how to make your opt in list work for you

Post on 18-Jan-2015






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How to Make Your Opt in List Work for You

Have you successfully made your opt in list work for you?

Most gurus will tell you that‘the money is in the list’, and yes, if you

follow the directions of those gurus: create an opt in page and start

building a list, then you will be able to amass great profits mailing to the


However, when trying to implement this online marketing strategy, you realize first that building a list is not an easy task to do. Then, once you

acquire a sizable list, you encounter another problem:

How do I make profits from your opt in list?

Most people are treating their opt in list in the completely incorrect

manner. This is why they cannot make their list to work for them. They act as if their list is their virtual bank


Do You Want to Know the Answer?

They treat their subscribers as no more than ‘slaves’ to their selfish

desires. I don’t want to make everything sound too scary, but it is true. Most marketers out there are

treating their list as money machine, not as people who need to be


Building a list is your asset in your online business. This list will serve

you good if only you can treat it right. Here are three good things that you

can do to your list:

Make Your Opt In List Work | Tips on How to Treat Your List Correctly

1. You can help your subscribers2. You can listen to your subscribers3. You can connect with your other subscribers

If you do those three tasks well, then your list will start to work for you. It will begin to generate good income

for you. However, there are also three bad things that you can

possibly do to your list. Here they are:

1. You can spam your list with advertisements2. You can abandon your list3. You can give crappy things to your list

Those bad things will decrease the response rate of your list, making

your list virtually impossible to generate any kind of income for you.

Let’s go into a more detailed explanation.

In order to skyrocket your list’s response rate, you have to treat your

list in the right way. Only if you do these three things, you will be able to

make it work for you.

Make Your Opt In List Work | 3 Good Things You Can Do to Your List

Your subscribers are your potential customers. As any customer, they

need something from you. That’s why they decided to subscribe to your list. They need your help. If you can simply

help your subscribers, they will reciprocate it by responding more to

your recommendation.

You can help your subscribers

Remember, you have to help them first before claiming your reward. If

you fail to help them, they won’t give you any reward. So think about

creative ways that you can help your subscribers and you will ultimately be

rewarded with new customers.

What do your subscribers want from you? If only you know what they want, you will be able to give them what they

want and earn money by doing so. That’s why you should ask your

subscribers what they want from time to time. So, don’t just tell them what to do. You have to listen to their needs as


You can listen to your subscribers

Connecting with your subscribers is an important part of your email

marketing. You have to build a bond of friendship with your subscribers. Talk

to them as if you are their friend.

You can connect with your subscribers

Don’t appear as a sales person in front of your subscribers. Help them

sincerely. Recommend products that can help them solve their problem and improve their life. You will be able to earn lots of money if you can do this.

In conclusion, creating an opt in list strategy that focuses around helping

your subscribers, listening to your subscribers, and connecting them with other people of likeness will allow you to make your opt in list work for you.

Apply them in your email marketing and affiliate marketing campaigns, and you will be able to prove the teachings

of internet marketing gurus that the money is, in fact, in the list. And

remember not to do bad things to your list like sending too many

advertisements, abandoning your list, and give them anything that has no

value for them.

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