lawncare business website sales funnel

Post on 22-Nov-2014






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In the next 5 minutes I will show you..

3 quick fixes for dramatically improving your lawn care website's sales funnel

So let's get started

You might be asking what is a sales funnel?

A sales funnel is just a visualization of the selling process for your lawn care business

It helps you find bottle-necks in the sales process

You have one whether you know it or not

Most Lawn Care business owners have never really thought about their sales funnel

They just try to keep up with voicemails and call people back

and It works

But it is not nearly as effective as it should be

The Result?

You are leaving thousands of dollars in business on the table

Your lawn care business is not nearly as big and profitable as it SHOULD be

Remember this tip:

It is 10 times more expensive to get a new customer than to service an existing one

A good sales funnel helps you capture more prospects

It turns more of those prospects into customers

and that makes you a lot more money

unlike the "real world" everything is painfully trackable online

That means you can easily measure and improve the sales funnel

This is MUCH harder to do with Yard Signs and Radio Ads

It is one reason why Internet Advertising is so much cheaper

You can simply optimize it

.. and stop spending money on things that are just not working

Why is a sales funnel so important with your website?

Let’s look at some numbers

Typical lawn care website funnel:

100 websites visitors = 1 sale (or worse)

Typical lawn care website funnel:

100 websites visitors = 1 sale (or worse)

Good lawn care website sales funnel:

100 websites visitors = 10 sales

When you are running ads to get customers it will matter big time

Do you want to pay $200 for a new customer?


Do you want to pay $200 for a new customer?


Or $20 for a new customer?


If you only have a typical sales funnel in place you will go broke trying to grow your lawn care business using the Internet

But you are most likely not running ads

And if you were you probably stopped pretty quickly because the ads "didn't work"

You are most likely seeing little or no results from your website.

Fixing your sales funnel is the fastest way to get new customers

Lets look at what your sales funnel probably looks like right now

Typical Lawn Care Website Sales Funnel

Website visitors

How many call you?

Prospects call and leave voicemail

Some prospects turn into customers

Lets see where you can quickly improve it

Improved Lawn Care Website Sales Funnel

Website visitors

Use Remarketing Ads to re-engage

Email & phone Capture from Web-form

Some prospects turn into customers

Measure & Optimize site to increase sales leads

Email new offers with "buy now" links

Website visitors

Use Remarketing Ads to re-engage

Email & phone Capture from Web-form

Some prospects turn into customers

Email new offers with "buy now" links

Website visitors

How many call you?

Prospects call and leave voicemail

Some prospects turn into customers

OLD Sales Funnel New Sales Funnel

As you can see fixing your sales funnel is where you need to start

Start with your site and how it collects emails

Make sure you are building an email list from your site

Then set up a remarketing PPC Campaign to get more people on your email list

Email your list regularly with time sensitive offers

This puts all your prospects back into the funnel

If you need help setting up or improving your sales funnel you can contact me at:

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