knowing the basic facts regarding the lemon law

Post on 17-Aug-2015






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Knowing The Basic Facts Regarding the Lemon Law

The Lemon Law is actually to enforce manufacturers to replace a car that finally

ends up being defective.

If auto makers are not able to basically fix the defect components in a realistic amount of time or attempts, then the dealership or company ought to give you a full refund or


The Lemon law went into effect during the year 1980s.

There are not many individuals who know about the Lemon Law, or how to take

advantage of it.

Fixing a defective vehicle might cost lots of money, and it’s awfully irritating when you

have a malfunction car sitting at the shop for mending on a regular basis.

This article is going to help you basically understand what the Lemon Law is and exactly what to do when you purchase a

defective vehicle.

How The Lemon Law Works

The easiest way to explain the Lemon law is that it refers to a specific state law that

provides protection for people.

The Lemon Law helps protect customers from the abuse of buying an automobile that

isn't operational caused by manufacturing flaws.

There's a specific amount of time as well as attempts to mend a car or truck before it's covered under this act.

Vehicle manufacturers are required to make a number of efforts to mend the motor


The government requires these automakers to make a certain amount of efforts before

the Lemon law can be issued.

Car dealers will need to offer a rental for your hassle.

Examples Of The Lemon Law

A woman had purchased a new vehicle and had brake problems right after the woman

drove right out of the dealership.

The dealership was refusing to repair the vehicle or classify it as a Lemon.

That is a serious violation of the state law for refusing to either mend or replace the

defective parts.

Another example would be a customer obtained a car from a

dealership, and the transmission broke down and had to be replaced more than 3 times with the same issue.

In this situation, the customer should go ahead and file for the Lemon Law since the

company or dealership wasn't able to resolve the problem.

A refund or reimbursement is required by the dealer for the consumer.

The client should even be compensated for the time and money spent in the process of

trying to get their defective automobile repaired.

Though every state has different requirements for Lemon Laws, to make sure these laws apply, the automobile must have

been purchased with a warranty.

For additional information about the Texas Lemon Law, proceed to the Texas DMV


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