kontaktirate me lahko preko...

Post on 02-Apr-2020






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Drage učenke, dragi učenci!

Pred nami je že tretji teden pouka na daljavo. Na začetku naj vas ponovno spomnim, da si

učne liste lahko natisnete, rešite in prilepite v zvezek ali pa rešitve napišete v zvezek, če

nimate tiskalnika.

Na spodnja kontakta mi lahko pošljete dodatna vprašanja in najkasneje do petka, 3. 4.

popoldne, še bolje pa sproti, pošljite tudi skenirane/fotografirane rešene učne liste in

drugo opravljeno delo, prav tako me lahko vprašate, če česa ne znate ali razumete. Sama

si sproti (v eAsistentu) zabeležim, kdo mi je poslal povratno informacijo o delu na domu.

Kontaktirate me lahko preko eAsistenta ali na e-mail naslov: tja.katja.sircelj@gmail.com


UČB, str. 84, nal. 1: V zvezek zapiši časovne izraze iz okvirčka v takem zaporedju, kot si v

resnici sledijo. Poslušaj posnetek in preveri rešitve.

Future time expressions

this evening

UČB, str. 84, nal. 2: Poslušaj pogovor med Mattom in Natalijino sestro. Kdaj bo Natalie

prosta? Ponovno poslušaj in odgovori na vprašanja.

UČB, str. 84, nal. 3: Dopolni preglednico.

Zapiši v zvezek:

Present Continuous za izražanje prihodnosti

Ta čas uporabimo, če je nekaj že v naprej dogovorjeno.

A: What are you doing tomorrow?

B: I'm staying at home. I'm watching a film with my family.

UČB, str. 84, nal. 4: Tvori povedi, uporabi časovne izraze, zapiši povedi v zvezek.

Nato oštevilči dialog, da bo smiseln. Poslušaj posnetek in preveri.

Reši še naloge v DZ, str. 54.

2. ura

UČB, str. 84, nal. 5: Napiši besedilo z naslovom A very busy person. Predstavljaj si, da si

zelo zaposlena slavna oseba, morda glasbenik, igralec, športnik ali nekdo drug. Napiši,

kakšne opravke imaš v prihodnjih dneh. Uporabi čas present continuous za opisovanje

svojih načrtov. Besedilo slikaj in pošlji učiteljici po e-pošti irena.lapanje@guest.arnes.si ali

preko eAsistenta.

Reši naloge v DZ na str. 48 in 49, če jih še nimaš rešenih.

Dodatno: Preveri svoje poznavanje časov in reši test na str. 166–169 na spletni povezavi:

https://www.znamzavec.si/vsebine/iZZV_ANG_7/index.html. Vpišeš se z istim geslom kot za

iRokus. Ali še lažje, ko imaš na spletu odprto knjigo za 7. razred v okno prekopiraj

internetni naslov in imel/a boš dostop!

V primeru, da pri reševanju česa ne znaš, vprašaj svojo učiteljico ali svojo izvajalko dodatne

strokovne pomoči.

Rešitve nalog iz UČB in DZ so na naslednji strani.

3. Ura

A. Reši vaje na spletni strani:



B. Reši učni list, s katerim boš utrjeval/a čas Present Continuous za izražanje prihodnosti.

* Nal. 4 na zgornjem učnem listu je podobna nalogi 5 v učbeniku na str. 84.

(A very busy person.) Predstavljaj si, da si zelo zaposlena slavna oseba, morda igralec/ka,

glasbenik/ca, športnik/ca ali nekdo drug. Napiši, kakšne opravke imaš v prihodnjih dneh.

Uporabi čas present continuous za opisovanje svojih načrtov.

Glej primer.

This afternoon I'm training at the gym for my new action film and I'm meeting the director at

the studio tomorrow morning. Tomorrow evening I'm having lunch with my friends Bradley

Cooper and Josh Hutcherson. At the weekend I'm having a big party at my house in Santa

Monica and then next week I'm flying to Mexico to start filming. In February I'm going to the

Oscars night in Los Angeles. (Actress Jennifer Lawrence)

Rešitve DL so na koncu gradiva.


Reši križanko, vse besede najdete v knjigi, delovnem zvezku in zvezku

Sedaj rešite še interaktivne vaje na:





Ko končaš, pritisni CHECK ali FINISH in preveri pravilnost svojih odgovorov.

Ne pozabi mi poslati fotografije rešenih vaj ali pa rešitve (samo odgovore, ne celih povedi)

napiši v zvezek.

Če nimaš dostopa do interaktivnih vaj, mi sporoči!

Če svojega učenja na domu še nisi dokumentiral(a), prosim, da naloge POSLIKAŠ in

mi jih pošlješ! Svoje rešitve lahko preveriš spodaj

Želim ti zdrav, lep in nasmejan preostanek tedna,

tvoja učiteljica(na daljavo) Katja Šircelj


UČB, str. 82 in 83:

1 1 take exams 2 pass exams 3 fail exams 4 leave school 5 get a job 6 go abroad 7 go out with

someone 8 fall in love 9 get married

2 A the future

2 C 1 Will my brother pass his history exam? d Yes, he will.

2 Will I win the race next Saturday? b No, you won’t. You’ll be second.

3 Will we walk on Mars one day? e Probably. It’ll happen one day.

4 What sort of job will I get? a You’ll work with animals, I think.

5 Where will I live? f I don’t know, but it won’t be in a city.

6 Will Natalie Price go out with me? c Perhaps she will. Perhaps she won’t.

3 will, won't; will

4 A 2 Will Matt pass his maths exam? 3 Will Real Madrid win next Sunday? 4 When will Tim and Sue

get married? / When will Sue and Tim get married? 5 Will it rain tomorrow? 6 Will you leave school


Try this! leave, abroad, pass, fail, exams, married, someone

6 A Gemini – dvojček

6 B 1 a friend 2 sad. 3 friends 4 problem 5 won’t 6 difficult 7 optimistic 8 positive 9 fine 10 different

11 better 12 exciting 13 interesting person 14 Friday 15 best

UČB, str. 84:


2 A On Saturday morning.

2 B 1 To the cinema. 2 She's babysitting. 3 On Friday. 4 No, she isn't.

3 present continuous

4 A Na primer: 2 I'm getting up early tomorrow morning. 3 Ben's babysitting at the weekend. 4

We're going to Spain next summer. 5 Mel's playing hockey on Saturday. 6 My friend is coming here

in July.

4 B A: Are you free tomorrow evening?

B: No, I’m playing basketball after school tomorrow. Why?

A: I want to go to the new cinema in Albert Square.

B: What about Friday? I’m free on Friday.

A: I’m babysitting on Friday. Are you doing anything on Saturday?

B: No, I’m not. Why don’t we see a film on Saturday night?

A: Great. I’ll text you on Saturday afternoon.

5 Primer besedila: This afternoon I'm training at the gym for my new action film and I'm meeting the

director at the studio tomorrow morning. Tomorrow evening I'm having lunch with my friends

Bradley Cooper and Josh Hutcherson. At the weekend I'm having a big party at my house in Santa

Monica and then next week I'm flying to Mexico to start filming. In February I'm going to the Oscars

night in Los Angeles. (actress Jennifer Lawrence)

DZ, str. 52 in 53:

1 2 passed her exams 3 leave school 4 get a new job 5 goes abroad 6 failed her maths exam 7 going

out with 8 taking her maths exam 9 fell in love

2 2 fly 3 You’ll see 4 take 5 visit 6 three 7 You’ll 8 spend 9 We’ll 10 ride 11 fall in love 12 won’t be

B The Sphinx C The Valley of the Kings D Abu Simbel E A camel

3 2 Will I be on television one day? Yes, you will. 3 Will I have a lot of girlfriends? No, you won’t. 4

Will Sarah fall in love with me? Yes, she will. 5 Will my exams be easy? No, they won’t. 6 Will I fail

the biology exam? No, you won’t.

4 1 b Will she be happy here? 2 a What will the questions be like? b Will they be difficult? 3 a How

much will it cost? b Will it be expensive? 4 a What will my parents say? b Will they be angry?

DZ, str. 54:

1 2 in September 3 tomorrow afternoon 4 this evening 5 on Sunday morning 6 next month 7 this


2 2 ’s sleeping; tonight 3 ’s going shopping; tomorrow morning 4 are meeting; tomorrow afternoon

5 ’s going to a party tomorrow evening 6 ’s getting; tomorrow night

3 2 Where’s she sleeping tonight? 3 Who’s going shopping with Rachel? 4 Where are Rob and Louise

meeting her? 5 Who’s having a party on Saturday?

DZ, str. 48:

1 1 Kate 2 Jane 3 Lisa 4 Paul 5 Ian 6 Kelly Kelly let the hamster out!

3 2 could 3 couldn’t 4 could 5 couldn’t 6 couldn’t

DZ, str. 49:

1 1 arrived 2 was shining 3 looked 4 were holding 5 weren’t waiting 6 decided 7 were waiting 8 got 9

got off 10 walked 11 couldn’t 12 opened 13 looked at 14 started

2 1 fence 2 bank 3 signposts 4 stream 5 flowers, plants 6 gate, path 7 grass 8 leaf 9 rock

3 1 He’s probably a teenager. 2 In London. 3 In Jamaica. 4 He thinks the Jamaican way of life was

better in some ways and the British way of life better in other ways.


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