it archive - · 2 acknowledgement we wish to thank our correspondent thiru. p....

Post on 17-Oct-2020






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Executive Committee

Chief Patron : Thiru. P. Sachithanandan Avl.,

Patron : Dr. N. Raman M.Com., M.B.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Editor in Chief : Dr. S. Manoharan M.C.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Staff Advisor

Mrs. S. Vanitha M.C.A., M.Phil.,

Assistant Professor,

Department of Computer Science (P.G.)

Staff Editor

Dr. B. Jayanthi M.C.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Associate Professor,

Department of Computer Science (P.G.)

Organizing Members

Mr. T. Vivek III-MCA

Ms. R. Sadhana III-MCA

Ms. T. Ramya III-MCA

Ms. S. Lakkshmi Priya III-MCA

Mr. V. Mahesh III-MCA

Ms. T. Rubika III-MCA

Ms. M. Manju III-MCA

Words by Swami Vivekananda


VOL - 43

Google Desktop - 3

Python - 7

Technologies - 13

Intellect Explore - 18

Career Objectives - 21

Operating System - 25

Company Profile - 32

Tips and Tricks - 35

Freedom can never be reached by the weak. Throw away all weakness. Tell your body that it

is strong, tell your mind that it is strong, and have unbounded faith and hope in yourself.



We wish to thank our Correspondent Thiru. P. Sachithanandan Avl, for the

support to publish the magazine and also we thank our principal Dr. N. Raman M.Com.,

M.B.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., for considerable support to us during this effort. We proudly thank

our Chief Editor, Staff Advisor, Staff Editor, Staff members and the Students of Department

of Computer Science (P.G.) for their guidance and suggestions to complete the magazine.




Google Desktop is a freeware app filed

under desktop enhancement software

and made available by Google for


Google Desktop gives easy access to

information on the computer and from

the web. It's a desktop search application

that provides full text search over email,

computer files, music, photos, chats and

web pages that viewed.

By making computer searchable, Google

Desktop puts information easily within

user reach and free from having to

manually organize files, emails and

bookmarks. It makes searching computer

as easy as searching the web with


Google Desktop doesn't just help to

search in computer; it also helps to

gather new information from the web

with Sidebar, a new desktop feature that

shows new email, weather and stock

information, personalized news and

RSS/Atom feeds, and more.

Google Desktop Features and Highlights

Fast file indexing, superior to Windows

built-in search.

Sidebar with email, scratch pad, photos,

news, weather and Google Talk.

Quick find feature provides quick access

to files.

Gadgets and plug-ins: offers an endless

amount of plug-ins and gadgets for


Google Desktop Search Tool

Desktop search is the name given to

tools that search the contents of a user's

own computer instead of the Internet.

These tools are designed in a manner

such that they find information on all the

drives including the web browser

history, email archives, images and



The complete list of file types that the tool

indexes are:

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Word

Microsoft PowerPoint

Text Files



Web History


Acrobat Files

Music and Video Files

Uses for Google Desktop

Google Desktop lets search computer

and have tiny bits of information at

fingertips if use Google Gadgets. Google

Desktop can have other interesting uses.

1. Program Launcher

If a program has a shortcut in the Start

Menu, type the first letters of the

program name and launch it.

2. Control Panel Replacement

User want to change mouse settings

or the network settings then Type "mouse"

or "network" and open the configuration tool

without using Control Panel.

3. Address Bar

Open files, folders and Internet


4. Browser History

Browser can keep the sites user visit

for a limited period a week or more. Google

Desktop keeps them indefinitely and makes

the history searchable.

5. Browser Cache

Google Desktop keeps all the

versions of the pages to see in browser, so

user can use it for reference if user wants to

see how a page has changed.


6. File Recovery

If user delete a document, Google

Desktop keeps it in its cache, and still be

able to recover the content.

7. File Versioning

User can use Google Desktop to

revert to a previous version of a document

(text file, Office document, HTML file).

Google Desktop keeps all the versions of a

file, so it may be useful if user don't backup

the files.

8. Most Recent Documents

Google Desktop has a timeline that

let the files created or modified recently.

9. Office / Pdf Viewer

If user don't have Microsoft Office

or Adobe Reader, Google Desktop lets user

to see a text version for PDF, DOC, XLS,

PPT files. It's useful as a text preview.

10. Gmail Replacement

Gmail is down or internet connection is

down. user don't use a desktop mail

client, but user need to find an

important mail. Fortunately, Google

Desktop indexes user mail , so user can

search messages and read them offline.

The attachments aren't saved on PC.

For most of these features, need to

enable in Google Desktop the indexing

for web history, most file types, disable

"remove deleted items", enable Gmail

and "launch programs/files by default"

in quick find.

If user don't like the sidebar, user can

disable it in Preferences / Display by

choosing Deskbar, Floating Deskbar or

None. user can use the "Quick Search

Box" the one from the first screenshot by

hitting Ctrl twice.

Advantages of Google Desktop

The tool is tightly integrated with the

website. Hence, when user search for

something on the website, the result

page will display results from the PC

and web.


The tool duplicates the history of

Internet Explorer. Hence, even if user

delete the cache of the browser, they are

still available with the tool.

The indexing is performed when the

computer is left idle. Hence, it does not

slow down user work. If user work very

extensively on the PC, it is advisable to

leave it idle for sometime so that it can

catch up with all the indexing.

Unlike, the Window Explorer Search

where in user have to specify the drive

and folder path, the Google tool can

return the results instantaneously without

specifying any drive or folder path.

When user want to search for a mail in

the Outlook application, the Google

search returns results faster when

compared to the search results of

Outlook itself.

Text snippets are displayed on the result

page. Hence, user get an idea about the

result without actually opening the


User can use it on GMAIL and can even

read old GMAIL mails when they are


Disadvantages of Google Desktop

Password protected files are indexed

unless explicitly turned off.

Without any plug-ins and modifications,

the tool does not index .tmp, .temp, .obj,

.pst and .dat files.

The folders that are not indexed are the

System Root Folder, Recycle Bin, Local

App Data and Templates.

Zip files cannot be indexed either. Only

10 results at a time are displayed.

Ms. R. Sadhana





Python is a widely used high-level,

general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic

programming language. Its design

philosophy emphasizes code readability,

and its syntax allows programmers to

express concepts in fewer lines of code

than possible in languages such as C++

or Java. The language provides

constructs intended to enable clear

programs on both a small and large


Python supports multiple programming

paradigms, including object-oriented,

imperative and functional programming

or procedural styles. It features a

dynamic type system and automatic

memory management and has a large

and comprehensive standard library.

Python interpreters are available for

many operating systems, allowing

Python code to run on a wide variety of

systems. Using third-party tools, such as

Py2exe or Pyinstaller, Python code can

be packaged into stand-alone executable

programs for some of the most popular

operating systems, so Python-based

software can be distributed to, and used

on, those environments with no need to

install a Python interpreter. Python, the

reference implementation of Python, is

free and open-source software and has a

community-based development model,

as do nearly all of its variant

implementations. CPython is managed

by the non-profit Python Software


Features and Philosophy

Python is a multi-paradigm

programming language: object-oriented

programming and structured

programming are fully supported, and

many language features support

functional programming and aspect-

oriented programming (including by

meta programming and meta objects

(magic methods)).Many other paradigms

are supported via extensions, including

design by contract and logic


The design of Python offers some

support for functional programming in

the Lisp tradition. The language has

map(), reduce() and filter() functions; list

comprehensions, dictionaries, and sets

and generator expressions.


Syntax and Semantics

Python is intended to be a highly

readable language. It is designed to have

an uncluttered visual layout, often using

English keywords where other languages

use punctuation. Further, Python has

fewer syntactic exceptions and special

cases than C or Pascal.


Python uses whitespace indentation,

rather than curly braces or keywords, to

delimit blocks; this feature is also termed

the off-side rule. An increase in

indentation comes after certain

statements; a decrease in indentation

signifies the end of the current block.

Statements and Control Flow

Python's statements include (among others):

The if statement, which conditionally

executes a block of code, along with

else and elif (a contraction of else-


The for statement, which iterates

over an iterable object, capturing

each element to a local variable for

use by the attached block.

The while statement, which executes

a block of code as long as its

condition is true.

The try statement, which allows

exceptions raised in its attached code

block to be caught and handled by

except clauses; it also ensures that

clean-up code in a finally block will

always be run regardless of how the

block exits.

The class statement, which executes

a block of code and attaches its local

namespace to a class, for use in

object-oriented programming.

The def statement, which defines a

function or method.

The pass statement, which serves as

a NOP. It is syntactically needed to

create an empty code block. The

assert statement, used during

debugging to check for conditions

that ought to apply.

The yield statement, which returns a

value from a generator function.

From Python 2.5, yield is also an

operator. This form is used to

implement co routines.

The import statement, which is used

to import modules whose functions

or variables can be used in the

current program.


The print statement was changed to

the print() function in Python 3.


Some Python expressions are similar to

languages such as C and Java, while some

are not:

Addition, subtraction, and

multiplication are the same, but the

behavior of division differs (see

Mathematics for details). Python also

added the ** operator for


Python uses the words and, or, not

for its boolean operators rather than

the symbolic &&, ||, ! used in Java

and C.

Anonymous functions are

implemented using lambda

expressions; however, these are

limited in that the body can only be

one expression.

Conditional expressions in Python

are written as x if c else y (different

in order of operands from the c ? x :

y operator common to many other


In Python, a distinction between

expressions and statements is rigidly

enforced, in contrast to languages such as

Common Lisp, Scheme, or Ruby. This leads

to duplicating some functionality. For


List comprehensions vs. for-loops

Conditional expressions vs. if blocks

The eval() vs. exec() built-in

functions (in Python 2, exec is a

statement); the former is for

expressions, the latter is for



Methods on objects are functions

attached to the object's class; the syntax

instance. Method(argument) is, for

normal methods and functions, syntactic

sugar for Class. method(instance,

argument). Python methods have an

explicit self parameter to access instance

data, in contrast to the implicit self (or

this) in some other object-oriented

programming languages (e.g., C++,

Java, Objective-C, or Ruby).


Python's development is conducted

largely through the Python Enhancement

Proposal (PEP) process. The PEP process is

the primary mechanism for proposing major


new features, for collecting community

input on an issue, and for documenting the

design decisions that have gone into Python.

Languages Influenced by Python

Python's design and philosophy have

influenced several programming languages,


Boo uses indentation, a similar

syntax, and a similar object model.

However, Boo uses static typing (and

optional duck typing) and is closely

integrated with the .NET Framework.

Cobra uses indentation and a similar

syntax. Cobra's "Acknowledgements"

document lists Python first among

languages that influenced it.

However, Cobra directly supports

design-by-contract, unit tests, and

optional static typing.

Go is described as incorporating the

"development speed of working in a

dynamic language like Python".

Groovy was motivated by the desire

to bring the Python design philosophy

to Java.

Swift is a programming language

invented by Apple; it has some

Python-inspired syntax.

Comparing Python to Other Languages

Python is often compared to other

interpreted languages such as Java,

JavaScript, Perl, Tcl, or Smalltalk.

Comparisons to C++, Common Lisp and

Scheme can also be enlightening


Python programs are generally expected

to run slower than Java programs, but

they also take much less time to develop.

Python programs are typically 3-5 times

shorter than equivalent Java programs.

This difference can be attributed to

Python's built-in high-level data types

and its dynamic typing. Python

programmer wastes no time declaring

the types of arguments or variables, and

Python's run time must work harder than


Python is much better suited as a "glue"

language, while Java is better

characterized as a low-level

implementation language. In fact, the

two together make an excellent

combination. Components can be

developed in Java and combined to form

applications in Python; Python can also

be used to prototype components until

their design can be "hardened" in a Java


implementation. To support this type of

development, a Python implementation

written in Java is under development,

which allows calling Python code from

Java and vice versa. In this

implementation, Python source code is

translated to Java byte code with help

from a run-time library to support

Python's dynamic semantics.


Python's "object-based" subset is

roughly equivalent to JavaScript. Like

JavaScript and unlike Java, Python

supports a programming style that uses

simple functions and variables without

engaging in class definitions. However,

for JavaScript, that's all there is. Python,

on the other hand, supports writing much

larger programs and better code reuse

through a true object-oriented

programming style, where classes and

inheritance play an important role.


Python and Perl come from a similar

background UNIX scripting, which both

have long outgrown, and sport many

similar features, but have a different

philosophy. Perl emphasizes support for

common application-oriented tasks, e.g.

by having built-in regular expressions,

file scanning and report generating

features. Python emphasizes support for

common programming methodologies

such as data structure design and object-

oriented programming, and encourages

programmers to write readable and

maintainable code by providing an

elegant but not overly cryptic notation.

As a consequence, Python comes close

to Perl but rarely beats it in its original

application domain; however Python has

applicability well beyond Perl's niche.


Like Python, Tcl is usable as an

application extension language, as well

as a stand-alone programming language.

However, Tcl, which traditionally stores

all data as strings, is weak on data

structures, and executes typical code

much slower than Python. Tcl also lacks

features needed for writing large

programs, such as modular namespaces.

Thus, while a "typical" large application

using Tcl usually contains Tcl

extensions written in C or C++ that are

specific to that application, an equivalent

Python application can often be written

in "pure Python". Of course, pure Python


development is much quicker than

having to write and debug a C or C++

component. It has been said that Tcl's

one redeeming quality is the Tk toolkit.

Python has adopted an interface to Tk as

its standard GUI component library.


The biggest difference between Python

and Smalltalk is Python's more

"mainstream" syntax, which gives it a

leg up on programmer training. Like

Smalltalk, Python has dynamic typing

and binding, and everything in Python is

an object. However, Python

distinguishes built-in object types from

user-defined classes, and currently

doesn't allow inheritance from built-in

types. Smalltalk's standard library of

collection data types is more refined,

while Python's library has more facilities

for dealing with Internet and WWW

realities such as email, HTML and FTP.

Python has a different philosophy

regarding the development environment

and distribution of code. Where

Smalltalk traditionally has a monolithic

"system image" which comprises both

the environment and the user's program,

Python stores both standard modules and

user modules in individual files which

can easily be rearranged or distributed

outside the system. One consequence is

that there is more than one option for

attaching a Graphical User Interface

(GUI) to a Python program, since the

GUI is not built into the system.


Almost everything said for Java also

applies for C++, just more so: where

Python code is typically 3-5 times

shorter than equivalent Java code, it is

often 5-10 times shorter than equivalent

C++ code! Anecdotal evidence suggests

that one Python programmer can finish

in two months what two C++

programmers can't complete in a year.

Python shines as a glue language, used

to combine components written in C++.

Ms. T. Ramya





Meteor is a full-stack JavaScript

platform for developing modern web and

mobile applications. Meteor includes a key

set of technologies for building connected-

client reactive applications, a build tool, and

a curate set of packages from the Node.js

and general JavaScript community.

Meteor allows you to develop in one

language, JavaScript, in all

environments: application server, web

browser, and mobile device.

Meteor uses data on the wire, meaning

the server sends data, not HTML, and

the client renders it.

Meteor embraces the ecosystem,

bringing the best parts of the extremely

active JavaScript community to you in a

careful and considered way.

Meteor provides full stack reactivity,

allowing your UI to seamlessly reflect

the true state of the world with minimal

development effort.

Meteor allows for rapid prototyping and

produces cross-platform (web, Android,

iOS) code. It integrates with MongoDB

and uses the Distributed Data Protocol

and a publish–subscribe pattern to

automatically propagate data changes to

clients without requiring the developer

to write any synchronization code. On

the client, Meteor depends on jQuery

and can be used with any JavaScript UI

widget library.

Meteor is developed by the Meteor

Development Group. The startup was

incubated by Y Combinator and received

$11.2M in funding from Andreessen

Horowitz in July 2012.


├── client

│ ├── common.js

│ ├── stylesheets

│ │ └── faq.css

│ └── templates

│ ├── head.html

│ ├── layout.html

│ └── modelname

│ ├── modelname.html

│ └── modelname.js

├── lib

│ ├── collections.js

│ └── router.js

├── public

│ └── img


└── server

└── common.js



Meteor was first introduced in December

2011 under the name Skybreak.

In October 2014, Meteor Development

Group acquired Y Combinator alum

FathomDB, with the goal of expanding

Meteor's database support.

Meteor Resources

1. The place to get started with Meteor is

the official tutorial.

2. Once you are familiar with the basics,

the Meteor Guide covers intermediate

material on how to use Meteor in a

larger scale app.

3. Stack Overflow is the best place to ask

(and answer!) technical questions. Be

sure to add the meteor tag to your


4. Visit the Meteor discussion forums to

announce projects, get help, talk about

the community, or discuss changes to


5. Atmosphere is the repository of

community packages designed

especially for Meteor.

6. Awesome Meteor is a community-curate

list of packages and resources.

Sample Meteor API’s


Meteor.isServer can be used to

limit where code runs, but it does not

prevent code from being sent to the

client. Any sensitive code that you don’t

want served to the client, such as code

containing passwords or authentication

mechanisms, should be kept in the

server directory.

Deployment And Monitoring

After reading this guide, you’ll know:

1. What to consider before you deploy a

Meteor application.

2. How to deploy to some common Meteor

hosting environments.

3. How to design a deployment process to

make sure your application’s quality is


4. How to monitor user behavior with

analytics tools.

5. How to monitor your application with


6. How to make sure your site is

discoverable by search engines.


Google Home

Google Home is a voice-enabled

wireless speaker developed by Google,

announced on May 18, 2016 at I/O. It is

Google's first smart speaker developed, as

well as one of the current devices that will

run Google Assistant, alongside Allo and


The product is similar to the Amazon

Echo, making it a direct competitor in the

smart speaker industry. It is scheduled for

release in 2016, but the exact release date

is currently unspecified.

Google Home was announced at Google

I/O in May 2016, alongside Android N,

Android Wear 2.0, and Daydream. It was

also announced that it would run Google

Assistant (formerly Google Now), which

was also set to be integrated in other

products announced at I/O.

On June 2016, a report also confirmed

that Home would be running an

optimized version of the Chromecast's

software, as well as the hardware

implemented. Also announced was the

integration of home automation software,

allowing the user to control various

products that can work with it.


Google will have its services integrated

into the operating system, and supporting

commands and features similar to the

Amazon Echo, like streaming through

Google Play Music.

Borrowing from Chromecast's

technology, Google Home is able to

connect to multiple Home speakers

wirelessly, reaching multiple rooms.

The intelligent personal assistant, Google

Assistant, will be included as the main

and only primary assistant in the software

and operating system of Google Home.

Unlike its cousin, Google Now, Assistant

will be able to engage in two-way


Google Home will have home automation

as a feature, being able to control devices

as a central hub, but compatible products

for Home have not yet been announced.



Reports have surfaced that Google Home

- due to its relation to Chromecast - will

have the same ARM processor and Wi-Fi

chip as the models, though no specific

hardware listing has been released.[7][12] It

will include a microphone, and for

privacy concerns, will have a mute button

for the microphone to silence all

communication towards it.


As of June 2016, no specifications in

height and weight have been released or

have been confirmed by any sources

about Home. The design represents a

modular cylindrical shape, and will have

4 LED's on the top that are in the same

colors as Google's logo that indicate



Google Home is interchangeable in terms

of its base. There is a scheduled

merchandise set up for the Home to

customize the base with assorted metal or

plastic case shells for the base, meant for

blending it around home decor.

Google Allo

Allo is an instant messaging mobile

app developed by Google. It was announced

at Google I/O on May 18, 2016. The app

will be available on both Android and iOS

and is due to be released in summer 2016.


Allo will be based on phone


Smart Reply

Allo's "Smart reply" function will

use Google's machine learning technology to

suggest a reply to the last message, which

can be selected from a few options. The

feature will also analyze images sent to the


user in order to suggest responses. Similar to

the smart reply feature seen in Google's

Inbox app, it will learn from the user's

behavior to adapt its suggestions over time.

Incognito Mode

Incognito mode will be an optional

mode that includes expiring chats, private

notifications, and end-to-end encryption.

The encryption will use Open Whisper

Systems' Signal Protocol, already used in the

Signal app.

Google Assistant

This will be one of the current apps

that supports Google Assistant, a

conversational virtual assistant.

Google DUO

Duo is a video chat mobile app

developed by Google, available on both

Android and iOS. It was announced at

Google I/O on May 18, 2016 alongside Allo,

an instant messaging app. Duo launched in

the United States on August 16, 2016.


HD 720p video

Optimized for low bandwidth mobile

networks. The app optimizes WebRTC

and uses QUIC over UDP. Optimization

is further achieved through the

degradation of video quality through

monitoring network quality.

"Knock Knock" – an Android-only

feature which shows a live preview of the

caller before the recipient picks up, which

Google says is to "make calls feel more

like an invitation rather than an


End-to-end encryption by default.

Google Assistant support.

Use of phone numbers to allow users to

easily call people from their contact list.

Automatic switching between WiFi and

mobile data.

Mr. T. Vivek




1. What is the maximum distance with

maximum data rate for 802.11a?

A. About 65-75 feet

B. About 90-100 feet

C. About 150 feet

D. Over 200 feet

Answer : Option A


The IEEE 802.11a standard provides a

maximum data rate of up to 54Mbps, but

you need to be close to the access point,

somewhere around 65 to 75 feet.

2. What is the frequency range of the

IEEE 802.11b standard?

A. 2.4Gbps

B. 5Gbps

C. 2.4GHz

D. 5GHz

Answer: Option C


The IEEE 802.11b and IEEE 802.11g

standards both run in the 2.4GHz RF


3. What is the name of the method used to

start a thread execution?

A. init();

B. start();

C. run();

D. resume();

Answer: Option B


Option B is Correct. The start() method

causes this thread to begin execution; the

Java Virtual Machine calls the run method

of this thread.

Option A is wrong. There is

no init() method in the Thread class.

Option C is wrong. The run() method of a

thread is like the main() method to an

application. Starting the thread causes the


object's run method to be called in that

separately executing thread.

Option D is wrong. The resume() method

is deprecated. It resumes a suspended


4. Which three are methods of the Object


1. notify();

2. notifyAll();

3. isInterrupted();

4. synchronized();

5. interrupt();

6. wait(long msecs);

7. sleep(long msecs);

8. yield();

A. 1, 2, 4

B. 2, 4, 5

C. 1, 2, 6

D. 2, 3, 4

Answer: Option C


(1), (2), and (6) are correct. They are all

related to the list of threads waiting on the

specified object.

(3), (5), (7), and (8) are incorrect answers.


methods isInterrupted() and interrupt() are

instance methods of Thread.

The methods sleep() and yield() are static

methods of Thread.

D is incorrect because synchronized is a

keyword and the synchronized() construct

is part of the Java language.

5. Which will legally declare, construct,

and initialize an array?

A. int [] myList = {"1", "2", "3"};

B. int [] myList = (5, 8, 2);

C. int myList [] [] = {4,9,7,0};

D. int myList [] = {4, 3, 7};

Answer: Option D


The only legal array declaration and

assignment statement is Option D

Option A is wrong because it initializes an

int array with String literals.

Option B is wrong because it use other

than curly braces for the initialization.


Option C is wrong because it provides

initial values for only one dimension,

although the declared array is a two-

dimensional array.

6. Which four options describe the correct

default values for array elements of the

types indicated?

1. int -> 0

2. String -> "null"

3. Dog -> null

4. char -> '\u0000'

5. float -> 0.0f

6. boolean -> true

A. 1, 2, 3, 4

B. 1, 3, 4, 5

C. 2, 4, 5, 6

D. 3, 4, 5, 6

Answer: Option B


(1), (3), (4), (5) are the correct statements.

(2) is wrong because the default value for

a String (and any other object reference)

is null, with no quotes.

(6) is wrong because the default value for

boolean elements is false.

7. Which is a valid keyword in java?

A. interface

B. string

C. Float

D. unsigned

Answer: Option A


Interface is a valid keyword.

Option B is wrong because although

"String" is a class type in Java, "string" is

not a keyword.

Option C is wrong because "Float" is a

class type. The keyword for the Java

primitive is float.

Option D is wrong because "unsigned" is

a keyword in C/C++ but not in Java.

Ms. S. Lakkshmi Priya





We all respond to stress differently so,

there’s no “one size fits all” solution to

managing stress. But if you feel like the

stress in your life is out of control, it’s

time to take action. Stress management

can teach you healthier ways to cope

with stress, help you reduce its harmful

effects, and prevent stress from spiraling

out of control again in the future.

No matter how powerless you may feel

in the face of stress, you still have

control over your lifestyle, thoughts,

emotions, and the way you deal with

problems. Stress management involves

changing the stressful situation when

you can, changing your reaction when

you can’t, taking care of yourself, and

making time for rest and relaxation. The

first step is to recognize the true sources

of stress in your life.

There exists certain strategy to overcome

the stress. They are

Accept the Things You Can’t Change:

You can’t prevent or change stressors,

such as the death of a loved one, a

serious illness, or a national recession. In

such cases, the best way to cope with

stress is to accept things as they are.

Acceptance may be difficult, but in the

long run, it’s easier than railing against a

situation you can’t change.

Make Time for Fun and Relaxation:

If you regularly make time for fun and

relaxation, you’ll be in a better place to

handle life’s stressors. Don’t get so

caught up in the hustle and bustle of life

that you forget to take care of your own

needs. Nurturing yourself is a necessity,

not a luxury.

Adopt a Healthy Life Style:

In addition to regular exercise, there are

other healthy lifestyle choices that can

increase your resistance to stress. Eat a

healthy diet, reduce caffeine and

sugar, avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and

drugs and get enough sleep.


Emotions are not consciously

controlled. The part of the brain that

deals with emotions is the limbic system.

It’s thought that this part of the brain

evolved fairly early on in human history,

making it quite primitive. This explains


why an emotional response is often quite

straightforward, but very powerful: you

want to cry, or run away, or shout.

There are a number of actions that you

can take that will help you to manage

your emotions. Many of them are very

general, but try them because you may

just find that they work.

Be kind to others:

Because this helps stop you worrying

about yourself.

Be open and accept what is going on

around you:

Learn to appreciate what is happening

and avoid excessive criticism of others

or of situations. This is linked

to mindfulness, which is about being

aware of what is going on in the


It’s good to talk:

Spend time with other people and enjoy

their company.

Distract Yourself:

Yes, you really are that shallow.

Watching a bit of TV, reading, or surfing

the internet will probably help you forget

that you were feeling a bit down.

Don’t Give in to Negative Thinking:

If you find yourself having negative

thoughts, then challenge them by

looking for evidence against them.

Spend Time Outside:

Being in the fresh air, especially around

nature, is very helpful for calming the

emotions. There is evidence that we

need to see horizons, so if you can go up

a hill and look at the view then do.

Be Grateful:

Thank people in person for doing nice

things for you, and remember it.

Play to Your Strengths:

That often means doing things that you

enjoy, but it also involves doing things

that are good for you.

Notice the good things in your life:

In old-fashioned terms, count your



Problem Solving Skills:

Problem solving requires two distinct

types of mental skill, analytical and


Analytical or logical thinking includes

skills such as ordering, comparing,

contrasting, evaluating and selecting. It

provides a logical framework for

problem solving and helps to select the

best alternative from those available by

narrowing down the range of

possibilities (a convergent process).

Analytical thinking often predominates

in solving closed problems, where the

many possible causes have to be

identified and analyzed to find the real


The creative thinking skills can be

divided into several key elements:

Fluency - producing many ideas

Flexibility - producing a broad range

of ideas, originality - producing

uncommon ideas

Elaboration - developing ideas.

Effective problem solving requires a

controlled mixture of analytical and

creative thinking. To be a good problem

solver you need to be able to switch

from one group of skills to the other and

back again, although this is not always

easy. Some other terms which are often

used in discussions of creativity include:

Intuition - the ability to draw

conclusions based on impressions and

feelings rather than hard facts. It is a

characteristic of right-brain thinking and

some people rely on it more than others.

Incubation - the period between

stopping conscious work on a problem

and the time when we become aware of

a solution or part solution. People

struggling with problems often suddenly

become aware of a solution after a

period of incubation, during which the

mind is occupied by other things.

Invention - the creation of new,

meaningful ideas or concepts.

Innovation - putting new ideas or

concepts to a practical use, as in the

development of a new product or


Tech-Savvy Skills:

In today's job market, it's not only IT job

applicants who need tech skills. With

technology quickly and constantly

changing, employers everywhere are

looking for tech-savvy job candidates for

non-tech related positions. This means


that administrative, creative, sales,

marketing and other non-IT job seekers

are required to have relatively strong

tech backgrounds and skill sets to stay

competitive. There are some of the most

sought-after tech skills employers are

looking for

Up-To-Date with the Latest Technologies:

"The skills employers demand today

often depend on the size of the company,

and sometimes the industry. Startups

tend to be on the cutting edge of what's

either very popular now or what's on the

rise. Great candidates show they are

staying relevant, current on new trends

and always learning."

Natural Characteristics:

Natural, characteristics described below

are found in the most effective Crisis

Management Team Leaders:

Persuasion – An effective crisis leader

must inspire people to follow them – not

demand it.

Guts – Not all leaders are able to

quickly and confidently make decisions

in crisis situations with incomplete

information at hand, but that tends to

become the norm when responding to a

disruptive event.

Balance – Many organizations value

collaboration as a key part of day-to-day

decision making (and rightly so), but in a

crisis situation, there often comes a time

where a decision needs to be made

immediately, even if the facts seem

incomplete and obfuscated.

Learned Skills - Although many other

traits enable effective, day-to-day

organizational leadership (most of which

also apply to crisis leadership), senior

leaders with the following three

principles – when combined with the

natural, behavioral abilities described

above – are often exceptional Crisis

Management Team Leader candidate.

Communication – It is no secret that

well-executed communication strategies

are integral to an effective crisis


Mr. V. Mahesh




Apple iOS 10

Apple unveiled iOS 10, the net-generation

operating system for the iPhone, iPad, and

iPod touch, on June 13.

Apple CEO Tim Cook described iOS 10 as

the “biggest release ever” for iOS user’s,

and the operating system includes major

updates for a wide variety of apps, services,

and features.

1. General Redesign and User


Apple says it has "redesigned the

experience of the lock screen". But before

getting into that, there's a new feature that

there will be more for lock screen.

In the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, there's a

tendency to hit the Home button and blast

straight to the Home screen, But Apple

has unveiled Raise to Wake, which makes

the iPhone light up, and go to the Home

screen, when just lifting it up.

'Slide to Unlock' has been removed, and

instead it will show 'Press home to open'.

Doing so will prompt user to enter

passcode or will unlock the phone using

Touch ID.

2. Siri:

The biggest change to Siri seems to be

that Apple is opening it up to 3rd-party

developers. This means that user can able

to activate non-Apple apps and functions

via voice control.

There will be Siri support in Slack,

WhatsApp, Uber, Lyft, Shutterfly,

Pinterest, Map My Run, RunKeeper and

lots more apps.

3. QuickType:

Apple is "bringing Siri intelligence to

the keyboard".

It's about to get a lot better at predicting

what user want to say.

QuickType is going to become more

proactive at bringing in data from other

apps and offering it as part of your


There will be support for multilingual


4. Photos:

Like QuickType, Photos has been given

an injection of artificial intelligence.

Apple says it will use deep learning

techniques to analyze faces, places and


objects - the company boasted, if we

didn't mishear, that 11 billion

computations are made per photo - and

use its findings to build smart albums for


Photos can draw together linked photos

and videos by place, people and time,

and automatically create highlight reels

and trip mementoes.

5. Maps:

Slide upwards from the bottom of Maps

and you get suggested destinations. If

user normally goes to work at this time,

then your workplace will be on there.

Another location may be drawn from a

calendar appointment for this time.

User’s can sub-filter when searching for

nearby businesses. Fitter for restaurants;

then filter for seafood restaurants.

Its interface will zoom in and out

cleverly, depending on the distance to

the next turning and other factors.

6. Music:

Apple music also gets onscreen lyrics for

some songs, although you may have to

wait for the lyrics for your favorite song

to be added.

Better still, while taking Live Photos,

your music will continue playing -

allowing the user to have uninterrupted

music sessions.

7. News:

Apple News has been redesigned - like

the other apps here, it becomes cleaner

and simpler. But more interestingly,

Apple has added subscriptions in News.

Now there is also a 'Breaking news'

notification from the app. User’s can

toggle the feature from the app's settings

and even custom-tune the publications as

they wish to see push notifications to

their device.

User’s can access paid subscriptions,

where they can read an unlimited

amount of articles from various


There is also a widget for the News app,

but given that it's still in beta expect it to

be a little rough around the edges and

only provide basic functionalities.

8. HomeKit & New Home App:

Apple is getting serious about smart

homes and the internet of things,

launching a dedicated app, Home, for


controlling all the appliances that are

compatible with HomeKit.

This invokes an entire raft of smart-

home instructions: it locks the door,

adjusts the thermostat, and draws the

curtains and so on. Similarly, there could

be a 'Good morning Siri' command that

gets home ready for the day.

9. Phone:

The all-important but often neglected

Phone app gets a single big

enhancement: voicemail transcription.

iOS will convert speech into text, so the

user’s can glance through a voicemail

without having to listen to it.

Apple has pledged to work with third

parties to provide more information

about known voicemail spammers, so

the user’s can be warned when one is


10. Messages:

User’s can be able to use rich links in

Messages. Share a link and, as it would

in Slack or Twitter, artwork and a précis

of the article may be pulled in, so the

user’s contact can get an idea of the gist

without having to click.

Messages can scan a message that are

about to be send and highlight all the

words that could be replaced with emoji.

Tap them one by one and they'll

transform into the appropriate pictures.

User can make a message come up in

'invisible ink', which means it's blurred

out until the recipient swipes across it

with a finger. This is designed for

situations when the user want to surprise

someone with a nice message and want

to delay the moment of gratification for

a little longer.

Send handwritten messages by using

Digital Touch and send your heartbeat.

UBUNTU 16.04

Ubuntu is a Debian-based Linux

operating system and distribution for

personal computers, Smartphone’s and

network servers. It uses Unity as its default

user interface. It is based on free software

and named after the Southern African

philosophy of ubuntu (literally, 'human-

ness'), which Canonical Ltd suggests can be

loosely translated as "humanity to others" or

"I am what I am because of who we all are".

Ubuntu is designed to work beautifully on

the latest laptops, desktops and touch screen

devices, it looks incredible on high


resolution screens — and with touch screen

enhancements and interface refinements

including individual menu bars in each

application window, it’s now even easier to


What is a Long Term Support Release?

While new Ubuntu Desktop and Server

releases appear every six months, LTS

versions are released every two years,

and are guaranteed support from

Canonical for five years after release.

This means that they constitute a stable

platform for deploying production

systems, and receive security updates

and critical bug fixes for a substantial

window of time. 16.04 will continue to

be updated until April of 2021.

The systemd Init System

User’s of Ubuntu 15.10 or Debian Jessie

may already be familiar with systemd,

which is now the default init system for

the majority of mainstream GNU/Linux

distributions. On Ubuntu, systemd

supplants Canonical's Upstart.

If you make use of custom init scripts, or

routinely configure long-running

services, you will need to know the

basics of systemd.

The Kernel

Ubuntu 16.04 is built on the 4.4 series of

Linux Kernels, released in January of


On Digital Ocean, new 16.04 Droplets

and Droplets upgraded from 15.10 will

be able to manage and upgrade their own



Ubuntu 16.04 defaults to OpenSSH

7.2p2, which disables the SSH version 1

protocol, and disallows the use of DSA

(ssh-dss) keys.

Using an older key or are required

communicating with a legacy SSH

server from the system, need to read the

release notes on SSH.


At its core, Ubuntu is still built on the

Debian project, and by extension on .deb

package files managed by Apt, the

Advanced Package Tool.

The Apt tools have not changed a great

deal, although Ubuntu 16.04 upgrades to

Apt 1.2, which includes some security



Snap Packages

Ubuntu 16.04 includes access to a new

kind of package called a snap, emerging

from Ubuntu's mobile and Internet of

Things development efforts.


LXD is a "container hypervisor", built

around LXC, which in turn is an

interface to Linux kernel containment

features. User’s can read an introduction

to LXC and a getting-started guide to

LXD on


Ubuntu 16.04 includes a native kernel

module for ZFS, an advanced file system

originating in the 2000s at Sun

Microsystems and currently developed

for Open Source systems under the

umbrella of the OpenZFS project. ZFS

combines the traditional roles of a file

system and volume manager, and offers

many compelling features.


Ubuntu 16.04's PHP packages now

default to v7.0. PHP 7 offers major

performance improvements over its

predecessors, along with new features

such as scalar type declarations for

function parameters and return values.

Python 3.5

Ubuntu 16.04 comes by default with

Python 3.5.1 installed as the python3

binary. Python 2 is still installable using

the python package:

User’s of the Vim editor should note that

the default builds of Vim now use

Python 3, which may break plug-in that

rely on Python 2.

Windows 10

Windows 10 is a personal computer

operating system developed and released

by Microsoft as part of the Windows NT

family of operating systems. Windows 10

was offered as a free upgrade to

customers running Windows 7 and above

for its first year. It now costs $120 (£91)

for the home edition and $200 (£151) for

the professional one.

Some of the Features are:

1. Start Menu Returns:

After failing to convince us that its Metro

UI was equally good for keyboard and


mouse, Microsoft has taken a complete U

turn. Yes, the highly anticipated and most

consistent rumour about the Windows 8

successor – return of the Start menu – is

true. Windows 10 shows a start menu on

the desktop on the left lower side, just

like what is seen in Windows 7. It does

add some touch from the Windows 8.1

OS, like the right side of the menu can be

seen with Metro-like live tiles. However,

you get the option to customize it

completely for a Windows 7 like look.

2. Task View:

There will be new Task View button

(Alt-Tab) that would show the task view

interface meant for improving multi-

tasking. Basically, it will be something

like the stacked cards that is seen on

hitting Windows-Tab. Going by the

images; it now looks more refined,


3. Virtual Desktop:

For enterprise and power user’s,

Microsoft has added the virtual desktops

feature in Windows 10. Virtual desktops

let to switch between many desktops as

per user’s convenience. It is already

present via third-party Windows tools,

but will come built-in in the new

Windows 10 OS. It should be noted that

Apple’s OS X, and many Linux distros

already come with support for virtual


4. Universal Apps:

The much universal app model will

finally fall in place with Windows 10.

Basically, Windows Universal apps are

said to combine all the apps so that they

can presumably run on all Windows

devices including desktops, phones and

gaming console. All apps will be under

one app store and Windows 10 will also

support older app stores.

5. Continum:

This can be easily called one of the most

interesting Windows 10 features. It is for

Microsoft’s 2 in 1 devices that help to

automatically change the mode if the

device detects no keyboard is attached.

Basically, news has it that a back touch

button appears to help you navigate in

case the keyboard is removed.

6. Metro Apps:

Though Microsoft ensures that user’s

may never be forced to use the Metro


apps, they can run Metro apps on the

Desktop in a window. These apps come

with an icon for more options, just like

what is seen in the charms. With this

feature, it looks like Microsoft is trying

hard to bridge the gap between the

desktop and Metro UI.

7. Snap:

One will also find an improved Snap

function. It allows windows to be tiled

horizontally as well as vertically. The

new Snap Assist feature works as per

user’s preference, whether to snap the

windows into new screens or tile


8. No Charms Bar:

Though the Charms menu was still

present when Microsoft showcased the

new UI, it is believed that the company

will put it off eventually. Those not in

the know how, Charms bar is the right-

side overlay used to access search, share,

settings and so on. However, as

aforementioned, Metro-style Windows 8

apps get title bars that include an icon

with the Charms components. It is also

believed that developers will have to add

features to enable the share Charm.

9. Hide Metro Interface:

Now, it isn’t clear if the Metro interface

can be completely removed from

Windows 10 for the Desktop. It still

seems a neat option for hybrids, but in

case of desktop, Microsoft is believed to

add a check box that lets you opt for

“never show me the Metro interface.”

10. Easy Shut Down:

A small, but extremely essential feature

Windows 8 user’s have been waiting is

easy shut down. In Windows 8, user’s

had to navigate through Charms, log off,

and then shut down the computer. Now,

Microsoft takes us back to the pre-

Windows 8 era by introducing an easy

shut down. Now, you can simply press

Alt+F4 while viewing the desktop and

choose from options including shut

down from the drop menu.

Ms. T. Rubhika




Industry Computer software

Founded October 26, 1998; 17 years ago

Palo Alto, California, U.S.


Diane Greene

Mendel Rosenblum

Scott Devine

Ellen Wang

Edouard Bugnion

Revenue US$6.035 billion (2014)

Total assets US$15.216 billion (2014)

Total equity US$7.586 billion (2014)



VMware, Inc. is an American company

that provides cloud and virtualization

software and services, and claims to be

the first to successfully virtualize the x86

architecture commercially. Founded in

1998, VMware is based in Palo Alto,

California. In 2004, it was acquired by

and became a subsidiary of EMC

Corporation, then on August 14, 2007,

EMC sold 15% of the company in a New

York Stock Exchange IPO. The

company trades under the symbol


VMware's desktop software runs on

Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Mac OS

X, while its enterprise software

hypervisors for servers, VMware ESX

and VMware ESXi, are bare-metal

hypervisors that run directly on server

hardware without requiring an additional

underlying operating system.

In 2016 Dell was in the process of

acquiring EMC, VMware's majority

owner. In January 2016 the entire

development team behind VMWare

Workstation and Fusion was disbanded

and all US developers were immediately

fired. The company said that "the

restructuring activities will not impact


the existence of any current product

lines", that "roles and responsibilities

associated with particular businesses will

be moved to other regions and office

locations", and that investment would

continue "with emphasis on our growth

products". The future of Workstation

and Fusion is uncertain. VMware

Workstation versions 12.0.0, 12.0.1, and

12.1.0 were released at intervals of about

two months in 2015. On 24 April 2016

maintenance release 12.1.1 was released.

Desktop Software

VMware Workstation, 1999, the first

product launched by VMware. This

software suite allows users to run

multiple instances of x86 or x86-64 -

compatible operating systems on a single

physical PC. At Workstation Pro v12 as

of 2016.

VMware Player was freeware for non-

commercial use, without requiring a

license for VMware Workstation or

VMware Fusion, and available for

commercial use with permission. It was

similar to Workstation, with reduced

functionality; version numbers were not

the same, e.g., Player 7 coexisted with

Workstation 11. After version 7.10,

VMware Player as such was replaced by

VMware Workstation Player version 12,

without some of the features of full

Workstation Pro.

In January 2016 the entire development

team behind VMWare Workstation and

Fusion was disbanded and all US

developers were immediately fired. The

future of these products remains vague

however the company said that

development would continue.

Server Software

VMware has produced two virtualization

products for servers:

1. VMware vSphere (also called "ESXi"),

an enterprise-level product, can deliver

greater performance than the freeware

VMware Server, due to lower system

overhead. VMware ESXi, as a "bare-

metal" product, runs directly on the

server hardware, allowing virtual servers

to also use hardware more or less

directly. In addition, VMware ESXi

integrates into VMware vCenter, which

offers extra services

2. VMware Server (formerly called "GSX

Server"; obsolete as of 2011) was also

provided free of charge for non-

commercial use, like VMware Player,

and can also set up virtual machines. As


a "hosted" application, VMware Server

runs within an existing Linux or

Windows operating system.

Cloud Management Software

VMware vRealize™ Suite - a cloud

management platform purpose-built

for the hybrid cloud.


provides an easy way to deploy and

operate a private cloud on an

integrated SDDC system

VMware Go was a web-based

service to guide users of any

expertise level through the

installation and configuration of

VMware vSphere Hypervisor. It was

end-of-lifed in early 2014.

Public Cloud Platform

VMware vCloud Air

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure

VMware Horizon View, a virtual

desktop infrastructure (VDI) solution.

Application Management

VMware Workspace Portal - a self-

service app store for workspace


Storage Solutions

VMware VSAN (Virtual Storage Area

Network), version 6.2 released in early


Backup Software

In April 2011, EMC transferred control

of Mozy to VMware.

Mozy produced MozyHome and MozyPro.

MozyHome is the consumer version of the

Mozy backup service. It is available to buy

on a monthly subscription. MozyPro is the

business version of the Mozy backup

service. MozyPro requires a separate license

for each computer that is being backed up,

as well as a server license for any server that

is being backed up.

Networking and Security Products

vCloud Networking and Security, a

software-defined networking and

security solution, as of 18 April 2014

was superseded by VMware NSX,

VMware's product for the software-

defined data center (SDDC).

Mr. T. Vivek




Shortcut Keys for Windows 10

This guide lists shortcut keys that you can use from the desktop in Windows 10.

Shortcut Description

Windows key Open and close the Start menu.

+1, +2, etc. Switch to the desktop and launch the nth application in the taskbar.

For example, +1 launches whichever application is first in the list,

numbered from left to right.

+U Launch the Ease of Access Center.

+V Cycle through notifications.

+X Open the advanced menu in the lower-left corner of the screen.

+Z Open the app-specific command bar.

+L Lock the device and go to the Lock screen.

+M Switch to the desktop and minimize all open windows.

+O Lock device orientation.

+ENTER Launch Narrator.

+SPACEBAR Switch input language and keyboard layout.

+TAB Open Task view.

+, Peek at the desktop.

+Plus Sign Zoom in.

+Minus Sign Zoom out.

+ESCAPE Close Magnifier.

+LEFT ARROW Dock the active window to the left half of the monitor.

+RIGHT ARROW Dock the active window to the right half of the monitor.

+UP ARROW Maximize the active window vertically and horizontally.

+DOWN ARROW Restore or minimize the active window.

+SHIFT+UP ARROW Maximize the active window vertically, maintaining the current





Restore or minimize the active window vertically, maintaining the

current width.

+HOME Minimize all non-active windows; restore on second keystroke.

+PRNT SCRN Take a picture of the screen and place it in the

Computer>Pictures>Screenshots folder.



Switch to the next or previous virtual desktop.

+CTRL+D Create a new virtual desktop.

+CTRL+F4 Close the current virtual desktop.

+? Launch the Windows Feedback App.

Ms. M. Manju




Events: 1. Guest Lecture on “Image Processing and Network Security” – 18.08.2016 FN

- Dr. D. Loganathan, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,

Pondicherry Engineering College (Autonomous), Puducherry.

2. ITxcels Association Inauguration–18.08.2016 AN

- Dr. D. Loganathan, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,

Pondicherry Engineering College (Autonomous), Puducherry.

Faculty Participations

1. Paper Presentation: International Conference – 04.04.2016 & 05.04.2016

Faculty member Mr. S.Manoharan has presented a paper in the International

Conference on Innovations in Computer Science and Technology (ICICST 2016) held

at Alagappa University, Karaikudi.

2. FDP on “Introduction to PHP Programming” – 08.07.2016 & 09.07.2016

Faculty Members Ms.S.Vanitha and Ms. S. Krithika have participated in the

ICTACT organized Faculty Development Programme at Mahendra Engineering

College, Namakkal.

3. Workshop on “Data Analytics Tools & Programming” – 23.07.2016 &


Faculty Member Ms. S. Vanitha has participated in the Two-Day Workshop at PSG

College of Technology, Coimbatore.

4. National Level Workshop on “Art of Writing & Publishing Effective Research

Paper in Journals and Conferences” – 13.08.2016

Faculty Member Ms. S. Vanitha has participated in the National Level Workshop at

Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai.

Faculty Publications: International

5. Mr. S. Manoharan “An Efficient Texture based Feature Extraction Method for

Content based Image Retrieval”, “International Journal of Advanced Research

Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET)”, Volume 3, Special Issue, 20

April 2016.

6. Ms. J. Ghayathri “Categorization of Web Services based on QoS constraint using

Decision Tree Classifier”, “International Journal of Advanced Research in

Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE)”, Volume 5, Issue 5,

May 2016.


7. Ms. J. Ghayathri “Enhanced BECAN based En-Route filtering schemes for injected

false data in Wireless Sensor Networks”, “International Journal of Computer

Trends and Technology (IJCTT)”, Volume 36, Number 2, June 2016.

8. Ms. J. Ghayathri “An Enhanced Method to Compose Business Process Web

Services using BPEL and Optimized QoS Parameters ”, “International Journal of

Research in Engineering and Technology (IJRET)”, Volume 5, Issue 6, June 2016.

9. Ms. J. Ghayathri “Message Authentication and Secure Transmission in Wireless

Sensor Networks using Global Elliptic Curve Cryptography Method”, “International

Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology

(IARJSET)”, Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2016.


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