how to use wia skies user manual

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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How to Use WIA SKIES User Manual. Click through the presentation. X out when done. Click the function of interest. There are 3 Steps in this Function. Any can be clicked. We clicked this Function. We are on the first Step. When the yellow box is clicked. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


How to UseWIA SKIES User Manual

Click through the presentation.X out when done.

Click the function of interest

We clicked this Function

There are3 Steps

in this Function.Any can be


We are onthe first Step

When theyellow boxis clicked...

This shows informationspecific to the clicked field

Clicked field nameLocation in SKIES

General guidance

If the field is a part ofthe program’s Validation,

this will show

This field happensto appear on the

Program Validation of:Adult

Dislocated WorkerYouth

If the field pertains toa Common Measure,

this will show

This field happensto pertain to

Common Measures for:Adult

Dislocated WorkerYouth

Click this linkto see the Measures


The related Measuresare listed.

To see more,check the boxes. And, click the button.

Popup Panel

See the additional information.

X out of this popup panelwhen done

If the field is reportedto DOL quarterlyin the WIASRD,

this will show

This field happensto pertain to DOL reporting for:

AdultDislocated Worker


Click this linkto see the WIASRD

report fieldsaffected.

Report field is listed

How the informationis reported

Popup Panel

X out of this popup panelwhen done

We have clickedon this Step

We haveclicked thisyellow box

There is more informationthan can be seen at a glance.

Click theExpand link

X out of this popup panelwhen done

Popup Panel

See the full text

End of Explanation

X out of this presentationwhen done

top related