july 2010: the anchor line

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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A Word from your Pastor—

May the fullness of the Word Made Flesh, Jesus Christ our Lord, dwell in you richly!

Grace, mercy, and peace from God the

Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.

One of the greatest joys and privileges of

serving you as your pastor is the opportunity

each week to lead the God's Divine Service

(worship). The Divine Service (what Lutherans

call 'worship') is God's service to us poor sinful

beings. It is the primary time each week in

which God speaks to us and gives to us His gifts

of Word and Sacrament— for the forgiveness of

our sins and the up-building of our faith in

Christ. The privilege of leading this service is an

honor of which I am totally unworthy, but one

to which nonetheless God has called me to do.

A primary facet of this calling is, of

course, speaking the Word of Christ in the

liturgy and proclaiming the witness of Scripture

through reading and preaching. All of this

involves words, using words to proclaim the

Word of God Incarnate— Jesus Christ.

Still, leading the Divine Service is more

than words. Motions, actions and gestures are

necessarily a part of anything we do and this

month I thought I would take the opportunity to

explain a little about some of the actions and

gestures that I make during the Divine Service.

Some of these actions may be the same as

Pastor Stoll did them; some may be different

(having never seen a Pastor Stoll-led service, I

don't know).

It's important, though, to talk about

actions because, here in the Church, nothing we


July 2010

Hope Lutheran Church


Angels of Hope Preschool

700 S. Superior St. De Pere, WI 54115 ~ (920) 336-9843

On the web: www.hopedepere.org ~ e-mail: HopeDepere@yahoo.com

Matthew Christians, pastoroffice: 336-9843, home: 336-9582

emergency cell: 615-5136e-mail: matthewchristians@gmail.com

Gail Thiel, preschool directoroffice 336-9843

e-mail: angelsofhopepreschool@yahoo.com

Our Vision at Hope: that we would be a growing, vibrant, praying, caringcongregation– boldly reaching out with Jesus Christ in word and deed.

do in the Divine Service is done just "because."

In the Lutheran Church, everything we DO

confesses SOMETHING about what we BELIEVE.

For example, whenever I approach the

altar or cross before it, I stop and bow to

reverence the altar. I also ask the acolytes and

communion assistants to do the same. Why?

Because this is the table from which Jesus feeds

us His own body and blood for our salvation. It's

natural to reverence the Lord and His precious

gifts, that we never take it for granted. The

action, therefore,

confesses what

we believe.


at various spots

during the

service (primarily whenever God's Triune Name

is invoked), I cross myself. Why? Because I

belong to the Crucified and need to remind

myself of it constantly. It reminds me that the

whole of God, revealed in Three Persons, points

us ever and always to the cross of Jesus. It's a

reminder that every good in the world is

wrapped up in the Crucified and Risen Lord and

He has marked as His own with the cross.

Thirdly, at the reading of the Gospel, I

often lift the book up and announce "This is the

Gospel of the Lord" so that all can see it. I then

close the book and return it to the lectern.

Why? Because the Gospel reading includes the

literal Word which was spoken by the Word

made Flesh during His earthly ministry in Galilee

and Judea. We love Jesus' words and are

grateful for them. By these words, we live in

hope and through these words we die in

confidence. There are no words on earth so

precious! The elevation highlights what we

believe about this precious Word of Christ.

Also, during the prayers, often in the

Prayer of the Church and always during the

Proper Preface prayer during the Communion

liturgy, I raise empty hands to heaven. I do this

partly because this is how the ancient apostles

and disciples prayed, lifting hands to heaven. I

also do so because those empty hands remind

myself that we come before God always as

beggars, as those seeking from Him His mercy

for our needs and for the needs of the whole

Church and indeed the whole world.

Finally, one very important action takes

place during the

consecration of the

elements in the

Sacrament of the

Altar. During the

consecration, I

elevate the host so that the people can see it. It

is a visual proclamation (as Dr. Luther described

in German Mass). It is good and right to uplift

and reverence the One who has sacramentally

united His crucified and risen body to that host,

for "every knee shall bow and every tongue

confess that Jesus Christ is Lord" (Philippians

2:10). Similarly with the chalice.

In summary, are these gestures and

actions essential to worship? No— they are

neither commanded nor forbidden in Holy

Scripture. But the point is that these actions

have meaning; they confess something about

the wonder and the grace and the mercy of a

God who loved me all the way to the cross —

that I may live in peace... forgiven, renewed,

and refreshed for a Spirit-filled life. Thanks be to


Yours, humbly, in Jesus' name,

Pastor Matt

"Hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, sothat [you] may be able to give instruction insound doctrine and also to rebuke those whocontradict it." (Titus 1:9)

Here in the Church, nothing we do in the Divine Service is

done just "because." In the Lutheran Church, everything we

DO confesses SOMETHING about what we BELIEVE.

The Catechism CornerThe Third Article:

I believe in the Holy

Spirit, the holy Christian

church, the communion of

saints, the forgiveness of

sins, the resurrection of the

body, and the life

everlasting. Amen.

What does this mean?

I believe that I cannot by my own reason

or strength believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord, or

come to Him; but the Holy Spirit has called me by

the Gospel, enlightened me with His gifts,

sanctified and kept me in the true faith.

In the same way He calls, gathers, enlightens,

and sanctifies the whole Christian church on

earth, and keeps it with Jesus Christ in the one

true faith.

In this Christian church He daily and richly

forgives all my sins and the sins of all believers.

On the Last Day He will raise me and all the

dead, and give eternal life to me and all believers

in Christ. This is most certainly true..

(submitted to "The Anchor Line" by Pastor Matt)

Life Quote

"O most glorious God, direct

my thoughts, word and work,

wash away my sins in the

immaculate blood of the

Lamb, and purge my heart by

the Holy Spirit... Daily frame

me more and more into the

likeness of thy Son, Jesus

Christ.... Thou gavest thy Son to die for me,

and has given me assurance of salvation"

—George Washington

(submitted to "The Anchor Line" by Pastor Matt)

Patristic Quote of the Month

"Yes, and most wonderful

of all is that all these things

were successfully brought

about through a cross and

suffering and death. The

Gospel of the knowledge of

God has been preached to the whole world

and has put the adversaries to flight not by war

and arms and camps. Rather, it was a few

unarmed, poor, unlettered, persecuted,

tormented, done-to-death men, who, by

preaching the One who had died crucified in

the flesh, prevailed over the wise and

powerful, because the almighty power of the

Crucified was with them.... Well done, O

Christ, O Wisdom and Power and Word of God,

and God almighty! What should we

resourceless people give You in return for all

things? For all things are Yours and You ask

nothing of us but that we be saved. Even this

You have given us, and by Your ineffable

goodness You are grateful to those who accept

it. Thanks be to You who has given being and

grace of well-being and who by Your ineffable

condescension has brought back to this state

those who fell from it!.

— St. John of Damascus (AXD 676–749)

Arab Christian monk and priest

(submitted to "The Anchor Line" by Pastor Matt)

Old Lutheran Quote of the Month

"The streams of divine grace

flow downwards, not

upwards. As nature's

streams seek the lowlands,

so those of divine grace flow

down into lowly hearts....

Well may we rejoice, then, and magnify

the mercy of our God. What good thing will

He, who loved us while we were yet His

enemies, disdaining not to take our human

nature into the very closest union with His

divinity, withhold from those who are

partakers with Him of the same flesh? Who

has ever hated His own flesh? How can He

possibly cast us off, when by an exercise of

such exalted and infinite mercy, He hath

made us partakers of His own nature?"

— Johann Gerhard (AXD 1582–1637)

Lutheran church leader & professor

(submitted to "The Anchor Line" by Pastor Matt)

New Lutheran Quote of the Month

"When man enters the

presence of the holy, he

becomes distinctly aware of his

unholiness... Man falls to his

knees to confess the sins that

have separated him from God, who is holy, that

is, set apart by being whole in Himself.... And

through renewal of the promise of God's grace

in Christ, disordered and twisted lives are again

redirected and set right with God. We find that

the righteousness God demands of us is the

very righteousness He gives us. He makes men

holy who in their self-centeredness and lack of

trust would like to rely on their own efforts.

The question, then, of whether this

righteousness has truly become ours is not to be

answered by an appeal to our own feelings or

sentiments. Such is the dialectic of the Christian

faith that God's law finds him guilty even when

he feels no guilt. God's Gospel, on the other

hand, declares him not guilty and righteous

even when he feels most despicable. God's

promises are sure."

— Ernest Koenker (AXD 1895–1976)

Retired LC–MS pastor and author

(submitted to "The Anchor Line" by Pastor Matt)

Every Sunday Sermon PrepPreparation

To help you prepare for

worship, here are the weekly

readings for Divine Services

in July:

June 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Isaiah 66:10–14

Galatians 6:1–10, 14–18

Luke 10:1–20

July 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leviticus 19:9–18

Colossians 1:1–14

Luke 10:25–37

July 18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Genesis 18:1–10

Colossians 1:21–29

Luke 10:38–42

July 25 (St. James). . . . . . . . . . . Acts 11:27–12:5

Romans 8:28–39

Mark 10:35–45

(submitted to "The Anchor Line" by Pastor Matt)

Jesus said: "I Am the Vine; You are the

branches. Whoever abides in Me and I in

Him. He it is that bears much fruit; for

apart from Me you can do nothing.

—John 15:5

(submitted to "The Anchor Line" by Pastor Matt)

The Biblical View of Worship (part 1 of 3),

by Dr. John W. Kleinig, Professor

Emeritus, Australian Lutheran


(submitted to "The Anchor Line" by Pastor Matt)

A. Tuning In

1. Imagine a colour television set which has

never been used. There it sits in the living room

of a house, sheltered from the sun and rain. Since

it occupies such a prominent place in the living

room, it has developed rather inflated notions

about its own importance. It has met all the

visitors that have come to the house; it has

eavesdropped on all the conversations in the

room; it has watched everything that has

happened in the house. But it has never been

used. It has never let its owners push in its plug

and switch on the electricity. No one has ever

turned on its speaker, so that it could sing and

speak properly. No one has ever adjusted its

vision, so that it could display a clear, coloured


And so it has sat there undisturbed and

has never functioned as a television set. It has

lived all its life in that room and has never

discovered what goes on elsewhere outside its

immediate range. It has never caught a vision of

the world outside and has never brought it back

into its home. It has never become a receiver and

so could never become a transmitter of words

and visions. It is nothing but a useless piece of

furniture. Well that’s how people are who never

worship God. They do not fulfil the purpose for

which they were created. They never become

receivers and transmitters of God’s heavenly

transmission to us in this world. They lead lives

that are spiritually frustrated and unfulfilled.

2. There is only one activity which we do here

on earth that will also be done in heaven.

Whatever else we do lasts only for a while, or, at

best, for as long as we live here on earth. But this

lasts forever and will occupy us through all

eternity. In fact, we rehearse this for as long as

we live and even then we never get it completely

right. This activity is worship, which is the

beginning of a heavenly life here on earth and a

preparation for our life with God in heaven. Our

worship here is practice for the real thing, like

learning to play a musical instrument, like

attending school to prepare for our job, like going

steady to get ready for married life. It’s a

heavenly activity which is done perfectly only in


3. Worship then is something supernatural,

and it is supernatural in three ways. First, it does

not come naturally to us human beings. If we

were left to our own devices, we would never

worship God properly, as it goes against our grain.

We would rather worship ourselves, or some

homemade idols, than the living God. So God

himself has to teach us how to worship. In fact, he

doesn’t just show us how it is done; he actually

does it together with us, so that we get the hang

of it from him. It is then a divine activity, and we

join in with it, like a horseman who rides a racing

horse. But more about that later.

Secondly, worship is supernatural, because

it has to do with what is out of this world. It has

to do with God and what connects us with God,

just as an umbilical cord joins the baby to its

mother and nourishes the life of the baby from its

mother. Worship is the divine lifeline of the

Church and that’s what makes it so important.

Now that is something that those who aren’t

Christians can’t understand. The ordinary, secular

person is utterly bamboozled by worship. It is

unlike anything else we do. It isn’t useful for

anything else. It seems a waste of time and

energy. It is rather boring as nothing much seems

to happen in it. In short, it makes no earthly sense

to anybody who is merely an earthling. So, since

they can’t appreciate the great importance of

worship for the Christian, atheists sometimes

commit monumental blunders. For example, the

Russian communists banned all Christian activities

except worship without ever realising that they

thereby helped the Church survive and even

thrive in Communist Russia.

Thirdly, worship is supernatural, because it

is, at core, a divine activity. The chief celebrant is

Jesus our great high priest in the heavenly

sanctuary. He leads us in our worship by

representing us before the Father in intercession

and thanksgiving (Heb 7:25; 9:25) and by

representing God the Father to us in

proclamation and praise (Heb 2:12). By his service

in the heavenly sanctuary he leads us together

with the angels and the whole communion of

saints in the performance of the heavenly liturgy

(Heb 2:11; 8:2; 12:22- 24; 13:15).

4. Since it is supernatural, Christian worship is

a matter of mystery. Now a mystery differs from a

secret in that it remains hidden and inexplicable,

even when you are let in on it and know a lot

about it. St. Paul sums it up in Colossians 1:24 as

‘Christ in (or among) you, the hope of glory’. It

has to do with the mysterious, hidden presence

of Christ who is with us and among us. We are in

him and he is in us. He comes to us and does

things for us when we gather together in his

name. He brings the Holy Spirit with him and

ushers us bodily into the presence of his heavenly

Father. So in worship we come into contact with

the Holy Trinity. We come into the presence of

the Triune God and share in the ongoing work of

Jesus here on earth.

But worship also has to do with our hope

of glory, that is, with our life as sons and

daughters of God in heaven. This life is not yet

apparent to us. It is ‘hid with Christ in God’ (Col.

3:3). The wonder of it is that in worship heaven

comes down to earth in Jesus and we earthlings

are taken up together with him into heaven. We

join in with the angels and saints in heaven as

they gather round God’s throne and sing: “Holy!

Holy! Holy!” So by faith we get a foretaste of

heaven; we anticipate the glory we shall share as

children of our heavenly Father and members of

God’s royal family. Wilhelm Loehe, a Lutheran

theologian of the nineteenth century, says this

about the mystery of worship:

In its worship the congregation feels closest to

its Lord. There as close to the Bridegroom as it

can get, it leads a heavenly life on earth, an

earthly life in heaven.

Worship then is a mysterious tuning into

heaven here on earth. By it we human beings

become receivers and transmitters of heavenly

life together with other Christians and our risen,

ascended Lord Jesus.

5. When we worship, we begin to do what we

were created for. We fulfil God’s ultimate

purpose for us and his whole creation. We

become fulfilled with the fullness of God. It is

therefore the chief thing that we ever learn in this

life. That’s why the first three of the Ten

Commandments cover various aspects of it. Apart

from worship, our Christian faith remains

notional, theoretical and ultimately unreal.

The early Christians spoke a lot about

‘orthodoxy’. Now we normally define orthodoxy

as correct teaching about the Triune God, but it

also means ‘correct worship’ or ‘right praise’.

Both belong together. Correct doctrine is teaching

the right worship of the living God. All doctrine

achieves nothing, no matter how good and

correct and inspiring, unless it comes from

worship and leads back to worship of the Triune

God, for, when we worship properly, we let God

be our God and have his way with us. In orthodox

worship we join in with Jesus in his ministry as the

great high priest in the heavenly sanctuary. #

Stewardship"July is Freedom Month!”

July 4, 1776 was a memorable day in the history

of the United States of America. On that day, the

founding fathers of our nation declared their

independence from England and English rule.

Each year we pause to

remember the freedoms

we enjoy and give thanks

for all those brave men and

women from 1776 to this

date who have risked their

lives for the sake of

freedom and

independence. We enjoy the freedom of religion,

of gathering in public, of oppression from the

government or any other agency. We have the

freedom of electing our national, state, and local

leaders into office as our leaders. In November,

we will have the opportunity to exercise that

freedom one more time. It is our privilege and

duty to vote whenever we have the opportunity.

History teaches us that national apathy has

destroyed numerous empires and America can

also flounder and fail if we citizens do not

exercise our freedoms in a responsible way.

Not only are we citizens of probably the greatest

nation in the history of mankind, but we are also

citizens of the Kingdom of God! Because of that

citizenship, we enjoy countless freedoms and

blessings, like the forgiveness of sins, life, and

salvation. These freedoms and blessings come to

us at a great cost--not on our part, but on the

part of our gracious Savior Jesus who offered

Himself up to death as the Lamb of God who

takes away the sin of the world. Even though we

can never adequately express our thanks to Jesus,

we can by the power of the Holy Spirit live each

day more and more like the children of God. In

Colossians 3:12-17, we find a list of virtues that

are appropriate for us as God's children.

God's children are stewards or managers of the

many blessings that God has bestowed upon us.

Stewardship is not meant to be an oppressive

response to God's grace and goodness, but rather

a joyful response. In our church we have defined

stewardship this way: "Christian stewardship is

the free and joyous activity of the child of God

and God's family, the church, in managing all of

life and life's resources for God's purposes."

What a beautiful definition for our Christian


Because Christ has redeemed us to be the

children of God and heirs of salvation, we have

the privilege and responsibility to give evidence of

this precious freedom through our words and

actions. Jesus changes everything in our lives

(relationships, use of money, time, talents, and so

much more) so that we practice our stewardship

not in order to gain salvation, but rather as a free

and joyous response because of what God has

already done for us through the sacrifice of Jesus

and the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.

What a joy to freely and joyfully practice Christian

stewardship not because we have to but because

we get to! Enjoy your freedom as a citizen of the

United States of America and a citizen of the

kingdom of God and let your life show it!

Financial Figures

2010 Average per week: $3,087.85

Budget per week: $3,765

Difference: - $677.15

20/20 total for 2010:


Those Who Serve in July


Sunday 9am Wednesday 7pm

7/4 Dan Dennis

7/11 Available Dennis

7/18 Available Dennis

7/25 Available Dennis

Altar Aides:

Sunday 9am Wednesday 7pm

7/4 Elvera Louann

7/11 Available Louann

7/18 Available Louann

7/25 Available Louann


7/4 Available

7/11 Available

7/18 Available

7/25 Darryll & Sharon – anniversary

All dates available for greeters, readers and


Thank You

Thank you to those who served in June:

Ushers: David & Julie, Dan & Jane, Joe & Jean,

Dennis, Randy & Michelle

Altar Aids: Elvera, Louann, Renee, Shirley

Greeters: Jean

Acolyte: Nikki

Education Ministry

The Education Ministry will be combining the

regular meeting for June and July to just one on

Tuesday, July 13.

Evangelism Ministry

Members of the Evangelism

Ministry are working on a

"Meet the Members" link

on the Hope website. They

are looking for families

and/or individuals who

would be willing to

complete a brief outline about themselves to be

included on the website – more info to come on


Maggie Christians is training several others to be

able to work on the website.

A Mission statement for the Ministry is being

developed along with a list of activities in which

the ministry is typically involved.

Tentative dates for New Member Breakfasts are

Oct 17, 2010 and a Sunday in April 2011.

The next meeting is planned for Saturday, July 31

at 9 am. New members always welcome! If you

have ideas for the Evangelism Ministry but cannot

attend the meetings, please contact any of its

members: Chris, Nancy, Matt , Maggie, Pastor

Matt or Paul.

Trinity Board Member

One of Hope's Trinity School delegate's (Jenn)

school board term is up the end of July. She has

served the past three years and would be eligible

for another 3 year term if chosen. She is available

to continue serving. Trinity's board currently

consists of 10 members of which 7 are parents.

The board would like to include more people with

business backgrounds as they have grown so

much. Hope council needs to appoint a delegate

at the July meeting. If you are interested in this

position, please contact Meinie.

Search the web and earn 1 cent

for each search. Designate HOPE


the cause you support. Click to

Goodshop for your on-line

shopping. Proceeds benefit Angels

of Hope Preschool. Participating stores are listed

in the website and you can still use other coupon


Funds raised in 2010: $33.31

Funds raised since we first registered: $117.11

Celebrate De Pereby Michelle

It was an unusually beautiful Memorial Day

weekend at Voyageur Park in De Pere this year.

The sun was shining and no rain for three full

days. Volunteers worked on Thursday to cut up

veggies, on Friday to set up our tent and on

Saturday, Sunday and Monday to cook and serve

Italian Sausage and Chicken Breast Sandwiches

along with Hamburgers, Cheesecake on a Stick,

Snickers Chunk and Rocky Road Brownies (a

special thanks to Jen for

these!), not to mention

scooping Zesty's Frozen

Custard into cones, bowls

and cups for Rootbeer Floats.

The final numbers are not in

yet but I am confident that

this was one of our best years ever.

I would like to thank all of the volunteers that

made the 2010 effort possible: Shirley, Evelyn,

Darryll and Sharon, Howard and Leona, Romaine ,

Bob and Tia, Betty, Elvera, Matthew, Laurie, Dave

and Julie, Dave, Ben, Paula, Myrna, Steve and Jen,

Pastor Matth, Bruce, Brenda, Ryne and Benjamin,

Matt and Christian, John, Randy and Michelle ,

Rhonda and Walker, Judy and Liz, Derrick, Kathy,

Joe and Jean, John and Ellie, Dawn and Alyssa ,

Deb, Hayden and Denzel, Helen, Scott, Jakob and

Cambria, Rick and Bette. Many more unnamed

folks need to be recognized for donations,

patronage at the tent and prayers for good

weather and if I missed anyone above, I apologize

and thank them privately for their service.

There are still a few leftovers available for

purchase. A 12-pack of buns or a Cheesecake-on-a

Stick (Original or Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough)

are $2 each; both can be found in the freezer. The

30-pack pillow of buns is also just $2. Purchase

one of the four 2-liter bottles of A&W Root Beer

for just $1! The other unsold/leftover beverages

and brownies were enjoyed at the church picnic

on June 27. If you purchase any of these items,

please place your money in an envelope, mark the

envelope ‘Celebrate DePere sale' and place it in

the offering plate.

If you have any comments, suggestions, etc. for

next year's event, I would be happy to hear them.

I know I have a few of my own after being in

charge of the tent for the first time since we

began participating in Celebrate DePere in 2002.


Packer Games Are Coming LEVY - Online Alcohol Training – Non Profit


Instruction sheets are

on the bulletin board.

This training must be

completed before

working any Packer

games. It's basically the

same as last year but, of course, a bit different.

We have five people who have completed

training so far. Remember to e-mail Judy so we

also have a record of who has completed the


VBS: High Seas Expedition

Attention VBS Volunteers:

Training Session #1 is

Sunday, July 11 at 7:00pm.

Please RSVP to Kim

regarding your attendance.

We will together prepare

and familiarize ourselves

with the High Seas

Adventure where we explore the mighty love of

God and set sail with Jesus.

Training Session #2 is Thursday, July 29 at

6:30pm. This is an important night where you will

get crew names and final directions. Following

the training, we will work on decorating. Please

plan on staying until 9:00pm if you are able.

Background Checks:

If you are a VBS volunteer over 18 years of age,

you must turn in your background check form to

Kim prior to July 11.


VBS decorating will continue on Friday, July 30

from 9am until complete. Please come and help.

Sign up is on bulletin board.

VBS Clean Up:

Will begin on Thursday, August 4 following our

VBS closing fellowship. We are looking for a few

good lifters and willing hearts. Sign up is on

bulletin board.

Friday, August 6 beginning at 9:00am until

complete or as long as you can stay. Please sign

up on bulletin board.

VBS Closing Program and Ice Cream Social:

Thursday, August 5 will be

our final day of High Seas

Adventure VBS. Come and

hear what the children have

learned and feel the

excitement of Jesus' love.

Our program will begin at

8:10 and followed by an Ice

Cream Social.

Do you love scooping ice cream? Please sign up to

help scoop ice cream on Thursday, August 5 at

8:30 following the closing program of VBS.

Help Us Put Our Sail in VBS:

Our VBS is still in need of many items. How can

you help? Check out the list on our Website or

check the display in the narthex. You can take a

sailboat off the window indicating the item and

return it to the display at the time noted. We truly

appreciate your willingness to help make our VBS

program a success.

Invite a Friend, Grandchild, or Neighbor:

VBS High Seas Adventure – New Friends –

Amazing Crafts – Wild Games – Lip Smacking

Snacks – Swashbuckling Bible Adventures –

Incredible Music – and of course the amazing love

of Jesus. It all starts on Sunday, August 1 and ends

Thursday, August 5 from 6:00- 8:30pm. Students

should arrive the first night at 5:50pm for


If you have a child that you would still like to

register, please call Kim. Even if you are not

involved come in and take a peek as we transform

Hope into our High Seas Adventure. If you can't

be with us please keep us in your prayers.

VBS Truck, Trailer or Van and a Few Extra Hands:

We are looking for someone that could help to

move VBS ship and mast from another church to

Hope on Monday, July 26 at 9:00am. Please

contact Kim if you are able to assist.

Vacation Bible School Mission Projects:

This year our VBS will help to support a local

mission that Hope Lutheran Welfare Committee is

coordinating. We will be sponsoring a daily

offering that will go to the local Christian

Outreach. Each year they

help to provide backpacks

and school supplies to

children in need. Each day

we will suggest an item that

you can bring to help with this program. Our VBS

group has the opportunity to help others and

share Jesus' love as follows:

• Sunday: S is for scissors ( child size)

• Monday: M is for markers (wide washable

Classic Colors)

• Tuesday: T is for tacky, as in glue sticks

• Wednesday: W is for writing (wide rule


• Thursday: T is for a TRUSTY pencil (#2

pencils only)

Our VBS children will also be invited to bring in a

monetary donation that will help two mission

projects in Haiti. What a great choice for our High

Seas Adventure since it is an island country that

we could sail to! Haiti is also the poorest country

in the Western Hemisphere.

One of the mission projects is "Friends of Haiti."

The Friends of Haiti is a nonprofit organization

operating as one interconnected family with the

people living in the four sections of Thomazeau,

Haiti. They are a local group that is devoted,

through mutual efforts, to improving the health,

education and economic development of Haiti.

The second mission

project is an LCMS

missionary, Alyssa

Stone, seeking to

help the people of

Haiti know Jesus

Christ as their Savior.

Ms. Stone serves as a GEO missionary who

teaches a women's Bible study, helps with youth

and children's ministries in the congregation she

serves, makes visits to families, sick community

members and the elderly and fills other diaconal

service roles as needed.

Music CD's:

We have CD's of our VBS music available for sale.

The cost is $10.00. If you would like one ahead of

time, they are available on the display. Please

leave your payment in the church office made out

to Hope Lutheran otherwise you may purchase

one at registration.

Youth Newsby Kim Thompson and Beth

"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew

their strength; They shall mount up with wings

like eagles. They shall run and not be weary.

They shall walk and not faint"

– Isaiah 40:31 –

So it is with much anticipation and excitement

that a group of 8 youth and 2 adult leaders finish

final preparations for the 2010 Lutheran Youth

Gathering. It seems like we have been talking

about this a long time -- 3 years in fact. Talking,

preparing, serving, fundraising and WAITING!

Waiting for the day to arrive to experience

celebrating our faith in Jesus Christ with over

10,000 young people.

There are so many periods of "waiting" in life that

make time seem long, while the rest of our life

flies! There is waiting to finish school, waiting for

exam results, waiting for the next birthday to

celebrate; there is waiting for unfortunate

circumstances to end, waiting for a long illness to

break and signs of recovery to be real; there is the

waiting for that event all Christians most urgently

desire for Christ to return and restore the fallen

world. That will be the true fulfillment with no

shadow of disappointment for our waiting.

So as we wait for our flight to depart....we can

share in the ultimate wait that we all will share in

some day because together WE BELIEVE!

L.Y.G. (Lutheran Youth Gathering Group):

Our next bible study for

June 30th at 1:30 at Beth's

house. This is our third

bible study in the series for

"We Believe" the spiritual

preparation for the 2010

National Lutheran Youth

Gathering. We will not be

serving lunch but will have

a snack. Bring your

calendars as we hope to schedule one more

gathering prior to our departure on July 16.

We will have a final meeting for parents and

youth on Monday, July 12 at 6:00 PM to make

sure all loose ends are in place for travel to New

Orleans. Meeting will be at Beth's house. Parents

please let us know your availability.


We are sorry to report that we did not have any

youth sign up for this great summer opportunity

for 4 days of service and fellowship. We hope to

work with the other area churches and have more

information out earlier.

LCMS National Youth Gathering:

The 2010 LCMS National

Youth Gathering will begin

with worship on Sunday,

July 11 at 9:00 AM. The

group from Hope will be traveling to New Orleans

on July 16 and return to Green Bay on July 23.

They look to share about their experience at a

future service and time. Thank you to all for your

support and prayers.


On July 11 come check out

Lifefest as we travel to the

11:00 AM outdoor worship

service. Worship Service

featuring: Luis Palau, Bob

Lenz, Kutless and Peder

Eide. There is free

admission to the Sunday event. If you are

interested in attending, you should sign up on the

youth board. Youth and any congregational

members are invited. We will look to leave the

church at 9:30 AM and travel in car pools.

LCMS NYG 2010 Youth

The National Lutheran Youth Gathering (NYG) is

held every 3 years and is set to begin on July 17-

21, 2010 in New Orleans. The theme of this

Gathering is "We Believe."

We live in a world in which we are constantly

bombarded with messages about how we should

dress, spend money, eat, drink, study, work, vote,

believe, live, etc. There are so many different

messages that it gets hard to know which

messages are true and which are just a bunch of

lies. And then there are those in-between

messages--the ones that aren't entirely wrong,

but aren't entirely right either. So how do we

know what messages we should listen to? How do

we know what we really believe?

In God's Word, we find this statement in John's


But these things are written that you may

believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God,

and that by believing you may have life in his


– John 20:31 –

At the 2010 NYG, we'll be focusing on these

words. We'll look at what WE BELIEVE and at

what that means for everything we do.

We'll LOOK…

…and see the Lamb of God who takes away the

sin of the world.


…and hear the words of the Word made Flesh

whose words are spirit and life.

And we'll LIVE…

…because we have been given life in Jesus' name

to love others as He first loved us.

Mass Event News:

Do you know parents, grandparents, Bible study

groups, or friends who are not able to attend the

National Youth Gathering (NYG) but would like to

experience the Mass Events and worship service?

The Mass Events and worship service will be

streamed live during the NYG. You will be able to

find the live stream on www.lcms.org. A link to

the stream will be provided on the NYG Website.

The NYG thanks the LCMS Commission on

Worship for providing video streaming services

for Gathering Mass Events.

Meet our 2010 NYG Youth &


Hope Lutheran has 8 youth and 2 adult leaders

that will travel to the NYG. They have been

working hard for the last 3 years with a

commitment to the Lord, service and fundraising

that have allowed them to experience this NYG.

The youth and the leaders would like to thank

everyone in the congregation and parents who

have helped in anyway by assisting with events,

encouraging their youth, supporting and

participating in fundraising events, and prayers. It

is truly appreciated.

We would like to introduce the youth and the

leaders that will be attending the 2010 LCMS

NYG. Read on…..

MEET: Sarah

PARENTS: Dave and Kim

ACTIVITIES SHE LOVES: Soccer, traveling,

shopping, and hanging out with friends

IS THIS YOUR FIRST NYG: No, I attended the

Gathering in Orlando in 2007. I am looking to

attend again because of the great experience last

time. It was truly inspiring and I left really feeling

the love of God within me. It was the greatest

feeling being with so many people my age who all

believe the same thing. Everyone being there

together praising God left me with a feeling of

certainty and safety.

FAVORITE BIBLE VERSE: "For by grace you have

been saved through faith. And this is not your

own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of

works...." Ephesian 2.8-9a


DOES THIS MEAN TO YOU: To me this means we

all have a strong faith in Christ and are not scared

of it. It means we have recognized the faith and

want to share it with others. We know that

someday we will be with Him.

MEET: Katie

PARENTS: John and Karen

ACTIVITIES SHE LOVES: soccer, tennis, horseback

riding, family vacations

IS THIS YOUR FIRST NYG: Yes. I am very excited to

meet new people and encounter new

experiences, while also continuing and

strengthening a relationship with God.


"But God proves His love for us in that while we

still were sinners Christ died for us." Romans 5:8


DOES THIS MEAN TO YOU: This means to me that

by believing in God, I put faith in Him and follow

Him so that I may live in His glory after my life

here on earth is complete.

MEET: Emily

PARENTS: Scott and Lori

ACTIVITIES SHE LOVES: softball, reading, being

with friends, snowboarding and cooking.

IS THIS YOUR FIRST NYG: Yes, this is my first

Gathering. I am very excited to attend so I can

grow in my faith in a new, more contemporary

way. I feel that as a teen, I'll be able to relate

more to the upbeat ways they share the love and

word of the Lord. Also, I am just excited to go to

New Orleans.

FAVORITE BIBLE VERSE: "For I know the plans I

have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper

you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope

and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

I think this verse applies to everyone. Everyone

has a purpose and God has very specific plans and

reasons for what He does.


DOES THIS MEAN TO YOU: To me, it means that

we're all getting together to share our faith and

celebrating the fact that we all BELIEVE!

MEET: Tricia

PARENTS: John and Deb

ACTIVITIES SHE LOVES: cooking out at friends'

house, home or school.

IS THIS YOUR FIRST NYG: Yes it is my first

FAVORITE BIBLE VERSE: "The Lord is my light and

my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the

stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?"

Psalm 27.1


DOES THIS MEAN TO YOU: It means to me that we

believe in Him and we care about what we learn

and what we talk about to others.

MEET: Sydney

PARENTS: Bill and Char

ACTIVITIES SHE LOVES: playing softball at West De

Pere and running, hanging out with friends and

family and being outside.

IS THIS YOUR FIRST NYG: Yes. This is my first

Gathering and I'm looking to attend to grow in my

faith. I want to worship God and understand the

things He did for us and I believe this Gathering

will help me do that.

FAVORITE BIBLE VERSE: "For God so loved the

world that he gave his only begotten son, that

whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have

eternal life." John 3:16


DOES THIS MEAN TO YOU: This means to me that

I believe in Jesus and by believing we'll have

everlasting life.

MEET: Krysta

PARENTS: Jeff and Dawn

ACTIVITIES SHE LOVES: playing sports (volleyball,

basketball, and softball) for West De Pere and

spending time with family and friends.

IS THIS YOUR FIRST NYG: Yes, this is my first

Lutheran Youth Gathering. I am looking forward

to strengthen my faith in God. I also have several

friends from other churches that I am hoping to

see there.

FAVORITE BIBLE VERSE: "God is our refuge and

strength, an ever-present help in trouble." Psalm


I like this verse because I always know God is

with me on both the good and bad days.


DOES THIS MEAN TO YOU: This means to me that

everyone at the Gathering are like me and are

believers in Jesus.

MEET: Briana

PARENTS: Michele and Brian

ACTIVITIES SHE LOVES: reading, playing baseball

with my family and playing the clarinet.

IS THIS YOUR FIRST NYG: This is my first Lutheran

Youth Gathering. I am looking to attend because I

want to share God's Word with other Christians

and have fun praising and worshiping Him.

FAVORITE BIBLE VERSE: "Keep your lives free from

the love of money and be content with what you

have, because God has said, "Never will I leave

you; never will I forsake you." Hebrews 13:5


DOES THIS MEAN TO YOU: To me "We Believe"

means that as Christians we believe in God even if

we don't see Him.

MEET: Bailey

PARENTS: Michele and Brian

ACTIVITIES SHE LOVES: singing and listening to

music, shooting hoops or playing basketball.

IS THIS YOUR FIRST NYG: Yes this is my first Youth

Gathering. I am looking to attend because I think

it will be a fun experience and I am looking

forward at meeting new people.

FAVORITE BIBLE VERSE: "My peace I leave with

you my peace I give you. I do not give to you as

the world gives, do not let your heart be troubled,

do not be afraid." John 14:27


DOES THIS MEAN TO YOU: It means that we

believe in God and all that He did for us

MEET: Beth, one of the NYG leaders

FAMILY: Ben, Amber and Autumn

ACTIVITIES SHE LOVES: sports, outdoors,

kayaking, singing and contemporary worship.

Spending time with family and friends, teaching

and sharing Jesus' love with all ages.

IS THIS YOUR FIRSTNYG: No. I have attended

several of them both as a youth and as a

chaperone. I look forward to seeing youth

connect with their faith in a real way.

FAVORITE BIBLE VERSE: "For I know the plans I

have for you. Plans to prosper you, not to harm

you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Jeremiah 29:11


DOES THIS MEAN TO YOU: It means we are all

united in a faith that we share in Jesus. It does

not matter what our background is or what path

we have taken to get where we are. What unifies

us is that we have a Savior that loves us and has

given us all the free gift of grace. Collectively we

can share this gift with others and further God's

Kingdom here on earth.

MEET: Kim Thompson, one of the NYG leaders

FAMILY: Dave, Emily and Sarah

ACTIVITIES SHE LOVES: speaking Portuguese and

Brazilian music, travel, international exchange,

family vacations, sharing the love of Jesus,

watching daughters play soccer, spending time

with Christian friends

IS THIS YOUR FIRST NYG: This is my third

gathering as I led a group in 2004 and 2007. What

awesome and faith building experiences they

were. I love seeing the youth get excited about

their faith in Jesus!

FAVORITE BIBLE VERSE: "I can do all things

through Christ that strengthens me." Philippians



DOES THIS MEAN TO YOU: "But these are written

that you may BELIEVE that Jesus is the Christ, the

Son of God, and that by believing you may have

life in his name." John 20:31

It means that we are so blessed that God loves us

so much that he has given us a Savior and the

Hope of eternal life. Each day we are able to rise

with this confidence of our salvation to carry us

through this life during challenging moments,

times of hurt and loss and the good times too.

Bulgaria Mission

The following items are requested: Quilts,

blankets and towels; new or gently used

sweatshirts and coats for men, women and

children in all sizes; new or gently used socks and

shoes for children up to age 12; new or gently

used yarn for knitting, nativity sets and decorative


Please bring donations to

the coatroom. A shipment

will be made to Bulgaria in

August. See the poster on

the bulletin board for

more information.

Helping Hands for Bulgaria is headquartered at

Christ Lutheran Church, 308 Wet Linden St.,

Abbotsfort, WI 54405. Linda, daughter of Myron

and Gerry, is co-founder of this mission.

NEW Association Women's


Come join in the NEW

Association Women's Choir

as we present special music

for the National Lutherans

for Life Conference service

on Friday, July 23 at 5:00 at the Tundra Lodge. We

will have one rehearsal on Saturday, July 17 at

11:00 -12:00 at N.E.W. Lutheran High School. If

this rehearsal doesn't work for you but you would

like to participate, please still call and let me

know. If you are interested in this awesome

opportunity email Cindy Fosheim at

fosheimc@hotmail.com or call Cindy at 362-6859.

Camp Luther

Women's Weekend Out:

Join us September 17-19 for

our annual Women's

Weekend Out Retreat. This

is an exceptional weekend

of laughter, friendships and

fun for women of all ages.

This year we are excited to welcome Jan Struck as

our guest speaker. You will be filled with laughter

and encouragement as Jan shares stories that will

touch your heart. Learn more about her ministry

at her website www.struckwithlaughter.org.

Gather the girlfriends and REGISTER TODAY for

this not-to-be-missed retreat!

Labor Day Weekend Family Retreat: This retreat,

held September 3-6, offers a very flexible

schedule with a variety of activities. There are

age-appropriate Bible studies, with discussion

based on "The Family of God." During the rest of

the weekend, you can join in activities lead by our

staff or just enjoy the beach. Activities will include

a trip to Bond Falls, a golf outing, pontoon tours

of the Chain-o-Lakes, a cookout, minnow races,

kayaking, trail biking, swimming, and so much

more. Start a new family tradition this year! Visit

www.campluther.com for more information.

Women's Craft Weekend: Whether you love to

quilt, scrapbook or stamp, women of all ages can

bring their supplies and enjoy some intense

crafting time from October 22-24. Bring your

current project and share ideas. Consultants on

quilting, scrapbooking and jewelry making will be

available with lots of ideas and "make and take"

projects. Bible Study and devotions will focus on

what it means to have a multi-faceted faith. Just

like craft projects have many different colors,

textures and materials, our faith must have many

dimensions to stay strong and active. Optional

activities (biking, camp tours, coffee shop break,

etc) will also be available to give you a break from

crafting. Please indicate your hobby choice on the

registration form.

3rd Annual Camp Luther Quilt Auction:

Your handmade quilts are

needed for the 3rd Annual

Camp Luther Quilt Auction!

This year there will

additional auction items, a

new auctioneer and

additional advertising to boost this awesome

event. Donate new quilts for twin, double and

queen-sized beds to Camp Luther no later than

October 1st. Table runners, wall-hangings and

baby quilts are also great items that people love

to bid on. We also ask that enclose a quilt

information sheet so that we might catalog and

display your work accurately. And then join us for

the quilt auction on November 6th at Celebration

Lutheran in Appleton. All proceeds directly

benefit the ministry of Camp Luther.

Couple's Retreat:

From newlyweds to empty-nesters, this is a

retreat for married couples of all ages held

September 24-26. You will find time to spend as a

couple as well as in fellowship and Bible study

with other Christian couples. The theme for this

year's retreat will be based on John 15, where

Christ commands us to "love one another as I

have loved you." Activities will include couple

time, a fall colors bike trip, winery tour, optional

trip to Bond Falls and much more! Meals will

include two "Breakfasts in Bed", a picnic lunch

and a romantic candlelight dinner. Cottage

housing is available on a first-come, first-served


Fall Cottage Retreats:

Plan your individual or family two-night fall

get-away at Camp Luther. Cottages are available

this fall for just $65 per night (for a two-night

minimum stay). That's half the regular rate! Hike

our trails, fish the chain, bike the Three-Eagle

Trail, hunt the Nicolet Forest, or just sit back and

enjoy a colorful autumn view from your cottage

porch. Offer good Labor Day through December

15. Book your family or individual retreat

get-a-way by contacting Camp Luther at


"Every Kid to Camp" Auction:

The "Every Kid to Camp"

auction, "Bids-for-Kids"

needs both silent and live

auction items. Silent

auction items range in price

from $25-$75. Live auction items are anything

over $100. If you have an item you would like to

donate, please let Sandi at the North Wisconsin

District know at sandy@nwdlcms.org or

715-845-8241, ext. 23.

Items need to be in our hands by August 11, 2010,

unless other arrangements are made. Your help is

greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. The

"Bids-for-Kids" Auction is September 11.

Camp Luther is a ministry of the North Wisconsin

District-LCMS. Our mission is to build up the Body

of Christ for service to the church and witness to

the world.

Save This Stuff

< General Mills Boxtops for Education and

Kemps and Morning Glory milkcaps

which go to Trinity Lutheran School. They

are worth $0.05 each.

< Egg cartons go to Paul's Pantry. We are

still looking for a volunteer to take the

cartons during the summer months.

Contact the church office if you can do


< Campbell Soup labels go to Bethesda

Home. Only the UPC code with the little

point square next to it are needed. They

recently sent a thank you for out labels.

< Plastic and paper bags may be

contributed directly to Christian

Outreach or to Bethesda Thrift Shop.

< Empty pill bottles (must be from

prescriptions, not over the counter


< Food items for St. Anne's food pantry.

< Used postage stamps – leave ½ inch

around the stamp. There is a 3 drawer

container in the coatroom for these.

< Computer ink cartridges. Eligible brands

are now HP, Dell, Lexmark, Brother,

Epson, Samsung, Kodak, Sharp or Canon

ink or toner cartridges. The highlighted

brands were not accepted in the program

before, but are now. The recycling

rebates are used to offset office

expenses (paper/ink/envelopes, etc) in

the church office. Put these in the middle

drawer in the coatroom.

< Portals of Prayer. Please recycle your old

issues or pass on to others. The groups

for whom we had previously collected

old copies no longer use them.

Publication Information

Bulletin information is due

by Wednesdays at 8:00 pm.

Information for the July

newsletter will be due on

Monday, June 21. Please

put information in the

church secretary's mailbox.

Please sign any notes in

case of questions. Thanks.

Please remember to check your mailbox in the

coatroom each time you are at church. Your

name is above your box.

top related