
Post on 19-Jul-2016






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  • 1Anatomy 1Instructor: Greg Gonsalves

    Lecture 1: Anatomical Terminology and Medical Imaging

    I. Levels of Organization of Organisms

    A. atoms (elements of periodic table)

    B. molecules (proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acid)

    C. cells (epithelial, bone, muscle, nervous)

    D. tissues (epithelial, connective, muscular)

    E. organ (stomach, heart, brain, lung)

    F. organ system (muscular, skeletal, digestive, nervous)

    G. whole organism (each different species)

    II. Anatomy - the study of the structures of an organism

    A. Gross Anatomy - structures as seen by unaided eye

    B. Developmental Anatomy - study of the anatomy of the developing organism

    1. Embryology - fertilization to third month of fetus

    C. Histology ("tissues" "to study") - structures that can be seen with the microscope suchas

    cells and tissues

    1. Cytology - study of cell structure/function

    D. Systemic Anatomy - study of individual organ system

    E. Regional Anatomy - study of structures in particular area

    F. Pathology ("disease" "to study") - study of changes in structure due to disease/injury

    III. Structure - Function Relationships

    A. Anatomy - study of structurePhysiology - study of function

  • 2B. Structure determines FunctionFunction determines Structure

    C. Charles Darwin - "Origin of the Species" (1858) - Changes in structure affectfunction: basis of evolution of all organisms

    IV. Anatomical Terminology - The Language of Anatomy

    A. Summary of Common prefixes and suffixes (Lecture Notes)

    B. Anatomical Position

    1. subject stands erect2. upper limbs placed at sides with palms forward3. feet flat on floor in natural forward direction

    C. Directional Terms (practice using them in the lab!)

    1. superior (cephalic) : inferior (caudal)2. anterior (ventral) : posterior (dorsal)3. medial : lateral4. ipsilateral (same side) : contralateral (opposite)5. proximal : distal6. superficial : deep7. parietal : visceral

    D. Planes and Sections

    1. sagittal - divides into right and left parts

    a. midsagittal - right down the middleb. parasagittal - away from the midline

    2. frontal (coronal) - divides anterior & posterior

    3. horizontal (transverse) - divide superior & inferior

    E. Body Cavities

    1. Dorsal Body Cavity

    a. cranial cavity (brain)b. vertebral cavity (spinal cord)

  • 32. Ventral Body Cavity (viscera - organs found here)

    a. thoracic cavity

    i. pleural cavity (space separating the parietal pleura and visceralpleura of lungs - like balloon pushed in with fist)

    ii. mediastinum - all contents of thoracic cavity except the lungs(eg. heart)

    b. abdominopelvic cavity

    i. abdominal - stomach, spleen, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, smallintestine

    ii. pelvic - urinary bladder, cecum, appendix, sigmoid colon,rectum, reproductive organs

    3. Other Body Cavities

    a. oral cavity (mouth)b. nasal cavity (sinuses for air passage)c. orbital cavities (eyes)d. middle ear cavities (in temporal bone)e. synovial cavities (freely moveable joints)

    V. Divisions of Abdominopelvic Cavity

    A. Quadrants (from the umbilicus - belly button)

    1. right upper quadrant (RUQ)2. left upper quadrant (LUQ)3. right lower quadrant (RLQ)4. left lower quadrant (LLQ)

    B. Regions (nine regions around umbilicus)

    Right Hypochondriac Epigastric Left Hypochondriac

    Right Lumbar Umbilical Left Lumbar

    Right Iliac Hypogastric Left Iliac

  • 4VI. Specific Terms for Various Regions (SEE TEXT!)

    A. Examples of Regional Terms

    1. axillary - armpit2. brachial - upper arm3. pubic - around genitalia4. carpal - wrist5. antebrachial - forearm6. acromial - point of shoulder

    VII. Medical Imaging Techniques

    A. Classic X-ray : radiography (radiograph)

    1. good for dense structures (bones and tumors)

    B. Computed Tomography (CT) or Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT) Scanning

    1. employs X-ray technology to create clearer image2. tumors, aneurysms, kidney stones, gallstones, etc.

    C. Dynamic Spatial Reconstruction (DSR)

    1. employs X-ray technology to see organ action/motion2. measures physiology of heart, lungs, vessels; can

    indicate abnormality/deformity in structure; tissue damage

    D. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

    1. uses magnetic properties of molecules, not X-rays2. presence of cancer cells, chemical disease of brain, spinal cord disorders, blood

    flow problems, injury after stroke, measure effects of drugs on tissues3. used chiefly on soft tissues such as brain & heart

    E. Ultrasound (US)

    1. uses high frequency sound waves2. gall stones, pelvic organs, blood flow, fetal development

    F. Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

    1. uses radioisotopes such as Carbon-11, Nitrogen-132. effects of drugs, site of molecules, cancer cells3. very good at studying glucose absorption by neurons in the brain during certain

  • 5tasks

    G. Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA)

    1. takes X-ray picture before and after administration of contrast substance to thevessels

    2. used to study vessels of the brain and heart to help prevent strokes and hearts attacks

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