how to live your best life

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How to Live Your Best Life


© Copyright 2012 Goalzila - 1

How to Live Your Best Life

Isabel Nicole W & Liudas

© Copyright 2012 Goalzila - 2

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AboutHi there!

My name is Isabel and together with my partner Liudas, we are the founders of Goalzila. The both of us are on a life mission to inspire and educate people like you to start taking action on your dreams and goals.

Our biggest passion is to help you to live your best life. We are extremely pleased that you are here and we are so glad that you have made a decision to be part of it.

This free report is a gift from us to you, for pursuing your growth.

I’m very passionate about you and your growth, and I truly want you to get the most out of this report so that you can live your best life! I believe you downloaded this book for a reason and I’m certain that you’ll find the contents in this book very useful.

If you like what you read here, you are going to love all the other stuffs we have in store for you.

If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for the free newsletter – Not only will you get free welcome gifts of How to Live Your Best Life and 10 Inspirational Typography Wallpapers For Your Desktop, you’ll also get a free lifetime subscription of premium materials and resources imperative for your personal development journey...

Now, it gives me great personal pleasure to welcome you. Feel free to pass this on to your friends or family too so all of us can grow in excellence and relentlessly pursue our dreams together!

Yes, I’m granting you the rights to give away this special report (worth US$47) to anyone who would benefit from this report as long as you do not alter the content in any way! Now let’s get started!

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What’s On Your Bucket List?

What is a Bucket List?Have you heard about the bucket list? A bucket list basically consists of a list of things to do before you die. Comes from the term “kicked the bucket”. Some of the popular categories include overcoming fears, achieving goals, fulfilling life-experiences you desire, realizing your dreams and even satisfying simple pleasures.

Why Should I Create a Bucket List?It is essential for everyone to have their own bucket list. A bucket list is more than just a list of goals. It is a compilation of dreams. We often work toward our goals, but often lose sight of our dreams. When we were kids, we all had dreams of cool and exciting stuff we wanted to do when we grew up.

I remember dreaming about going to Disneyland in the US. But as we grow older, we become more cynical and start thinking big adventures are too crazy and impossible. We think we’re too busy to do anything out of norm. And we’re surrounded by people who thinks ideas like that are stupid and so we settle and stick with doing what’s safe.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to look back on my life wishing I could have done a, b, or c when I had the chance. I am convinced that we are made to live life to the fullest. And when we don’t, a little part of us dies. Having a bucket list reminds you of what’s really important so you can act on them.

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Creating Your Very Own Bucket List

The whole point of creating it is to maximize every moment and live life to the fullest.

If you feel like you’ve been in a rut or that life is starting to get mundane, creating a bucket list is the first step to adding a little bit more excitement back into your life. A bucket list can act as a road map to a life of adventure and fulfillment. My bucket list keeps me moving forward. It’s a reminder of what I have to look forward to, as well as what I’ve accomplished.

The process of creating a bucket list is really FUN too! You start to really think about what you want to achieve in life...and you will definitely manifest these thoughts into your life!

Creating a bucket list is pretty simple. It’s just a matter of spending some time to do it. Today, we’re going to spice up your life with dreams and excitement.

Today’s objective is to create YOUR very own bucket list. Set aside about 30 minutes to an hour and think about all the things you’ve always wanted to do.

The goal is to come up with at least 100 items. Write them down either on a piece of paper or open up a text-editing or word document.

This will enhance your vision and clarity in life. Really spend time to think about stuff that you have dreamed of doing.

The stuff that makes you happy just thinking about it. Think about where you want to be in 10, 20, 40 or 60 years.

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Thought-Provoking Questions

- What do you want to be remembered for?

- What if today was your last day?

- What are your biggest goals and dreams?

- What experiences do you want to experience?

- Are there any special moments you want to experience?

- What activities or skills do you want to learn?

- What would you want to say to your loved ones?

- What do you want to achieve in these areas: Love, Family, Career, Finance, Healthy, Spiritual

- What are the countries or wonders of the world that you want to visit?

- What would you if you had unlimited time, money and resources?

- Are there any specific role models or people that you want to meet?

- What have you always wanted to do but have not had the chance to do it yet?

Come up with as many items as you can. Don’t stop until you finish listing at least 100 things!

© Copyright 2012 Goalzila - 7

100 Bucket List Ideas

Adventures to Go On Bucket List

1. Go Rock Climbing

2. Climb Mount Everest

3. Travel to space with Virgin Galactic

4. Ride the world’s largest Ferrie Wheel

5. Ride on the world’s scariest rollar coaster

6. Go jet-skiing

7. Go sky diving

8. Go white water rafting

9. Go bungee jumping

10. Go coal/fire walking

© Copyright 2012 Goalzila - 8

100 Bucket List Ideas

Adventures to Go On Bucket List

11. Ride in a hot air ballon

12. Fly a helicopter for a bird’s eye view of a country

13. Learn snow-skiing

14. Horseback Riding

15. Swim with the Dolphins

16. Break a Guinness World Record

17. Experience zero gravity

18. Go scuba diving

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100 Bucket List Ideas Travel Bucket List

19. Fly first class on an international trip

20. Go on a luxurious cruise vacation

21. Attend New Year’s celebration in Times Square

22. Visit the famous Northern Lights in Norway

23. Watch cherry blossoms in Japan 24. Visit the leaning tower of Pisa

25. Live in a foreign country for 6 months

26. Visit the 7 wonders of the world

27. Go to Universal Studios, Hollywood, CA

28. Visit Disney World

29. See the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco

30. Visit the Eiffel Tower

© Copyright 2012 Goalzila - 10

100 Bucket List Ideas Personal Development Bucket List

31. Attend at least 2 Anthony Robbins event

32. Become a better speaker by joining Toastmasters

33. Discover your life purpose

34. Perform a kind deed to at least 5 strangers without expecting anything in return

35. Make a difference in someone’s life 36. Meet someone famous. (A role model that you really look up to.)

37. Read at least 2 personal development books in a month

38. Do public speaking in front of 5,000 people

39. Conquer your biggest fears

40. Do something completely crazy and empowering

© Copyright 2012 Goalzila - 11

100 Bucket List Ideas

Love, Romance, Family & Relationships Bucket List

41. Have the wedding of a lifetime

42. Have a romantic getaway at an exotic place

43. Tell your parents, your siblings and your kids that you love them

44. Have a pet

45. Sleep on the beach with your loved one(s) under the stars

46. Fall asleep on grassy plains with your loved one(s)

47. Cook a best meal for your loved one(s)

© Copyright 2012 Goalzila - 12

100 Bucket List Ideas

Success Breakthroughs

48. Own your dream home (specify your dream home)

49. Achieve financial freedom (specify the amount)

50. Own your dream car (what is your dream car?)

51. Build assets worth US$ ____ million

52. Start the business of your dreams

53. Get featured in the media for something you did (The New York Times, BBC, CNN etc)

54. Change the world

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100 Bucket List Ideas

The High Life Bucket List

55. Own a private jet

56. Spend a week at a 5-star hotel

57. Have high tea at the Plaza Hotel in New York

58. Drive a Lamborghini or a Ferrari

59. Sleep in a castle

53. Own a yacht

54. Set up a grand auction for charity

55. Own an island

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100 Bucket List Ideas

Learn Something New Bucket List

56. Learn to play a new musical instrument

57. Learn how to invest in gold and silver

58. Learn how to invest in properties

59. Learn how to start a business

60. Learn a new language

61. Pursue a new hobby or interest you’ve wanted to do in a long time

62. Learn photography

63. Learn how to sing

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100 Bucket List Ideas

Charity Bucket List

64. Shave your head for a good cause

65. Make a difference in the lives of others

66. Volunteer in your local community

67. Donate a million dollars to a charity of your choice

68. Visit a third world country and educate the children

69. Set up a charitable organization

70. Help 1 elderly person to realize his/her last wishes

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100 Bucket List Ideas

Leave a Legacy Bucket List

71. Write your memoir

72. Establish a foundation name

73. Name a road after your name

74. Publish a best selling book

75. Visit a third world country and educate the children

76. Set up a charitable organization

77. Help 1 elderly person to realize his/her last wishes

© Copyright 2012 Goalzila - 17

100 Bucket List Ideas

Writer’s Bucket List

78. Write a travel book

79. Write a play

80. Write your own biography

81. Write a #1 New York Times’ Best Seller

82. Write and illustrate a children’s book

83. Write a comic book

84. Write an ebook and sell it online

85. Publish my books on amazon

© Copyright 2012 Goalzila - 18

100 Bucket List Ideas

Spiritual Bucket List

86. Participate in church activities

87. Find inner peace

88. Have a closer walk with God

89. Learn to forgive

People I Want to Meet List

90. Meet Bill Gates

91. Meet Richard Branson

92. Meet Robert Kiyosaki

93. Meet Donald Trump

94. Meet your favorite Hollywood star(s)

95. Meet Prince William

© Copyright 2012 Goalzila - 19

100 Bucket List Ideas

Movies Bucket List

96. Make a list of 100 movies you want to watch

97. Watch “The Bucket List” (recommended)

98. Watch “Seeking a Friend for the End of the World” (recommended)

99. Watch every movie that has won an Academy Award for Best Picture.

100. Watch “New Years Eve” (recommended)

© Copyright 2012 Goalzila - 20

What’s Next?

After you are done with your bucket list, here’s what to do next:

• Take action now!

Plan out a success plan to work towards these goals.

• Make your list visible

Put the list somewhere that is visible. Put it up in a prominent spot where you’ll be able to see it everyday. It could be on your computer desktop or somewhere visible like on your refrigerator door.

• Review your bucket list once every month

Remember to always cross out the list of things after you do them. Continue adding new items on your bucket list along the way.

• Share your Bucket List with your friends and family

Inspire your friends and family to create their own bucket list too! It’s really fun to share your bucket list with your loved ones and you can even work towards the same goals to achieve your dreams together!

© Copyright 2012 Goalzila - 21


Did you enjoy this edition of “How to Live Your Best Life”?

I bet you did and you’re probably thinking about where you should go from here. “How to Live Your Best Life” is just a start to this incredible journey.

In the next few pages, you’ll find resources that are more focused on the specific areas you might want to work on which will develop you better as a person.

Feel free to check them out and get them if you need to improve specific areas of your life.

Remember that ACTION is key to make things happen and become successful.

Since the young age of 15, I’ve invested over $3,000 on seminars and products to develop myself, and read closed to 100 books on self improvement and business. I strongly believe in continuous education and that every journey in our life is all about learning and putting them into action. Now, I’ll leave you to explore the resources. I hope you would put this report into good use and may the force be with you!

Join the Goalzila Community:Facebook: Goalzila

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