altamont - nys historic...

II fei_%. Albany County Weekly I The Enterprlie |« among the oldent of country weeklies, And onrrlef n«wt from hdlf-n-liuhdred communities In- to 3.0nn _—»-- "nft - ••— 3 iiE , ""»»»0 Altamont i j^s*r_ri_# First Mayor of Aitamont No rrwlfpr how Important 'a man, a few yearn after hj» parsing, the * memory of dim Is buried in oblivion. Great and near-great meet the mimo fate- unless in some future day, dual covered obituaries are djgebverea and presented for the information and enjoyment of the current grm- oration. With our recent attention dl reeled toward electing a new mayor of the incorporated viiiage of Aita- mont, it Js our belief a short history of .our first mayor, 65 years would be interesting, A man who ago, HIRAM GRIGGS , '" i " r rana mm on the I year-1890, upon the incornnraf;™ «* *u He was president of the Gri «« w « <*««" as the firs oresident I f V ._ ,afle ° f A,,a nt - Mr. Cbunty Agricultural So- J a, head of village affair, for eight y e a r 9 y ' may ° r) - He SCrved m-P^-above is printed from a copper engraving n e a r l y 5 0 y e a E S old) ,,,„/ could reprmont the Town of GuiJderiand on the Board of Supervisors for ten years, preside over that body for several years, win the election to the State Assembly for three terms, be chosen first mayor of the incorporated village of Altamont and hold that office for eight years, besides maintaining for 47 year's a successful legal practice, mu»t have been an extraordinary'jndfvidual. HJram Griggs was born in Esper- anto, Schoharie county, March 18, 3836. His father, John P. Griggs, moved later to the old Col. Peter Vrooman house still standing near the bridge below the Stone Fort at Schoharie, where he ran a mill on the Foxewkiil. He was president of th« Schoharie County Agricultural So ciety when it held a fair in Middle- burgh, one year before either the Schoharie or CobleskiB. fairs Were organized. The boy, Hiram, •attended the fam- ous Schoharie Academy and in 1860 entered the law office of Hobart Krum of Schoharie as a law student. Already established as one of the most brilliant and successful lawyers in that part of the country, "Hobe" Krum would gate prestige during the years, becoming leader of the Re- publican Party affairs as well as State Senator from that district. To be . associated with; his law office was al- most a guarantee for.a successful future- Many noted attorneys such as our own townsman, the Hon. P. C. Dugan* began their training there. Meanwhile-, his parents had pur- chased and occupied a farm at the north end of KnowersviBe (Altamont) on the Bozenkfll road, coinodentally __u__sg/ m at? area |ihe land of our retiring vffltage mayor,, Edwin W. Confuted on Page 6) ,. copy 'oT ttm AttSBrX/*"**' at any torn fa«fL^ t * Br,s ^ for sale of • * • - * 2 L "* f ^ cated mM****** «' HannM'tfwvttnf^ -223 tern Ave, Hepa^ir, LippmnA tern Ave, 1 " Well's erfand. Sanders' gerlands. Delntar - Voor "nee*vi lie. BrUnk'S Corners, Coulson's and Br Wilder The Ei another 146, in tl GetyoL Friday at If the SUPI, proprietor ewwiwybfoup Action Started To Stay Wmftmm&is "^ Bond Issue EVENTS Thursday evening, March 24, the Dairy Farmers of America, Inc., held an introductory meeting in Clarks- ville in order to explain the aims and purposes df. the organization to the farmers of Albany county. I William Waldorf, president; A. D. Langdon, vice-president, and Robert | Podris, secretary, of the Dairy Farm- { ers of America Inc each gave a short explanation of different aspects of the organization, and how it will work. "• » "The farmers are the only group m the population/' said Mr. Waldorf, "whose net income has reached a new lew m *i~» ~»-* *— * zrexx -tote- .-tf ^ij\ m %vtkm^nt #' -•ttfossfiV'. XX! Yfpf ft immunity r < m&t>e&<'. • TffCtr m eft iVtf X miief y*; 4&^'$mfr> y*«f •-©•-' --^-(g. ^ «*" >«*»^* &*&»%&&? ~,f -%&>• The a n m a l *~x Foia. ^-wrsx i sponsored by^41fe.ajBBost 1OT , gy ST^i^. B 2 a 5? of Education of, John's Luthefficsnl ^f„3" the Guilderland Central Snhnoi A . Th» ™J«Srf ! l- JJarifflt S^^Vf^^^X Court 8 Matte WBafear. *,. ^ %J^% f^^ / ? * &&#fyn„r immw , -, **«-u*-«««w-r a, p- emit of hs csmpg^r srnc!»*-T ""r-TTr '•''irf'rt* STR assp^i ">^ sailor year ssi G. C H. S., sraJ- o w xn^i stSioot w«11 scessrf ttv ^i-mme* m Ki PPh Mc II Ik I II i 1 1 i i i I it n fix n tin liond » n>, oi in ii[ l*i 1 uithon/ » d I Suprtmn -i I « l /?i."f 3rnH— -cilcswsr rr ^ grt rf fe e•aegsanss.sJBitB Z™T iv T j ssr ^' ^^hiK « j * t«n*-r ^ S ^ ^t«m ^w ^ The Worf< "o^p.- ^ - ^ I S L ^ f e « f * * j ^ B f e - C Vtet^dap ^ -ta^% a i ^M S-!«»«"'»*»««&/ cilities. Edw and Jl Center 1 Court f preyerl tl I taking f n tin t issue "mm ll a fill I plication t 1 ii i tion » I <iMd i ii l I l i )ii or Tr\ Floyd Hclderberg crland The Cornell-. Altamont (Churches, Schools, Fraternal, and Other Organizations) ALL FOOLS SOCK HOP APR. 1 Wear those bright socks and skip the shoes The place, Delanson in the Central High: school gym The time - April 2, from 8-flO to IZ'OO The hop — Round and square danc- ing, by Gordon Baton. "Get Hep j and Hop." .«* nave many worthwhile j L . * . , ^ i «*^ *<£r w«» next nmm&~* for the general interest of aUMnds ^ ^ S . ^ L ' " ^ ^ ^ n t a t o r f 'of farmers but there\hte been^>r\ H r' Mil1 " fm **<? Board of Etfueatfon. Th 'SgS? 2 "?"* that calTsSk anTaS ***• * vj » «"«> W» c M e n S ^ S E S R «-« effectively to help the dairy C H 0 * ** d *">* «PPro^d terTSfi ****" get a fair price for his milk •' f g ^ pent majoritv in a Feb l S ^ e S "^ for approval bccaiM> It u « S * if '«™«l «* !OM *-««3!U<***HafpWBiS r- two • hours. The meeting was well attended, an £? X,n ^l eIy ^ farme » bemFpref ent Those present were veiy%n thusiastic about the ideas oLiHh» (Continued on Page 6* Then came a spirited q'uestiori a n d ! ^ . n '-!S ,ul, ^ * «w»-Snrda majoriu, jES»h''^* ,, »v mil, %F ter <* the Re- answer penod, which lasted a b o u t i ^ «W*" ,v , aI b «»'» it wouhf in ^ " ^ ?"« h - h 5? £: > ' ^ h„ -„ "*«« «w»«tfc«.ase i ^ie indrttedne* to m t t I S , « , ! * ! * « * of Ooiisaaaiie,!,? Rev. 10 per cent of the true valuafM»T»? i^*** E- Tavlor mbtfattf^af..the He said Mr Bennett and Mr Knoll iL ,.., /, **V* -i also contend ttie ballot furniahed tn ,J*2-J M ** onn J 3 *' iebr «H 'illefaland void/ because^TtArf^ rSTw°? rte •«r d J? ,,B,l >«»'ii (Continued on Page 6) cooSa&'ff 10 ! , ' S,-Wi - tl » * ^ « AHamont an 1 the" •nnauncetnent w aafl ^ s . Mrs. Handy Ekded fed Of Albwwt P. T. Griajp , ^,, Aiuunonta MOVtE 'STALAG IT APRIL 2 Btnefft movie 'Stafag 17," spon- sored by the_Feflowcraft club of Noah Lodge *Q~T5k F & A. M , wfH | Mrs. ' Walter'" CL "Handr^ be shown as Masonic hall, AKa-£land Center, w s f f i a - a . - mont, on Saturday, April 2L Two of the Altaian? Btaa«tjSr^«f bhow, - 7 and! 9 p. m. ent-Teacher m c i J S S E S l w U ^ l ' -*-^." " ' ,*""« SPAGHETTI SUPPER APRIL 2 S^t^E *£!£ 2* ^RKiSmm Jfaa%h 1*^"^ SSC - ^sP^J&^i^B* war be served o f f i c e S ^ S ^ ^ - ° ^ ^ £ l l 5 i s K K 2 ^ t a n d °Sffi {£&£ m the Berne Reformed ehunirfeaULFtaglesaLGof§H3a£S^2S; ™mfrtWMBm**M *Bartlrinif» < n BS^jaHB" Saturday- evening-, April 2. Ki^^lJEssl^i^tora?' ?E^II) 1 * ! T • • • • • • i a~ cable at 5-30 g. a , t^^^^^&^BKBS^^ ¥*W&" •OV.EAT1DL2 V^^^^^^'OtMmi^^mM^AA ^ «*. Cub Pack 60. Guffifenfend CfentenftSfcSataSa?^ wall present t h e BtEHde„« "ESafetniefc Tfeep^asofer•»• Man o£ the Prams;" wftk Kand^fe l*»*x»wE*2J2S£*** Scott a(r GuiKfcxland p m n O S ^ I f i v ^ ^ nri^S school SastprdaK April 2 / ChfEdrafisfBortanBOi, rp»^w»y snow at * p-. m . Adurts shewr at|oe&«ftaiBee'iKas'1a«» 9-^1? p. m~ . | t 6 e »w»mqiil safety - — sPAGHErnrt SUPPER APREL Z \m SKSKKA & ^^ s A bgagEtettS supper wrlE be senreajfTJ&e awards, bytoeLaofes*' *wt « P K » » »*. frmm T* O _ formed enurca April 2. ^tla£ , ^S«B^!^^R3JkC«M M ^ al agent f '•• »*^"^a»y m ^ E s v e - g ^ ^ . •nffrn.^^ Eea i agr - ^aBumati^, aaea. parkr and gutter cleaTier f nwnj y& msse s se&^&.-m^m,ff3&.s®sfe- ^^smssmis^^^S: 5ffew niesairasf?ft©'-'sss3^sr aaaife- amscfe^i-jsj eSstaeSE Kinwrjt, ^ Selkirk. Remodeled" <SJW ; W u l f,e " -es^sre* ^r dSSs? nmS! lg? , ¥ r . leaner, new storage fwiff te CTpe*- • * ^ E - ^ n t e . ^ - m 4 ^ ^ ' ; assBi^r-st-s E ^ .^T"^: B^sleVator and spreader p o W 13& A&Qi' IJBSEe^sSte^TETOsat^SaBB^aaa&ssssa^s^^ s-' Blase* aS lifej»*£iS^; JsJasfe^; SBbiJKare",^^,^, L —. WSSE l r sIiad'ldc>leVatOr and spreader ~"' fhoW 'Sife AEBBt" TJBESBFWSte^SnasafflB^^^E^^S af«& n « T^fdtw lunch, there-wili b** r -, , : -- ^^^^^^..-^ssmm ^& s^»#°=s n*. of dish n to 1 p —»• to.tafee p<ir * ^ < « ^ W par (April 11 j » / - t ,B, "™* lu * L V.M> •"ia?,\ ! nd *^l»hne Mffldnfc- j S S 5 j j % ? " « « e g s s . -CM'. "^^^^^ SAt;-noon a cafeteria luridieoiS-S'itlpixs: Hlsw«Er»- ( & * ; & £ ^^j^gf|JSi^ : ^C^E^cs^S33ire^pS p&The fourth stop, at 1 p-itt TfuSLbefov Q^PEET.; ;^S'ISss-'iffe gss^iSfeil^S^^^^- 1 " ' " " rust, lit cBifrge' {dTssni Asm-slag*? • i & i i f e i f a , ; ^^..i^ete- "si^n^S fentodered Bars iso&e--«-fr' T Wr- ES^M*^ W S ^ - — * 3S- Aiot «#• Berne Bfe-Wat P^ "Wit 3«£ .^fe ,^SS» !«&' "SSaSE:. SabiDdajF even£n§> (tie »v»a feed dei^fe'rS B?lffl> &Jf^^&1Si ~ W^*ee^ failfiaam. =«!««»«.«,. FTA MEECTiNG APBJL. 4- T h e PTA. mfifiiiEng o £ Gufrafedauai Central Hfgfr scfawrf wiH: take p£ace Monday; ApctE 4^ at Swp.. BK^. na tte icitool cafetoxfiinx. Afer t&e; —*—' tcttr business meeting; t&fc aduit cation: teachers ane students mm. gxve- * &r£ef outTme o f tnetc J*METKI Activities^, vKbfcfc should; pwwe uttei?J!>ting;-. Ass usjuat, 3se~ vail concftHfethe?' wenuaft, GCTQO FREDAS SERVtOaV CS»4 Ettdiur €A—'" "*" p. m,^ S t . JMTacafs « _ . Of; QuiIderSauMi CJenter union, sentace m sL t ) insrcoxt. _J; ""•" toe QisiS.fe'a^sc Voerh^ a round at OstedL behefitofi CAHI 1he> WLtt SB_ Canteen, Via! " SESK :^^ssffs '^S&f^Sdagi* asrjbes Asam S- ae "SJ nz. rat ta £B£?€2si&- ajsntaEss& TBe- tiEaESesfesaKS* o£- <5gsre* ttassa -Qt&ssasg^ :E^e feoEnr tfaa larfjea; vt tSSissffinaas? smsja^jr fciss DessBU-'ia.. ^^& "HffiL_^^3@!^riEfcr "xK-errassi. aHEr s 5axEsros»a.ij^festfe^^8H !te=causerfee,iBl&di t 3 f e ^ foes' ^^ansstr fflgnnnr dStesaa^ t&jr-JafensaiK. uiiaej •SsmsteaMg auaB ^adfe.^fe^5ilteea: T BEaak^«ia^ SMST. SaHEtejessr HSf^iaaa| SOWESK .JffiEces- Pfedessszi CBarieK' Saamasnc. i^jfr- or TXfsroiBfcstU. isafeanj o £ the; _I_-8BB_> RlatCpffifp fTwWBt-, ____Mp____nK «RM^ _£____&_____; sum _it_ o_ """•••"' "• • ijnmi. j a i l , afc Ha> _s™**5^5?' . •^ 1 •! iwiimmaaBa Tl^__^

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Page 1: Altamont - NYS Historic · the incorporated village of Altamont ... "The farmers are the only group



Albany County Weekly I The Enterprlie |« among the oldent of country weeklies, And onrrlef n«wt from hdlf-n-liuhdred communities In­to 3.0nn _—»-- "nft - ••— 3 iiE , ""»»»0 Altamont i j^s*r_ri_#

First Mayor of Aitamont

No rrwlfpr how Important 'a man, a few yearn after hj» parsing, the

* memory of dim Is buried in oblivion. Great and near-great meet the mimo fate- unless in some future day, dual covered obituaries are djgebverea and presented for the information and enjoyment of the current grm-oration. With our recent attention dl reeled toward electing a new mayor of the incorporated viiiage of Aita­mont, it Js our belief a short history of .our first mayor, 65 years would be interesting,

A man who ago,

HIRAM GRIGGS ,'"i"r "° ran a mm on the I year-1890, upon the incornnraf;™ «* *u He was president of the G r i « « w « <*««" as the firs oresident I f * « V._ , a f le ° f A , , a ™ n t - Mr. Cbunty Agricultural So- J a, head of village affair, for eight y e a r 9

y ' m a y ° r ) - H e S C r v e d

m - P ^ - a b o v e is printed from a copper engraving n e a r l y 5 0 y e a E S o l d )

,,,„/ could reprmont the Town of GuiJderiand on the Board of

Supervisors for ten years, preside over that body for several years, win the election to the State Assembly for three terms, be chosen first mayor of the incorporated village of Altamont and hold that office for eight years, besides maintaining for 47 year's a successful legal practice, mu»t have been an extraordinary'jndfvidual.

HJram Griggs was born in Esper­anto, Schoharie county, March 18, 3836. His father, John P. Griggs, moved later to the old Col. Peter Vrooman house still standing near the bridge below the Stone Fort at Schoharie, where he ran a mill on the Foxewkiil. He was president of th« Schoharie County Agricultural So ciety when it held a fair in Middle-burgh, one year before either the Schoharie or CobleskiB. fairs Were organized.

The boy, Hiram, •attended the fam­ous Schoharie Academy and in 1860 entered the law office of Hobart Krum of Schoharie as a law student. Already established as one of the most brilliant and successful lawyers in that part of the country, "Hobe" Krum would gate prestige during the years, becoming leader of the Re­publican Party affairs as well as State Senator from that district. To be

. associated with; his law office was al­most a guarantee for .a successful future- Many noted attorneys such as our own townsman, the Hon. P. C. Dugan* began their training there.

Meanwhile-, his parents had pur­chased and occupied a farm at the north end of KnowersviBe (Altamont) on the Bozenkfll road, coinodentally __u__sg/ m at? area |ihe land of our retiring vffltage mayor,, Edwin W.

C o n f u t e d o n Page 6) ,.

copy 'oT ttm A t tSBrX/*"** ' at any torn fa«fL^t*Br,s^

for sale of • * • - * 2 L " * f ^ cated mM****** «'

HannM'tfwvttnf^ -223 tern Ave, Hepa^ir,

LippmnA tern Ave,1"

Well's erfand.

Sanders' gerlands.

Delntar - Voor

"nee* vi lie. BrUnk'S

Corners, Coulson's

and Br Wilder The Ei

another 146, in tl

GetyoL Friday at If the SUPI, proprietor

ewwiwybfoup Action Started To Stay Wmftmm&is " ^ Bond Issue


Thursday evening, March 24, the Dairy Farmers of America, Inc., held an introductory meeting in Clarks-ville in order to explain the aims and purposes df. the organization to the farmers of Albany county.

I William Waldorf, president; A. D. Langdon, vice-president, and Robert | Podris, secretary, of the Dairy Farm- { ers of America Inc each gave a short explanation of different aspects of the organization, and how it will work. "• »

"The farmers are the only group m the population/' said Mr. Waldorf, "whose net income has reached a new l e w m *i~» ~»-* *— *

zrexx -tote- .-tf ^ij\m%vtkm^nt #'



Yfpf ft

immunityr< m&t>e&<'. • TffCtr

m eft iVtf X miief y*; 4&^'$mfr>

y * « f •-©•-' --^-(g. ^ «*" > « * » ^ * &*&»%&&? ~,f -%&>•

The a n m a l * ~ x Foia. ^-wrsx — i sponsored by^41fe.ajBBost1OT , gy

S T ^ i ^ . B2a5? o f Education of, John's L u t h e f f i c s n l ^ f „ 3 " the Guilderland Central Snhnoi A . Th» ™ J « S r f ! l - J J a r i f f l t

S ^ ^ V f ^ ^ ^ X Court8

Matte WBafear. * , . % J ^ % f ^ ^ / ? * &&#fyn„r immw, -, * * « - u * - « « « w - r •

a, p- emit of h s csmpg^r srnc!»*-T ""r-TTr '•''irf'rt* STR assp^i "> sailor year ssi G. C H. S., sraJ- o w

xn^i stSioot w«11 scessrf ttv ^i-mme* m

Ki PPh



I II i 1

1 i i i I

it n fix n tin liond

» n>, oi in ii[ l*i 1 uithon/ » d I Suprtmn

-i I « l/?i."f 3 r n H — -cilcswsr r r ^ g r t rf fee •aegsanss.sJBitB Z™Tiv T j s s r ^ ' ^^hiK « j * t«n*-r ^ S ^ ^ t « m w ^ The Worf< "o^p.- ^ - ^ I S L ^ f e « f * * j ^ B f e - C V tet^ dap ^ - t a ^ % a i ^ M a « S - ! « » « " ' » * » « « & /

cilities. Edw

and Jl Center 1 Court f preyerl tl I taking f n tin t issue "mm ll a fill I plication t 1 ii i tion » I <iMd i ii

l I l i )ii or

Tr\ Floyd Hclderberg crland

The Cornell-. Altamont

(Churches, Schools, Fraternal, and Other Organizations)

ALL FOOLS SOCK HOP APR. 1 Wear those bright socks and skip

the shoes The place, Delanson in the Central High: school gym The time - April 2, from 8-flO to IZ'OO The hop — Round and square danc­ing, by Gordon Baton. "Get Hep j and Hop."

. « * nave many worthwhile j L . * . , ^ i «*^ *<£r w«» next nmm&~*

for the general interest of aUMnds ^ ^ S . ^ L ' " ^ ^ ^ n t a t o r f 'of farmers but there\hte been^>r\Hr' M i l 1" fm **<? Board of Etfueatfon. Th 'SgS? 2 "?"* that c a l T s S k a n T a S ***• * v j » «"«> W» c M e n S ^ S E S R « - « effectively to help the dairy C H 0 * * * d *">* «PPro^d terTSfi ****" get a fair price for his milk •' f g ^ pent majoritv in a Feb l S ^ e S " ^

for approval bccaiM> It u « S * if '«™«l



two • hours. The meeting was well attended, an

£ ? X , n ^ l e I y ^ f a r m e » bemFpref ent Those present were veiy%n thusiastic about the ideas oLiHh»

(Continued on Page 6*

Then came a spirited q'uestiori a n d ! ^ . n ' - ! S , u l , ^ * «w»-Snrda majoriu, jES»h''^* , ,»vm i l ,%F t e r <* the Re-answer penod, which lasted a b o u t i ^ «W*",v,aI b « » ' » it wouhf in ^ " ^ ? " « h - h 5 ? £ : > '

^ h„ -„ " * « « «w»«tfc«.asei^ie indrttedne* to m t t I S , « , ! * ! * « * of Ooiisaaaiie,!,? Rev. 10 per cent of the true valuafM»T»? i ^ * * * E- Tavlor mbtfattf^af..the

He said Mr Bennett and Mr Knoll i L ,.., / , * * V * -i also contend ttie ballot furniahed tn ,J*2-JM**onnJ3*'iebr«H

' i l lefaland void/ because^TtArf^ r S T w ° ? r t e •«rdJ? , ,B,l>«»'ii

(Continued on Page 6) c o o S a & ' f f 1 0 ! , ' S , - W i - t l » * ^ « AHamont an 1 the"

•nnauncetnent w aafl ^ s .

Mrs. Handy Ekded fed Of Albwwt P. T. Griajp — , ^ , , Aiuunonta

MOVtE 'STALAG IT APRIL 2 Btnefft movie 'Stafag 17," spon­

sored by the_Feflowcraft club of Noah Lodge *Q~T5k F & A. M , wfH | Mrs. ' Walter'" CL "Handr^ be shown as Masonic hall, AKa-£land Center, w s f f i a - a . -mont, on Saturday, April 2L Two of the A l t a i a n ? B t a a « t j S r ^ « f bhow, - 7 and! 9 p. m. ent-Teacher m c i J S S E S l w U ^ l ' - * - ^ . " " ' , * " " «

SPAGHETTI SUPPER APRIL 2 S^t^E *£!£ 2* ^RKiSmm Jfaa%h 1 * ^ " ^ SSC - ^ s P ^ J & ^ i ^ B * war be served o f f i c e S ^ S ^ ^ - ° ^ ^ £ l l 5 i s K K 2 ^ t a n d ° S f f i { £ & £ m the Berne Reformed ehunir feaULFtaglesaL Gof§H3a£S^2S; ™mfrtWMBm**M *Bartlrinif» <n B S ^ j a H B " Saturday- evening-, April 2. K i ^ ^ l J E s s l ^ i ^ t o r a ? ' ?E^II ) 1 * ! T • • • • • • i a~ cable at 5-30 g. a , t^^^^^&^BKBS^^ ¥*W&"

• O V . E A T 1 D L 2 V^^^^^^'OtMmi^^mM^AA ^ «*. Cub Pack 60. Guffifenfend C f e n t e n f t S f c S a t a S a ? ^

wall present the BtEHde„« "ESafetniefc T f e e p ^ a s o f e r • » • Man o£ the Prams;" wftk K a n d ^ f e l * » * x » w E * 2 J 2 S £ * * * Scott a(r GuiKfcxland p m n O S ^ I f i v ^ ^ n r i ^ S school SastprdaK April 2 / ChfEdrafisfBortanBOi, rp»^w»y snow at * p-. m . Adurts shewr at|oe&«ftaiBee'iKas'1a«» 9-^1? p. m~ . | t 6 e »w»mqiil safety - —


A bgagEtettS supper wrlE be senreajfTJ&e awards, b y toe Laofes*' *wt « P K » » »*. frmm T* O _ formed enurca April 2.

^tla£ ,^S«B^!^^R3JkC«MM^ al agent f '•• »*^"^a»y m^Esve- g ^ ^ . •nffrn.^^Eeaiagr- ^aBumati , aaea.

parkr and gutter cleaTier fnwnj y& msse s se&^&.-m^m,ff3&.s®sfe- ^ ^ s m s s m i s ^ ^ ^ S : 5ffew niesairasf?ft©'-'sss3^sr aaaife- amscfe^i-jsj eSstaeSE Kinwrjt, Selkirk. Remodeled" <SJW ; W u l f,e" -es^sre* ^r dSSs?

n m S ! l g ? , ¥ r . leaner, new storage fwiff te CTpe*- • * ^ E - ^ n t e . ^ - m 4 ^ ^ ' ; a s s B i ^ r - s t - s E ^ . ^ T " ^ : B^sleVator and spreader poW 13& A&Qi' IJBSEe^sSte^TETOsat^SaBB^aaa&ssssa^s^^

s-' Blase* aS life j»*£iS^; JsJasfe^; SBbiJKare",^^,^, L


lrsIiad'ldc>leVatOr and spreader ~"' fhoW 'Sife AEBBt" TJBESBFWSte^SnasafflB^^^E^^S

af«& n « T^fdtw lunch, there-wili b** r - , , : - - ^^^^^^..-^ssmm ^& s^»#°=s

n*. of dish n

to 1 p —»• to.tafee p<ir

* ^ < « ^ W par

(April 11 j » / - t, B , " ™ * l u * L


•"ia?,\ ! n d *^l»hne Mffldnfc- j S S 5 j j % ? " « « e g s s . - C M ' . " ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

SAt;-noon a cafeteria luridieoiS-S'itlpixs: Hlsw«Er»- ( & * ; & £^^j^gf|JSi^ :^C^E^cs^S33ire^pS

p&The fourth stop, at 1 p-itt TfuSLbefov Q^PEET.; ;^S'ISss-'iffe g s s^ iS fe i l^S^^^^- 1

" ' " " rust, lit cBifrge' {dTssni Asm-slag*? • i & i i f e i f a , ; ^^ . . i^e te - " s i ^ n ^ S

fentodered Bars iso&e--«-fr'TWr- ES^M*^ W S ^ - — * 3S-

Aiot «#• Berne Bfe-Wat P^


3 « £ . ^ f e ,^SS»

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SabiDdajF even£n§> ( t i e

»v»a feed dei^fe'rS

B?lffl> &Jf^^&1Si ~ W ^ * e e ^ failfiaam. = « ! « « » « . « , .

FTA MEECTiNG APBJL. 4-The PTA. mfifiiiEng o£ Gufrafedauai

Central Hfgfr scfawrf wiH: take p£ace Monday; ApctE 4^ at Swp.. BK . na tte icitool cafetoxfiinx. A f e r t&e; —*—' tcttr business meeting; t&fc aduit cation: teachers ane students mm. gxve- * &r£ef outTme o f tnetc J*METKI Activities , vKbfcfc should; pwwe —— uttei?J!>ting;-. Ass usjuat, 3se~ vail concftHfethe?' wenuaft,

GCTQO FREDAS SERVtOaV CS»4 Ettdiur €A—'" "*"

p. m,^ St . JMTacafs « _ . Of; QuiIderSauMi CJenter

union, sentace m sLt) insrcoxt. _J; ""•" t o e

QisiS.fe 'a^sc

Voerh^ a round at OstedL behefitofi

CAHI 1he>

WLtt SB_ Canteen,

Via! "

SESK :^^ssffs '^S&f^Sdagi* asrjbes

Asam S- ae "SJ nz. rat ta£B£?€2si&-

ajsntaEss& TBe- tiEaESesfesaKS* o£-

<5gsre* ttassa -Qt&ssasg^ :E^e feoEnr tfaa larfjea; vt tSSissffinaas? smsja^jr fciss DessBU-'ia.. ^^& "HffiL_^^3@!^riEfcr "xK-errassi. aHErs5axEsros»a.ij^festfe^^8H

! te= c a u s e r fee, iBl&di t 3 f e ^

foes' ^ ^ a n s s t r fflgnnnr d S t e s a a ^

t&jr-JafensaiK. uiiaej •SsmsteaMg auaB

^ a d f e . ^ f e ^ 5 i l t e e a : T B E a a k ^ « i a ^ SMST. SaHEtejessr HSf^iaaa| SOWESK

.JffiEces- Pfedessszi CBarieK' Saamasnc.

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or TXfsroiBfcstU. isafeanj o £ the; _I_-8BB_> RlatCpffifp fTwWBt-, ____Mp____nK «RM^ _£____&_____; sum _it_ o_ " " " • • • " ' "• • ijnmi. j a i l , afc Ha>

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