lawn care business advertising using facebook

Post on 19-Jun-2015






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DESCRIPTION - If you are running your own landscape or lawn mowing business then you really should think about using Facebook for your advertising. Facebook gives you demographic data on almost anyone. Then you can simply use this data to create your own pay per click campaign. This is not very hard to do and I show you step by step how to set up your own lawn care advertising campaign in just a few minutes. I have already done all the hard work for you so give it a try now.


How to Get New Lawn Care Customers

Using Facebook Advertising

You are probably wondering

How does Facebook advertising actually work?

Facebook places Ads

on people's news feeds

and on the right side

of their page

You only pay when someone clicks on your link

and goes to your site

Facebook shows their ads based on Demographics

this is unlike Google Adwords

Facebook people are not looking for Lawn Care Service

so your click through rate will be lower

and your traffic quality will be lower

For this reason set up Google Adwords first

Think of Facebook like instantly handing out flyers

to everyone in your city

then only paying when someone "calls" you

creating a simple Facebook campaign is pretty easy

Here is exactly how to do it

First head on over to

Set up an account if you don't have one

When you create your first ad you will see this screen

When you create your first ad you will see this screen

After you enter your URL you will see the ad creation screen

The next step is to add pictures for your ads

Pictures are what gets people to click on your ads

Facebook lets you use great stock photos

So we will use them

Pick "Find images" from the ad creation screen

Next Enter your ad text

The final step is to pick who should see your ad

Here is who you want to see your ad

First pick people in your service areas

You can add them by Zip Code or city

Then pick people 30 years old and older

Finally choose people that own a home

Here is what it should look like

Next just set a daily budget and maximum you will pay per click

After you save your campaign

Facebook will need about a day to approve everything

Then your ads will start showing

Regularly monitor your Facebook campaign

Turn off ads that are not getting you clicks

They will cause your cost per click to go up

or Facebook will stop showing your ads all together

So find the ads that are getting clicks

and improve them

to keep your costs down

Head on Over to Facebook and get started today

Contact me at….

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