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July 14th, 2019

~ Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~

“And who is my neighbor?”

~ Luke 10:29 ~

St. Patrick’s Holy Family Tekamah Decatur

Pastor: Rev. Kevin Joyce

1323 R Street – Tekamah, NE 68061

PHONE 402-374-1692

Office email:


Parish website:


♣ Religious Education Coordinator: ♣

Ashley Olson stpatrickreligioused@gmail.com


Parish Bookkeeper:

Joan Andrew

Bulletin deadline is noon on Wednesday.

St. Patrick Church 3480 Highway 32

Pastoral Council President:

John Raleigh

Parish Trustees:

George Kahlandt

JoAnn Wragge

Holy Family Church 703 4th Avenue

Decatur NE

Holy Family Parish Trustees:

Joe Malloy & Lynn Kellogg

For Parish Hall Rental contact Joan Andrew

@ 374-1236 or 870-0240. Set fee is $75.

Please arrange to pay prior to event.

Pick up/return application at least three

weeks prior to event.

For Parish Hall Rental contact Kay Kellogg

@ 349-5347. Set fee is $75.

Please arrange to pay prior to event.

Pick up/return application at least three

weeks prior to event.

Parish Mission Statement

We are a Parish Family that grows by living and sharing our faith in the Good News of Jesus, welcoming all and reaching out in loving service.

WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday 5:00 PM; Sunday 10:00 AM (SP); and Sunday 8:00 AM (HF) Decatur WEEKDAY & HOLIDAY MASSES: See Bulletin NEW PARISHIONERS: You are invited to register at the rectory or see the pastor following Mass. RECONCILIATION: One half hour before weekend Masses or by appointment. BAPTISMS: Parents are to attend pre-baptismal catechesis prior to the Baptism. Call the rectory. MARRIAGES: The Archdiocese of Omaha requires a minimal six months waiting period for proper preparation for marriage. It is best to contact the parish a year in advance and the RC adult should be a registered member of the Parish, and/or parents should be registered members of the Parish. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: Celebrated individually upon request. If someone is seriously ill or hospitalized, please call the rectory.

July 14th, 2019 / 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions July 15

th – July 21


Monday July 15 No Mass Tuesday July 16 8:30 AM T t Delores Krajicek

Wednesday July 17 9:00 AM D t Paul E. Larsen

Thursday July 18 8:30 AM T t Virginia Toth

Friday July 19 8:30 AM Flood Relief

Saturday July 20 5:00 PM T t Bob Gill


July 21

8:00 AM 10:00 AM


The People of Holy Family Parish

t John, Virginia & MaryAnn Toth; Bob & Janet Boardley; and Elizabeth Angleitner


Sacrificial Gifts of Treasure July 6

th & 7

th, 2019

St. Patrick’s of Tekamah:

“Jesus said to him, ‘Go and do likewise.’” - Luke 10:2 -

This was Jesus’ command at the end of the Good Samaritan story. Did you know that the Samaritans and Jews despised each other? The moral of the story is to love our neighbor. That means loving someone you may not know or someone that looks different than you or someone that you don’t like. All without expecting anything in return.

Children’s good deed: “I prayed with my family at dinner; I helped out in the garden; I sent a birthday card to Grandpa.”

St. Patrick Prayer List

Parishioners: Jim Tobin, John Gorman.

Family/Friends: Jim DeVoll, Linda Shepherd, Eric Sauser (son of

Ron & Paula), Doris McCormick, Liam Rennerfeldt, Bill Woodall

(brother-in-law of K. Hurlocker), Teri Ritz Daniels (cousin of the Tobin family), Mike McClure, Melvin Schmidt, Steve Little (J. & N. Jetensky family), Dixie Eaton (aunt of J. Elske), Jolene Corbin (sister of M. Uhing), Vicki Speck (sister of S. Connealy), LaVaughn Lauby (Mother of L. Grandgenett),

Mandy Connealy Ewig (granddaughter of J. Connealy), Graci Garcia, Rita Gill Newell, Marty Rocca, Karen Ronspies (sister of D. Frahm), Laoren Funke (Grandniece of E. Heng), Adelene Laetsch (sister of M. Gill), Julie Riecken, Abby Schnell (niece of R. & J. Elske), Robert Newell (grandson of

M. Gill), Myrna Grandgenett (sister of R. Grandgenett), Jerry Hoerath, Haley Deemer, Therese Shramek (mother of Tom), and Dr. Joe Roh.

Holy Family Prayer List

Parishioners: Jack Quinn, Al Rugy, Pat Larsen, Denny Klatt, and Jean Drummond Family/Friends: Liz Connealy, Kristen Parker (friend of L. Larsen),

JoEllen Benecke, Fran Beard (aunt of L. Larsen), Charlie Redding, Livie Connealy (8-year old cousin of Dec. & Tek. Connealy’s), Steve Norton, Christine Pueppke, Mark Mussack, LeAnn Richards (sister of L. Larsen), Tom Fucher, Margaret Donneally, (sister of M. Quinn), Jack Broderick, (brother of J. Drummond), Teresa Tramp, (sister of J. Drummond)

Tend thy sick ones, O Lord Jesus. Rest thy weary ones. Bless thy dying ones. Soothe thy suffering ones. Pity thy afflicted ones. Shield thy joyous ones. And all for thy love’s sake. (St. Augustine)

We pray for our beloved deceased. May they rest in peace and may God comfort those who mourn.

Calendar for the Week for St. Patrick/Holy Family:

Tuesday July 16th: 6:30 PM Catholicism DVD & discussion (&cake)

Thursday July 18th: Stripping and waxing in Fischer Hall and the kitchen. Please stay off these floors while the new wax “cures”.

Friday July 19th: Stripping and waxing kitchen and dining hall at Holy Family Church. Your assistance may be needed to put tables & chairs away (and then reset); also the kitchen areas will need have things moved out and later returned.) Thank you for your help.

Envelopes (30) $1355.00 Loose $66.00

Children $8.00 Vigil Lights $49.00 Building Fund (10) $1040.00 Peter’s Pence Energy

$110.00 $20.00

Thank you for your


Holy Family of Decatur:

Envelopes (68) $445.00 Loose $26.00 Votive Lights $0.00

God Bless YOU!

“…for God loves a cheerful giver.”

2 Corinthians 9:7

The Prayer or Blessing Against Storms O Lord

Jesus Christ, a Kign of Glory, has come in peace. God became a man, and the Word was made flesh. Christ was born of a virgin. Christ suffered. Christ was crucified. Christ died. Christ rose from the dead. Christ ascended into heaven. Christ conquers. Christ reigns. Christ orders. May Christ protect us from all storms and lightning. Christ went through their midst in peace and the word was made flesh. Christ is with us with Mary. Flee, you enemy spirits, because the Lion of the Generation of Juda, the Root of David, has won. Holy God! Holy Powerful God! Holy Immortal God! Have mercy on us. Amen!

Liturgical Assignments for St. Patrick’s:

Saturday July 20th – 5:00 PM

LECTOR: JoAnn Wragge EMHC’S: Mary Kahlandt & John Raleigh SERVERS: Caroline & Gabriel Stock Sunday July 21st – 10:00 AM

LECTOR: Linda Shada EMHC’S: Joan Andrew & John Hurlocker SERVERS: Halle Olson & Brooklyn Olson

Turn to the Lord in your need, and you will live. (Psalm 69)

Lectors, Communion Ministers and Altar Servers: Thank you for keeping your assigned ministry.

New minister training sign-up: Deadline July 19th.

From Fr. Kevin… On this 15th Sunday in ordinary time both the

first reading and gospel remind us that

authentic love is ‘an action verb’: Love must

be lived through our actions! In the first

reading from the Book of Deuteronomy Moses

exhorts the people to listen to the voice of the

Lord. We are reminded that the root meaning

of the word obey, is ‘to hear’. Like them we

are called to repentance and to love God with

all our heart and soul through our actions. This

is obedient love. In the gospel from St. Luke

Jesus tells the story of a Samaritan traveler

who models authentic love by the way he tends

to a wounded victim of a robbery. Whereas a

Jewish priest and a Levite choose to ignore the

wounded victim, the Samaritan is “moved

with compassion at the sight.” His actions are

described in detail: He approaches the man,

pours oil, bandages him, lifts him up, takes

him to an inn, cares for him, and even gives the

innkeeper coins for his continued care. The

Samaritan’s actions model the primacy of

love. He exercises mercy. Mercy is the

attribute of God that makes us like him.

Only with a merciful heart can we love our

neighbor as ourselves. Peace, Fr. Kevin


Commandments and Statutes These two words summarize God’s directives or basic guidelines for the Hebrew covenant community’s life with one another. They identify the basic attitudes and actions that must be followed to fulfill God’s desires. “Commandments” refers to the ten basic “words” that God spoke directly to Moses and the community on Mount Sinai (Exodus 20:1-17). When the people are overcome by fear, they request that in the future God not speak to them directly but only through Moses. “Statutes” describes this further teaching through Moses that makes specific applications of the ten commandments.

The Lighter Side Q. What kind of music should you listen to while fishing? A. Something catchy. Q. Did you hear about the fight at the seafood restaurant? A. Two fish got battered. A guy is walking along the pier one day when he comes across an old man with his shoes off, trousers rolled up, legs dangling in the sea and fishing with an imaginary rod. The guy is confused so he asks, “What are you doing?” The older man replies, “Fishing for idiots.” “Sounds good,” says the guy. “Can I join you?” The guy sits down and casts an imaginary rod. Then he asks the old man, “So, how many idiots have you caught today, then?” The old man replies, “You’re the third one this morning.”


Growing in faith and grace: Make plans to participate at daily Mass

occasionally during the summer months. There’s always room for more! Try it out on

Tuesday, Thursday or Friday at 8:30 AM. Or Wednesdays 9:00 AM at Holy Family. ☺ 2019 MARRIAGE CELEBRATION ♥Archbishop George J. Lucas

invites you to attend the annual Mass honoring marriage September 15th at St. Cecilia’s in Omaha or September 29th at St. Mary’s in Norfolk. This event honors couples who are celebrating 5, 25, 40, 50, 55, 60 or more years of marriage, and this year we are also welcoming our 1-year anniversary couples! See fliers for more information.

♦Catholicism – (by Fr. Robert Barron) Tuesday July 16th


Final DVD in this series. Beautiful places, great message! Join the DVD & discussion on July 16

th to “journey” to beautiful

Catholic sites. Whether this would be your first time to attend or

one of many, you will be moved. Get stimulated and inspired! “Journey to the Heart of the Faith”

☺ There will be cake! ☺ . . .

Liturgical Ministers Training dates for anyone interested in serving

the parish as a Lector or EMHC are set for August. High school Juniors or Seniors and adults are eligible for training and Mandation. Please leave your name & contact information with Fr. Kevin/parish office by July 19th. There is a sign-up sheet in the entry of the church. Yearly financial reports have been sent out to all parishioners. If you did not receive your statement and Church Cleaning list, or have questions regarding these papers, please let Fr. Kevin know or leave a message at the parish office. ♦As we continue into the summer months and schedules are

busy and sometimes unpredictable, remember that the normal monthly bills at the parish continue. If you are out of town, please mail-in your contribution or bring your extra contribution when you come to Mass. Thank you for your faithful support!

♥Altar Society: No summer meetings.

No summer meetings.

Next blood drive is Sept. 3rd

~ Noon – 6:00 PM.

♦Fellowship: Thank you to all who provide the tasty refreshments and to all who take the time to visit with others.♥

♦St. Patrick’s Church Cleaning News: For July of 2019, the

lead families are Kevin & Amy Tobin, assisted by Elizabeth

McCarty, Matt & Tiffany Marquardt, John & Jane Gorman, Gordon & Leslye Bryant and Greg & Collette Stock. Thank you to all who help to keep the church and grounds a clean and welcoming worship space. Thank you to all who help to keep the church and grounds a clean and welcoming worship space.

♥MASS INTENTIONS are a marvelous way to remember loved ones both living and

deceased! Place your request in an envelope with your offering, ($10.00 is the normal offering and a few weeks in advance is necessary to schedule your Mass)

Catholic Guide to the Internet: Catholic Voice

www.catholicvoiceomaha.com Archdiocese of Omaha


Catholic Online


The Holy See


Catholic Treasury


Marriage Resources


Mass Times www.masstimes.org

LIFE CHOICES- 1835 E. Military Ave., Suite 101 Fremont, NE (402)721-5551 BIRTH RIGHT of SIOUXLAND- 520 Nebraska St., Suite 322 Sioux City, IA (712)258-3436


321 S. 13th Street Tekamah, NE 68061 For all your automobile needs:

Tires, batteries, exhaust, fuel, farm tire service. Call Pat Braniff (402)374-2660

Brummond Disposal

3182 County Road K Tekamah, Nebraska 68061

(402) 687-9511


Please remember your

parish in your will or estate and give the Church a part

of your legacy. Call the

rectory if you have any


203 S 13th Street 402-374-2013

To inquire about membership Contact Grand Knight

Rich Elske (402)307-0045


113 S. Court Street Craig, NE 68019

Custom Machine Embroidery by Stephanie Boardley

(402) 377-2400

BRANIFF GRADING Call K.C. Braniff (402)838-9043

“For all your dirt needs!”

“These spaces are available for businesses to advertise their product or

company.” Just $50.00 a year Contact Fr. Kevin to

Place an ad in the bulletin. Thank you to our sponsors!

KP Ranch Aussies

Miniature & Toy

Australian Shepherds

ASDR Registered Champion bloodlines

Ali Petersen 402-377-2309

Announcements July 13th & 14th

♦ Tuesday July 16th: Catholicism DVD & discussion @ 6:30 PM. It’s not

too late to join the group!

♦Training dates have been announced for those interested in serving the

parish as a Lector or EMHC. Prayerfully consider if this ministry is a way

to serve your parish. Names need to be sent in on July 19th. There is a

sign-up sheet in the entry.

♦ Thursday July 18th: Stripping and waxing in Fischer Hall and the

kitchen at St. Patrick Church.

♦ Friday July 19th: Stripping and waxing in the parish hall and the kitchen

at Holy Family Church. Your assistance may be needed to put tables & chairs away (and then reset); also the kitchen areas will need have things moved out and later returned.) Thank you for your help.

♦New daily devotionals are in the entry. Help yourself to them and

to other religious articles donated for you.

☺Join us for Fellowship after Mass (Sunday)

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