librarian to writer and doing both, kentucky library association 2015

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Librarian to Writerand doing both

Dawn Lowe-Wincentsen

Who is Dawn?

My First Publication

My first professional publication

How the first book came to be


The Experiment

Library Juice PressHi Dawn,

Alison and I have discussed your proposal, and we've decided that it's a bit outside the specific focus of our mission as a publisher, which is to take a critical perspective informed by concerns of the left, of diversity, and environmentalism. We have at times taken books that are more mainstream, but don't really have the capacity to do that right now given how much we have on our plate. So I am afraid the answer is no. That said, I think it is generally a good book proposal, and I think you'll have no trouble getting it accepted at one of the more major library publishers. Their practices and way of working with you will be more representative of the publishing industry as a whole, which I think will be more useful for your research. Best of luck with the book.Best regards, Rory Litwin

ALA Editions


Production process

Book Proposal

You as a writer

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Distrust that particular flavor

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