growth hack #8: kids tv and safety

Post on 26-Jun-2015






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G o th Ha k #8: Kids TV a d Safet

Kids love TV – they could spend hours watching their favorite cartoon or TV show all day. We parents

should moderate television viewing at home so that our kids can have a safer and healthier life. Studies

show how edia a adl affe t ou kid’s ha a te de elop e t; TV sho s fo e a ple a i flue e

delinquency among youths, from substance to alcohol abuse, foul language and immature content to

premature sex and abusive content.

Parents should take over and moderate television viewing

Check for TV Ratings Guide – Some TV shows might be appropriate to all kids, some are not. Therefore

parents should look for ratings and guides on what shows may fit to their kids. We saw this helpful

cartoon ratings table from parents TV organization:

TVY –Programs created for all children. These cartoons are created for children with age of 2 to 6 years

old. Absolutely with no violence and zero matured content.

Shows that has TVY rating: Spongebob Squarepants, Winnie the Pooh, Rugrats, Recess, Arthur, House of

Mouse, Jojo’s Ci us, Koala B othe s.

TVG – TV sho s app op iate fo all ages ut ot spe ifi all eated fo hild e ’s ie i g. Pa e ts a

let their kids watch these TV shows unattended since it contain no violence or strong language.

Shows that has TVG rating: Scooby-Doo, Looney Tunes, Popeye, Smurfs, Kim Possible, Flinstones, Lilo &

Stitch, Tom & Jerry.

TVY7 – Cartoon programs created for 7 years old and above. Include none to moderate fantasy and

violence which might not be suitable for younger audiences.

Shows under TVY7 rating: Xmen, Zoids, Powerpuff Girls, Johnny Bravo, Teen Titans, Samurai X, Batman,

Superman, Godzilla, Dragon Ball Z, Gundam

TVPG – Cartoon programs which might not be suitable for kids and requires parental guidance. Include

moderate violence, some sex scenes, infrequent coarse language and suggestive dialogues.

Shows on TVPG rating: Lupin the third, Futurama, Fooly Cooly, Inuyasha, Big O

TV14 – Cartoon programs that are not suitable for children under 14. Has moderate to intense sexual

situations, suggestive dialogue, and violence.

Shows on TV14: Family guy, Gary the rat, Sealab 2021, This Just In, Aqua Teen Hungerforce, Venture

Brothers, Stripperella.

Knowing these ratings can help you sort out what cartoon programs is suitable for your kids.

More Tips on Programming Control

1. Assign specific time for TV viewing and computer use. Be strict on implementing this particular

rule until it becomes a part of discipline routine that kids follow at home. If you do ’t ha e this

rule at home and just starting, cut the hours of time viewing slowly until your kid get used to it.

Extra: Parents to need to cut down television viewing at home and set an example to their kids.

2. Do not put television on bedrooms. People tend to be unaware of time whenever they are so

ela ed l i g o the ed hile at hi g TV. Pa e ts a ’t g a kid atte tio ui k if the a e o

a private room like their bedroom.

3. People suggest TV covers to lessen viewing urge for kids. We parents should cover our television

whenever not in use.

4. Go find other activities to keep your kids busy. Either you enroll your kid on an after school

activity, or DIY backyard activities. Work with your kids to keep them away from television and


5. Explore television shows together as a family. Your kids need guidance on these tv shows, its

always better if you are there whenever they have questions.


About the Site is the largest dedicated provider of quality on-site after school activities, programs,

tutoring, summer camps, sports and child care services in United Arab Emirates.


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