issue 17 - calling - (3 june 2010)

Post on 13-Mar-2016






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The winter winds have arrived with some cool mornings but spectacular days.


Dear Members of the St Patrick’s Family, The winter winds have arrived with some cool mornings but spectacular days. Associated with winter comes end of semester examinations. The Year 11 and 12 students begin their examination block next Thursday with other year levels also beginning examinations shortly. This is always a time of stress for students and it is important that they are supported but challenged in terms of preparing early for these upcoming examinations. Students across all year levels should be doing regular study over the next period of time in preparation for the examinations. The ‘I have no homework’ response is not valid as study and revision takes over leading up to examinations. This week the CIC Cross Country athletes performed very well at the CIC carnival and were placed 7th overall. This is a very creditable performance. I thank all coaches for their efforts with the team. The College’s Theatresports teams also competed in the quarter finals this week with two teams progressing to the semi-final stage. Well done! One of the highlights for me during the year is the Grandparents Liturgy. The young men of St Patrick’s College are very proud of the College and take great pleasure in showing off their school to their grandparents. The grandparents also take great pride in seeing their grandsons grow and mature. Today we had another wonderful Grandparents Liturgy and I thank all those who attended. It was wonderful. Thankyou to Mr Hawkins and his team for the organisation of the liturgy. Earlier this week Br Paul Oakley, President of the EREA Council, visited the College and spent some time meeting students and staff. Br Paul spoke at the College assembly and reiterated the strong support that exists for St Patrick’s College across the EREA network. This support has been crucial in supporting the St Patrick’s College Community during the difficult times this year with Elliott. I sincerely thank Br Paul for his visit and his genuine concern for the St Patrick’s College Community. The next two Saturdays are big weekends at Curlew Park with both CIC and AIC at home. This week St Patrick’s College hosts Marist Ashgrove and Iona whilst next week we host St Edmunds and Nudgee Junior (both EREA Colleges) at our Back to Shorncliffe Day. I encourage all families to make an effort to visit Curlew Park on these days and support our Rugby and Football players. These are the final two home games for the season. Let’s have a sea of Green and Gold at Curlew. Finally this week I draw attention to the Mimiki Fund Raiser associated with the upcoming Australia v Ireland Rugby match. An advertisement is included in this edition of The Calling. Mimiki has been very supportive of the College and I encourage families to consider supporting this fundraiser. It will be a great night. Have a great week. God Bless Dr Michael Carroll College Principal

3 June 2010 No. 17

Page 2


Chris Carlill Emotional Intelligence. Next term, learners in Years 8 and 9 will be undertaking studies in the IDEA Personal Development units. A central concept in their study is resilience. This week I would like to discuss the key factor in developing resilience – Emotional Intelligence. The practice of measuring an individual’s intelligence in the past usually involved assessing their ability in literacy and numeracy. However, psychologists are now adding support to the importance of emotional intelligence as a predictor of an individual’s ability to lead a worthwhile life. The concept of emotional intelligence is not new, having grown from Howard Gardner’s groundbreaking study and explanation of Multiple Intelligences. In essence, emotional intelligence has five domains: Knowing one’s emotions. Self-

awareness – recognizing a feeling

and what to do with it as it happens.

Managing emotions. Individuals

who do not have this ability are constantly stressed, whereas those who have developed this ability show consistent resilience – that ability to recover and move forward from life’s challenges.

Motivating yourself. Emotional self-

control – delaying selfish gratification and controlling impulsive behavioural responses – is the foundation of every worthwhile accomplishment. People who are in the “zone” or perform actions in a state of “flow” have this skill and are productive and effective in every task that they undertake.

Recognizing emotions in others.

Empathy is the key. Empathetic individuals recognize the subtle indications of others’ needs.

Handling relationships. The skills

required to be socially competent are many and varied. One set are the abilities that form the basis of popularity, leadership, and effective interpersonal skills.

It would be rare that one individual has mastery of all five domains, and that is the important feature of Multiple Intelligences. Everyone has differing intelligences, is ‘smart’ in different ways. Our aim at St Patrick’s College is to help our learners recognize that intelligence is a diverse set of skills and abilities, to develop the ‘smarts’ that they already possess, and to understand and seek to develop those in which they might not yet be competent. Source: Goleman, D. (1995) Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than I.Q. Bloomsbury Publishing: London.


Frank Torrisi Today during House Assembly all students participated in a Bullying Awareness Program presented by House Deans and Group Tutors. The program looked at: What is bullying? What are the effects? What can we do? Who should I talk too? The program also revisited the College’s Anti Bullying Policy that is located in the College diary on Pages 24-27. It would be timely for parents to sit down with you son and go through the policy to reinforce what happened today. If there are any issues, please do not hesitate to call your son’s House Dean. • Block Examinations: All students in Years 11 and 12 receive block examination privileges. Students in these year levels only come to school when they have examinations. While at home it is important to utilise this time productively for examination preparation. When attending school for examinations it is important to stay on the grounds of the College. IPods and mobile phones are not permitted to be used on the school grounds. If students are staying at school to study the library will be available. • Senior Formal and Year 11 Dinner Dance: Year 11 Dinner Dance and the Year 12 Formal payment is due on Friday, 18 June. • Mobile Phones: We understand the need for many students to have a phone, particularly for communication purposes.

St Patrick’s has a policy of taking a student’s phone if it is seen or heard during school hours. This is aimed at minimizing the inappropriate use of mobile phones at school. The Mobile Phone Policy is clearly outlined in the College diary. I encourage all parents to read the policy and to support the College in maintaining a good teaching and learning environment. • Contacting Your Son—If you need to get messages to your son or collect your son from school during the day please note that the only times the Student Office can make PA announcements to contact boys are at AM Tutor Group (8.28 am), morning tea (10.25 am), the beginning of Year 5-8 lunch (12.25 pm) and PM Tutor Group (2.50 pm). Also if you need to collect your son for an appointment, please ensure that a note is in his diary regarding the appointment and that he knows to leave class at the appropriate time as we are not able to call over the PA other than at the times listed above. • Student Office – A few matters will assist the functioning of the Student Office to help all students and parents. Please update your contact details

– phone numbers and email addresses.

Please be aware that PA announcements can only be made

at break times during the day to minimize classroom disruptions. This means that messages cannot always be forwarded immediately to students.

This restriction on the use of the PA will also result in students not being able to be called to the Student Office to be collected by parents. If you are to collect your son during the day for an appointment please ensure he has a note in his diary to show his teacher so he can leave his classroom and meet you in the Student Office.

When your son is absent please use the Absentee Line only (36319077)

• Lost Property—there is an abundance of lost property in the Student Office from lunch boxes to uniforms and particularly shoes (black leather and sporting). At the end of this term we will be making our usual donation to St Vincent de Paul of any lost property which has not been claimed before then. Please come in and check it out.

Page 3



Thu B 10 Jun

1 3 7

8B HPE Test 8F HPE Test 8A Drama Test


Bus St Test

1-2 4

Graphics Eng Comm Test

8.50 12.00 12.00

CC Mar St CC Tech Prodn S2C1 Accounting

8.50 8.50 12.00 12.00

CC SoR-Cancelled S1M1 12A Engin CC History CC MultiStrand

Fri B 11 Jun


Maths Test


9B PE Test

2 3-4

10A HPE Test Shop A Th Test

8.50 8.50 11.00 1.30

CC Maths A CC Maths B (1) E201-2, E208-9 REE CC Maths B (2)

8.50 9.30 8.50 8.50 12.00

S2C1 Accounting O210 Indonesian CC Geography C201 Music S2G1/2 Graphics

Tue A 15 Jun

3-4 (5) 7

Maths Exam Drama Test


Science/Core Science Exam

8.50 8.50 12.00

C201 Music M1F1 Vis Arts S2G1/2 Graphics

8.50 8.50 12.00

S1W1/2 Furnishing E209 Maths C CC Economics

Wed A 16 Jun


Science Test

1-2 3 3

Science Exam 9A PE Test Music Test

1-2 3-4

Shop B Th Test Bus St CR Test

8.50 12.00

S1W1/2 Furnishing CC Physics

8.50 8.50 12.00

CC Maths A CC Maths B CC PE

Thu A 17 Jun

3-4 (5) 3-4

Core Maths Adv Maths (1)

8.50 8.50 12.00 12.00

CC Maths C S1M1 11A Engin CC Geography CC MultiStrand

8.50 12.00 12.00

CC Marine St CC IPT S1M1 12B Engin

Fri A 18 Jun

1-2 Adv Maths (2) 8.50 8.50 8.50

CC IPT E209 11A Biol Orals S1M1 11B Engin

8.50 12.00

CC Physics S201, O211 SoR (Draft return session)

NOTE: 9 Jun Per 3-5 12 REE Exam 8 June Per 3 10 SoSE; Per 3-4 10 Geog; Per 3-4 (5) 10 History 7 Jun Per 4-5 9 Shop A Theory; 8 Jun Per 3-4 9 Graphics; 9 Jun Per 3-4 Shop B Theory


What characteristics distinguish a good student from an average student? Most students should be familiar with the approach required to achieve moderate success and pass their courses: attend all classes, have a positive attitude, be organised, listen in class, ask questions, complete class work, complete homework, and spend 20 minutes every night studying. All students who follow these guidelines should be able to achieve a basic “C” result, or if done particularly well, a “B” result. But what does it take to be one of the top 10% of students who achieve an “A” standard in Mathematics? It is a common misconception that students who achieve the top marks are simply “smarter” than their peers. While superior intelligence is an obvious advantage, in my experience in analysing years of data, it is not strongly correlated with results. Why? As with all natural abilities, great potential means nothing unless you

take advantage of it. It is the students who strive hard to take full advantage of the potential they have who get the best results. It is also a common misconception that you cannot achieve good results without “hours” of study, and thus giving up sport or the all-important social life. At the start of every year our OP1-5 students from the previous year return to the Academic Awards assembly. Every year, in this group there are students like Dominic Stanton, Ben Searle, Matthew Eustace and Michael Hoffman who demonstrate that it is possible to combine a whole range of co-curricular activities with an active social life, and still achieve an “A” in the top stream of Mathematics. So what are the characteristics that distinguish these men from the rest? I believe it is their fortitude and determination to succeed that makes the biggest difference. Learning Mathematics is challenging! There will be many times when a new concept doesn’t make sense or when you have no idea how to solve a difficult problem. In these situations an average student may give up or start asking questions – but an “A” student will

choose to work out the solution for himself. An “A” student will wrestle with a difficult problem until he solves it – for he knows that, in doing so, he will ultimately develop a much deeper understanding and thus be much better prepared to solve difficult problems in the future. This is very hard to do. It takes commitment, patience and an ability to avoid all distractions – but completely epitomizes the College motto: Certa Bonum Certamen! I encourage all students to adapt this approach more often. Achieving an “A” is certainly not the only measure of success – reaching one’s full potential is the greatest of goals. Finally, I would like to remind students (Years 10-12) they can access electronic copies of their revision sheets on my Teacher Page, which can be accessed through the Student Café portal on the College website. If you have questions, I can be contacted via email at Ben Greenfield Head of Mathematics (Years 10-12)

Page 4

Matthew Hawkins

Mark Mewburn


Nursing and Health Careers Expo will be held in the Convention Centre, Southbank, on this coming Sunday from 10am to 3pm. Health is an ever expanding careers sector with great opportunities for a wide range of people. University and TAFE courses will be promoted. Exploring careers ideas is something I try to encourage in our students. One site that offers lots of ideas in a creative and interactive way is ACE DAY JOBS. It is well worth a look: Seniors who have a parent who is a veteran of the Armed Forces and who are planning on studying in 2011 should

consider the Australian Veterans’ Children Assistance Trust Scholarship. More information is available at: Closes 31 October. 15yrs + International Volunteer Opportunity Applications are being taken from students wanting to travel abroad at the end of this year on volunteer and adventure programs in Costa Rica, Thailand or New Zealand. Settings include environmental sites, orphanage programs and underprivileged communities. More information can be found at

Coming Events • Nursing and Health Careers Expo – Sunday 6 June – Convention Centre 10am-3pm • Day in the Life of a Chartered Accountant: Brisbane Convention Centre – Wednesday 9 June 6-7:30pm – Yr 10-12s - Free/smart casual/drinks and nibbles provided – MUST Register at • Tertiary Studies Expo - This expo showcases a wide variety of Tertiary studies options: universities, TAFE, private providers. 17-18th July 10am-4pm

On Friday of last week, I bought a freezer – a nice big 500L chest freezer. Helen Righetti and I went shopping for the freezer for the Paddies Room, as we get a delivery every two weeks from the Super Butcher of all of the meat needed for two weeks of Paddies Van barbecues. We needed a larger freezer to fit all the meat, as well as some bread. We are very fortunate in that we receive all our sausages free, kindly donated by the Super Butcher, and we buy our bacon at cost price. We receive bread donations twice per week also, and some generous people bring in various donations fairly regularly. Each week, Helen Righetti and Mark Ellison sort and confirm rosters, sort meat and equipment, and, with the assistance of numerous staff members like Terry Staunton and Judy Kelly, the Paddies Van operates day in, day out. Often, we can be guilty of just seeing the Paddies Van drive in or out of the school and merely accepting it as something we just do. We can be guilty of getting tied down in logistics – sausages, bacon, bread, eggs, knives, trays, sauces, gas bottles, fridges and freezers. And all of these things are

essential, but it is very important to reflect at times on why we do it, as individuals, and as a school. The vision of the Christian Brothers, as well as Edmund Rice Education Australia incorporates a key principle: a Preferential Option for the Poor. This is an interesting term, and as I listened to Professor Jim Nickoloff some weeks ago, I couldn’t help reflecting upon my own prior misunderstanding of the term. The phrase I think can mislead people, especially in a country like ours where equality is generally defined as treating everyone the same – so why should some people get preference? The term was initially a Spanish term, incorporating the words: Preferencia meaning giving priority; opcion meaning decision; and pobres meaning people without status, people who don’t matter. So, a preferential option for the poor actually means to make a decision to give priority to those without status, who don’t matter. So, I must ask again, why us? Why do we, members of a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition believe in a preferential option for the poor, and convert that into action through the

Paddies Van? I think our current Pope Benedict XVI provides a worthwhile answer: Jesus identifies himself with those in need, with the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the sick and those in prison. “As you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me” (Mt 25:40). Love of God and love of neighbour have become one: in the least of the brethren we find Jesus himself, and in Jesus we find God. (Deus caritas est, no. 15; 2005). The Paddies Van will be in attendance at the Back to Shorncliffe Rugby and Football Day at Curlew Park on Saturday, 12 June, raising awareness and money for resources for some of the “least of our brethren” whom we visit in the Paddies Van each week. We’d love to see you there and we ask for your support of the work our staff, parents and students do.

Parent Son Retreat—Years 10-12

Our final Parent Son Retreat for Years 10-12 will be held on 10-11 July, 2010. Please contact Mrs Helen Righetti on 3631 9014 if

you would like to attend.

Page 5



On Sunday, 13 June, I will be departing for Europe for four (4) weeks and returning to SPC on Thursday, 15 July. During this time Mr Ryan Schultz will be looking after all matters sporting with the assistance of Mrs Donna Day and Mr Elias Power. Should you require any assistance pertaining to SPC Sport, Ryan Schultz can be contacted by: E-mail – Direct Line – 3631 9045 Mobile – 0432 329 877 • Congratulations:- Pearson Locke (U10) and James Kelly (U17) have been selected into the Metropolitan North Schools Cross Country Team to compete at the Queensland Championships in July.

• Back to Shorncliffe Rugby/Football photos will be taken on Saturday, 12 June. Teams playing their games at Deagon will need to make their way to Curlew Park first to have their photo taken.


Rugby St Patrick’s College Vs

Marist Ashgrove (AIC) and Iona (CIC) Saturday 5 June 2010

Curlew Park, Curlew Street, Sandgate

Time Rugby 1 (Edmund Rice)

Rugby 2 (Edmund Rice)

Sandgate/Redcliffe Oval



(SPC – Thymon Venter to Referee)


(SPC – Reimon Raukete to Referee)


(SPC – Liam Anderson to Referee)

9.00am SPC 7A Vs IONA 7A

(SPC – De Wet van der Nest to Referee)


(SPC – Thymon Venter to Referee)


(SPC – Christian van der Nest to Referee)

10.00am SPC 13B Vs MCA 13B

(SPC – John Raukete to Referee)


(SPC – Nathan James to Referee)

SPC 14C Vs MCA 14C

(SPC – Regan Kelly to Referee)

11.00am SPC 13A Vs MCA 13A

(QRRA Referee)

SPC 14B Vs MCA 14B

(SPC – Christian van der Nest to Referee)

SPC 13C Vs MCA 13C

(SPC – Michael Hoffman to Referee)

12 noon SPC 14A Vs MCA 14A

(QRRA Referee)

SPC 15B Vs MCA 15B

(SPC – Nathan James to Referee)

SPC 3rd XV Vs MCA 3rd XV

(SPC – Regan Kelly to Referee) 1.00pm SPC 15A

Vs MCA 15A (QRRA Referee)

SPC 16B Vs MCA 16B

(SPC – Nathan James to Referee)

2.00pm SPC 2nd XV Vs MCA 2nd XV (QRRA Referee)

SPC 16A Vs MCA 16A

(QRRA Referee)

3.15pm SPC 1st XV Vs MCA 1st XV

(QRRA Referee)

Rugby 1 and Rugby 2 – Curlew Park, Curlew Street, Sandgate Sandgate/Redcliffe Oval – Kempster Street, Sandgate (near Skate Park) PLEASE NOTE: • QRRA Appointed Referees for SPC 13A, SPC 14A, SPC 15A, SPC 2ndXV, SPC 1stXV. • No Spectators/Teams be on the WESTERN SIDE of Sandgate/Redcliffe Rugby Oval. • Canteen will be in operation on the day • Sports Medicine will be on site on the day


Page 6


FOOTBALL St Patrick’s College Vs Marist Ashgrove (AIC) and Iona (CIC)

Saturday 5 June 2010 Curlew Park, Curlew Street, Sandgate

Time SPC Football Oval 1

Time SPC Football Oval 2

Time SPC Football Oval 3 (P&F)


7A (Referee – Darryl


8.00am 6A (Referee – Josh


8.00am 7B (Referee – Brayden



14A (Referee – Darryl


9.00am 13A (Referee –Josh Sneath)

9.00am 5A (Referee – Tom



15A (Referee – Mark


10.15am 13B (Referee – Darryl



5B (Referee – Brayden



16A (Referee – Mark


11.15am 14B (Referee – Taylor Pat-


Game Times Per Half [1stXI – 40 min]

[2ndXI, 16A – 35 min]

[13A, 14A, 15A – 30min]

[3rdXI, 13B, 14B, 15B – 25 min]

[7A, 7B, 6A, 5A, 5B – 20 min]


2ndXI (Referee - AIC


12.15am 15B (Referee – Frank



1stXI (Referee - AIC

Allocated) (Linesman – Mark


1.15pm 3rd XI (Referee – Frank


PLEASE NOTE: • AIC Appointed Referee for SPC 2ndXI, SPC 1stXI. • Canteen will be in operation on the day • Sports Medicine will be on site on the day

Training times are: Monday 3:15pm-4:15pm Wednesday 6:45-7:45am (with breakfast kindly provided by Mr. Gradwell) Friday 3:15pm-4:15pm (excluding meets) Come and see the following teachers and coaches, or check the SPC Homepage, for details for AIC and CIC athletes: Miss Cassandra Harden Mrs Marthy Watson Mr Ben Greenfield Mr Kevin Ayres Mr Paul Toohey Mr Craig Gunn Our CIC boys competed at the CIC championships yesterday. They are enthusiastic and a credit to our College. Results will be published next week. Also, next Friday, 11 June, sees our AIC men travel to Villanova for an official Cross Country trial meet. We are boosted in this by the fact that last Friday saw 61 SPC boys attend a meet at Nudgee College.



Page 7


AIC CHESS Friday night chess, against the defending AIC champions, was always going to be tough. We knew from last year that SLC had talented players across all four teams. Recent results, against other AIC schools, would suggest that SLC was looking for their 6th straight AIC championship. Jim Armstrong and I prepared the boys as well as we could. We spoke to all teams and players about efficiency and strategy. After Round 1, the Open team trailed 0-8, Senior B team 4-4, Junior A team 2-6, Junior B team 4-4. Two teams, the Senior B and Junior B, had a chance of winning and it was always going to be a hard fight for the Open team and Junior A team. Round 2 was a round of mixed emotion. The Open team managed to secure one game, the Senior B team lost 10-6, and the Junior B team lost 9-7. The upset of the night belonged to our Junior A team. They all posted wins in the second round to win 9-7. All the boys played well and fought it out to the end. Two teams lost very narrowly. With a little luck the final could have easily gone our way. Friday night was just not our night but it was a great overall performance from all players. I know that a lot was learnt and each player will grow in experience. Both Jim and I are exceptionally proud and look forward to the upcoming game against Marist Brothers Ashgrove. On a more personal note, Gents, you are all very gifted players. Have confidence in your ability and keep your chin high. Let’s finish the season the way we started!

Paul Arcodia Chess Coordinator. QDU DEBATING Last night saw our Year 9s and 12s begin the final round of QDU preliminary debates. Year 12 Team 2 were victorious in arguing that the west should fund democratic movements in oppressive regimes. This leaves them undefeated and moving into the finals series. Unfortunately Year 12 Team 1 were unsuccessful in trying to convince us that the west shouldn't fund such moves. The Year 9s were also gallant in a narrow defeat. It will be a nervous few weeks as we wait for the finals draw to see if these teams have moved through to the finals alongside our champion Year 12s.

Congratulations to our two teams who made it through to the semi finals. Teams “Beefcake” and “Smile and Wave” played beautifully to earn their spots in the semi finals despite the formidable competition. Well done, gentlemen!! Keep watching this space! Wade Simpson, Brodie Zeller, Tom Bartsch Thymon Venter, Nat Trappett, Regan Sameuls Liam Ritchie – Team Beefcake and Liam Polkinghorne – Team Smile and Wave



Tuesday Morn BBQ— Decker Park, Sandgate

7.25 am—9.00 am

Thursday Morning BBQ —Humpybong School 7. 30 am—9.00 am

Thursday Evening Street Van —Brisbane City

5.00 pm—8.45 pm

Saturday Night BBQ—Sandgate Rotunda

5.45 pm—8.30 pm

Tuesday, 8 June Zac Berens, Tyler Caruana, Elia Nywal, Max Monaghan, Evan


Thursday, 10 June Zac Berens, Tyler Caruana, Elia Nywal, Max Monaghan, Evan


Thursday, 10 June

Clay Greaves, Jordan Stein, Toby Steele, Jack Hamilton,

Mitchell Dale, Mitchell Hall, Tom Drew

Saturday, 12 June Ryan Pearson, Thomas McNamara,

Aaron Caruana, Joel Arthur

Please Note: If you cannot fulfil your commitment to take part in these service programs, please advise Mr Ellison ASAP.

The Paddies Van is Proudly Sponsored by:-

Date  Helpers 

Fri          04/06  Evelin Liddell, Fiona Prince, Joanne Casey, Chris Jones 

Mon      07/06  Margaret Webb, Karen McArdle, Tania Cross, Rosamund Harrington 

Tue        08/06  Cally Egerton, Louise Stringer, Vicki Wolstenholme 

Wed      09/06  Sue McPhillips, Narelle Sheil, Sandra Appleby‐Lake, Judith Ringer 

Thu        10/06  Virginia Cotton, Andrea Massey, Liz Dittbernor, Chris Hare 

Fri          11/06  Carolyn Harmen, Susan Mobbs, Sue Fuhrmeister, Liz Kelly 

Page 8


Come and join us for a mid-year get together .

When: Tuesday, 8 June, 2010 Time: 6.30pm. Where: Prince Oriental Chinese Restaurant, Toombul Shopping Centre RSVP: Friday, 4 June, 2010

Hope to see you there!

LOST Hat embroidered with D. Turk Hat embroidered with B. Woods and a Coffey House Shirt—Please return to Ben Woods Year 8 Coffey

9 or to the Student Office Hat embroidered with L. Bolton Grey jumper and green St Pat’s Jacket (Size 16) with name of Saseve on tag and hat embroidered

with Saseve Hat embroidered with J. Kennedy Hat embroidered with M. Cornish


Page 9

Uniform Shop BLAZERS are continuing to come in. Please get your son to check if his is here. PERFORMAX SKINS – Knee length $36. Ankle length $53. TRADING HOURS TERM TIME – TUESDAY 12-4PM, WEDNESDAY 10AM-2PM, THURSDAY 7.30-11.30AM

Sport Support Group Thank you all for your enormous effort over the past few weekends as also the short morning of CIC sport against Churchie at Curlew Park last Saturday. CIC is home this weekend to Iona, and AIC is home to Marist Ashgrove. I am sure that I will see some of you next Saturday at Curlew in both the canteen and the barbeque areas. Every hour offered is appreciated as ‘many hands make light work’ feeding the multitudes, starting at 7am and concluding at 3.30pm. Our next meeting is on Monday, 7 June, 2010, at 6-30pm in the College Board Room. All are welcome. Cameron Herpich [] Chairman SSG


House News

Dear Kennedy House Community We hope that your Term 2 is going along smoothly! It’s not too long now before the end of term and a relaxing three week holiday. During Term 1, the Kennedy boys took part in the Inter-House Chess Competition. This competition was a nail biter with only 1 point separating 1st and 2nd place. Through the hard work done previously and the overwhelming amount of participation, Kennedy was able to pip the other houses at the post and pick up first place. Cross Country was the main Inter-House event for this term and we are proud of the participation shown by all Kennedy boys. Thanks to this dedication, Kennedy was able to pick up another first in a house event. With only three more events to come Kennedy is the strongest contender for this year’s House Shield. We would also like to congratulate Lachlan Elliott on being appointed the fourth Kennedy House Captain. This was a great accomplishment and one that we are sure will add to Kennedy’s success in the future. Finally, we would just like to thank all the boys who have raised money for the South Africa Alive program; this money is going to a good cause and is greatly appreciated. Thanks to everyone in the Kennedy House Community for making Kennedy the great house that it is. Leaders—Kurt, Tim, Craig and Lachlan


Page 10

Australia v Ireland Rugby Pre-game Cocktail Event

Saturday, 26 June, 2010.

The Mimiki Foundation together with The Summit Events (above the Iceworks) are proud to be hosting the 2010 Australia v Ireland Pre-game Cocktail Event with special guest speaker, Tony McGahon, Head Coach of Munster Rugby.

Date: Saturday, 26 June, 2010 Time: 3:30pm – 7.30pm Venue: Summit Events Centre, Level One, Iceworks Building, 157 Given Terrace, Paddington. Cost: $100 per person (premium canapes, beer, wine and spirits)

7.30pm-12.00am – If you're not going to watch the Rugby game live at Suncorp Stadium, please feel free to stay at Summit Events to view the test match on the big screen. Full cash bar provided and all proceeds will be directed to the Mimiki Foundation.

Bookings essential - numbers limited.

RSVP by Thursday, 17 June, 2010

Our Guest Speaker Tony (Dumper) McGahan, Director of Rugby

The 37 year old joined Munster in February 2005 as Defence Coach and the following season - with his role expanded to Defence / Backs / Skills Coach - played a central role in Munster securing their first ever Heineken Cup title. He enjoyed further Heineken Cup success in 2008 when Munster triumphed against Toulouse and last season, his first season as Munster Director of Rugby, took the squad to the semi final of the Heineken Cup and victory in the Magners League.


Page 11

Sandgate Brighton Parish Event 19-20 June  St Kieran’s School Pavilion, 15 Greenwood Street, Brighton.

Please see notice boards in both churches for full registration details for our June menALIVE retreat weekend and testimonials from some

who have experienced a similar retreat.


Please phone 38691698 or email for online

registration – a form will be emailed to you. Hard copies are available at the church doors for mailed or direct registration.


Page 12

June 3

Grandparents Liturgy

June 4

AIC Chess Rnd 5

June 5

AIC Rugby/Football Rnd 5 / CIC Rugby/Football Rnd 6

June 7

Year 9 Shop A Theory Test

June 8

Year 9 Graphics Examination / Year 10 Geography Examination / Year 10 History Examination

June 9

UNSW Science Competition / Year 9 Shop B Theory Test / QDU Rnd 4 Yr 8/11

June 10

Year 11-12 Examination Block / Year 10 Graphics Examination / Year 9 Business Studies Test

June 11

Year 11-12 Examination Block / Year 8 Maths Examination / Year 10 Shop A Theory Test / AIC Chess Rnd 6 / AIC Cross Country trial June 12

Back to Shorncliffe Day / AIC Rugby/Football Rnd 6 / CIC Rugby/Football Rnd 7

June 14

Queen’s Birthday

June 15

Year 11-12 Examination Block / Year 9 Maths, Year 10 Science/Cr Science Examinations / BIS Chess

June 16

Year 11-12 Examination Block / Year 9 Science Examination, Year 10 Shop B Test / Year 10 Business Studies Computer Room Test / Year 8 Science Examination

top related