how to improve the page ranking of your website

Post on 15-Aug-2015






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How to Improve the Page Ranking of Your


A great number of visitors can be generated every month by improving your

website’s ranking. Your website is an ideal tool to help generate more revenue

from services and products you provide. But it’s also important to understand

that visibility on a search engine is a competitive and complex.

The traffic to your website can decrease if rankings are lost for even a single

keyword. To offer more relevant and better search results, algorithms of search

engines change constantly. Rankings are hampered if you fail to figure out these

changes. At Online Consulting we keep it simple for our clients - you can follow

these basic SEO strategies to counter the drop in the rankings of your website:

Give importance to Internal Linking: There are a number of popular websites

which have strong rankings mainly because they have done a great job in

internal linking. Linking to different pages helps spread the domain strength.

Though it may not produce immediate results, over time internal links help

improve rankings.

Build fewer quality links (rather than building too many links): You can do this

if a particular page on your website is not generating traffic, or is generating

less traffic than before. There are many things you can do such as creating a

slideshow, designing an infographic, submitting guest posts or producing a

company video. Implementing these strategies helps improve the overall

authority of your site.

Keep high quality content on your website: Pages with detailed articles,

information and guides are likely to rank better than websites with less

information. The value of your website can be raised by providing excellent

and up to date content for visitors. Focus on providing value, include relevant

phrases and keywords, write content for your target audience and add

pictures and interactive content.

Increase the use of alt tags: Always remember that you should use alt tags or

alternative text descriptions to describe your visual and video media. These

help various search engines including Google to find your website’s page. This

is considered to be quite crucial —especially if you use text-only browsers.

Metadata: while designing a site, every page has a space between the <head>

tags to insert metadata. If you have a CMS site following data will be


o Title Metadata

o Description Metadata

o Keyword Metadata

There is a wide range of strategies which we can offer to improve the ranking of

your website on different search engines. Online Consulting provides all types of

SEO services in Sydney, Australia.

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