lenguas extranjeras: inglÉs cuadernillo para el estudiante

Post on 16-Oct-2021






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LENGUAS EXTRANJERAS: INGLÉS 15mo Cuadernillo para el estudiante

Ciclo Orientado - Nivel II




Hello! How are you? I hope you’re doing really well! This will be our last class about art. We’ve learnt about so many things: the environment, English-speaking countries, important women in history, painting, poetry, visual poetry and music. We’ve definitely done a lot! In this last lesson, we’ll learn about traditional dances from a country that we already know: The Republic of India. Are you ready? ¡ ¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás? Espero que estés muy bien. Esta será nuestra última clase sobre los lenguajes artísticos. Hemos aprendido sobre muchas cosas en estos meses: el ambiente, los países de habla inglesa, las mujeres importantes de la historia, pintura, poesía, y música. ¡Realmente hicimos un montón! En esta última clase aprenderemos sobre los bailes tradicionales de un país que ya lo vimos anteriormente: la Republica de la India. ¿Estás listo/a?


First, let’s check your answers from last class:

I’m sure you got all the questions right!


1) Sounds of the Earth: Luis Szarán The Landfill Orchestra: Favio Chavez

2) The instruments are made out of buttles, tins, pipes, funnels. All items

taken from landfills. 3) Yes, they are. They played in many


4) The Landfill Orchestra. 5) Luis: to promote education through art.

Favio: to teach children to play instruments.


Let’s check what we know about India:

What do we know about India?

• It’s a Republic. • It’s in the south of Asia. • It’s part of the Commonwealth of

Nations. • Its flag has three colors: deep

saffron, white and dark green • Official languages: Hindi and English • Other languages: Kashmiri, Nepali,

Punjabi, Gujarati, Marathi, Odia, Bengali, Tamil and many others.


Read the following article about the classical Indian dance forms.

A walk-through India: the famous classical Indian dance forms and their state of origin

India is one culturally rich country, where almost every state has its own language, cuisine, and dance forms. When it

comes to dance, India has traditional, classical, folk and tribal dance styles and all are simply amazing. All the incredible classical dances originated in the country during the ancient times, Bharatanatyam being the oldest and one of the most popular ones.

Bharatanatyam, also known as the mother of all other classical dance styles, is considered as the oldest dance forms in the country India that originated from the temple dancers in Tamil Nadu. The dance is a pure amalgam of expressions,

music, beat and rhythm. Another popular and recognized form of classical Indian dance is Kathak that originated from Uttar Pradesh in north India. This one is derived from the word katha meaning story, and during the whole dance, the dancers narrate stories through

their eyes and expressions. This one is probably one of the most attractive, dramatic and elaborate forms of classical Indian dance. Kathakali

originated in the south Indian state of Kerala, also known as God's Own Country during the 17th century. The artist performing the dance needs to have detailed make-up, wear heavy costumes and, most importantly, work on their gestures. Kuchipudi is considered one of the toughest forms of Indian classical dance that originated in the south-west Indian

state of Andhra Pradesh. The form is considered the toughest because it requires a whole lot of rituals, from lighting the incense sticks to sprinkling holy water and praying to the lord.

Manipuri dance form originated in the northeastern state of Manipur and is a pure spiritual experience. This is a theme based classical dance form that depicts Raaslila or the romantic act of the Hindu gods Radha and Krishna. Costumes and makeup play an important role here.

Odissi dance form emerged from the east Indian state of Odisha and is mainly derived from the ancient Hindu temples in Odisha. The whole dance is based on gestures and movements or mudras. The dance is performed to express the mythical

stories of the Hindu gods, such as Lord Shiva and Surya. It is also considered as the oldest surviving dance forms of India.


Join the dance with its state.



Andrha Pradesh

Tamil Nadu Kerala

Uttar Pradesh








Let’s check 1) Why is India culturally rich? 2) What’s the oldest dance? 3) What’s the meaning of Katha? 4) What’s the name of the most romantic dance? 5) Why is Kuchipudi the toughest dance? 6) What’s Manipuri based on? 7) What does the dance Odisha express?

Recordá que podés responder en español-castellano o inglés.


Como hemos estado viendo en las últimas clases, hay distintas maneras para expresarnos. Vimos distintas obras de distintos artistas de diferentes países. Después de todo lo que vimos, leímos y escuchamos, Why do you think art is necessary?



Cdor. Jorge Milton Capitanich


Dra. Analía Rach Quiroga

Ministra de Educación Cultura Ciencia y Tecnología

Lic. Esp. Daniela Torrente

Subsecretaria de Interculturalidad y Plurilingüismo Mgtr. Elizabeth Guadalupe Mendoza

Directora de Interculturalidad M.I.B. Nilda Faría

Director de Contenidos y Perfeccionamiento Docente EBI

Prof. Exequiel Bejarano

Directora de Plurilingüismo

Prof. Katia Fariña

Rectora del I.E.S. “Lenguas Culturas Chaco”

Mgtr. Susana Schlak

Producción de contenidos: Equipo técnico de Lenguas Extranjeras Dirección de Plurilingüismo - Prof. Maximiliano Sclippa

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