how to make your product awesome building a community around

Post on 27-Jan-2017






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Come rendere il proprio prodotto una bomba! creandogli una community attorno

Alessio Fattorini


John Vincent Atanasoff

The Atanasoff-Berry Computer

Shockley - Bardeen - Brattain

Thompson e Ritchie

“To go fast, go aloneTo go far, go together

- African Proverb

Hello!Alessio Fattorini

Linux SysadminSupport Specialist and Project Manager at NethesisProsecco evangelistNethServer Community Manager



Go FarCommunity is the key to go far


The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas

Dr. Linus Pauling - American chemist


Innovation★ Diversity

Innovation★ Diversity★ No matter who you are, most of the

smartest people work for someone else (Joy’s Law)

Innovation★ Diversity★ No matter who you are, most of the

smartest people work for someone else (Joy’s Law)

★ 90 % of all community feedback is crap○ this means 10% is gold! (J. Atwood)

Ivory Tower Development

Ivory Tower Development

★ It’s dangerous to create an evironment where developers have no idea who the users are

Ivory Tower Development

★ It’s dangerous to create an evironment where developers have no idea who the users are

★ Developers assume everyone else is a developer

Ivory Tower Development

★ It’s dangerous to create an evironment where developers have no idea who the users are

★ Developers assume everyone else is a developer

★ You’re not your users!

From the outside

NethServer is an operating system for Linux

enthusiasts, designed for small offices and medium


NethServer is an operating system for Linux

enthusiasts, designed for small offices and medium


NethServer is an operating system for Linux

enthusiasts, designed for small offices and medium


What’s your audience?


““Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are swallow ” - Eric S. Raymond ”

Testing and Bugs


Spread the word





Loyalty★ It’s much harder to leave a group

of people you’re connected to than a faceless product

Loyalty★ It’s much harder to leave a group

of people you’re connected to than a faceless product

★ In community you’re building connections with people which is way more powerful than features

How to make your product a habit?


★ There are at least two ways to build a habit around an infrequently used product: content and community (Nir Eyal)

How to build a community?

In a nutshell

If you build itthey won’t come

But my project is a great idea and my code is solid!


Code is not the challenge of a product-based

community, people are.

Let’s put them first

Keep your values always in


Linus Torvalds

You need to have the people-people, the communicators, the warm and friendly people who really want to hug you and get you into the community, but that’s not everybody and that’s not me. I care just about the technology.

You need a CMGR

You don’t launch a community

Start small and grow organically

Create a founders group

You’ll need to manufacture the first interactions

Create actvity

Be Welcoming

Be Welcoming

★ First experience is critical★ Feel acknowledged★ Know what to do first★ First post prompt response

Be inclusive

Be inclusive

It doesn’t matter how fun and amazing your project is. If people

don’t feel safe they won’t contribute

Be inclusive

★ Create a space of emotional safety★ Be humble - don’t patronize★ Your opinions counts★ Don’t take yourself too serious

Thank you Toolset

Be supportive

Be supportive

★ They join community to get help not to give it

★ Social Debt Culture between members★ Offer opportunities to members to give

help in return

An answer for everyone

★ Don’t let everyone is talking but no one is listening and responding

★ Train your community to answer


Inclined to participate

Leading by example

Be ready to discuss

My opinion counts

The best way to make people feel you’re listening to them is to actually listen to them

Listen to your community

Listen to your community

But don’t let them tell you what to do

- J. Atwood

Half baked ideas

Half baked ideas★ Open discussion★ Don’t approach with a blank state★ Be aware of bikeshedding ★ Make your questions specific and

provide half the answer yourself★ Always a trade off

Be Transparent

Be transparent

★ Work out loud!★ Open roadmap and open discussions★ No changelog! Release

Announcement★ Show what kind of contributions your

looking for and how much they matter

Be transparent

Some of these might seem obvious but plese keep in mind:



Get the word out★ Go where your future contributors are★ Your project is much more than your

code★ You know everything about what you

have made. Nobody else does★ Blogs, reviews, podcasts, press relations



Community is much more than belonging to something

Community is much more than belonging to something

It’s about doing something together that makes

belonging matter - B.Solis

Thanks!Any questions?

You can find me at @ale_fattorini

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