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Passport to Success JETSET Intermediate Level 4 (SET version)


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This is a complimentary publication from EDI and should not be sold. EDI International House Siskin Parkway East Middlemarch Business Park Coventry CV3 4PE United Kingdom © Education Development International plc 2009 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher. This book may not be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise disposed of by way of trade in any form of binding or cover, other than that in which it is published, without the prior consent of the Publisher. Typeset by EDI ISBN 978-1-86247-108-5

Passport to Success


Introduction | 4 Chapter 1 – Introducing the family | 5 Chapter 2 – A day out in Birmingham | 15 Chapter 3 – A visit from the relatives | 22 Chapter 4 – Celebrations | 35 Chapter 5 – Going on holiday | 44 Chapter 6 –Working life | 52 Chapter 7 – Medical matters | 60 Chapter 8 – Things to do at the weekend | 69 Chapter 9 – Vocabulary lists | 80 Chapter 10 – Answers | 99



EDI is a leading international awarding body that was formed through the merger of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Examinations Board (LCCIEB) and a leading online assessment provider (GOAL). EDI now delivers qualifications internationally through a network of over 5000 registered centres in more than 120 countries worldwide. Our range of qualifications is trusted and valued by employers worldwide and recognised by universities and professional bodies. This workbook is part of the EDI Passport to Success series of workbooks. The JETSET Passport to Success titles have been designed as tools to reinforce prior learning and, as such, they are suitable for use as either homework books or as key classroom resources. This particular title has been written specifically to meet the needs of learners preparing to sit senior (SET) versions of the JETSET Level 4 qualification. It covers the key syllabus topics and focuses on the core vocabulary and grammar demands. It is important to emphasise that this workbook is offered as a tool to reinforce class-based learning and should only be used as part of a language course and in conjunction with other JETSET support materials. Further resources to support the JETSET qualifications include sample exam papers, the JETSET syllabus and teaching support materials. Please either contact your local EDI representative or visit the EDI website ( for more information and to find out how to acquire these additional resources.



Read about Alan, Jenny and their family and make sure that you understand all the words. Jenny, a teacher, and her husband Alan, a chef, live in Birmingham - a large city in the centre of England. They have two children, Dominic and Lily. Dominic is 14, and Lily is 11. The family lives in a semi-detached house, on the outskirts of the city, which Jenny and Alan moved to 15 years ago, just before Dominic was born. They are now buying their house, having borrowed money on a mortgage. Jenny works in a local primary school, so she is usually able to be at home after school with the children – and of course she has the same holidays. Alan has a job in a nearby hotel, but his job means he often has to work in the evenings and at weekends. They have been married for 17 years, and share many of the same interests, particularly going to the theatre, and Jenny likes spending a lot of time in the garden. When he is free at weekends, Alan likes to go to watch football matches, - he supports Aston Villa, a local team. Their son, Dominic, is quite tall for his age, has short, dark hair and dark brown eyes. He is very interested in sport, playing football with his friends whenever he has time. But now he is beginning to have a lot of homework, and he knows he will soon be taking examinations which will be important for his future, so he needs to work hard at school. Lily is much smaller than Dominic, and quite thin. Her hair is curly, and she wears glasses, and is always worried about breaking them. Her main hobby is music; and she is learning to play the violin. When she was younger she also had piano lessons, but she has chosen to learn the violin so she can play in the school orchestra when she is good enough. She has a great sense of humour, and is often playing tricks on Dominic – he feels that now he is a teenager, life is more serious, and he is often irritated by her behaviour.

Introducing the family 1 Dominic and Lily’s family


Part One Read the paragraph on the previous page again, and then decide if the following statements are (A) true (B) false or (C) not mentioned in the text. 1. Jenny does not work.

A True B False C Not in text 2. The daughter wears spectacles.

A True B False C Not in text 3. Jenny is older than Alan.

A True B False C Not in text 4. Alan often works on Saturday.

A True B False C Not in text 5. Lily plays in the school orchestra.

A True B False C Not in text 6. Dominic is in the school football team.

A True B False C Not in text 7. The children go to the primary school.

A True B False C Not in text 8. Lily is fun loving.

A True B False C Not in text 9. Alan and Jenny are renting their house.

A True B False C Not in text 10. Alan is a good cook.

A True B False C Not in text


Part Two Think of a person that you know well and try to describe them very accurately in full sentences. If possible, read your description to someone who knows the person you have described. Can they recognise the person from your description? Words you may find useful –

dark blonde brown tall short plump thin

slim handsome freckles curly wavy

straight ponytail serious hardworking

lazy friendly outgoing shy

………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………


Part Three

Read the conversation and put it into reported speech; the first one is done for you.

“Dominic, I am finding the maths lessons really hard at school. Did you find

it hard when you first started at secondary school?” “Don’t worry. I remember I found it really quite hard to begin with. The

maths you do at primary school is much easier, so now you will have to work!”

“But at my primary school I was one of the best at maths, and now everyone seems to know the answers before me.”

Lily told Dominic that she found the maths lessons very hard at school. She asked him if he had found it hard when he first started at secondary school.

Recently Lily started going to the same school in Birmingham as her brother. Every day they travel there by bus. Lily has lots of questions for Dominic about the school and what she can expect when she moves to the senior classes.


Part Three (continued) “They may answer before you, but do they have the right answer? They

may be faster than you, but they may not be correct.” “That’s true. Most of the time I do get the answer right. I just need to go slowly and keep checking to be certain.” “There you are then; that shows you are doing OK. You should relax, and

just be happy that you get the answers right. Speed isn’t everything.”


Part Three (continued) “Yes, I suppose you are right. But will you help me sometimes with my

homework, to make sure I understand it properly.” “Of course – but not today; I am off to play football with George and Paul. I’m meeting them at the park in half an hour, so I have to hurry.

Bye now.” “Bye; have fun. See you later.”


Part Four Here is a family tree of Dominic and Lily’s family. Answer the following questions.

1. Jacob and Elisabeth are Dominic and Lily’s 2. Edward is Dominic and Lily’s mother’s 3. Helen is Dominic and Lily’s father’s 4. Dominic, Lily, Jacob and Elisabeth have the same 5. Dominic and Lily’s mother and father are Jacob and Elisabeth’s

Family tree


Part Five There are different views about family life; do you think one parent should stay at home to look after the children? Or do you think it more important for parents to take paid employment and arrange childcare? Do parents have a choice? Write an article discussing both points of view, making your own opinion clear in the conclusion.


Part Six Below are some acrostics (puzzles in which certain letters in each line form a word), using Alan’s and Lily’s names using words to describe them. L oveable A ston Villa football fan I ntelligent L ikes working hard L ighthearted A ctive Y oung N ever home early! Now can you make an acrostic for Dominic? (If it is easier make a sentence rather than just using one word). D………………………………………………………………………………… O………………………………………………………………………………… M………………………………………………………………………………… I………………………………………………………………………………… N………………………………………………………………………………… I………………………………………………………………………………… C…………………………………………………………………………………


Part Seven Now try to do an acrostic on your own name? Here are some adjectives to help you

Athletic Busy Caring Decisive Energetic Fun-loving Generous Humorous Idle Jolly Kind Lovely Motivated Nervous

Older Patient Quick-witted Rude Silly Timid Understanding Virtuous Warm Youthful Zestful


Part One Read the description below. Then, on the following page, re-write the numbered parts in direct speech just like in the example (1).

It is half term, so school is closed; Jenny and the children have a half term holiday. Jenny wants to go shopping, as Dominic needs a new football kit. She is planning to go to the City Centre. She also wants to go to her bank, to enquire about getting a loan. She wants a new kitchen, and knows they will need to borrow some money to pay for it. Unfortunately Alan is busy at work, so he cannot join them. 1) It is already 9 o’clock and Jenny is telling the children to hurry because the bus will be leaving in 15 minutes. 2) Dominic is arguing with her; he wants to go in the car. 3) Jenny explains that she does not want to have to drive into the crowded city centre, and anyway it costs too much to park there. 4) Then, Lily joins in and complains that she does not want to walk, and if they go shopping they will have too much to carry. Jenny begins to get impatient and annoyed by their objections. 5) She reminds them that they are not going to be buying very much, only Dominic’s football kit, and as there are three of them it is not a lot to carry. The bus is cheaper than parking and as the children have bus passes, they can use them and get a discount. 6) Lily complains that the bus is often very slow and does not take them near the sports shop. 7) Finally Jenny has had enough, and she tells the children to stop arguing, and get ready, otherwise they will miss the bus. If they go any later, then they will not be able to stay out for lunch.

A day out in Birmingham2


Part One (continued) Re-write the numbered parts of the description on the previous page so that they are in direct speech. The first one has been done for you.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

“Come on Lily and Dominic. We need to hurry up and get ready; the bus is leaving in 15 minutes.”


Part Two Look at the prices for bus tickets to the city centre and costs for car parking. Then, answer the questions on the following page.

FROM Spring Lane Bus Stop TO City Centre Adult Single £1.50 Return £2.60 Child (under 16) Single £1.00 Return £1.75 Child (with discount bus pass) Single £0.70 Return £1.20 FOR CARS 70p per half hour for the first two hours £1.50 for every other hour

Bus ticket prices

Parking costs


Part Two (continued) They plan to stay in the City Centre for at least 4 hours. 1. How much would it have cost to park? A £4.40 B £5.80 C £6 They have decided to buy bus tickets that take them to and from the city centre. 2. How much will Lily’s bus ticket cost? A £0.70 B £1.20 C £1.75 Dominic has forgotten his bus pass. 3. How much will it now cost for all three tickets? A £4.15 B £5.00 C £5.55 4. Would it be cheaper to park or to travel by bus? A Cheaper by bus

B Cheaper to park C It would have cost the same They catch the 10.15 bus to the City Centre.

5. Based on the above timetable, what time should the bus arrive? A 9:40

B 10:40 C 10:45


Part Three Describe the route that they need to take to get to the Bus Stop on Spring Lane from their house which is number 8 Swan Road. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Part Four Now draw the route on the above map with a red pen or pencil.


Post Office


Bus Stop


At the City Centre, Jenny goes to the bank first. There is a long queue at the counter, but just inside the door there is an enquiry desk, with a woman sitting behind it. A namebadge gives her name as Louise Stepping, customer advisor. Part Five Put their conversation into reported speech, after each name prompt, - the first one has been done for you.

“Can I help you?” asks Louise Stepping. Louise

“Well, yes, please, Miss Stepping” replies Jenny. “Actually I am not quite sure what it is I need, but I am sure you can advise me”.

Jenny “Tell me what the problem is, and we will take it from there, oh and please just call me Louise” says Louise. She also asks “What is your name?” Louise

“Oh, I’m Mrs Tolley,” Jenny answers, “We have our account here, my husband and I, that is. We need to borrow some money”, she adds, a bit nervously.

Jenny ………………………………………………………………………………………………… “That’s why we’re here. How much do you need to borrow?” Louise

asked if she could help Jenny.


“We want to put a new kitchen into our house, and think we will need to borrow about £5,000” says Jenny.

Jenny “Well,” says Louise, “I think the best thing is to give you some leaflets now, and we can then book you an appointment to discuss the best way for you”. Louise

“Thanks,” says Jenny; “We could come in later this week – maybe Friday morning?”

Jenny “You can have an appointment to see our financial advisor on Friday at 11.30 if that’s ok?” Louise then asks Jenny “Please just fill in this form and we will see you on Friday”. Louise


After going to the bank, Jenny takes the children to the sports shop to buy Dominic’s football strip. He has been selected to play for his school team, so he needs to have a football shirt in the team colours, which are blue with a white stripe, and white shorts, and blue socks. He also needs a new pair of boots, as he has almost grown out of his old pair. He comes out of the changing room, very proud of himself in his team colours – but the shirt is rather tight. Mother immediately says to the assistant that the shirt is too small, and she wants him to try the larger size. Part Six Read the conversation below and then fill in the gaps with a suitable word or words. “He has tried on the Medium size at the moment. I think the next size

up is Large, which might be (1) ________________ big.”

“Let’s try it anyway; he will only grow (2) ___________________ and we

hope he will stay in the team for a long time”.

“Yes, of course I will! And if the (3) _________________ size is too big, I

can always wear a tee-shirt underneath when it is cold”.

At the Sports shop


Part Five (continued) “He also needs some football boots. He takes (4) _________________ 6. “Oh, I am (5) _________________ we have some in that size.

Let me get you a selection of pairs to look at and try.”


The family is expecting a visit from Jenny’s brother, Edward and his family. Edward lives in Amsterdam, in Holland. He is married to Ingrid, a Dutch woman he met through his work. They have two children, Elisabeth, who is now 10, and Jacob, who is 8. The two families often visit each other, but usually they meet in Holland, as the two Dutch children are still quite young and do not like travelling. It is nearly 6 years since the Dutch family last came to Birmingham, so Lily and Dominic are very excited and want to make sure they have a good time. Dominic has also been finding out about the city, as he wants to tell his Aunt Ingrid about the history of the area. He knows she will be interested, as she often takes them to museums when they visit Amsterdam. Now he wants to be able to take her around Birmingham, and to show off his knowledge of his home city. Part One Read the text above and then decide if the following statements are true (A), false (B) or not mentioned in the text (C). 1. Jenny rarely gets to see her brother Edward and his family.

A True B False C Not in text 2. Jacob is the youngest of Edward’s children.

A True B False C Not in text 3. Edward's family have visited Birmingham once before.

A True B False C Not in text 4. People who are from Holland are called Dutch people.

A True B False C Not in text 5. Uncle Edward’s children are very excited about the visit to Birmingham.

A True B False C Not in text

A visit from the relatives3 Uncle Edward’s visit to Birmingham


Dominic has been doing a school project about his home city, and he has found out the following facts. He knew that Birmingham was a major industrial city, but he had not realised just how many important inventions and discoveries had been made there – discoveries which still affect our daily lives. 1. Joseph Priestley, a Birmingham Minister from 1780 to 1791, discovered oxygen. 2. John Wright invented electroplating in Birmingham in 1840. 3. John Wyatt developed the spinning jenny, a machine for spinning wool. 4. Henry Clay found out how to make a new form of papier mache, using sheets of

paper, in 1772. 5. John Dunlop invented the pneumatic tyre in Birmingham in 1888. 6. Nigel Mansell, the famous Indy and Formula One driving champion, is a native citizen

of Birmingham. 7. Birmingham is the home of rock bands such as Duran Duran and UB40.

Facts about Birmingham


Part Two Re-write the facts from the previous page using the passive form – the first is done for you. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Oxygen was discovered by Joseph Priestley, a Birmingham Minister.


Mother and Lily are preparing for the visit by doing some baking. “When Edward was a boy he adored chocolate cake” said Mother. “I thought I would make him one as a surprise.” “I should ask your father to make it at work, but this is a family recipe, and I am sure I can do it” she added. This is the list of ingredients: 225g butter 225g brown sugar 4 eggs 225g self raising flour 55g cocoa Mother looks in the cupboard to see if she has all the ingredients she needs. “Oh dear, I have not got enough sugar. Lily, can you go to the shop for me and buy some more sugar please?” Part Three Look back at the map on page 19 (Chapter 2) and describe the route that Lily will have to take to get to the shop. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................


When Lily gets back from the shop, Mother has already started preparing the cake. “I think we should make a larger cake, as there will be quite a lot of people”, said Mother. “I will make twice as much, I think. The recipe is enough for four people, and there will be eight people when they are all staying here”. Part Four Can you double the quantities in the list of ingredients on the previous page? Write out the recipe with the new quantities. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Part Five Later the family are all sitting down, eating a meal, and Dominic asks his mother about his uncle and cousins. Read their conversation.

“What was Uncle Edward like as a boy?” “As a boy?” He looked quite like you, actually. As a boy he

was taller than you are now, and his hair was shorter. Boys were not allowed to have long hair in those days; it was always cut quite short. Ted was keen on playing football, he didn’t enjoy his schoolwork much, and didn’t work very hard. I am glad you work harder than he did, although he does seem able to make money easily enough with his business.”

“Why do you call him Ted sometimes, Mum?”

“That was his nickname – it’s the short form of Edward!” Dad added “We also called him Teddy sometimes – but that

really annoyed him. He kept objecting, because he thought we meant he was like a Teddy Bear!”

“Yes” added Mother. “He used to get quite angry, so we did

not do that very often”.


Part Five (continued) Now complete gaps in the conversation. The first one is done for you.

“Uncle Edward’s hair was cut very short when he was a boy, _________________?” “Yes, boys did not grow their hair long in those days”. “He liked to play football, ____________________? So I am quite like him, aren’t I?” “Yes, you both like sports, but I think you work harder at school than he did.” “But I need to work hard if I want to get a good job, ___________________. But Uncle Edward just seems to be good at making money, doesn’t he?” “You called Edward by his nickname sometimes, ____________________?”

“Yes, we called him Ted.”

wasn’t it


Part Five (continued) “But he didn’t really like it, ____________________?” “No, he used to get quite annoyed – but it was worse if we

called him Teddy Bear” added Mother. “But you didn’t do that very often?”

“No, of course not; it is not right to annoy your brother.” “But Lily often annoys me, ____________________?”


Uncle Edward, Aunt Ingrid and the two children have booked a flight which means they will arrive at Birmingham Airport at 3 o’clock on Friday afternoon. Mother is planning to meet them, and has arranged to finish at 1 o’clock, but she is worried about getting back to be at home when Lily gets home from school. She talks about this with Alan. “Why don’t you just ask the school if Lily can come with you to the airport?” suggests Alan. “Dominic needs to be at school and he is old enough to get home on his own and wait for you. If the flight is delayed you can phone him. After all you should be back from the airport by 4:30 or 5 o’clock, provided the traffic is not too bad. I should be home by 6 anyway, so Dominic would only be alone for about two hours.” “Yes, I will do that” says Jenny. “I will write to the school and ask if I can collect Lily at 1:30; we can drive to the airport in plenty of time to meet them. After all, we do not do it very often, and it is the first time my brother and his family will be coming to England since the children were babies, and we have not seen each other for about two years”. Part Six Now look back through the discussion and the letter – can you change the times so that they are written according to the 24 hour clock? The first one has been done for you. 1. 3:00 pm = 2. 1:00 pm = 3. 4:30 pm = 4. 6:00 pm = 5. 1:30 pm =


Birmingham Airport


Part Seven Here is the letter that Jenny wrote to the school. Fill in the gaps with the suitable words. Choose from the words shown at the bottom of the page.

Dear Teacher Next week my brother Edward and his family are (1) _____________________ to England. I have not (2) ____________________ him and his family for two years, so I am (3) ____________________ to be at the airport to meet him. The only flight they can (4) __________________ arrives at the airport at 3 o’clock. If I (5) __________________ him and his family I (6) ___________________ be back when Lily (7) ____________________ home from school. Therefore I (8) __________________ like to ask if I can (9) _________________ Lily from school at 1.30pm, and (10) __________________ her with me to the airport. Of course, if she (11) ____________________ some important school work, she can (12) __________________ it over the weekend, at home. I hope you (13) ____________________ to my request. I do not want Lily to have to spend a long time alone (14) ____________________ at home for me to get back from the airport. I look forward to (15) ____________________ from you.

gets won’t meet do hoping misses agree seen

coming catch would hearing collect take waiting


Lily is very excited about going to the airport. She is trying to guess which countries the planes will be arriving from.

America Argentina Australia Bulgaria

Chile China

Cyprus Denmark Ecuador Ghana Greece India Italy Peru

Poland Portugal Russia Spain

Sweden The Netherlands

Part Eight Look at the list of Countries above and see if you can find them in the word search. One is done for you. The words may be written horizontally, vertically, or diagonally from left to right, or from right to left!

Word search


It will soon be Lily’s birthday, when she will be 12 years old. She is already getting very excited and wondering what presents she will receive, and how many of her friends will come to her party. She is planning the day with her mother. This year her birthday falls on a Friday, so she will have to go to school, but she has agreed with her mother that they will have a party in the evening. As school finishes as 3:40pm, there is time for Lily to get home, change, and invite her friends to come to her house for 5 o’clock. There will be time for a birthday tea, and then Lily wants to go out in the evening. But her mother does not agree. “Why don’t we have your friends over for a party on Saturday?” she suggests. “On Friday it is just too busy, and there is not enough time. I will be at work myself until 3:30pm, and then it will all be such a rush to get everything ready.” “Besides, if we wait until Saturday we can spend the morning preparing and just having fun, and then in the afternoon we could all go out to the cinema, or we could go skating at the indoor ice rink, or whatever you would like to do.” Lily rather likes the idea of going out with her friends – and she realises that there will not be enough time to do this on Friday evening, so she is happy to agree with her mother. “And there is something else I was going to suggest,” says Jenny. “Why don’t we invite Granny over on Friday evening, and maybe we could go out for a family meal. I am sure your Father could arrange to have the evening free from work, particularly as it is his mother’s birthday, as well as his daughter’s!” For Lily is not the only one in her family having a birthday soon. Lily was born on her grandmother’s birthday, so they share the day, and often, jokingly, call themselves “twins”. “We are not really twins” says Lily, “We are twins who are 51 years apart!”

Celebrations 4Lily’s birthday party


Part One Read the text on the previous page and then decide if each of the following statements is true (A), false (B) or not mentioned in the text (C). 1. Lily’s birthday this year is on Thursday.

A True B False C Not in text 2. Her mother agrees that she can invite 5 friends to her party.

A True B False C Not in text

3. Lily finishes school at 15.40 every day.

A True B False C Not in text 4. They decide to go to the cinema on Saturday afternoon.

A True B False C Not in text 5. Lily is unhappy about her mother’s ideas for her birthday party.

A True B False C Not in text 6. Mother suggests the invite Granny over for a family meal on Friday evening.

A True B False C Not in text 7. Lily and her grandmother jokingly call themselves “twins”.

A True B False C Not in text

8. Granny is about to be 63 years old.

A True B False C Not in text


Lily decides she will invite her three closest friends to come to a party on Saturday, the day after her birthday. She would like to invite many more, but she wants to go out to the ice rink. They will go there by car, and there is only room for Lily and three friends – and Mother as the driver. Part Two Can you help Lily write the invitations to her party? The friends she has invited are called Sophie, Sarah and Anita. Complete the invitation below by filling in the missing words and deciding which friend this invitation is for.

Dear ____________________ I would like to invite you to come to my birthday party on Saturday afternoon. The party ____________________ at 2 o’clock, and we __________________ ice skating at the Indoor Ice Rink in Birmingham City Centre. It ___________________ perfect if you ____________________ at my house just before 2pm, and then my mother ____________________ us all in her car to the rink. You ____________________ to bring any special clothes, although the staff at the ice rink ____________________ us all to bring a warm sweater or coat. After skating we ____________________ back to my house, for tea! Perhaps you ____________________ your parents to collect you from my house at 7 o’clock. I ____________________ you _________________________ to come. Please reply by Wednesday. Love, Lily

Planning the party


Part Three Lily telephones Granny to invite her to the family meal on Friday evening. Complete the conversations, making full sentences from the notes.

“Hello Granny, how are you?”


“I/fine/too/I/very/excited. I /look forwards/to our birthday.”

“Our birthday?/You/so/funny/! You/not/tease/me.”


Part Three (continued) “I/ring/you/ask/what/you/do/Friday evening?” “You/like/come/to a family dinner on Friday evening?”

“I/delight/to come. How lovely. I/bring/some food/help/your mother. I/not want/her/too busy/. She work/hard enough/at school.”

“No Granny! Daddy /have/the day/off work/celebrate his mother’s and his daughter’s birthday, so he/ cook!”


Part Four Next Wednesday, March 19th, is Alan and Jenny’s wedding anniversary; they are discussing what they might do to celebrate. Read the following conversation and then choose the correct verb to fill each of the numbered spaces.

“Next week it is our wedding anniversary. What ______(1)______ you like to do to celebrate?”

A will B would C should D can

“I’m not sure. We ______(2)______ go out for a meal I suppose?”

A can B wouldn’t C could D must

“But you work in a restaurant, and ______(3)______ cook every day. How about a night out at the theatre as a treat?”

A have to B can C must D should

“That’s an idea. And my mother ______(4)______ be able to come and stay overnight, to look after the children.”

A could B would C wouldn’t D might

Wedding Anniversary Celebrations


Part Four (continued)

“Oh, that’s a good idea! Then it ______(5)______ matter if we were late back”

A should B wouldn’t C might D must “OK. We ______(6)______ be too late, as we will have work the next day.”

A mustn’t B can C should D must

“I just hope there is something on at the theatre. It ______(7)______ be a pity if there is nothing we want to see”.

A could B must C should D would

“Well, you ______(8)______ arrange the entertainment, and I will ask my mother to come over for the night to be with the children.”

A must B could C can D should


Jenny is trying to decide which type of entertainment to go to with Alan for their wedding anniversary. His mother is able to come and be with the children, but cannot get to their house until 6.30pm, which means Jenny and Alan cannot be in the City Centre before 7.30; Alan does not like opera; neither of them like seeing animals providing entertainment; Alan does like thrillers and murder mysteries but Jenny is not keen on them; she prefers classical theatre such as Shakespeare plays. Part Five Read through all the promotional advertisements above, and decide which one Jenny will choose.

A The Circus

B Death on the Nile

C Carmen

D Romeo and Juliet

Tickets available Tuesday – Thursday

Friday and Saturday night SOLD OUT

Matinee Weds and Sat Starts at 3pm

Evening Show Starts at 8pm



Which Type of Entertainment?


Part Six All cultures and countries have different occasions for celebration – Chinese New Year; American Thanksgiving, French Bastille Day, St Patricks Day In Ireland, Hogmanay in Scotland. We also have Father’s Day, and Mother’s Day – the Chinese even have Teacher’s Day! Do these celebrations serve any purpose? Is there value in having these special occasions? Or are they just an excuse for card-selling shops, florists and restaurants to promote their business? What do you think? Write an essay giving both sides of the argument, and using examples from your own experience.






















Part Seven How many words, of four letters or more, can you make from the letters in the word “celebrations”? You can only use these letters, and the only letter you can use twice is “e” as there are two “e”s in celebrations. It does not count if you add an “s” to make the word plural; it is still only one word. Write them in the spaces below. 3 have been done for you to give you a start. See if you can get another 50!






One day Alan came home from work, and told the family that it was time to plan for their summer holiday. (1) “I have to book my time off work” he said. “I only have 4 weeks holiday a year not like you lucky children who have long school holidays!” “But you do enjoy your job don’t you?” asked Lily. “Of course he does,” said Jenny. “He is just teasing you, and wanting to get your sympathy. (2) Take no notice. Let’s think about holidays”. “I’d like (3) to go abroad this year,” said Dominic. “I’ve been doing French at school for three years now, and Lily has begun to learn French too – so can we go to France?” “I don’t know” said Jenny, “It might be (4) very expensive”. She looked at Alan. “I would certainly like to go somewhere where we can be certain of some good weather. I don’t want to spend all my holiday worrying about being cold and wet!” said Alan. “I think we might be able to afford it if we don’t stay in a luxurious hotel, or (5) travel first class . Maybe we could find somewhere that is (6) self-catering, and we could drive, or maybe get (7) a good rate for the tickets on the train.” “Well,” said Jenny, “the first thing is for you to book some time off, and then we can start planning. Let’s not go as soon as term ends; I always like a few days to get sorted out after term ends, and to prepare for going away. So maybe we should go at the end of July; I think the term ends on July 24th this year.” “Fine” replied Alan. “I’ll book time off from the end of July for maybe two and a half weeks; I am sure my manager will agree. I think Dominic and Lily are now old enough to help with the planning. You two can spend some time (8) on the Internet, looking for places to go, how to get there and the arrangements for travelling. After all, it’s you two who speak French and have computer lessons at school.”

Going on holiday 5Planning the holiday


Part One Read the text on the previous page. Some of the phrases have been underlined. Explain these phrases below, in your own words, ensuring you understand their meaning in the context that they have been used. 1. I have to book my time off 2. Take no notice 3. To go abroad 4. Very expensive 5. Travel first class


Part One (continued) 6. Self-catering 7. A good rate 8. On the Internet


The next evening, Dominic and Lily start looking at the different ways that they could travel to France for their holiday. They make the following notes. Fly to France, which might be quite cheap and would be the quickest option – but there would be a limit on how much they could take with them as luggage; they would not have a car in France, so would have to rent one. The airport is a long way from Rouen. Take the train and a ferry, which would be quite expensive, but they could take all their luggage, they would arrive in the centre of Rouen; it would be quite slow but also easy and relaxing. They would need to rent a car if they wanted to travel around in France. Use the Eurostar train through the Channel tunnel and take their own car with them – but that was very expensive, and would not get them exactly into Rouen. They would have to drive from Paris, and they would have to drive from Birmingham to London to get on Eurostar. “I am not sure Dad would like that option” said Lily. “He will say he is on holiday and does not want to drive in big cities”. An advantage would be that they could take a lot of luggage, possibly including their bikes on a bike rack. Drive all the way taking a ferry across the English Channel. Even this would not be cheap, because of the cost of fuel for the car, the ferry crossing, additional insurance for the car as they would be abroad. And it would take quite a long time and would be tiring. “Well, Mum could do some of the driving” said Lily, “and we could make the journey part of the holiday.” They would be able to take a lot of luggage, and they would have the car with them for the holiday.

How to get there?


Part Two Read the notes on the previous page and then list some of the points for (pros) and points against (cons) each of the travel options. Points For Points Against Fly Train + Ferry Eurostar Train Drive

Part Three What do you think is the best method of travel for the family? Give your choice below and explain why you think it would be best.

Cheap Can’t take much luggage


Another decision that has to be made is where to stay, but this seems much easier. A hotel is going to be too expensive, and Alan does not want to stay in a hotel for two weeks anyway – “too much like work”. He suggests that they go camping. Jenny says that she thinks a hotel would be very comfortable but would not consider camping even though it would be cheap. The family decide that renting a house and preparing their own meals would be the best option for them so the children are looking at prices of self-catering accommodation for two weeks near Rouen. They find lots of possibilities, but they realise that a larger place is much better value. A house for 4 people in August is 1,200 Euros a week; but a house for 8 people is only 1,850 Euros a week. “I know”, says Lily, “let’s see if Uncle Ted, Aunt Ingrid, Elisabeth and Jacob can come – we could share the costs, and it would be such fun”.

Part Four Read the text above and then decide if each of the following statements is true (A), false (B) or not mentioned in the text (C). 1. The only reason that Alan does not want to stay in a hotel is the cost. A True B False C Not in text 2. Jenny does not want to go camping because it is too uncomfortable. A True B False C Not in text 3. Self-catering accommodation is accommodation where meals are not provided but

the facilities to cook food are provided. A True B False C Not in text 4. There are few choices of self catering accommodation in the Rouen area. A True B False C Not in text 5. A bigger house is cheaper to rent, per person, than a smaller house. A True B False C Not in text



Dominic and Lilly decide to email Uncle Ted, and see if he agrees this is a good idea. “Don’t tell Mum and Dad yet, let’s find out what he thinks first”, said Dominic. Part Five Fill in the gaps in their email (gaps may contain more than one word) – the first is done for you.

you were able


Alan is doing his own research into their holiday. He wants to take the car, but is concerned about the legalities, such as the insurance, and if the car will need any special equipment or alterations for driving on the other side of the road. So he contacts his car insurance company for advice. They send him a list of advice “Taking your car to France” :

Taking your car to France

Driving Laws

The minimum age for driving in

France is 18 All cars must have the badge of

their country of registration UK insurance gives automatic 3rd

party insurance cover All car occupants must wear seat

belts At roundabouts it is correct to

give way to traffic already on the roundabout, coming from the left.

Dipped headlights must be used

when driving in poor visibility in the daytime

It is illegal to talk on a mobile

phone when driving, even using a handsfree kit, or headset

You must have basic breakdown

equipment including a warning triangle

Speed limits

Motorways 130 Kms/80 mph (110

Kms/68 mph when wet) Dual carriageway110 Kms/68 mph

(100 Kms/62 mph when wet) Other roads 90 Kms/55 mph (80

Kms/50mph when wet) Built up areas 50 Kms/31 mph (in all


Driving abroad


Part Six

Re-read the “Taking your car to France” text on the previous page and then decide if each of the following statements is true (A), false (B) or not in text (C). 1. Only front seat passengers must wear seat belts. A True B False C Not in text 2. Using a mobile phone when driving, even in an emergency, is forbidden. A True B False C Not in text 3. You must have fully comprehensive insurance cover. A True B False C Not in text 4. If your car breaks down you will need a warning triangle. A True B False C Not in text 5. You are breaking the law if you drive at over 100 Kms on a dual carriageway. A True B False C Not in text 6. If it is raining you must reduce your speed. A True B False C Not in text 7. Headlight beams must be altered on British-made cars. A True B False C Not in text 8. Cars from England must display a country badge. A True B False C Not in text


Part Seven What makes a memorable holiday? Think about the best holiday you have experienced, and try to make a list of 10 important elements which make up a good holiday. Talk with a friend or colleague, and share ideas. For example, you might say it is important to be with good friends or to have good weather. But the list should demonstrate what is important to you, and what are your priorities for a good holiday! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

What makes a great holiday


This evening Alan has worked late at the hotel, and does not get home until nearly midnight. He is surprised to find Jenny sitting up, waiting for him. “Hello darling,” he says, as he comes in. “This is a nice surprise; you are usually in bed when I am home late”. “I know,” says Jenny, “but I want to talk to you. It’s important, and I want your thoughts. It’s easier to talk when the children are asleep”.

“OK“ says Alan, and then laughing he adds “is it about the new kitchen? I know you want to go ahead, but I am worried about the money.” “Well, a new job has become available at my school – Head of Year – it would be a promotion for me, and I am thinking about applying for it. What do you think?” she asks. “The only problem is that I would have to put in more time; there would be more responsibility, and more paperwork. I might need to stay at school later once a week – and maybe bring more work home”. “Well,” replies Alan. “The first thing is, do you want this new job? If you are only doing it for the extra money I don’t think that’s a good idea. But if it is something you want to do, and there is also more money, then why not?” “Lots of reasons why not” says Jenny – “I might not get it; I might not be good enough. But mainly, I wonder about the children….” “The children! No need to worry about them. They are fine. Lily has settled really well in secondary school; Dominic is happy to look after her if they get home before you; she will have things to do after school, clubs, activities – you don’t need to be here for her. They have quite a lot of homework to do, so if you need to work at home as well, that’s OK. And on an evening like this when I am working late, then I can’t see it’s a problem if you and the children are all doing paperwork,” he adds. “And we won’t know if you will get it or not, if you don’t apply. So why not apply, and we will see what happens”.

Working life 6New kitchen – new job?


Part One Re-read the text on the previous page and then answer the following questions: 1. Jenny has got a new job as “Head of Year”. A True B False C Not in text 2. The new job will involve working more hours than her current job. A True B False C Not in text 3. Jenny is worried about her ability to do the new job. A True B False C Not in text 4. Alan is worried about how the new job would affect their children. A True B False C Not in text 5. Alan thinks that Jenny should apply for the new job. A True B False C Not in text Part Two Jenny currently works as a class teacher, and is applying for the post of Head of Year. Here is a list of documents she will need – can you explain each one? 1. Application form = 2. Job description = 3. Qualifications and certificates = 4. CV (or résumé) =


Dominic and his friends are talking about careers. Although he is still only 14, Dominic will soon be 15, and a year later he could choose to leave school. However, he is thinking that once he has taken his GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) examinations he would like to stay on in education for another two years, to take his A-levels. Then he might decide to go to university. But he is beginning to feel as if he has too many decisions to make. He has to study hard for his GCSEs, and is already doing regular coursework which will count towards his final examination grades; then, once he has taken those examinations he will have to decide which A-levels to study. He is hoping to take 8 GCSE exams (ICT, Media Studies, English, Maths, Science, French, History and Design), but will be limited to only 3 A- level subjects. When deciding which A-levels to study, Dominic will also have to begin to choose his future career, because this will influence his choice of subjects. For example, if he decides he wants a career working in the computer industry, he will need to continue his ICT studies; if he wants to become an architect, he will need to continue to study Maths and Design.

Part Three Read the text above and then decide if each of the following statements is true (A), false (B) or not mentioned in the text (C). 1. Dominic could choose to leave school in 2 years time. A True B False C Not in text 2. Dominic is limited to only 8 GCSE subjects. A True B False C Not in text 3. Dominic must think about the job he would like to do when deciding which

A-levels to study. A True B False C Not in text



Part Four Read the conversation below then fill in the gaps with a suitable word or words. “Maybe you should become a chef, like your father.” “No, I don’t want to work unsocial hours like Dad; he is always having

to work late, and at weekends; I would _______________________

to have a job with regular hours.”

“Do you want to be a _____________________, then, like your mother. You

would have holidays and weekends free – but you have to like children I

suppose! And do all that marking of their homework.”

“I would like to be a ____________________, but I don’t think I am good

enough. I think it would be fantastic to be picked out by someone who is

looking for talented young players, invited to join a football academy with

one of the big clubs, and then to start ____________________ an

enormous amount of money.”

“I am sure it would be great, but you would need to be able to score a lot of

goals. You were hopeless in our last game, and you kept on missing. I can’t

see anyone ____________________ you a lot of money to play!”


Part Five Rewrite each of the following sentences in the passive form. The first is done for you. 1. An architect is a person who designs houses. 2. A doctor is someone who treats people who are ill. 3. A nurse works in a hospital, helping people get better. 4. Teachers work in schools, helping children to learn. 5. Veterinary surgeons help sick or injured animals to get better. 6. People who work in the police force keep the public safe from criminals. 7. A chef prepares meals for guests who are staying in hotels. 8. Journalists write news reports and articles for newspapers and magazines.

Houses are designed by architects.


Part Six What would be your ideal job and why? Will you need special qualifications and training for your chosen career? Try to answer these questions in the space below. ________________________________________________________________________























When Dominic and Lily get home from school they are surprised to find their mother, Jenny, there already. Usually they get home first (unless they have (1)stayed late at school for orchestra, football practice or another (2)after-school activity), and Mother gets back at about 5 o’clock. She stays late at school to clear up at the end of the day, and (3)to get everything ready for the next day. She does not like (4)bringing school work home with her – “school is the place for work, and home is the place for family” she says. “Why are you home early?” asks Dominic. “Have you lost your job?” he jokes. “Of course not!” says Jenny. “No, (5)it is a bit sad really. One of the boys in my class was outside playing football at lunchtime and he fell over, and he hurt his ankle. He could not walk properly; he (6)could not take any weight on his foot”. “I was going to call an ambulance to take him to hospital, but then the head teacher asked me to take him in my car, and we arranged for the boy’s mother to join us at the hospital, at the A and E department. Another teacher took my class for the afternoon. I went to the hospital, and had to wait there for about an hour, then I came home. There was no point going back to school.” “Will the little boy be alright?” asked Lily. “And what is A and E?” “A and E is the Accident and Emergency department” explained Jenny. “The little boy will be fine. When I left the hospital his mother was with him and he had seen the doctor and had (7)had his ankle x-rayed. He has broken his ankle, and it has been (8)put in plaster. He will have to stay at home for a few days, resting and keeping the leg still; then he will be able to come back to school, (9)using crutches.” “But does it hurt a lot? Did he cry? I am sure I would have done” said Lily. “I am sure it did when he fell” said Jenny, “and of course he cried a bit. But he was very brave and now he has taken some (10)painkillers, which will help.”

Medical matters 7An accident at school


Part One Read the text on the previous page again. Ten words or phrases have been underlined. Can you explain the meaning of each one, using different words? 1. stayed late at school 2. after-school activity 3. to get everything ready 4. bringing school work home 5. it is a bit sad 6. could not take any weight


Part One (continued)

7. had his ankle x-rayed 8. put in plaster 9. using crutches 10. painkillers


Alan is not at work because he has caught a cold which is a type of sickness. He is feeling very ill, and complains that the rest of the family are not taking his illness seriously. “You keep telling me it is ‘just a cold’, but I feel ill, and I want some sympathy” he moans. Lily goes to her computer, to find out more about the Common Cold which is the type of illness that her father has. This is what she finds :

The Common Cold

A cold is an infection that affects the upper respiratory tract - the nose, throat, sinuses (small spaces in the skull behind the eyes and nose), trachea (the main airway that runs to the lungs), larynx (voice box) and bronchial tubes (the airways in the lungs).

Colds are caused by viruses and can be spread in several ways. If you have a cold and you sneeze, cough or speak, tiny droplets of fluid containing the cold virus are launched into the air. If these are breathed in by someone else then they may become infected.

The symptoms of a cold usually begin 2-3 days after you become infected, and last for 2-14 days. Most people recover from a cold within a week. You are most contagious when you have the sneezing, runny nose and cough that are the first signs of a cold developing.

Colds are very common. They occur mainly during the winter months, although cold weather itself is not a cause of colds. Children tend to have more colds than adults. This is because adults have built up immunity against some of the viruses that cause colds. On average, adults have between two and four colds a year, while children may have as many as eight or ten.

Part Two Lilly then tells her mother what she has found out about the common cold. Their conversation is described on the following page. Write the conversation in direct speech in the spaces provided.

Alan catches a cold


Part Two (continued)

Lily tells her mum that she has found out all about the common cold on the Internet.

“Mum, I’ve found out all about the common cold on the Internet”. Jenny asks Lily to tell her more about the cold, and if Dad is really ill. “______________________________________________________” Lily tells Jenny that colds are very common and usually last for between 2 and 14 days.

“__________________________________________________________” Jenny replies, pretending to be very upset, that she cannot bear the idea that Dad will be ill and complaining for 14 days. Jenny, pretending to be very upset, says “______________________ _______________________________________________________” Lily laughs at her mother’s reaction and reassures her that most people usually recover from a cold within a week.

“__________________________________________________________” Jenny says that that is a relief; she can probably put up with Dad at home for a week, but she will be glad when he goes back to work, and stops complaining. “______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________”


Dominic has been suffering from toothache, so Mother has arranged an appointment for him with the dentist. The only appointment she could get at short notice is on Friday morning at 10 o’clock. Father says that he can take the morning off, and go with Dominic to the dentist – and Mother agrees to write a note to school to explain why Dominic will come in late on Friday. The dental surgery is not far from their house, but they decide to go by car, so that Father can drop Dominic off at school as soon as they finish at the dentist. “Then you won’t miss too many lessons!” says Father. “And you can make up the notes from the lessons you are missing at the weekend”. When they arrive, they can park the car just outside in a designated parking area. They go into the dentist’s surgery, tell the receptionist that they have arrived, and then go into the waiting room. They are a little bit early, so Dominic settles down to read a football magazine, and Father picks up the newspaper. After a few minutes Dominic’s name is called, so they get up and go into the consulting room. Dominic sits down in the special chair, and the dentist asks him about his problem. “My tooth at the back on the left hand side keeps hurting” explains Dominic, “particularly if I eat anything cold like ice-cream, or have a hot drink.” “OK, let’s have a look” says the dentist. “Open wide!” After inspecting Dominic’s tooth, the dentist says he needs a filling, as part of the tooth has decayed. He tells Father that he can do it straight away, and that he will give Dominic an injection, to numb his mouth, so that he will not feel any pain. It takes about 15 minutes, and afterwards the dentist informs Dominic that he will need a follow-up appointment in 6 weeks time, just to check that the filling has settled and all is well.

“I would also suggest that you see the dental hygienist next time” advised the dentist. “She can show you how to clean your teeth properly, brushing carefully to ensure you really remove any traces of food, and that your gums stay healthy.” “OK” says Dominic, “and thank you!” he adds. “I am sure it will feel a lot better once the anaesthetic from the injection wears off.”

Visit to the dentist


Part Three

In the text on the previous page a number of verbs have been marked in bold script and underlined. They are all verbs describing a different way of talking. Use each of the following verbs, correctly, in a sentence which will clearly illustrate its meaning. You might need to use a dictionary to help you. The first one has been done for you as an example. 1. To agree 2. To say 3. To tell 4. To explain 5. To ask

When two or more people have the same opinion they agree with each other.


Part Three (continued) 6 To call 7. To inform 8. To suggest 9. To advise 10. To add


Abbreviations are used a lot in English. This is where the initial letter is used instead of the whole word. Mother took the little boy to the A and E department at the hospital – Accident and Emergency. Dominic is studying for his GCSEs and may do A-levels. Other common abbreviations include BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation, UN (United Nations), USA (United States of America, email (electronic mail) and TV (television). Part Four Can you find out what JETSET, ESOL and ASAP are abbreviations of? Find another 4 abbreviations and write the in the spaces below along with what they mean. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.







It is the weekend, and – for once – Alan is not working. He has a “long weekend” off work, so he finished work on Thursday night and will not go back to work at the hotel until Tuesday. The whole family are happy; they look forward to his long weekends, and always make special plans. This weekend Alan has tickets to take Dominic to a premiership football match; Jenny and Lily are going to spend the day visiting Granny, and doing some shopping. On Sunday the family are going to have the whole day out together. They are hoping the weather will be fine so that they can go out into the countryside and have a long day in the open air. Jenny suggests that they will take a picnic on Sunday, and that Alan could do some cooking for the picnic on Friday, while the rest of them are at school. “I don’t know about that” says Alan. “You always say you leave your work at school, and home is just for the family; I think I will leave my cooking at work, and just relax and enjoy myself while you are all at work.” “Oh no, please Daddy, do cook” says Lily. “If you don’t prepare a picnic we will have nothing to eat, because you never let us go to other restaurants or cafés; you always criticise the food and the service; and say it is too expensive! You are always so critical of everyone else.” Part One Read the text above and then decide if each of the following statements is true (A), false (B) or not mentioned in the text (C). 1 The weather forecast for the weekend is fine. A True B False C Not in text 2 Alan is happy to do some cooking for the family picnic. A True B False C Not in text

3 Alan always enjoys eating out but he says it costs too much money.

A True B False C Not in text

Things to do at the weekend


Plans for the weekend


Part Two Dominic is phoning his friend James to invite him to go to the match with him and his father on Saturday. James is not at home, so Dominic leaves this message on the answer phone. Read the message below and then look at and choose the correct word from the options on the following page to fill each of the numbered gaps. Mark your choice (A, B, C or D) by ticking ( ) the correct box. “Hi James, I am ringing to ask if you would like to come to a football match on Saturday. Dad has a guest at the hotel (1)____________________ a player with Aston Villa Football Club. (2)____________________ Dad first met him, he thought he recognised him but didn’t really know (3)____________________ he was. That’s fathers for you. He is only the Aston Villa goalie! Anyway, it seems he really likes Dad’s cooking, so he offered Dad some tickets for the match. He asked Dad (4)____________________ many he wanted, and Dad asked if he could possibly have three!

(5)____________________ you, me and Dad. And do you know (6)____________________ they are playing on Saturday? Chelsea! I’m not sure precisely (7)____________________ we will be sitting, but I am sure they will be good seats. I can’t wait! Ring me back as soon as you get this message, to let me know (8)____________________ you will be coming!”

Going to the football match


Part Two (continued)

1. A who B whose C who’s D whom 2. A where B when C as D if 3. A whom B which C that D who 4. A how B which C who D what 5. A That B That’s C If D When 6. A when B which C who D why 7. A what B where C were D how 8. A when B who C that’s D that


While Alan, Dominic and James go off to the football match, Jenny and Lily take the bus and meet Granny in the centre of Birmingham. Granny went into the city before them, and has been to the hairdresser. She is very pleased with her new hair-do, so they decide to go for lunch at a pizza restaurant, and then they will go shopping. They are shown to their table, and the waiter explains that there is a salad bar, where they can help themselves to a variety of salad items, and they can choose their favourite pizzas from the menu. Jenny chooses a “Margarita” pizza, with just cheese and tomato on the top; Lily wants to have the “Special of the Day“, which is a deep pan pizza, with pineapple, cheese, ham, tomato and olives; and Granny wants to try the American pizza, which has pepperoni, green peppers, onion, tomato and chillies. They also order a portion of chips to share between them. “I’ve never had it before, but I’m trying a new hairstyle so I’ll try a new taste in pizza.” Lily wants Cola to drink, and Jenny and Granny order a pot of tea for two. “If we are still hungry after pizza, chips and salad, then we can have ice cream for pudding,” adds Jenny.

At the Pizza restaurant


Part Three Describe your favourite meal. Lily and Dominic both like eating pizza. What do you like to eat best? Do you have a favourite restaurant or café where you go with your friends and your family? Write a short article about having a meal out; describe the food you like to eat, and also describe the restaurant. Do the waiters wear a uniform?


Part Four While they are eating Lily tells her Granny about her success at playing the violin. Fill in the gaps in their conversation. The first one has been done for you.

“I have been invited to go to an audition to play in the City Youth Orchestra, Granny. I am ____________ (go) to the Music School in

the City Centre next Saturday, and I ___________________ (play) the pieces I practised for my last exam.”

“Lily, that is very exciting. You _______________ (not play) the violin for very long, have you? I ____________________ (think) you have only been playing for about two years”

“No, it is longer than that. I ____________________ (start) when I was only 8, and I am now just 12. So it is more like 4 years.”

“Even so, you are doing very well indeed. What ____________________ (happen) after the audition? I mean, what are you auditioning for?”



Part Four (continued) “Well, if I am good enough then I ____________________ (play) in the Junior City Youth Orchestra. And that means I will go on tour!”

“On tour? Where ____________________ (you go)? Will you travel abroad? Or just in England?”

“Oh, the Junior Orchestra only ____________________ (visit) other cities in England. But even that is exciting. Last year they ____________________ (travel) to Gloucester and to Cambridge. And if I keep practising hard, in a year or two I _______________ ____________________ (audition) for the senior orchestra. Then I ____________________ (travel) abroad, to other cities in Europe.”

“What fun. Maybe you __________________ (visit) Amsterdam, and then Uncle Ted ____________________ (come) and hear you play.”


On Sunday the family get up quite early, they have breakfast, and by 10.30 are in the car, heading out of Birmingham, to an area of open country near to Stratford upon Avon. Alan knows a small village where they can park the car easily, and go for a walk beside the canal. They are lucky, as the weather is fine, and there is no sign of rain. “For once it looks as if the weather forecast was accurate,” said Jenny. “I watched it last night, and it said there was a slight chance of rain, but it was likely to be dry, warm, sunny, and only a slight breeze.” “And Dad seems to have done a great picnic,” said Lily, “he won’t tell me what he has packed; he says it is a surprise, but there seems to be a lot to carry.” “Never mind”, says Alan. “The bags will be empty on the way back, and at least if we walk by the canal it is flat all the way; no steep hills to climb if we walk by the water”.

Part Five Here are some of the items they are having – but the letters are jumbled up. Can you work out the ingredients of their picnic? The first one is done for you. 1 pespal

2 doleib gegs

3 hoolcctae keac

4 ckhcien gles

5 mha ndwiachess

6 priscs

7 assague llors

8 eesche

9 ttmooaes

10 uubmccre


The family picnic


Part Six Is it a good thing that many people enjoy their leisure time in the countryside, or do tourists and people who live in cities damage the rural environment by using it as a playground? Write a letter to a newspaper, giving your views on leisure activities in rural areas.


The following vocabulary lists are presented according to topic and consist of the core vocabulary that should be learnt for JETSET Level 4. The JETSET vocabulary lists are progressive and each level builds on the learning achieved from the previous level. As such, these lists include all of the words that should have been learnt for the preceding levels of JETSET. It is important to note that these vocabulary lists are not definitive but do represent the core of vocabulary used in the JET SET Level 4 exams.

Vocabulary lists 9


NUMBERS One to one thousand in words and figures double fifth fourth second sixth third thousand twice AT HOME armchair ball bath bathroom bed bedroom bin blanket bookcase bowl box brush carpet chair chimney computer cooker cup cupboard dining room dish door electric(al) / electricity fire flat (apartment) floor flower football fork freezer fridge game gate glass (drinking) glass (window) guitar heater home house household jug kettle kitchen knife lamp laptop

lounge mat mess milk jug money newspaper paint (n + v) pan photo / photograph piano picture pillow plate post (v) pot programme radio room rubbish saucer shelf shower soap song spoon sport stamp (n) stereo switch (n) table teapot telephone / phone television / tv tennis toilet toothbrush toothpaste towel wall wardrobe washing up (do the) window EDUCATION alphabet ambition (ambitious) answer answer .. art / artist attention badge bag be careful blackboard book can I have..? card chair chalk chart chemistry

choose circle class(room) click close the door / window colour … come here / in computer design(s) desk dictionary don't… drag draw … draw a line drop error examination example exercise (school work) exercise book give me … glue grammar half hands up! headmaster / mistress history / historical homework How many …? information ink instruction interested in interests / interesting join … lesson letter (alphabet) letter (write a) librarian line listen to me look at .. make .. mark (n + v) match .. mathematics / maths meeting message mistake (n) note(s) notebook number open / close your books page paper pen pencil pencil case pencil sharpener pick up .. playground


Point to .. poster primary school problem pupils Put question quiet read .. ready ? repeat after me result revise / revision rubber rule(s) ruler satchel say it again school science / scientist seat secondary school sentence shape (n) show me .. sit down / stand up spell (v) spelling square (n + adj) stop (talking) story student take a seat teacher test tick .. touch .. triangle turn to page … university vocabulary whiteboard who is … word write your name LEISURE / ENTERTAINMENT / SPARE TIME actor / actress audience band bank bar bat beach bingo building cafe cassette castle

CD cell phone channel (TV) cinema circus city clown comic competition concert cost costume download drama DVD envelope event exhibition fence festival field film (n) film star fireworks fountain fun gallery (art) garden gift group guitar / guitarist headphones hobby hole holiday instrument invitation jigsaw joke jungle laughter library magazine magic market microphone mobile (phone) mountain MP3 player mud museum music musician news nightlife noise novel orchestra(l) painting park party perform(er)

performance plant play play (i.e. theatre) pop-singer post office pound (£) present (n) prize puzzle quiz rhythm ride safari park scenery science fiction series (TV) show (TV) sign singer sledge (n + v) smile snack -bar snowball snowman sport(s) stadium stage swimming pool table tennis team tent text theatre theme theme park ticket town treasure trick trip (go on a) video zoo NATURE / GEOGRAPHY air atmosphere avalanche bay beach canal cave cliff climate cloud coast cool coral reef dam damage desert


dike distress message drought earth earthquake environment equator fair fertile flood flower fog(gy) forecast forest frost geography grass ground harbour hill / hilly humid hurricane hut iceberg incident inland isolated lagoon lake landslide marsh mild (weather) moon narrow natural ocean outdoors overcast path peak planet pole (North and South) pollute / pollution pond prehistoric pyramids rain (rainy) (raining) rainfall region river rock salty sand sandy sea(side) seabed seafront severe shade silence site sky

slope snow (snowy) (snowing) snowstorm space star(s) stone(s) storm(y) sun sunrise sunset survival temperature thunder(storm) tidal wave tide tip (end of) tragedy tree view volcano water waterfall wave (surf) well (n) wide ANIMALS animal bear bee bird cage calf camel cat chicken cow dinosaur dog dolphin donkey duck elephant feather(s) fish fox frog giraffe goat goose / geese gorilla hen hippo(potamus) horse insect kangaroo kitten lamb lion monkey mosquito

mouse owl panda parrot penguin pet pig poison(ous) pony puppy rabbit safari (on) scales (fish) seagull sheep snake spider tiger tortoise whale wild(life) wing wolf zebra PARTS OF THE BODY arm back beard body bone cheek ear eye face finger foot / feet hair hand head knee leg moustache mouth neck nose shoulders tail teeth thumb toe tooth COLOURS black blonde blue brown colour


dark green grey light orange pink purple red white yellow FOOD & DRINK apple banana barbecue beans beef bill (n) biscuit bread breakfast bun butter cabbage cake carrot cauliflower celery cheese cherry chips chocolate coca-cola / coke cocoa coconut coffee cookery cornflakes cream crisps cucumber curry dessert dinner drink (n + v) egg flask (Thermos) food fruit grape(s) gum hamburger honey hot dogs hungry ice ice cream jelly juice lemon lemonade

lettuce loaf (ves) lunch (time / box) meal meat melon menu milk nut(s) onion orange pancakes pasta pea(s) peanut pear picnic pizza potato pudding restaurant rice roast salad salt / pepper sandwich sausage(s) snack soup spaghetti steak strawberry sweet (adj) sweets tea thirsty toast tomato vegetable(s) HEALTH / MEDICINE accident activity ambulance ankle aspirin bacteria bandage (n + v) better (cured) blood born brain breathe cancer chest (body) cold cough dentist die diet doctor

ear-ache emergency fault (my fault) fever fitness flu headache health / healthy heart hospital illness infection (ious) injection injury / injured malaria medicine nurse nurse pain(ful) pill protein raw / cooked ripe senses (sight, etc) service(s) sore sterile stewed stomach symptom tablet throat tongue toothache treatment vaccination virus vitamin wound SHOPPING bit (of) cash cheap / expensive counter for department entrance exit extra free (no charge) invoice pay receipt sale (for / on) sale (n) shop store supermarket


CLOTHES apron bikini blouse boots button cardigan clothes clothing coat dress dressing gown fashion fleece glasses (wearing) gloves handbag hat helmet hoodie jacket jeans jewellery jumper leggings overcoat pair of … pocket pullover pyjamas raincoat scarf shirt shoe(s) shorts silk skirt sleeve sock(s) spots sweatshirt swimsuit tie (n) tights top tracksuit trainers (shoes) trousers T-shirt umbrella wool INDUSTRY FINANCE AND COMMERCE advertisement appointment bank balance building society business(man) communication(s)

company (business) credit (card) currency customer CV debit (card) department director economy energy / energetic estimate exchange rate facility (ies) factory finance generator loan mail manager mine (n) mortgage office on the phone overdraft overdrawn power / powerline profit / loss résumé reduction statement tax typewriter typist unit of currency VAT wage INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY access back-up (copy) bug CD-ROM computer-friendly computer-literate crash cursor diary disc disk document download e-mail fax hardware headset internet keyboard laptop laser machine

memory micro-chip microphone modem monitor mouse network notebook password paste printer program reception screen search engine signal software spreadsheet user-friendly virus volume control website wire wireless word processing SCIENCE aluminium apparatus biology bubble chemical copper crystal diamond experiment expert fact gas iron (metal) laboratory lead (metal) lid liquid lump metal method microscope nuclear powered nuclear reactor physics project (n) radiation research results solid spray substance system tank technique tin-foil


FARMING agriculture barn blade bulb cattle corn crop dairy farmyard fertiliser flavour greenhouse hay irrigation mature organic pesticide plough (n + v) recipe seed sour sow stable tractor traditional tulip typical variety (ies) vegetable vintage wood CRIME arrest burglar clue crime / criminal detective drug (dealer) finger prints handcuffs jail law lie (n) missing mugging murder owner prison public report (n) rob robbery situation theft thief truth

TIME / MEASUREMENT about (approximately) actual after afternoon afterwards ago all already always amount annual approximate(ly) April around (approximately) as soon as at least at once August autumn average bedtime birthday carat century clock clockwise / anticlockwise close(ly) common constant daily date (e.g. 12 June) day daytime December degree Centigrade diagram diameter distance early equal to evening February fortnight frequent Friday future future hardly height holiday immediately January July June last (night) level little (a) lots (of) main major

many (how/too) March maximum May midday midnight mile millions minimum minor minute moment Monday month more morning much never night November now o'clock October often once only percent / percentage period quarter regular roughly (approximation) Saturday sea level season September some sometimes soon spare spring square (e.g. kilometres) summer Sunday thermometer Thursday time today tomorrow tonight tonne (ton) Tuesday unusual usual(ly) volume watch (n) Wednesday week weekday weekend weigh / weight when (what time?) whenever


winter year years old yesterday JOBS / PEOPLE / FAMILY / RELATIONS adult aunt baby boy / girl boyfriend brother / sister brother-in-law builder butcher characters chef child / children club conversation cousin crowd Dad(dy) dancer daughter electrician engineer everybody everyone family father / mother father-in-law female fireman foreigner friend girlfriend grandfather grandmother guard human husband job journalist leader male man / woman married mechanic model mother-in-law Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms Mum(my) name nephew niece parents partner people person

postman / woman queue relative report / reporter secretary single sister-in-law soldier somebody someone son speaker teenager twins uncle voice wife workman writer TRAVEL abroad aeroplane / plane airport automatic bicycle / bike boarding card boat bus bus stop by air by rail camera camping car car (coach) park caravan carriage (train) coach tour connections crew customs destination diesel driver engines equipment expedition fare ferry flight flight flightpath foreign fuel group helicopter hike holiday island journey

lorry luggage miniature train monument motorbike motorway package holiday passenger passport pedestrian petrol phrase book pilot platform port (sea) postcard puncture rail reserve resort return road sail (n + v) ship single sleeping bag speed station (bus, train, fire) stewardess submarine suitcase sunburn taxi terminal ticket timetable timetable tip (gratuity) tourist traffic train travel / traveller tyre van wheel LOCATION / DIRECTIONS above address ahead area at backwards before behind below beside between


beyond bottom bottom / top bridge by centre close (near) compass direct / direction east(ern) entrance everywhere exit far first from front (in .. of) here immediately opposite in inside / outside into kilometre last left / right local map middle near next next (to) north(ern) off on on the corner of on top of opposite out overhead past path pavement plan round / around roundabout second (n + adj) south(ern) square (in town) straight (on / past) street there through(out) to top towards traffic lights under up / down village west(ern) where with

zebra crossing COUNTRIES, CITIES & NATIONALITIES Africa / African America / American (USA) Amsterdam Argentina / Argentinian Asia / Asian Atlantic Ocean Australia / Australian Buenos Aires Bulgaria / Bulgarian Canada / Canadian China / Chinese country(side) Cyprus / Cypriot Dane Denmark / Danish Dutch England / English Europe / European flag Florida France / French Germany / German Great Britain / British Greece / Greek Holland / Dutch India / Indian Inuit Ireland / Irish Italy / Italian Japan / Japanese Lagos language London Madrid Mediterranean Sea Moscow nationality Netherlands / Dutch Nicosia Nigeria / Nigerian North Sea Portugal / Portuguese Puerto Rico River Rhine River Thames Rotterdam Russia / Russian Scotland / Scottish Sophia Spain / Spanish Sydney The Hague Utrecht Wales / Welsh world(wide)

POLITICAL administration armed forces bomber border county (UK only) education election Government kingdom military base monarchy negotiation peace politician President Prime Minister refugee state terrorism terrorist vote (n + v) war SOCIAL anything else? come back enjoy yourself! excuse me! good afternoon good evening good morning good night goodbye / bye Happy Birthday hello here you are hi keep still let's look nothing important! of course oh oh (no)! oh dear OK / Okay pardon? please quick ! (be quick!) ready? really! right! sorry to trouble you sorry! thank you / thanks welcome well done! what a mess! what's the matter?


who else? your turn EMOTIONS and BELIEFS advice anger bored comfortable / uncomfortable fear feeling glad marvellous opinion pleased scared serious surprised terrible upset wonderful worried RUBRIC / COMMAND WORDS accurate spelling (is not needed) ask bring me … choose complete copy cross cut fill in the spaces find fold hurry identify the place … label make notes about…. put in order say which select tell me / him tense … underline the best use watch what happened? write about ….. ADJECTIVES able afraid alone aloud ancient / modern angry

available awake / asleep beautiful/ugly best big(gest) / small(est) / little boring both careful careful(ly) careless clean / dirty clever / stupid cold / hot correct / right / wrong crazy danger(ous) dangerous deep delicious different difficult dirty dry / wet easy / hard elder / eldest empty enormous / tiny exciting extinct fair (it's not fair) false famous fast / slow(ly) fast food fat(test) / thin(nest) favourite fine / ill first / last foolish friendly full funny funny (strange) gentle good / bad greedy happy / sad hard / soft helpful horrible / horrid hot /cold important kind large late lazy light / heavy long(est) / short(est) lost loud lovely

lucky mad mean / generous musical new nice noisy old (how old / years old) open / shut perfect plain polite popular pretty /ugly real rich / poor round / square safe same scientific short(est) / tall(est) sick silent silly simple smart special sticky still strange strong / weak sunny sweet (taste) thick thin / fat tired true / false unhappy upside down urgent useful warm well / ill VERBS abandon accelerate act add admit (some body) admit (something) advise agree allow am / is / are apologise argue arrive ask attach


attend bandage be responsible for be shipwrecked beat become begin behave believe belong (to) bend bit blame bleed block blow boil book borrow bother break breed bring broadcast brush build burn (n + v) buy call called (is) camping (go) can cancel carry on (continue) catch cause (ing) celebrate challenge change check check in choose clap climb close collect collect / collection comb combine come come back come(s) back complain conclude connect consist of construct consume contain continue control cook

cost (n + v) count cover (n + v) crash create cross cross out cry cultivate cut cycle / go cycling damage dance decide delay (n + v) depend on descent describe design destroy develop die out dig digest disappear(ance) discover discuss display do drain dream drink drive dry earn eat employ enclose encourage end enquire enter entertain erupt establish estimate expect experience experiment (n + v) explain / explanation explode explore export / import extend fail fall feed feel fight (n + v) fill in (form) fill up (fuel) find

find (out) finish fishing (go) fix flow fly focus (+ on) follow forecast forget forgive form found freeze frighten generate / generator get (become) get dressed get into (car) get it right (do it correctly) get out of get ready get some (buy) get to (arrive) get up go grow grow up guess guide hang happen harvest has/have (got) hate hear help hide hike hire hit hitch-hike hold hope hunt hurt identify improve include increase interview (n +v) introduce invent investigate invite irrigate is being join jump keep


keep (back) keep (down) keep away (from) keep off kill / was killed knock knock down know (don't know) land (plane) last (duration) laugh launch lay lay (eggs) lead (n + v) learn leave leave out lend let's lie (to tell a lie) lift like link listen live look look after look for look like look up in lose love make make friends with manufacture mark may measure meet melt mend miss (v) mix move navigate need (n + v) notice (n + v) object observe occupy open order organise own own pack paint pass pay pick (e.g. fruit) pick up

place (n + v) plant play plough (n + v) point post pour predict prefer prepare preserve pretend prevent print process (foodstuffs) produce / production promise propose protect provide publish pump push / pull put put away / on put out (fire) reach (arrive) read receive recover re-cycle reduce refuse relax release remember rent repair repeat rescue resign restore retire return ring (phone) ring (surround) ripen ripen roast rotate row rub out run run away rush sail (n + v) sample save saw (n + v) say score (n + v) scream (n + v)

search see seem sell send separate serve settle shake share shine shiver shock (n + v) shoot shop / shopping shout show sing sink sit skating (go) ski-ing (go) skip sledge sleep (go to) slip slow down smell sound (n + v) speak spell spend spill spray (n + v) spread squeeze stand start stay steal step sterilise stick (n + v) sting stir stop store study supply (n + v) support sure surround suspend swallow sweep swim / go swimming switch on / off take take off take place talk


taste teach tear tell (a lie / the truth) tell (x to) think threaten throw touch tower trace traffic jam translate transmit try tune in turn (left / right on / off) turn down (volume) type understand use vanish vehicle vessel vibrate visa visit volunteer vote (n + v) wait wake up walk want warn wash waste (n + v) watching water-ski wave (goodbye) wear wearing went wheelchair whisper will win wonder work wrap / wrapping GRAMMATICAL WORDS a / an about absolutely again all almost along also although and

another any as as well as away because best better both but capital (city and letter) chance (by) despite difference due to during each either enough equal ever every everything faster few / fewer / fewest final / finally for for (2 weeks, etc) free (to do) half-full half-way he / him / his hers herself himself however I / me / my if in a hurry in brackets in danger in order to in the end in time instead it itself just kind (type) less like (similar) lot of lower / est maybe mean (meaning) meanwhile mine myself near nearly neither nor

nothing nowadays of on fire or other ours ourselves over (fly over) over (over fifty) part particularly perhaps plenty possible probably properly really recent(ly) she / her similar since so something still (adv) such as sudden(ly) than the their / theirs / they them themselves then therefore these / those thing this / that too type (kind of) until us / our very way (method) we what when which who/ whose whole why within without worse / worst yes/ no /not you / your / yours yourself / yourselves


For any of the answers that state “suitable written responses / any suitable response” you can ask your teacher or someone else that you know who speaks English very well to check them for you. Chapter 1 – Introducing the Family Part One 1. B 6. C 2. A 7. C 3. C 8. A 4. A 9. B 5. B 10. A Part Two Suitable written response. Part Three Dominic: Dominic told Lily not to worry; he remembered that he had found it quite hard to

begin with. The maths she had done at primary school was much easier, so now she would have to work.

Lily: Lily told Dominic that at her primary school she had been one of the best at

maths, but now everyone seemed to know the answers before her. Dominic: Dominic said to Lily that they might answer before her, but did they have the

right answer? They might be faster than her, but they might not be correct. Lily: Lily said that was true, but that most of the time she got the answer right. She

just needed to go slowly to keep checking to be certain. Dominic: Dominic told her there you are then; that showed that she was doing OK. She

should relax and be happy that she was getting the answers right. He told her that speed isn’t everything.

Lily: Lily said yes she supposed that he was right. But, asked him to help her

sometimes with her homework, to see that she was understanding it properly. Dominic: Dominic told her of course – but not today; he was off to play football with

George and Paul. He was meeting them at the park in half and hour, so he would have to hurry. He said bye now.

Lily: Lily said bye; that he should have fun; that she would see him later.

Answers 10


Part Four 1. Cousins 2. Brother 3. Sister 4. Grandparents 5. Aunt and Uncle Part Five Suitable written responses. Part Six Example: Decisive Older brother Motivated Idle Nervous Interested in sports Caring Part Seven Suitable written response.

Chapter 2 – A day out in Birmingham Part One (suggested answers) 1 Mother: (Example) 2 Dominic: “Why are we going by bus? Why can’t we take the car?” 3 Mother: “Because I don’t want to drive into the busy City Centre and anyway it is

very expensive to park.” 4 Lily: “But it means we have to walk and we will have too much to carry.” 5 Mother: “We are not going to buy much, only a football kit and between the three of

us that’s not a lot to carry. Also, you two have bus passes and will get a discount if you use them.”

6 Lily: “But mum, the bus is often very slow and does not take us close to the

sports shop!” 7 Mother: “Stop arguing children, I have had enough. Now get ready otherwise we will

miss the bus. If we don’t leave soon I wont take you for some lunch!”


Part Two 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B Part Three (Note – the following is an example only) Turn right out of the house onto Swan Road, then left onto Birdcage Crescent. Turn right onto the footpath across The Green. Turn right onto Birdcage Crescent, then turn left onto Goose Road, and then right into Spring Lane. Part Four Part Five (Note – the following are examples only) Louise: asked if she could help Jenny Jenny: accepted as she was not quite sure what she needed and was sure Louise could

help her. Louise: asked Jenny to tell her what the problem was and that they would take it from

there. She also said to call her Louise and asked what Jenny’s name was. Jenny: answered saying she was Mrs Tolley and that she and her husband had their

account there. She also added nervously that they needed to borrow some money. Louise: said that was why they were there. She asked how much they needed to borrow. Jenny: said she wanted to put a new kitchen into their house and thought they would

need to borrow about £5,000. Louise: said the best thing was to give her some leaflets and then they could book an

appointment to discuss the best way for them. Jenny: thanked Louise and said they could come in later that week, maybe Friday

morning. Louise: said they could have an appointment to see the financial advisor on Friday at 11:30

and if that was OK. Louise then asked Jenny to fill out a form and that they would see them on Friday.


Part Six 1. too 2. bigger 3. large 4. size 5. sure Chapter 3 – A Visit from the Relatives Part One 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. C Part Two (suggested answers) 1. Oxygen was discovered by Joseph Priestley, a Birmingham Minister. 2. Electroplating was invented in Birmingham by John Wright in 1840. 3. The spinning jenny, a machine for spinning wool, was developed by John Wyatt. 4. A new form of papier mache, made using sheets of paper, was found by Henry Clay, in 1772. 5. The pneumatic tyre was invented by John Dunlop in Birmingham in 1888. 6. Nigel Mansell, the famous Indy and Formula One driving champion, was born in Birmingham. 7. Duran Duran and UB40 were established in Birmingham. Part Three Turn right out of the house onto Swan Road, then right onto Birdcage Crescent. Take the third road on the right which is Cuckoo Road. The shop is the third building on the right. Part Four 450g butter 450g brown sugar 8 eggs 450g self raining flour 110g cocoa


Part Five “He liked to play football, didn’t he? So I am quite like him, aren’t I?” “But I need to work hard if I want to get a good job, don’t I? But Uncle Edward just seems to be good at making money, doesn’t he? “You called Edward by his nickname sometimes, didn’t you?” “But he didn’t really like it, did he?” “But Lily often annoys me, doesn’t she?” Part Six 1. 3:00 PM = 15:00 2. 1:00 PM = 13:00 3. 4:30 PM = 16:30 4. 6:00 PM = 18:00 5. 1:30 PM = 13:30


Part Seven 1. coming 2. seen 3. hoping 4. catch 5. meet 6. won’t 7. gets 8. would 9. collect 10. take 11. misses 12. do 13. agree 14. waiting 15. hearing Part Eight


Chapter 4 –Celebrations Part One 1. = B 2. = C 3. = A 4. = C 5. = B 6. = A 7. = A 8. = A Part Two

Dear Sophie / Sarah / Anita I would like to invite you to come to my birthday party on Saturday afternoon. The party will start / starts at 2 o’clock, and we will be going / are going ice skating at the Indoor Ice Rink in Birmingham City Centre. It will be perfect if you arrive at my house just before 2pm, and then my mother will drive us all in her car to the rink. You do not need to bring any special clothes, although the staff at the ice rink have advised / advises us all to bring a warm sweater or coat. After skating we will go back to my house, for tea! Perhaps you could ask your parents to collect you from my house at 7 o’clock. I hope you will be able to come. Please reply by Wednesday. Love, Lily


Part Three “I/fine/dear/how/you?” “I’m fine dear, how are you?”

“I/fine/too/I/very/excited. I /look forwards/to our birthday.” “I’m fine too; I am very excited. I am looking forward to our birthday.” “Our birthday?/You/so/funny/! You/not/tease/me.” “Our birthday? You are so funny! You shouldn’t tease me”. “I/ring/you/ask/what/you/do/Friday evening. You/like/come/to a family dinner on Friday evening?” “I am ringing to ask what you are doing on Friday evening. Would you like to come to a family dinner on Friday evening?” “I/delight/to come. How lovely. I/bring/some food/help/your mother. I/not want/her/too busy/. She work/hard enough/at school.” “I would be delighted to come. I will bring some food to help your mother. I don’t want her to be too busy. She works hard enough at school.” “No Granny! Daddy /have/the day/off work/celebrate his mother’s and his daughter’s birthday, so he/ cook!” “No Granny! Daddy is having the day off work to celebrate his mother’s and his daughter’s birthday, so he will cook!”


Part Four 1. = B would 2. = C could 3. = A have to 4. = D might 5. = B wouldn’t 6. = A mustn’t 7. = D would 8. = D should Part Five = D Part Six Suitable written response. Part Seven (examples) able abort aces airs ales ants arts aster bail bait bale bane bans bars base basin bastion bats bean beast beat been beer berate best bias bile bite bits blast bleat bloat boast boat bone bore brace brain bran brat cane cans

care case cast castle cats cistern cite clean clear cleat coal coast(er) coat cone core cost crane crate create creel crone earn ears ease easier east eats eels elate elation into ions irate iron isle lace lair lane last late lean lease

least lice line lion list loan lobe loin lone lose near neat nice nose note oral orate ornate race rail raise rate ration real reel relate relation retail rice riot roast roes role rose rote sable sabre sail sale sane sate scale

scent seal sear seat seen seer sine site slice snare sneer snore sore sort stain steal steel stone table tail tale tare teal tear teas tees tics tile tins tire toes tone tons tore torn tors trace train


Chapter 5 – Going on holiday Part One Suggested answers: 1. I need to arrange to have time away from work for my holiday.

2. Ignore (him/her/it)

3. To visit another country

4. Costs a great deal of money

5. Travel in the best quality (usually most expensive) seats

6. Cook your own food

7. Get value for money

8. Look at Internet web sites to get information

Part Two Points For Points Against Fly Train + Ferry Eurostar Train Drive

Cheap Can’t take much luggage


Can take lots of luggage

Arrive in centre of Rouen

Would need to rent a car

Airport not close to Rouen

Easy and relaxing

Would need to rent a car



Expensive Can take lots of luggage

Lots of driving Can take bikes


Take a long time

Tiring journey

Would have own car

Can take lots of luggage

Would have own car

Journey part of holiday


Part Three Auitable written response. Part Four 1. = B 2. = C 3. = A 4. = B 5. = A Part Five


Part Six 1. = B 2. = A 3. = C 4. = A 5. = B 6. = A 7. = C 8. = A Part Seven Suitable written responses. Chapter 6 – Working Life Part One 1. = B 2. = A 3. = A 4. = B 5. = A Part Two (suggested answers) 1. Application form = A form that must be completed when applying for a job. 2. Job description = A detailed description of a job that is usually provided by the

employer. 3. Qualification certificates = A document that gives proof that a person has achieved a

particular qualification. 4. CV (or résumé) = A summary of a persons education and employment history. Part Three 1. = A 2. = C 3. = A


Part Four “No, I don’t want to work unsocial hours like Dad; he is always having

to work late, and at weekends; I would _______________________

to have a job with regular hours.”

“Do you want to be a ____________________, then, like your mother? Then

you would have holidays and weekends free – but you have to like children I

suppose! And do all that marking of their homework.”

“I would like to be a _____________________, but I don’t think I am good

enough. I think it would be fantastic to be picked out by someone who is

looking for talented young players, invited to join a football academy with

one of the big clubs, and then to start ____________________ an enormous

amount of money.”

“I am sure it would be great, but you would need to be able to score a lot of

goals. You were hopeless in our last game, and you kept on missing. I can’t

see anyone ____________________ you a lot of money to play!”



football player




Part Five 1. Houses are designed by architects. 2. People who are ill are treated by a doctor. 3. People are helped to get better by a nurse working in a hospital. 4. Children are helped to learn by teachers working in schools. 5. Sick or injured animals are helped to get better by veterinary surgeons. 6. The public are kept safe from criminals by people who work in the police force. 7. Meals are prepared for guests, who are staying in hotels, by a chef. 8. News reports and articles for newspapers and magazines are written by journalists. Part Six Suitable written response.


Chapter 7 – Medical matters Part One (suggested answers) 1. remained at school after lessons have finished 2. something (like a hobby) you do after school lessons have finished 3. to prepare things in advance 4. taking work home after the working (school) day has ended 5. it is a pity / shame 6. could not put any pressure on 7. had a photograph of his ankle taken using x-rays (to see the damage to the bones) 8. had a plaster of Paris bandage applied (which sets hard to prevent movement of his

ankle) 9. supporting your weight with walking ‘sticks’ to help you walk (and to relieve the pressure on the injured ankle) 10. a drug which stops an injury hurting Part Two

“Tell me more about the common cold Lilly and if dad is really ill.”

“Well mum, colds are very common and usually last for between 2 and 14 days.” “Oh dear, I can’t take the thought of your dad being ill and complaining for 14 days!”

“Don’t worry mum, most people usually recover within a week.”

“What a relief. I can probably put up with your dad at home for a week But I will be glad when he goes back to work and stops complaining.”


Part Three (suggested answers) 1. When two or more people have the same opinion or beliefs they agree with each other 2. To say: I said it loudly so that everyone could hear. 3. To tell: I told Samuel when we are going on holiday, so he will know when we will be

away from home. 4. To explain: I explained what happened to Anne so that she will understand why Jack

did it. 5. To ask: Peter asked Jayne the time so he would know how soon he had to leave. 6. To call: She called Matthew’s name, so that he would know to come into the room. 7. To inform: Robert informed his doctor that he had a sore throat, so the doctor would

know what medicine to give him. 8. To suggest: James suggested that he would like to go to Paris on holiday, to help his

mother make a decision where they might go. 9. To advise: The teacher advised Henry to take Chemistry, Physics and Biology A levels

because he would need to pass these exams if he wanted to go to university to study to be a doctor.

10. To add: Not only is it a long way away, but it is also very expensive, added Mother. Part Four 1. JETSET = Junior English Tests Senior English Tests 2. ESOL = English for Speakers of Other Languages 3. ASAP = As Soon As Possible Suitable written responses for questions 4, 5, 6 and 7. Chapter 8 – Things to do at the Weekend Part One 1. = C 2. = B 3. = B Part Two 1. = C 2. = B 3. = D 4. = A 5. = B 6. = C 7. = B 8. = D Part Three Suitable written responses.


Part Four “I have been invited to go to an audition to play in the City Youth Orchestra, Granny. I am going (go) to the Music School in the City Centre next Saturday, and I will play (play) the pieces I practised for

my last exam.” “Lily, that is very exciting. You have not been playing (not play) the violin for very long, have you? I thought (think) you have only been playing for about two years”. “No, it is longer than that. I started (start) when I was only 8, and I am now just 12. So it is more like 4 years.” “Even so, you are doing very well indeed. What will happen (happen) after the audition? I mean, what are you auditioning for?” “Well, if I am good enough then I will play (play) in the Junior City Youth Orchestra. And that means I will go on tour!” “On tour? Where will you go (you go)? Will you travel abroad? Or just in England?” “Oh, the Junior Orchestra only visits (visit) other cities in England. But even that is exciting. Last year they travelled (travel) to Gloucester and to Cambridge. And if I keep practising hard, in a year or two I will audition (audition) for the senior orchestra. Then I

will travel (travel) abroad, to other cities in Europe.” “What fun. Maybe you will visit (visit) Amsterdam, and then Uncle Ted will come (come) and hear you play.”


Part Five 1. Apples 2. Boiled Eggs 3. Chocolate Cake 4. Chicken Legs 5. Ham Sandwiches 6. Crisps 7. Sausage Rolls 8. Cheese 9. Tomatoes 10. Cucumber Part Six Suitable written response.

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