introduction organogram of dof my role in the department of forestry role of department of...

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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INTRODUCTIONOrganogram of DoFMy role In the Department of ForestryRole of Department of Forestry It`s Involvement in the field of Climate or Biological SciencesStatus and Trends of biodiversityActions takenActions required to address current trends


Directorate: Units &Sections 6 Regional Offices (Administrative &

Implementation areas)

My roles in the Department of Forestry

To coordinate National Forestry Programme – Facility with the assistance from Multi-steering Committee members;

To monitor and ensure proper implementation of Forestry Programme - facility in the two piloted areas;

To compile and submit the progress report to FAO ROME and;

To manage the forestry Database.

Roles of Department of Forestry

• To reserve, maintain and develop forest land resources including mangroves ecosystem covering at least 30% of total land area which is capable of environmental protection;

• To ensure that 75% of forest lands are managed and protected according to forest management principles and plans in order to increase forest resource base;

• To ensure that sufficient supply of forest produce needed by both urban and rural population is available through:

- rehabilitation of forest lands; and- establishment of fast growing plantations and woodlots.


• To promote national tree planting ;• To engage local communities and their forest

committees on bush fire prevention and mitigation programmes ;

• To promote national awareness on conservation and rational utilisation of forest resources ;

• To promote the production and adoption of efficient fuel wood and biomass charcoal briquette;


• To ensure that Forest Assessment (Inventory) is conducted every 10yrs;

• Ensure the collection of biophysical and socio-economic variables of forest data;

• To establish permanent and reliable database at he Department headquarter in Banjul;

• To ensure that database provides accurate and reliable information for policy formulation, institutional capacity building, planning, conservation, international reporting and utilization of natural resources on a sustainable basis;

• Making sure maps are produced for Community forestry due for the final survey;


• To encourage communities to embark on the production of non – Timber forest product Like bee keeping, Eco-tourism , Hand- crafting and the collection of fruits & nuts to ensure sustainable Forest management and;

• To ensure the implementation of Forest policy and Act.

Involvement of DoF in the Field of Climate or Biological Sciences

By managing the forest resources on sustainable base, DoF plays an important roles in the adaptation and mitigation of Climate Change as a result the sector cannot be left behind. It contributes to the following:

Adaptation measures Carbon sink for CO2, carbon monoxide etc: Stabilizes the river bank; Controls soil and wind erosion Habitant for biodiversity

Involvement of DoF in the Field of Climate or Biological Sciences

Mitigation measures reforestation afforestation

Status and Trend of Biodiversity

In 1997, the forest cover was 520, 000 ha while in 2010, the forest cover becomes 423,000 ha, therefore there is lost of about 97,000 ha.

Some of the forest structures have changed from primary to secondary young.

Some tree species are disappearing e.g. Ptericarpus, Khaya senegalensis, Pakia Biglobosa etc.

Actions taking

• Data collected on biophysical and socio-economic variables;

• Permanent Database on forest issues established at the headquarter in Banjul;

• Maps produced for the CF due for final survey;• Conduction of national tree planting • Establishment of demonstration site for agro-

forestry practices;

Action taking

• Annual Bushfire sensitization conducted• Strengthen the ban on tree felling in the Gambia• Encouraging participatory forest management to meet

the target of 200,000 ha under community management;• Implementation of policy and Act and;• ommunities are encouraged to embark on the

production of non – Timber forest product Like bee keeping, Eco-tourism , Hand- crafting and the collection of fruits & nuts to ensure sustainable Forest management;


• Area• Volume• Density• Ownership• Trees species• Livestock management• Health of forests• Products and Services• Socio economic• Land use• Biomass & Carbon

Actions require to address current trends

Reforestation of degraded area in the Northern part of the country;

Embark on bushfire campaign every year;To embark more on conservation than utilization

of forest products;Respect policies and Act;


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