how to use facebook lead ads

Post on 23-Jan-2018






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Lead ads are finally here…and that’s great news for

you as a marketer or entrepreneur.

Facebook lead ads are a simple-to-use and yet powerful tool that can help increase

your targeted business prospects. Facebook released lead ads to Power

Editor globally, apparently as a strategy to keep business users. For you as a

marketer, Facebook lead generation ads present an opportunity to simplify your list

building and social media prospecting.

Facebook advertising and engagement tends to be cheaper on mobile as compared to the desktop,

but it’s all the same more expensive to score conversions on mobile. Slow load times, lack of responsiveness

and comparative difficulties are just a few of the problems making mobile

conversions quite a challenge.

Strategic advertisers and list builders can now use Facebook lead generation

ads to bypass this problem.

A Facebook lead ad looks just like any other link under a CTA button. But it’s

much more than that. When you click on the lead ad’s CTA button (e.g. “Subscribe”,

“Apply Now”, “Sign Up”, etc.) the user immediately sees a form within Facebook.

Load time is drastically reduced, and that’s just the tip of the ice berg.

To learn how you can enhance your Facebook lead generation using this new and innovative

advertising tool, keep reading…

1. Information at the Click of a Button

You definitely know how important an email list is for your marketing. However, the process of gathering list subscribers through the social networks can be cumbersome. And

if you’re not willing to put in the necessary time, you have to spend loads of money on paid advertising.

Facebook Lead Ads change all that. They simplify your Facebook lead generation by making it easier for

you to capitalize on information users have already given to Facebook.

When you run a lead ad, Facebook auto fills the information you require from a

user’s profile. This includes email addresses, full names, street address,

zip, city, state, phone, country, company names and job titles.

You probably know very well that asking for too much information from users

can make your ads less effective. Through a one-click, convenient

approach, Facebook lead ads make that the least of your concerns.

To gather leads before Facebook introduced lead ads, you had to:!!• Create an enticing link share ad to compel

users to click.!• Redirect users who clicked to your external

landing page (e.g. on your website).!• Do your best within the landing page to

make sure that users actually bit the bait and entered the information you required (e.g. their names and email address).

This was a complicated process that often saw users lose interest somewhere along the way:!!

• Slow load time could discourage them from completing the form.!

• Poor presentation of landing page content often bored them away.!

• Asking for too much information easily discouraged them.

With Facebook lead generation ads, you can now forget this

complicated method and focus on an approach that actually

works for your business!

2. How to Create Facebook Lead Ads

You can create Facebook lead ads through your

Power Editor, or Facebook Marketing Partner.

The steps sequenced in the following slides

highlight the common Power Editor method…

✓ Navigate to your Power Editor, then select the new “Lead Generation” option. From your ad set, you’ll note that there’s only one option available – mobile. That’s because lead ads started out with mobile,

desktop will be available soon enough.

✓ From the “Optimization & Pricing” screen, select “Leads” in the

“Optimize For” screen. If you realize that CPC will work better for you, go

for the “Clicks” option instead.!I recommend that you opt to get the most leads at the best price in the

“Pricing” field.

✓ Create your ad in the editing screen that follows. You’ll realize that most of this

process is similar to what you’d do for a typical link ad. Simply provide text that goes above the image, the link headline and description, and as well upload your ad image (dimensions 1200 x 628 pixels).!

Unlike with link ads, where Facebook automatically pulls this data, you have to

fill everything manually for lead ads.

✓ Go ahead and choose an appropriate CTA button. The

usual options are available: Apply Now, Download, Get Quote, Learn

More, Sign Up and Subscribe.

✓ To create a lead form, navigate downwards on

your ad creation page to get to the “Lead Form” section.

✓ Choose create a new form. Enter the name of your new Facebook lead

generation form and then click “Next.” In the next step, you can turn on the check boxes to specify what information you

want to request from people who see your ads. You’ll probably just need to collect a name and email address for your mailing list. But if you need more data, click on

the “Show More Options” link.

✓ (Optionally) Include a custom question by hitting on the “Add a Question”

objective at the bottom. You can either insert an existing question from the

panel on your right-hand side or just type in up to 3 questions from scratch. Leave

the answers open ended or provide choices. Play with the options to see what you can come up with for your Facebook lead generation campaign.

✓ Once you’re comfortable with what you have put together, click “Next” to

go to the Privacy Policy and disclaimer screen. You’ll be required to supply a link to your privacy policy. This is a necessary step to get your form and lead generation ads approved. The

disclaimer field is however optional.

✓ Facebook gives users a link to click after they have submitted your form. So add a link to your site and then preview your lead

generation form.

Once you’re happy with everything, hit

“Create Form”

Your leads are collected in a CSV file. Access this file by

navigating to your page and then choose “Publishing Tools” from

the top right area.

Once done, go for “Lead Ads Forms” on the left. It would be better to have this list in your CRM, right? You’ll just need to

import manually!

To integrate automatically though, you’ll need to use a

Facebook marketing partner (e.g. Marketo, Salesforce, Eloqua and


3. Increase Conversion Rates of Lead Ads

There’s no point creating Facebook lead ads if you can’t convert them, right?

At the end of the day, your goal is to get as many leads as

possible from your Facebook lead ads efforts. Optimizing for

conversion is a crucial step.

Consider the following creative best practices to make the best out of your

lead ads:

✓ See your ad as the landing page it is. Create a compelling title,

description, and as well include a compelling image. The goal is to

present what makes your ad special. Give your target audience a couple

of good reasons to click on your call to action button in the first place.

✓ Watch the CTR. If your ad is too ‘form-like’ and you realize that CTR

is dropping to an unacceptable levels, try creative ideas to

optimize it and keep CTR high.

✓ Make sure that you’re offering something awesome to reward users who complete the form. You’re asking

people to give their personal information here. Whatever you’re

giving away should be high-value. So whether you’re offering out a free PDF, a

coupon code, or a limited-time-offer, ensure that you have a pretty good deal!

This Facebook ads guide gives you the insights you need to get started

experimenting on the new, powerful tool. You now know just how valuable lead ads can be! Get on it and see how

well it works for your business!

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