keysight technologies instrument service options€¦ · 27/09/2018  · find us at page 1 ˜...

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Keysight Technologies Instrument Service Options

For new equipment purchases:

Get scheduled calibrations and a longer warranty with Extended Warranty and Calibration Plans

Best choice for lifetime confidence, fastest turnaround and lowest cost

• Include service as part of your equipment capital expense at purchase

• Extend your warranty for the lowest price and enjoy the fastest turnaround on calibration and repair

• Avoid unplanned expenses and enjoy price protection against inflation for up to ten years

For existing equipment:

Enjoy continued service for a single instrument or your entire pool

Best choice for uninterrupted service, fastest turnaround and lower cost

• Pay less to continue your service coverage and still enjoy the fastest turnaround possible

• Enjoy the flexibility to choose the services that best fit your inventory of equipment

• Choose between on-site calibration service to minimize downtime or return-to-Keysight service

Always feel confident in your measurements with a plan that fits your budget and schedule

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Instrument Service Options

Option Benefits Typical turnaround

Best choice for lowest price, most convenient way to minimize disruption

For new equipment

• Lowest price, fixed for 3, 5, 7, or 10 years

• Fast turnaround through streamlined order process

• Planned calibration service with automatic email reminders of calibration due

• Return shipment included

• Less than 5 working days for calibration

• Less than 15 working days for repair

Best choice for uninterrupted service, fastest turnaround and lower cost

For existing equipment:

Return to Keysight

Lower price, for 1 or multiple years

• Fastest turnaround through streamlined order process

• Priority scheduling (US & Europe)

• Planned calibration service with automatic email reminders of calibration due

• Return shipment included

• Less than 5 working days for calibration

• Less than 15 working days for repair

For existing equipment:

VOSCAL (Volume On-Site Calibration)

• Lowest price, for 1 or multiple years

• Fastest turnaround through streamlined order process

• Hours for calibration

• 1 to 2 days for repair

Best choice for ordering convenience for medium to large inventories

Service Volume

Agreement (SVA)

• SVA Level 1

• Faster turnaround and lower administrative costs than per-incident service

• Payment only for actual service provided

• SVA Level 2 (includes SVA level 1)

• Detailed monthly usage reports

• SVA Level 3 (includes SVA level

• Monthly grouped invoice

• Less than 7 working days for calibration

• Less than 17 working days for repair

Best choice for occasional demand when pre-planning for service is not practical

Per-incident Service

• Payment for service provided • 7 days for calibration

• 17 days for repair

PLUS 10 to 30 days for purchase order approval

Page 3Find us at This information is subject to change without notice. © Keysight Technologies, 2018, Published in USA, September 27, 2018, 5990-6704EN

Learn more at:

For more information on Keysight Technologies’ products, applications or services,

please contact your local Keysight office. The complete list is available at:

Why Keysight?

The company that built your equipment knows best how to restore it to original

functionality and performance.

For ordering convenience:

Ease your administrative burden with a pre-approved purchase order

Best choice for efficient service orders for medium to large inventories

• Avoid waiting 10 to 30 days for your company to approve purchase orders

• Choose between separate invoices for each service transaction or fixed payments adjusted for services received

• Pay list prices at the time of service with no discounts

For per-incident service:

Pay as you go for calibration and repair

Best choice for occasional demand when pre-planning for service is not practical

• Use the standard quotation, approval, purchase order and invoice procedure for each service event

• Pay list prices at the time of service with no discounts

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