jwalamukhi magazine final

Post on 08-Apr-2018






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  • 8/7/2019 Jwalamukhi Magazine Final


  • 8/7/2019 Jwalamukhi Magazine Final


    Suresh Kumar I.N.Assistant General Manager

    State Bank Learning Centre,


    M E S S A G EMy dear colleagues,

    I am delighted to see the magazine Jwalaamukhi, which is being broughtout by the 3rdBatch of newly promoted JMG undergoing their FoundationTraining Programme at the SBLC.

    It is heartening to note the dedication and commitment of the batch intheir learning, which is reflected in the bringing out this magazine.

    We, at SBLC, believe in the all-round development of individuals and ourendeavour is to try to make the learning process simple, useful and enjoyable. Persuading the batch to bring out a magazine was part of thisthinking.

    Let me congratulate the batch for the enthusiasm and excitement and theirliterary and artistic talents, as evidenced in the magazine.

    My best wishes to each and every one of the participants for bright careersand happy personal lives.

    Yours sincerely,

    Suresh Kumar I.N.18.12.2009

  • 8/7/2019 Jwalamukhi Magazine Final


    tImgntmSv FSmSv kztZinbmbn {io. chn{ Hm. ]memSv PnbpsS XneI

    Nmmb AKfn {_mnse Akn. amt\PdmWv. bph FgppImc IqSnbmb cho{

    Cu IY-bn-eqsS `mjm hym]vXnbpw IqSmsX Xn-te-bvtm-Sn-sb-nb Xs Ignhpw

    \nv km\nbvpp.

    "" Ad_nSens dmWn ''

    cm{Xn-tbsd Ign-n-cn-bv-Ww. HmSn-sm--n-cn-bvp \Kcw InXp sIm-v \n{Z-

    bpsS Be-ky-n-tebvv Dh-en-p-p. Bp-e-p-sIm--n-cn-bvp Xnc-am-e-I.

    P\hmXnens Xncoe \on ]pdtbvp t\mn. \nemhp cm{Xn. ISmv tcma

    Iq]sf XgpIpIbmWv. XWp v Ccp Ibdn.

    \nemshfnn Rm ]pds Zriy Hmtcmmbn honp. Rm \np

    apdnbn \npw t\mnbm henb IaXn ImWmw. AXn\Sp v U v skantcn. 300

    hjtfsdbmbn. {Umpf {]`p ap bnIsfmsSmw hn{ianncpXv Ccw IdI

    fn-em-bn-cn-bv-Ww. ]t Fs \b-\- asmp IqSn Is--n-bn-cn-bvp-p.

    AXm... Hcp bphXn I-d-In-S-bn-eqsS Bsctbm Xncp sIm-v \Sp \op-

    IbmWv; hnclhn[pcbmb ImapInsbtmse. AtXm F\nbvv tXmnbtXm. Rm I


    \n{Z amSn hnfn-bvp-p--m-bn-cp-p. Rm Dd-m InS-p. ]t \ni-_vZX `n-

    p-sIm-v FhnsS \ntm ]n-bpsS Hmen-bn-S. P\-ep-I Xn Iqn-bn-Snv i_vZ-ap--m-

    nsm-n-cn-p-p. Hw Hcp t\ Km\-hpw. Ch-tbm-sSmw apg-n-t-p. Hcp Xcw hnc-

    lKm\w. B Km\w ASp--Spp hcp--Xmbn F\nbvp tXmn. Hcp hndb Fs

    ImepIfnbdn. B Km\w Fs IqSpX Pnmkphpw Akz\pamn amn.

    P\-en-eqsS Hcp ssI AI-tbvp \o-p hp. Hcp Idp ku-cy-nSns

    ssI Xs. Ah P\-en-eqsS AI-s-n. Rm sRn-tm-bn. skan-t-cn-bn I-

    s]p Xs. Idp kpcn. ImtaLns Idp v. \oepI. icocn t\

    Hcp sh hkv{Xw am{Xw. CS-Xq Idp Npcp- apSn-I apdnp amn-bXp t]mse.

    amdn \npw cw Henp sIm-n-cn-bvp-p.

    Rm t]Snp hnd-p. XmSn-sb-p-I Iqn-bn-Snv H-bp--m-ntbm AtXm XWp-p-

    dp t]mtbm.

    Atmgpw Ah Ic-p-sIm--n-cp-p. Ah tXn-sm-v tNmZn-p. "" \n

    sfs {]nb-X-a-s\-t-m? Fs Pohs Poh-\mb Ah-s\. apq-n-cp-]Xv hj-ambn

    Fs ]ncnnv, Fnepw Hcn FstSnhcpw F\nbvpdm.'' AhfpsS A[c

    fpw,\oemac t]msebp IpIfpw FtmSv AhfpsS IY ]dbm sh sImp

    Xmbn F\nbvp tXmn.

    apq-n-cp-]Xv hj-p apv..... I-h-S- n\p th-n t]mp-Ko-kp-Imp ]pdta

    ap bqtdm]ymcpw tIcfnsem XpSn.

  • 8/7/2019 Jwalamukhi Magazine Final


    Fm As Xnc-Iv ]dp ckn-m-\p--mbn -cp-Xv \oen-bp-sSbpw tImc-

    sbpw {]WbIYbmbncpp. sXpIbmc\mbncpp tImc. Ahs {]mWkJnbmbn

    cpp Idp kpcn \oen. tImc Ahsf Xs PohnXkJnbmn. \oenbvv hbv 18,

    tImc\v 22. \oenbpsS AwKemhWyw Ghscbpw BIjnncpp. ]t Ahsmw

    tImcs Bbp[ns aq Adnbmambncpp.Asmcp Znhkw Xnc-am-e-Isf {]I-\w sImn-p-sIm-v Hcp Uv I Cu

    sImnSpdsn. Iens \mhnI \oenbpsS kucyn {]Ya ZrjvSym Xs

    {`anp. Abmfn Imaw \pcp s]mn.

    Ap cm{Xn Abm Xs klm-bn-Isf hnv \oensb I-en-tebvv ]nSnp

    sIm-php. Ahsf cn-m-s\-nb tImcs Poh-s\-Sp-m Hcp shSn-bp-- -bpsS

    Bh-iyta hp-q. arX-tZlw Xp---fmn Ah IS-en-se-dn-p. ]ntv cmhnse I-

    en \nv Hcp t\cnb sh hkv{Xw [cn v A[ \bmbv \oen ]pdp hp. tImc

    sImsXdnbmsX Ahs\tSn Cu Xocw apgph Aep \Sp. Ahfn {]XnImcw Bfn--n. Cu kucyw sIm-tm X\no hn[n-h--sXv Hmv Ah Xs

    \o-p Npcp- apSn-I-fpw, kvX\-fpw tImcs Bbp-[-w sIm-p Xs Acnp IS-en-

    tebvsdnp. Pzenbvp IpIfpambn XoctmSn \Sp. Xs {]nbXas\tSn

    bp A\bm{X........

    IY tIp Rm \ne\mbn \nevpIbmbncpp. \oen thp thp DmZbmbn

    \Sp \on.

    Rm hnbp Ipfnp. achn icocw sas Ddntebvp \on.

    ]ntv kmbmw. Rm ISpdp IqSn \Stm apphtcmSv IqSpXet\zjnp.

    "" kmsd. \n tIXv icn Xs. GXm-v apqdv sImw apv Hcp s]p apdn-n

    Npcp- apSp-I-fs{X Cu IS-p-dp ImWp ]mb.

    Atm thsdm-cm. Ah-fpsS kvX\- c-pw Cu IS-en-\-Sn-bn c-p ae-I-

    fmbn amdnbs{X. Ah Ctmgpw shhkv{X[mcnbmbv tNmcsbmennp Ctmgpw Cu

    ISpd v IqSn {]nbXas\tSn \Spas{X. CXv tIv Rm apdnbntebvtmSn.

  • 8/7/2019 Jwalamukhi Magazine Final


    ( FdWmIpfw t{_mUvth imJbnse Akn. amt\P IhnXm, Nn{XcN\ Fo taJeIfn AXn\n]pW aebmf `mjbvsmcp apXqv. {ioaXn. Pb B., Xncph\]pcwkztZin )

    ]hnfnbpsS A

    A civanIfn XtemSn

    se angn Xpdp...........

    F angnI Ihsmcm


    Rm\mw ]hnfn

    talnp t]mbXdnbmsX !



    sb IpnndIpI



    F NndIpI Ipgbps II Ccpfpp.

    Fp \o t]mbv adp???

    hnSpw \n {]`m]qc

    sa angnIfn.

    Imncnq Rm\m hkImew

    Cu icXvImew ]nnSpw hkImew.

  • 8/7/2019 Jwalamukhi Magazine Final


    hn.hn. Dnsb FmhcptSbpw Dntb \psS kIemimesb Cu sImp Ihn

    XbneqsS \nfpsS apnsenbvpp.IgnhpI Hsmmbn Hfnncnbvp Atlw

    \ hmn IqSnbmWv. {io. hn.hn. Dn Ctm Akn. amt\P Bbn dmkvsav Bepg

    bn tPmen sNpp. \n Dntbm.

    Editors Room

    SBLC - Kochi

    Room No. 203

    Iv IvIv IvIv IvIv IvIv Iv

    Ubdn Xpd-p. `mcy kzw kplr-v. t]mn kwc-n-bvt- Npa-Xe F\n-bvv.

    Ipn-I-fm-bn-p c-p-t]cpw, kzw `mcybpw ko\n-en-. kqcy-N-{-tX-P-p-I-fpsS kn-{i-

    W-tm-sS-bp c-p a, s]Ip-n-I. BsI IqsS-bp ]p sknsbpw ]pc

    bnSntbpw A\c AhIminI. Aev]t\cw {i hontebvv t]mtbm ? t]cpn

    ]mXnbpw Ddbntebvv Fn t\mn. \ \nemhp cm{Xn. N{nImNnXamb B

    shfnn Fs mh\ XqenIbmbn Aep. GIm ]YnIt\tmse. \ kvtm v.

    GIm ]YnIs hoYnIfn Aep \Sm Fp kpJw. CXmWv PohnXw. GIm

    ]Yn-I-\mtWm AtXm ]me-n--fn \nevtWm? tNmZy-Nnw ? Ctm t]m sN--.

    Xocpam\saSpphm Xs Ddnp. CXn\nSbnemWv ""Xmtmn''bmb ]rYzncmPns jqn

    v. Ftmp Xncn-bv-Ww. h-n ]me-n Xs Hm^v sNbvXp. Io FSp-p. mv

    BIpn. Apdp jqnn\v t]mbm Iv ]dbpw. NnmXoX\mbn. apdnpsh Bn

    Hcp IjvWw FSpp. Fp ckw. Ip ]dbpXn\papv sNbvXp Xom\p tPmen

    bn hym]rX\mbn. sUbvkn Gn Hcp tPmen _mn. ]n Xncnp t\mnbn.

    Fmw t]mknohv Hm t]mknohv. Aev]w t]mepw Zb Alnbvm hn[w XqenI Nen

    bvpp. t]mfns C^IvtSm, kvtamfns C^IvtSm, AtXm emns C^IvtSm, A

    \yqs C -IvSn-t\m-SnjvSw tXmnb \nan-jw. Inn-bXv Bn-f-t. Bbp-n\v Aev]w

    ssZLyw IqSnbmtem? Hcp ISn. ]men \n Rm hon \npw h Hcp t^m

    tImtfmsS BsI Akz\mbn. ankvtImfpI anv sNbvXXv Atm Xs a\nem

    n. `Wn\v Imo\n t]mbtm samss_ FSpn F Imcyw. 20/20 bnapgpInb a\v. GIm ]YnI Huv. Cy B Huv Fnse bmKmizw Fmepw

    hnSn F an. ISnm Fs In. ]q DchmZnXzn \npw HcSn ]pc

    tImp t]mImsX Unknj tanwKv. kpP amUns bphXzn\p apn ASn]X

    dmsX aptmv. aptmv h Im ]ntmn . sXmbmepw, icnbmbmepw ssdv Cukv

    Bthbvkv ssdv. Zi\ X Ihdnse IYIfntbmSv Aev]w _lpam\w tXmn. Ipanp

    IqSp klbm{XnIcpsS IpdnpIfntebvv Aev]w kvt\lhpw _lpam\tmsSbpw

    ]cXn. Fp \ hynXzn\pSaI. Aev]w tXp an\p am{Xw _mn. Hns\mp

    sash. Aev]w _qv Asn tlmenIvkv. amXrXzns apem ChnsS aWpp.

  • 8/7/2019 Jwalamukhi Magazine Final


    ]mem-m-c kptcjv _m_p Ipw ]pdv I-m GIm-X ]Yn-I. ]s

    kvamv ImmSv \mb km_v Fkv. B. kz]v\`qanbn ]gbXpt]mse Fmw adv

    ]pXnb tan]pdw tXSn\Sp IpmSns\tmse hnekpp. lcnapcfochns

    Kmw`ocyw hStcbnse sImp I {iolcnbn apcfn. Xpjmc_nphn Ipw\v

    ImWmn\mthmsS ]n.hn. cho{. {]XotbmsS, A{]XonXambn Hpw kw`hnbvtF {]m\tbmsS ]n.sI. Fv \mb Zi\]pcnemmn N{\Kdn aphi tImem

    bn a amcpXs XtemSen kpJ\n{Zbn. ]qPmcnbpsS tdmfn Fmw `Khm\n

    Anp sIm-v, At-ls ]qP sNp Fs A]-c iin-[-c. hmg--mebnse

    hmgtmn Gbvm aqsntbm Fv Fpw sXmp t\mp amXyp tPmk v.

    \nd ]pncntbmsS s\pw hncn v Fp hmepw ]Sbvp apn Rm Xs, ]S

    bmn tPmbn. s\SpwIps {]_e\mb ImcWh Hnepw ]nne Fp sXfnbn v

    sXpapdnbn tPmkt^. ]gbmSnbnse kzmXnbn apXeaS Rm Hcp ]pXnbmSn

    Xs Bpsav kXy{]Xn sNbvXv ZmtamZtc. ssI\mnbn IngtSns {]Xn`

    ]cn tP_v hokv. Ftmgpw {]iv\mc\mb {ioevanbn sXtS v Ifcn

    bn Fp {]iv\n\pw Dcw \Imw F NqtmsS cmaN{. Hpw tamian

    m coXnbn Rm Fpw Ippta Xs \nv ]mW N{s\ t\mn ]pmpgeqXn

    \np-sav tKm]m-e-Ir-jvW-\pw, \n Ipp-ta Ib-dn-\np-sa-n Fp-sIm-v

    Iev]hramb sXns aqn, B Acphncbn Hcp sajytbpw,a\pjytbpw

    klm-b-an-msX \np-sav am\p-h Fmw ip`-ambn ]cym-h-km-\n-bvWw AXp-sIm-v

    Rm ip`mtZhn, hknse IpfncmWv. Rm Aev]w temWv, Nht\maXn Cy

    bnemWv. ssN\bnse haXnsempa Fp \nmc an B\n tXmakv. sUbvkn ]Ww

    Ipsd I--h-fm. agp-h-tcn Xd-hm-p-Im-cn-bm. Fm-nepw Pbnt ASq Cu Pb, AB. Pb. taLcmKtmsS A\]pcn Fmn\pw kmnbmIpw. IpnIpcppIv

    CjvSw. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star F Rhymes t\mSmWv Fnepw AmSn ss]Xembn

    hSpw \mYs sXmnen kpJambn Xmcmp ]mtmsS \n{Zbn. ImKnens A\p`h

    . A\p`hfpsS hnlmbn kmcmKntbn cho{\mYpw. evanIv A\amb

    sshimJ kybn \mh\nsenb A\sb IqpImcn. A\ IsgpXn

    ]qps ]qpbn cmKamenIbnencpp ]mSn tImbp\nv Hcp t{]a Km\w.

    aqhmp]pgbpsS A\p{Kl BiohmZtmsS Fk Cv Xncphbn. kqcy

    Im-nbpsS angn-thmsS Zi\ t\mp-tm ap--m-p ]m\n tXm-n tUmfn tNnsXmSp v. dmkvan sXmSp kon. `Khm \Inb Ab]m{Xw Fpw hne

    sXmWv. Ab]m{Xn Fpw lcn {]kmZw \evIp ]pncnsb {]kmZpw.

    Fm kqk mhn-te-epw. mth N-bp--v. aqp ]gp-tms F `mh-n.

    ssNX\yabnbmbn _nkn, N{\pw, XmcIfpap \Kcn ]ehw ]cXnsbnepw ]mem

    cnhn\pn HXpn. Aen Zi\ns\mdp an\nbvspw iothen CjvS

    amWv. AXp Ignt aSq. evaotZhnbmb evan \nXy {iobmWv. kqcytNXtmsN

    Dntb ASpsnbtm Ip\mS h \mWw IpWpnIfmbn, XmWp hW

    n. CXp RfpsS ImcWhcm. aepdw hmgp hmgptm. kXyw inhw kpcw. cho{s NqtSv {ioinhw shnbmcn ]dmbn. FSmn Xnfn\npp. AKfnbnse

    XWpnt\mSv Aev]w Bizmkw. AtmgmWv HmXv Fs Ipnfn. Fmw ""cmcocw''

    sXmnen \np aXn.

  • 8/7/2019 Jwalamukhi Magazine Final


    "" at\mlcn \obtm . SBLC ''

    SBLC at\mlcwapn-ep- -tm Ad-_n--S

    \obtm ISen dmWn

    sImp sImp \uIIsfs

    Iqn-sIm-p t]mIpp _mey-n

    _meynse IfntmgntbmsSm

    sa{X Ifn hn Rmt\mSnp.

    _meynse hnkvabambncp

    Ise apntemSnfnpp.

    ]ns No\ he at\mlcamw ISpdw

    SBLC \obtm at\mlcn

    hn.hn. Dn


  • 8/7/2019 Jwalamukhi Magazine Final


    AImfnse Dmv

    1. Iv Iv Editors Room - No. 203 bp.]n. iin[cBepg sabn

    2. at\mlcn \obtm SBLC - hn.hn. Dndmkvsav,Bepg.

    3. ]hnfnbpsS A Pb. BFdWmIpfw t{_mUvth

    4. Ad_nSens dmWn cho{. Hm


    5. JUST TO THINK - Joy P.V. RCPC,Palakkad

    6. I^yqj cho-{-\m-Y.sIImbwIpfw

    7. The Birth Place of Kathakali - Darsana. SRASMECC - CALICUT.

    8. \nhrXn cmaN{. Sn. sPsXmSp]pg

    9. ""DXpm, Atbvv {]Wmaw'' kptcjv _m_p sI. BImmSv

    10. Wagah Border - Annie Thomas


    11. I. C. E - Murali .V

    RBO, Kollam

    12. 13-1028972 Lakshmi . R.

    CGMC, Calicut.

    13. ap bp.]n. iin[c

    Bepg sabn

  • 8/7/2019 Jwalamukhi Magazine Final


    ^ut--j t{]m{Kmw t^m \yqen {]tam-Uv sP. Fw. Pnkv {]Im-i\w sNm

    Dtinp amKkns t]cv ( Isgp v amKkn )

    1. "" Ad_nSens dmWn''

    2. kv]\w

    3. Hsmcpa

    4. XqenI

    5. ]pjv]men

    6. DWp]mv

    7. apXp apX ]smp hsc

    8. Ifcn IpdppI

    9. aghnv (RAINBOW)10. tkm]m\w

    11. RfpsS Ipdp hntij

    12. {]Imi[mc

    13. The Rising

    14. hbm{K

    15. Fifty Plus

    16. Reflections

    17. IentkmkvtIm v

  • 8/7/2019 Jwalamukhi Magazine Final


    kpap-J\pw, kp-c\pw, tImgn-tm-Sns A`n-am-\-hp-amb {io. cho-{-\m-Y .sI.

    \mSn\p th-n ]S s]mcp-Xnb Hcp [oc Phm-\mWv ImKn-ens t]mcm-fn. Ctm Imbw-

    Ipfw {_mn Akn. amt\Pcmbn tPmen t\mpp. Cu \pdpp kw`hw Hcp I^yq

    j\mbn ]cnWansp am{Xw. Fm IgnhpIfp Hcp \ FgppImc\mhpI AXmWv

    aqcpsS kz]v\w. kz]v\w bmYmyamIpXv Cu hmpIfneqsSbmWv.


    Cuizcm Fm Fgp-tX--Xv ? c-p Znhkw apv a\-n Ib-dn-q-Snb Hcp tNmZyw......

    ktmjhpw Zp:Jhpw \nd PohnXntev Ccw AkzXI ]etmgpw ISp

    h-n-p-- v. Cv {]tXy-In-smcp Imc-W-ap--p-Xm-\pw......... a\v Hcp ]n-sb-tmse ]mdn-

    mdn \Spp....... eyw ImWmsX \ncmi am{Xw...........Fm IgnhpIfpap Hcp \ FgppImc\mhpw kz]v\ambncpp.... ]t AXn\v

    Fs IgnhpI t]mcm Fsmcp tXm..... ^ew AkzX Xs. amKkn\v ]pXnb

    krjvSnI thWsav Adntm XpSnbXmWnXv. ]t Bw^n mkpw, _mekv

    jopw Ignnv FhnsS kabw ?

    taUw {in-p-p-s---dn--tm-gmWv sRn-bp-W-Xv. ]ns {i mkn-tev

    Xncnp....... _mdpsS temItv..........

    cho{\mY. sI


  • 8/7/2019 Jwalamukhi Magazine Final


    ( sImSpq kztZin. Bepg sabn {_mn Akn. amt\Pdmbn tPmen t\mpp.

    55 Ign ap t]cpnIv Cu IhnXbneqsS efnXamb `mjbn IY ]dp

    sImSppp. )


    \mepw Iqn apdpn apNmcp Itkcbn Nmcnbncpp apapnY sNmo aphtmfm_otem Xpn ap

    ( \mepw)apXp apmcpsS IY sNmobo ap

    aqh sNmpw apXps\nmBZyw Ibvpw apXp s\nms\nmbpsS IY sNmobo ap

    (apXp)]mhbvmbpsS IY sNmobn ap]mhw ap Fp Ignsmcp apt]cbvmbpsS IY sNmnbo apt]cpnsb aSnbnencpn ap

    (]mhbvm)Anfn amas\ sIm-p-X-cmao ap- sNmn ap-

    AS apm sNmn t]cpnIfpwAcamsI ]cXn IpnIfpwAtm Xmc IYIfpw sNmn apR ]c hnUvVnItfm ? ASm apm

    (Anfn)Cs\n ImeanXtm apm.C shj ImeanXt apmhnUvVnIfmmsX RsS apmhnZy ]dp Xcq apm.


    bp.]n. iin[cBepg

  • 8/7/2019 Jwalamukhi Magazine Final


    {iocmaN{, CcnmepS ASpp FSpfw F sImp {Kmanse hfp hcp

    IemImc\mWv. am\khoWbn {ipXnaon FmhcptSbpw arZpe hnImc DWn

    bmWv hchv. \nhrXn Fmhpw CjvSsSpw. {iocmaN{ Akn. amt\P Bbn sXmSp

    ]pg {_mn tPmen sNpp. \n {iocmaN{.


    am\khoWbn {ipXn aon.....

    arZpe hnImcfpWo...

    am\k Xmcbn \ocmSn

    a[pcw \pIcm hchmbn

    amc a[pcw \pIcm hchmbn

    F- cmm-hn

    F at\mapIpcn

    akvanXw XqIn \o hp.

    \nhrXn tXSp \nanjfn

    \nXy hkambv \o hp.

    kpco..... \npsS akvanXn Rm

    kpc kz]v\ s\bvXp...

    B\]pfInXam \nanjw

    Akpe` \nhrXn Adnq Rm

    Akpe` \nhrXn Adnq.

  • 8/7/2019 Jwalamukhi Magazine Final


    ""Im, Benem ''""Im, Benem ''""Im, Benem ''""Im, Benem ''""Im, Benem ''

    Zi\w XnSptamsb Im

    \nkpkvtac hZ\m

    XgpInSptamsb Im



    XnSptamsb Im



    tInptam B kpc

    cmKsa Im

    \n HmSpgen\m

    BSnSptamsb Im



    sNmcnbptam \n



    Pb. B

    t{_mUvth {_mv

  • 8/7/2019 Jwalamukhi Magazine Final


    ( \mpsshZynep (Haqen) am\phens ]mWvUnXyw \n IgnhXpw D]tbmK

    sSppI. am\phembn sNm Ignbp Fm Imcynepw am\ph. Sn. tPmk v

    apnemWv. Cucmpt] kztZinbmb Atlw Ctm dmkvsav Iqcn Akn. amt\

    Pcmbn tPmen t\mpp.)

    \mpsshZyw Haqen

    s\nmtXmSv ]men ]pgpn s\v tN v s\nbn ]pcnbm XethZ\ ianpw.

    s\n s]mSn v sNdptX\n Nmen v cmhnse tkhnpI {]talw Ipdbm \Xv.

    sNnpn\v N\hpw IcnocIhpw ]\\ocn Ac v s\nbn ]pcpI.

    IS Ipnbm appn s\n Ac v IgnpIbpw ]pcpIbpw sNpI.

    sXm--th-Z\ apb sNhn-b kaqew CSnv ]ngnv \ocv FSpv sXm--bn ]pc-p-I.

    Xmc sNdp]b s]mSn ssXcn Ien Xebn tXpI.

    apJs Idp ]mSv ]mepw t\{ghpw Ipg v In\p Xmsg ]pcpI.

    hb-dn-fw sNdp-\m-c-m-\o-cn Ccn sNdp-tX tNp c-p aqp t\cw Ign-p-I.

    DZctcmKw iXmhcnngv ]m tN v IgnpI.

    Aacpcp tX\n Nmen v apJp ]pcnbm apJw amwkfamIpw.

    apJpcp anbne \ocn as]mSn tN v InSm t\cw ]pcpI.

    ap, Cn, Dn Ch Ac v tX\n Nmen v Ignm an DZctcmKfpw ianpw.

    Ic tcmKw Iogms\n ]men Ac v IgnpI.

    ckw shfppn ]m Ijmbw IgnpI.

    Ij-n amdm\pw apSn hf-cm\pw Icn-o-c-I-ns F ]pc-p-I.

    ]\n Xpfkn ]ngn \ocn tX tNp IgnpI.PetZmjw sNdp\mcm \ocn tX tNp IgnpI.

    hmbptIm]w Cn NXn Nmb IpSnpItbm shfppn Npp XnpItbm sNpI.

    sNhnthZ\ GXm\pw Xpn Dn \ocv NqSmn sNdpNqtSmsS sNhnbn HgnpI.

    sXm--th-Z\ sXbne Cp Xnf-n shw sXm--bn sImp-I.

    am\ph Sn. tPmk vdmkvsav Iq.

  • 8/7/2019 Jwalamukhi Magazine Final


    (]p Xeapdbvv {]tNmZ\ambn ]memmc kptcjv _m_p. "" DXp Atbvv

    {]Wmaw '' F Cu IY \nthpw CjvSsSpw. krjvSnIfpw, cN\Ifpw XpSpw

    kptcjv _m_p \SWw. Xmv \n. {io kptcjv _m_p Akn. amt\P Bbn

    Immv imJbn tPmen sNpp. )

    DXpm, Atbvv{]Wmaw

    Av Hc-h[n Znh-k-am-bn-cp-p. tPmenbvv t]mtI--. Av aWnbvv Xs Dd--

    apWp. {]tXyIn v av Xncsmpan. Fm Ipdp t\cw IqSn InSmw. Ipsdb

    [nIw t\cw Ddw hcmsX InS-p. Ftmtgm ho-pw Dd-n. Atm-tgbvpw Ab-es

    hon \npw GtXm b{ns i_vZw ImXn hv Xpfp Ibdn. Ddw XSs

    tZjyn Fgptv hmXn Xpdv apndn t\mn. ]md Xpcp Pmv lma

    {]hnnpIbmWv.]v tXv apJw IgpIn h-tm-tgbvpw {ioaXn Nmb-bp-ambn hp. ""Nmtm

    kmdns aqSnb InW av amn ]mds]mn v Bgw IqpIbmWv.'' AI v Ibdn hmXnepw

    P\epw ASp.

    ""B InW hjp apv Npw Nhdpw hmcnbnv aqSnfXt ? ]ns

    bnw Fn\o ]mgvthe \Spp ? Rm Xncn. "" F v sNmw, ss]n shan.''

    Rmt\m v t]mbn, Imcysams icnbmWv. ss] v IW Innbtmtg ap

    ]etcbpw t]mse BZyw Ah sNbvXXv InW Dt]npIbmbncpp. \ Ip\o

    t]mes shw. ]t hm AtXmdnnbpsS shambncpp Fmhpw Imcyw.apw an\sSpppshv ]dv sshImsX InW \ncn. ss]n Hcp amkambnv

    Xpn shan. CSbvsm\pw hsn Xs \mdp Ieshw. hctbm ?

    ASp Ime-spw Cn-s\-bp--m-bn-n-. Ctm-gt InW-dns hne a\-n-em-p--Xv.

    ]{Xmc ] Xnbntev ]{Xw hensdnbp i_vZw tIv IXIv Xpdp.

    ]{Xns {]mtZinI t]Pnsemw Pemans hmI Xs. IpSfpw ]m{Xfp

    ambn IpSp-sh hnX-cW h-n Imv \np \mp-Im-cpsS Nn{X--fpw.

    AXn-\n-S-bn-semcp hm I-p. "" Pet{kmXpI, ]pgI Fnh aen\sSp

    pXns\Xnsc P\sf t_m[hcnm Cv sshInv 5 aWnv \Kck` apssI

    sbSp v s]mXptbmKw \Spp.'' lm ! \ Xami, tXmntepw AXv hgn Bntepw

    aen\PesamgpIp aySbvpw NmbSbvpw Iv jmn\psaXnsc A[nImcnIv

    F{X IsgpXn. AsXmpw ImWm \Kck` Ctm ]mhw \mpImsc Ipmcmn.

    NmcpItkcbn InSv _mn hmIfntebvv ItmSnp.

    * * * *

    sshInv \Kck`bpsS s]mXptbmKthZnbpsS Aev]w AIse Rm \nevpIbm

    bncpp. ]Xnhn ]Sn aonwKv NSpI XpSn. kzmKXw, {]kwK, \Kck`bpsSDtZymKcpsS DZvt_m[\.

  • 8/7/2019 Jwalamukhi Magazine Final


    AXn\nSbnemWv, hSnbpsS klmbtmsS t]mepw \nhv \nm hmsX

    Hcp hr amdn \nv {]kwKw tIpXv {inXv. 80, 90 hbsnepw ImWpw. Fhn

    sStbm hv I--Xp-t]m-se. ap]-cn-N-b-amtWm ? AtXm shdpw tXmtem ? ASp v sNv

    tNmZnmtem ?

    Rm t\mp-Xv I-mtWm Ftm Fsbpw Atlw t\mp-p- - v . Rm

    ASp v sNp.

    "" Fhn-sStbm hv I-n-p- -tm? FmWv t]cv ?''

    "" Fs t]cv ? Fs t]cv Rm Xs adnv Imetfsdbmbn. Fnepw Rm

    ]dbmw. "DXpm'.

    Rmt\mp. "DXpm' FhnsStbm tIv \ ]cnNbap t]cv. Rm ktln v

    \np-Xv I-v B htbm-[n-I Nncn-p. Fnv ]Xn kzc-n ]d-p. ""Imcq

    km Fgp-Xnb Hcp IY-bp--tm ? Hm IY-bpsS t]cpw Rm ad-p. IY Rm hmbn-n-n -

    . FgpXm\pw hmbnm\pw Rm ]Tnntm. Hm Hm hp "" DXpms InW'' Btcm

    hmbnp Xv Rm a\-n-em-n-bn-p--v. AsXs IY-bm-sW-v.''"" Fs apJw ]cn-{`aw sIm-v hnf-dn. apJv hnbv Xpn-I s]mSn-p. Fs

    ]mc-hiyw I-n-mImw Xs s\n-bn CSXv ssIn tNv Atlw kqnv t\mn-

    bnv tNmZnp.

    "" Fm hnizmkw hcpnt ? ''

    "" Xm InWn NmSn acnpshv ]dmWtm Imcq kmdns IY Ahkm\n

    pXv. ]nsbntm ?

    "" Ctm, Rm\nhnsS \nfpsS apn. acnhv AsXmpw henb Imcya.

    AhvAkmyambsXmpw XsbnsvAdnbmatm ? acnmepw Rsfms ChnsShcpw, Fmw ImWpw, tIpw.

    BZys ]cn{`aw hnpamdnbtm R XnI kulrZnsen. kao]s,

    ISbpsS apn Cncp _n Bsfmgntm AXn R m\w ]nSnp.

    Xs apjn tXm kn Hmc v h v amdnSw aqSnnSp \c XmSn XtemSn Atlw

    Ftm Nnnp sIm-n-cp-p.

    FhnsSpSWsav Hm v Rm hnjanp.

    ""Av Ipgn InW Fhn-sS-bm-bn-cppshv Hmp-pt-m''?

    "" Hm-bp-t-m-v. \K-c-ns AXnn-bn c-v tdmUv tNcp Hcp aqe. Hcp{XntImWw. Fs\ adm. ?'' Atlw ZoLambn Hv izknp.

    "" Nne ]d-p. B ev Hcp Nmb-o-SnI XpS-n-bm \mev Imiv D-m-m-

    sav. Hcmfv ]dp. InWdns aXnen Fs t]scgpXn hm t]cpw {]ikvXnbpw

    Inp-sa-v. CsXms Bv thW-am-bn-cpp ? Fm-hcpw Fs {`m-\mbn I-p. B

    InWn \npw aXnhcpthmfw shw IpSn \mpImcpw Ahkm\w Fs ssIhnp.

    Ahcpw \Kck`bpsS IqsS \np "" B InW aqSm th-n ''. Atlns IpI

    fn \nv Ip\o HgpIn, \c XmSnbneqsS Dundn.

    "Xqsc KXn sIm IpSnp NmIm Ah\p h-h-cp-tSbpw InW-d-t\z-jn---tm? '

    Fsmcp cknI \nnp. Rm a\ntemp.

    Hcp \nan-js au\w `RvPn-p-sIm-v Atlw XpSp.

  • 8/7/2019 Jwalamukhi Magazine Final


    "" \nsmpw Ctm InWdpw tXmSpw Bdpw Hpw th-tm? Ipg shw ]cn-

    jvmcamnbh AsXmw \innp. InWsdmw aqSn. Bnepw tXmnepw amen\y

    Hgpn. AXv XSbm NpaXesh {]kwKfneqsS km[mcW P\sf ]gnbvpp.''

    Atlns ]cnlmkw s\n IqcpIfmbn Xdp Ibdn. Atmgpw tbmK

    e v {]kwKw s]mSn s]mSnpp.

    ""]mSfpw Ipffpw anv \nIn. ImhpI shn shfpnp. aWsemw hmcn

    hmcn ]pgsbmw sNfn \ndp \inp. Fmw ]ptcmKa\ns t]cv ]dv. Irjnbmb

    Irjnsbmw \ndpn. Fmn\pw A\y\mpImsc B{ibnpp. AhcpsS temdn hn

    sn \psS ASpfbn Xo ]pIbn.'' tcmjw Ie B i_vZw Dnembn. ap

    -h tIp-pt-m Fv Rm Nppw t\mn. Nne-scms {in-p-p-- v.

    k`ns ]ncnapdpw Ipdbvm Rm tNmZnp. ""Rms\mcp kwibw tNmZn

    bvs ? KmnbptSbpw `mcXntbpw kzmX{yn\p tijap Ahbt {]Xo

    ImIambn XmfneqsS Imcq Nn{XoIcnncnpXv. {]tXyInv InW Hcp {]XoIat?

    `mcX alm-cm-Py-ns? \psS \mSns Cs Ah KmnPn I-n-cp-s-n B-lXy sNpambncppshv \apv Xs tXmnbnnt?

    "" CtX kwibw ]ecpw t\cs {]I-Sn-n-n-p--v. IqSp-X ISv Nnnv t\mn-

    bm icnbpamWv.''

    "" Csmhpw ]Ww am{Xw aXn. aphs Imcyw Bcp Nnnpp ? ASn

    apdnIfn. sSenhnjs apn temIw HXppp. Abmcs hon ASpp ]pI

    n-s-n \ap-sv ? Ah-\p--n-s-n \ap-sm-p-an-.Ihpw NXnbpw Ac-p-hm-

    gpnS v F v kXyw, \oXn ? Imhv ]dp. " k\phv kzcmPyn

    {]thinpI F{X Zpjvcw ! HIw kqNnpgbneqsS ISp t]mIpXmWv [\nIkzcmPyn {]thinpXnt\m Ffpw.''

    C{Xbpw ]dnv Atlw ssIIfpbn Hcp \nanjw ISp.

    Ipt_m[w \nd a\pambn Rm Atlns apn \n_vZ\mbncpp.

    ]Xps, Npfn-hp-I hoW Icw {Kln-p-sIm-v ]d-p. ""Av Rsf shdpcpXv.Po

    hnXkmlNcyfpw Xncpsamw P\sf amn adnncnpp. kaqlnse Hcp \yq\

    ]w sNp AXn{Ia Fmhscbpw _m[nbvpp. {]tXyInpw Cu IenIme


    Atlw IpI Xpdv Fs t\sc t\mn. "" Ipt , Fmw icn Xs. PohnXns Ahkm\nm Xncn Fmw ssIbSm `qcn]hpw HmSpp. AXn\nS

    bn \oXnbpw [hpw Bcdnbm. Ccpn Hs Nne Zo]\mf {]Imiw ]cn

    AhnShnsS Ipp. AsXms Bcdnbm.''?

    s]sv Xs tXm kn ssIbnseSp v, Atlw Fgptp. bm{X ]dp.

    ""Rm t]mIt Ipt ?'' Rm tNmZnp. "" FtmmWv AbpsS bm{X?''

    "" Ftmsn. CltemImImw, ]ctemImImw. RsXmpw {]bm

    kap Imcyatm ?'' B apJ v Hcp t\cnb ]pncn hnSp.

    Rm hnj\mbn t\mn \nevsh, B Ip\n icocw Bqn ad


    CXnt\mSIw aonwKv Ignv Bm ]ncnncpp. Rm\pw ]nsbhnsS \nn

  • 8/7/2019 Jwalamukhi Magazine Final


    . DXp-ms cq]hpw Atlw ]d hmp-Ifpw Fs lrZ-bs aYn-p-sIm--n-cp-p.

    Imcq FgpXnb B IY BZyw hmbnXv aptXm aptm hjv apmWv.

    ho-pw F{Xtbm Bhn hmbn-n-cn-p-p. IY-bnse hmIy- ]eXpw Hm-bn-tev

    ISp hp.

    ""Ahs lrZbhnipnbpSsS ASnv ImWms\ hw InW Npgnndn.''"" ]Wnep hm]oIq] Am\w sNbvXp XpSn. DXpms Ipgn

    IpI Bm\w hlnp. "" B sXfn\o Atls amtdmSWp.''

    * * * *

    "" ]{Xw hmbn-n-cpv ho-pw Dd-n-tmtbm ? mcy hp hnfn--tm-gmWv DWXv.

    NmcpItkcbn InSv F{X t\cw Ddntbm ? aWn Fc Ignncnpp. IXIv Xpdv

    t\mnbtm ap v a shbn ]cncpp. Atmgpw Pmv lmadns IItTmc-amb i_vZw tIp-p--m-bn-cp-p.

  • 8/7/2019 Jwalamukhi Magazine Final



    AXn]pcmX\hpw A`nam\mlhpamb Hcp kmwkvmcn ss]XrIns t\chIm

    inIfmWv aebmfnI. {]IrXnbpw kwkvmchpamWv tIcfns Ghpw henb k

    v. \psS al-mb ss]Xr-I-w Imp kqn-p-hm Hmtcm tIc-fo-b\pw IS-a-bp--v.

    \psS \mSpw Pohn-X-co-Xn-Ifpw \qm--p-Iv apv F-s\-bm-bn-cp-p-shv a\-n-em-

    phm Ccw {ia A\nhmcyamWv.

    {]mNo\ mcXns IhmSambncpp apkncnkv. ]pcmWtfmfw ]gap hym]mc

    kmwkvImcnI hn\nab tI{hpw kamb XpdapJ ]Whpamb apkncnknemWv ^n\o

    jycpw CuPn]vpImcpw {KopImcpw tdmammcpw IhSn\mbn FnbXv. {InkvXpaX

    n\pw blqZaXn\pw Cmw aXn\pw Cybn BZys A`b tI{ambXpw Chn

    sS-bmWv. ]t ]Xn-\memw \qm--n s]cn-bm-dn-ep--mb s]cp-sh ]mn-en Fmw ad-

    bv-s-p. apkn-co-kns s]cpa Ncn{Xw am{X-am-bn. \qm--p-In-pdw apk-cn-kns KX-

    Ime{]uUnbnse tijnpI kwcnm\pw Ahsbpdn v ]pXp Xeapdv hnm\w

    ]Icm\pw Hcp {iaw AXmWv apkcnkv ss]XrI ]Xn.

    Hcp hym]mc tI{ambn apkcnkv D`bw sNbvXXv FmsWv IrXya. hmevaoIn

    cmambWn apcNo]\sapw Xangv IrXnIfn apNndn Fpw `mkvIc hbpsS

    PqX imk-\-n (F.-Un. 1000) apdn-b-tm-sSpw ChnSw ]cm-ain--s]-n-p--v. ]noSv

    atImssX, atlmZb]pcw, atlmZb ]Ww Fo t]cpIfnemWv AdnbsncpXv. lnm

    ekv Imns KXn I-p ]nSn--tXm-sS-bmWv ChnSw tdma hmWnPy tI{-ambn amdn-b-Xv.

    kmcnbpw Ncn{XImc\pamb o\n Cybnse Ghpw {][m\s XpdapJw FmWvapkcnkns\ hntijnnnpXv.

    tdma hym]mcIme v ApXIcamb A`nhrnbmbncpp apkcnkn\v. \mWb

    , ]pjycmK, t\hkv{X, A\w, ]hngw,ImSn, sNv, XIcw, Cubw,

    hov, ]\tbme XpSnbh ChntSv CdpaXn sNbvXtm IpcpapfIv, apfI, Zw,

    ]v, h{P- XpS-n-bh Ib-p-aXn sNbvXp. _n kn Hmw \qm-v apX PqX-m, Ad-

    _n-I, t]mp-Ko-kp-Im, Up-Im XpS-n-b-h-cp-ambpw hym]m-c-_w D-m-bn-cp-p.

    Hcp Ime v apkcnkv Fv t]cn tIhntI aytIcfnse Xriq FdWm

    Ipfw Pn-I-fnse tIm-p-dw, sImSp--q, ]d-hq Fo {]tZ-i--fn \qm-pI ]g-ap Hcp \mKcoIX \ne\nncpp Fv DZvJ\\fneqsS t_m[ysncnpIbmWv.

    Cu {]tZiw tI{ambn apkcnkv ss]XrI ]Xn kmmXvcnpIbmWv.

    ]Ww DZvJ\\w

    FdWmIpfw PnbpsS hSt As hntPmb hStcbn sImSpqcn\pw

    ]dhqcn\pw CSbnep s]cnbmdns Xocp Hcp {Kma{]tZiamWv ]Ww. ]p hjw

    apv ChnsS Hcp ]dv Ipgntm Innb Nne ]pcmhkvXpfn \nmWv ]Ww ]cy

    thjWw Bcw`npXv. ]Wfn \nv Innb a]m{XIjvWfpw CjvSnIIfpw

    ]Tn tUm. tdm_m tSm F {_nojv a ]m{X--fpsS IjvW- Ds-v

  • 8/7/2019 Jwalamukhi Magazine Final


    nco-I-cn--Xv. XpSv ChnsS _lp-hn-jb kz`m-h-ap Kth-jWw \S-p-I-bp--m-bn.

    2007 ChnsS DZvJ\\ XpSn. 3000 hjw apv ( Ccpv bpKn) ChnsS P\

    BZyambn Xmakw XpSn FXn\v kqN\I e`np.

    ]ntajybn \npff ]m{XIjvW e`ntXmsS e_\, ]mekvXo, C{km

    tb XpS-nb {]tZ-i--fn \nv Bfp-I ChnsS Fn-bn-p--m-Im-sav Icp-Xp-p.Ncn-{Xm-cw` Imev tdma _-ap--m-bn-cpp F-Xn\v sXfn-hp-I e`n-p. Awt^md

    FdnbsSp hov ]m{XfmWv Chbn {][m\w. _n kn 100 apX FUn 400 hsc

    bpff ImeLnse kzWm`cWfpsS IjvW, \mWb, kv SnI ]m{X,

    kv^Sn-I- nepw Ip-I-fnepw \nan Bbn-c--W-n\v app-I Fnh e`n- n-p--v. Cm-

    emhmw ]Ww temI{]ikvXamb hmWnPytI{ambncpXv Fv IcpXpp.

    IuXp-I-I-c-amb ]e hkvXp-fpw ]-W-n \npw Is--Sp-n-p- - v. BdSn \of-

    ap Bn-en-bn-ep Hcp H-Sn hn, CjvSn-I-I sIm-pw Ip-I sIm-pw D-m-

    nb IS-hv, hn sIn-bn-Sm-\pff ac-p-n-I, hS-ns IjvWw ]--I-im-e-bpsS Ah-injvS Fnh Ahbn NneXpam{Xw. Cybn \npw CXphsc DZvJ\\w sNbvXh

    bn Ghpw ]gapff IShpw hnbpamImw ChsbmWv imkv{XcpsS A`n{]m


    C{X _rl-mb Hcp kmwkvm-cnI ss]XrIw CXp-hsc Bcp-tSbpw In

    s]SmsX InSXv Fs\sbmWv imkv{X AZv pXsSpXv.

    {]Xn-Imc cp{Z-bmbn ama-e-I Xm-n h I-In, Cy-bn {InkvXp-a-X-n\v ASn-

    dbn sk v tXmakv, Cmw aXw {]Ncnnms\nb, {]hmNIs injy\mb amenIv

    Zn\m Cs\ sFXolynepw Ncn{Xnepw m\w ]nSn Htsd t] apkcokns

    Ncn{Xhpambn _sncnpp.

    ss]XrI k- ns kwc--W- n-\mbn Bcw- n- n-p apk-co-kn\v ss]XrI

    ]Xn tIcfnse kmwkvmcnI Sqdnkw taJev ]pXnb DWhv ]Icpsav \ap


    sUbvkn. Fw. F

    apkcokv ]W \nhmkn

  • 8/7/2019 Jwalamukhi Magazine Final


    In the sea of evolving identities

    In order to understand a society we must first understand the individuals. He who knows

    one knows all; and he who knows all, alone knows one. For a welfare state its citizens

    should be able to overcome the individual problems. An individual faces three types of

    problems, physical,social and spiritual. To cater ones physical needs economic power is

    required. To regulate these-of commerce, trade, money, and distribution--the states ad-

    ministrative machinery is required. Hence, multitude identities evolved out of various func-

    tions and responsibilities.

    In a social setup money was invented to enable us to share goods and services in aequitable manner. Today, however, it possess major problems. Selfishness of individuals

    defeated the very purpose for which these social establishments were set up.

    The power centres created for solving individual problems have often themselves turned

    into problems. From being created as a means to fulfill means, money has come to

    be,flaunted as a status symbol. Money, because of its purchasing power, is a much sought

    after commodity. Hence there is rich and poor divide its scarcity among some gives rise to

    theft and corruption. Thus enforcing law and order is also therefore become the duty of


    To solve these spiritual problems of individual religions are formed. The true religion

    stands for unity and harmony. There are some who say that religions failed to solve hu-

    man problems. But that is because the religion is used to accumulate wealth, cure dis-

    ease and to win legal suits. More importance is given to name and form. Religion is not

    meant for these things. It is meant to elevate our consciousness on the spiritual plane. So

    called religious wars caused not by religion but its form and name. The sole of religion is

    unity. No war can be fought without destroying the spirit of religion. Vedanta propounds

    the principle that all sentients beings originated from same source. Jain philosophy also

    asserts that alls sentients beings are alike.Christianity and Islam teach us that all human

    beings are children of god. Could human beings are fought each other if human beings

    are practice the above feelings of unity and harmony ? Could one individual who actually

    believes in god have exploited another ? Could one man have hatred one another ? The

    feeling of unity and harmony with every one is spirit of religion. The greater the identity

  • 8/7/2019 Jwalamukhi Magazine Final


    one feel with other, the more religiosity he imbibes. Thinking on the line convinces me that

    we have merely touch with the veneer of religion but never felt its inner core. What we

    have seen are the outer garments.

    I hope this small thought I put forward may help you in taking things in right prospective

    and help to solve some problems you may face in your life.

    P.J. PAUL

    Deputy Manager(officiating) Kaipuzha branch 8620

  • 8/7/2019 Jwalamukhi Magazine Final


    Shri. Joy . P.V. , the native os Angamali is working as Asst. Manager, RCPC Palakkad.

    Just Think, Just share and Just listen. The seence created by Shri. P.V. Joy in this small

    tips is highly appreciated. Thanks.

    Just to think.................

    The best answer to anger is silence.

    We cannot predict the future, but we can prepare for it. you cant establish sound security

    on borrowed money. A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner. The journey of thousand

    miles begins with one step. He who commences many things finishes but few. A man in a

    passion rides a horse that runs away with him.

    A man who truly wants to make the world better should start by improving himself and his

    attitudes. Independence is of more value than any gifts, and to receive gifts is to lose it.

    Justice delayed, is justice denied.

    If you have knowledge, let others light their candles at it.

    Take the tools in hand and carve your own best life.

    Labour is a pleasure in itself.

    Leadership is action, not position.

    Taking is sharing, but listening is caring.

    JOY. P.V.


  • 8/7/2019 Jwalamukhi Magazine Final


    ( Smt. Dharsana S is well known about all facts and figures. In this, she briefly describes

    the birth place of Kathakali, Kottarakkara of Kollam district. As a native of Kottarakkara

    she clearly states about Kathakali the famous cultural art form of Kerala. Presently

    Dharsana is working at our RASMECCC, Calicut as Assistant Manager, Thanks Dharsana

    for your brave attempt )


    Kathakali originated from Dance Drama form called Ramanattam. It was Kottarakkara

    Thampuran ( 1555-1605) who composed several plays on the Ramayana which led to

    the evolution of Kathakali.

    Here is the story of its origin. Kottarakkar Thampuran was the Raja of Elayidath

    Dynasty. The present Kottarakkara Thaluk of Kollam District belongs to the dynasty. At

    that time the prominent dance form was Krishnanattam. A particular krishnanattam player

    was very famous at that time. One day the family members of Raja expressed their wish to

    see his performance. Raja sent his messenger to him. But unfortunately the man refused.

    The Raja was very much disappointed. He was ashamed in front of his family members

    too. The Raja understood that since he was not wealthy and prominent the man did not

    come. He thought of a solution.After his usual visit to his family diety ie. SriMahaganapathi, he sat in one of those steps that led to the temple pond. The pond was

    surrounded with many trees. Meanwhile the sun was rising and it created many images of

    leaves in the water. Raja got some interest and concentrated his mind on that images.

    Suddenly to his astonishment the images of leaves got transformed to images of human

    beings with an extra ordinary attire. He could see them playing a scene from Ramayana.

    At once a flash passed through his brain. He left the place at once to his place,closed the

    door of his room and jotted down the lyrics that flashed through his brain. These lyrics

    were then transformed to a dance form i.e. Ramanattam and later to Kathakali. Although

    the dynasty is not now in Kottarakkara, the Mahaganapathi Temple is very famous. The

    temple pond which has an area of two and a half acres is well preserved and rennovated

    by our Kerala Tourism Department. It is a delightful sight to see that pond. There is a

    Kottarakkara Thampuran Museum also nearby run by our Archelogical Department.

    Smt. Dharsana .SRASMECCC, Calicut.

  • 8/7/2019 Jwalamukhi Magazine Final


    (Smt. Annie Thomas is working as Asst. Manager , Kozhencherry. She is beautifully

    picturising her visit to our Wagah Border. The patriotic feelings of every Indian is rising in

    the mount. Thanks.)

    Wagah Border

    I got a chance to visit Wagah Border at the Attari Village near Amritsar, 35 kms. on the

    road to Lahore. The trip was simply beyond words.

    People on the either side of the India Pakistan border assembled to see the spectacular

    ceremony at sunset when the border closes. I enjoyed the antics of the fast march pasts

    that often ended with steps of legs rising above heads of foot tapping from the steeled

    bottoms of the boots. The flags were lowered and the gates were closed after hand shake

    between the guards. That brought an end to the ceremony.

    The place started vibrating with shunts of Vandematharam, Jaihind and Bharat Matha

    ki Jai.... Every ones patriotic feelings seems to get a new vigor despite of heat and hu-

    midity......... I must say it was an unforgettable experience to be above to visit Wagah



  • 8/7/2019 Jwalamukhi Magazine Final


    (Shri. Murali, Congratulations. Vital informations about the modern equipment, very much

    familiar to the common mans pocket. Murali is presently working as the Asst. Manager

    RBO, Kollam. Thanks.)


    The word ICE is now widely used in the Mobile Phones. It stands for In case of

    Emergency .

    We are in a period where Mobile phone is a part and parcel of anybodys life. From

    children to elderly people all are recognized by the Mobile Number. It has become very

    popular that each mobile phone carries the names of lots of people added to its caller list.

    In case of some emergencies like accidents, hospitalization etc. if the person con-

    cerned is not in a position to clarify his identity then the authorities or police will be con-

    fused whom to contact.

    If we give the ICE against the name of person who is a close relative or friend, it

    will help to identify the person. This can be helpful to both the parties.

    So please add ICE against the name of your friend or relative in the Mobile Phone.


  • 8/7/2019 Jwalamukhi Magazine Final


    ( Smt. Lakshmy.S is now working as Asst. Manager CGMC Calicut Branch or Calicut

    Medical College Branch. Young energetic Lakshmi is having a good proficiency in English

    language . You will get delighted with the words expressed by smt Lakshmi.

    Congratulations. Write more Lakshmi.S. you have the ability. )

    13 - 10 - 28972

    The Om Prakash Institute of Space Research is bustling with unprecedented ac-

    tivity. Three Mashkunas are being sent on a mission to a planet called, Earth. It was

    only 9000 yrs back that human beings had settled in Jupiter. Extreme climate conditions,

    Lack of water and dirty politics had destroyed all forms of life on earth except for a few

    people at Pattikkad. While leaving earth these people had carried 2 lion tailed macaques(maonkeys) along with them under the hope that if human race perished these will repro-

    duce and evolve new human beings (thanks to the information provided by Bhavany teacher

    of Govt. UPS, Pattikkad).

    Over the 9000 years of existence in Jupiter, the human being had envolved into a

    new species - Homo Sapiens Mashkunas or simply Mashkunan. There were signifi-

    cant changes in the anatomy of the body. Most important of which was that brain had

    devoloped all the skills of a super computer and the development of a provision for dis-

    posable bag arround the anus. The language, Malayalam has given way to a new one

    called gustappokuttappo. Only a few words like hartal, bucket-pirivu, sthreepeedanam,

    pocketadi etc are still used. Curiously the name of individuals continue to be those of


    The fore said space institute is located in the great city of Pattikkad. Three

    Mashkunas - Puthen Palam Rajesh, Santhosh Madhav and Thadiyantavida Nazir are all

    set to take off in a special space vessel - Jalakanyaka - Their mission is to trace the

    history of the Mashkuna fore-fathers and to asses whether life is possible on Earth.

    The morning was fine on 13-10-28972. The planet, Earth, was revolving and rotat-

    ing as usual. Suddenly there was something banging into a salt water lake, the only water

    source on Earth, with a thunderous sound followed by a splash of water. Within a split

    second Jalakanyaka resurfaced from under the water and it towed itself towards the shore

    full of rubble and plastic waste. The door of the vessel lifted up and the three scientists


    After planting their Jupiter flag in a erstwhile junction,they could locate a plastic

    board jutting out what seemed to be an old shop. Witch great care they whipped off the

    durt on it and read out from it - Velayudhansmobile shop, Fort Cochin.

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    Continuing their sojourn they could see rubble, dilapidated buildings, dust and

    plastics all over. Suddenly P.Rajesh seemed to have stumbled upon something glazing

    and he had almost collasped only to be held by S. Madhav. T. Nazir, till now searching for

    something else (probably ammonium nitrate and gelatin sticks) took the glazing thing into

    his hand - oh ! it was a S kathi. By this time, S. Madhav had performed some pooja and

    had P. Rajesh into his feet.

    S. Madhav was keen on research on plastics and its impact on environment. Infact

    his true intention was to discover some good old CDs, the stories relating to that being

    told to him by his grandma as a fairy tale. To his dismay even after spending 3-4 hours in

    plastic waste he could not find out even a single CD except for the one which bore the

    name Bhaktigangal - He flung it away at once, in disgust.

    Very soon they could find the ruins of a building. By their special skills, they couldremove the superficial debris and dust within minutes - and a huge board emerged. Only

    the lower portion was clearly visible - LEARNING CENTRE, COCHIN. The upper part

    contained only a few letters - ST NK.

    The information was soon put to an instrument called munchochu (similar to our

    computer) and the output came within seconds - STATE BANK LEARNING

    CENTRE,COCHIN. The three came to the conclusion that this might have been a great

    centre of learning of yester years ( similar to that oof Nalanda and Takshasila !)

    Excited by the discovery, they thought of exploring the ruins further. They could

    discover that there were several rooms in it which might have been used by students and

    great scholars to stay. They could identify a kitchen and a dinning hall. Two or three large

    rooms with broken chairs and tables were assumed to be places where actual learning

    and research took place.

    By this time, it was almost 3 p.m. All 3 were feeling hungry and were soon back in

    Jalakanyaka again. This time they could see a red colour from a distance. Approaching it,

    they could appreciate that the colour had been in patches on a big structure. Confused at

    what it was, they put the information to the munchochu. The output was immediate -

    private bus at Kochi . On the foot board they could find 2 human skeletal system. The

    right hand of one was in intricate contact with the back of the pelvicbone of the other. S.

    Madhav was on the spot in his conclusion - the end of Rarth came so sudden that the Kili

    if the put bus was at that time teasing a young female passenger.

    Delighted by the brave findings, they continued their research on the ruins of the

    place.They could collect materials made in far off places like Canada, Norway, China,

    Australia etc.

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    By now darkness was slowly catching up and it was time that they left. So the three

    scientists sat together and fed the munchochu all the information they had collected. A

    consolidated output was displayed - This place was called Fort Kochi. This was a great

    centre of learning ( Courtesy : SBLC, Kochi) with people from even far off places coming

    here in search of knowledge. S Kathi is used for daily facial shaves. Kili was the most co.

    job as it had the pleasure of teasing girls on board private buses. The final conclusion is

    that earth can be a place of Mashkunas to inhabit, but more information and research

    are needed to asses the possibility of penvanibham, goondavilayattom and bomb blasts.

    Unless that is obtained better not to come here.

    Winding up the mission the three took off in Jalakanyaka leaving Fort Kochi -

    infact earth.

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    (Res)Mobile No. E-Mail ID

    SURESHKUMAR I.N. AGM 2216525 2342146 9447778829 suresh.kumarin@sbi.co.in

    PADMAJAN.T.K. CM TRG 2217254 2221355 9447711773padmajan.kaliyamba


    KRISHNAKUMAR.R MGR TRG 2217254 2225322 9447711775krishna.k.ramanathan


    SUJA KURIAN MGR TRG 2217254 2577977 9447711774 suja.kurian@sbi.co.in

    SREERAJ.V MGR TRG 2217254 2222575 9447711776 sreeraj.v@sbi.co.in





    2215602 2112354 9349500954vinayakumar.r@sbi.co


    GOPALAKRISHNAN.V SPL ASST 2215602 2211625 9895264086unnigopal@gmail.co


    BARBARA PAUL SR ASST 2215602 2217802 9447810372

    KHALID P.M. SHM 2215602 2222633 -

  • 8/7/2019 Jwalamukhi Magazine Final






    1. Mr. P.J. PAUL Kaipuzha(8620)Accountant

    Palathingal HouseChurch Bakery RoadTrichur (Dt)

    Kattoor - 680702



    2. Mr. U P SASIDHARAN Alappuzha(0802)Cash Officer

    UnniparambathPattaveeduRareeramP O KodungalloorTrichur 680664


    3. Mr. K R SURESH BABU Kanhangad(1439)Field Officer

    Kunnumpurath HouseB T College Road,Palai P O 686575Kottayam Dist.


    4. Mr. P DAMODARAN Muthalamada(11928)Accountant

    SwathiAduthila,Payangadi P OKannur Dt 670303


    5. Mr. S R NAIR Cochin PortTrust ( 6367)A M Govt

    Dream LandApartments FF1,MAruthamkuczhi,Kanjirampara P OTrivandrum 695030


    6. Mr. V. MURALI RBOKollam

    SreehariPuthiyakavuVadakkekara P ON Paravur 683522Ernakulam


    7. Mr. P V RAVEENDRAN RBO Palakkad ThusharNear CermicsKanul P OKannur Dt 670 564


    8. Mr. P K S NAIR Civil Station


    24 Pratheeksha

    DarsanapuriChandra Nagar,Palakkad 678007



    9. Mr. K SASIDHARAN Alakkode PoojaC N Puram,Palakkad 678005


    10. Mr. MATHEW M JOSEPH Kollam (903)A M

    11/287VazhakkalaCochin 682021


  • 8/7/2019 Jwalamukhi Magazine Final


    11. Mr. JOY P V R B OPalakkad(10213)

    Padayattil HouseChampanoorAngamaly South P OErnakulam 683573


    12. Mr. JOSEPH T J Perinthalmana(5108)Accountant

    Thekkemuriyil HouseNedumkunnam P OKottayam 686 542


    13. Mr. JACOB VARGHESE KainattyAccountant

    Kizhakkedath HouseKuttappuzha P OThiruvalla 689103



    ThodupuzhaField officer

    SreelakshmiThekkedathKalarickal P OEdakulam

    ArippalamTrichur 680688



    SMECCCTrivandrumAsst. Manager

    12/645 KunnummalParavanaJawahar RoadCochin 682002

    94460509650484 2220965gopalsbi@gmail.com

    16. Mr MANUEL T JOSEPH RASMECCCKannur (10210)

    Thengummottil HouseAruvithura P OErattupettaKottayam Dist



    17. Smt. SUBHA DEVI T RASMECCCPalakkadA M (Adv)

    VasnthPavangadCalicut- 673021


    18. Smt ANNIE THOMAS Kozhencherry(8634)Field Officer

    ChavonnickmanilOpp YWCA Pump JnAluva 683101


    19. Smt DAISY M A Kunnathurmedu(12697)Accountant

    MazhuvancherryPattanam,Vadakkekara,N Parur 683522


    20. Smt JAYA R Broadway BrErnakulamRMPB

    42/887(1)MekharagamSrwwnagae 42/ASreevarahamTrivandrum


    21. Smt. TWINKLE T Trichur( 0940)TT Accountant


    Perinad P OKollam



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    N R I Cochin No 81Vaishak,VinayakanagarPappanamkode P OTrivandrum 18


    24. Smt ANJANA PILLAI J T F C PCCochinSwift Officer

    T C 14/438Nandavanam,Palayam,Vikas Bhavan P OTrivandrum 33


    25. Smt PREMA N Kottayam(1891) FieldOfficer


    Street, House No379,RagamalikaHarinagarPoomkunnamTrichur-2




    Anugraha16/218BM C RoadMuvattupuzha



    CalicutCity CaseOfficer


    Near Railway stationKottarakkaraKollam Dt-691 506




    MudathanthuPattany GardenCarithas,ThellakkomKottayam


    29. Mr HARI PRASAD U RASMECCCChanganacherry

    AkshayaH.No. 28/842 AChevayur P OCalicut 673 017


    30. Smt SUSAN JOHN AmbalameduField Officer

    PalavelilSRA 46Hashmi EnclaveKollayam P OTrivandrum 695043


    31. Smt. BINSY V B Palarivattom(4312)RMPB


    Chandranagar,Palakkad 7



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    32. Smt MINI S Treasury BrErnakulam

    House No 22 ASeeveli NagarKaithamukkuTrivandrum


    33. Smt LEKSHMI S C G M CCalicutAccountant

    Arsa118-nithyasreeMukkalakkalKazhakottam POTrivandrum


    34. Mr V V UNNI RASMECCCAleppey

    SuryaAnagdippuram P OMalappuram Dist.-679321


    35. Mr. Ravindran O Agali (4614)

    Field Officer


    Vettari ParambaEdakkad P.OCalicut 673005



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