life is too short to be lived - amazon is too short to be lived in a grey cubicle....

Post on 23-May-2020






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Life is too short to be lived in a grey cubicle.

(And 40+ hours a week is a lot of time to give to somebody else, doing something you don’t like…)

What if you could be one of those “free” people?

You know…

The ones that get to travel where they want, when they want without having to beg their boss for time off… (doesn’t that make you feel like a little kid??)

The ones that have more time for their family and more energy for all the things they love… (dance class


The ones that get to dress how they want (good-bye boring corporate clothes!), do what they want (hello random trips to TJ Maxx in the middle of the

afternoon!), and get paid what they want (no more sweating over your “performance review” or fretting about a 3% raise) because THEY are their own boss

and THEY call the shots…

The headline needs to be a “provocative statement” (i.e. - a statement that “provokes”) that speaks to the conversation your target market is already having in their head. What do they say to themselves about their problem? Use your swipe file to help you with this. (I created this headline using real language from my own swipe file)

3 bullet points that speak to “the dream.” Be VERY specific! Noticed how I talked about TJ Maxx - that is super specific to the women I”m targeting and further shows that I “get” them.

This is optional but I like to include a parenthetical statement under the headline that further drives the point home of the main headline and proves to my audience that I really “get” them

Sub-headline question that speaks to what they ultimately want

You don’t have to be a millionaire (or some

baller’s housewife) to live a life of fun, flexibility,


No matter if...

• You’re a corporate 9-5er trapped in a toxic, stressful, or just plain boring job

• You’re a new or single mom who who is tired of spending 8 hours at desk all day, away from your loved ones

• You’re a talented, creative, entrepreneurial-spirit who is tired of being underpaid and overlooked by the “powers that be” at your job

This subhead needs to address the false belief they currently have about their problem. Hint that the solution is not what they think it is...

Call them out! Let them know you’re speaking to THEM and not to some-one else. Be specific.

…all you need is (1) a skill you

can use to make money (hint:

you’re already getting paid for

it at your job) and (2) a step-

by-step plan to help you make

your escape

Tell them what they need to turn it all around.

Hi, my name is Courtney Sanders and not too long ago, I was EXACTLY where you are. I remember getting that feeling of dread in my stomach on Sunday evenings because once again, the weekend was already over (doesn’t it always go so fast???) and in a few hours, I would be fighting through Monday morning traffic to get to a job I didn’t love.

The crazy thing is, it’s not that my job was “bad.” I made great money and had great benefits, but I longed for the chance to do work and live a life that was true to myself. I hated having to wear boring, “business casual” clothes every day or feeling self-conscious about whether or not my big, naturally curly hair was “professional” enough.

As a highly creative, passionate LEADER, every time I showed up to work I literally felt like I was wasting my life. (Harsh but true!) While everyone else seemed perfectly happy to fiddle with spreadsheets for the next 30 years in exchange for a steady paycheck, I knew that wasn’t me. It couldn’t be me.

Tell your story. They think you’re perfect because you’re the big shot who has all the answers. But show them that you DIDN’T always have all the answers - show them that you used to be right where they are now.

Deep down I knew that I would never be able to fully honor my life’s calling if I was still depending on a

9-5 job for money.

I knew I had to get out but how??? Determined that I would figure it out no matter what…

I Crafted My 9-5 “Escape Plan” …and Started Earning Thousands of Dollars From My Passion in Less

Than 4 Months.

The first thing I did was write down my monthly salary from my job in big bold letters. This was the number I needed to earn from my passion if and I was determined to achieve it.

Next, I started brainstorming all the different ways I could earn the amount of money I needed.

With my plan written out, I immediately started taking action.At first, things didn’t go so well as I experimented with what I was learning and made mistakes trying new things.

Subhead that speaks to the point in your story that prompted you to seek out “a better way”

Share a bit about what you did and how it started transforming your situation

What did you do...and what’s the big result (that they want...) that happened?

Frustrated by all the roadblocks I was hitting, I began investing in different classes, courses, and workshops to learn what I needed to finally get ahead.

For a while – I’m not going to lie – I was investing a lot more than I was making. My family and friends all thought I was crazy but I continued to research and experiment until I “cracked the code” to getting paid for what I love.

And when I did finally crack the code…

…boy did I crack it! 4 months in, I was generating a few thousand dollars every month and…

11 Months in I Experienced My First $10K Month!

With my plan working and me working my plan, I sat back in awe as my business grew and the money continued to roll in. Then, just when I thought I had made the most money I would ever see, I generated over $30,000 in the month of August 2016.

I immediately told my boss those 2 blessed words – “I quit!” – and I haven’t looked back since. Now my days consist of working with dream clients, speaking at events, and traveling where I want, when I want.

Did you experience a big result that your audience would die to have? Call it out in a subhead at the end of your story.

I’m truly blessed to do what I love and get paid 5x as much as I was at my job…but none of this would have been possible without a plan.So when I received a FLOOD of emails asking me “how I did it,” instead of trying to teach hundreds of people one-on-one, I decided to create…

The Escape Plan is a step-by-step workshop to help you get out of your

job in 12-24 months.

Based on my actual journey, this 5 part live workshop will show you the actual steps every cubicle escapee MUST take if they want to replace their income and leave their jobs for good.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

Module 1: Quit Your Job Faster – The Art of Choosing the Right Business Model

• Find out how to come up with a business idea you’re passionate about that will quickly replace your income, so you can quit your job faster

• Learn the business models you should AVOID if you want to leave your job fast…and the one’s you should pursue if you want to earn immediate cash

• Discover the products and services YOU should be offering in your unique business – and the price points you should sell them at – in order to hit your income goals

Tell people why you’re willing to share this info vs. keep it to yourself

Introduce the name of your product and tell people the result it helps them get. Be specific.

Tell ‘em what they’ll learn. If it’s a multi-part program, break out all the modules.

Module 2: How to Market Yourself and Get in Front of Clients

• Discover the marketing secrets that get customers coming to you, begging you for your product

• Learn how to find the best clients and customers who have no problem paying you what your worth

• Master the art of promoting your business on autopilot, so you can attract clients and make sales, even while you’re at work!

Module 3: When to Spend and When to Save – How to Make Smart Investments to Grow Your Business

• Learn the secrets to bootstrapping your business on any budget, even if you’re in debt, don’t have savings, and don’t make a lot of money at work

• Discover what you absolutely should spend money on in your business…and what you should avoid, despite what all the “experts” will tell you

• Learn how to make smart, strategic investments in your business that double and triple your revenue so you can leave your job months ahead of schedule

Module 4: How to Manage Your Time and Maximize Your Profit

• Discover the time-management secrets I used to rapidly grow my business, even though a full 9 hours of my day were spent at my job (and that doesn’t even include commute time!)

• Learn the “life hacks” you can use to get more done in less time without burning yourself out

• Discover how to eliminate all the hidden time wasters in your life and business and what to focus on so you consistently generate sales

Module 5: Replacing Your Income – How to Financially Prepare for Going Full-time

• Learn how much you need to earn in your business and how much you need to save before you can confidently quit your job

• Discover how to handle losing your work benefits and what you can do instead to ensure your health and retirement are taken care of

• Learn how to structure your budget so that you can smoothly transitioning to working for yourself full-time without negatively impacting your finances

Bonus: The Secret Side Hustle – How to Build Your Business Without

Jeopardizing Your Job • Learn how you can still market and promote your

business even if you don’t want anyone at work to know about it

• Discover the best practices for quietly building your business on the side in order to avoid getting in trouble at work

• Learn how to navigate stressful work assignments, heavy travel, or a toxic work environment without letting it affect your business

Plus, if you register today, you’ll also receive:

Week 1 of my 8-Week Branding Course, The Bankable Brand

Blueprint ($1,000 value!)

If they’re are bonuses (there should be...), mention them here and break out exactly what they’ll get in each bonus.

As an added bonus for joining me for the Escape Plan workshop, for a limited time you’ll also get access to the first week of my 8-week, comprehensive business

branding course, The Bankable Brand Blueprint. In the first week alone, you will learn:

• How to set yourself apart when it seems like “everyone and their mama” does what you do

• How to “speak your customer’s language” and get them to pay attention to you

• How to “get in their heads” and come up with products and services your audience can’t wait to buy

More Than One: The Art of Creating Multiple Streams of Income ($50 Value)

This is a recording of the workshop I led during the sold-out Your Wealthy Year tour. In this recorded workshop, you will learn:

• The financial mindset you need to adopt in order to create more streams of income and more abundance in your finances

• The 5 ways anyone can create additional streams of income, you aren’t “entrepreneurial” and have never worked for yourself before

• The 3 things you must do with your finances to begin to create multiple stream of income now

PLUS: You’ll also receive the complete transcript of the workshop as well as the accompanying worksheet to help you begin setting up your additional streams of income immediately.

Over 70% of workers are unhappy with their jobs…are

you one of them?While it seems like everyone I talk to is fed up

with their jobs, I find that few actually make the leap. That means 70% of people will spend the rest of their lives devoting 40+ hours a week to something they don’t like. How long will you stay stuck in the 70%? Or will you be one of the few

who actually escape?

Invest in Your Freedom and Join the Escape Plan Today!

Though it took me years and thousands of dollars to learn this information, because I believe

everyone should have the information they need to plan their corporate escape, I wanted to make this

workshop accessible.

Therefore, I’m making the entire Escape Plan workshop – all 5 modules and all the bonuses – available to you for just $197 total.

Make a final persuasive point before you introduce the price. If you can use statistics, do so.

Introduce the investment

Tell them why this is a good deal

Register now and get immediate access to the bonuses for only one

payment of:

$197Sign-up Now

After the Escape Plan workshop, you will walk away with:

• A clear, step-by-step game plan of what you need to do to confidently quit your job and never look back

• A business idea you can start making money with immediately, so that it only takes you months to quit your job, not years.

How much does it cost? If you offer multiple payment options, include them here.

Tell them what they’ll walk away with after the buying what you’re selling

• Complete clarity on what you need to sell and *who you need to sell it to* so you can replace your income in 24 months or less.

• Marketing strategies you can use right away to attract your ideal customers so you can start making money *before* you leave your 9-5

• Clarity on when you should invest in your business and when you should save so you don’t waste money buying things you don’t need

• A rock-solid time-management routine to help you grow your business when you’re short on time

• The tools and tricks I used to rapidly grow my business in just a few hours a day

• A game plan on how to replace benefits like health insurance and retirement so you can leave your job without leaving your peace of mind

• Insider strategies for keeping your side hustle “on the low” when you don’t want your boss or nosy coworkers to know

• Confidence when your 9-5 gets crazy because you know you’ll be leaving soon according to your timeline

• Increased daily motivation as you work your plan and get closer to quitting your job!

• And so much more!

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail Despite what you may have heard about the successful “started a business in my garage” entrepreneur, the truth is that if you fail to plan, you’re pretty much planning to fail. The only things worse than being trapped in a dead-end, low-paying job…is having to go back to that dead-end, low-paying job 6 months after quitting without a plan.

If you want to quit your job for good, you need a rock-solid plan to get you there. And the truth is, if you could have come up with it on your own, you would have already had it by now.

Don’t let quitting your job be another one of those things you wish for but don’t actually do. For less than half the cost of a plane ticket, you can set yourself up to have the freedom to do what you want and go wherever you want to go. Creating a plan that allowed me to escape my soul-crushing job and create the life of freedom I’ve always dreamed of was one of the BEST gifts I’ve ever given myself. What’s stopping you from giving yourself the same? Take advantage of this limited time offer and join the Escape Plan today!

Your Investment:

Make your final case for why they should buy.

Make your final case for why they should buy.

Register now and get immediate access to the bonuses for only one payment of:

$197Sign-up Now

Frequently Asked Questions• When does the workshop start and what’s included?

This is a recorded, 5-part teleconference workshop that you’ll have access to immediately upon purchasing. The workshop includes custom “Escape Planning” worksheets that will be made available before the start of class. All classes will take place in the evenings but if you can’t make a session, you’ll have access to the recordings that you can replay for as long as you want, as often as you want.

• How do I participate in the workshop?You will be able to participate live for each workshop module via phone or computer. All materials, including class recording, worksheets, and/or slides will be made available within 24 hours of each live session.

• When will I receive everything?Immediately upon purchasing!

Create a list of all the questions/objections someone might have that would keep them from buying. Answer them all below (including an refund policy/money back guarantees) in a “Frequently Asked Questions” section.

• Will this really help quit my job?Omg, yes! As an full-time entrepreneur who is currently coaching dozens of “side-hustlers,” I can say without a doubt that there are very common, yet specific mistakes new entrepreneurs make when launching their businesses that either keeps them trapped in their 9-5, or forces them to return to their 9-5 a few months after quitting. (Ouch!) Simply put, most newbie entrepreneurs do not yet have the marketing, sales, time-management, or planning skills necessary to successfully transition out of their job and work on their business full-time. This program is designed to help you (1) fill in those gaps and (2) create a foolproof plan that you can follow going forward.

• How can I know if I this will work for me? I don’t want this to be another thing I sign-up for and don’t use…

If you’re serious about quit your job and working for yourself…and you haven’t successfully done that yet…it’s 100% because you are lacking skills in either marketing, sales, or time-management. Once you get those areas squared away, you will know exactly what your next milestone to hit is, which is exactly what this program teaches you how to do. Though building a successful business and quitting your job isn’t easy, it is relatively simple. If you’re willing buckle down and actually learn what it takes build a solid foundation, you will be able to quit your job that much faster. I find that those who constantly complain that “nothing works for them” tend to jump from “thing” to “thing,” without ever applying the last thing they learned. The Escape Plan workshop is “ground zero” for building an “escape worthy” business. If you’re serious about quitting for good and you want to do it the right way, you need to take this class.

• What if I don’t like the workshop/it doesn’t work/it’s just not right for me?

I 100% believe in this workshop because it’s based on what I personally did to give my 9-5 the deuces. However, if you get into the workshop and feel like it’s not for you, you have up to 24 hours after purchase to request a full refund, no questions asked. Just email my team at and we’ll quickly take care of that for you. (Note: no refunds are offered if you paid via the payment plan option; refunds applies to paid-in-full customers only.)

• How much time is this going to take? And don’t have a lot of time after work as it is…

Each module (class) will last for about an hour, possible an hour and half if there are a lot of questions. Again, if you can’t make the classes live, you can always just listen to the recordings. Once you have the information, you can apply it to your business on your own time. So in short, outside of listening to 6 one hour/one-and-a-half hour sessions, the workshop will take as much or as little time as you want it to!

• If I have more questions, how can I get in contact with you?Email me anytime at!

It would be an honor to help you craft a plan to leave your job and live your dreams. Hopefully you’ll sign-up now so I can see you

inside the workshop!

To your success,Courtney Sanders

NOTE: This sales page does not include testimonials but if you have them, do sprinkle them in after you announce the product, before and after you announce the price. Even if you’ve never offered this program before, include testimonials you have from past clients who have worked with you in a different capacity. Once people go through the program and you do have testimonials, add them to the sales page.

For a simple outline/checklist of everything you need to include in your Sales Page, click here.

Final sign-off!

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