initial scripting2

Post on 18-Jan-2015



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Initial Scripting

(Close up and extreme close up’s of two teenage boy’s faces in a state of absolute terror, dimly lit with just their torch. Sound of their heartbeats, heavy breathing and approaching footsteps.These shots are cut between opening credits with sounds continuing and when credits finish all sound cuts out suddenly.The next shot is an establishing shot of a field by woods and a river at night with a full moon. The camera pans round until a teenage party gathered around a bonfire comes into shot; as the party comes into shot the music and chatter of the party is audible. There are then a series of shots, often with cantered angles of various people/activities at the party such as dancing, drinking and laughing. The two boys seen earlier are shown in a mid shot sat next to each other. Sam turns to Elijah)

Sam: So what d’ya reckon man? Liking your first all nighter?Elijah: (laughing and taking a swig of cider) Yeah it’s not too bad. Is Reece still coming do you think?Sam: Probably man, not sure. Deash:( talking from a dark corner of the gathering and ominously) You did not pick a good night to come. Jordan: (mockingly) Oh yeah? And why’s that goth girl? (The group goes quiet to listen to her response)Deash: (lighting herself from below with her torch and close up of her face) You all know why…Because of the curse. (When she says curse the fires dies down slightly and the wind blows. Everyone but Elijah laughs)Elijah: (slightly nervously) What curse? Sam: (Laughing) Hahaha you’re gonna love this. Deash: You may all laugh but we’ll see who’s still laughing at the end of the night. This land has been cursed these last 70 years! Cursed by someone who died right here; alone and terrified. All those years ago there was a party with the usual crowd but that night they decided to have some fun, they decided to invite Trevor. Trevor was an outcast and ridiculed daily for his glasses, asthma and y’know general geekiness. It was the first party he’d ever been invited to and he finally felt accepted. Little did he know that when he arrived he’d be ambushed, have his glasses stolen and chased round in the pitch black. In all the confusion he lost his inhaler yet still he ran in terror. He ran even though he could barely breathe and couldn’t see. Eventually the group got bored when they could no longer find him and went home. His body was found days later in the woods. He had tripped and broken his neck. They say when he was found his face was frozen in an expression of terror. All of the people who had tormented him met suspicious ends over the next few months and gradually people began to notice that on the anniversary of his death if there was a gathering here people died or went missing never to be found again. They say that every year he comes back to reap his revenge but not only to kill you; he makes sure you’re as terrified as he was when he died. He hunts you down and you know he’s close when you hear his wheezing breath…the last sound you ever hear!(Everyone falls about laughing and doesn’t give it much thought apart from Elijah who looks vaguely uneasy)Jordan: Yeah whatever Moaning Myrtle.

Sean: Anyway… (turning to Sam and Elijah) You guys wanna have some fun? (He holds up a plastic packet containing a substance that looks like weed)Sam: Hell yeah man! Come on lets go (Sam, Elijah and Sean all walk away from the fire into darkness)

(They come back to the fire clearly more inebriated and possibly high. The fire has died down and Jordan and Deash have disappeared. The atmosphere seems more foreboding as there is no music playing and it is colder and darker.)

Sam: Hey where’s Deash and Jordan? Abi: (also very inebriated and only just realising their gone) I dunno actually. They were here earlier…Elijah: Do you think they’re ok? (Clearly a bit unnerved) Sam: Yeah man it’s fine, people go off all the time. (Over confident, hiding his own insecurity) (Then they hear a strangled scream from the woods. They all jump and look scared.) Sam: What the hell was that?! (All confidence gone) Abi: I don’t know. Elijah: Was that them? Do you think they’re ok? Should we look for them?Sean: (happily and still very high) Yeah alright bro. I know let’s all split up, that always works. Sam: Yeah alright, Elijah you’re with me. Sean: I’ll go this way (starts walking off towards river )You guys take the woods and Abi...I dunno do whatever. Sam: Yeah ok (nervously but trying to appear confident. Him and Elijah start walking off) Abi: Hey wait! Have you guys never seen a horror film?! That’s the worst idea ever. (Everyone ignores her and she’s left alone)

(Elijah and Sam walk into the woods, it’s dark, foreboding, only lit by their torches and they’re both on edge.)Elijah: What d’you think happened to them?Sam: Nothing. They’re gonna be fine, don’t worry. (Overconfident again but clearly shaken)(Then they both hear a blood curdling scream from the direction they were just in) Abi: Noooooooooo! Oh please no!! (Screaming and sobbing) (Elijah and Sam jump, look terrified and frozen to the spot. Then they hear footstep approaching) Sam: Oh my God! What was that?!Eljah: I don’t know, but what’s that sound?... Is that footsteps?Sam: (Pauses to listen then goes pale and scared) It’s Sean, it’s gotta be Sean. Right? It’s Sean?Elijah: (Also pale and scared but more composed) Sam it can’t be…Sean went to look in the opposite direction. (They then both hear a wheezing breath faintly in the distance. They look even more terrified, Sam gulps and they stand there frozen then look at each other.)Sam: Oh my God, it’s Trevor!!!!! RUN! (They both turn around and run away from the approaching footsteps.)

Elijah: Where? We can’t run forever! (Sam leads the way but stumbles and lands on his hand. He looks at his hand and it’s covered in red.)Sam: Argh! Oh my God it’s blood! Elijah: Quick here. (He quickly grabs Sam and pulls him to hide behind a tree.)Sam: (Breathless and scared) Ok, this is ok, we’ll just hide here and he’ll just walk right past us. (He’s trying to convince himself it’ll be ok but doesn’t realise that Elijah’s half sticking out from behind the tree.The footsteps keep approaching and the breathing’s getting louder and louder. Sam and Elijah get increasingly afraid. A rapid heartbeat is also audible now. The footsteps approach right to the tree then stop. The wheezing is incredibly loud now and Sam and Elijah are truly terrified. A person steps round the edge of the tree, Sam and Elijah scream and the heartbeats even louder.)Sam: Please no! Don’t kill us we’re too young to die!!!! (Sobbing) Elijah: Trevor please don’t!Reece: (laughing loads) Hahahaha why would I kill you? And why the hell are you calling me Trevor?! (Sam and Elijah look puzzled, scared and confused. Then Elijah looks to Sam)Elijah: Is that your heart?Sam: (looks around then realises what it is, pulls his phone out of his pocket and clicks a button) Nope, just ma ringtone. Apparently… (looks at screen and it says call from Reece) Oh, Reece is calling me. Reece: Yeah of course I’m calling you! I didn’t know where you guys were and I dropped my inhaler!Elijah: So that was all you? Trevor’s not here? We’re not gonna die?Reece: What? Who the hell is Trevor? It’s just me man. Sam: Then what was all of…Elijah: What about Deash and Jordan? (Cut to Deash and Jordan making out in the field.)Sam: Abi screaming? (Cut to Abi spilling her bottle of cider and sobbing.)Elijah: Or the blood? (Cut to Sean dropping a kebab and the ‘blood’ was actually ketchup.)Sam and Elijah: Oh. (The last shot is their astonished faces.)

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