means will be invbstigated fully, L '

—^-""Bu^War Savings Bonds —?-»

Eastern Gas Price Raise To Be

Buy; ^:a'(-:-Say'rngi feohils' -

PVt. .'Wmiam D. sGaglioti,:

;epast:'.;Artiilefy''.'B.at.,:'.-G.- JL, •Sphp'pl, Fort!Mohrbe,: Va. . . .•-.•••'-'•..•.,' '•".-": •••V-lst-Meut.-'- W-. H.''£pckiini'.'.A.-"'P.-'d'; ' 7,0.i:'c/o-:Ppstihaster;.,-Seatti:e,,'--Wa'sh.'':--.'"

Pvf. Jaines, Pinb,! Bat- .©'.,"• Tr,!-'993!,-;

•F; .A.'R,'G.,-!lst .Battaiibn7;is;t'Eegt., :

Fort--Bragg;:N;--:G;---.- ••'-''::!--;;- -'r;'''"•-:< . Pvti, Ebnia Schaad't,: ''Med '-'D.bi',,T5'2-J',-\ .

.Exten'si'pnf. Hospitaii • .-• •Chan'ute,,v,3P|'eld:1;' San.tpiili-.Jll:; •. •'":;.'

:... -' •..-';" !• V"'/'.V'" '":'.' - . ' . ; ^ i ^ Suy'-War Saiv.ings Bflh'ds;-s*^'...: -'• -

Workers fe jjv# i K i l

The WIPB issued orders in effect restoring competition in the ' filling statipn business, and n>3an"Whiie, eaijtern inptbrists received repeWed as-gt&'auces that the recent gasoline priro increasb would be cancelled.

iSiuce the eastern oil shortage greW; acute, filiing stations in that area haVe, received: only 50 per pent pf thplr. usual supply of gasoline,

Beginning, July 22, however, thby will receive as much gasbiihe as they--Can sell rihder the rationing •systeni,. That is, the coupons they detach from the er\ tern motorists' gasoline catid will entitle them to replenish thbjr stocks gallon for .gallon.

•An, army of !.hie.nS:'Women,-, .and. bhiU-. drehj.Wp.ich. op spnl.e days.in-.June was. . 8,000. strong, has won-the;.''J3a|tie,;.pf the. Weeds'' -in .the •Departm.e.nt''pf ;,-.Agr.,

i ricplture's emergency" -yubbpfr 'prbdiiic; . tion -project .in thp . Salinas.-.: Valley;. •• Calif...'.,Mpre- than .40,per- 0entip|;. the. -Wpeders were wetpfin • from-., qe'afiiby, communities. who ..answ"ered'. thevicail for- help in May- when- it iobked^ as . -if -the! weeds "might •'w^p.' piS-^p^eiv'Jthe • -newly ...planted guayule.' -seedlings!; "-.-

They have already .Completed the.: • ibig- chpre of weeding -89.0 'im'iles,!: pf-.. foiir-fbot wide- nursery seed bbds-.spw1 '• • ed Hast spring, with, secbh-d-'-aad; third . : weedi'ngs in some .early beds.;- • ; -, ' A ' b i t t e r y :bf mechanical •''• e.cfe.EB ;•;;

and applications .pf oil\-sp.ray;;;haiyb . also'helped .keep the guayuie.Seedlings' . -ahead, of the . unusually •• rapid- Weed. 'growth.. SFprest service; _ diifilciSls!-: -i'p' . charge-of the emergency •ru'bbep'.p'rP-.';., jbet are. particularly relieygd h|c|!u|e .the,'530 acres of guayule Seedlings rfep-.. resents the only substantial '.supply;.;, of. guayule planting steck in,th'e :Western Hemisphere... The „.se!ediings!..'?nbW growing in the. nursery . W'UV pMWde Stock for field planting "bt sftme ;'.50,-000 acres of guayule next winter,.,,bays the Forpst Service, - . . . : - •

—^- B:uy War Saving's Bonds;-^r-*

Go. Deni(»Ws l^ft;; ileaiiorGoyertir

Albany cbunty, which gayb feoveripr LPhman his only upstate majority,"in 1938, Wedpesday, .night! . ' threw-, i ts . powerful spppoit behind the aypWed --gubernatorial candidacy''"pf :TJnite;d Staie Senator James M., .Mead? 'i'r: •:

Albany acted after iSenator' l leadv in "VVjashihgton, annouhc;ed^•!fbrmjasliy• !that he is in the race, ' He made,-: t1b> phpoupcement jh i'esppiise to letters -i?rgihg Biih to iiin signed, by, Seh^ t# Robert m Wagnet, Breh^Morgepthp , Si.,! and thb iBayors pf. se'yeta'l "V(fivi 'Ybrk^-state'.-citiesv-;..; >."•- '"/',,;"!..



^^^xrt^im^^^^^^^^^^ - '-^ ,tttm 1 iim^i„'lmi«w»Hill,ii111 «tf»Viril''iifilirin^i iiiJi,) jjjwc*|V y^s^cm^


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