improving non-verbal communication skills

Post on 28-Apr-2015






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Business Communication Presentationon

Improving Nonverbal Communication Skills Presented By Ashis Mahapatra,Roll:44 Milan Mishra,Roll:45 Anshuk Sengupta,Roll:46 Shrey Sourav,Roll:47 Chiradeep Mikherjee,Roll:48 M Charan Reddy,Roll:253

Nonverbal CommunicationIt is the interpersonal process of sending and receiving information without using written or spoken language. The three important roles are: It complements verbal language. Nonverbal signals strengthen a verbal message. Nonverbal signals help in revealing the truth. It conveys information efficiently. It can convey both nuance and rich amounts of information in a single instant.

Recognizing Nonverbal CommunicationFacial Expression Face is the mirror of our emotions. Eyes are effective in indicating attention, interest, influencing others, regulating interaction & establishing dominance.

Contd Gesture & Posture Body movements express both specific general messages. People who are angry may lean forward with a tight facial expression and fists clenched. A customer who leans back is indicating indifference, or a lack of interest.

ContdVocal Characteristics The way we speak conveys our relationship and emotions with the audience. Care should be taken on the tone, volume, accent & speaking pace.

ContdPersonal Appearance It is the way a person carries oneself. If an individual has to make a mark then care must be taken on grooming, clothing, accessories and style.


Touch It is governed by cultural customs. It conveys warmth, comfort, reassurance or control.


Time and Space Time and space is used to assert authority, imply intimacy and send other nonverbal messages.

Actions Speak Louder Than Wordsy Non-verbal signals vary widely between

cultures. Some Countries with different cultures Canadians nodes to agreement. British stare at the speaker to indicate understanding. In U.S, staring is impolite.

Overcome The DifficultiesConsult Books. Seminars. Motion pictures. Watching Movies and Shows. Interact with other cultural people.

Using Nonverbal communication effectivelyNonverbal communication can be made effective in the following ways: Paying attention to nonverbal cues will make one both a better speaker & a better listener. When one is talking, he/she should be more conscious of the nonverbal cues one is sending. One should also consider the non verbal signals he/she is sending when the person is not talking- the clothes, the way the person sits ,the way the person walks.

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