iatefl 2014 workshop

Post on 06-May-2015






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  • 1.A space for stories: stories in space

2. Stories rub the facts of our lives. They give us access if only for a few hours, if only in bed at the end of the day to whats beneath. Jonathan Safran Foer 3. We see with memory. My memory is different from yours, so if we are both standing in the same place were not quite seeing the same thing. Different individuals have different memories, therefore other elements are playing a part. Whether you have been in a place before will affect you, and how well you know it. There is no objective vision ever ever. David Hockney 4. make stories memorable 5. objects make stories memorable 6. people make stories memorable 7. Its really only when you get to see bodies in the space that you get a connection between these ideas that have been in your imagination and whats tangible. Phelim McDermott 8. places make stories memorable 9. sound 10. make stories meaningful 11. emotions make stories meaningful 12. story telling makes stories meaningful 13. vbenevolofranca@gmail.com http://valeriabfranca.wordpress.com/ Twitter: @vbenevolofranca thank you

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